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DHARMSINH DESAI UNIVERSITY, NADIAD )) FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY B.TECH. SEMESTER M1 [CE] Examination TNS! 1. Answer each section in separate answer book. Figures to th ‘SUBJECT: (CE-312) DIGITAL AND ANALOG COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Seat No : ie gig — INS: ght indicate maximum marks for that question. 2 3. The symbols used carry their usual meanings. 4, Assume suitable data, if required & mention them clearly. 5,__Draw neat sketches wherever neces: SECTION -1 QA Doas directed. fo} @) ©) Write expression of a SSB(Single Side Band) signal @ssg(t) for a case of a tone [2] modulation, that is, when modulating signal is a sinusoid m(t) = COS mt. Justify the statement: “In binary PCM, the transmitted signal power is reduced at the cost of [2] increased bandwidth”. (©) Justify the statement: “ A vestigial side band (VSB) inherits the advantages of DSB and SSB [2] but avoids their disadvantages at a small cost” (4) _ For the signal shown in figure below sketch g(t-4) and g(2t) PI a 3 2 (©) A function x(t) has a PSD S_(w). Find the PSD of time derivative of x(t) 2) Q2_ Attempt Any TWO from the following questions, 19) (@) State time scaling property of Fourier transform. Also discuss significance of the same. [5] b) (©) Q3 (a) () Using time sealing property show that if 9(6) + G(w) then g(—t) + G(—a). Using this result and the fact that e~*u(t) + <2, ind the Fourier transform of u(t) and Find exponential Fourier series and sketch the corresponding spectra for the periodic square (5) wave shown in figure below. wb 1 oe = Ss me = If g(t) and y(t) are the input and the output, respectively. of a simple RC low pass filter [5] shown in figure below, determine the transfer function H(.o) and sketch |H(o)|, h(«) and. td(@). For distortion less transmission through this filter, what is the requirement on the bandwidth of g(t) if amplitude response variation within 2% and time delay variation within '5% are tolerable? What is the transmission delay? Find the output y(t) kei + + 2 c= 10% x0) ge mn ‘Two signals m, ( and m: (Q, both band-limited to $000 rad/s, are to be transmitted [5] simultaneously over a channel by the multiplexing scheme shown in figure below. The signal at point b is multiplexed signal, which now modulates a carrier of frequency 20,000 rad/s. The modulated signal at point c is transmitted over a channel. 1. Sketch signal spectra at points a, b and . 2. Design a receiver to recover signals m; (t) and m2 (1) from modulated signal at point c Mo) mio, ina fo 5000 oe 20s 10000 Find Fourier transform of rect(W/1). Also show that the Fourier transform of rect(t] is [5] sine(@/2)e**. Prove the property of Fourier transform that you used to obtain the later rent Q3 (@) List the methods of Carrier acquisition in, pepsc Discuss any one in detail. (b) Determine power and RMS value of following signals: 1. Ccos (wot + 8) 2. Deltst SECTION - Q4 Doas directed. (@) A signal m (®) of bandwidth B=4kHz is transmitted using a binary companded PCM with 1-100 for the case of L=256 compute transmission bandwidth and output SNR. () Ina DM system, the voice signal is sampled at a rate of 64 kHz. The maximum signal amplitude is 1 volt, voice signal bandwidth is 3.5 kHz. Determine the minimum value of the step size to avoid slope overload. (©) What are the advantages and disadvantages of bipolar signaling? (@) When a 50.4 MHz carrier is frequency modulated by a sinusoidal modulating signal, the highest frequency reached is 50.405 MHz. Calculate the frequency deviation and lowest frequency attained by frequency modulated signal. (©) Determine the peak phase deviation’ for a phase modulator with a deviation sensitivity ey=2.Srad/V and a modulating signal x(t) = 2cos (2x x 20008). (© How to achieve a DC Null in PSD of line code by pulse shaping? Q5 Attempt Any TIO from the following questions. (@) Consider the following (k+1,k) systematic linear block code with the parity check digit Ci.) given by Curpmdytdytdy..tdy 1. Construct the appropriate generator matrix for this code. 2. Construct the code generated by this matrix for k=3. 