Merged PETA Grade 11 ABM 1

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Grade 11 – ABM
School Year 2021 – 2022

General Directions: Read and analyze carefully the given scenarios and accomplish the tasks that follow.
Apply your knowledge and skills acquired from your previous lessons in order to fulfill the given task. Then,
identify the GRASPS (Goal, Role of the student, Audience, Situation, Product and Standards) from the given
scenarios and indicate them on the table provided. Refer to the given rubric for the evaluation of your


The learners will be able to demonstrate the proper use of verbs to communicate effectively in a variety of
forms and situations.
They may choose among the following:
a. answering job interview questions
b. sharing an experience
c. giving instructions to operate things using emails
d. retelling conversations


Engaging Scenario:
Assume that you have just graduated from college and you have decided to apply for a certain job.
Believing that you have all the skills and qualities necessary for the job you are applying for, you have
submitted a copy of your resume through email to the company where you want to be part of.
One morning, the company in which you had submitted your resume called you and asked you to
come over on the next day for an interview. During the interview, the employer asked you to tell something
about yourself as a way of introducing yourself and as part of the initial process. In order for you to impress
the employer and to demonstrate how good your communication skills are, you have decided to use various
forms of verbs in communicating your thoughts and ideas. However, instead of doing the task orally, the
employer requested it to be done in written form. The employer wanted you to write a short essay that
could effectively introduce yourself and could prove that you deserve the open position for the company.
How will you introduce yourself in a short essay by demonstrating the proper and effective use of
tenses and other special forms of verbs at the same time?

Write your essay on a long bond paper and underline every form of verb used in your essay. Use
at least ten (10) correct forms of verbs in your essay. Identify the tenses and other special forms of verbs
used and make sure that each verb is used accordingly and properly. Each correct used of verb has a
corresponding point. You may refer also to the given rubric for the evaluation of your work.
Before writing your essay, do not forget to fill out the table that follows by indicating the GRASPS
from the given scenario. This will help you in clarifying the things that you must accomplish in your
performance task.




CRITERIA 1 point 2 points
3 points 4 points

Some contents of the The content of the essay

The whole content of
essay Most of the contents of is
Accuracy and the essay is
are inaccurate the essay are accurate very accurate and
Relevance of neither accurate
and somehow not and related to clearly related to the
the Content nor related to
related to the given goal/task. given
the given goal/task.
the given goal/task. goal/task.
The essay reflects an
The essay somehow The essay reflects
The essay does not exceptional
reflects student’s student’s
reflect any ingenuity degree of
Creativity and ingenuity and ingenuity and uniqueness
and uniqueness for it student’s
Originality uniqueness in in
looks similar from ingenuity and uniqueness
introducing introducing
others work. in introducing
himself/herself. himself/herself.
The essay manifests
The essay somehow The essay manifests
noticeable and multiple The essay manifests
manifests the proper outstanding and proper
errors in the application proper application of
application of tenses application of tenses and
of tenses and other tenses and other special
Usage of Verbs and other special forms other special forms of
special forms of verbs forms of verbs in context
of verbs in context to verbs in context to
in context affecting the to convey thoughts and
convey thoughts and effectively convey
process of conveying ideas.
ideas. thoughts and ideas.
thoughts and ideas.
The writing is coherent The writing is coherent The writing shows high
and logically organized and logically organized degree of attention to
The writing lacks logical
but some points remain with proper transitions logic and reasoning of
misplaced and stray used between ideas and points. Unity clearly leads
Organization It shows some
from the topic. paragraphs to create the reader to the
coherence but the
Transitions are evident coherence. conclusion and stirs
ideas lack of unity.
but not properly used Overall unity of ideas is thoughts regarding the
throughout the essay. present. topic.
Sentences sound
awkward, are Some sentences are
distractingly repetitive well-constructed and
Most sentences are well- All sentences are well-
and difficult to have similar structures
constructed and have constructed and have
understand. or length.
varied structures and varied structures and
Grammar and The writer made The writer made
length. length.
Mechanics numerous and several errors in
The writer made minimal The writer made no
noticeable errors in grammar and
errors in grammar and errors in grammar and
grammar and mechanics that
mechanics. mechanics.
mechanics that interfere with
interfere with understanding.


