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Clement, C. R. (lnstituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amaz6nia, Cx. Postal 478, 69011-970

188-202, 1999. There may have been 4-5 million people in Amazonia at the time of European
contact. These people cultivated or managed at least 138 plant species in 1492. Many of these
crop genetic resources were human artifacts that required human intervention for their main-
tenance, i.e., they were in an advanced state of domestication. Consequently, there was a
relationship between the decline of Amazonian Amerindian populations and the loss of their
crop genetic heritage after contact. This relationship was influenced by the crop's degree of
domestication, its life history, the degree of landscape domestication where it was grown, the
number of human societies that used it, and its importance to these societies. Amazonian crop
genetic erosion probably reflects an order of magnitude loss and the losses continue today.


E O DECL[N[O DAS POPULA~OEsHUMANAS.A Amaz&nia poderia ter tido de 4 a 5 milh6es de
habitantes quando os Europeus chegaram. Estes povos cultivaram ou manejaram pelo menos
138 espgcies vegetais em 1492. Muitos destes recursos gengticos eram artefatos humanos que
requeriam a interven~ao humana para sua manutengao, ou seja, estavam hum estado avan~ado
de domestica~ao. Conseqiientemente, existiu uma rela~o entre o decl[nio das popula~6es in-
d(genas da Amaz&nia e a perda de seus recursos gendticos ap6s o contato. Esta rela~ao foi
influenciada pelo grau de domestica~ao do cultivo, sua hist6ria de vida, o grau de domestica~ao
da paisagem em que foi cultivada, o nt~mero de sociedades ind(genas que o utilizou, e sua
importdncia a estas sociedades. A erosao dos recursos gendticos indfgenas da Amaz&nia pro-
vavelmente reflete urea perda de um ordem de magnitude e as perdas continuam hoje.
Key Words: Amazonia; landscape domestication; crop domestication; pre-Columbian de-
mography; European contact; genetic erosion.

The crop genetic resources of the Neotropics are human artifacts and depend upon humans for
are extremely rich and varied. They represent their continued existence. During the centuries
one of the greatest pre-Columbian Amerindian immediately after European contact, human pop-
achievements and continue to benefit humans ulations in the Americas were drastically re-
around the world (Harlan 1992:235). At least duced, with as many as 9 0 - 9 5 % of the people
257 species were cultivated in the Americas killed by European diseases or resisting the con-
when Columbus arrived in 1492 (Le6n 1992), queror's attempts to enslave them (Denevan
several of which are staples today in various 1992b; Dobyns 1966). Amazonia occupies half
parts of the world, e.g., maize (Zea mays), po- of South America but, because of lack of data,
tato (Solanum tuberosum), and cassava (Manihot is often neglected when discussing American
esculenta). Many of these crop genetic resources crop origins and diversity, while attention is fo-
cused on the better studied Andes (Pearsall
Received 12 February 1998; accepted 8 December 1992). In this paper, I hypothesize that this lack
1998. of attention is not due to a paucity of indigenous
Dedicated to the memory of Paulo Sodero Martins, crop plants in pre-Columbian times, but is par-
1941-1997, fellow student, researcher and professor of
South American crop domestication, origins and bio- tially the result of the post-Columbian demo-
geography. graphic collapse in the Amazon basin and the

Economic Botany 53(2) pp. 188-202. 1999

9 1999 by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A.

adjacent lowlands in northern South America. A pothesize that a significant portion of this heri-
companion paper discusses the biogeography of tage was lost when the indigenous human pop-
crop diversity at contact. ulations were nearly eradicated. Due to the lack
American prehistory is now the subject of am- of physical evidence, i.e., the crop genetic di-
ple debate generated by new, sometimes contro- versity itself, this paper defines landscape and
versial research findings. Genetic analyses (e.g., plant domestication and relates them to genetic
Bonatto and Salzano 1997a,b) suggest human erosion when human populations disappear; lists
arrival in the Americas well before 12 000 years the crop species probably present at contact and
before present (BP), the date most widely ac- categorizes them with respect to their degree of
cepted until recently (Cavalli-Sforza, Piazza and domestication; and reviews estimates of Amer-
Menozzi 1994). The earliest humans in South indian population density at contact and the ex-
America are now thought to have been broad- tent of population decline suffered by these peo-
spectrum hunter-gatherers (Dillehay et al. 1992), ples. The synthesis of this information provides
and occupied parts of Amazonia very early an order of magnitude estimate of the post-con-
(Roosevelt et al. 1996). The oldest pottery yet tact collapse of Amazonian crop genetic resourc-
reported was recently found along the eastern es.
reaches of the Amazon River, dated to 7-8000
BP (Roosevelt et al. 1991). Pottery is generally LANDSCAPE AND PLANT
associated with a shift to sedentary lifestyles DOMESTICATION
(Meggers 1988), necessary for intensive agri- Clear definitions of domestication are essen-
cultural development. In the millennium before tial to understanding the rapid loss of crop ge-
contact, some human societies built earthworks netic resources in Amazonia after European con-
in various parts of lowland northern South tact. Domestication of a plant or animal species
America. These earthworks were designed to is a co-evolutionary process, so one expects to
control water for crop production (Denevan find plant or animal populations that exhibit var-
1966; Denevan and Zucchi 1978), or as habita- ious degrees of domestication (Harlan 1992:64).
tion mounds (Roosevelt 1993), suggesting high Domestication of the biotic and abiotic land-
local human population densities or long gesta- scape is a cultural process, where human knowl-
tion periods or efficient societal organization to edge about the consequences of environmental
supply the labor for their construction. manipulation accumulates and becomes more
When Francisco de Orellana descended the comprehensive over time (Harris 1989). Conse-
Amazon River in 1542, he reported high popu- quently, it is important to define both plant and
lation densities along the Amazon River flood- landscape domestication and some categories
plains, the vdrzeas (Carvajal 1894; Denevan within each that are important for the present
1992b), although the reliability of this report is discussion. As Harris (1989) emphasizes, do-
questioned (Galloway 1992 and Gheerbrant mestication is a continuum of human investment
1992, cited by Meggers 1993-5). Denevan in selection and environmental manipulation, so
(1992a) emphasizes, however, that "high" is rel- its subcategories are merely constructs that im-
ative to other parts of Amazonia, not to the An- perfectly reflect the real world. It is also impor-
des, MesoAmerica or some Caribbean islands. tant to remember that indigenous peoples fre-
Given the long occupation and the possibility of quently practice(d) all forms of landscape do-
advanced societies (Roosevelt 1993), one would mestication at the same time (Harris 1989; Rin-
expect to find a rich crop genetic heritage, as dos 1984:153) and that they do not always
occurs in other areas with long occupation and/ distinguish domesticated from wild plants the
or advanced societies (Harlan 1992:52; Hawkes way I do here (V. M. Patifio, pets. com., 1994).
1983:67; Vavilov 1992a,b).
A rich crop genetic heritage and associated PLANT DOMESTICATION
crop management practices were probably major Plant domestication is a co-evolutionary pro-
instruments for "the remarkable success of the cess by which human selection on the pheno-
indigenous population in enhancing the subsis- types of promoted, managed or cultivated plant
tence potential of one of the world's most un- populations results in changes in the popula-
predictable and ecologically complex regions tion's genotypes that make them more useful to
. . . " (Meggers 1992a:38). In this paper I by- humans and better adapted to human interven-

