Do Early Intervention Programmes Improve Cognitive and Motor Outcomes For Preterm Infants After Discharge A Systematic Review

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Do early intervention programmes improve cognitive and motor

outcomes for preterm infants after discharge? A systematic

1 The Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. 2 Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia. 3 School of Physiotherapy, The University of
Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. 4 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. 5 School of Behavioural Science,
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. 6 Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research Centre, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

Correspondence to Jane Orton at Newborn Research, The Royal Women's Hospital, 20 Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia.

PUBLICATION DATA AIM The aim of this study was to review the effects of early developmental inter-
Accepted for publication 1st June 2009. vention after discharge from hospital on motor and cognitive development in
Published online 1st September 2009. preterm infants.
METHOD Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-RCTs of early develop-
mental intervention programmes for preterm infants in which motor or cognitive
PEDro Physiotherapy Evidence Database
outcomes were reported and in which the intervention commenced before or
SMD Standardized mean difference
after discharge were included. A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies
TIMP Test of Infant Motor Performance
grouped by intervention, age of outcome, and study quality was undertaken.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Databases searched (up to January 2009) included the Cochrane Central Register
Public Health (Dora Lush) NHMRC Postgradu- of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Embase.
ate fellowship (AS); NHMRC Postdoctoral RESULTS Eighteen studies met the inclusion criteria (2686 patients randomized),
Training Fellowship (PA), NHMRC Career but only 11 studies had data suitable for meta-analysis. Early developmental
Development Fellowship Project Grant (RB): intervention improved cognitive outcomes at infant age (developmental
National Health and Medical Research Council quotient: standardized mean difference [SMD] 0.42, 95% confidence interval [CI]
(NHMRC) 284512. A previous version of this 0.33–0.52; p<0.001), and at preschool age (IQ: SMD 0.46, 95% CI 0.33–0.59;
review has been published in The Cochrane p<0.001). However, the benefit was not sustained at school age (IQ: SMD 0.02,
Library, Issue 2, April 2007.
95% CI –0.10 to 0.14; p=0.71). Early intervention had little effect on motor
outcome at infant or school age, and there was no study reporting motor
outcome at preschool age.
INTERPRETATION Current evidence suggests that the benefits of developmental
intervention postdischarge are restricted to short-term gains in cognitive

Survival rates in very preterm infants have improved young adults born at very low birthweight, resulting in a
over the past two decades; however, the rates of neurobeha- lower high-school graduation rate compared with those
vioural impairments in middle childhood have remained rel- born at term with normal birthweight.12
atively constant, with up to 15% having a diagnosis of Early developmental interventions have been used in the
cerebral palsy and 50% exhibiting cognitive, motor, or clinical setting for many years with the aim of improving
behavioural problems.1–3 These neurosensory impairments the overall outcome of preterm infants. The complex bio-
are complex and often subtle, and may become more obvious logical, medical, and environmental elements that contrib-
at school age.4,5 Problems with attention and hyperactivity ute to development have led to programmes that
are commonly reported,6–8 and minor motor impairments, encompass many different components, with services
classified as developmental coordination disorder, are more provided by a variety of disciplines.13 Different aspects
prevalent in children born preterm.9–11 Long-term follow- of early development, such as motor, cognitive, and
up studies indicate that at least some impairments persist in behavioural development, as well as mother–infant

