Development of A Prime Mover Emulator Using A Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive

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7, JULY 2018

Development of a Prime Mover Emulator Using a

Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive
Po-Yen Chen, Kai-Wei Hu, Member, IEEE, Yi-Guang Lin, and Chang-Ming Liaw , Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents the development of a surface- and three-phase SMRs have been given in [8]–[10]. Taking
mounted permanent-magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM) drive compromised considerations in power device number, opera-
for constructing the prime mover emulators. It draws power from tion quadrant, and SMR pulse width modulation (PWM) control
the mains via a single-phase boost type switch mode rectifier (SMR)
with good line drawn power quality and well-regulated dc-link volt- flexibility, the three-phase three-switch Vienna SMR is regarded
age. The SPMSM drive control scheme can be arranged to drive as the best choice [2], [10]–[12]. In addition, the brushless dc
the tested generator in a conventional speed control mode or a PMSG operation mode with suited commutation instant setting
specific wind turbine torque–speed control mode. For performing and tuning should be made to obtain high efficiency gener-
the prime mover loading test, an interior permanent-magnet syn- ation [2]. In [11], the mathematical analysis for the feasible
chronous generator (IPMSG) followed by a three-phase Vienna
SMR is established. It receives the mechanical driven power from operating region of the PMSG/Vienna configuration is pre-
the prime mover and establishes a 400 V dc-link for a dc mi- sented. Then, a maximum-efficiency control strategy is pro-
crogrid. Various wind turbine torque–speed characteristic curves posed. In this paper, an IPMSG followed by a Vienna SMR is
under different wind speeds can be faithfully emulated by the de- established and used as the load of the developed emulated wind
veloped prime mover. And the maximum power point tracking turbine.
function for the IPMSG followed by Vienna SMR is achieved using
the perturb and observation method. The established whole prime For facilitating the research work conducting in the labora-
mover emulator driven IPMSG system is evaluated experimentally tory, a wind turbine emulator (WTE) is needed to faithfully
under autonomous and microgrid interconnected operation. replicate the actual wind turbine static and dynamic behaviors.
Index Terms—Current control, maximum power point tracking
Till now, some WTEs using different motors are being developed
(MPPT), permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), prime [13]–[18]. The dc motor is employed in [13] while the inverter-
mover, speed control, switch mode rectifier (SMR), torque control, fed induction motors are most commonly used in the WTEs
wind turbine. developed in [14]–[17]. The emulated wind turbine power-
speed curves are evaluated in [13]–[15]. To preserve the high
I. INTRODUCTION torque density, a PMSM-based WTE test-rig has been developed
IND generator is one of the most commonly used re- in [18]. However, the proper PMSM vector control to yield the
W newable sources [1] in microgrids [2], [3]. The survey
for the comparative characteristics of various wind generators
efficient and faithful emulated turbine power-speed character-
istics is not presented. In the developed prime-mover emulator
and their interface power converters can be referred in the litera- based on surface-mounted permanent-magnet synchronous mo-
ture [4]. Compared to other generators, wind permanent-magnet tor (SPMSM) and its IPMSG test load, the vector controls for
synchronous generator (PMSG) possesses many merits, such as the two machines are all properly treated. And a single-phase
high power density, compact and light, high efficiency, etc., SMR is employed to power the developed WTE from the mains.
particularly the interior PMSG (IPMSG) [4]–[7]. Well-regulated dc-link voltage and good line drawn power qual-
For establishing a high-performance PMSG, a suited three- ity can be obtained simultaneously. In the maximum power point
phase ac/dc converter with proper vector control should be tracking (MPPT) control to extract maximum wind energy and
equipped to avoid the great extent of derate [2]. To yield better convert to electric energy by the generator [19]–[21], the per-
armature sine-wave current waveform, the switch mode recti- turbation and observation (P&O) method is applied here.
fier (SMR) is normally used as the ac/dc followed converter Compared with other electric motors [5], [20], PMSMs have
of a wind PMSG. The reviews of some existing single-phase higher power density, efficiency, and torque generating capa-
bility. PMSM can be roughly categorized into SPMSM and
IPMSM. The IPMSM may have slightly higher torque generat-
Manuscript received November 19, 2016; revised March 6, 2017 and July
11, 2017; accepted August 14, 2017. Date of publication August 29, 2017; date ing capability owing to the existence of reluctance torque com-
of current version March 5, 2018. Recommended for publication by Associate ponent. However, its inherent cogging torque renders it more
Editor B. G. Fernandes. (Corresponding author: Chang-Ming Liaw.) difficult to start and also possesses larger torque ripple. Hence,
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National
Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan, R.O.C. (e-mai: heygothisway@ the SPMSM is adopted as the actuator of the developed wind;;; cmliaw@ turbine simulator, and the IPMSG is used as its test load. How- ever, the developed control approaches are unified for both types
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at of permanent-magnet synchronous machines. The key technolo-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2017.2747221 gies to enhance the performance of a PMSM drive include

