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Genetica (2011) 139:1259–1271

DOI 10.1007/s10709-011-9627-4

Genetic structure of traditional varieties of bitter manioc in three

soils in Central Amazonia
Alessandro Alves-Pereira • Nivaldo Peroni •
Aluana Gonçalves Abreu • Rogério Gribel •
Charles R. Clement

Received: 19 August 2011 / Accepted: 23 December 2011 / Published online: 7 January 2012
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract Manioc is the most important food crop that diversity of some sweet varieties and seedlings was also
originated in Amazonia. Many studies have increased our evaluated. Adult individuals showed higher levels of genetic
understanding of its evolutionary dynamics under cultiva- diversity and smaller inbreeding coefficients (AR = 5.52,
tion. However, most of them focused on manioc cultivation HO = 0.576, f = 0.086) than seedlings (AR = 4.39, HO =
in environments with low soil fertility, generally Oxisols. 0.421, f = 0.242). Bitter manioc varieties from the flood-
Recent ethnobotanical observations showed that bitter plain showed higher levels of genetic diversity (AR = 5.19,
manioc also performs well in high fertility soils, such as HO = 0.606) than those from ADE (AR = 4.45, HO =
Amazonian dark earths (ADE) and the floodplain. We used 0.538) and from Oxisols (AR = 4.15, HO = 0.559). The
10 microsatellite loci to investigate the genetic diversity varieties grown in the floodplain were strongly differentiated
and structure of bitter manioc varieties grown in different from the varieties grown in Oxisols (FST = 0.093) and ADE
soil types in communities of smallholder farmers along the (FST = 0.108), suggesting important genetic structuring
middle Madeira River in Central Amazonia. The genetic among varieties grown in the floodplain and upland soils
(ADE and Oxisols). This is the first time that genetic diver-
gence of bitter manioc varieties in cultivation in different
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this Amazonian soils in a small geographic area is reported.
article (doi:10.1007/s10709-011-9627-4) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
Keywords Manihot esculenta  Microsatellites  Sweet
A. Alves-Pereira (&)  R. Gribel  C. R. Clement manioc  Amazonian dark earths  Floodplain  Oxisols
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, INPA, Av. André
Araújo, 2936, Aleixo, Manaus, AM 69060-001, Brazil
A. Alves-Pereira  N. Peroni  C. R. Clement
Laboratório de Evolução Aplicada, Universidade Federal do Manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz ssp. esculenta) was
Amazonas, Av. General Rodrigo Otávio, 3000, Coroado, domesticated from wild populations of M. esculenta ssp.
Manaus, AM 69077-000, Brazil
flabellifolia in southwestern Amazonia, in what are now
N. Peroni Rondônia and northwestern Mato Grosso states in Brazil
Departamento de Ecologia e Zoologia, Universidade Federal de (Allem 1994; Olsen 2004; Olsen and Schaal 1999, 2001).
Santa Catarina, Edifı́cio Fritz Muller, Trindade, Florianópolis, Today manioc is the sixth major food crop produced
SC 88040-970, Brazil
globally and the primary staple for more than 800 million
A. G. Abreu people in the tropics (Lebot 2009).
APTA, Pólo Centro Sul, Rodovia SP 127 km 30, CP28, Vila After its initial domestication, divergent selective pres-
Fátima, Piracicaba, SP 13400-970, Brazil sures gave rise to two major groups of varieties: sweet and
bitter. Sweet manioc has low cyanogenic glycoside content
R. Gribel
Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Av. (\100 ppm fresh weight), while bitter manioc has larger
Pacheco Leão, 915, Aleixo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22460-030, Brazil amounts ([100 ppm fresh weight) (McKey et al. 2010a).

