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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 149–158

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Blast induced rock mass damage around tunnels MARK

a,⁎ b b a a
H.K. Verma , N.K. Samadhiya , M. Singh , R.K. Goel , P.K. Singh
CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Barwa Road, Dhanbad 826015, India
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India


Keywords: Drilling and blasting is a preferred method of rock excavation world-wide due to low initial investment, cheap
Rock mass damage explosive energy, easy acceptability among the blasting engineers and, possibility to deal with different shapes
Blasting and sizes of openings. Although, drill and blast method has witnessed significant technological advancements, it
Maximum charge per delay has inherent disadvantage of deteriorating surrounding rock mass due to development of network of fine cracks
in it leading to safety and stability problems. The damage in the peripheral rock mass culminates in the form of
Attenuation characteristics
overbreak and damaged zone beyond overbreak. In some cases the projects cost has increased more than 15%
Perimeter charge factor
because of overbreak. Although significant efforts have been made to assess damage to the surrounding rock
mass using different methods, the solution based on easily available site parameters is still lacking. Authors have
carried out field investigations at five different tunnels located in Himalaya, India to study blast induced damage
for wide range of rock mass quality Q values (0.03–17.8). In addition to Q, specific charge, perimeter charge
factor, maximum charge per delay, advancement and confinement factors have also been used. Data sets of 113
experimental blasts are collected from the five tunnel sites. All the parameters, easily available to the site en-
gineers, have been used for developing an empirical correlation to estimate the rock mass damage around the
tunnel, which is discussed in the paper. The proposed empirical correlation has been validated using ultrasonic
tests on rock core samples obtained from one of the experimental location.

1. Introduction operations compared to open pit excavation due to lack of free face
(Gupta et al., 1988; Adhikari and Babu, 1994 and Murthy and Dey,
Rock excavation using drill and blast method (DBM) is commonly 2002). Practicing engineers attempt to achieve faster advancement in
used in mining, quarrying and tunnelling world-wide. The drill and tunnel and underground excavation by employing drill jumbos. Such
blast method is economical as compared to other mechanical methods drill machine significantly reduces drilling time with improved accu-
utilizing rock breakers, tunnel boring machines and road headers racy. Faster advancement rate using higher amount of explosives leads
especially with regards to tunnels excavation in varying geological to greater extent of blast induced rock mass damage (Murthy and Dey,
conditions. Low initial investment, cheap explosive energy, easy ac- 2003). Perimeter blasting techniques, such as smooth blasting
ceptability among the blasting engineers, possibility to deal with dif- (Holmberg and Persson, 1980) are commonly used to minimize damage
ferent shapes and sizes of openings and reasonably faster advance rate to surrounding rock mass beyond the designed profile of tunnel. Despite
in a suitable geotechnical mining condition collectively make DBM the improvement in blasting techniques, rock mass damage is still in-
preferred method of rock excavation (Innaurato et al., 1998; Murthy evitable and is evident in the form of increased support cost, slow
and Dey, 2003 and Verma et al., 2015). tunnel advancement, unstable rock mass, prolonged incubation period
The drill and blast method has witnessed considerable technological of the projects and enhanced post-construction tunnel maintenance
advancements particularly in the area of explosives, initiating devices, cost.
automation in drilling techniques and blast designs (Dey and Murthy, Various researchers have studied and given emphasis on de-
2011). Despite the technological advancement, DBM has the inherent termining the extent of unwanted damage induced by blasting beyond
disadvantage of damaging the surrounding rock mass resulting in the the desired perimeter of the tunnel. The significance and importance of
development of network of blast-induced cracks in the surrounding this damage have been deliberated by various researchers (Langefors
rock masses leading to safety and stability problems. and Kihlstrom, 1963; Bauer and Calder, 1978; Oriad, 1982; MacKown,
Blasting for underground excavation and tunnelling are difficult 1986; Singh, 1993; Scoble et al., 1997; Backblom and Martin, 1999;

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H.K. Verma).
Received 9 March 2017; Received in revised form 27 July 2017; Accepted 16 August 2017
Available online 19 September 2017
0886-7798/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.K. Verma et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 149–158

Fig. 1. Blast induced Rock Mass Damage Zone Tunnels

(Adapted from Singh and Xavier, 2005).

