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Global Equity Strategy | Indonesia 2020

Sean Darby
Chief Global Equity Strategist
(852) 3743 8073

Kenneth Chan
It's Deja Vu All Over Again Quantitative Strategist
(852) 3743 8079

Tommy Tang
Equity Associate
(852) 3743 8769

Somshankar Sinha
Equity Analyst
+91 22 4224 6111

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 1

The current economic environment reminds us of the late 1990s

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 2

A Tech cycle is emerging……

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 3

US Tech valuations (ex-internet)

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 4

26-week Rolling correlation between HY bonds flows & MSCI World. Follow HY bond flows!

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 5

The advance to data has been very narrow and heavily concentrated in a few winners

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 6

Earnings will need to catch up

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 7

Kitchin Cycle: Watch the inventory to shipment ratio

Source: AHE, Jefferies

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 8

Both Donald Trump and Xi Jinping will need pro-growth strategies going into the 2020
Presidential campaign and the 2021 Centenary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 9

Risk aversion is Rife

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 10

Coronavirus and the reproduction rate

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 11

The global political calendar is quiet aside from the UK and US

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 12

Many thanks for attending the presentation

Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073, 13

Important Disclosures

Analyst Certification

I, Sean Darby, certify that all of the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject security(ies) and subject company(ies). I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is, or will be, directly or
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Registration of non-US analysts: Tommy Tang is employed by Jefferies International Limited or other international entity, a non-US affiliate of Jefferies LLC and is not registered/qualified as a research analyst with FINRA. This analyst(s) may not be
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Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073,

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Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073,

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Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073,

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Sean Darby, Global Equity Strategist, +852 3743 8073,

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