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Year level 3rd year

2nd. Semester1st Term

Professor: Fred S. Tarzona, Ed.D


1. Course Number: GE 321

3 Course Description: This course basically focuses on the introduction of Rizal’s Life and
Works of Dr. Jose Rizal as mandated by Republic Act
1425, this course covers the life and works of the country‘s national
hero. Jose Rizal among the topics covered are Rizal
biography, and his writings particularly the Novels Noli Me Tangere
and El Filibusterismo, some of his essays, and
various correspondents.
4 Pre-requisite : None
5. Credit : 3 units lecture

The Life and Works of Rizal Preliminaries

Course Title: The Life and works of Rizal
Course Description:
As mandated by RA 1425, this course covers the life and works of the
country’s national hero, Jose Rizal. Among the topics covered are Rizal Biography and his writings,
particularly the Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibustismo, some of his essays and various
correspondence. This act to include in the curricula of all Public and Private schools, colleges and
universities course of life, works and his writings.

Course Overview:




Why we study Rizal’s Life?

 To determine the reason why R>A 1425 was in acted
 Realize the learnings that can get from Rizal’s Life, works and Writings.
 Appreciates the relevance of the study.

Two points why we study Dr. Jose Rizal :

 Mandated by Law
 Because lesson contained with in the course itself.

 June 12, 1956 R.A 1425 was Enacted to accomplish this goals:

 To rededicate the lives of the youth to the ideals of freedom and nationalism
@ To pay tributed to our national hero for devoting his life and works in
shaping the Filipino Character. @ To gain an inspiring source of patriotism through this study
@ Landmark Legislation in the
post war Philippines.
 Lesson contained within the course:
@ To recognize the importance of Rizal’s ideals and teaching in relation to
present condition in the society
@ To encourage the application of such ideals in current social and personal
problems and issues
@ To develop an appreciation and deeper understanding of all that Rizal
fought and died for.
@ To foster the development of the Filipino youth in all aspect of citizenship
@ Rizal is the founder of Nationalism and his contribution to the current
standing of the nation.
 Relevance of the course:
@ Yield lasting impression@ Teach lesson as guidance for the future @ The
fountain of inspiration
@ Naming of National Hero is a requirement for validation of Philippines
Revolution against Spain.
What is the essence of this study of his life and works:
Ten Reasons why we study the Life and Works of Rizal:
1. You will wonder about the past
6. You will realize how important the communication is.
2. You will prove that too much love will kill you.
7.You will think what if its YOU.
3. It will inspire you to think differently
8.It will give you different view of Rizal
4. You will get to know Rizal better.
9.You will understand the relationship of other Filipino heroes with Rizal
5. It will build the inner revolutionary in you
10. It is stated in our laws.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Discuss Jose Rizal ‘s life within the context of 19 th century Philippines
2. Analyze Rizal’s various works, particularly the Novel Noli Me Tangere and
El Filibustismo, some of his essays and various correspondence.
3. Organize Rizal’s ideas into various themes.
4. Demonstrate a critical reading of primary sources
5. Interpret the values that can be derived from studying his Life.
6. Display an appreciation for education and love country

Introduction: RIZAL AND HIS TIMES:

To appreciate and understand the life of Dr. Jose Rizal , it is necessary

to know the historical background of the world and the Philippines during his times. The 19 th
century when he lived was a century of ferment caused by blowing winds of history. In Asia,
Europe and America s events surged in execrably like sea tides, significantly the lives and
fortunes of man kind.
On February 19, 1861, four months before Rizal’s birth in Calamba, the
liberal Czar Alexander II (1855-1881) to appease the rising of discontent of Russians masses,
issued a proclamation emancipating 22,500.000 serfs. When Rizal was borne, the American
Civil War (1861-65) was raging furiously in the United states over the issue of Negro slavery.
The Titanic conflict and erupted on April 12, 1861. Compelled President Lincoln to issue his
famous Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1863 freeing the Negro slaves.
The Philippines of Rizal’s Times sinister shadows of Spain’s decadence
darkened the Philippines skies. The Filipino people agonized beneath the yoke of Spanish
misrule. Bigoted and deteriorating colonial powers. Among of these evils were as follows.
1. Instability of colonial administration
6. Corrupt officialdom.
2. No Philippines representation in Spanish Cortes
7. Human rights denied to Filipinos
3. No equality before the law.
8. Maladministration of justice
4. Racial discrimination
9. Frailocracy
5. Forced labor
10. The Strict Guardia Civil