1260 Genetica (2011) 139:1259–1271

Although this classification is dichotomist, continuous var- Amerindians in the pre-Columbian period (Arroyo-Kalin
iation in the content of cyanogenic glycosides is observed 2009; Woods and Denevan 2009). These soils have large
among varieties and there are no morphological characters amounts of organic matter, phosphorous, calcium, other
that differentiate these two groups (McKey et al. 2010a). micronutrients and pieces of ceramics, and are dark in
However, the separation of bitter and sweet manioc is color due to large amounts of charcoal. The Fluvent Enti-
genetically supported (Mühlen et al. 2000; Peroni et al. 2007) sols, found in the floodplains of Amazonian whitewater
and it is recognized by farmers at the local scale (Elias et al. rivers, result from the deposition of nutrient rich sediments
2000; McKey and Beckerman 1993; Peroni et al. 2007). washed down from the Andes. Both soils are much more
In Amazonia, most manioc cultivation is done by fertile than the highly weathered clayey Oxisols of the non-
smallholder farmers with low inputs, in traditional systems flooded upland plateaus and have historically produced
of swidden-fallow cultivation (Emperaire 2005). The nearly a third of the manioc flour consumed in Manaus, the
swiddens are established in areas of secondary vegetation capital of Amazonas (Gutjahr 2000).
that are slashed and burned, used for 1 to 4 cycles of cul- Fraser and Clement (2008) and Fraser (2010) argued
tivation and then fallowed for a variable period of time that the communities along the middle Madeira River
before a new swidden is established (Martins 2001; McKey manage different configurations of bitter varieties for the
and Beckerman 1993). different soil types in which manioc is cultivated. They
Although manioc is vegetatively propagated, sexual hypothesized that higher genetic diversity would be
reproduction plays an important role in the evolutionary expected in communities where manioc is cultivated in
dynamics of the crop. The seeds produced become part of more than one soil type. Additionally, these authors
the soil seed bank and may sprout among the vegetatively observed similar agronomic characteristics among the
propagated varieties in the plot (Duputié et al. 2009; varieties grown in ADE and in the floodplain, such as fast
Martins 2001; Pujol et al. 2007). Smallholders, consciously maturation and low starch content, distinct from those
or not, may let the volunteer seedlings grow and by the observed for the varieties grown in Oxisols, which mature
harvest time they decide if they will use these plants for the more slowly and have higher starch content. Their inter-
next cycle of vegetative propagation (Elias et al. 2000; views elicited information that farmers plant floodplain
Rival and McKey 2008). If the plants from seedlings are varieties more often in ADE than in Oxisols, suggesting a
used for clonal propagation, the farmers may either close relationship between these soils.
incorporate the seedlings into an existing variety or create a We used a set of 10 microsatellite loci to evaluate the
new variety (Duputié et al. 2009; Martins 2001). genetic diversity and the genetic structure of bitter manioc
Genetic analysis demonstrated the importance of varieties systematically sampled in different soil types in
incorporating seedlings for the maintenance of high poly- communities of traditional smallholder farmers along the
morphism and showed that local varieties are polyclonal, middle Madeira River in order to explore two of the main
with one predominant clone and a set of individuals with questions raised by ethnobotanical observation. Do com-
similar phenotypes, but different genotypes (Duputié et al. munities that cultivate bitter manioc in different soil types
2009; Elias et al. 2001; Peroni et al. 2007). These analyses present higher genetic diversity? Is the genetic diversity of
of the evolutionary dynamics under cultivation are essen- bitter manioc varieties structured according to the soil
tial for planning manioc conservation, since many factors types, with a closer relationship of varieties grown in ADE
may cause severe genetic erosion of these genetic resources and in the floodplain?
(Emperaire and Peroni 2007; Peroni and Hanazaki 2002).
However, such studies have focused mainly on single
swiddens or single local communities of smallholder or Materials and methods
indigenous farmers, generally located in upland areas of
low soil fertility, partially because manioc is thought to be Field sites and authorizations
the ideal crop for low input traditional systems on nutrient
poor soils (McKey et al. 2010a). The manioc varieties sampled are cultivated in the
Evolutionary dynamics may be more complex where municipality of Manicoré (5°180 S; 61°180 W), Amazonas
manioc is cultivated in different soil types. Recently, Fraser state, Brazil, along the middle Madeira River’s bluff pla-
and Clement (2008) and Fraser (2010), working in com- teaus and floodplain (Fig. 1). Manicoré is essentially
munities along the middle Madeira River, in central Bra- agricultural, with numerous communities of traditional
zilian Amazonia, observed that bitter manioc also performs smallholder farmers that produce vegetables and fruit for
well in high fertility soils, such as Amazonian Dark Earths sale to the major urban center of Manaus, the state capital.
(ADE) and Fluvent Entisols of the floodplains. ADEs are Manioc is one of the most important crops in this region.
fertile anthropogenic soils found in areas occupied by Manioc cultivation is practiced in traditional swidden-fallow