0885-8993 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA SALESIANA. Downloaded on January 05,2022 at 20:29:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

current control [21]–[23], speed control [24]–[26], commuta- Iˆas the winding current peak, β the shift angle between a-phase
tion shift [21], voltage boosting [27], etc. current peak and q-axis of rotor reference frame, iq s and ids
A turbine emulator based on the SMR-fed SPMSM drive is the q-axis and d-axis currents, Lq and Ld the q-axis and d-axis
established in this paper. And the IPMSG with followed Vienna inductances, Lls the leakage inductance, Pe the electromagnetic
SMR is coupled to the shaft of the turbine emulator to serve as developed power, and LA and LB the constants relating to motor
its test load. The three power stages, including SMR, SPMSM parameters [5].
drive, and IPMSG, are all properly designed and controlled. The 1) SPMSM: Ld = Lq , hence
emulator can be controlled as a typical prime mover and specif-
3P  3P  ˆ
ically a wind turbine with good drawn power quality from the Te = λm iq s = λ Ias cos β. (6)
mains. Good operating performances of the established system 4 4 m
are verified by measured results. PMSG: Equations (1) and (3) are also applicable for a
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II PMSG by changing the signs relating to stator currents
presents some basics of PMSM/PMSG and the system config- and replacing the load torque TL by the negative input
uration of the developed turbine emulator established using the torque (−TI ).
PMSM drive. In Section III, the details about the established
SPMSM-driven prime mover emulator are presented, including B. System Configuration
the modeling of wind turbine output characteristics, the single- Fig. 1(a) shows the developed turbine emulator formed by a
phase boost SMR for powering the emulator from the mains, single-phase SMR-fed SPMSM drive. The IPMSG with fol-
and the SPMSM drive. Section IV introduces the load IPMSG lowed Vienna SMR is coupled to the shaft of the turbine
followed Vienna SMR, which converts the wind energy gener- emulator to serve as its test load.
ated from the turbine emulator to dc source for powering the dc The proposed turbine emulator SPMSM drive control scheme
microgrid. The capability of the developed IPMSG with Vienna is shown in Fig. 1(b). It can be operated under speed-control
SMR is first tested under an autonomous mode with resistive mode for typical prime movers or torque-control mode for wind
load. Then, it is applied to perform the microgrid interconnected turbine. The SPMSM drive well-regulated dc-link voltage is
operation for powering its local loads. In Section V, the estab- established by the SMR from the mains with good drawn power
lished SMR-fed SPMSM driven prime mover emulator is used to quality. In the speed-control mode, the switch in Fig. 1(b) is
drive the IPMSG with followed Vienna SMR, and its operation placed at position A. The torque current component command
characteristics are evaluated experimentally. Finally, Section VI i∗q s is yielded from the outer speed loop. As to the torque-
presents the conclusions of this paper. control mode used in a wind turbine, the switch is at position B.
The command i∗q s is obtained by regulating the tracking error
II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND BASICS OF PMSM between the observed torque Te [from (6)] and its command
Te∗ , which is yielded from the modeled torque–speed curve. To
A. Governing Equations
represent the driving behavior of a wind turbine, the torque–
Through proper derivations, the phase (phase-a) winding volt- speed and power–speed curves of a wind turbine are modeled
age equation and the developed torque of a PMSM drive can be mathematically. Then, they are applied to control the established
expressed as [5] emulator.
As to the control scheme of the load IPMSG followed
vas = Rs ias + Lq ias + eas (1) Vienna SMR shown in Fig. 1(c), it can be controlled under
dt voltage mode (switch at position C) or MPPT mode (switch at
eas = ωr λm cos θr ≡ Êas cos θr (2) position D). For achieving MPPT control, the direct maximiza-
tion of the developed power Pe is needed. However, for the
Te = λm iq s + (Ld − Lq )ids iq s ease of realization practically, the maximization of the observed
4 SMR dc-link power Pd is made. And the maximization of the
3P Lq − Ld ˆ2 developed power Pe can be yielded equivalently.
= λm Iˆas cos β + Ias sin 2β
4 2
= TL + Bωr + J ωr (3)
dt A. Modeling of Wind Turbine Output Characteristics
3 3 The wind turbine developed torque and power can be ex-
Lq = Lls + (LA + LB ), Ld = Lls + (LA − LB ) (4)
2 2 pressed by [3], [13]
Pe = T e ω r (5) ρAvw 3 Cp
Te = , Pe = T e ω r (7)
where vas is the winding terminal voltage, θr the rotor position, 2ωr
ωr the rotor speed, TL the load torque, J the total moment where ρ = air density, A = swept area of rotor = πR2 , R = ra-
of inertia, B the total frictional coefficient, Rs the winding dius of turbine blade (m), vw = wind speed (m/s), ωr = turbine
resistance, λm the amplitude of flux linkage established by rotor shaft speed or rotor speed, and Cp = power coefficient. Since
permanent magnets, eas the back electromotive force (EMF), rotor speed is proportional to wind speed, the wind torque and