Raina et al., 2000; Ouchterlony et al., 2002; Singh and Xavier, 2005; smallest disturbance to the rock mass may have significant implications
Warneke et al., 2007; Ramulu et al., 2009 and Fu et al., 2014). Damage due to possible percolation of contaminants along the fine cracks. Rock
around an opening in underground has been described by using ter- mass damage in mining and dimensional stone industries causes ore
minology such as blast induced rock mass damage (BIRD), blast induced dilution. In tunnels too, rock mass damage has significant influence on
damage (BID), excavation damage zone (EDZ), rock mass damage zone cost and safety aspects. Extent and characterization of damaged zone
(RMD) etc. Blast induced rock mass damage zone surrounding an un- pertaining to design and development of high level nuclear waste dis-
derground opening consists of overbreak zone (failed zone), damaged posal repositories have been extensively studied (Martino and
zone and a disturbed zone. In the present research work, the definition Chandler, 2004 and Hudson et al., 2009; Waltona et al., 2015). Daemen
and significance of the three zones are as discussed below and shown in (2011) have emphasized on the importance of excavation damage zone
Fig. 1. (EDZ) assessment in design of nuclear waste repositories, especially at
The overbreak zone represents the zone beyond the minimum ex- locations where permanent seals are to be installed. Importance to the
cavation line of the designed periphery from where rock blocks/slabs blast induced rock mass damage in underground mining and tunnelling
detach completely from the rock mass. It is a measure of difference in has, however, received relatively less attention (Scoble et al., 1997).
excavation between ‘as designed profile’ and ‘as excavated profile’. In rock mass damage studies pertaining to tunnels, overbreak zone
Overbreak zone is undesirable and leads to cost over-run due to extra alone has been considered invariably as damage zone, whereas it has
excavation and backfilling, shotcrete, concrete or other material as per been found that the damage by blast extends beyond overbreak zone
designed support system. Overbreak varies from 5% to 30% which in- and plays vital role in the stability of underground structures in the
curs significant cost and increases cycle time of the tunnelling operation long-term sometimes. Mandal and Singh (2009) suggested that the
(Ramulu et al., 2009). damaged zone beyond overbreak zone should be considered in the
The damaged zone is a zone around tunnel beyond overbreak zone. design of the tunnel support systems.
The irreversible changes in the rock mass properties take place in this Although significant efforts have been made to assess damage to the
zone due to presence of network of micro-cracks and fractures induced surrounding rock mass using different methods, the solution based on
by the blasting excavation process. This zone is characterized by dete- easily available site parameters is still missing. Review of available
rioration in mechanical and physical properties and increase in trans- literature reveals that the results obtained from various blast induced
missivity properties (Saiang and Nordlund, 2009). damage estimation methods are inconsistent (Raina et al., 2000). Most
The disturbed zone is a zone in the rock mass immediately beyond of the methods are based on few cases and applicable to limited range
the damaged zone where changes in the rock mass properties are in- of rock types (Raina et al., 2000).
significant and reversible. This zone is dominated by changes in stresses The evaluation of rock mass damage from the surface geometry of
and hydraulic permeability (Palmström and Singh, 2001). the tunnel can be done by various methods such as manual measure-
Overbreak as well as damaged zone has significant impact on the ments, standard surveying, laser surveying with reflectors, photo-
project cost, construction time, safety and performance of the under- graphic sectioning and light sectioning methods. The limitations of
ground structures. During construction of tunnels and caverns, da- these methods are that they are too subjective, manually intensive,
maged zone can adversely affect the stability of underground openings time-consuming and often provide information only for a limited sec-
Enlarged extent of the damaged zone endangers safety of the front line tions (Warneke et al., 2007). Moreover, in some cases this will provide
workers as it may considerably reduce stand-up time of the rock mass. the information about the overbreak and not the extent of damage in
Functionality and post-construction performance of the structure will peripheral rock mass.
also be affected with enlarged extent of the damaged zone. Some of the damage prediction models are based on laboratory
The acceptable limit of damage to the rock mass varies with the investigations only wherein a single hole blast is considered. In actual
importance and requirement of the excavation in different industries field conditions because of number of holes, the quantity of explosive
(Olsson and Ouchterlony, 2003; Mandal et al., 2005). During con- and interaction of different parameters make the problem complex and
struction of a high level nuclear waste disposal system, even the hence the simplistic laboratory scale study may not be able to