The learners will be able to critique a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on information
selection, organization and development.


Engaging Scenario:
Suppose you are an intern who is working for a credible newspaper agency – Philippine Daily
Inquirer. You are appointed to be part of the review team who proofreads essays, articles and columns that
are submitted by the resident writers.
One morning, you received an email from a sender. The email contains an essay that is to be
published at the Young Blood Section of the newspaper you are working at. Your editor in chief tasked you
to read the entry and to evaluate how the text is written focusing on its selection and organization of
information, coherence and cohesion, language used and mechanics. Your editor even asked your opinion
whether the essay deserves to be published or not. She also asked your insight how it could be further

Read the given text carefully and evaluate its content to determine whether the text possesses the
properties of a well-written text or not. Focus on its selection and organization of information, coherence
and cohesion, language used and mechanics. Write your evaluation on a long bond paper following the
given format:

Font Style and Size: Times New Roman, 12

Line Spacing: 1.5
Margins: 1 inch in all sides (justify)
Name and section must be written in the upper left corner of the paper.

Before writing your evaluation paper, do not forget to fill out the table that follows by indicating the
GRASPS from the given scenario. This will help you in clarifying the things that you must accomplish in
your performance task. Refer to the given rubric for the evaluation of your work.







Given Text:
‘Muslim ka?’
By: Nizam M. Pabil

“Sir, Muslim ka?” has always been an uncomfortable question for me. Answering “Yes” makes it worse
My first encounter with discrimination was in high school. I was a sophomore in a nonsectarian school that only
had less than 10 Muslim students. One day, some of my classmates and I decided to play in our school’s mini
playground. There were adorable preschoolers already playing in the swing. One kid approached and asked if he could
finally have his time on the swing. To my surprise, another kid shouted at him: “Huwag kang makipaglaro sa kanya,
Muslim siya (Don’t play with him, he is a Muslim)!”
I remember freezing for a moment after hearing those words. Where did she get that from? Who taught her
that? At that age? I was in disbelief. The kid wasn’t even talking to me, yet I felt insulted. Then I realized I was also a
Muslim, and that she was also talking to me. I felt I had to reprimand that kid, so I told her it was wrong and that sh e
should not say that to anyone again. “Bakit? Muslim ka rin (Why? Are you also a Muslim)?” the kid shouted back at me.
I honestly don’t remember what happened next, but that has been a reminder of what discrimination feels like for me.
I was reminded of it during my first time in Manila in 2010. I was part of the debate team that represented ARMM
(now BARMM) in a competition organized by the Commission on Higher Education. During our competition day, we
were asked to wear something to represent our region. Since one of us was already wearing a hijab, I suggested to the
other guy in our team that we wear a traditional male head cap. We decided to wear it the entire day. After our event,
we were brought to a nearby fast-food place for snacks. When it was our turn to order, the cashier looked at us with a
surprised face as she took one step back from the counter. It felt like we made her feel uncomfortable with what we
were wearing, and who we are. It reminded me of that encounter I had with that kid in high school.
Life has been a constant reminder of that moment since then.
I am reminded of it when a taxi or Grab driver asks me if I’m a Muslim (or if I’m from the Middle East), because
my name sounds like one and when they learn that I am from Mindanao. I’ve been kicked out of a taxi twice for answering
“Yes” to that question.
I am reminded of it when people casually tell me to “just remove the pork” when I complain about my food not
being halal.
I was reminded of it when Pilar College in Zamboanga City prohibited female Muslim students from wearing
their veil inside the campus, claiming that students have to respect the school’s “origins.”
I was reminded of it after the Marawi siege happened in 2017 when Islamophobia became a topic of discussion.
Maranao families, after fleeing Marawi for safety, were being rejected from renting apartments in nearby cities.
Authorities even proposed to issue Muslim IDs as one way of “securing” Filipinos from supposed threats.
I was reminded of it when, earlier this year, the Philippine National Police-Manila Police District released a
memorandum requesting an updated list of Muslim students in high school, colleges, and universities in the NCR. While
they said it would be used as “reference” for their peace-building program and other activities to counter violent
extremism, it felt like they were profiling Muslims.
I was constantly reminded of it when I was working in the ARMM government. My experience working with the
youth sector in conflict areas has made me realize that sometimes opportunities are limited for them not because there’s
none or they lack the capability, but simply because of who they are. The society they live in makes them feel that
Muslims have to do more and be more just to be recognized and appreciated. Some persevere and continue to believe,
while others are left with the only choice, they feel they have—joining rebel groups like the Abu Sayyaf and revolting
against the government.
I was recently reminded of it when residents of a Muslim community in San Andres Bukid, Manila, reported that
they were illegally searched and arrested by law enforcers on account of drug-related planted evidence. It happened
during our country’s 122nd Independence Day.
Discrimination can be a complex word to define, but it is best understood when you experience it yourself.
Discrimination against Muslims in our country, though, is not hard to come by. Unfortunately, as much as a lot has been
said about it and as more Muslim leaders continue to talk about it, it seems like we haven’t talked about it enough for
more people to rally against it.
When President Duterte certified the anti-terrorism bill as urgent, I was reminded of everything that made me
uncomfortable about being a Muslim.
Policies, especially those that want to address issues like terrorism, shouldn’t be rushed to the point of
compromising other important and basic factors such as human rights. Because, instead of protecting the public from
the harm of terrorism, it will just seem like an attack on our freedom and our identity.
If you are a Muslim and you live in a society where terrorism is easily linked to your religion, the new law should
concern you. Moreover, when you have a government which has continuously shown disregard of human rights and
even judicial processes in its implementation of other policies, the law should concern everyone. Your words of dissent
can be used against you. Your affiliations can be used against you. Your name alone can be used against you.
The discussion on the anti-terrorism law also mirrors how our country still sees Muslim discrimination—subtle,
and just “isolated cases.” However, it is anything but subtle and isolated.