Genetica (2011) 139:1259–1271 1261

Fig. 1 Map of the study area in

the middle Madeira River
region, Amazonas, Brazil,
showing the communities where
manioc varieties were sampled.
Map created by Michelly
de Cristo-Araújo

agriculture systems on terra firme (non-flooding plateaus) 16 and 34 seedlings sampled, respectively. A total of 367
Oxisols and Amazonian Dark Earths, as well as on flood- individuals were sampled (184 of bitter manioc, 21 of
plain Entisols (Fraser and Clement 2008). sweet manioc and 162 seedlings), with an average of 7.3
Varieties grown in Oxisols and ADE soils were sampled individuals/swidden, representing 53 varieties (43 bitter
at the communities of Água Azul, Barreira do Capanã and and 10 sweet, Online Resource 1). Each swidden had 1-9
Barro Alto. Varieties grown in floodplain soils were sam- varieties, with 0-17 seedlings. When sampling by soil types
pled at Fortaleza, Pau Queimado, Verdum, Água Azul and is considered, ADE had 110 individuals (46 seedlings),
Barreira do Capanã communities. At each community, floodplain had 111 (42 seedlings) and Oxisols had 146 (74
prior informed consent was obtained and no proprietary seedlings). Leaves were dried in silica gel, and stored at
traditional knowledge was accessed, which allowed us to -20°C until DNA extraction.
meet Resolution 21 requirements for basic research that
does not require authorization from Brazil’s Council DNA extraction and microsatellite genotyping
for Genetic Patrimony (CGEN in the Brazilian acronym).
Our study was authorized by the Instituto Nacional de Genomic DNA was extracted from 50 mg of powdered leaf
Pesquisas da Amazônia’s Committee for Research Ethics tissues (leaves were crushed in a Precellys24 Tissue
(protocol 235/09). homogenizer) following the CTAB protocol (Doyle and
Doyle 1987), with a minor modification (b-mercap-
Variety sampling toethanol was not used). DNA was quantified by compar-
ison with known concentrations of standard DNA (lambda
Adult individuals of each variety were sampled in swid- DNA—Fermentas) in electrophoresis agarose gels (0.9%
dens, following a hierarchical sampling design in which the w/v) stained with GelRed (Biotium).
swiddens represent the household unit inside soil types, Ten microsatellite markers, previously described in
inside communities (Peroni et al. 2007). We sampled other studies, were chosen. Seven of them (GA21, GA126,
leaves of 1 plant of each bitter manioc variety in the plot, in GA131, GA134, GA136, GA140, GAGG5) were described
48 swiddens (17 in ADE soils, 14 in floodplain soils and 17 by Chavarriaga-Aguirre et al. (1998), and 3 (SSRY13,
in Oxisols). Seedlings and sweet manioc varieties in each SSRY89, SSRY 164) by Mba et al. (2001). PCR reactions
swidden were also opportunistically sampled. Additionally, were carried out in a final volume of 10 ll with 20 ng of
seedlings in two recently burnt but not yet planted fields genomic DNA, 1X buffer (Mg2? free), 2.5 ng of BSA,
were sampled (1 field in Oxisol and 1 in floodplain), with 2.5 mM of MgCl2, 250 lM of each dNTP, 2.5 pmols of

