Value Education Final Examination Portion

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Series Editor Dr. Vasundhara Nangia oF. Good Luck Publishers Limited Values Covered % Self-confidence Rocky was on the patio crying. Some of his schoolmates had been picking on him as they did quite often. NoWiing upset him more. But no matter how much he told them, shouted at them, or even threatened them, they wouldn't stop. An older boy who had seen all this came over and said, “If you want this to. stop, you'll have to be like the wise bull, Sparky Hooves. Should | tell you his story?’ “Yeah!” said Rocky. “Sparky Hooves was a fighting bull. His field was next to the farmer's house and Sparky could see through the farmer's window.” “One day, Sparky stood next to the house watching the farmer's television, and they were televising a bullfight. Sparky realised that this is what lay ahead of him, and so, he spent the rest of his life preparing for that day, the day of his fight.” “Soon, that day arrived. When Sparky entered the bullring, he was jabbed in the back. It was very painful, and Sparky felt his blood boiling, screaming for revenge. But, he knew exactly what he needed to do and remained stil. Soon the bullfighter appeared, trying to provoke Sparky, swishing his cape in the air. Sparky felt like sticking his horns deep into this stupid guy, but he swallowed his anger, kept still, and waited.” “No matter what they did, trying to provoke him with jabs, te lags and red capes, Sparky keptstil. After some time, the crowd started whistin waving fl 3g. It got so bad that the bulfight organisers decided to change the bull. This hag and booins been the most boring bull that anyone could remember.” ee =a. “Thus, Sparky Hooves returned back to 7! f ti his field and lived his life in peace. Never iy again did they put him in a bullring, z because everyone knew that he would provide no amusement”. “Yeah, but what does this have to do with me?” asked Rocky. “Well, everything, my friend! They took Sparky to a bullring because they wanted to have fun at his expense. The more he would have responded to provocation, the more they would have enjoyed themselves.” “The same is happening to you when your schoolmates make fun of you. They enjoy it because they see how angry it makes you. But, if you did what Sparky, Hooves did, that is, not reacting to anything, they'd get bored and look for someone else to pick on, someone who provides amusement.” Rocky decided to give it a trys Next few days, he gradually tried to put this advice into practice. At first, it wasn’t easy, but as Rocky kept to his plan, the bullies got bored with him. In a few days, theyfound more interesting things Avoid talking to people who bully or hurt you, * Stay near your friends who like you. * Do not express your fear by crying or becoming angry. If you cry, most likely the bully will trouble you more. * If bullying involves slapping, beating, pushing or even threatening, report it to your teacher or your parents and take their help. It is not a good idea to deal with such situations alone. Teasing and bullying involve mocking at somebody or ridiculing someone. Teasing is generally a ‘no-harm’ friendly banter. Teasing is quite common among friends and family. It is a way of expressing humour as well as love. It does not involve mocking at a person's appearance, race, religion, status or capabilities. However, ‘harmless teasing’ becomes ‘bullying’, if the person who is teased feels hurt. Bullying is not about just having fun. The intention is to hurt someone and bring down the victim's self-esteem and confidence. Hence, bullying is wrong as it hurts another person's sentiments. You should neither bully someone, nor allow anyone to bully you! The best way to avoid getting bullied is to ignore people who try to have fun by hurting you. Do not lose your confidence if you are teased by your friends. In order to be confident, you should know how to respect yourself. Be brave. Do not get provoked or show that you are helpless by crying or getting angry. If bullying involves physical pain, report it immediately to your school authorities or elders. + “Listen, you only tease the ones you love.” ~ John Boehner + “Don't ever play with someone's feelings, you could win the game, but you could lose that person forever.” ~ Frank Ocean * | Values | Meanings) | Self-confidence | Feeling good about yourself. Courage | Being brave in dealing with any situation Seltrespect | Accepting and liking yourself the way you a, confident about yourself. © Being “Rocky fet bad that his schoolmates were picking on him often. An Older boy who saw this narrated the story of Sparky Hooves to him, Sparky Hooves was a fighting bull who lived outside a farmer’s house. He watched bullfighting on television and prepared himself for the when he have to face that situation. Soy when he may have to fae Finally, when he entered the bullring, he