It is something you hear from a preschooler’s mouth. It can be how a random person will react to what you wear.
It can be how a taxi driver will treat you. It is reflected in some academic institution’s policies. It is what’s written in the
memorandum of a police district office. It is when your house is illegally searched and you’re illegally arrested. It is why
some people feel like they need to work harder. It is why others choose to revolt.
Although the law reminds me of everything that made me uncomfortable about being a Muslim, it also reminds
me of why we need to speak up more.
Source: Pabil, Nizam M. (2020). Muslim ka?. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved from


CRITERIA 1 point 2 points
3 points 4 points

The main idea presented

The main idea The main idea
by the paper stands out
presented by the paper presented by the paper The main idea presented
and is supported by
Focus of the is not clear. is somewhat clear but by the paper is clear but
detailed information.
Content There is a seemingly there is a need for the supporting
There is one clear, well-
random collection of more supporting information is general.
focused topic.
information. information.

Some details are not in Details are placed in a

Details are placed in a
Many details are not in a logical or expected logical order, but the way
logical order and the way
a logical or expected order and may distract in which they are
Organization they are presented
order and are the reader. presented/introduced
effectively keeps the
distracting the reader. There is little sense that sometimes makes the
interest of the reader.
the writing is organized. writing less interesting.
The conclusion is strong
The conclusion is
There is no clear The conclusion is and leaves the reader
recognizable, but does
Conclusion conclusion, the paper recognizable and ties up with a feeling that they
not tie up several loose
just ends. almost all the loose ends. understand what the
writer is “getting at”.
The writer has not tried
to transform the The writer seems to be
The writer relates some The writer seems to be
information in a writing from knowledge or
of his own knowledge drawing on knowledge or
personal way. experience.
Personality or experience, but it experience, but there is
The ideas and the way The author has taken the
adds nothing to the some lack of ownership
they are expressed ideas and made them
discussion of the topic. of the topic.
seem to belong to “his own”.
someone else.
Sentences sound
awkward, are Some sentences are
distractingly repetitive well-constructed and
Most sentences are well- All sentences are well-
and difficult to have similar structures
constructed and have constructed and have
understand. or length.
varied structures and varied structures and
Grammar and The writer made The writer made
length. length.
Mechanics numerous and several errors in
The writer made minimal The writer made no
noticeable errors in grammar and
errors in grammar and errors in grammar and
grammar and mechanics that
mechanics. mechanics.
mechanics that interfere with
interfere with understanding.
Source: The rubric was modified and adapted from


The learners lead fitness event with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in
influencing others positively.