H.K. Verma et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 149–158

adequately address the in-situ conditions (Reference). Predominant rock mass encountered, and range of the data and Q va-
Maerz et al. (1996) and Scoble et al. (1997) have emphasized that lues used in the study has been givenin Table 1. The tensile strength, P-
damage assessment method should be accurate, simple in procedure wave velocity and Young’s modulus of rock mass encountered at the
and should have a possibility to function under a large range of con- experimental sites have been presented in Table 2.
ditions. This will help the site personnel in making damage assessment Two types of rock masses namely thinly bedded phyllitic quartzite
a routine practice and timely implementing the control measures for (PQT) and massive phyllitic quartzite (PQM) have been encountered in
reducing damage. PSP project sites. Q-values of these two types of rock masses varied
Damage in the rock mass is influenced by several factors such as between 0.03 and 1.68 (Table 1) showing extremely poor and fair
blasting practices, rock mass properties, geological conditions and also qualities of rock masses. However, at Singoli-Bhatwari project site, and
by stress environment around an opening. The blast induced damage Tapovan-Vishnugaad project site rock mass encountered represented
happens with the blast, whereas the stress induced damagetakes place fair to good rock mass having Q-values in the range of 2.7–17.8
with some time with the interaction of rock mass and stresses in the (Table 1). The P-wave velocities of the rock mass have been found to
process of attaining a fresh equilibrium state. Thus, the impacts of vary in the range of 3.0 km/s to more than 6.0 km/s (Table 2).
blasting parameters seem to be significant in the immediate rock mass Rock mass characterisation, blast vibration monitoring, overbreak
damage around an underground opening. The stress induced damage assessment and estimation of damaged zone (as discussed in Section 3)
may be spread to a greater extent depending upon ground conditions was carried out during each blast operation. All the experimental blasts
(Hoek and Karzulovic, 2000; Singh and Xavier, 2005). The combined under observation were closely monitored. Efforts were made to carry
effect of blast and stresses has not been evaluated in this work sepa- out experimental investigation encompassing large range of Q values
rately. which are generally encountered in tunnelling. Thus, range of Q values
Stress environment and rock mass properties cannot be altered after covered in the present study varied from 0.03 (extremely poor rock
finalization of the project parameters but the blasting practices can be mass) to 17.4 (good rock mass). The cross-sectional area of tunnel
suitably refined to reduce damage (Backstrom, 2008). Therefore, it is varied from 25.9 sq. m. to 67.8 sq. m.
important to study the inter-relationship between extent of damage and
parameters of blast design in order to evaluate and limit the damage. 2.2. Selection of parameters
Researchers have emphasized on the need of quick, simple, inexpensive
and robust system for blast damage assessment (Mandal et al., 2008). In In underground construction using drill and blast method, rock mass
the light of above observations, efforts have been made in this study to damage around an underground opening primarily depends upon rock
develop empirical relations for estimation of extent of damaged zone mass conditions, stresses and blasting parameters. In this study, efforts
based on the data obtained from the field investigations at five under have been made to include all the influencing parameters to develop
construction hydropower project tunnels in Himalayan region of north empirical correlation.
India. It is appropriate to mention here that the commonly used ex- Parameters related to blast design such as hole depth, spacing and
plosives in these tunnels are small diameter cartridge slurry and burden of each hole, delay timing and firing sequence are collected
emulsion explosives. The field-oriented research work is planned to from each experimental blasting operation. The data for drilling pat-
develop simpler empirical approach to predict blast induced damage. terns including spacing and burden, (with emphasis on holes in peri-
Therefore, it was important to select parameters which are easily meter and penultimate row and hole depth) was collected during dril-
available to practicing site engineers without any laboratory tests. This ling operations. Parameters related to explosive consumption in a hole
empirical correlation will also help to integrate support design process as well as in total round, initiation system and firing sequence, max-
with routine blasting operation with due consideration to blast induced imum charge per delay were recorded during charging of holes in a
damage. blast round.
Record of pull in each round was obtained after surveying of tunnel
2. Field investigations and selection of parameters profile and advancement. Parameters such as total charge used in a
blast round (T), maximum charge per delay (W), Pull (l), hole depth (d)
2.1. Field investigations were directly available. Other parameters such as advancement factor,
confinement factor and perimeter charge factor were calculated from
Field experiments have been carried out to gain insight of these the recorded observation for each round of blast.
influencing parameters at five tunnel construction sites. The sites are In the proposed empirical correlation, specific charge (q), maximum
integral parts of three major hydro power projects located in Himalya, charge per delay (W), perimeter charge factor (qp), advancement factor
Uttarakhand state, India. These sites are as follows: (Af) and confinement factor (Cf) have been used to represent the
blasting operation in underground excavation. The parameters used are
• Access tunnels AA10R and AA7 from pump storage plant (PSP) described below.
project of THDC India Limited at Tehri,
• Head race tunnel (HRT) of Singoli-Bhatwari hydroelectric power • Specific Charge (q) (kg/m ): Specific charge is defined as ratio of

project (SBHEP) at Rudraprayag, total quantity of explosive used and rock volume broken. It is ex-
• Head race tunnel (HRT) and bypass tunnel (BPT) of Tapovan- pressed in kg/m3.
Visnhnugaad hydroelectric power project (TVHEP) at Tapovan. • Maximum Charge per Delay (W) (kg): It is maximum quantity of
explosive fired in a delay series. This is obtained from record of
The data was collected from 113 different test blasts undertaken at delay distribution in a blast round and charging pattern in each
five tunnel construction sites as shown in Fig. 2. hole.
The test sites have been selected based on suitability of rock mass • Perimeter Charge Factor (qp) (kg/m3): Similar to specific charge,
conditions for blasting experiments, relatively lesser overburden so that perimeter powder factor is the quantity of explosive used in peri-
stress environment around an opening has negligible influence on the meter holes and the volume of rock corresponding to burden of the
damage distance and the damage is predominantly governed by the contour holes.
blasting operation. The minimum and maximum overburden in the • Advancement Factor (Af): It is ratio of pull (l) and hole depth (d) in a
experimnetal tunnels were 56 m and 318 m respectively. There was blast round.
lesser variation in the topography of the experimental sites and there- • Confinement Factor (Cf): It is ratio of hole depth (d) and cross-sec-
fore influence of topography was not considered in the study. tional area of tunnel (a).

