02-New Covenant-A Better Sacred Trust

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New Covenant = a better sacred trust: https://biblehub.com/romans/13-10.

"The entire Law is fulfilled in a single decree: "Love your
many called, few chosen. r u clothed in neighbor as yourself." https://biblehub.com/romans/13-
equity? 10.htm
 Posted by M Todd on August 30, 2018 "let us love one another, because love comes from God.
 Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God."
how has one's journey continued in spiritual maturity https://biblehub.com/1_john/4-7.htm
after a realization of a full preterist view of the covenants?
have we failed to fully comprehend what a covenant is, and ... "for He comes to judge the earth. He will judge the
how to not enter into them again after being redeemed by so world with righteousness,
great a price? and the peoples with equity." https://biblehub.com/psalms/
can one say how it has changed their view of the 98-9.htm
kingdom, and point to the fruits of how it has changed their
relations with the society and its institutions around them? Maxims of Equity:
can one remain in double-mindedness, or must we "obey https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxims_of_equity
God rather than men"? 1 Equity sees that as done what ought to be done
why hasn't the world been turned right-side up again, 2 Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy
after coming into the truth of the spiritual nature of the 3 Equity delights in equality/Equality is equity (Aequalitus
kingdom? why hasn't it overcome, and transformed our est quasi equitas)
neighborhoods, communities, social and governmental 4 One who seeks equity must do equity
institutions? could it be something is still missing from our 5 Equity aids the vigilant not the indolent
understanding of the nature of the spiritual kingdom of a 6 Equity imputes an intent to fulfill an obligation
fulfilled eschatological view of the covenants? 7 Equity acts in personam (i.e. on persons rather than on
Why do people think they can "see" or "enter" the objects)
kingdom (John 3:3,5) without being "clothed in 8 Equity abhors a forfeiture
righteousness" (i.e. equity) (Eph. 6:14 )???? 9 Equity does not require an idle gesture
10 He who comes into equity must come with clean hands
"...when the king came in to see the guests, he spotted a 11 Equity delights to do justice and not by halves
man who was not dressed in wedding clothes. ‘Friend,’ he 12 Equity will take jurisdiction to avoid a multiplicity of
asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ suits
But the man was speechless. Then the king told the 13 Equity follows the law
servants, ‘Tie him hand and foot and throw him outside 14 Equity will not assist a volunteer
into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and 15 Where equities are equal, the law will prevail
gnashing of teeth.’ for many are called, but few are 16 Between equal equities the first in order of time shall
chosen.”https://biblehub.com/bsb/matthew/22.htm prevail
"You are mistaken because you do not know the 17 Equity will not complete an imperfect gift
Scriptures or the power of God. ... concerning the 18 Equity will not allow a statute to be used as a cloak for
resurrection of the dead, have you not read what God said to fraud
you: ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the 19 Equity will not allow a trust to fail for want of a trustee
God of Jacob?’ He is not God of the dead, but of the 20 Equity regards the beneficiary as the true owner
since a "trust" can be declared by a "will" alone (if the
"which commandment is the greatest in the Law?” Jesus intent is for a charitable purpose), why would one not see
declared, “‘Love (agape) the Lord your God with all your the new covenant as an 'executory contract' with "equity
heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is eyes"? Is not the christ, yahshua, the testator? (Heb 1 & 9)
the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like * trust: :http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/trust
it: ‘Love (agape) your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law * will: http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/will
and the Prophets depend on these two commandments.” * executory: http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/
love: http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/love * equity:
agape = http://biblehub.com/greek/25.htm http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/equity
equity: * deed: http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/deed
Gives new meaning to the word "faith" in James 2:18
"Love does no wrong to its neighbor. Therefore love is doesn't it? Show me your faith without deeds, and I will
the fulfillment of the Law." show you my trust by my deeds. [/quote]
* faith & trust are same: finished work of Christ, before the foundation of THIS
https://biblehub.com/greek/4102.htm (definition: faith, WORLD was laid, for being the Surety for one's sins/debts?
belief, trust, confidence; fidelity, faithfulness.) Indeed, this does appear to be at the core of a 'double mind,'
* if the maxim is "equity sees as done, what ought to be that is still present within mankind for having not yet
done" and the world has already been judged with changed their mind and ascended into the Son of Man by
righteousness, and the people with equity (ps. 98:0), why do proving their 'trustworthiness' in relation to the Will of the
we remain hesitant between two opinions and remain in Testator as expressed in the New Covenant.