Engaging Scenario:
The Brgy. Captain of Barangay San Augustin will be holding a fitness and wellness activities for their
Basketball and Volleyball players with the theme: “Kaibigan Ehersisyo Tayo.”
As the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Chairman and a former varsity player, you are tasked to prepare
a workout program for them. This will be video-taped and will be sent to each of the players. The work out
should include all the parts of a proper work out such as warm-up and stretching. The program should
include aerobic and anaerobic components and should end with a proper cool down routine.
The video will be presented to the Sangguniang Pangbarangay’s coaching staff and will be evaluated
based on the creativity, effectivity, the value of the program of the selected exercises and the quality of the

Engaging Scenario:









(1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.) (4 pts.)
The video does not The video highly
The video shows The video has a clear
show proper shows encouragement
demonstration demonstration to
demonstration in doing in performing the task
Creation of video in performing the encourage individuals
the work out program and engage individuals
workout program but is in doing the work out
and is not encouraging to do the work out
not encouraging program.
for the individuals. program.
enough for the

Lacks elements that Shows enjoyment and

Shows unattractive Shows the importance importance which
will show the
Effectivity of the design that will result and the effectiveness result to the
importance and
design task to lack of effectivity of of the workout appreciation of the
effectivity of the
the workout program. program. workout program by
workout program.
the individuals and
meet its maximum
Exercise program Selection of activities is
Selection of activities Activities selected are Selection of activities is
selection carefully selected and
are not appropriate to appropriate to the appropriate to the
is very appropriate to
the workout program individuals to some workout program by
the workout program
by the individuals. extent only. the individuals.
by the individuals.
No appearance of new Somewhat use of new Use of new ideas for Shows creativity and
Originality idea for the workout idea for the workout the workout program exceptional use of new
program program ideas for the
workout program

Does not show the Somewhat shows the Shows value of proper Highly shows the value
value of proper fitness value fitness in the specific of proper fitness to the
to the specific work out of proper fitness to the work out program. specific work out
Valuing program. specific work out program.



Oral Communication in The learners will be able to write a 250-word essay of his/her
objective observation and evaluation of the various speakers watched and
listened to.
Philippine Politics and The learners will be able to evaluate pressing issues and problems
of Philippine politics and give possible course of action that will address the
issues or problems.


Engaging Scenario:
Suppose you are applying as a news writer for the campus newspaper. As part of your training, you
are tasked by the editor-in-chief to watch the first leg of Philippine Presidential Debate 2016 aired by GMA-
7 network (on February 21, 2016) and write an article evaluating the effectiveness of the answers and
explanations of each presidential candidate in his/her platforms. In addition to this, the editor would also
want you to identify some issues discussed during the debate and suggest some resolutions as part of your
opinions. He wants to see how objective and critical you are in giving opinions and suggestions regarding
a certain issue or situation. So, to come up with an unbiased and meaningful article, you have created a
rubric that will be used objectively for the evaluation. You may use the given rubric (Table A) below and
the table that follows to evaluate the performance of each candidate. The results from this evaluation might
be useful for you in writing your article. You may watch the first leg of Philippine Presidential Debate 2016
from the given link below.