During the times of Rizal , the sinister


Jose Rizal is a unique example of many -splendored genius who became the greatest
hero of a nation. Endowed by God with versatile gifts , he truly ranked with the world geniuses.
He traveled the world never forgetting the Philippines, he expanded his knowledge and skill on
writing and medicine never forgetting the Philippines, he died with the future still on his mind,
and he never forgot the Philippines.. Pinoy Pride was started by him. Jan 11, 2011
José Rizal (1861-1896) is one of the most revered figures in Philippine history. He was a
multifaceted intellectual and a political activist, best known for his political writings that inspired
the Philippine revolution and ultimately led to his execution by the Spanish colonizers.

This topics for Prelim from Week 1 to Week 4

Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson the students will be able
1. To comprehend or describe Dr Jose Rizal as our national hero?
2. Appreciate why Dr. Jose Rizal a National Hero
3. Describe the Advent of National Hero and What his contribution Can be traced the
History of their Family Life and works.

Try This:
Jose Rizal became the Philippine national hero because he fought for freedom in a silent
but powerful way. He expressed his love for the Philippines through his novels, essays and
articles rather than through the use of force or aggression. Instead he used his writings open
the eyes of the Filipinos. Biography of José Rizal, National Hero of the Philippines. Dr. ... José
Rizal (June 19, 1861–December 30, 1896) was a man of intellectual power and artistic talent
whom Filipinos honor as their national hero. He excelled at anything that he put his mind to:
medicine, poetry, sketching, architecture, sociology, and more.16 Nov 2
The Greatest Contributions of Rizal is his Poem entitled A La Juventud Filipina (To the
Filipino Youth) which states even in the young age anyone can serve his/her Country and desire
the best for it.14 May 2021


At the end of this lesson, the students shall be able to:

1. Discuss Jose Rizal’s Life within the context of 19th century

2. Analyze Rizal’s various works, particularly the Novels Me Tangere and El
3. Interpret values that can be derived from studying Rizal’s Life and works and display
an appreciation for education and love of country.
4. Illustrate how Rizal Bill was acted into Law?
5. Identify the Defender of the passage of the Rizal’s Bill into Law.

Try This:

Discussion :

Novels in legislation Republic Act no. 1425: The mandatory teaching of Jose Rizal with
emphasis on the land mark novels in legislation. RA No. 1425 known as Rizal’s Law passed in
in 1956 leaving a colorful narrative debate and contestation. The context of the Bill saw a
Philippines life with challenging problems. With country torn and tired from stresses of World
War II, Getting their feet was a paramount concern of the people and government Arguments,
Step 7 consolidation of version from the house and reading the Bill . Step 8 Transmittal of the
final version to Malacañang. The Sponsor and defender of the Rizal’s Bill was Claro M. Recto.
He was the instrumental in drafting the constitution of the Philippines in 1934-1935.


1. The debate about the Rizal Bill. In this Table below describe why some legislator for and
against the Bill.


2. Construct concept Map how the Rizal’s Bill was formulated

3. Why he was called as splendored National Hero?
4. Traced the History of their Family Life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal


June 19, 1861

 Birth of Jose Rizal in the town of Calamba, Laguna.

 A many-splendored genius; endowed with many God-given talents
 The greatest and national hero of the Philippines.
 Physician (ophthalmic surgeon), poet, dramatist, essayist, novelist, historian,
architect, painter, sculptor, educator, linguist (knows 22 languages and
dialects), musician, naturalist, ethnologist, surveyor, engineer, famer
businessman, economist, geographer, cartographer, bibliophile, philologist,
grammarian, folklorist, philosopher, translator, inventor, magician, humorist,
satirist, polemicist, sportsman, traveller, and prophet.
A hero and a political martyr.