Lion in the landscape. As Darwin (1882) pointed cause fewer individuals meet the selection cri-
out, human selection may be either unconscious teria and are therefore included in the next gen-
or directed (Heiser 1988). For plant domestica- eration. The plants retain sufficient ecological
tion to take place, however, there must be selec- adaptability to survive in the wild if human in-
tion and management to cause differential repro- tervention ceases, but the phenotypic variation
duction and survival, contrary to Rindos' (1984: selected for by humans will gradually disappear
154) definition that includes co-evolution with- in the natural environment.
out human selection. The degree of change in
the targeted population can vary: 5. Domesticated
A plant population similar to (4) but whose
1. Wild ecological adaptability has been reduced to the
A naturally evolved population whose geno- point that it can only survive in human-created
types and phenotypes have not been modified by environments, specifically in cultivated land-
human intervention. scapes (Harlan 1992:64). Genetic variability is
generally less than in (4) because of increased
2. Incidentally Co-Evolved selection pressure and loss of ecological adap-
A population that volunteers and adapts in a tation. If human intervention ceases, the popu-
human disturbed environment, possibly under- lation dies out in short order, depending upon its
going genetic change, but without human selec- life history, stature and the type of vegetation
tion. This definition corresponds approximately that invades the abandoned area. In clonally
to Rindos' (1984:154) "incidental domestica- propagated crops, a single genotype may be the
tion." Many weeds are examples of incidentally domesticate, but also is lost soon after it is aban-
co-evolved species, which can also enter the do- doned.
mestication process if humans start to select for
their useful traits and start to manage or cultivate 5a. Landrace
them (Harlan 1992:90). A domesticated (or occasionally semi-domes-
ticated) population selected in a cultivated land-
3. Incipiently Domesticated scape within a restricted geographical region
A population that has been modified by hu- with high phenotypic variability and relatively
man selection and intervention (at the very least high genetic variability.
being promoted), but whose average phenotype
is still within the range of variation found in the 5b. Modern Cultivar
wild population for the trait(s) subject to selec- A highly selected and modified plant popu-
tion. The variance of this average is probably lation or clone adapted exclusively to intensive
smaller than that of the original wild population, monocultures with much reduced phenotypic
however, as selection has started to reduce ge- and genetic variabilities,
netic variability. This definition corresponds
roughly to Rindos' (1984:158) "specialized do- LANDSCAPE DOMESTICATION
mestication." Landscape domestication is a conscious pro-
cess by which human manipulation of the land-
4. Semi-Domesticated scape results in changes in landscape ecology
A population that is significantly modified by and in the demographics of its plant and animal
human selection and intervention (at the very populations, resulting in a landscape more pro-
least being managed) so that the average phe- ductive and congenial for humans (Chase 1989;
notype may diverge from the range of variation Hams 1989; Yen 1989). The intensity of manip-
found in the wild population for the trait(s) sub- ulation may vary widely:
ject to selection. The variance of this phenotypic
average may be larger than that of the wild pop- 1. Pristine
ulation, because the phenotypic variation now A landscape in which humans have not ma-
includes both types that are common in the wild nipulated plant or animal populations. It is un-
population and types that are novel. Underlying likely that there was much pristine landscape in
genetic variability [e.g., isozyme variation (Doe- Amazonia at contact, nor is there today (Bal6e
bley 1989)], however, continues to decrease be- 1989; Denevan 1992c; Smith 1995).