Table A. Rubrics in Evaluating Candidates in the Presidential Debate 2016 (First Leg)


AREAS 1 point 2 points 3 points
Does not follow logical Follows logical sequence
Follows logical sequence, but
Organization sequence and completely and provides
fails to elaborate further
out of topic explanations/elaboration
No rapport with the Limited rapport with the Maintains rapport with the
Audience Impact audience and does not audience by showing audience by showing
show facial expressions occasional facial expressions sincere facial expressions
Speaks clearly and
Voice is soft with Voice is relatively clear with confidently with no
persistent grammatical minor grammatical errors, grammatical errors, and
errors and mispronounces and mispronounces some pronounces all terms
terms consistently terms correctly with a good voice
Speaks with no basis and Speaks with little conviction Speaks with conviction by
reference and oftentimes because the proposal presenting facts from
Credibility presenting the data presented is the result of statistics, intense research,
according to personal limited research and and actual participation in
judgment personal involvement the proposal presented

a. Question and Cannot address basic Addresses some of the Addresses all questions
Answer questions about different questions confidently with with thorough discussion of
issues and solutions limited discussion of the the issues and solutions
issues and solutions
Does not finish on time Uses the allotted time
b. Time Finishes on time in a hurry efficiently. Finishes on time

Source: Dapat, Jose Rizal O., Sadorra, Bryan Eli B. & Lumabi, Bethany Marie C. (2016). ORAL
COMMUNICATION IN FOCUS for SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (Core Subject). Quezon City, Metro Manila,
Philippines: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Table B. Evaluation of Candidates in the Presidential Debate 2016 (First Leg)

Audience Total
Candidates Organization Delivery Credibility Responsiveness
Impact Score

Write your article (a 250-word essay) on a long bond paper based on the observation and evaluation
you have conducted regarding the first leg of Philippine Presidential Debate 2016 aired by GMA-7 network
(on February 21, 2016). Using the results from the table above might be very useful in writing your article.
Refer to the given rubric for the evaluation of your work.
Before writing your essay, do not forget to fill out the table that follows by indicating the GRASPS
from the given scenario. This will help you in clarifying the things that you must accomplish in your
performance task.



CRITERIA 1 point 2 points
3 points 4 points

Some contents of the The content of the

The whole content
essay Most of the contents of essay is
Accuracy and of the essay is
are inaccurate the essay are accurate very accurate and
Relevance of neither accurate
and somehow not and related to clearly related to the
the Content nor related to
related to the given goal/task. given
the given goal/task.
the given goal/task. goal/task.
The essay does not
The essay reflects an
reflect any The essay somehow
The essay reflects exceptional
Creativity and ingenuity and reflects student’s
student’s ingenuity and degree of student’s
Originality uniqueness for it ingenuity and
uniqueness. ingenuity and
looks similar from uniqueness.
others work.
The essay clearly
manifests objectivity.
The essay manifests
The information and
The essay somehow opinions conveyed
Most of the information
The essay presents manifests objectivity. from the essay are
and opinions conveyed
biased information Some information and purely based from the
from the essay are
and opinions and opinions conveyed are results of the
based from the
Objectivity lack of supporting somehow based from evaluation conducted
evaluation conducted
and evidence and facts. the evaluation and are supported with
and somehow
Critical conducted. valid evidence and
supported with some
Thinking It does not identify factual details.
evidence and factual
any issues nor It identifies few issues
suggest but does not contain It identifies all of the
resolutions. any suggested issues discussed from
It identifies some
resolutions. the debate and
issues and suggests
suggested some clear
some resolutions.
and effective
The writing is coherent The writing shows high
The writing is coherent
and logically organized degree of attention to
and logically organized
The writing lacks but some points logic and reasoning of
with proper transitions
logical organization. remain misplaced and points.
used between ideas
Organization It shows some stray from the given Unity clearly leads the
and paragraphs to
coherence but the topic. reader to the
create coherence.
ideas lack of unity. Transitions are evident conclusion and stirs
Overall unity of ideas
but not properly used thoughts regarding the
is present.
throughout the essay. topic.

Sentences sound
awkward, are
Some sentences are
well-constructed and Most sentences are
repetitive and All sentences are well-
have similar structures well-constructed and
difficult to constructed and have
or length. have varied structures
understand. varied structures and
Grammar and The writer made and length.
The writer made length.
Mechanics several errors in The writer made
numerous and The writer made no
grammar and minimal errors in
noticeable errors in errors in grammar and
mechanics that grammar and
grammar and mechanics.
interfere with mechanics.
mechanics that
interfere with


Earth and Life Science: The learners will be able to create a project plan which will help alleviate one of
their community’s problems involving the Earth’s spheres.

