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Thank you for the generous introduction.

It is both an honor and a privilege to be

your guest speaker. I am truly grateful for your hearty welcome and acknowledgment.

First of all, let us praise and thank God, glorify His name for His great power, for
this gift of life and for our good health to be together on this very memorable and
significant day.

My warm greetings, first to the proud parents. I can hear your hearts beating in
joy for this accomplishment. Congratulations to all of you for you have set the strong
foundation for the development of these students - physically, emotionally, socially and
the greatest of all, spiritually – because you are their first teachers. Their lives tomorrow
will be better, more satisfying, more fruitful and meaningful because of the teachings
they learned from you. I believe that the basic lesson you have taught your children is,
“A family that prays together, stays together” not just in words but more importantly, in
deeds. Your love, prayers and guidance are their strongest standing grounds.

To Reverend Father Jake Cawas, the school Director, teachers and staff of St.
Theresita’s High School Balbalan, headed by the Principal, Ms. Melanie Pan-oy, I give
you a snappy salute for your untiring guidance and supervision to provide quality
education to these students. It is not just time that you have given these students, but it
is your life because when you spend time, you spend a part of your life which you could
never take back. Your commitment to teach these students bespeaks well of your love
and concern for them. Sharing your best knowledge unselfishly for these students is a
concrete manifestation of your gratitude to God; and being grateful to God, you are
inviting more blessings in your lives.

To the barangay officials in your respective barangays especially Hon. Basingan,

the members of the Brgy. Council of Poblacion and the entire constituents, I commend
you for having contributed much in the well being of these students. I know that the
advices you gave them, no matter how simple or little they may be, have helped them
grow and improve. Remember that big things come from little things. The moral and
physical support you gave to the school is manifested by its distinguished reputation
and this reflects the character of the entire barangay and municipality as well.
Congratulations for your inspiring encouragements.

With your joint efforts, Parents, dedicated mentors and caring community people,
you are now reaping the fruits of your labor. Let us continue to guide these students
through the right path bearing in mind that the best way to achieve their ambitions is the
fear of God, who is in control of everything.

My dear terrified graduates, you are about to enter the most uncertain and
thrilling period of your lives. The stories you are about to live are the ones you will be
telling your children and grand children. Dear graduates, graduation is the same thing
as taking that first baby step as a child. It is only the beginning, not the end. When each
additional step is taken, new skills are developed. First there is the attainment of
balance but, as we all know, a fall is unavoidable. However, with each fall, there is also
the will to try again. Defeat is not an option because nobody could discourage you from
trying again; thus, take the advent of graduation as that first step where life’s difficulties
or failures only spark new attempts with the full understanding that nobody could
discourage your progress except you. Only you have the power to decide what your day
will be like – if it will be happy or unhappy depends on the decisions that you make. You
have to make the right choice to be a happy person. It starts with your attitude. How we
interact with others can determine our success or our failure. One rule of success is to
treat people as you want to be treated.

Graduates, you are among the more fortunate individuals who will receive a
diploma today. Remember that millions of young people have never had the chance to
go to school and I tell you, they deeply wish they are in your place right now. Your
theme “K to 12 Learners; Ready to face life’s challenges”, is a challenge itself and I dare
all of you to take this challenge. Your education have developed your skills and abilities
that will enable you to accomplish the seemingly impossible and to contribute the finer
things which we all hope to enjoy.

After today, each one of you will be walking in different paths, but whichever way
you will go, always remember this day of your graduation because I believe that today,
you have visions of success, you have goals you want so much to achieve and you
have a life you want to live. This world you live today is extremely competitive and the
best way to compete is to have knowledge through education. Graduates, bear in mind
that knowledge is power. But this should not mean power over anyone. It should mean,
knowledge is power to make life beautiful for yourself, for your family and for other
people. Never forget that in order for you to serve your fellowmen, you must make
yourself strong for how could you serve others when you are weak and incapable?

We join in prayers that years from now, you shall be the God-fearing
administrators, managers, people in authority and the like and that you will not falter and
fail. Straighten up your dreams and once you have set your goals, keep chasing them
by following the right path. The journey may be long, winding and sometimes rough, but
do not get stuck. If ever you fall, get up and keep going. As long as you have God with
you, no dream is impossible to achieve. Remember that nothing happens by chance
and everything that happens has a reason. You just have to trust God.

Thank you and have a good day!

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