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Fig. 1. Developed turbine emulator driven IPMSG system: (a) power circuit; (b) control scheme of the prime mover emulator SPMSM drive; (c) control scheme
of the Vienna SMR; and (d) photos of the established power circuits, and the constructed SPMSM-IPMSG set.

power are, respectively, a quadratic and a cubic equation of rotor From (8) and (9), one can find the coefficients a and b as
speed. Generally, the torque–speed equation is represented as
a = −Km ax , b = −2aωmt . (11)
b b2 According the typical wind speed range and the rated speed of
Te = aωr 2 + bωr = a ωr + − . (8) the employed SPMSM (2000 r/min), the relationship between
2a 4a
ωmt and vw is set as
From (8), one can find the maximum torque Tm ax = b2 /4a = vw =
− 2, ωmt ≥ 200. (12)
a(ωmt )2 , which occurs at ωr = ωmt = b/2a. And the maximum 100
torque curve is normally expressed as The torque curves based on (8)–(12) for four values of vw
are shown in Fig. 2(a). The explicit expressions are listed as
Tm ax = Km ax (ωmt )2 . (9) follows:
Te = −0.00000245ωr 2 + 0.0049ωr , vw = 8 m/s
In the developed emulator, the constant Km ax is set using
the rated speed and torque of the employed SPMSM, which are Te = −0.00000245ωr 2 + 0.00539ωr , vw = 9 m/s
2000 r/min and 9.8 Nm. Accordingly
Te = −0.00000245ωr 2 + 0.00588ωr , vw = 10 m/s
Km ax = 9.8/20002 = 2.45 × 10−6 Nm/(r/min)2 . (10) Te = −0.00000245ωr 2 + 0.00637ωr , vw = 11 m/s.