Religious Education 1: The learners will be able to reflect on evil and suffering in the world through the
eyes of faith and reconcile with environment as a steward of creation.


This year, we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. The connection that we have to nature,
plants, and the land is integral to our health and all that we are. Earth Day reminds us to take care of our
planet—whether it’s cleaning up litter, planting more trees, recycling and repurposing, or going on a walk
in a green space amidst the wildflowers.
In most years, Earth Day events range from river cleanups to invasive dirt removals. With social
distancing in place for many of us this time of pandemic, Earth Day has gone digital. Virtual events, like
environmental lectures and films, took place on Earth Day instead. Of course, social distancing doesn’t
mean that you can’t go outside and enjoy nature, as long as you do so responsibly. Nature is
not cancelled! As the coronavirus invades our world, we can walk into nature knowing the power and spirit
of new life and old life still inhabits wherever we are. Look, stand in awe, breathe the air of wonder, and
ask: “How can I save this glorious space?” Then, act on the answer.
Your community will hold a program for the next celebration of Earth Day with a theme: Restore
Our Planet. The said event aims to help alleviate one of your community’s problems involving the Earth’s
spheres. As one of the Barangay Councilor who chairs the Committee on Environment and Natural
Resources of your barangay, you are tasked to submit a creative visual plan for the 51 st anniversary of
Earth Day. You are asked to plan a project, program, or event that you want to conduct in your community
that will demonstrate your support for environmental protection that will encourage or inspire the readers
to be more mission-oriented that focus on stewardship on the creation. The said project plan will be
evaluated by your barangay captain, SK chairperson, and other community members on the subject
matter, creativity/ambition, structure/flow, language, and visual appeal.







RUBRIC- Your performance task will be evaluated based on the following:
4 3 2 1
Criterion Excellent Proficient Developing Needs Improvement
Subject Matter Student shows a deep Student shows an Student shows some Student shows very
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the little understanding of
subject matter and its subject matter, and it is subject matter, but the subject matter and
greater implications. evident in the execution confusion is evident in thoroughly
Project plan shows of the plan. some aspects of the misinterprets the
integration of some plan. requirement.
advanced concepts.
Creativity/ The project proposed is The project proposed is The project proposed is The project proposed
Ambition very original, creative, original, creative, and somewhat original, is not original,
and ambitious. The somewhat ambitious. creative, and ambitious. creative, and
student is highly The student is highly The project has some ambitious. The
motivated, and the motivated, and the potential for success. student is uninspired,
project has a good project has a good and the project has a
potential for success. potential for success. low potential for
Structure and Flow The project plan is clear, The project plan is well The project plan makes The project plan is
concise, and has a organized and has a general sense but vague, disjointed, and
logical structure and sensible flow and requires some work to shows no sense,
flow. structure. Minor organize and structure structure, or flow. It
elements may need in a logical and also confusing to read
clarification. sensible manner. and difficult to
Language and Uses at least 2 Uses at least 1 Attempts to use Inappropriate
Grammar academic vocabulary academic vocabulary academic vocabulary language use or
terms accurately. term accurately. Most terms but may not do incorrect use of
Includes complete sentences are and use so accurately. Some academic vocabulary
sentences with appropriate sentence fragments or terms. Has several
appropriate punctuation. punctuation. run-ons. Punctuation grammatical errors
may be missing.
Visual Appeal All visuals are relevant, Most of the visuals are Some of the visuals are Visuals are missing,
purposeful, and eye- relevant and eye- relevant. distracting, irrelevant,
catching. catching. or too small.



Nakagagawa ng isang sanaysay batay sa isang panayam tungkol sa aspektong kultural o lingguwistiko
ng napiling komunidad.

Wika ko, mahal ko! Magtatalumpati ako!

Sa kabuuan ng markahan ay pinag-aralan natin ang iba’t ibang konseptong pangwika, mga gamit
ng wika sa lipunan at ang makulay na kasaysayan na pinagdaanan ng ating wikang pambansa. Sa
bahaging ito ay bubuo ka ng isang sanaysay na iyong bibigkasin tungkol sa kalagayan ng wika sa lipunan
at sa propesyong iyong kinabibilangan batay sa ibibigay na sitwasyon. Inaasahang manonood ka ng mga
panayam o mga kaugnay na sanggunian at pag-aaral upang makaganap ka nang buong husay batay sa
iyong gampanin. Inaasahan kong maisasagawa mo ito nang buong husay!

