Curug Nangka: Nama: Devira Chaiya Ardianti Kelas: Xmipaa No. Absen: 08

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Nama : Devira Chaiya Ardianti

Kelas : X MIPA A
No. Absen : 08

Curug Nangka

Curug Nangka or in English also called Jackfruit Waterfall is one of waterfall

tours in Bogor. Curug Nangka is located on the slopes of Mount Salak that is in
Sukajadi Village, Tamansari Sub-district, Bogor District, West Java Province.
This place called Curug Nangka, because there used to be a lot of jackfruit trees
grew all around this place.

The height of this place is 750 masl that’s make this place have a cool air, plus
there are many vegetation growing around this place makes the air more
natural. The temperature of this place around 22-24 degrees Celsius. Curug
Nangka has a beautiful and interesting view. Curug Nangka is a waterfall that
has 3 stages, each has a height around 10-20 meters, the water always flows
and will not run out even in the dry season.

To go to this place the tourists need extra energy, because tourists have to
walk far from the enterance to the Curug Nangka area. When go to this place,
the tourists will pass a small river. The water is calm, so it’s easy to pass
through. Besides that, tourists will see pine trees lining the road to the
waterfall and see views of rice fields and also mountains. The tourists who visit
this place will also be accompanied by wild animals such as monkeys and birds.
The total that must be paid by tourists to enter this place is Rp 20.000.

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