1262 Genetica (2011) 139:1259–1271

each forward and reverse primer, and 1 U Taq DNA genotyped (0.992). Number of candidate parents and the
polymerase. Amplifications were carried out in a Verirti minimum number of genotyped loci were set to 6 and 8.
thermocycler (Applied Biosystems) as follows: 94°C for The proportion of candidate parents sampled and mis-
2 min; 30 cycles at 94°C for 1 min; 56°C for 1 min; 72°C genotyped loci were set to 0.9 and 0.05. Delta parameter
for 2 min; and a final extension at 72°C for 25 min. Quality was chosen at relaxed and strict levels of confidence of
and non-ambiguous amplification were checked by elec- 80% and 95%.
trophoresis in agarose gels (2% w/v) stained with GelRed
(Biotium). Each forward primer sequence was labeled with PCoAs and relationships among swiddens
fluorescence (either FAM, 6-HEX or NED), which allowed
genotyping in multiplexed systems in the DNA sequencer The dispersion of genetic diversity among varieties and
ABI3130xl (Applied Biosystems). GeneScan -500 swiddens was evaluated by Principal Coordinate Analysis
ROX - Size Standard (Applied Biosystems) was used for (PCoA), carried out with GenAlEx (Peakall and Smouse
allele sizing. Data collection and analysis were performed 2006). The dispersion of swiddens, the basic evolutionary
using GeneMapper v.4.0 (Applied Biosystems). unit in this study, in PCoAs was cross referenced to their
community of origin and soil type. Because sampling was
Genetic diversity analysis opportunistic, the sweet varieties were only grouped
according to soil type.
Genetic diversity parameters, including total (A) and mean Based on DA genetic distances (Nei et al. 1983) among
(Ā) number of alleles, observed (HO) and expected (HE) swiddens, a dendrogram was constructed using the
heterozygosities, number of private alleles (Ap) and Neighbor-Joining method (Saitou and Nei 1987), with
inbreeding coefficients (f, Weir and Cockerham 1984), 1,000 bootstrap replicates, implemented by PHYLIP v.3.6
were estimated for each locus and for different groups of (Felsenstein 2005). The final tree was formatted with
varieties with GenAlEx (Peakall and Smouse 2006). Tests TreeDyn (Chevenet et al. 2006).
of Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) for each locus,
and allelic richness (AR—El Mousadik and Petit 1996) for Genetic structure
the groups of varieties were estimated with FSTAT
v. (Goudet 2001). Significance of the f, based on Pairwise fixation indices (FST) were obtained with Arlequin
10,000 bootstrap replicates, and the test of Linkage Dis- v.3.5 (Excoffier and Lischer 2010), to investigate genetic
equilibrium (LD), based on 10,000 permutations, for each differentiation among groups of varieties for soils and
group of varieties were estimated with Genetix v.4.05 communities. Significance tests were carried out with
(Belkhir et al. 2002). The probabilities of the presence of 10,000 permutations. Levels of significance were adjusted
null alleles for each locus were estimated with Micro- with the Bonferroni correction (Rice 1989).
Checker (Van Oosterhout et al. 2004) with a 95% confi- Mantel tests (Smouse et al. 1986) were performed
dence interval. Levels of significance were adjusted with among matrices of genetic distance, linearized FST (Slatkin
the Bonferroni correction (Rice 1989). 1995) and Nei genetic distances (DA, Nei et al. 1983), and
The recognition of identical and distinct multilocus matrices of geographic distances, matrices of soil types and
genotypes (MLGs) was performed with GenClone v.2.0 matrices of communities. These latter two were coded as
(Arnaud-Haond and Belkhir 2007) in order to investigate binary matrices where zero was given to swiddens that
the composition and distribution of MLGs across the were in the same soil type or community and one other-
varieties. The analysis was performed for the 195 adult wise, following the example of Vigouroux et al. (2008).
individuals with no missing data. Calculations were performed with Arlequin v.3.5 (Excoffier
and Lischer 2010). Significance tests were carried out with
Parentage analysis 100,000 permutations. DAs were calculated with MSA
v.4.05 (Dieringer and Schlötterer 2003).
To evaluate which varieties were possible genitors, To investigate the distribution of genetic variation, locus
assignment of parents for the seedlings was performed with by locus Analyses of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) were
Cervus v.3.0 (Marshall et al. 1998; Kalinowski et al. 2007). conducted with Arlequin v.3.5 (Excoffier and Lischer
The candidate parents were the 205 adults collected and the 2010). The hierarchical levels considered were: bitter or
162 seedlings were considered the offspring. Parentage sweet varieties, groups of swiddens within soil types within
analysis was performed to identify the most likely parents communities, swiddens within upland soils (ADE and
of seedlings after a simulation conducted with the default Oxisols) and floodplain soils. Statistical significance was
number of offspring (10,000) and proportion of loci assessed based upon 10,000 bootstrap replicates.