2. Promoted tivated landscape, which yields well for a few

In this category desirable plant populations years but becomes progressively more difficult
and individuals are encouraged through minimal to weed and tend as soil fertility decreases. Use-
forest clearance and expansion of the forest ful weeds and volunteer or transplanted shrubs
fringes (Groube 1989). Even though there may and trees are managed at progressively lower in-
have been a low level of human intervention, tensities until a managed secondary forest re-
the biotic components of this landscape may re- sults (the fallow) (Denevan and Padoch 1987).
main modified long after humans have aban- This is the most visible sequence of indigenous
doned the area. landscape domestication in Amazonia today
(Roosevelt 1989), but may have been less prev-
3. Managed aleut before the introduction of metal axes (De-
In this category the abundance and diversity nevan 1992d). The managed fallow remains
of food and other useful plant populations may long after humans have abandoned it and may
be further encouraged through partial forest account for several of Bal6e's (1989) anthropo-
clearance, expansion of the forest fringes, trans- genic forest types, e.g., Brazil nut (Bertholletia
planting of desirable individual plants or plant- excelsa), bacuri (Platonia insignis), cacao (The-
ing of individual seeds, addition of amendments obroma cacao), and pequi (Caryocar brasi-
to enhance plant growth, and reduction of com- liense) forests [see also Frikel (1978)].
petition from non-useful plants (Alcorn 1989;
Anderson and Posey 1989; Groube 1989). Grou-
4b. Monoculture
be (1989) further divides this class into "forest This is a cultivated landscape dominated by
management" and "forest gardens." Again, the only one food plant or other useful populations.
biotic components of this landscape may also Species quasi-monocultures [e.g., initially dom-
remain long after humans have abandoned the inated by cassava or maize] are common in new
area and may account for several of Bal6e's swiddens on the terra firme (the non-flooded
(1989) anthropogenic forest types, e.g., some surfaces of Amazonia) and on the v6rzeas (Roo-
palm, bamboo, liana forests, and forest islands. sevelt 1989), and probably existed before con-
tact also.
4. Cultivated The phrasing of the above definitions attests
This category involves the complete transfor- to my belief that there is a strong relationship
mation of the biotic landscape to favor the between landscape and plant domestication in
growth of one or a few selected food plants and the Americas. Wiersum (1997), in fact, defined
other useful populations, through forest clear- "co-domestication" of crops and landscapes,
ance and burning, localized or extensive tillage, which may be the best view of this relationship.
seedbed preparation, weeding, pruning, manur- There are, however, examples of advanced land-
ing, mulching, and watering in any combination scape domestication, verging upon cultivation,
(Harlan 1992:64). The biotic components of this without domesticated plants, such as by the Aus-
very artificial landscape do not survive long af- tralian Aborigines (e.g., Chase 1989). Further-
ter human abandonment because the changes more, wild plants can be cultivated without be-
that favor the growth of the human selected pop- ing domesticated (Harlan 1992:64). The inverse
ulations also favor the growth of weeds and the is not true, however: domesticated plants, as de-
invasion of other secondary forest species; how- fined above, cannot be abandoned in unmanip-
ever, it takes a long time to return to a natural ulated landscapes because they have lost their
state. The abiotic transformations practiced in ecological adaptations to natural environments
this landscape often survive for long periods, (Harlan 1992:64).
e.g., the earthworks in various parts of lowland Consequently, when Amazonian landscapes
northern South America, such as the Llanos de modified by humans were abandoned after Eu-
Mojos (Denevan 1966) or the Llanos del Ori- ropean contact, the domesticated plant popula-
noco (Denevan and Zucchi 1978). tions that occurred in them either died out, suf-
fered their own population (and genetic) con-
4a. Swidden/Fallow traction, or regressed to the wild genotype while
This category is the combination of classes also becoming rarer. These changes depended
(4) and (3), in that order. The swidden is a cul- upon the degree of population domestication and

TABLE 1. THE SEQUENCE OF CROP GENETIC ERO- 50% of the total for the Americas. Among the
SION (IN YEARS AFTER ABANDONMENT) IN AMAZO- 52 domesticates, 14 are fruit or nut trees or
NIA DEPENDED UPON DEGREE OF DOMESTICATION woody vines (27%); among the 41 semi-domes-
AND CROP LIFE HISTORY AND STATURE. ticates, 35 are trees or woody vines (87%); and
among the 45 incipiently domesticated species,
peren- all but one are fruit and nut trees. Overall, 68%
Annual nial Perennial of these Amazonian crops are trees or woody
Full domesticate 1-3 2-10 10-30 perennials. In an ecosystem characterized by
Semi-domesticate 2-10 5-20 20-100 forest, a predominance of tree crops is not sur-
Incipient domesticate 5+ 10+ 300+ prising. This predominance may be an artifact
of abandonment, however, as domesticated an-
nuals are expected to disappear more rapidly
life history (herbaceous annuals and semi-peren- than perennials (Table 1).
nials; woody perennial shrubs and trees) of the How many crops are not on these lists? Cer-
species in question. The time frames are conjec- tainly a considerable number, but there is no way
tural, but may be estimated based upon life his- of determining how many. A priori, I had ex-
tories (Table 1). Little research has been done pected the list of domesticates (Appendix 1) to
on this subject, but the shorter time frames are be shorter than that of the semi-domesticates
subject to testing through observation of swid- (Appendix 2) and much shorter than that of the
den abandonment. One example is the pejibaye incipient domesticates (Appendix 3), because
(Bactris gasipaes), a domesticated palm, that only about 200 of the 3000 crops used by hu-
stops fruiting in second-growth forest when the mans worldwide were domesticated (Hawkes
canopy closes over the palm's crown 10-15 1983:6). While some species may be misplaced,
years after abandonment, thus effectively elim- there is certainly a lack of less derived species
inating the population's long-term survival on these lists.
(Clement 1990). That some have disappeared since contact can
be shown, however. Carvajal (1894:56) com-
CROP GENETIC RESOURCES OF mented that, at one point between the Madeira
AMAZONIA and Tapaj6s Rivers they "found a lot of maize,
Le6n's (1992) list of cultivated American and also a lot of oats, with which the Indians
c r o p s w a s a s s e s s e d to i d e n t i f y t h o s e t h a t w e r e made bread" (my translation). As Patifio (1964:
probably in Amazonia at contact. Some Andean 99) wrote, "we don't know what 'oats' this spe-
crops are included, if they commonly occur be- cies was." It is not cultivated among the Am-
low 1000 m above sea level and if there is ev- erindians and Amazonian peasants anywhere in
idence that they were grown in the lowlands, Amazonia today. At the mouth of the Amazon
although their distribution in the lowlands was River, recent archeological excavations have
generally limited. Patifio's (1963, 1964) analysis yielded large quantities of a rice-like grass
of the early Spanish chronicles from northern (Leersia hexandra) (Roosevelt 1991:25), which
South America provided the major key for this may have been the 'oats' mentioned by Carva-
assessment. Neither source, however, deals spe- jal. She mentions early records of apparent Leer-
cifically with incipiently domesticated crops. For sia cultivation on Maraj6 Island shortly after the
this category, Balre (1988, 1989), Cavalcante arrival of the Portuguese, but there is not enough
(1991), Frikel (1978) and Lrvi-Strauss (1950) information to determine if it was domesticated
were useful. A preliminary and somewhat sub- to any degree (hence its placement in Appendix
jective [for lack of data and occasional difficulty 3), although Roosevelt's analysis is not yet com-
of distinguishing wild from incipiently domes- plete. Another possibility is Oryza glumaepatu-
ticated crops (Lrvi-Strauss 1950)] listing of do- la, found along vdrzea lake margins at high den-
mesticated, semi-domesticated and incipiently sity (P. S. Martins, pers. com., 1995), although
domesticated crops is presented in Appendices the early Spanish and Portuguese explorers
1, 2 and 3, respectively. would probably have recognized it as 'rice,'
There were probably at least 138 crops, in 44 rather than as 'oats.'
botanical families, cultivated, managed or pro- Species diversity is only one aspect of crop
moted in Amazonia at contact. This is about genetic diversity, the other is infra-specific di-