ª The Authors. Journal compilation ª Mac Keith Press 2009

DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2009.03414.x 851
interactions, are emphasized depending on the outcomes months; (4) early intervention that aimed to improve cog-
being targeted. However, the effectiveness of these early nitive or motor outcomes, performed at home, hospital, or
developmental intervention programmes in preterm infants in a community centre; (5) programme focus was on the
following hospital discharge has not been fully established. parent–infant relationship, infant development, or both; (6)
The objective of this study, therefore, was to review sys- interventions included physical therapy, occupational ther-
tematically the literature to determine the effects of early apy, psychology, neurodevelopmental therapy, parent–
developmental intervention programmes after discharge infant relationship enhancement, infant stimulation, infant
from hospital on both the cognitive and motor develop- development, developmental care, or early intervention
ment of preterm infants at infant (0 to <3y), preschool (3 to (education); (7) outcome assessed using motor and ⁄ or cog-
<5y), and school age (5 to <13 and 13 to 18y). This paper is nitive measures.
based on a Cochrane review published in The Cochrane
Library 2007, issue 2.14* Validity assessment
The methodological quality of included trials was assessed
METHOD by three independent raters using the Physiotherapy Evi-
Literature search strategy dence Database (PEDro) scale16 adapted from the Delphi
This systematic review followed the guidelines of the Neo- list. The PEDro scale includes 11 criteria to assess the
natal Review Group of the Cochrane Collaboration.15 The internal and external validity of RCTs. However, the maxi-
following databases were comprehensively searched by two mum possible score on the PEDro scale for this type of
reviewers (JO and AS): the Cochrane Central Register of study was 10. One of the criteria is blinding of therapists,
Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library, which is not possible when providing intervention of this
issue 4, 2008), MEDLINE Advanced (1966 to January type. After discussion there was no disagreement between
2009), CINAHL (1982 to January 2009), PsycINFO (1966 raters on the PEDro scores.
to January 2009), and Embase (1988 to January 2009). The
reviewers cross-referenced relevant literature, including Data abstraction
identified trials and existing review articles. The search The information extracted from the studies included study
strategy comprised the following Medical Subject Head- design and population demographics (Table I). The theo-
ings (MeSH) or keywords: (1) infant, preterm or infant, retical structure, content, and dosage of the intervention
low birthweight; (2) and early intervention (education) or programmes were tabulated (Table SI, supporting infor-
developmental care or physical therapy or occupational mation published online). For individual trials, where pos-
therapy or psychology or parent–infant relationship or reha- sible, mean values for treatment and comparison groups
bilitation or exercise or neurodevelopmental therapy or (and 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) were reported for
infant stimulation; (3) and child development or infant continuous variables (Tables SII and SIII supporting infor-
development or cognition or intellectual disability or devel- mation published online). Study authors were contacted
opmental disabilities or psychomotor performance or psy- for missing data.
chomotor disorders or cerebral palsy or developmental
coordination disorder or movement disorders or motor skill Quantitative data synthesis
disorders; (4) not drug therapy or genetics or chest physio- RevMan 5.0.16 (The Cochrane Collaboration, 2008,
therapy or cardiac. Copenhagen, Denmark) was used for data management
Studies that are reported in English or a language for and analysis with data independently entered by two
which a translator was available were included. reviewers. For data analysis, ‘treatment group’ refers to
infants who were involved in early developmental inter-
Selection criteria vention programmes and ‘comparison group’ refers to
Studies had to meet the following selection criteria infants who received standard medical follow-up. For con-
for inclusion: (1) randomized controlled trial (RCT) or tinuous outcomes, standardized mean differences (SMDs)
quasi-RCT; (2) participants comprised infants born at <37 were calculated as there were a variety of outcome mea-
weeks’ gestational age with no major congenital abnormal- sures (with different standard deviations). Cognitive and
ities; (3) intervention commenced while the infant was still motor outcome data were pooled into four age bands:
in hospital or after discharge but at age less than 12 infant (0 to <3y), preschool (3 to <5y), or school ages (5
to <13 and 13 to 18y). If studies reported data at more
than one time point within an age band, data from the lat-
*Cochrane reviews are regularly updated as new evidence emerges and
in response to feedback, and The Cochrane Library should be con- est assessment were used. Pooled effects for treatment
sulted for the most recent version of the review. effect were calculated across the trials using a fixed-effects

852 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2009, 51: 851–859

Table I: Characteristics and methods of studies included in analysis

Group allocation
Individuals PEDro No. of GA Birthweight
Study enrolled (n) Method score sites (wks) (g) Treatment (n) Comparison (n)