Father Rufino Collantes- Parish priest of Calamba; and baptized Rizal on June
22, 1861; Rizal’s godfather was Father Pedro Casanas.
“Jose” in honor of Saint Joseph Rizal’s Parents Francisco Mercado Rizal
Teodora Alonso Realonda
Rizal’s family belonged to the middle class; principalia


 Saturnina (1850-1913) * Paciano (1851-1930) – Rizal’s older brother and

his confidante; became a general of the Philippine Revolution.
 Narcisa (1852-1939) * Olimpia (1855-1887)
 Lucia (1857-1919) * Maria (1859-1945)
 JOSE (1861-1896) * Concepcion (1862-1865) – Rizal’s first sorrow;
she died at an early age of three.
 Josefa (1865-1945) * Trinidad (1868-1951) * Soledad (1870-

2. Sa Aking Mga Kababata

 First poem written by Rizal written in Tagalog. He also wrote a Tagalog

comedy while he was young

 Rizal’s Education. * His first teacher was his mother ,Doña Teodora then
employed tutors for the young Pepe:
1. Maestro Celestino 2. Maestro Lucas
Padua and 3. Leon Monroy

3. Biñan, Laguna - Rizal’s elementary years under Maestro Justiniano Aquino

CruzRizal learned painting under Juancho.

4. Ateneo de Manila (1872-1877

 Rizal entered the Ateneo on June 10, 1872, a few months after the
GOMBURZA were executed at Bagumbayan (Luneta)
 He started to use the surname “Rizal” in order to protect himself because
Paciano Mercado was a close friend of Father Jose Burgos, one of the
GOMBURZA martyrs.
 He also took private Spanish lessons at Santa Isabel College.
 He improved his poetic skills under Father Sanchez. His first poem in the *
Ateneo was entitled My First Inspiration, a poem dedicated to his homeland.

 Studied painting under the famous Spanish painter Agustin Saez, and
sculpture under a noted Filipino sculptor Romualdo de Jesus. Rizal sculpted
an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and is still in the Ateneo today.
 Rizal was the brightest pupil of his class throughout his stay at the Ateneo,
leading him to earn his Bachelor of Arts degree on 1872.
Segunda Katigbak – Rizal’s first romance.

5. University of Santo Tomas (1877-1882)

 Rizal enrolled in the course Philosophy and Letters but shifted to Medicine
after a year. He also finished his surveying course at the Ateneo in 1878.
 Leonor Rivera – Rizal’s long time girlfriend. To the Filipino Youth – best poem
written in Spanish. The Council of the Gods - - best drama written in
 He then left the UST because: * The Dominican professors were hostile to
him * Racial discrimination * Method of instruction was obsolete and

7. Rizal left for Spain aboard the steamer Salvadora.May 3, 1882

 Rizal enrolled in the Universidad Central de Madrid in two courses – Medicine

and Philosophy and Letters, graduated on June 1884 and June 1885
respectively. He studied painting and sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts
of San Fernando and took lessons in French, German, and English under
private tutors. He also Studied the arts and military engineering.

 March 1882 Rizal joined the Masonic lodge Acacia in Madrid. His reason for
joining Masonry was to secure Freemasonry’s aid in his fight against the
friars in the Philippines.


 After Graduation Rizal toured the many countries of Europe and met
many people and learned many cultures and languages.

 Scientific Affiliations * Member of the Berlin Anthropological and

Geographical Societies.

1. First Novel
 Rizal published the Noli Me Tangere at Berlin, Germany in 1887. Dr. Maximo
Viola – savior of the Noli; without him, the Noli would not have been
 Noli Me Tangere – from the Latin which means “touch me not”, quoted from
the Gospel of John Chapter 20, verses 13-17. He dedicated it to the
63 chapters and an epilogue.

 Characters of the Noli *Juan Crisostomo Ibarra – protagonist *

Maria Clara – a young mestiza maiden; lover of Ibarra
 Padre Damaso – a Franciscan friar; main antagonist of the novel; father of
Maria Clara
 Kapitan Tiago – foster father of Maria Clara; a rich Indio Padre Salvi – a
secret antagonist; infatuated with Maria Clara
 Elias – a patriotic Indio who helps Ibarra in his plans Sisa – a poor native
mother who was crazed because of life’s sufferings; she had two sons, Basilio
and Crispin. The novel was greatly criticized by most Spaniards was banned
in the Philippines for revealing its social, political and economic situations.