versity. This is where genetic erosion was prob- along the Amazonian vdrzeas and adjacent terra
ably most serious, but it is also the most difficult firme. By the time European naturalists arrived
to quantify. Each indigenous society and village in the region 200-300 years later, these popu-
probably valued crops somewhat differently, de- lations had disappeared and Carvajal's account
pending upon local preferences and the genetic was discredited. The subject of Amazonian pop-
variability available to them. Consequently, the ulation density and associated level of cultural
selection and propagation effort devoted to each complexity is hotly contested today (Meggers
may have been different. For example, Helicon- 1993-5).
ia hirsuta is a minor root crop found among a Meggers (1992b) offered the lowest recent es-
few indigenous societies in Colombian Amazon- timate (1.5-2 million people in the Amazon Ba-
ia today. Very little variability has been ob- sin proper), based upon an average density of
served in the modern populations. How much 0.3 persons/kin 2. Meggers based her estimate on
existed at contact will never be known. The the terra firme's low carrying capacity and the
South American sapota (Quararibea cordata) is riskiness of v6rzea cultivation. At the other ex-
a similar story. At the opposite extreme is cas- treme is Myers (1988), who estimated 10 million
sava, whose variability is continuing to be am- in the Upper Amazon alone (essentially Ama-
plified today. Among the inhabitants of the Vau- zonian Peru and Ecuador, and far western Bra-
p6s River, NW Amazonia, for example, nearly zil). Extrapolated to the rest of Amazonia, this
100 distinct cultivars of bitter and sweet cassava suggests more than 30 million, or more than 4
were recorded at one village (Chernela 1983). persons/km 2, higher than the modern population.
Ethnobotanists frequently record 20-50 cultivars Denevan (1996) recently lowered his earlier
per village in western Amazonia and slightly estimates (1992a,b) of 5-6 million in the Ama-
lower numbers elsewhere. A complex system of zon Basin proper and 6-8 in lowland northern
landraces of pejibaye exists in Amazonia, with South America to 3-5 in the Basin and 5-7 in
most genetic diversity in the northwest (Clement northern South America. His 1992 analyses in-
1988; Mora Urpf 1992). Many major crops and cluded then current hypotheses of carrying ca-
widespread minor crops should show patterns of pacity and pre-historic subsistence and agricul-
genetic diversity similar to that of cassava and tural technologies used in the various Amazo-
pejibaye if they were intensively cultivated and nian ecosystems, and allowed for severe decline
selected in numerous areas with different mi- from disease and slavery, while cautiously ac-
croecological variation and biotic pressures. cepting early historical accounts. His 1996 anal-
As with species diversity, there exists some ysis emphasized the patchiness of human distri-
evidence that infra-specific diversity has disap- butions, caused both by the patchiness of envi-
peared since contact. Patifio (1964:147-148) ronments, especially suitable bluffs along the
mentions that the maize that existed along the major rivers (Denevan 1992d), and by possible
Amazon River at contact has been replaced by buffer zones between the larger societies, espe-
coastal Brazilian maize during recent centuries. cially along the main rivers. Denevan provided
Goodman's (1976) map of the distribution of estimates for each of Amazonia's various eco-
South American "Coroico" maizes includes part systems. Amongst the most important were the
of the middle Solim6es and western Amazon vdrzeas, with estimated densities of up to 10
Rivers and regions to the south, but does not persons/km 2, possibly locally to 28 persons/km 2
extend up or down fiver to areas where maize on the Solim6es and the Amazon Rivers; of 2
was reported by Carvajal (1894) and other persons/km 2 in the Llanos de Mojos but possibly
chroniclers [see Patifio (1964)]. Amazonian 28 persons/km 2 around the earthworks; of 9.5
maize is poorly known today (M.M. Goodman, persons/km 2 along the Brazilian coast south of
pets. com., 1994), because of lack of compre- Amazonia; of 0.3 persons/km 2 in the terrafirme
hensive collections. interfluvial forests; and 0.5 persons/km 2 overall.
Areas with high population densities are most
ESTIMATES OF POST-CONTACT important when considering crop genetic diver-
AMAZONIAN POPULATION LOSS sity. To support such densities, social organiza-
Gaspar de Carvajal (1894), the chronicler of tion must be more elaborate than at low density.
the first European descent of the Amazon River As a corollary, agricultural and other subsistence
in 1542, reported dense Amerindian populations technologies must be intensified (Roosevelt