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B. Single-Phase Boost SMR

1) Power Circuit: The key features of the developed SMR
1) AC input voltage: Vac = 220 V/60 Hz.
2) Output: Vdc = 400 V, Pdc = 2000 W.
3) PWM mode: continuous-current mode.
4) Power devices: IGBT GW35NC60WD (ST) and the fast
diode DSEP 60-12A (IXYS) are chosen to be the main
switch S and the diode D. As to the diode bridge rectifier,
the MKBPC3510W (HY).
5) Energy storage inductor: L = 1.36 mH, ESR = 6.78 Ω at
30 kHz. The inductor maximum current ripple at ωt =
0.5π can be derived as ΔiL = 1.7 A.
6) Output capacitor: Cdc = 2200 μF/450 V, the dc-link
voltage ripple is Δvdc = 6.03 V = 1.5% of Vdc = 400 V.
2) Current Control Scheme: The hysteresis current-
controlled PWM (H-CCPWM) scheme is adopted with
h = hm ax sin ωt, hm ax = h̄m ax + Δh (15)
where Δh is a random variable and h̄m ax = 1 A.
3) Voltage Control Scheme: The equivalent voltage-loop
control block of the developed boost SMR is shown in Fig. 3(a).
The SMR dynamic model is represented by a first-order process,
and the PI feedback controller is adopted
KI v
Gcv (s) = KP v + . (16)

The desired voltage response due to a step load power change

is sketched in Fig. 3(b), where (t1 = tf , Δvd1 = 0.5Δvdm ),
(t2 = tm , Δvd2 = Δvdm ), (t3 = tre , Δvd3 = 0.1Δvdm ), with
tf = fall time, Δvdm = maximum voltage dip, tm = the time at
which maximum dip occurs, and tre = restore time.
a) Dynamic model estimation: To find the parameters of
Gcv (s), the SMR is stably operated under the conditions: 1)
Fig. 2. Designed characteristic curves of wind turbine emulator: (a) T e − ω r ; ∗
and (b) P e − ω r . voltage command vdc = 400 V; 2) Gcv (s) = 1 + 10/s is arbi-
trarily chosen; 3) the resistive load is changed from RL = 300 Ω
(Pdc = 533 W) to RL = 150 Ω (Pdc = 1066 W) for producing
The power-speed equation can be derived from Te a step load power change of ΔPdc = 533 W. From the simulated
      and measured voltage responses shown in Fig. 3(c), three typ-
2π 2π 3 2π
Pe = T e ωr = a ωr + b ωr 2 . (13) ical response points (−13.5 V, 29.2 ms), (−26.9 V, 108.2 ms),
60 60 60
and (−2.7 V, 538.2 ms) are chosen to derive the dynamic model
The optimal power Popt and the corresponding torque Topt for parameters
a given wind speed vw can be found as
Kpl = 2.042 × 10−4 , a = 5.8012, b = 5397.1. (17)
Popt = Kopt,p (ωopt )3 , Topt = Kopt,t (ωopt )2 (14)
b) Quantitative controller design: Conversely, the volt-
where Kopt,p = 1.275 × 10−7 , Kopt,t = Kopt,p (60/2πωr ) = age regulation control specifications are defined as (Δvdm =
1.218 × 10−6 , and ωopt = 1.336 ωmt . The designed power 10 V, tre = 0.2 s) for a step load power change of ΔPdc =
curves are shown in Fig. 2(b). 533 W. The controller can be derived as
Starting process
KI v 49.1
Since the generated torque is zero at standstill as shown in Gcv (s) = KP v + = 3.4 + . (18)
Fig. 2(a), the developed SPMSM drive is unable to start when it s s
is operated under a torque-control mode. Therefore, it is started Measured results
from the speed-control mode and then changed to the torque- The simulated measured voltage response due to a step load
control mode. When the control mode is set at the toque-control power change of ΔPdc = 533 W (Pdc = 533 W → 1066 W) by
mode, the torque current command i∗q s is changed from A to B the designed controller of (18) is plotted in Fig. 3(d). It is very
as shown in Fig. 1(b). close to the specified characteristics.

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Fig. 3. Voltage PI feedback controller of the developed SMR: (a) control block; (b) desired step load power regulation response; (c) simulated and measured
∗ = 400 V, R = 300 Ω) by the arbitrarily set PI controller for model estimation; and (d) simulated and measured step response by the
step response at (v dc L
quantitatively designed PI controller.

