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At this present time, Internet is not anymore something new in the activities of human life,
especially for students. This technology has brought significant changes to the learning process
of students. Internet is a network of computers that can connect a computer to another
computer in all over the world, so it can communicate or share data without seeing the
computer type. The advantages of this technology is used by the students for their learning.
However, besides providing a good influence for learning activities, this technology can provide
a very bad influence too. Before discussing further, we should first consider what the function
of the Internet.

In general, Internet has several functions, namely:

1. Internet as a medium of communication is a function of the most widely used Internet in

which every Internet user can communicate with other users from around the world.
2. Media data exchange, using email, newsgroups, ftp and www (world wide web - a network
web sites) of Internet users worldwide can exchange information quickly and cheaply.
3. Media to seek information or data, the Internet's rapid growth, making the www as a
source of important and accurate information.
4. The function of the community, the Internet form a new society whose members include
internet users from around the world. In this community, Internet users can communicate,
find information, shop, conduct business transactions, and so forth. Because the nature of
the internet that is similar to our everyday world, Internet is often called as cyberspace or
virtual world (virtual world).

From the functions listed above we can conclude that Internet basically brings a good influence
for student life. Here is an example of the Internet positive influence on students:

1. Looking for data / information related to subjects

In the past, in doing their homerworks, the students must painstakingly search for
references either through books, magazines, or newspaper, and it takes a long time.
However, in this present task is not to be a heavy burden on students through the internet
because students can easily and quickly gaining a lot of information was related to the task.
2. Promote the learning process
Through Internet learning is not monotonous and bored because in internet there are new
things varied and innovative.
3. Simplify the explanation concepts
During this, subject matter delivered through lecture method. With the Internet, teachers
can convey concepts or subject matter audiovisually. Lesson more real and clear, making it
easier for student understanding. This can avoid confusion on the student during the
learning process takes place.
4. Create a forum / community of learners
One function of the internet is a function of the community. These functions are also
frequently used by students in using the Internet. Many students who make a certain
community related to their studies in order to increase their knowledge of a problem in the
subject matter.For example the student’s community which love mathematic lesson called
“mathematic holic”. With a community consisting of students from different areas and the
ability to understand subject matter, of course make progress for students in
understanding the learning material.
5. Creating new ideas
As the spearhead of future generations as well, of course, a country clearly wants the
quality progress of its students. The Internet also plays a role in this regard. Ease and speed
in obtaining information through the internet, will make student thinking stimulated to
create new things that can advance the nation.

But the Internet also can bring negative effects for the student. Here are the Internet negative
influence for students.

1. Making learning achievement decreased

Indirectly, the Internet can make learning achievement decreased. This is mainly due to the
influence of online gaming, it is games that connect directly to the Internet. Most students
can not manage their needs in playing games. They tend to always be addictive, so no
wonder many students are up to no sleep because of the influence game. As a result, the
students have little concentration to perform learning activities in the morning even many
of them not present. This is certainly cause serious harm if not stopped. The less
concentration and absence at the school will make the absorption of the subject matter too
little and will certainly affect the performance.
2. Decreased interest in learning
Internet can make learning interest of students decreased. This is usually caused because of
the attractiveness of facilities found on the Internet, like chat. The examples we can see is
the use of social networking facebook and twitter. Basically, both these facilities provide a
good impact, but most students difficult to control the use of this both facilities, as the
result they tend to be addicted and make them spend their spare time to take advantage of
Internet facilities, not to learn.
3. Corrupting morals
Negative influence of the internet which is very dangerous is the morale destruction of
students. This can happen because the act of those students who find and open the porn
sites on the Internet. This Impressions they should not see can make them desire to do that,
even sometimes can lead to criminal acts such as rape or fornication.

When comparing these two effects of Internet, the Internet is actually gives positive influence
for students. Can not be refuted Internet also plays a role in advancing the world of education.
Good or bad influence of the Internet itself depends on the students as users. The progress of
the nation for the future depends on the students. If the morals of the students are good, the
state of the nation would be good too, but if the morals of students are bad, bad also the state
of the nation. For that, State must also make policies to prevent the bad influence of the
internet for students. That policy can be either extension or policies in regulating the network
access of the Internet.

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