2. Asosacion La Solidaridad

 On December 31, 1888, Rizal was elected as honorary president of this

organization; he became the leader of the Filipino in Europe.
 He became active in the Campaign for Reforms, wrote many essays for the
newspaper La SOlidaridad founded by Jaena.
 Rizal subsequently founded many clubs and organizations
@ Kidlat Club @. Indios Bravos @. R.D.L.M. Society

3. Retiring from Leadership

 Rizal abdicated his leadership owing to rivalries and jealousies from his fellow
Filipinos in Europe.
 He now wanted to fight the campaign for reforms in his own way: go back to
the Philippines and face the lions

4. Second Novel

 Rizal published the El Filibusterismo at Ghent, Belgium on September 18,

1891. Valentin Ventura – savior of the Fili.
 Rizal dedicated this political book, and a sequel to the Noli, to the GOMBURZA
martyrs. More revolutionary and more tragic novel.

5. Characters of the Fili

 Simoun – a rich jeweller who was in fact Ibarra in disguise, bent on getting
revenge on his enemies and rescue Maria Clara in the convent.
 Basilio – son of Sisa who was now a graduating student of medicine.
 Isagani – Basilio’s close friend
 Kabesang Tales – a renegade native who allies with Simoun

6. La Liga Filipina
 Rizal founded this civic organization on July 3, 1892, after his arrival in
Manila. A few days later, he was arrested and was deported to Dapitan,


1. Exile in Dapitan

 Rizal remained in exile for four years. The Spaniards were afraid to execute
Rizal for fear of a massive revolt because Rizal’s novels made him very
popular among the masses and the middle class. He practiced his profession
in Dapitan and created a school. He helped improve the town of Dapitan.
 He also met Josephine Bracken, young Irish lass, whom he had a son, named
Francisco, but died in childbirth.

2. Rizal Arrested and Imprisoned

 Rizal left Dapitan in the service of the Spanish government as a military

doctor in the Cuban Revolution on July 31, 1896.
 He was arrested and incarcerated in Barcelona, Spain on September 8, 1896
and was deported back to the Philippines.

3. Rizal’s Trial and Martyrdom

 Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade became Rizal’s counsel for his military trial (even
though he is a civilian)
 Rizal was sentenced to death for the crime of complex crime of rebellion
through illegal association.
 He was executed through a firing squad (native soldiers) at exactly 7:03 AM,
Bagumbayan Field (Luneta) on December 30, 1896.
 His death marked the entrance of thousands of Filipinos in the Philippine
Revolution of 1896. Truly the greatest hero of the Filipino people.


1. Chinese Mestizo- a person if mixed Chinese and Filipino ancestry

2. Principallia- the ruling usually educated upper class in Spanish colonial Philippines
3. Bacheliller on Arte- Bachelor of Arts degree bestowed by colleges and universities.
4. Spanish Cortes-Spanish law making body
5. Ilustrado- term which literally enlighten one’s or the Filipino educated in Europe.
6. Masonry- fraternal organization which strives for oral betterment.
Assessment and Evaluation: Prelim Examination
Instructions: Identification: Use separate answer sheet for your answer. Use Test booklet
of school. Follow instructions.
Test 1. Fill in the Blank.

1____.A law integrating Rizal life and works in tertiary curriculum?

2.____ Measure which is passed through legislative process before become a law?
3.____involving two chamber of Congress, the Senate and house of the representative.
4.____The author and main defender of Rizal Bill’s.
5.____A former senator and chairman of Committee of education who sponsor the RA 1425”
6.____Who was the former president who signed the bill into a law known as RA No. 1425?
7._____RA 1425 known as Rizal’s Law was passed in the year _____leaving a colorful
narrative debate and contestation.
8._____A science of Language.
9_____.How many languages spoken by Jose Rizal
10.____Who was that elder brother of Rizal who takes care him because he is flimsy and sickly.
Test II. Multiple choice : Encircle the letter that corresponds to your choice.