H.K. Verma et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 149–158

Singoli-Bhatwari HEP (99 MW)

Range of Q Rating: 3 to 10

TVHEP, Joshimath, (520 MW)

Range of Q Rating: 2.6 to 17.8

THDC PSP (1000 MW)

Range of Q Rating: 0.03 to 1.67

Fig. 2. Location of Field Experimentation Sites.

Table 1
Details of experimental project sites and range of data.
Source: detailed project report of respective projects (L & T- SBHEP, 2007; NTPC Ltd, 2006, 2010; THDC Pump Storage Plant Project Report, 2012).

Sl. No Project Site Tunnel Rock Type Number of Test Data Set Range of Q

1 Pump Storage Plant Project (PSP), Tehri AA7R Thinly bedded Phyllitic Quartzite (PQT) 27 0.8–1.1
2 AA10R Massive Phyllitic Quartzite (PQM) 30 0.03–1.68
3 Singoli- Bhatwari Hydro Power Project (SBHEP), Rudraprayag HRT Quartz Biotite Schist 20 2.7–11.1
4 Tapovan Vishnugaad Hydro Power Project (TVHEP), Tapovan HRT Augen Gneiss 24 3.6–4.3
5 BPT Quartzite 12 6.8–17.8

Table 2
Geotechnical properties of rock in experimental tunnels.
Source: detailed project report of respective projects (L & T- SBHEP, 2007; NTPC Ltd, 2006, 2010; THDC Pump Storage Plant Project Report, 2012)

Sl. No Experimental Tunnel Site Vibration Attenuation Equations σt MPa Vp m/s E MPa Vcr mm/s

1 HRT SBHEP −1.20 6.71 3267 12600 1739.8

Vppv = 1825.1 ( ) R
W 0.33
2 HRT TVHEP −1.598 8.7 5400 27900 1683.8
= 1390.5 ( ) R
W 0.33
3 BPT TVHEP −1.334 12.4 6200 55500 1754.5
= 2079.1 ( ) R
W 0.33
4 AA7 PSP −1.16 4.3 5400 10500 221.65
= 441.9 ( )
W 0.33
5 AA10R PSP −1.03 7.2 6000 12700 340.15
= 576.2 ( )
W 0.33

Notations: σt: Tensile strength, Vp: P-wave velocity, E: Young Modulus; Vcr: Critical peak particle velocity; SBHEP: Singoli-Bhatwari Hydroelectric Project; TVHEP: Tapovan Vishnugaad
Hydroelectric Project, Tapovan; PSP: Pump Storage Plant Project, Tehri.

The above parameters are recorded in all the blasting operations as (Maerz et al., 1996; Ibarra et al., 1996). The perimeter charge factor
routine practice and are easily available to the site engineers. In the depends upon advancement & confinement factors and maximum
proposed empirical correlation, hole depth, confinement factor and charge per delay. Therefore, perimeter charge factor along with max-
advancement factor represent blast design parameters whereas max- imum charge per delay, advancement and confinement factors has been
imum charge per delay, specific charge and perimeter charge factor included in the proposed empirical correlation.
represent explosive parameters. Effect of perimeter charge factor on Underground blasting operation is rela7tively difficult blasting op-
overbreak and underbreak in underground excavation is significant eration as compared to surface blasting due to lack of free face. The