Since the administration of the one government changed
just because one may be under the "grace" (equity) of a from bankruptcy to pure unadulterated equity in AD70,
new, better sacred trust does that give one license to "sin" so what is the hang-up? Why hasn't the truth of, "Christ in you,
grace may increase? or does it give license to once again the hope of glory," not reached the four corners of the Earth
become slaves to men, after being redeemed by so great a in nearly 2000 years since the event of the judgment in
price? by a specie of payment greater than gold/silver and AD33 and the second coming in AD70? Yes, there is in fact
the bankrupt traditions of men? something missing. Otherwise, one would be seeing with
is coming out of babylon (idolatry) and egypt (slavery) their very literal eyes, the kingdom of god manifesting
really so complicated once one sees the matter in light of itself, "...on this earth, as it is in heaven." So, what needs to
the James 2? be fixed, changed and/or upgraded?
Comment by M Todd on September 1, 2018 at 4:47pm
isn't it time to go deeper into spiritual maturity? church-state-blinders. church-state colored glasses. neo-
3- paradise restored: rehabilitation of (PTSD) post- pharisee definitions to new covenant doctrine. I could name
traumatic slavery disorder thru about a dozen more "blinding" factors that prevent most
separation from church & state April 1, 2018 (posted on "preterists" from understanding the moral-ethical-agape-
"Easter") duty of a fulfilled eschatological view of the 5th Kingdom
https://www.hosfell.org/single-post/paradise putting an end to all "nation-states" - see The Fifth
Kingdom: http://bibleprophecyfulfilled.com/articles.php?
2 - without a vision, people perish: but one who listens to id=79&p=3
instruction will be happy so lets start by defining "terms" (i.e. biblical words,
March 21, 2018 perverted by the world):
https://www.hosfell.org/single-post/volunteers 1. serve:
1 - …greater things you will do… the “royal priesthood” 2. master:
March 9, 2018 https://www.hosfell.org/single-post/way- http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/master
showers 3. calling:
without "immersion", there is no death to "adam" who is http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/calling
still under the curse of the law. without the "payment" (i.e. 4. election:
blood + life) the curse can not be redeemed/paid-in-full. http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/election
without "burial" there can be no "closing of the (PUBLIC) 5. sure: http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/sure
account". without "resurrection" (new spiritual birth John 6. judgment: http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/
3:3 ,5 ) there is no new creation as a "son of man" (in judgment
the image of the 2nd adam). so "Gal. 3:27 , Acts 2:38 , 7. work:
Rom 6" go together. which makes the "deed" of the one http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/work
who "laid down his life for his friends" what makes a new 8. volunteer: http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/
sacred trust possible, for those who confess this deed as volunteer
what they "trust" in. 9. surety:
Views: 537 http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/surety
10. debts:
Comment by Onlashuk SHUGAHARRA on September 1,
11. foundation:
2018 at 3:06pm
The unresolved question involving the biblical principal,
12. world: http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/
"No man can serve two masters," still appears to be an
unanswered question in regards to, "make your call and
13. double-minded:
election sure." What good is the finished work and
judgment of AD33 if mankind is still volunteering to be
surety for the debts of another man thereby nullifying the
14. ascend: http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/ get along" more important that doing what was "right,
Double-minded equitable and just" according to the new covenant?
15. present: lets' lay down the guantlet and call a pharisee a pharisee,
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/present shall we not? how many compromises have we made with
16. trust: the "legal society in control" of the "default" governing
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/trust "process" we find ourselves within in this "religious
17. worthiness: society" controlled by a "constitution"?
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/worthiness lets get to the root-cause of the idolatry... so we can focus
18. relation: on what needs to be "circumcised" from our hearts, and
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/relation crucified from our "self", eh?
