PIC Group2

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Group 2; Tasaday

Tasaday, small group of people living in the highland rain forest of Mindanao, in
the Philippines. In 1971 the Tasaday was found by a local hunter named Dafal. They
don’t have any attire except for “bahag”, primitive, and they don’t recognize modern
civilization. They came from stone age. When Manuel Elizalde discovered them in July
1971 by the help of Dafal, he painted a highly romanticized picture of a Garden of Eden
with stone-age tribesmen living in isolation for more than 1,000 years. Ms. Kara David
visited them to know the real story. Dafal and Elizalde definitely changed their lives.
Many years ago, Tasaday left their original home which is Manobo because of a
spreading disease, wanting to save themselves, and created their own tribe in the cave
of Mindanao, they lived there for 100 years. They ran away from the disease but they
left out of time in the modern times. There is still full blood Tasaday named Dul who
chose to live far from her original home which is the cave. She told us what happened 3
decades ago, she still memorized the rooms that have different stories from the past.
The past that keeps on hunting them. Bilangan was the old leader of Tasaday, his wife
was still alive which is Itet, and their son, Lobo. Lobo still remember how everyone who
visited them will say they are there to help but in the end they’re going to give them
problems. Everyone uses them and in the end they call them liars, that they are just
farmers who put on “bahag”. Lobo was mad. Oswald, a swiss journalist, was the one
whose guilty by calling them liars and not sincere. The The kids of the tribe are the new
faces of Tasaday. A generation that keeps on fighting for their identity, that gradually
giving up by the new era. They are still the same. Same picture, same story, different
age. Tasaday na kweba ang mundo. In the video, Ms. Kara David give voices to the
Tasadays by allowing them to tell the real story and how it feels like being mistaken.
- Loss of identity
- The Tasadays were used to perfume the regime around the time of Martial Law.
- Aside from concealing national issues, the two men were also accused of land

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