H.K. Verma et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 149–158

relative ease of blasting operation increase with tunnel size (a). The Where,
specific charge in a blast round is also function of tunnel size. Specific Vppv = Peak particle velocity, mm/s,
charge reduces with increase in tunnel size (Olofsson, 1988; K , β = Site constant (function of characteristics of propagating
Chakraborty et al., 1994). The extent of rock mass damage is sig- media),
nificantly influenced by specific charge and confinement factor. Both R = Distance of measurement, md andW = Maximum charge per
the terms measure efficiency of blasting operation. A well utilized ex- delay, kg.
plosive energy in blasting round will produces lesser damage which is The constant K and β have been determined using least square re-
measured by advancement factor. The parameters such as specific gression analysis for all the sites.
charge, perimeter charge factor and maximum charge per delay are Pal Roy (2005) suggested that in order to improve the confidence
mutually exclusive and hence all the three parameters incorporated in level in vibration prediction model, the regression line is moved up
the empirical correlation. parallel. If the line is moved up by one standard error, then 84% of the
Rock mass characterisation has been carried out using rock mass actual values would be below the line. Similarly, moving up the line
quality system, Q, developed by Barton et al. (1974). Parameters of Q- 1.65 times the standard error, the confidence level would enhance to
systems are rock quality designation (RQD), joint set number (Jn), joint 95%. In the present study, the attenuation characteristic is derived at
roughness number (Jr), joint alteration number (Ja), joint water con- 95% confidence interval and same is used for prediction of the blast
dition (Jw), and stress reduction factor (SRF). All these six parameters of vibration in all the five sites. In this study, attenuation characteristic is
Q system are given individual rating and the numerical value of Q is derived at 95% confidence interval and same is used for prediction of
obtained using Eq. (1). In Eq. (1), the term (RQD/ Jn) is a measure of the blast vibration at all the five sites. The attenuation characteristics of
block size, (Jr/Ja) represents inter block shear strength and the term the vibration obtained at five sites are presented in Table 2.
(Jw/ SRF) is a measure of active stresses in the rock mass. SRF is also a Blast induced rock mass damage is a result of the induced dynamic
measure of rock burst, squeezing or swelling conditions Therefore, SRF stress during detonation. For an elastic medium, induced dynamic
is regarded as total stress factor (Singh and Goel, 2011). The value of Q strain can be calculated as a function of peak particle velocity (Vppv) and
varies from 0.001 to 1000. longitudinal wave velocity (????). Therefore, blast induced damage
arising in the rock mass is widely correlated with peak particle velocity
RQD ⎞ ⎛ Jr ⎞ Jw of blast induced vibration. In this study, extent of damage to the sur-
Q=⎛ ⎜ ⎟⎜⎛ ⎟ ⎞
⎝ Jn ⎠ ⎝ Ja ⎠ ⎝ SRF ⎠ (1) rounding rock mass is calculated using critical peak particle velocity
(vcr) (Holmberg and Persson, 1978; Singh, 1993; Kwon et al., 2009).
Q-system of rock mass characterisation has been recommended speci-
Critical peak particle velocity for each of experimental predominant
fically for tunnels and caverns with an arched roof (Singh and Goel,
rock mass is obtained using Eq. (3).
2011). It is observed that Q-system is preferred method of rock mass
classification for tunnels and caverns and it has been used to design VP σt
Vcr =
more than 1200 structures world-wide (Kumar, 2002). A large number E (3)
of field and design engineers as well as geologists are using Q-system for Where,
support design and engineering analysis of rock mass structures. Pre- Vcr=Critical peak particle velocity, mm/s
vailing stress environment influences damage to the surrounding rock VP = P-wave velocity of rock, m/sσt = Tensile strength of rock,
mass. In Q-system, stress reduction factor (SRF) is one of the parameters MPa, andE = Young’s modulus of rock, MPa.
which accounts for active stresses during construction of an under- Geotechnical properties of the predominant rock mass encountered
ground opening. Therefore, Q-system has been selected for rock mass at experimental tunnel site are presented in Table 1. The critical peak
characterisation in the present study. Moreover, number of correlations particle velocity (Vcr) value was obtained using Eq. (3) for each ex-
using Q parameter are available which can be used for obtaining other perimental sites. The damage distance from a blast round can be back
engineering rock mass properties used in analysis of underground ex- calculated using Eq. (2). Although the damage distance can be calcu-
cavation and design of supports. lated using Eqs. (2) and (3), efforts have been made in this study to
develop an empirical correlation based on readily available site para-
3. Estimation of damage distance (Dd) meters to directly estimate the damaged distance/zone. Following this
method, damage distance for all the observed blasts has been obtained.
During field investigation in each tunnel, vibration monitoring has
been carried out at all the sites for determination of attenuation char- 4. Analysis of the data
acteristics of blast induced ground vibration. Blast induced ground vi-
brations were measured using three different engineering seismographs The data obtained was analysed to gain insight into the influence of
namely MinimatePlus (MMP), Minimate Blaster (MMB) and Minimate the major blast design parameters to the damage induced by the
(MM), (manufactured by Instantel Canada). Monitoring of the blast blasting operation. Analysis of data reveals that maximum charge per
induced ground vibration was carried out as per the guidelines given in delay, perimeter charge factor, rock mass quality and advancement and
IS: 14881 (2001), ISRM suggested method (ISRM, 1992) and standard conferment factors significantly influence damage to the rock mass
operating pProcedures recommended in Instantel Minimate User around an opening. The contributions of the major parameters are
Manual (Instantel, 2009). Langefors and Kihlstrom (1963) proposed discussed in the following sections.
square root scaled distance. Ambraseys and Hendron (1968) further
modified and suggested a model for prediction of blast induced ground 4.1. Influence of rock mass quality (Q)
vibration attenuation for spherical charge geometry using cube root
scaled distance. Recently, Liang et al. (2011) conducted a comparative Fig. 3 shows the variation of average damage distance with rock
study of different scaled distances and recommended use of “cube root mass quality, Q. In general, the damage distance decreases with the
scaled distance law” for vibration study in tunnels as suggested by increase in Q-values. The average damage distance for rock mass having
Ambraseys and Hendron (1968). The suggested blast vibration predic- Q-value less than 1 is greater than 5.0 m. It sharply reduces to ap-
tion model is as given in Eq. (2). proximately 3.0 m for rock mass with Q-value greater than 4. The im-
pact of rock mass quality is significant in lower classes of the rock mass
R ⎞
Vppv = K ⎛ 3
⎜ ⎟ having Q-value less than 4. In higher classes of rock mass, impact of the
⎝ W⎠ (2) rock mass quality remains fairly uniform and possibly other parameter