19: will: http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/will Comment by Daniel Angus on October 27, 2018 at 9:19pm
20: testator: I am curious, with all the things I have learned and more so,
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/testator unlearned in my journey in faith in Christ. I was mistaken
21. covenant: indeed by accepting the personification given to me by my
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/covenant mother(the B.C.) and using it to gain things (licenses,
22. administration: accounts and many papers). Now I have closed accounts,
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/administratio canceled voter registry and not used the ALL CAPS NAME
n for a while now, as it (the NAME) belongs to Caesar and
23. bankruptcy: we are to render the things that belong to Caesar to Caesar
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/bankruptcy and that, that belongs to God to God. The "PERSON" is
24. unadulterated: Caesar's, I am God's. The "Person" is a Cest Qui Vie Trust
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/unadulterated with the B.C. being a counterfeit token of value that can be
25. equity: redeemed, but not for cash. I do not want cash! I am
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/equity wishing to be private and beneficiary to the estate of Christ
26. truth: through adoption. This being said, my question is this:
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/truth Some say I need to create a new Identity through Baptism in
27. hope: a new name, Ordained in a free church, create a Private
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/hope Non-Statutory Trust, Business Trust, Asset Holding Trust
28. glory: with an E.I.N. not perfected etc.. But my understanding at
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/glory this point is that the testator/our Father has already created a
29. literal: trust for us, for when we fulfill his will for us by following
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/literal his last will and testament by proclaiming Christ to be king
30. kingdom: to men/the Administrators of the world by attorning from
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/kingdom my allegiance as a citizen of the world to an heir by
31. manifesting: adoption of his ways and allegiance to the Most High, our
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/manifesting true father in heaven.
now this may seem "extreme", but short of taking a bat Comment by M Todd on November 7, 2018 at 6:38pm
upside the head of the church-indoctrinated double-minded, you've made me curious why you feel "accepting" the
what else will set-apart (make holy) people out of neo- "personification given to me by my mother (the B.C.) was a
pharisee idolatry if they don't begin by correcting their "mistake" or actually something you truly did? isn't the
PRESUMPTIONS of what words mean from their past opposite the problem? the fact one never actually
church-state indoctrination? "accepted" it, nor expressed any 'intent' when doing so, but
32: presumption: instead went off and used it for personal I.D. instead as a
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/presumption belligerent "Trustee de son tort? where does this idea
33: indoctrination: come from that "accepting" the B.C. is a bad thing? who
http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/indoctrinatio told you that? isn't that the problem? people tell us a bunch
n of things, on youtube and other "talking" sources but never
define anything or seek the truth out for oneself if such is
the reason the message isn't getting thru, is because they truly so?
appeal to an "emergency" that they themselves did not why would anyone want "closed accounts"? learn that
declare. who declared commercial war upon the people? from the a4v/ucc gurus? isn't it time to stop listening to all
who made "commerce" the "emergency" in the "nation- these people and seek out the logic (logos) of the mind of
state" one finds ones-self within? did you voluntarily christ?
choose this? or did you 'go-along' out of necessity for the does the "NAME" really belong to Caesar? who says?
sake of 'survival'? was "life" prioirites of "going along, to sounds like another silly youtube-guru fallacy without any
evidence to back it up. who told you this? or what actual
evidence did one find to validate this as truth? why did the most high" mean? where does that come from? who
jesus actually help pontius pilate out when it was the angry says? what "will" says that is how to do something?
jewish pharisees calling for his death? Pilate actually said May I suggest reading a simple book called "Obedience
he found no fault in him, washed his hands of the matter, Training" by B.A. Hunter? it may help. if you need a
and declared the blood of killing the anointed one (the printable and searchable copy in pdf format and promise to
christ) was upon the pharisee's head and their children. read it, send me a private request. it may help break down
historically rome has always been neutral (which will be all the confusion expressed from wherever you heard all the
gone into more detail in the reply to The 5th Kingdom above from.