Genetica (2011) 139:1259–1271 1263

Results individuals. Seedlings from the Oxisols and ADE soils

showed smaller observed heterozygosities, stronger deficits
Genetic diversity of heterozygotes and greater proportions of loci in LD than
the seedlings from the floodplain, which showed an excess
The set of adult individuals (bitter and sweet varieties, of heterozygotes.
N = 205) and the set of seedlings (N = 162) had an In general, floodplain varieties had higher genetic
average of 5.6 and 5.3 alleles per locus, respectively, and diversity, and less inbreeding than the ADE and Oxisols
the number of alleles per locus varied from two to nine varieties (Table 2). The floodplain was also the environ-
(Table 1). Although similar values were found for seed- ment with the highest number of private alleles and allelic
lings, adults had higher observed heterozygosity, and three richness, and smaller proportions of loci in LD. Most of the
loci with an excess of heterozygotes, while seedlings had private alleles were at low frequencies, but, interestingly,
none. HWE was not found for three loci in adults and for only floodplain varieties showed private alleles with fre-
seven loci in seedlings. Most of the pairs of loci were in LD quencies higher than 0.05.
for both adults (86%) and seedlings (80%). The loci that The communities showed an average of 4.1 alleles per
displayed evidence of null alleles were those not in HWE locus for their bitter varieties. Communities with swiddens
for the adults, seedlings and all the groups of varieties in the floodplain (Fortaleza, Pau Queimado and Verdum)
(varying from one to three loci within each group). showed slightly higher allelic richness and heterozygosi-
Within adult individuals, bitter varieties had an average ties, and also had greater numbers of private alleles
of 5.6 alleles per locus while sweet had 3.5 (Table 2). (Table 2). In turn, excess of heterozygotes was found for
Bitter varieties had greater allelic richness than sweet, but the floodplain communities, and also for Barro Alto, where
the latter had a higher observed heterozygosity and an swiddens were sampled in ADE and Oxisols.
excess of heterozygotes, however none of the differences A total of 195 adult individuals representing 50 (40 bitter,
were statistically significant [Mann–Whitney exact 10 sweet) different varieties of manioc showed 82 different
P = 0.08 (AR), 0.58 (HO), 0.09 (f)]. Bitter varieties had 21 MLGs (see Online Resource 2 for additional information).
private alleles, while the sweet varieties had none. Higher Unique combinations of alleles were found for 52 individ-
proportions of loci were in LD among bitter (82% of 45 uals; 15 were from ADE, 24 from the floodplain and 13 from
pairs of loci) than among sweet varieties (31% of 45 pairs Oxisols. The other 143 individuals presented 30 different
of loci). The proportions of loci in LD were smaller when MLGs; three of them were shared by individuals from ADE,
only one individual per MLG was considered, however eight from floodplain, four from Oxisols, and 15 were shared
they were still higher among bitter varieties (51% of 45 by varieties from more than one soil type.
pairs of loci) than among sweet ones (4.5% of 45 pairs of Thirteen varieties were collected only once and six (three
loci). Seedlings had a smaller observed heterozygosity and from ADE and three from floodplain) of them had unique
a stronger deficit in heterozygotes than among adult MLGs. The varieties Roxona and Flecha, found only once