Rice31 30 RCTa 6 1 <37 NS 15 15

Field et al. 60 RCTa 6 NS <37 <2500 30 30
Nurcombe et al.,23 78 RCT 8 1 <37 <2250 38 40
Achenbach et al.,39,40
Rauh et al.41
Goodman et al.,25 107 Quasi-RCT 6 1 <34 1700 40b 40b
Rothberg et al.
Barrera et al.,19 80 RCTa 5 3 £37 <2000 38b 21b
Barerra et al.,
Barerra and Kitching,44
Barerra et al.45
Piper et al.29 134 RCT 6 2 NS <1500c 56b 59b
Resnick et al. 41 Quasi-RCT 5 1 NS <1800 21 20
IHDP,20 Blair et al.,46 985 RCT 9 8 <37 <2500 377 608
Berlin et al.,47 Blair,48
Brooks-Gunn et al.,49–51
McCormick et al.,52–54
APIP,17 Johnson et al.38 284 RCT 9 2 <33 NS 187 97
Bao et al.18 103 Quasi-RCT 5 3 >28–<37 NS 52 51
Lekskulchai and Cole28 84 RCT 8 1 <37d NS 43 41
Melnyk et al.21 55 Quasi-RCT 7 1 26–36 <2500 26 29
Nelson et al.22 37 RCTa 6 1 23–36 <1500d 21 16
Yigit et al.32 190 RCTa 5 1 <34 <2000 80b 80b
Ohgi et al.24 24 RCT 8 1 NS <2500d 12 12
Cameron et al.26 72 RCT 7 1 <32 <1500 34 38
Kaaresen et al.33 146 RCT 9 1 NS <2000 72 74
Koldewijn et al.34 176 RCT 8 7 <32 <1500 86 90

Method of randomization unclear. bNumber of individuals in group at follow-up. It is, however, unclear how many individuals were
initially randomized to treatment and comparison groups. cIncludes a subgroup of infants who weighed >1500g at birth and who
experienced birth asphyxia, seizures, or central nervous system dysfunction. dInfants were considered at high risk of neurological
sequelae owing to periventricular leukomalacia or abnormal ultrasound findings, or based on assessment at term. PEDro, Physiotherapy
Evidence Database; GA, gestational age; RCT, randomized controlled trial; NS, not specified.

model. To guard against an over-influence of small-study RESULTS

effects, we also used a random-effects model, in which Details of the screening process to identify the trials in the
heterogeneity was significant. As no statistical conclusion final meta-analysis (trial flow) are shown in Fig. 1. There were
was altered, we report only results from fixed-effects mod- 18 RCTs or quasi-RCTs of early developmental interven-
els. A sensitivity analysis was performed using the rating tions after hospital discharge17–34 involving 2686 infants
of study quality (PEDro scale) to assess the effect of bias (Table I). Eleven of these had data suitable for use in meta-
on results and to reduce heterogeneity. RCTs that scored analysis (Tables SII and SIII).17–25,33,34 The structure and
7 or more were considered to have strong validity and content of the intervention programmes are detailed in
were considered high-quality studies; the remainder were Table SI.
lower-quality studies. We plotted the intervention effect
estimates from individual studies against the study’s stan- Qualitative analysis
dard error, known as a ‘funnel plot’, to assess the possibil- Nine of the 18 studies had a PEDro score of 7 or more
ity of publication bias for both cognitive and motor and were considered of high quality (internal validity;
outcomes (Fig. 2). Table I). However, one of these studies used quasi-