Established AD70 Comment by Daniel Angus on November 10, 2018 at
who told you the "person" is a cest que vie trust (i.e. the 1:55pm
beneficiary)? who told you this total falsehood, that can't be I realize one should ask better questions.
proven, and has no evidence to support such a claim? at Yes the problem was that I used the B.C. as I.D. which it
least you correctly quote marcus of "http://servantking.info" was not intended to be used as and yes I used it as a
correctly in stating the B.C. can be redeemed, but not for belligerent “Trustee de son tort”.
money. so half truth is still no truth at all. What is one to do to correct this wrong doing? As I wish
why do you want to be "private"? what benefit is there to be in honor with our creator Abba/father.
to being private? why do you want to be "beneficiary to the I do admit to being double-minded, of the world and
estate of christ"? you want to replace the christ as the "heir looking to Christ, a fumbling idiot concerning many things
of all things"? isn't that the problem with all the youtube- but looking for truth regardless. I am not worthy, thank you,
jockeys, and internet-gurus spreading half-truths and as I have listened to many guru's and walked away from
unverified direct contradictions of the logos of one's them to find Christ. This is why I am here to learn the truth
creator? what's worse, is people spreading half-truths that in the ways of Christ.
they heard from others, without verifying anything for I do not wish to replace Christ but to follow him, how
themselves. maybe go back and review the first video in does one fulfill the law and return to equity?
marcus' series: Confusion of the Mind where he explains: I appreciate the fact that one has opened my eyes to the
"the problem in solving a problem using your mind, double mindedness I speak of. My concern is not for the
when the problem... ways of the world but of that which pertains to God only. I
some say? who says? why does anyone need a "new have been commingling the two realms in confusion.
identity"? what is "an identity"? isn't that the problem, not I no longer wish to be the prodigal child, how does one
the solution? isn't the opposite the truth? one needs to die truly correct ones path and return to eden?
to "IDentity"? why does one need a "new name"? what I know nothing for certain, even the bibles of today do
good is a "name"? where do these silly sayings come from? not quote scriptures perfectly, as I am now using e-sword to
Who says all these other things are needed? why does reference the original words used, any help in regards to
one need to be "ordained in a free church" or "create a trust proper comprehension of the Way, the Truth and the Light
for us" (who is this "us")? where does the testator of the would be greatly appreciated.
new, better sacred trust (i.e. the christ - heb 1:2) say any one The new Testament is Christ's promise of a new and
needs an "E.I.N. not perfected" or otherwise"? I don't know better covenant is it not? Would that be his last will and
where that scripture and verse can be found in abba's words testament to the ones that are called to overcome the world
in the book of books popularly known as "the bible", you and return to eden through his blood sacrifice?
got a reference? again, who is inventing all these half- As a co-heir, not the heir? As an adoptive son?
truths, delusions, and double-mindedness? If one is sure that reading this Book, Obedience Training"
where does your understanding come from re "the by B.A. Hunter (https://www.amazon.com/Obedience-
testator/our Father has already created a trust for us"? Training-B-Hunter/dp/B0064BXPYW) would help clear the
really? who told you this? where did this double- world from the double-mindedness this one is experiencing,
mindedness get dreamed up? does heb 1:2 say the testator then yes I would be interested in reading it.
is "our Father" (the pope in the Vatican, or which father)? Comment by M Todd on January 2, 2019 at 4:44am
does one "fulfill his will for us by following his last will so, what conclusions have you come to after reading
and testament" by "proclaiming Christ to be king to men/the Obedience Training? how far did you get in the month and a
Administrators of the world by attorney from my allegiance half since I sent you the PDF? what "better questions" did it
to the world"? um... I can't find that in any verse. can inspire you to ask?
imagine how that double-mindedness can be hobbled did you find answers to any of the questions you asked
together by quoting parts and pieces of different sections above? do wishes matter? many are called, but few are
and mixing it all up in a blender. chosen. what must one do to make one's 'calling and
what does "attorning from my allegiance as a citizen of election sure"?
the world to an heir by adoption of his ways and alliance to how is a prodigal son reformed, born new, transfigured,
etc. into a "son of man?" how is one adopted as "son"? who
is the one doing the adopting? notice how there are not
grandson's, only adopted sons?
who is the heir of all things? if that heir is heir to ALL
things, what is left to "inherent" by any "man"? where does
this idea come from that one becomes an "heir"? if it is all
about the heir of all things, what relation can one create
with such an heir?
why would one "wish" to no longer be a prodigal? isn't
the "way" to "return to eden" defined in said 'will" of the
testator of this new, and better covenant? so isn't it as easy
as reading the will for instruction on how this is done?

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