Table 1 Characteristics of microsatellite loci: size range in base pairs individuals of sweet and bitter manioc (adults) and from 162
(bp), number of alleles (A), observed (HO) and expected (HE) seedlings, sampled in Manicoré, Amazonas, Brazil
heterozygosities and inbreeding coefficients (f) estimated from 205
Locus Size range (bp) Adults Seedlings

GA21 106–118 4 0.522 0.553 0.054 5 0.451 0.495 0.087

GA126 180–220 8 0.816 0.722 -0.133* 7 0.463 0.755* 0.385*
GA131 94–114 6 0.743 0.768 0.030 6 0.469 0.617* 0.237*
GA134 310–322 4 0.247 0.651* 0.619* 4 0.263 0.578* 0.544*
GA136 142–156 6 0.701 0.716 0.018 5 0.648 0.689 0.056
GA140 156–172 6 0.647 0.749* 0.134* 6 0.42 0.725* 0.419*
GAGG5 115–125 4 0.581 0.582 -0.002 4 0.256 0.364* 0.293*
SSRY13 196–242 9 0.799 0.791 -0.012 9 0.571 0.682* 0.159*
SSRY89 104–118 2 0.093 0.098 0.046 2 0.105 0.111 0.050
SSRY164 154–186 7 0.608 0.684* 0.109* 5 0.568 0.706* 0.193*
Mean 5.6 0.576 0.631* 0.086* 5.3 0.421 0.572* 0.242*

Significant values *(P \ 0.005 for HWE, and P \ 0.05 for f) are indicated

1264 Genetica (2011) 139:1259–1271

Table 2 Number of individuals (N), mean number of alleles (A),  various groupings of manioc varieties and seedlings from Manicoré,
number of private alleles (Ap), allelic richness (AR), observed (HO) based on 10 microsatellite loci
and expected (HE) heterozygosities and inbreeding coefficients (f) for
Groups of varieties N A Ap AR HO HE f

Bitter varieties 184 5.6 21 4.627 0.567 0.615* 0.072*

Sweet varieties 21 3.5 0 3.490 0.654 0.574 -0.141
Type of plants
Adults 205 5.6 5 5.526 0.576 0.631* 0.086*
Seedlings 162 5.3 2 4.398 0.421 0.572* 0.242*
Seedlings per soil type
Seedlings ADE 46 4.1 3 3.454 0.398 0.564* 0.260*
Seedlings floodplain 8 2.9 2 2.900 0.588 0.488 -0.207*
Seedling Oxisols 58 3.7 4 2.934 0.394 0.469* 0.184*
Floodplain field 34 3.5 1 2.864 0.497 0.487 -0.014
Oxisol field 16 2.6 0 2.516 0.344 0.469* 0.262*
Bitter varieties per soil type
ADE 59 4.5 1 4.454 0.538 0.568 0.047
Floodplain 56 5.2 10 5.195 0.606 0.595 -0.015
Oxisols 69 4.2 1 4.151 0.559 0.582 0.043
Bitter varieties per communities
Água Azul 45 3.9 2 3.627 0.534 0.592* 0.097*
Barreira do Capanã 46 4.3 1 3.752 0.572 0.595 0.043
Barro Alto 43 3.7 0 3.280 0.543 0.511 -0.052*
Pau Queimado 21 4.5 2 3.837 0.600 0.525 -0.094*
Fortaleza 12 4.2 1 4.158 0.588 0.560 -0.039
Verdum 17 3.8 2 3.562 0.641 0.561 -0.113*