1991:5, 1993), although they may less sustain- from 3-5 million to a low of about 200 000. To-
able. The intensification implies greater crop ge- day there are perhaps 500 000 Amerindians in
netic diversity, because the intensified agricul- lowland northern South America (Denevan
tural systems must be able to withstand pest and 1992b), often organized in small bands and re-
disease pressures. The relationship between di- stricted to the terra firme, with relatively simple
versity and agricultural intensification in pre- agricultural and subsistence technologies. Many
modern tropical and sub-tropical societies is es- are already extensively acculturated. How then
sential to understanding why so much crop ge- did this human population collapse effect crop
netic diversity is found in this geographic area. genetic resources?
Pre-modern societies in the tropics had few
means of controlling pest and disease outbreaks THE CONSEQUENCESOF POPULATION
other than genetic diversity, intercropping and DECLINE
swidden rotation (Altieri 1995:112-113), except Although individual farmers are responsible
in the floodplains where the annual flood cycle for selecting and propagating crops, the village
acts to reduce pest and disease populations in is the unit of interest because it identifies a do-
most years, just as winter cold or annual drought mesticated plant population. Farmers within a
acts to reduce these populations in temperate re- village exchange germplasm and influence each
gions. others' preferences and planting strategies.
In general, advanced agricultural societies ac- There is probably less exchange between villag-
cumulate crop genetic resources, both creating es than within, and less still between villages of
and importing them, as part of their agricultural different language groups (cf. Chernela 1987),
intensification. This is the major reason that sev- because there is simply less contact in general.
eral of Vavilov's (1992a,b) centers of crop ge- Myths of crop origins in Amazonia, for exam-
netic diversity are related to complex societies ple, sometimes acknowledge the prowess of a
(Hawkes 1983:67), e.g., in the Americas, the farmer for stealing germplasm from a neighbor-
Inca and pre-Inca civilizations are associated ing society (J. Chernela, pers. com., 1986),
with the PendBolivia center, and the Maya and which would not be necessary if there was easy
Aztec civilizations with the MesoAmerican cen- exchange. Consequently, the fate of the village
ter. As paleoethnobotanical research expands in determined the fate of its crop genetic resources
South America, the longest lists of crops are during the post-contact population collapse.
from areas where good conditions exist for ar- The larger indigenous Amazonian societies
chaeological artifact preservation and where consisted of numerous villages. Those that dom-
complex societies with high population densities inated the vdrzeas may have had many large and
and advanced agricultural technologies existed numerous small villages, while those restricted
(Pearsall 1992). In Amazonia, areas with higher to the terra firme may have had only small vil-
population density in the pre-Columbian period lages. It is possible that the 90-95% population
should also exhibit a rich crop genetic heritage decline resulted in an equal loss of village units,
but the poor environment for archaeological although village members would attempt to es-
preservation and lack of research effort have not cape from disease epidemics or slave raids, rath-
yielded much information to date. Consequently er than stay and risk dying (Denevan 1992a).
living biological evidence is critical, but there Loss in human numbers was quickly reflected
are few clear patterns in Amazonian crop bio- in a loss of crop diversity at the village site as
geography today, except in NW Amazonia the forest reclaimed the landscape (Table 1).
(Clement 1989). The lack of clear patterns sug- Balre (1992) presented the example of the Guaj~i
gests that the loss of the Amazonian Amerindian of eastern Amazonia, who regressed from vil-
population affected the crop genetic heritage se- lage horticulturalists to nomadic hunter-gather-
verely. ers that depend upon the fallows of other soci-
Dobyns (1966) estimated that 90-95% of the eties or managed forests left by predecessors. In
Neotropical population was lost within 100-200 the process of regression, their repertory of
years after contact. Disease was the principal crops diminished rapidly to only a few crops
agent (Dobyns 1966), but missionization, slav- with short life histories.
ery and warfare contributed importantly (Hem- Given the extent of population loss, I feel that
ruing 1978). In Amazonia, this meant a collapse it is reasonable to hypothesize that 70-80% of

