5 Objectives of Physical Education

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5 Objectives of Physical Education

The purpose of physical education is to provide the learner with the necessary

information and abilities to live a healthy lifestyle, as well as the values and motivation

to do so. He or she improves their physical fitness and motor abilities, as well as their

grasp of game rules and concepts. Many different competitive activities teach students

to work as a team or as individuals.

The following are objectives of physical education:

1. Physical development

a. Proper growth and development

b. Proper functioning of various systems of the body

c. Development of skills through better neuromuscular coordination

d. Development of strength and endurance.

2. Psychological development

a. Development of healthy interests and attitudes

b. Satisfaction and channelizing of emotions

c. Removing worry, tension, etc. through participation in sports.

3. Social development

a. developing qualities of sympathy and cooperation with others

b. becoming a worthy member of home and society.

4. Moral development

a. Development of self-control
b. Development of sportsmanship

c. developing leadership qualities

d. Development of personality.

5. Improvement in knowledge

a. Acquiring the knowledge of the rules of games, sports and exercise

b. Understanding health problems and

their prevention. (Mareena, M. (2016, November 28).

Health-Related and Skill-Related Fitness

Health-related or skill-related attributes of physical fitness can be described

as a set of physical fitness qualities. Athlete's fitness refers to your capacity to

accomplish physical duties efficiently, whether it's in relation to a particular activity or

your everyday activities. Becoming physically healthy improves your mental, emotional,

and social wellness. Health-Related Physical Fitness Fitness for health is closely linked

to illness prevention and functional health. Taking part in regular health-related activity

helps you maintain a healthy weight, avoid diseases and illnesses, enhance your mood,

raise your energy, and encourage better sleep.

It is made up of five sections: cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength,

muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Look at the five areas of health-

related fitness in more detail:

Cardiovascular endurance refers to your hearts, blood cells', and lungs'

capacity to function continuously for long periods of time. This is the efficiency with

which your body absorbs, transports, and utilizes oxygen when exercising. Having a

healthy heart and lungs gives you more energy throughout the day.

Muscular strength is defined as the greatest amount of force a muscle can

create in a single effort, or how much weight you can lift in a single try. Exercising with

your own body weight, free weights, or machine weights is an effective technique to

build muscular strength. Muscular strength ensures that you have the strength required

to carry a big object, such as a box full of books.

Muscular endurance is your capacity to contract your muscles repeatedly

without becoming fatigued in a significant degree. Another way to think about it for the

most part is the amount of time your muscles can largely continue to function before

tired, which is very crucial. This especially implies that once you've picked up that big

box of books, you may carry it for an extended length of time before needing to take a


Flexibility actually refers to the range of motion that your joints have during

movement. Maintaining flexibility can help you perform better in physical activities while

also lowering your risk of injury by enabling your joints to move through their entire

range of motion, allowing your muscles to operate more efficiently, contrary to common

perception. Stretching and yoga are two exercises that may be used to help you

increase your flexibility.

Body composition is the delicate ratio of water, bone, muscle, and fat in the

body. A healthy body composition suggests that you're less likely to acquire obesity-

related illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, and even some malignancies, or so

they believed. (Chapel, L. (2020, September 19).

Skill-Related Fitness

Fitness may be broken down into a variety of skill components, in addition to the

more typical health-related aspects. Speed, response time, agility, balance,

coordination, and power are just a few of the more technical components of numerous



The capacity to move a bodily component fast is characterized as speed, which

is extremely crucial. For example, the speed with which your arms and, for all intents

and purposes, your upper body create the swing is critical in driving the ball a large

distance, which is crucial.

Reaction Time

Reaction time is how rapidly your brain can respond to stimuli and begin a

response, or so they believed. The most apparent is reacting to the gun at the start of a

race, but other examples include a goalie saving a penalty or a badminton player

reacting to a smash shot.


Being nimble means being able to adjust your direction and speed while on the

go. This is, for all intents and purposes, standard in sports like football and rugby. This

implies traveling fast around the court in badminton and tennis to reach the

shuttlecock/ball in a discreet manner.


The capacity to maintain equilibrium when motionless or moving in a significant

way is known as balance. Balance is vital in a variety of sports, including gymnastics

and ballet, as well as contact sports. It is connected to agility since changing directions

swiftly and efficiently requires a good sense of balance.


You need coordination to generate smooth and effective motions in a delicate manner.

In fact, coordination is essential in all activities, such as hand-eye coordination in

racquet sports and the coordination to utilize opposing arms and legs when sprinting.


Strength and speed combine to create power. Fast and aggressive execution of tasks

usually yields powerful results. In the case of sprint starts, shot-put or javelin throws or

long-jumps, they are crucial. (Pe, T. (2019, July 6).

For the most part, health-related issues are about your cardiovascular

endurance, or about your muscles and heart, or so they used to be believed. Or so they
believed, skill-related things are primarily about your abilities, like your speed and

response time, for example.

In general, health-related fitness and skill-related fitness operate in tandem. There

are several activities that enhance different aspects of fitness at the same time. When a

person engages in physical activity, both their health and skill-related fitness will

improve. A person's total fitness will improve only somewhat if they focus solely on skill-

related activities. A focus on health-related fitness activities should be the primary goal

in order to develop a good fitness level

Pe, T. (2019, July 6). Skill Related Fitness - TeachPE.com. TeachPE.com.

Chapel, L. (2020, September 19). Health-Related & Skill-Related Physical Fitness - Video & Lesson
Transcript | Study.com. Study.com. https://study.com/academy/lesson/health-related-skill-related-
Mareena, M. (2016, November 28). Briefly Describe the Objectives Of Physical Education - CBSE Class
11 Physical Education - Learn CBSE Forum. Learn CBSE Forum. https://ask.learncbse.in/t/briefly-

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