H.K. Verma et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 149–158

6 sequential firing of the holes using adequate delay series. As the number
of delay series reduces, maximum charge per delay increases and thus
5 the blast induced damaged zone increases.
Avergae Damage Distance, (Dd ), m

Differential response of the rock mass for increasing values of the W

is governed by the significant difference in the threshold values of da-
4 mage. In case of poor rock mass, such as observed in phyllite rock in
AA10R and AA7 tunnels of PSP project, the threshold value is less than
3 500 mm/s of peak particle velocity. Whereas in case of gneiss and
quartzite rock mass encountered in other tunnels, the critical peak
particle velocity of the rock which causes damage is greater than
2 1500 mm/s. Thus in lower class of rock mass, damaged zone is much
larger as compared to the higher classes of rock mass for a given range
1 of W.
In tunnel blasting operation, firing sequence of the holes should be
such that the maximum free face is created towards the bottom of
0 tunnel section and hence maximum stoping can be done in favour of
<1 1-4 4 - 10 > 10
gravity (Chakraborty et al., 1994). Generally, maximum charge per
Rock Mass Quality Index, Q
delay is contributed by the bottom floor holes. Improper firing sequence
Fig. 3. Variation of Damage Distance (Dd) with Rock Mass Quality Index, Q. increase confinement of blasting operation and maximum charge per
delay which in turn increases extent of blast induced damage to the
of blast design plays pivotal role in defining damaged zone around an surrounding rock mass.
opening. In general, maximum stoping should be completed before firing the
contour holes in tunnel blasting. This enables contour holes to create
fracture using minimum explosive and hence least possible damage is
4.2. Influence of maximum charge per delay (W) inflicted to the remaining rock mass. All the holes at the perimeter of
tunnel are blasted in same delay. Higher charge concentration in
In any underground blasting operation, progressive enlargement of perimeter holes may also contribute to maximum charge per delay.
the free face shall be achieved by designing the firing sequence of holes Such blasting operation will have compounding impact on the blast
using different delay series. Proper distribution of the delay series en- damage zone and the resultant damage to the rock mass may be more
sures free face to each hole. The holes are fired in the direction of free than 4.0 m.
face thus utilising the explosive energy in breaking and displacing the
rock. The maximum charge per delay, W depends on the number of
4.3. Influence of blast design parameters
delay series used in a blast round. Improper delay distribution gives
excessive burden and spacing to the holes which leads to generation of
Fig. 5 is a plot of damage distance with parameters related to blast
the blast induced ground vibration resulting into greater extent of da-
design which include hole depth, advancement and confinement factors
maged zone. Thus, maximum charge per delay, W, influences sig-
and maximum charge per delay. The parameters are normalized with
nificantly the damage distance among other parameters.
rock mass quality index to make data comparable for different rock
The variation of observed average damage distance with maximum
mass conditions and tunnel sizes. In this study, experimental in-
charge per delay is shown in Fig. 4. In experimental blast rounds, range
vestigations have been carried in a wide range of rock mass quality
of W varied between 15 kg to 40 kg. Therefore, a range of 15–40 kg
(0.03–17.8) and tunnel size (25.9–67.8 sq. m.). The blast design para-
maximum charge per delay, W has been considered in the analysis. It
meters such as hole depth, advancement rate, confinement factor de-
may be noted from Fig. 4 that the damage distance, as expected, in-
pend primarily upon rock mass quality, tunnel size, etc. Therefore blast
creases with increase in maximum charge per delay.
design parameters and rock mass quality are grouped together as they
In tunnel blasting, it is important to achieve progressive enlarge-
are mutually inclusive parameters. The exponent to blast design and
ment of tunnel (Chakraborty et al., 2004). This can be achieved by

Damage Distance, (Dd ), m



< 15 25 30 35 40
Maximum Charge per Delay (W ), kg
Fig. 4. Variation of damage distance (Dd) with maximum charge per delay (W). Fig. 5. Variation of Damage Distance with Blast Design Parameters.

H.K. Verma et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 149–158

rock mass parameters used in the expression for predicting damage

distance is obtained by multiple linear regression analysis technique to
get best fit curve.
In general, damage distance increases with increase in advancement
factor due to increase in confinement factor, total charge and maximum
charge per delay. This can be attributed to the fact that in experimental
blasts, higher advancement has been achieved in most cases due to
increase in either hole depth or total charge used in blast round. Higher
value of total charge in a blast round will increase advancement but will
also cause more damage to the rock mass.
It is equally important to achieve optimum pull in every blast round
to utilise the explosive energy in useful productive work such as rock
breakage and throw. Under-utilised explosive energy will increase da-
mage to the rock mass due to increase vibration intensity (Berta, 1990).
An optimum advancement rate achieved through optimized blast de-
sign parameters will reduce damage in the surrounding rock mass. The
reason behind the decrease in damage may be due to the fact that the
increase in advancement factor also leads to optimum utilization of the
explosive energy which otherwise would have converted in blast in-
duced ground vibration.