Significant values *(P \ 0.05 after Bonferroni correction for HWE, and P \ 0.05 for f) are indicated

in ADE, had the same MLG as other varieties found in parents with the relaxed confidence level of 80%. Within
different soil types. Variety Pore´ (from an Oxisol) was the strict confidence level of 95% only two individuals
equal to one of the three MLGs of Coxa Branca. Variety (1.2%) were assigned to possible parents. The first was a
Guia Roxa (from the floodplain) shared the same MLG with seedling collected in Água Azul at an ADE swidden which
three other floodplain varieties. Varieties Mane´ Velho and had individuals of varieties Jabuti and De maniva, from
Jabuti-amarelo shared the same MLG with individuals of another ADE swidden, as the most likely parents. The other
Faianca and Roxinha. Additionally, a variety identified by seedling was collected in Barreira do Capanã at an ADE
the farmer as a different form of Tartaruga, sampled in swidden and had an individual of the variety Roxinha, from
Barro Alto at an ADE swidden, had the same MLG as an another ADE swidden, and a non-designated individual,
individual of Arroz. from an Oxisol swidden, as the most likely parents. In both
All of the 11 more common varieties (sampled in five or cases, the swiddens were in the same community in which
more swiddens) had at least three different MLGs. Except for the seedlings were sampled.
Arroz, Olho Roxo and Juvenal, the other varieties were found At the 80% level, possible parents had the same MLG
in all soil types, and had at least one MLG shared with at least (clonemates) for only one individual, and most likely
one different variety of at least one different soil type. Olho parents of the same varieties were assigned to five indi-
Roxo and Juvenal were exclusively from the floodplain, and viduals (in two cases the varieties were not from the same
shared MLGs with other varieties from floodplain and, in the swidden). The other 50 seedlings were assigned to inter-
case of Juvenal, with other varieties from other soil types. varietal crosses. Four seedlings had both of the most likely
parents at the swiddens in which they were present and 23
Parentage analysis had at least one of the most likely parents at the same
swidden. Other 22 individuals had their most likely parents
For the 162 seedlings used in the parentage analysis, 55 in different swiddens, and half of those had at least one of
individuals (34%) were assigned to the two most likely the parents belonging to varieties present at the same

Genetica (2011) 139:1259–1271 1265

swiddens in which the seedlings were sampled. Interest-

ingly, 41 seedlings (80.4% of those assigned) had both of
their most likely parents from varieties that occurred within
swiddens of the same community, while nine seedlings
(16.3% of those assigned) had at least one of their most
likely parents from varieties collected in different soils.

PCoAs and relationships among swiddens

The first two principal coordinates of the analysis of

genetic variability among individuals explained 54.2% of
total variation and showed that sweet varieties tend to form
a separate group from the bitter varieties, which are also
more dispersed (Fig. 2a).
When individuals were grouped according to swiddens
on different soils, the first two axes of the PCoA explained
63.4% of the variation. ADE and Oxisol swiddens were
mixed in a diffuse group, while the floodplain swiddens
formed a distinct group, closer to sweet varieties (Fig. 2b).
There was no clear tendency of swiddens from the same
community to form groups (data not shown).
Cluster analysis based on DA revealed the same pattern
observed in the PCoAs (Fig. 3). All floodplain swiddens,
except one from Água Azul, were grouped close to each
other, while swiddens from ADE and Oxisols formed a
distinct group, with three main subgroups that are not
Fig. 3 Neighbor-Joining dendrogram based on Nei et al.’s (1983)
related to soil types or communities. Sweet varieties genetic distance (DA), showing the relationships among bitter manioc
formed a consistent group in which ADE is closer to Ox- swiddens and sweet varieties of manioc from the three different soil
isol, and were located within the floodplain group. Most of types in Manicoré, Amazonas, Brazil. Clearer branches represent
the branches lack support, but bootstraps tended to be floodplain swiddens. Branch labels indicate the community (AA Água
Azul, BC Barreira do Capanã, BA Barro Alto, F Fortaleza, PQ Pau
higher at branches with swiddens geographically close to Queimado and V Verdum) and the swiddens’ soil types (ADE
each other. Amazonian dark earths, OX Oxisols, FP Floodplain). Sweet varieties
were grouped according to the soils. Bootstrap values greater than
Genetic structure 70% are indicated