remained still, determined not fo react when the bullfighter or the crowd provoked him. Due to lack i aR amusement, the crowd started booing and the organisers decided to change the bull, ‘Sparky Hooves was never sent for bulffighting after this because People knew poe ‘would not Provide ony, entertainment. He returned back to a mers he use and continued to live his life in peace. De |The older bo, 1 at us Spay Hoos was rovoked by the crowd for | entertainment, Rocky was also provoked by his friends to see how angry he would “ome. But, if he stops } they would get bored ‘and move on to someoné e ose who could amuse them beter Provoked. meena wee etal “days eee ound ctu to putts agvice as 3 few Practice, but in a fe oe days, the bBo who bullied him ot bored and stopped Picking on him. |. Choose the correct option. 4. Sparky Hooves was @ a fighting bull. b. Rocky's friend. c. a timid student. 2. When his friends teased him, Rocky a. would get upset. b. start crying. (path of these. 3. Rocky was teased by his friends because a. he was sportive. @) he got provoked and reacted helplessly, and his friends found this amusing. c. both of these. 4. In the bullring, Sparky Hooves realised that people were having fun at his expense. . he would be paid more if he entertains the crowd. ¢. the bullfighter was strong and he could not hope to win. 5. People stopped bullying Rocky when a. he started crying every time they talked to him. b. he stood first in class. (c \he stopped reacting to their bullying and started ignoring them. Il, True or False. A. Rocky was initially very frustrated and upset as his friends bullied him often. A 2. Sparky Hooves entertained the crowd during the bull fight. 3. One way to deal with bullying is to ignore people who bully you. 4, People tease those who feel helpless. 2¢5. Sparky Hooves continued his lifeasa successful fighting bull after his first experience. 2, 'V. Answer the following questions in 2 to 3 sentences each. 1. What upset Rocky the most? Why was Sparky Hooves taken into the bullring? How did Sparky Hooves react when he entered the bullring for the first time Why did Sparky Hooves decide not to entertain the crowd? Why did the bullies finally stop picking on Rocky? open V. Answer the following questions in 5 to 6 sentences each. 1. Describe the events which forced the organisers to change the bull during ty bullfight. : Why is bullying wrong? What would you do if you see someone being bullied? How would you deal with bullying at school? Activity pop run. ROLE PLay! Values Covered Consideration for others agp ey OF SILENCE 3 : pedro Pablo Sacristan) Respect for others % Dignity of the individual egale couldn't hear a thing, He was a normal Boy, Dut he was bom gy He was well-known to everyone in town, and they were all very fond of i, Unfortunately, he was always treated differently. Chien were worried that they would hurt him. Adults thougy that he was incapable of understanding them, ax though he was some kind of baby. Reggie didn't like this very much. But, the person who disliked it the most was his frieng Michael, who decided one day that things has to change. Michael's father was the town's Mayor, and Michael managed to convince him that this year, in honour of Reggie, they should dedicate one day of the festival to deat people. Throughout that day, everyone in town will have to wear earplugs. People liked the idea because everyone loved Reggie. The day came to be known as The Day of Silence’, and when it arrived, everyone stuck plugs in their ears. The morning was filed with practical jokes, mischief and laughter. But, as the hours passed, people became more and more aware of how difficult life Z was when you couldn't hear anything, However, learning A about how life was more difficult for the deaf was nothing 2 compared to the greatest discovery of the day: Reggie was amazing! On that day, no one was thinking of Reggie as just a deaf person. This meant that he could be treated j just like any other little boy! People saw a whole new side of him. Not only that, Reggie had a bright 8 a and sharp mind. Using his usual gestures, Reggie was the ‘one who could communicate best with everyone. Now, people paid more attention to what he was saying, and they were surprised by his intelligence, his creativity, and his ability to find solutions to almost any problem. They realised that he had always been like this, and in normal life, all Reggie needed was alittle more time than others to communicate. That was the only difference. So, the ‘Day of Silence’ was the day Reggie's true nature became known. And, it was the day everyone realised that you have to give people a chance to show how capable they are. Peopleintown wanted tomake sure that others would learn this lesson. So, from that day on, whenever a visitor came to town, they were welcomed joyfully and a helmet was plonked on their head. A helmet with great thick ear flaps; a helmet which meant you couldn't hear the slightest thing. Can you imagine a musician composing masterpieces when he was deaf himself? That is the story of Beethoven, a famous music composer. Beethoven started learning music at the tender age of 4! He learned to play several musical instruments at a very young age. He published his first composition when he was just 10 years old. Beethoven became deaf in his late 20s when he had already started composing tunes. He then wrote musical notes by just imagining their sounds! In fact, the symphonies that he composed after this incident are recognised ‘even today as some of his best works. 