4.4. Influence of explosive parameters Fig. 6. Damage Distance versus Explosive Energy Parameters for Q < 1.67.

In blasting operation, explosive energy appears in three forms,

maximum charge per delay (W), specific charge (q) and perimeter
charge factor (qp). Whereas maximum charge per delay is influenced by
the initiation and firing sequence of the blast round, perimeter charge
factor and specific charge are dependent on advancement of a blast
round. Maximum charge per delay and specific charge are measures of
explosive energy in the blast round whereas the perimeter charge factor
is parameter introduced to measure the damage created by the ex-
plosive energy in the contour hole. For a fixed amount of explosive
energy, greater advancement rate reduces perimeter charge factor as
well as specific charge.
All the three explosive energy parameters W, qp and q are grouped
as factor Z as given in Eq. (4). The vibration intensity in terms of peak
particle velocity is proportional to maximum charge per delay
(Langefors and Kihlstrom, 1963; Devine, 1966 and Dowding, 1985).
The basis of such formulation is commonly used square root scaled
distance concept incorporating all the collaborating parameters of blast

Z = qp0.15 W + q (4)

Fig. 7. Damage Distance versus Explosive Energy Parameters for Q > 1.67.
qp = Perimeter charge factor, kg/m3,
W = Maximum charge per delay, kg, and
Q = Specific charge, kg/m3. per delay due to large number of holes fired in same delay time on
In case of tunnels AA10 R and AA7, rock mass was of lower quality several instances. These conditions compound the effect of maximum
(Q < 1.67) whereas in other three experimental tunnels Q values were charge per delay with perimeter powder factor.
higher than 1.67. Data for these two cases are plotted separately due to Conventionally, contour holes are given last delay series so that the
difference in rock mass classes and also in blasting practices. In ex- maximum rock breaking is done in favor of gravity. Even in smooth
perimental tunnels AA7 and AA10 R rock masses are of very poor ca- wall blasting technique, contour holes are fired in same delay. Due to
tegory (0.03–1.67), cross-sectional area are higher (55.7–67.8 m2) and large number of holes in periphery, although lightly charged, their
hole depth is less than 2.5 m. In other tunnels, rock masses are of better contribution is comparable to that delay series, having maximum
quality, tunnel cross-sectional area is less than 40 m2 and hole depth charge per delay. In such circumstances, the effect of the perimeter
were greater than 3.0 m. charge factor increases and resultant damage distance is significantly
As shown in Figs. 6 and 7, factor Z (Eq. (4)) is directly proportional higher. Although the periphery holes provide a line of fracture along
to the damage distance. In both the cases a correlation coefficient of final line of excavation, due to it initiation in the last delay series, the
0.83 is obtained. effect of W is not restricted by the lightly charged contour holes.
In a blasting operation in underground excavation, contour holes Therefore, the damage distance is enhanced by the perimeter charge
are fired in the last delay series. All the holes are assigned same delay factor.
and spacing in these holes are lesser than the burden of the contour Differential response of the rock mass for increasing values of the W
holes. Such firing arrangement creates a fracture line along the final is governed by the significant difference in the threshold values of da-
excavation line. Such arrangements of delay for periphery holes, al- mage. In case of poor rock mass, such as observed in phyllite rock in
though these holes are lightly charged, contribute as maximum charge AA10R and AA7 tunnels of PSP project, the threshold value is less than

H.K. Verma et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 149–158

are incorporated in the form of advancement factor and confinement

factors. Optimum advancement rate reduces damages, whereas, higher
confinement factor reduces ease of blasting operation and requires
additional explosive energy to achieve equivalent advancement rate as
compared to blast with less confinement rate.
Eq. (6) can be further simplified as Eqs. (7) and (8)
⎡ qp0.15 W + q ⎛ da ⎞ ⎤
Dd = 0.96 ⎢ ⎜l⎟ ⎥−1.28
⎢ Q 0.33 ⎥
⎣ ⎝d⎠ ⎦ (7)

⎡ qp W + q Cf 0.15⎤
Dd = 0.96 ⎢ ⎛ ⎞
Q 0.33 ⎜ ⎟ ⎥−1.28
⎣ ⎝ Af ⎠ ⎦ (8)