Early Intervention for Preterm Infants Jane Orton et al. 853

opmental intervention (n=825) scored a mean developmen-
Table II: Meta-analysis: effect of early developmental intervention on
tal quotient of 0.42SD (p<0.001) higher than infants who
cognitive outcome
received standard follow-up (n=924). Six of these studies
SMD (95% CI) fixed
were classified as having high-quality methodology. Sensi-
tivity analysis of the high-quality studies showed a signifi-
Infant age (0<3y) cant treatment effect supporting the intervention
Higher-quality studies (developmental quotient; SMD 0.40; p<0.001). There was
Nurcombe et al.23 0.50 ()0.04 to 1.05) significant heterogeneity among the studies overall
IHDP20 0.51 (0.37 to 0.65)
(Table II). After sensitivity analysis, the significant hetero-
APIP17 0.19 ()0.06 to 0.45)
geneity persisted only in the lower-quality studies group.
Ohgi et al.24 0.54 ()0.30 to 1.37)
There was insufficient statistical support for a differential
Kaaresen et al.33 0.22 ()0.12 to 0.56)
treatment-group effect across the two subgroups (v2 test
Koldewijin et al.34 0.25 ()0.05 to 0.55)
Subtotal 0.40 (0.29 to 0.50); I 2=31%; z=7.2, p<0.001
for subgroup differences 1.64; p=0.20).
Lower-quality studies At preschool age (3 to <5y), three studies reported cog-
Goodman et al.25 0.05 ()0.39 to 0.48) nitive outcome, and these data were pooled for meta-analy-
Bao et al.18 1.26 (0.77 to 1.75) sis. The mean IQ of children who received early
Melnyk et al.21 0.73 (0.11 to 1.36) developmental intervention as infants (n=403) was 0.42SD
Nelson et al.22 0.39 ()0.38 to 1.16) (p<0.001) higher than that of children who received stan-
Subtotal 0.59 (0.32 to 0.86); I 2=78%; z=4.24, p<0.001 dard follow-up (n=603). Sensitivity analysis of the high-
Total 0.42 (0.33 to 0.52); I 2=60%; z=8.52, p<0.001 quality studies (n=2) showed a significant treatment effect
Preschool age (3 to <5y)
supporting the intervention (IQ: SMD 0.48SD; p<0.001).
Higher-quality studies
There was no significant heterogeneity.
Nurcombe et al.23 0.79 (0.23 to 1.35)
At school age (5 to <13y), four studies reported cogni-
IHDP20 0.46 (0.33 to 0.60)
tive outcome. Meta-analysis was used for the three studies
Subtotal 0.48 (0.35 to 0.61); I 2=18%; z=7.13, p<0.001
Lower-quality studies
that assessed IQ, all of which were classified as high qual-
Barrera et al.45 )0.05 ()0.68 to 0.58); I 2=NA; z=0.14, p=0.89 ity. School-age children who received early developmental
Total 0.46 (0.33 to 0.59); I 2=47%; z=6.95, p<0.001 intervention (n=484) did not score higher than the
School age (5–13y) children who received standard follow-up (n=627) on IQ
Higher-quality studies measures (IQ: SMD 0.02; p=0.71). There was significant
Nurcombe et al.23 1.02 (0.45 to 1.59) heterogeneity but there were too few studies for a
IHDP20 )0.01 ()0.15 to 0.13) sensitivity analysis.
APIP17 )0.09 ()0.40 to 0.21) At adolescence (age 13–18y), one high-quality study, the
Total 0.02 ()0.10 to 0.14); I 2=84%; z=0.37, p=0.71
Infant Health and Development Program, reported cogni-
SMD, standardized mean difference; CI, confidence interval; I 2, test
tive outcomes and found little evidence to suggest that the
statistic for heterogeneity; z, test statistic for overall effect; IDHP, intervention had a beneficial effect on cognitive develop-
Infant Health and Development Programme; APIP, Avon ment.
Premature Infant Project.
Motor outcomes
randomization and therefore was not included as a high- Seventeen studies reported on motor outcomes, of which
quality study in the sensitivity analysis.21 Four studies eight provided sufficient data for meta-analysis at infant
achieved a PEDro score of only 5. All studies had similar age18,20,22–25,33,34: seven with the Bayley Scales of Infant
prognostic characteristics of intervention and comparisons Development Psychomotor Developmental Index (2nd
at baseline related to perinatal factors such as gestational edition) and one with the Griffiths Mental Development
age; however, two studies reported differences in sociode- Scale Locomotor Sub-scale (Table SIII). At infant age
mographic variables.17,23 there was no difference in motor outcome between infants
who received early developmental intervention (n=632)
Cognitive outcomes and those who received standard follow-up (n=822; SMD
Fifteen studies reported cognitive outcomes at different 0.07; p=0.18). Five of the eight studies at infant age were
ages, of which 11 provided sufficient data for meta-analysis considered to be of high quality.20,23,24,33,34 Sensitivity
(Table SII).17–25,33,34 At infant age (0 to <3y) 10 studies analysis showed no intervention effect (SMD 0.04; p=0.47).
reported sufficient data (means and SDs) to be pooled for Of the studies that did not provide data suitable for meta-
meta-analysis (Table II). Infants who received early devel- analysis at infant age, one study reported a significant dif-

854 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2009, 51: 851–859

Potentially relevant RCTs or quasi-RCTs
identified and screened by title and abstract.