Engaging Scenario:

Ikaw ay isang kilalang matagumpay na propesyonal sa inyong bayan. Naimbitahan ka sa isang

Pambansang Kumperensiya ng Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF), ang samahang nagtataguyod at
lumilinang sa mga wika ng Pilipinas upang magsalita sa Cultural Center of the Philippines na dadaluhan
ng mga piling kabataan sa Pilipinas. Sa pagtitipon, maglalahad ka ng isang talumpati tungkol sa kalagayan
ng Wikang Filipino sa iyong propesiyon. Tatalakayin mo sa iyong talumpati ang kalagayan ng wika sa
kasalukuyan at kung paano ito nakatutulong sa iyong kinabibilangang propesyon. Maaari ka ring
magbahagi kung anong mangyayari kung hindi gagamitin at pahahalagahan ang ating wika sa iyong
propesyon. Layunin ng talumpating ito na maunawaan ng mga kabataan kung paano nakatutulong ang
wika sa iba’t ibang propesyono larangan maging ang kahalagahan nito sa ating lipunan.

Ang inihandang talumpati ay hindi lalagpas ng tatlong (3) minuto. May paghahanda sa ganitong uri
ng pagtatalumpati. Kailangang organisado ang talumpati bago bigkasin; dapat angkop ang kasuotan batay
sa tungkulin/hanapbuhay o larangang iyong kinabibilangan. Pagkatapos, bumuo ng video habang buong
husay mong isinasalaysay ang iyong talumpati. Malaya ka kung sasauluhin mo o babasahin ang iyong
inihandang talumpati.

Gawing gabay ang pamantayan sa pagsasagawa ng talumpati.

Nilalaman Higit pa sa Mahusay na Bahagyang Bigo na mapalutang
inaasahan ang napalutang ang napalutang ang ang orihinal na mensahe
pagiging orihinal ng orihinal na mensahe orihinal na mensahe ng talumpati at ang
mensahe ng ng talumpati at ng talumpati at ang damdaming dapat na
talumpati at angkop angkop ang damdaming ipinakita. maipakita.
na angkop ang damdaming
damdaming ipinakita.
Lakas ng Tinig Higit pa sa Mahusay ang lakas Bahagyang malakas Hindi gaanong malinaw
inaasahan ang lakas ng tinig/boses at ang tinig/boses at ang pagbigkas ng mga
ng tinig/boses sa pagbigkas ng mga ang pagbigkas ng salita.
pagbigkas ng mga salita. mga salita.
Kilos, kumpas, Higit pa sa Mahusay ang Bahagyang angkop Hindi angkop ang
o galaw inaasahan ang kilos/kumpas o ang kilos/kumpas o kilos/kumpas o galaw ng
kaangkupan ng galaw ng galaw ng tagapagtalumpati.
kilos/kumpas o tagapagtalumpati. tagapagtalumpati.
galaw ng
Dating sa Higit pa sa Tunay na Bahagyang Hindi kinagiliwan ng
manonood inaasahan, tunay na kinagiliwan ng kinagiliwan ng manonood ang
kinagiliwan ng manonood ang manonood ng talumpati.
manonood ang talumpati. talumpati.
Kasuotan Higit pa sa Tunay na angkop Bahagyang angkop Hindi gaanong angkop
inaasahan ang ang kasuotan batay ang kasuotan batay ang kasuotan batay sa
kaangkupan ng sa kanyang sa kanyang kanyang ginagampanan.
kasuotan batay sa ginagampanan. ginagampanan.




Organization & Management: The learner applies management theories and concepts in solving
business cases and analyze and summarized the various environmental forces affecting the firm using
PEST and SWOT Analysis, analyze the various environmental forces affecting the firm and summarize
these using Political Economic Social and Technological Analysis PEST) and Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis frameworks, and formulates effective plans for a specific
business endeavor and design an appropriate organization structure for a specific business.