C. SPMSM Drive Measured results

In making the preliminary test, the Vienna SMR shown in
1) Power Circuit:
Fig. 1(a) is replaced by a three-phase diode rectifier with a
a) SPMSM: the employed SPMSM is rated as 8-pole, ∗
2000 r/min, 2 kW, 9.8 Nm. The estimated data: λm = resistive load resistance RL . Let (Vac = 220 V/60 Hz, vdc =
400 V, RL = 22 Ω), the measured steady-state (iL , iL ) and
0.1355 Wb, Rs = 0.4 Ω, Ls = 1.027 mH.
b) Position sensing scheme: incremental encoder with (vac , iac ), (vdc , ias ) of the SMR-fed SPMSM drive under ωr∗ =
(A,B,Z) signals and resolution of 2500 pluses/rev. 2000 r/min are shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b). The correspond-
ing data are PF = 0.993, THDi = 11.44%, η ≡ Pdc /Pac =
c) Inverter: It is constructed using three two-pack IGBT ∗
modules CM100DY-12H (Mitsubishi, VCES = 600 V, 762.4/825.8 = 92.3%. Under (vdc = 400 V, ωr∗ = 1000 r/min,
IC = 100 A (dc), IC = 200 A (pulsed). RL = 150 Ω), the measured (ωr , ωr ), (i∗q s ,iq s ), and vdc due to

a step speed command and a step load resistance change are

2) Current Control Scheme:
a) Ramp-comparison current controlled PWM (RC- shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b), respectively. The results indicate that
CCPWM) scheme: The switching frequency is cho- good speed tracking responses and load regulation responses are
obtained the established SMR-fed SPMSM drive.
sen as fs = 15 kHz and the PI feedback controller is
adopted. In designing the PI feedback current con- c) Observed torque controller: According to the response
speed being achievable of the established SPMSM drive, the PI
troller, the upper limit of P-gain is first determined
using large signal stability criterion as KP i ≤ K̄P i = torque feedback controller is chosen as
1.925. Then, accordingly KP i = 1.85 is set, and the
KI T 83.3
integral gain is chosen via trial-and-error to yield GcT (s) = KP T + =3+ . (21)
s s
KI i 555
Gci (s) = KP i + = 1.85 + . (19)
s s Measured results
b) Speed feedback controller: it is set as: The measured torque and speed responses under (RL =
85.71 Ω) due to a torque step change Te∗ = 1 Nm → 2 Nm are
KI ω 78.75 shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b). The results indicate that the quick
Gcω (s) = KP ω + = 1.5 + . (20)
s s torque tracking response is obtained.

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Fig. 4. Measured steady-state results of the established varied sine-band

boost SMR-fed SPMSM drive operated under (V ac = 220 V/60 Hz, ω r∗ =
∗ =400 V): (a) (i∗ , i ); and (b) (v , i , v , i ).
2000 r/min, R L = 22 Ω, v dc L L ac ac dc a s


1) IPMSG: The employed three-phase IPMSG is rated as
6-pole, 3000 r/min, 1 kW, 3.23 Nm. The estimated
Fig. 5. Measured (ω r∗ , ω r ), (i∗q s ,iq s ), and v dc of the boost SMR-fed
data: peak of flux linkage λm = 0.1242 Wb, Rs = 0.8 Ω, SPMSM drive under (V ac = 220 V/60 Hz, ω r∗ = 2000 r/min, R L = 150 Ω,
Lq = 6.865 mH, Ld = 4.076 mH, Ls ≡ (Ld + Lq )/2 = ∗ =400 V) due to (a) a step change of 200 r/min; and (b) a step change of
v dc
5.471 mH . R L =150–85.71 Ω.
2) Position sensor: Incremental encoder with (A,B,Z) signals
and the resolution of 2048 pluses/rev.
3) Voltage and current sensing factors: Kv = 0.00222 V/V,
Ki = 0.04 V/textA.