RCTs excluded (n=1067)

Inappropriate intervention, no intervention,
inappropriate population or outcomes,
RCTs and quasi-RCTs retrieved for more Not RCT or quasi-RCT
detailed examination by two independent
reviewers (n=62)

RCTs excluded (n=22)

Not RCT or quasi-RCT, no intervention,
not preterm infants

RCTs and quasi-RCTs included in the review

(n=40. This comprised 18 different studies
(Table I). These were again reviewed to
determine which could be used in meta-analysis
RCTs and quasi-RCTs excluded from meta-
analysis (n=7)
No data available, outcome measure unable to
be pooled with others, number of participants at
time of assessment unclear.

RCTs with usable information by outcome and

included in meta-analysis (n=11)

Figure 1: Included and excluded studies.

ference at infant age.19,27,29–32,34 There was no significant

Table III: Meta-analysis: effect of early developmental intervention heterogeneity among studies (Table III).
on motor outcome
Two studies that reported motor outcomes at school
age (6–12y) but with data not suitable for pooling.17,25
SMD (95% CI) fixed
Goodman et al.25 demonstrated no difference in motor
Infant age (0–2y) outcomes between intervention and comparison groups
Higher-quality studies measured by the Griffiths Mental Development Scale
Nurcombe et al.23 )0.30 ()0.77 to 0.17) Locomotor Sub-scale. The study by the Avon Preterm
IHDP20 0.03 ()0.11 to 0.16) Infant Project17 also found no difference in the rate of
Ohgi et al.24 0.39 ()0.44 to 1.21) motor impairment between children who had received
Kaaresen et al.33 0.07 ()0.27 to 0.41) developmental intervention and those who had standard
Koldewijn et al.34 0.19 ()0.12 to 0.49)
follow-up. There was no study with follow-up of motor
Subtotal 0.04 ()0.07 to 0.15); I 2=0%; z=0.73, p=0.47
outcomes for preterm infants at adolescent age.
Lower-quality studies
A funnel plot of the cognitive studies was reasonably
Goodman et al.25 0.18 ()0.26 to 0.62)
Bao et al.18 0.35 ()0.11 to 0.80)
symmetrical, and thus revealed little evidence of publica-
Nelson et al.22 0.32 ()0.44 to 1.09)
tion bias (Fig. 2a). The funnel plot for motor outcomes
Subtotal 0.27 ()0.02 to 0.56); I 2=0%; z=1.82, p=0.07 was less symmetrical but, partly because the number of
Total 0.07 ()0.03 to 0.18); I 2=0%; z=1.34, p=0.18 studies was lower, again the evidence for publication bias
was not strong (Fig. 2b). There were too few studies for
SMD, standardized mean difference; CI, confidence interval; other ages to allow for meaningful funnel plots.
IDHP, Infant Health and Development Programme; I 2, test statistic
for heterogeneity; z, test statistic for overall effect.
The primary objective of this systematic review was to
ference in favour of the intervention group28 (p<0.001) assess the effectiveness of early developmental intervention
using the Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP) at 4 programmes after discharge from hospital on cognitive
months of age. The remaining seven studies found no dif- and motor development in preterm infants at infant (0 to