the pre-contact village groups either disappeared zonia's extensive network of navigable rivers.
completely, or were severely reduced and then This highway system made its strongest impact
absorbed by other groups, or regressed to a non- on eastern and southern Amazonia. In central
agricultural state. The major vdrzea societies, Amazonia, the creation of the Free Zone of Ma-
such as the Omagua on the Solimres River, dis- naus in 1967 had the greatest impact, as finan-
appeared almost completely (Roosevelt 1993). It cial resources were funneled towards establish-
is this low level of human survival in such im- ing industries in Manaus, rather than supporting
portant areas as the Omagua that is responsible trade between the hinterlands and the city. As
for the tantalizing hints of a richer crop genetic traders stopped working, the interior of this vast
past. region was essentially abandoned by govern-
Although there is no direct evidence of how ment, and peasants started to migrate to Manaus
the loss of the human population was reflected and other urban centers. The 1970s saw the ini-
in the loss of genetic resources, a synthesis of tiation of other large infrastructure projects, such
the information and ideas presented here permits as the Tucuruf Hydroelectric Dam, the encour-
an order of magnitude estimate. Genetic erosion agement of cattle pasture expansion, and the def-
after contact depended not only upon population inition of PoloAmazonia's development targets.
decline but upon the degree of domestication of In the 1980s, Rond6nia and Acre were opened
each crop, its life history, the agroecosystem in by paving the Cuiab~i-Porto Velho highway. By
which it was cultivated or managed, and the the late 1980s, Amazonia had become a focus
number of crops maintained by each human so- of world attention because of the fires that ac-
ciety. I think that it is safe to assume that the companied deforestation (Hecht and Cockburn
Amazonian crop genetic heritage at contact was 1990:52-54). All these initiatives resulted in lo-
at least an order of magnitude greater than it is calized extinction of biodiversity and continued
today. Unfortunately, even its current magnitude acculturation of the original Amazonians and
is poorly known for most crops, the partial ex- their descendents.
ceptions being Bactris gasipaes, Elaeis oleifera, Other modern Amazonian nations have fol-
Hevea brasiliensis and Theobroma cacao, be- lowed roughly similar trajectories, with similar
cause they were extensively prospected during results. In Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru,
the early 1980s by Brazilian institutions. the poorer populations of the Andes were often
encouraged to settle in the Amazonian lowlands,
MODERN CROP GENETIC EROSION and governments are providing at least a part of
After the post-contact decline of Amazonian the infrastructure necessary to further the migra-
Amerindians, their populations stabilized and tion. Peru and Ecuador have struck oil on the
then expanded again, to about 500 000 today eastern slopes of the Andes and the boom has
(Denevan 1992b). The number of societies con- accelerated migration to those regions. In these
tinues to decline, however (Burger 1987; Clay areas, biodiversity, Amerindian cultures and
1990). During this century, the acculturation of crop genetic resources are disappearing rapidly,
the remaining Amerindians has accelerated, as occurs in numerous other parts of the world
caused by the immigration of northeastern Bra- when modern societies displace indigenous and
zilians to tap rubber during the late 19th century folk societies (Smith et al. 1992).
boom, the attempts by governments to occupy The late 1970s and 1980s also saw the first
the region after World War II through directed attempts at systematic evaluation of a few of
colonization, and the spontaneous colonization Amazonia's crop genetic resources. Coordinated
that accompanied various infrastructure projects by the Brazilian National Center for Genetic Re-
of the 1960-90 period (Hecht and Cockburn sources (CENARGEN), important collections of
1990). Bactris gasipaes, Elaeis oleifera, and Hevea
After the Brazilian revolution of 1964, the brasiliensis were made. Collections of Theobro-
government decided that Amazonia must be oc- ma cacao were made by the National Cacao
cupied by 'Brazilians.' This was and remains an Board (CEPLAC). Both the National Research
issue of 'national security' (Hecht and Cockburn Institute for Amazonia (INPA) and the Center
1990:104-141). The first major initiative was for Agricultural Research in the Humid Tropics
the Trans-Amazon highway system, which start- (CPATU) made casual collections of dozens of
ed the era of reliance on roads, rather than Ama- other species (Clement 1991; Clement, Miiller

and Ch~ivez Flores 1982). Nonetheless, the 1980s are in danger of being lost, either by in-
germplasm saved is minuscule in comparison stitutional apathy and budgetary restrictions
with the presumed erosion of the crop genetic (e.g., B. gasipaes) or by biotic pressures (e.g.,
resources of Amazonia and their wild popula- H. brasiliensis). Only a few in situ genetic re-
tions and relatives caused by modem 'develop- serves exist on the ground; these are focused on
ment.' In sum, the erosion of Amazonian crop forest species (E. Lleras, pers. com., 1990), few
genetic resources is presumed to have continued of which are even incipiently domesticated. Cur-
during the premodem and modem eras and ap- rent trends suggest that central government bud-
pears to be accelerating as deforestation and ac- gets for genetic resource conservation will con-
culturation proceed. tinue to shrink in Amazonia, although some in-
What trends are likely? Most Amazonian gov- ternational efforts are expanding (e.g., the Pilot
ernments sponsor, or acquiesce to, acculturation Program for the Conservation of the Brazilian
of their Amazonian Amerindian populations, ei- Rain Forest, financed by the World Bank, the G-
ther as a conscious policy or by lack of action 7, and the government of Brazil, and the Global
to protect the Amerindians from unwanted, Environment Facility (World Bank, UNDP,
forced contact with colonists (Treece 1990). Co- UNEP) has initiated a new in situ program with
lombia, Ecuador and Venezuela are partial ex- CENARGEN).
ceptions. Although several countries protect the One promising new trend is an international
rights of their indigenous populations on paper, (and national in some countries) interest in ex-
few protect these rights on the ground. Recent otic foods and natural sources of some industrial
efforts in Brazil, sponsored by the World Bank products, especially from Amazonia (Clay 1996:
and the G-7, are aimed at changing this reality v-x; Smith et al. 1992:448-460). This interest
but it is still too early to measure their impact. has the potential of stimulating plantations in
Given the rapid expansion of non-indigenous Amazonia to supply the emerging demand, but
populations, also demanding rights, land and must overcome a series of limitations in order
government support, trends are unlikely to to compete internationally (Clement 1997). Giv-
change enough to make a difference, unless gov- en the fragility of most regional institutions and
ernments alter their policies and enforce them. the likelihood of continually smaller institutional
Deforestation proceeds, although it slowed budgets as Amazonian countries adapt to in-
somewhat in the early 1990s due to an economic creased globalization, reverting the trends to-
recession in many countries (Fearnside 1993). wards increased genetic erosion will require not
Strong systemic forces drive deforestation in only the development of numerous 'new crops'
Amazonia (Barbosa 1993) and are unlikely to but a new focus by Amazonian research insti-
change direction soon, although some popular tutions-participatory plant improvement and
movements are working to promote change. community conservation of genetic resources
Some countries, such as Brazil, are reviewing (Engels 1995).
government policies that favor deforestation, but
social pressures to deforest are as yet unabated. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
I thank William BaiZe, James L. Brewbaker, Roland C. Clement, Dan-
Increasing poverty, combined with the still rapid iel G. Debouck, William M. Denevan, Jack R. Harlan, John G. Hawkes,
population growth, are the major social pres- Charles B. Heiser, Jr., Jorge Le6n, Paulo S. Martins, Betty J. Meggers,
sures. Continued deforestation inevitably results Victor M. Patifio, Deborah Pearsall, Barbara Pickersgill, Dolores R. Pi-
perno, Ghillean T. Prance, Anna C. Roosevelt, M~ircio de M. Santos,
in loss of biodiversity and associated crop ge- Nigel J. H. Smith, Les E. Sponsel, Lyndon Wester, David E. Williams
netic resources, many of which occur in for- and an anonymous reviewer for numerous suggestions and criticisms on
merly managed forests, now abandoned by their the various versions of this manuscript. Errors of fact and interpretation
are, of course, the author's responsibihty.
Amerindian creators (Smith and Schultes 1990;
Smith et al. 1992). LITERATURE CITED
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Species Family Probable origin Uses

