Search / Change / Display Condition Record by Using Condition Index

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Dibyendu Patra
January 5, 2015 5 minute read

Search / Change / Display Condition record by using

Condition Index
13 Likes 11,104 Views 10 Comments

In MEK2/MEK3/MEK32, We can Create / Change / Display the condition record by using the
Key combination. Then key combination works as per access sequence for the condition type.
There is one more procedure where you can change / display the condition records by using
the condition index. The procedure is quite same as key combination, but this is an excrescent
feature beside of key combination.

Before using the Condition index, you need to know about the Condition Index and how to
con gure the condition index from IMG activity.

Note: Condition index is well applicable for SAP SD users, for these condition records which
are created from VK11/VK12.

Condition Index:

Condition Index is used to search (along with modify) condition record with its own earmarked selection
eld. As per your selection eld, system will display all condition records with the aid of condition index. In
MEK2/MEK3/MEK32, you can also continue without entering a condition type. System will fetch the
condition record with regards to all condition types.

You need to do below con gurations to use a condition index.

Change Condition Types

De ne Permitted Fields
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Edit Condition Index Tables
Activate Condition Index Tables
Rebuild Condition Index Tables
De ne Overviews
Assign Overviews

You can nd these above con guration in the IMG path : SPRO-Materials Management-Purchasing-
Conditions-Con gure Condition Index.

==>Change Condition Types

The rst option is to con gure the condition type. All condition types will be con gured as per pricing
procedure in your system [which you have already created from M/06 {explained in this blog Pricing
procedure Steps and Details in SAP MM}]. You just need to allow the condition index for the condition type
here. Although you can change other things for the particular condition type from this con guration path.
After execute the option, double click on your condition type which you want to activate the condition index
then just tick the option Condition Index as below:

Save you entry and go back to the IMG activity.

==>Define Permitted Fields

The second option is to con gure the permitted elds. It is quite same as eld catalog for condition table.
You also need to add your entry to use the eld for condition index. These elds will be used as selection
elds for condition index. Some elds are already entered by SAP. You can see them by executing the IMG
activity. If you need an extra eld, then you can add the entry by clicking the option “New Entry”. You just be
sure that the eld should exist in the structure KOMK and KOMP and KOMGF. By pressing F4, you will get
the list of all elds, you need to choose one of them. Add the necessary eld as per your requirement. I have
addedFollow RSS feed
WERKS- Plant eld in this section. Like

Save you entry and go back to the IMG activity.

==>Edit Condition Index Tables

In this activity, you need to con gure the condition index table. It is exactly same as create condition table
(to get an idea, please have a look into the Blog Post , Condition table portion). As same as also here, you
need to select the eld as per your requirement and generate the condition index table.

Save your entry and put it on appropriate package for further transport it to other client.

==>Activate Condition Index Tables

In this step, you will con rm the condition index table is activated to update the condition index. System will
tick the “Update condition index” tick option by default. If required you can deactivate later. Also you need
to specify a Condition Index Requirement as required. You will nd two options as “001 – All index elds
must be lled” and “002 – Only the rst index eld must be lled”. This eld is speci ed to control when the
index is updated.
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Save you entry and go back to the IMG activity.

==>Rebuild Condition Index Tables

If you are using your own condition table index that means if you have create a new condition index table,
then you need to run the Rebuild Condition Index Tables. By running the activity, system will create
condition index for the existing condition records. It is essential if you are using some additional condition
index table. So in my case, I need to run that because I have added an extra eld as Plant. Execute the t-code
and enter the data as below :

Choose the Application as M, M indicates the function used for Purchasing. Enter the Condition index as
936 (new condition index table) and enter the date as current date. Then execute the operation. System will
create a background job to update the condition index update.

==>Define Overviews

In this step, you can de ne the overview for a condition index. the overview will de ne the view of several
condition records although with having di erent di erent condition types. You can create an overview with a
four digit numerical key and you need to assign a screen number to each view.

Generally, you do not need to create a new overview, you may can continue with existing.If needed, you can
create your own.

==>Assign Overviews
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In this step, you need to specify an overview to view the condition records. That means you need to specify
the overview in which sequence the condition index’s views will be displayed. Here, you can create more
than one view, tabs will be appeared in the overview screen and you can switch it by selecting the views.

I have assigned two views for this condition index.

Mark one view as initial view. if you will do not maintain the tick option, system will take one view as default


Now we are ready to use the condition index. Go to MEK32 and just click on the “Select Using Index” as

Then select the condition index (table) as per your requirement and press continue.. You can see the
selection screen as per your assigned condition index table.
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Here give your entire data like as plant and vendor, then press execute. Your all condition records will be
available with regards to the selection parameter.

Here, you will nd all these option to modify the condition record..

It is the view of the validity periods (as I have selected this view as initial view in the activity Assign
Overviews), you can switch the view easily by clicking Term of payment.
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Condition Index – Pricing and Conditions (SD-BF-PR) – SAP Library

Changing Time-Dep. Conditions Collectively (Condition Index) – Purchasing (MM-PUR) – SAP Library

Con gure Condition Index – Purchasing – SAP Library

Some useful SAP OSS notes :

1055925 – Condition index reorganization not carried out

Alert Moderator

356662 – Reoroganizatn. condition index: SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC

Assigned tags
323731 – Condition index on sales deal does not function

438386 – Condition index for

‘F’ (freight conditions)
MM (Materials Management) SAP ERP SD (Sales and Distribution) | condition index | condition type |

View more...
502673 – No condition information for selection via secondary index

135375 – Upd. termination during update of condition index

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' MoazzaM '

January 6, 2015 at 5:34 am

Hi Dev

We have same functionality in SD as well and this is really useful tool. Thanks for sharing.



Mehmet Ozgur Unal

January 6, 2015 at 6:19 am

Hi all ;

It is generally used in sd module to increase performance. Can you explain that your idea to implement
indexes in document ?


M.Ozgur Unal


Nassar fathy

January 6, 2015 at 7:01 am

Hi Dev.
nice document thanks for sharing
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Former Member

January 6, 2015 at 7:49 pm


Yes, It's a really nice functionality and been used in SD module too.

Thanks for sharing across.



Narendra Konnipati

January 7, 2015 at 5:28 am

Great document dear




Rohtas Sharma

January 7, 2015 at 5:55 am

Nice Document

Thanks for sharing


Former Member

January 12, 2015 at 5:17 pm

Nice Dev. But please letRSS
Follow us know
feed the use of it or why did you thought of using it. I mean the purpose of


Dibyendu Patra | Post author

January 13, 2015 at 5:44 am

Its an extra facility to search / modify / display condition record instead of using key combination (condition
table). You need to enter a condition type to using the key combination but condition index will enable you to
search condition record without entering the condition type in MEK2/MEK3/MEK32.


venu gopal

July 28, 2015 at 9:14 am

Nice document

But one doubt please tell me how we can activate condition table index ?

And de ne permitted eld values 


Former Member

February 9, 2016 at 10:52 am

I am your fan Dibyendu Patraji, well executed document and it's a good startup but need

more detailed manner i.e.,topic like condition table index. Kindly consider its my suggestion

to addon the document.




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