Business Mathematics: The learner solves problems involving fractions, decimals, and percent related
to business.

General Mathematics: The learner accurately constructs mathematical models to represent real-life
situations using functions.

In this time of uncertainty, many Filipinos are suffering from starvation, difficulties, and distress in
sustaining the needs of their families. Many were detached from work; some lost their source of income;
and some businesses opted to close down due to insufficient income brought by this COVID-19 pandemic.
To contain the spread of this contagious virus, people are advised to stay at home especially the children
and the old ones for they are more susceptible to this pathological disease. Family’s financial health is
very much affected.

As an ABM student who has knowledge in business and management, you are tasked to craft and
submit a mini-feasibility of a small family business that requires small amount of investment or resources
to start-up which could help your family have additional income during this time of pandemic.

On the other hand, you will apply the concepts in General Mathematics and Business
Mathematics as you look at the feasibility of the business. You will provide a mathematical equation to
represent the price of business products. Specifically, the output in this part contains mathematical
models in the form of a function will be accomplished as a proof for identifying the cost, mark-up and
selling price. The data shall be presented through graphs or charts to show concepts on fractions,
decimals, and percent.

Your output will be presented in front of your family members for comments and recommendations
and will be submitted to your subject teacher for evaluation.

The mini-feasibility study will be evaluated based on the description of the business, PEST and
SWOT analysis, economic contribution, short description about owner’s profile, type of business strategies,
planning process, tools, techniques, and organizational structure.


Mini- feasibility Study format

I. Brief Description of the business
II. PEST and SWOT Analyses
III. Economic Contribution
IV. Short description about owner’s profile and the type of business.
V. Price of Products/Services (setting up selling price and determination of mark-up price for each
product or services offered)
VI. Planning Process, tools and techniques
VII. Organizational structure (Person’s involved/in charge)

Performance Task Rubric for Mini-feasibility Study

Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Developing Beginning

4 3 2 1
Information clearly Information clearly relates Information partially Information has little or
relates to the main to the main objective. It relates to the main nothing to do with the
Content objective. It includes all includes most supporting objective. It includes some main objective.
25% supporting details details required for the of supporting details
required for the concept concept of business and its required for the concept of
of business and its environment business and its
environment environment
There is a clear and There is a thorough There is a somewhat There is an incomplete
Analysis thorough analysis on the analysis on the various thorough analysis on the detail on the analysis of
25% various factors affecting factors affecting the various factors affecting the various factors affecting
the business. There is an business. There is a business. There is minimal the business. There is an
extensive use of facts that sufficient use of facts that use of facts that are strongly insufficient use of facts that
are strongly connected to are strongly connected to connected to the business are strongly connected to
the business the business environment. the business environment.
environment. environment.
The solution shows the The solution shows the The solution shows the The solution does not show
exact value using the value using the correct value and some of the the value and some of the
correct equation or equation or function rule. equation or function rule equation or function.
function rule. Mathematical concepts used are incorrect. Mathematical concepts are
Accuracy Mathematical concepts are applied to arrive at Mathematical concepts are not applied to arrive at the
are correctly applied to the correct answer. The somehow applied to arrive correct answer. There are
arrive at the correct use of charts and/or at the correct answer. There no charts and/or graphs for
answer. The use of charts graphs makes the are use of some charts presentation. Labels and
and/or graphs makes the presentation somehow and/or graphs for notations are not used to
presentation easy to read easy to read and presentation. Labels and identify the values and
and understand. Labels understand. Labels and notations are seldom used to relationship of data.
and notations are notations are used to identify the values and
properly used to identify identify the values and relationship of data.
the values and relationship of data
relationship of data.
The feasibility The feasibility study The can be generally The paper is poorly
study paper is paper is generally understood, although ideas written. Ideas are
Organization clear, concise, and well written. Ideas are sometimes presented in disjointed and difficult to
25% logical. Ideas flow are often presented a confusing and repetitive understand with poor
smoothly in a clear and manner with many grammatical construction.
throughout the organized manner grammatical errors.
report with no with few
grammatical grammatical errors.




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