3. Determine the error detecting or correcting capabilities of this code. (b) What is the importance of signaling with controlled ISI? How it is achieved? Binary data, stream 110110001011 1 is applied to input of a system which uses signaling with controlled ISI. Compute the output of that system if duo binary pulses are used. Explain decision rule at detector also compute detected sequence at receiver. (©) An audio signal of bandwidth 4KHz is sampled at a rate 25% above the Nyquist rate and quantized. The quantization error is not to exceed 0.1% of the signal peak amplitude. The resulting quantized samples are now coded and transmitted by 4-ary pulses. 1. Determine the minimum number of 4-ary pulses required to encode each sample. 2. Determine the minimum transmission bandwidth required to transmit this data with zero ISI. 3. If Nyquist criterion 4-ary pulses with 25% roll off are used to transmit this data, determine the transmission bandwidth. Q6 (@)_A signal g(t) = sinc?(Smt) having spectrum G(o)=0.2 AGS) is sampled at a rate of: (i) SHz ; Gi) LOHz. For each of the two case: 1, Sketch the sampled signal. 2. Sketch the spectrum of the sampled signal. 3. Explain whether you can recover the signal g(t) from the sampled signal (®)_ Give details on Bandpass limiter. OR Q6 (a) A sinusoidal signal of 4k#z modulates an analog carrier signal using FM process, producing ‘maximum frequency deviation of 10kHz. 1. Determine the approximate bandwidth of the FM signal using Carson's rule. 2. ‘The frequency of the modulating signal is decreased to 2 kHz and its amplitude is increased by a factor 3. Determine the maximum frequeney deviation and the approximate bandwidth of the resultant FM signal. (®) If the signal v(t) = 20 sin (27 x 106 + 10 sin(2m x 10°t)) represents a Phase Modulated signal determine the frequency deviation Af and deviation ratio (©) Derive the equation of detection error probability for polar signal. {5} {5} {10) e) ie 2) RI) a 2] {10} [5] {5] (5) 15] {5} GB} 2) (5) DHARMSINH DESAI UNIVERSITY, NADIAD ] FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY 2 B.TECH. SEMESTER If (Computer Engineering] SUBJECT: (CE-310) Data Structures and Algorithms Examination: & Seat No : Date 1 06 //2/20/6 Day Facog Time FJoreo f [ops Max. Marks — : 60 INSTRUCTIONS: 1, Answer each section in separate answer book, Figures tothe right indicate maximum marks for that question. ‘The symbols used carry their usual meanings. Assume suitable data, ifrequired & mention them clearly. Draw neat sketches wherever necessary. : SECTION -1 Q1 Doas directed. (a) Which of the following statements is/are TRUE for an undirected graph? P: Number of odd degree vertices is even Q: Sum of degrees of all vertices is even (A) P Only B) Q Only (© Both P and Q (D) Neither P nor Q [10] 2] (b) Which tree is having time complexity is equals to O(log n) for insertion, deletion and [2] searching? Explain how? (©) What are the real time applications of link list in a computer science ? (@)_ What is the maximum height of a Red-Black Tree with 14 nodes? (©) What are the maximum number of edges with N vertices in DiGraph and Graph? Q.2 Attempt Any TWO from the following questions, 2) 2) 2] {10] (a) Implement a complete pseudo code to check whether a singly link list is palindrome [5] or not. (b) Perform insertion and deletion for the following data with respect to 2-3 tree. Insertion Data: 20,55,30,21,100,57,23,27,121,140,99,87 Deletion Data: 87,99,100,140,30,57,27,23 (© Perform insertion and deletion for the following data with respect to AVL tree. Data are same as Q2-(b) Q3 Answer the followings. (@) What will be the output of following recursive function for a given linked list? Link list : 1>2>3->4>5->6 void fun2(struct node* head) 7 iffhead==NULL) e return; 5 . : printf("%d ", head>data); ifffhead->next != NULL ) fun2(head->next->next); printf("%ed ", head->data), + Implement an iterative pseudo code for the same. ©) Apply Single source shortest path on a given graph of Fig.1 OR Q3 Answer the followings. (@) Suppose there are even numbers of nodes in a singly linked list. Implement a pseudo [5] code to swap adjacency elements only. Eg. Input : 1->2>3->4->5->6 , output : 2>1>4>3>6.>5 () Write down Prim’s algorithm and apply on a given graph of Fig. 2 re 15] 15] [10] 15] 15] [10] 15]

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