Early Intervention for Preterm Infants Jane Orton et al. 855

a Cognitive outcomes or neurobehavioural disorders as a result of preterm birth.
SE(SMD) Meta-analysis demonstrated a treatment effect of early
intervention on cognitive outcomes at infant and preschool
age of approximately half a standard deviation, an effect
size considered to be clinically important.2 However, at
school age no substantial treatment effect on cognitive out-
comes was observed. Meta-analysis indicated that early
developmental interventions had no beneficial impact on
motor outcomes at infant or school age. Significant hetero-
geneity was observed between the studies in this meta-
0.4 analysis with regard to the primary outcome measures, the
focus of the intervention, and the method of delivery. For
SMD example, the primary outcome in some trials was motor
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Subgroups development, whereas in others it was cognitive develop-
Higher-quality studies ment or both. Further, some interventions focused on the
Lower-quality studies
parent–infant relationship, whereas other interventions
b Motor outcomes
focused on the infants’ development or both.
The methodological quality of the studies in this review
was variable, with only 9 of the 18 studies considered to be
0.1 of high quality. In general, statistical conclusions were
unaffected when the meta-analysis was restricted to high-
0.2 quality studies. A limitation with intervention trials of
developmental interventions is that it is not feasible to
0.3 mask the person implementing the intervention or the reci-
pient of the intervention (in this case the mother and
0.4 infant) unless the study includes a comparison group
receiving an alternative intervention rather than no treat-
0.5 SMD ment. Only one study in the meta-analysis included a treat-
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
ment comparison group rather than a nontreatment
Higher-quality studies comparison group21; however, this was not a randomized
Lower-quality studies
trial. The Avon Premature Infant Project study17 was the
only study to attempt to control for the parent support
Figure 2: Funnel plots for cognitive (a) and motor outcomes (b) at component of early intervention by having three groups:
infant age. The individual study's standard error (SE[SMD]) is plotted one that received an infant development programme, one
against the standardised mean difference (SMD) for the study. The that received parent support only, and one that received
vertical line is the overall SMD. Higher- and lower-quality studies are standard medical care. It should be noted that the assess-
indicated separately, as shown.
ment of methodological quality used in this review (PEDro
scale) did not take into account sample size, which was
quite small for many of the included studies.
<3y), preschool (3 to <5y), and school ages (5 to <13 and A potential limitation of RCTs of developmental inter-
13 to 18y). To our knowledge, this is the first reported ventions is contamination, as families of preterm infants
meta-analysis of early developmental interventions postdis- may seek additional treatments if their child is perceived to
charge from hospital for preterm infants. A recent review35 be ‘at risk’ of developmental difficulties. One study did
explored the effects on motor outcomes of a range of early indicate that referrals to physiotherapy or other specialists
interventions that commenced from birth to 18 months in could occur at any time during follow-up but did not pro-
infants at risk for, or with, developmental motor disorders. vide details.29 In this case, the population included a group
In the Neonatal Individualised Developmental Care Pro- that was identified as having an established impairment,
gram, interventions that focus on specific motor training and intervention received by the infants was aimed at mini-
were found to have a positive effect on motor outcomes in mizing disability. One study identified infants at risk of
high-risk infants.35 In contrast, this systematic review motor impairment based on their TIMP score, and inter-
focused on interventions targeted at preterm infants, a spe- vention was again targeted to the impairment.28 This study
cific population at variable risk of developmental problems found a significant effect of intervention on motor out-