B. Three-Phase Vienna SMR

1) Power Circuit: It should be noted that 1) the energy stor-
age inductors of the Vienna SMR are the embedded armature
windings with Ls = 5.471 mH, which cannot be altered; and
2) the ac input voltages are the back EMFs of the employed
IPMSG, which are varied in frequency and voltage with the
changing wind speed. The phase back EMF of the used IPMSG
is Eas = 27.594 Vrms /kr/min. The key features of the Vienna
SMR are
1) DC output: Vd = 400 V, Pd = 800 W.
2) Filtering capacitors: Cd1 = Cd2 = 2200 μF/450 V Fig. 6. Measured results of the designed torque controller under (R L =
(Cd = 1100 μF). 85.71 Ω) due to a step torque change T e∗ = 1 Nm → 2 Nm: (a) torque response;
3) PWM switching frequency: fs = 30 kHz. and (b) speed response.

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(M2H) mode and grid-connected microgrid-to-grid (M2G)/grid-

to-microgrid (G2M) modes.
In order to verify the effectiveness of the developed emulator,
it can be connected to the example dc microgrid for powering
its local loads via the 1P3W load inverter (M2H). By letting
the switch SW in Fig. 8(a) be changed from position 1 to 2,
the original microgrid wind SRG is replaced by the developed
WTE-driven IPMSG. The test loads are arranged as
ZA = incandescent lamp of 110 V/100 W.
ZB = incandescent lamp of 110 V/250 W.
ZA B = incandescent lamp of 220 V/60 W.
The measured output voltages vA B (220 V), vA N (110 V), and
vN B (110 V) and their commands are plotted in Fig. 8(b). From
the results, one can observe the good output voltage waveforms
provided by the microgrid using the established WTE.
2) Current Control Scheme: The P-gain limit of feed-
back controller in the ramp-comparison CCPWM scheme is
also determined based on large-signal stability criterion us-
ing the known system data (vd = 400 V, ki = 0.04 V/A, Lb =
5.471 mH, eas = 0) to be K̄P i = 10.258. Accordingly, the con-
troller is set as
KI i 3600
Gci (s) = KP i + = 10 + . (22)
s s
3) Voltage Control Scheme: The voltage loop of Vienna
SMR is modeled as the unified control block depicted in
Fig. 3(a). The design procedure presented in Section III-B3 is
applied here at (ωr =2000 r/min, vd∗ = 400 V, RL = 300 Ω).
Fig. 7. Measured results of the developed IPMSG with followed Vienna SMR
driven at various speeds under R L = 200 and 300 Ω: (a) output voltage v d ;
The voltage regulation control specifications are given as
and (b) output voltage P d . (Δvdm = 10 V, tre = 0.4 s) for a step load power change of
ΔPd = 320 W. The designed feedback controller is
KI v 38.1
4) Power devices: the rectifier module VUN 25-05E Gcv (s) = KP v + = 5.6 + . (23)
s s
(500 V,ID 25 = 35 A (25 ◦ C), ID 85 = 25 A (85 ◦ C),
The simulated and measured output voltage responses of
IDM = 95 A(pulsed)) by IXYS.
the designed Gcv (s) due to a step load power change of
5) Loads: the resistive load with RL being placed across
ΔPd = 320 W(Pd = 533.3 W → 853.3 W) with vd∗ = 400 V
the SMR output is first used to test the capability of the
are shown in Fig. 9(a) and (b). From which, the correctness
developed whole emulator. Then, it is applied to power an
of the designed controller and the closeness between the simu-
available example dc microgrid.
lated and measured results can be observed.
Resistive load
Measured results
Owing to the inherently fixed IPMSG winding inductance, the
The measured vd and (HA , ian ) of the IPMSG with Vienna
well-regulated 400 V dc-link voltage can only be established un-
SMR under (vd∗ = 400 V, ωr = 1500 r/min, RL = 300 Ω) are
der sufficiently high driving speed, and the lowest speed needed
shown in Fig. 10. The measured (ωr ,vd ,ian ) under (vd∗ = 400 V,
to establish the 400 V dc-link voltage is increased with the in-
RL = 300 Ω) due to the speed changes of ωr∗ = 2000 r/min
creased loading. The preliminary tests for the developed IPMSG
→ 1800 r/min →2000 r/min are shown in Fig. 11. The corre-
system are first made by using resistive loads with a load resistor.
sponding line current quality and system efficiency are THDi =
The measured results with followed Vienna SMR driven at var-
9.31%, η ≡ Pd /Pac = 528.6/551.5 = 95.84%. And the mea-
ious speeds under RL = 200 and 300 Ω are shown in Fig. 7(a)
sured results at (vd∗ = 400 V, ωr∗ = 2000 r/min) due to a step
and (b).
load resistance change from 300 to 187.5 Ω are shown in Fig. 12.
Microgrid powering application
Good static and dynamic operating performances of the IPMSG
An available example dc microgrid is shown in Fig. 8(a). It
are seen from Figs. 10 to 12.
mainly consists of a wind switched reluctance generator (SRG),
a hybrid energy storage system including an SRM-driven fly-
C. MPPT Control Scheme
wheel and a battery bank, and a single-phase three-wire (1P3W)
bidirectional load inverter. The inverter providing 220 V/110 V 1) MPPT Control Algorithm: For the ease of implemen-
ac sources can be operated in autonomous microgrid-to-home tation, the P&O control scheme with variable step size

