Treatment From: 21.12.2018 Diagnosis: St. Post Osteosynthesim Intramedularis Femoris Dex. Pp. Pesudoarthrosim Abreviatio Extr. Inf. I. Dex, Aa 4.5cm

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Treatment from: 21.12.

Diagnosis: St. post osteosynthesim intramedularis femoris dex. Pp.
pesudoarthrosim Abreviatio extr. Inf. I. Dex, aa 4.5cm

Anamnesis and clinical presentation:

Control over the operation for 8 months.

 Clinical finding:
Walking without aids sticking to the right leg. Movement in the right hip and knee
of increased amplitude, right leg corrected for 4.5cm. Hypothrophy of the
musculoskeletal right leg.

The results:

Right femur RTG: Situation following intramedullary osteosynthesis of the

pseudoartigial right femur. The site of pseudoartrophy of the right femur. Place of
pseudoarthrosis at the stage of consolidation with periosteal callus without signs
of defeating remodeling.


We are of the opinion that now there is no indicnacy for the surgical procedure of
elongation of the right femur.
Physical therapy clinic and exercise alone.

Overprinted under the right shoe of 4.5 cm

It is necessary to report to Dr. Trepsho's consultant at the end of January 2019.

Make a new RTG of right femur before next visit.

Control at the end of next month (Januar).

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