856 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2009, 51: 851–859

come at 4 months. It may be that targeting intervention These are both broad measures of motor development and
and using outcome measures more specific to the out- do not specifically evaluate minor motor problems. This
comes is a more responsive way to assess intervention. The makes it difficult to distinguish whether there is an effect
populations in the other studies consisted of preterm on motor outcome and, if not, whether the measures are
infants at variable biological risk but without an identified sensitive enough to detect the effects of intervention. Spe-
impairment. No study identified populations in terms of cific motor assessments, such as the Alberta Infant Motor
the infants’ environmental risk. Scale, the TIMP, and the Movement Assessment Battery
The majority of included studies involved infants born for Children were used only by individual studies,26,28,38
in the 1980s, and the gestational age at entry tended to be and these data could not be pooled for meta-analysis. Lek-
higher than in more recent studies involving infants born skulchai and Cole28 demonstrated a significant effect of
in the 1990s. Perinatal care obviously differs across studies, intervention using the TIMP with short-term (4mo cor-
and pooling results across eras may result in comparing rected age) follow-up. The diversity of motor assessment
different groups of infants with respect to outcomes.1 As tools and the lack of data at older ages limit the ability
more recent studies are published it may be possible to to compare results between studies and to make judge-
group studies according to their era of perinatal care. ments about the effect of early intervention on motor
Retention of participants was extremely variable outcomes.
between studies, ranging from 46 to 97%. Low retention The age at assessment of cognitive and motor outcomes
rates can lead to biased outcome assessments. Retention may also be an important factor in assessing intervention
may be affected also by the burden associated with the effectiveness. Interestingly, only 4 of the 10 studies that
intervention for families, such as accessibility (home or reported on cognitive outcome up to 1 year showed a
centre based), duration of sessions, the demands on partici- significant effect favouring the intervention group. How-
pants (parent and infant), time and resources, as well as ever, at 2 years, two studies that had previously shown no
satisfaction with the programme. In general, as the time difference at 1 year between treatment and comparison did
period between intervention cessation and follow-up detect a significant effect favouring the intervention
increased, retention rates declined. Although the Infant group.20,23 This may reflect the reliability and validity of
Health and Development Program had a demanding pro- the outcome measures at 1 year compared with 2 years,
gramme (3y of intervention), it was able to achieve reten- or perhaps the effect of intervention is more apparent
tion rates of 88% and 65% at 8 and 18 years at 2 years.
respectively,36,37 making it a major contributor. In addition There are limitations to meta-analysis, especially if the
to reduced retention rates, analysis of the long-term effects outcomes are too diverse, if the individual studies are at
of early developmental interventions was further limited risk of bias, or if there is evidence of publication bias. We
by the small number of studies that included school-age have attempted to minimize these problems by comparing
follow-up. The amount of intervention received by infants similar outcomes within narrow age ranges, within the lim-
and families varied greatly between studies (4–336 sessions) itations outlined previously, by assessing the quality of the
and within studies (e.g. compliance), and it may be expected studies and highlighting the higher-quality studies, and by
that dose and compliance are associated with the effective- demonstrating that there was little evidence of publication
ness of the intervention. bias.
The early developmental interventions included in this
review varied in theoretical content, environmental con- CONCLUSION
text, intensity, and length of follow-up and follow-up rates. Early developmental interventions have a positive short-
This resulted in significant levels of heterogeneity when term effect on the cognitive development of preterm
pooling outcomes. As a result, assessing which components infants, but these benefits are not seen at school age.
and methods of intervention are most beneficial is difficult. Intervention has a limited effect of on pooled motor out-
Moreover, we could not devise a system for classifying the comes at any age; however, the paucity of motor assess-
motor interventions. This is further compounded by the ment tools limits the conclusions that can be drawn. This
wide variety of measurement tools used in the studies, par- review has highlighted the variability in early developmen-
ticularly for motor assessment. The effect of early interven- tal intervention programmes and the difficulty in identify-
tion on motor development could be analysed only at ing the most effective intervention package. Given the
infant age using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development resources required to provide early developmental inter-
Psychomotor Developmental Index or the Griffiths Mental ventions, there is a particular need for further research on
Development Scale Locomotor Sub-scale, and there was the effects of early developmental intervention pro-
no treatment effect of intervention with either assessment. grammes throughout childhood using outcome measures

Early Intervention for Preterm Infants Jane Orton et al. 857

that are relevant to the intervention and sensitive enough Table SI: Structure and content of intervention pro-
to detect subtle changes. It is important to identify the grammes.
target population, the aspects of programmes that are par- Table SII: Summary of results of studies reporting on
ticularly useful, and the infants and families that benefit cognitive outcome.
most from such programmes, to target intervention more Table SIII: Summary of results of studies reporting on
effectively. Longer-term benefits to the child and family motor outcome.
must also be considered when providing intervention. This material is available as part of the online article from
Future studies may include measures that assess not only (this
functional outcomes, such as educational difficulties, will link you directly to the article).
behavioural, and social problems, but also the impact on Please note: Wiley-Blackwell are not responsible for the
societal participation. content or functionality of any supporting materials
supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing
SUPPORTING INFORMATION material) should be directed to the corresponding author
Additional supporting information may be found in the for the article.
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