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Fig. 8. Microgrid powering application of the developed turbine emulator: (a) example dc microgrid powered by the established turbine emulator; and
(b) measured 1P3W inverter output voltages v A B , v A N , and v N B and their commands.

using the SMR current command Iˆi as control variable ac- Case 1: If generated power is increased and rotor speed is
cording to the changes of SMR output power Pd and ro- decreased, then dIˆi > 0;
tor speed ωr is developed. Fig. 13 depicts the proposed Case 2: If generated power is decreased and rotor speed is
intuitive MPPT control algorithm. The MPPT algorithm is decreased, then dIˆi < 0;
judged one time per second, and it can be classified into five Case 3: If generated power is decreased and rotor speed is
cases: increased, then dIˆi < 0;

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Fig. 9. Voltage responses of the Vienna SMR by the designed controller at

(v d∗ = 400 V, ω r =2000 r/min) due to a step load power change of ΔP d =
320 W (P d = 533.3 W → 853.3 W): (a) simulated result; and (b) experimental
result. Fig. 12. Measured v d , ω r , and ian of the IPMSG with Vienna SMR under
(v d∗ = 400 V, ω r∗ = 2000 r/min) due to a load change of 300 Ω → 187.5 Ω
(P d = 533 W → 853 W, ΔP d = 320 W).

Fig. 13. Proposed MPPT control algorithm.

Case 4: If generated power is decreased and rotor speed is

increased, then dIˆi > 0; and
Fig. 10. Measured (v d ,(H A ,ian )) of the developed IPMSG with Vienna SMR
Case 5: If generated power is unchanged, then dIˆi = 0.
at (v d∗ = 400 V, R L = 300 Ω,ω r = 1500 r/min). DC-Link Output Power Sensing: The sensed Vienna SMR
DC-link output power Pd is used for making the MPPT control.
It is obtained as Pd = vd id with the sensing factors being set
as Kv d = 0.00222 V/V, Kid = 0.2 V/A.


The developed SMR-fed SPMSM driven prime mover emu-
lator is used to drive the IPMSG with followed Vienna SMR,
and its operation characteristics are evaluated experimentally.
The prime mover emulator follows the designed wind torque
curve to present a faithful wind turbine driving behavior for the
driven IPMSG. The current command Iˆi shown in Fig. 1(c) is
connected to position D to perform the MPPT function instead
of voltage boosting function at position C.