Annona muricata L. Anonaceae N.S. America fruit

Rollinia mucosa (Jacq.) Baill6n Anonaceae Amazonia fruit
Xanthosoma brasiliense Engler Araceae N.S. America vegetable
X. sagittifolium (L.) Schott Araceae N.S. America root
Crescentia cujete L. Bignoniaceae N.S. America tree gourd
Bixa orellana L. Bixaceae S.W. Amazonia colorant
Ananas comosus (L.) Merrill Bromeliaceae Brazil/Paraguay fruit
A. erectifolius L.B. Smith Bromeliaceae Amazonia fiber
Neoglaziovia variegata Mez. Bromeliaceae N.S. America fiber
Canna edulis Ker. Cannaceae Andes/W Amaz root
Carica papaya L. Caricaceae MesoAmerica fruit
Eupatorium ayapana Vent. Compositae Amazonia condiment
Spilanthes acmella (L.) Murr. Compositae Amazonia condiment
S. oleracea Jacq. Compositae Amazonia condiment
Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Convolvulaceae N.S. America root
Cucurbita maxima Duch. Cucurbitaceae E. Bolivia vegetable
C. moschata Duch. ex Poir. Cucurbitaceae MesoAmerica vegetable
Cyclanthera pedata Schrad. Cucurbitaceae N.S. America vegetable
Lagenaria siceraria Standl. Cucurbitaceae Africa gourd
Sicana odorifera (Veil.) Naud. Cucurbitaceae Brazil/Paraguay vegetable
Cyperus sp. Cyperaceae Amazonia? condiment
Dioscorea trifida L. f. Dioscoreaceae Guianas root
Erythroxylum coca Lam. Erythroxylaceae Central Andes stimulant
Manihot esculenta Crantz Euphorbiaceae N.S. America root
Zea mays L. Gramineae MesoAmerica cereal
Poraqueiba paraensis Ducke Icacinaceae E. Amazonia fruit, oil
P. sericea Tul. Icacinaceae W. Amazonia fruit, oil
Persea americana Mill. Lauraceae MesoAmerica fruit
Arachis hypogaea L. Leg. Papilionoideae Brazil/Paraguay seed
Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC. Leg. Papilionoideae N.S. America seed
C. plagiosperma Piper Leg. Papilionoideae MesoAmerica seed
Phaseolus lunatus L. Leg. Papilionoideae N.S. America seed
P. vulgaris L. Leg. Papilionoideae N.S. America seed
Pachyrhizus tuberosus Spreng. Leg. Papilionoideae W. Amazonia root
Gossypium barbadense L. Malvaceae N.S. America fiber
G. hirsutum L. Malvaceae MesoAmerica fiber
Calathea allouia (Aubl.) Lindl. Marantaceae Amazonia root
Maranta arundinacea L. Marantaceae N.S. America root
Bactris gasipaes Kunth Palmae S.W. Amazonia fruit
Passiflora edulis Sims Passifloraceae N.S. America fruit
P. quadrangularis L. Passifloraceae N.S. America fruit
Genipa americana L. Rubiaceae N.S. America colorant
Paullinia cupana Kunth Sapindaceae C. Amazonia stimulant
Pouteria caimito Radlk. Sapotaceae Amazonia fruit
Brugmansia insignis Lockwood Solanaceae W. Amazonia drug
B. suaveolens Bercht. & Presl. Solanaceae W. Amazonia drug
Capsicum baccatum L. Solanaceae Bolivia condiment
C. chinense Jacq. Solanaceae W. Amazonia condiment
Nicotiana rustica L. Solanaceae N.S. America stimulant
N. tabacum L. Solanaceae N.S. America stimulant
Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal Solanaceae W. Amazonia fruit
Cissus gongyloides Burch. Vitaceae Amazonia vegetable