19 We should not think that people who are differently abled arg es mal, We should not make them uncomfortable by showing th retry itwe treat them differently, we would end Up hurting em. 7 jr feelings without even realizing. a of a person just because they are capabilities We should never underestimate the capal Mei ara laam How they deal wie differently abled. Rather, we should observe tiem ¢ ie various situations cleverly and overcome their limitations. “Itis a waste of time to be angry about my disability. One has to get on with life and IT haven't done badly. People won't have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.” ~ Stephen Hawking + “have not been handicapped by my condition. I am physically challenged and differently able.” ~ Janet Barnes + ‘Thave learned that the biggest disability any of us may ever face is our own attitudes.” ~ Jeffery F. Walton “Enable the disabled, translate disability into ability, and capability into a winning opportunity”. ~ Dr. Veena Kumari + “When you have a disability, knowing that you are not defined by it is the sweetest feeling.” ~ Anne Wafula Strike Values | Meanings Consideration for | Understanding others’ feelings. others = Respect for | Showing kindness and consideration to others. Not to others | hurt others by your thoughts or actions. Dignity of the | Respecting each Person as ti indivi hey are, without j individual | about their capabilities oF limitations, lout judging he Reggie was a normal boy, but he was born deaf. Though people in town were fond of him, they treated him differently. This made him upset. His friend Michael did not like it too and decided that things had to change. 2 Michael convinced his father that they should dedicate one day to deaf people in honour of Reggie. The day came to be known as ‘The Day of Silence’. aaa On that day, people stuck earplugs such that they could not hear anything, and started realising how difficult it was to lead such a life. Besides, they came to know that Reagie was creative and intelligent, and he could ‘communicate with‘; others quite easily with his usual gestures. From that day, whenever visitors came to their town, people welcomed them joyfully, and plonked a helmet on their head such that they couldn't hear anything, in order to make them realise the lesson they had learnt on ‘The Day of Silence’. I. Choose the correct option. 1. Reggie was al a deaf boy. b. an intelligent boy. @®both of these. 2. When people treated Reggie differently, he felt a. special. upset. c. sympathetic. 3, Reggie's true nature came to known on fa. the annual day at his schoo!. b. ‘The World Disabled Day’ 6 ‘The Day of Silence’. i ie’s life 4, The person who brought about a huge change in Reggie's life is @ Michael. b. Reggie's class teacher. c. Reggie's parents. 5. On ‘The Day of Silence’, people realised that a. Reggie was as normal as anybody else. . Reggie could communicate with them better than anyone else. both of these. | I. True or False. ag People in the town hated Reggie. 2 Reggie could communicate better than others on ‘The Day of Silence’: 43. Michael was jealous of Reggie. “4, People realised that Reggie was sharp and intelligent on ‘The Day of Silence’ Il. Complete the following. Michael was a true friend who brought about a huge ch: Fs jange in R FIVE adjectives to describe Michael. 2 peo fe. Think of MICHAEL ———_ Ans Iv, Answer the following questions in 2 to 3 sentences each, 1. How was Reggie treated differently as compared to other people in town? 2, How did Michael plan to change the way people treated Reggie? 3. Why was Reggie able to communicate better than others on ‘The Day of Silence’? V. Answer the following questions in 5 to 6 sentences each. 1. What did people realize about Reggie on ‘The Day of Silence’? 2. Ifyou had a friend like Reggie, think of three ways that you would help him at school Find Out! * How do people who cannot see manage to read? * How do people who cannot hear learn to communicate? * How do people who are physically challenged play different kinds of sports? Activity for Fun. Can you find out three famous people who were differently abled? Paste their pictures in a chart. Mention about their disabilities and describe their achievements.

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