1.Our national hero was born on __________.

a. June 16, 1869 b. June 19, 1861 c. June 18, 1961 d. June 22,
2. The complete name of our national hero.
a. Jose Pascasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda c. Jose Pascasio
Rizal Mercad y Alonzo Realonda
b. Jose Protacio Mercado Rizal y Realonda Alonzo d.  Jose Protasio
Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda
3. The godfather of Jose Rizal.
a. Rev. Rufino Collantes b. Rev. Pedro Casanas c. Benito Juarez
d. Francisco Mercado
4. What was the moral story of "The Story of the Moth"?
a. Listen to elders who have more experiences
c. Courage to face challenges in life
b. Dying for another is worth it if it is for that person to see the light d. Painful
times can make us stronger
5. The ninth child of Francisco and Teodora who was an epileptic and died a spinster.
a. Josefa b. Olympia c.  Soledad
d. Saturnina
6. The mother of Jose Rizal was imprisoned for how many years due to allegedly oisoning
her cousin-in-law?
a. 4 yrs b. 3 yrs and 6 months c. 2 yrs d. 2
years and 6 months

7. The law which provides that "courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal,
particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, shall be included in the
curricula of all schools, colleges and universities, public or private."
a. RA 1425 b. Rizal Law c. RA
1452 d. RA 1542
8.Jose Rizal was fondly called ____________ by his family and friends.
a. Totoy b.  Dodong c.  Pepito d.  Pepe
9. The Governor General who issued a decree directing all Filipino families to choose
new surnames from a list of Spanish family names.
a. Gov. Gen. Francisco Cruz c. Gov.
Gen. Maximo Gonzales
b. Gov. Gen. Narciso Claveria d. Gov.
Gen. Cipriano Alonzo
10. Jose Rizal's first teacher.
a. Gregorio Alonso b.  Paciano Mercado Rizal c.  Jose
Alonso d. Teodora Alonso Realonda
11. Jose Rizal's true love who personified Maria Clara in his novel Noli Me Tangere.
a. Segunda Katigbak b. Leonor Rivera c.  O Sei
San d. Josephine Bracken
12. What does filibustero mean?
a. One who protects the government c.  One who is
against the government
b. One who defends the government d.  One who
promotes the government
13. What does Ilustrado mean?
a .Members in society with education in Europe c. Members in
society with public education
b. Members in society who have part in the government d. None of the
14. Jose Rizal died at the age of ______________.
a.  25 b. 35 c. 43 d. 38
15. In what school did Jose Rizal finish his medical course?
a. Universidad Central de Madrid b. University of Santo Tomas c. 
Ateneo d  None of the above
16. Whose death brought Rizal's first sorrow?
a. Concepcion b. Olympia c.  Soledad
d. Saturnina
17. What did Spanish mestizo call the Filipinos they hated?
a. . "indios chonggos" b. Insularis c. Penesularis d. Chinese
18.. According to Leon Maria Guerrero, the surname Rizal is a Spanish surname which
a. a rice field b a barley field c. a wheat field d. a cornfield
19. Rizal’s older and only brother who became a fighting general of the Philippine Revolution.
a.. Paquito Mercado b. Paciano Mercado c. Panfilo Rizal d. Domingo
20 This was Rizal’s last writing, a poem of special magnificence written in pure Spanish
while waiting for his execution.
a. Himno a Talisay b. A La Juventud Filipina c. Mi Ultimo
Adios d. El Consejo de los Dioses

Test III. Identification:

1. First poem written by Rizal written in Tagalog.

2. What school Rizal’s elementary years under Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz
3. Rizal entered the Ateneo on _________.
4. the GOMBURZA were executed at Bagumbayan Known as _______.
5. Rizal’s first romance.
6. Rizal’s long time girlfriend.
7. Rizal’s best poem written in Spanish.
8. Rizal’s best drama written in Spanish
9. A first Novel of Rizal from the Latin word which means “touch me not
10. A Second Novel of Rizal which published in Ghent, Belgium on September 18, 1891.
11. A person if mixed Chinese and Filipino ancestry.
12. Cortes-Spanish law making body
13. Fraternal organization which strives for oral betterment
14. Bachelor of Arts degree bestowed by colleges and universities.
15. Principallia- the ruling usually educated upper class in Spanish colonial Philippines

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