LE6N 1987, 1992; PATI~O 1963, 1964; PICm~RSGILL AND HEISER 1977; SCHUL~S AND HOVM~'qN

Species Family Probable origin Uses

Anacardium occidentale L. Anacardiaceae N.E. Brazil? fruit, nut

Spondias mombin L. Anacardiaceae N.S. America fruit
Annona montana Macf. Anonaceae Amazonia fruit
A. reticulata L. Anonaceae MesoAmerica fruit
Macoubea witotorum Schultes Apocynaceae W. Amazonia fruit juice
Thevetia peruvianum Merr. Apocynaceae C. Andes poison
llex guayusa Loes. Aquifoliaceae N. W, Amazonia stimulant
Mansoa alliacea (Lain.) Gentry Bignoniaceae W. Amazonia condiment
Quararibea cordata Vischer Bombacaceae W. Amazonia fruit
Couepia subcordata Benth. Chrysobalanaceae Amazonia fruit
Clibadium sylvestre Baill. Compositae N.S. America poison
Dioscorea dodecaneura Steud. Dioscoreaceae Amazonia root
Phyllanthus acuminatus Vahl. Euphorbiaceae N.S. America poison
Mammea americana L. Guttiferae Antilles fruit
Platonia insignis Mart. Guttiferae E. Amazonia fruit, seed?
Heliconia hirsuta L. f. Heliconiaceae W, Amazonia root
Cassia leiandra Benth. Leg. Cesalpinioideae Amazonia fruit
Anadenanthera peregrina Speg. Leg. Mimosoideae N.S. America drug
Inga cinnamomea Benth. Leg. Mimosoideae Amazonia fruit
L edulis Mart. Leg. Mimosoideae W. Amazonia fruit
L feuillei DC Leg. Mimosoideae W. Amazonia fruit
L macrophylla H.B.K. Leg. Mimosoideae W. Amazonia fruit
Lonchocarpus utilis Smith Leg. Papilionoideae Amazonia poison
Banisteriopsis caapi Morton Malpighiaceae W. Amazonia drug
B. inebrians Morton Malpighiaceae W. Amazonia drug
Bunchosia armeniaca DC Malpighiaceae Amazonia fruit
Byrsonima crassifolia H.B.K. Malpighiaceae MesoAmerica fruit
Maranta ruiziana Korn. Marantaceae W. Amazonia root
Pourouma cecropiifolia Mart. Moraceae W. Amazonia fruit
Eugenia stipitata McVaugh Myrtaceae W. Amazonia fruit
Myrciaria cauliflora McVaugh Myrtaceae S. Brazil fruit
Psidium guajava L. Myrtaceae N.E. Brazil fruit
Astrocaryum aculeatum Meyer Palmae W. Amazonia fruit
Talinum triangulare Willd. Portulacaceae N.S. America vegetable
Borojoa sorbilis Cuatr. Rubiaceae Amazonia fruit
Paullinia yoco Schult. & Killip Sapindaceae W. Amazonia stimulant
Pouteria macrocarpa Baehni Sapotaceae Amazonia fruit
P. macrophylla (Lam.) Eyma. Sapotaceae Amazonia fruit
P. obovata H.B,K. Sapotaceae C. Andes fruit
Theobroma bicolor H. & B. Sterculiaceae W. Amazonia fruit, seed
T. cacao L. Sterculiaceae W. Amazonia stimulant


(BALI~E 1988, 1989; CAVALCANTE1991; LEON 1987, 1992; LI~vI-STRAUSS1950; PATII~O1963, 1964).

Species Family Probableorigin Uses

Couma utilis Muell. Apocynaceae Amazonia fruit, latex
Hancornia speciosa Gomes Apocynaceae N.E. Brazil fruit, latex
Caryocar glabrum (Aubl.) Pers. Caryocaraceae W. Amazonia nut
C. nuciferum L. Caryocaraceae N.S. America nut
C. villosum (Aubl.) Pets. Caryocaraceae C. Amazonia fruit
Chrysobalanus icaco L. Chrysobalanaceae N.S. America fruit
Couepia bracteosa Benth. Chrysobalanaceae C. Amazonia fruit
C. edulis Prance Chrysobalanaceae Amazonia nut
C. longipendula Pilger Chrysobalanaceae Amazonia nut
Caryodendron orinocense Karst. Euphorbiaceae W. Amazonia nut
Hevea spp. (various) Euphorbiaceae Amazonia seed, latex
Leersia hexandra Sw. Graminae E. Amazonia seed
Rheedia brasiliensis P1. & Tr. Guttiferae Amazonia fruit
R. macrophylla Planch & Triana Guttiferae Amazonia fruit
Bertholletia excelsa H. & B. Lecythidaceae E. Amazonia nut
Lecythis pisonis Camb. Lecythidaceae Amazonia nut
Grias neubertii MacBride Lecythidaceae W. Amazonia fruit
G. peruviana Miers Lecythidaceae W. Amazonia fruit
Hymenaea courbaril L. Leg. Caesalpinioidae Amazonia starchy fruit
Campsiandra comosa Cowan Leg. Mimosoideae N.W. Amazonia fruit
lnga spp. (numerous) Leg. Mimosoideae Amazonia fruit
Lonchocarpus nicou (Aubl.) DC. Leg. Papilionoideae Amazonia poison
Lonchocarpus urucu Smith Leg. Papilionoideae Amazonia poison
Eugenia uniflora L. Myrtaceae S. America fruit
Psidium acutangulum DC. Myrtaceae Amazonia fruit
P. guineensis Sw. Myrtaceae N.S. America fruit
Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lood Palmae E. Amazonia oily fruit
Astrocaryum murumuru Mart. Palmae E. Amazonia oily fruit
Elaeis oleifera (H.B.K.) Cort6s Palmae N.S. America oily fruit
Euterpe oleracea Mart. Palmae E. Amazonia oily fruit
Jessenia bataua (Mart.) Bturret Palmae N.S. America oily fruit
Mauritia flexuosa L. f. Palmae N.S. America oily fruit
Maximiliana maripa Drude Palmae E. Amazonia oily fruit
Oenocarpus bacaba Mart. Palmae Amazonia oily fruit
O. distichus Mart. Palmae E. Amazonia oily fruit
Alibertia edulis A. Rich ex DC. Rubiaceae Amazonia fruit
Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq. Sapindaceae C. & N. S. America fruit
Talisia esculenta Radlk. Sapindaceae W. Amazonia fruit
Manikara huberi (Huber) Standl. Sapotaceae Amazonia fruit, latex
Pouteria spp. (numerous) Sapotaceae Amazonia fruit
Sterculia speciosa K. Sch. Sterculiaceae Amazonia fruit
Theobroma grandiflorum Schum. Sterculiaceae E. Amazonia fruit
T. speciosum Willd. Sterculiaceae Amazonia fruit
T. subincanum Mart. Sterculiaceae Amazonia fruit
Erisma japura Spruce Vochysiaceae N.W. Amazonia fruit

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