A. Steady-State Characteristics
Fig. 11. Measured (ω r∗ ω r ), v d , and ian of the IPMSG with followed Vienna The developed prime mover emulator is operated under
SMR under (v d∗ = 400 V, R L = 300 Ω) due to speed changes of ω r∗ = 2000 → the torque–speed mode and the IPMSG with Vienna SMR
1800 → 2000 r/min.
is operated under the MPPT control mode, the measured

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Fig. 14. Measured results of the prime mover emulator driven IPMSG sys-
tem under (v w = 8 m/s, R L = 200 Ω): (a) (ω r , P d , T e ) of SPMSM drive;
Fig. 15. Measured results of the prime mover emulator driven IPMSG sys-
(b) (v d , id , ian ) of Vienna SMR; (c) (ω r , v dc , iL ) of single-phase boost SMR;
tem under (v w = 11 m/s, R L = 200 Ω): (a) (ω r , P d , T e ) of SPMSM drive;
and (d) (v ac ,iac ) of single-phase boost SMR.
(b) (v d , id , ian ) of Vienna SMR; (c) (ω r , v dc , iL ) of single-phase boost SMR;
and (d) (v ac ,iac ) of single-phase boost SMR.

(ωr , Pd , Te ), (vd , id , ian ), and (ωr , vdc , iL ) under (vw = 8 m/s
and RL = 200 Ω) are shown in Fig. 14(a)–(c). The steady-state around the maximum power points, and so will the rotor speeds
waveforms (vac , iac ) of single-phase boost SMR are also plotted and the generated torques. The measured converged powers and
in Fig. 14(d). Under a higher wind speed (vw = 11 m/s,RL = rotor speeds are close to the designed results. Hence, the driv-
200 Ω), the measured results are plotted in Fig. 15(a)–(d). ing behavior of the developed prime mover emulator is faith-
Figs. 14(a) and 15(a) show that the powers generated by the fully presented. The measured (vd , id , ian ) shown in Figs. 14(b)
emulator under MPPT control can stably converge eventually and 15(b) give the further information of the developed Vienna

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Fig. 17. Measured torque curves of the developed prime mover emulator
driven under v w = 8, 9, 10, and 11 m/s.

Fig. 16. Measured results of the prime mover emulator driven IPMSG under
wind speeds of v w = 8 m/s → 9 m/s → 10 m/s → 11 m/s and conversely:
(a) (v w ,ian ); and (b) (ω r ,T e ,P d ).

SMR. The measured (ωr , vdc , iL ) shown in Figs. 14(c) and 15(c) Fig. 18. Measured power curves of the developed prime mover emulator
and (vac , iac ) shown in Figs. 14(d) and 15(d) verify that the de- driven under v w = 8, 9, 10, and 11 m/s.
veloped single-phase boost SMR as the front-end of SPMSM
driven WTE also possesses good dc-voltage regulation ability
and ac line-drawn power quality characteristics under varying
operating conditions. This paper has presented the development of an SPMSM drive
to construct the prime mover emulators. A single-phase boost
SMR is used as its ac/dc front-end to draw power from the mains.
B. Dynamic Characteristics Thanks to the properly designed sine-band H-CCPWM scheme,
To verify the dynamic characteristics of the developed under well-regulated dc-link voltage, good line drawn power
WTE-driven IPMSG under MPPT control mode, the measured quality is obtained during emulator operation. Both conventional
(vw ,ian ) and (ωr , Pd , Te ) under the preset speed change pattern speed control mode and wind turbine torque–speed control mode
of vw = 8 m/s → 9 m/s → 10 m/s → 11 m/s and conversely can be operated by the developed emulator. A test load with
are shown in Fig. 16(a) and (b). From the results, satisfactory IPMSG followed by a three-phase Vienna SMR has also been
regulation ability of the developed emulator system is observed. established. It is driven by the prime mover and establishes
the dc microgrid 400 V dc-link. Various wind turbine torque–
speed characteristic curves under different wind speeds can be
C. Emulated Prime Mover Characteristics
faithfully generated by the developed prime mover. And the
The measured torque curves and corresponding power curves MPPT for extracting the wind generating power can be achieved
of the developed prime mover emulator are shown in Figs. 17 by the IPMSG followed by Vienna SMR using the P&O control
and 18. The faithful WTE driving behavior can be confirmed approach. Effectiveness of the developed whole prime mover
from the results. emulator has been verified experimentally.

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