Dd ⩾ 0
Confinement factor, Cf = a
Advancement factor, Af = d
Fig. 8. Plot of Factor D and observed damage distance, Dd. d = Depth of drill hole, m,
a = Tunnel cross-sectional area, m2, and
500 mm/s of peak particle velocity. Whereas in case of gneiss and Equation (8) can be used for prediction of the damage distance in-
quartzite rock mass encountered in other tunnels, the critical peak duced by blasting in underground excavation. The proposed empirical
particle velocity of the rock which causes damage is greater than correlation, as given in Eq. (8), encompasses parameters related to rock
1500 mm/s. Thus in lower class of rock mass, damaged zone is much mass quality (Q), explosives energy (W, qp and q), blast design (d and
larger as compared to the higher classes of rock mass for a given range Cf), tunnel size (a) and also results of the blasting operation (Af) which
of W. all influences damage to the rock mass in a tunnel blasting operation.
The proposed correlations are based on readily available site para-
5. Empirical correlation for prediction of damage distance (Dd) meters which may be helpful to the practicing engineers and geologists
in the optimization of the support design of rock mass.
As discussed in the preceding section, damage distance is influenced Eq. (8) gives impression that energy parameters are used repeti-
by the blast design parameters and rock mass quality. Analysis of var- tively in the recommend correlation. It may be noted that all these three
ious parameters considering the general trend of the field data and also parameters are mutually exclusive. In a same blast design, values of W,
the damage mechanics was performed to develop an empirical corre- qp and q can be altered without changing other parameters. In blast
lation for prediction of Damage distance Dd using all the parameters. round, having same drill hole depth and total charge, arrangement of
Exponent of blast design parameter in the expression are obtained by firing sequence will change the values of W. Pull of the blast from such
sensitivity test and using multiple linear regression analysis technique changed configuration will alter values of qp as well as q. Inclusion of
to represent the best fit curve. Fig. 8 shows plot of a factor D (Eq. (5)) these three parameters will therefore be able to assess their effect on
and damage distance (Dd) obtained as discussed in Section 3. In Fig. 3 blast induced damage distance.
all the observed Dd values obtained using field investigation at five Endeavour of an excavation engineer is to achieve maximum ad-
tunnel construction sites have been plotted and the equation of best fit vancement in each round of blasting operation so that the production is
line is obtained as Eq. (6). maximum and progress is faster. It is suggested that the blast design
parameter shall be optimized for achieving progress in each round ra-
qp0.15 W + q 2 0.15 ther than merely increasing explosive quantity. Achieving advancement
D= ⎛d ⎞
⎜ ⎟

Q 0.33 through optimized blast pattern is also advantageous in reducing blast

⎝ al ⎠ (5)
induced damage to the surrounding rock mass.
⎡ qp W + q d 2 0.15⎤
Dd = 0.96 ⎢ ⎛ ⎞ −1.28R2 = 0.88
Q 0.33 al ⎠ ⎥
⎜ ⎟
6. Validation of empirical correlation
⎣ ⎝ ⎦ (6)
Fattahi et al. (2014) carried out a study for selection of a suitable
Dd ⩾ 0
method for the assessment of excavation damage zone using fuzzy AHP
Where, in Aba Saleh Almahdi tunnel in Iran. They compared various methods
Dd = Damage distance, m, qp = Perimeter charge factor, kg/m3, of assessment of excavation damage zone for a tunnel in Iran using
W = Maximum charge per delay, kg, fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. They found the geophysical method
q = Specific charge, kg/m3, and borehole core drilling and logging as reliable one amongst other
Q = Rock mass quality index (Barton’ Q-system) techniques.
d = Hole depth, m, The proposed empirical correlation has been validated using geo-
l = Pull, m, and physical test on rock core samples obtained from ten locations from
a = Tunnel cross-sectional area, m2. HRT of SBHEP project. Ultrasonic tests have been performed on the
The factor D (Eq. (5)) have been formulated on the basis of corre- rock core samples following guidelines as per ISRM suggested method
lation as discussed in the preceding section and principle of the con- (ISRM, 1981). Percentage reduction of P-wave velocity with depth was
struction blasting operations. It may be noted that that the explosive computed from the ultrasonic test data. As per Liu et al. (2009) and Fu
energy parameters (W, q and qp) are proportional directly to damage et al. (2014), the threshold of damage is defined as a 10% reduction in
distance. The rock mass quality index bears inverse relationship with the P-wave velocity as compared to the P-wave velocity of the un-
extent of the blast induced rock mass damage as good quality rock mass disturbed rock mass and computed at each coring locations. It has been
can sustain higher level of the vibration. The blast design parameters assumed that rock mass at maximum drill depth represents undisturbed

H.K. Verma et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 149–158

4 this study. The combined effect of blast and stresses has not been
evaluated in this work separately. Many researchers have re-
Predictd Damage Distance
commended to neglect SRF during rock mass characterisation and to
Observed Damage Distance assess the effect of stress separately. Tolerance limit of the damage
depends upon the purpose and service life of the underground struc-
Damage Distance, m

tures. Therefore, further research is recommended to incorporate such

aspect in the studies pertaining to damage assessment.

Authors express their gratitude to the project authorities of National

1 Thermal Power Corporation Ltd, New Delhi, THDC India Ltd.,
Rishikesh, M/s L & T, Tapovan-Vishnugaad Hydropower Project. Team
of engineers and geologists from L & T Singoli-Bhatwari Hydropower
Project have also provided great help in field investigations. Their
0 contribution is also thankfully acknowledged.
424.8 22.0 25.0 350.4 353.3 359.0 431.4 472.1 474.7 478.0
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