Pairwise FSTs between floodplain/ADE and floodplain/ Although the geographic extent of this study spans only
Oxisols were about six times higher than between ADE/ about 75 km, Verdum was the most isolated commu-
Oxisols (Table 3). Mean pairwise FST among communities nity (mean distance between all pairs of communities
(0.097) was higher than among soil types (0.073). studied was 13.3 km; mean distance of Verdum to other

Fig. 2 Principal coordinates

analysis based on diversity in 10
microsatellites. a Dispersion of
individuals of bitter and sweet
varieties of manioc.
b Dispersion of bitter manioc
swiddens and sweet varieties of
manioc from the three different
soil types in Manicoré,
Amazonas, Brazil

1266 Genetica (2011) 139:1259–1271

Table 3 Genetic differentiation (FST) among bitter varieties of manioc sampled from three soil types and six communities in Manicoré
ADE Floodplain Oxisols

Floodplain 0.108* –
Oxisols 0.016* 0.093* –
Água Azul Barreira do Capanã Barro Alto Pau Queimado Fortaleza Verdum

Água Azul –
Barreira do Capanã 0.011 –
Barro Alto 0.069** 0.038** –
Pau Queimado 0.151** 0.141** 0.221** –
Fortaleza 0.068 0.048 0.106** 0.046 –
Verdum 0.114** 0.098** 0.184** 0.121** 0.035 –

Significant values *(P \ 0.0167) among soils and **(P \ 0.0033) among communities are indicated

communities was 72.5 km), and showed high levels of greater than variation among soil types, with similar cor-
genetic differentiation. Mantel tests showed significant responding FSTs (respectively 0.082 and 0.087, not signif-
correlation only between linearized FST and soil types icantly different with 95% bootstrap confidence interval),
(R = 0.31, P = 0.02). This correlation was almost two but most variation was found within swiddens in both cases
times greater when ADE and Oxisols swiddens were con- (see Online Resource 3).
sidered to be from the same soil type (R = 0.59, P \ 0.01). As suggested by PCoAs and cluster analysis, floodplain
The AMOVA between sweet and bitter varieties indi- varieties are genetically differentiated from upland varie-
cated that most of the variance is found within these ties (ADE and Oxisols). When these latter two groups are
groups, but there is a reasonable percentage of variation compared, the variation found between them is greater than
between groups (Table 4), with a correspondingly high that found among communities or among each soil, as well
value of FST (0.132). AMOVA for groups of swiddens from as the corresponding FST (0.117).
the same soil within a community showed that most of the
variation was found within soils in the communities, fol-
lowed by the variation found among communities and then Discussion
by the variation found among soils within a community.
The genetic divergence of swiddens among communities Genetic diversity of manioc varieties
(FST = 0.099, significant with 95% bootstrap confidence
interval) was higher than the divergence among swiddens We observed high levels of neutral genetic diversity in
within communities (FSC = 0.026, not significant with manioc (mean of 5.6 alleles per locus, mean HO = 0.57),
95% bootstrap confidence interval). Corroborating these which were similar to previous studies. Analyzing 115
results, variation found among communities was slightly varieties of bitter and sweet manioc, with nine of the loci

Table 4 Analysis of molecular

Source of variation Sum of squares Variation Percentage
variance (AMOVA, average
components of variation
over 10 loci) for three
hierarchical groupings of Between bitter and sweet varieties 38.15 0.46 13.19
manioc varieties in Manicoré
Within groups of varieties 1,237.79 3.07 86.81
Total 1,275.94 3.53
Among communities 97.73 0.23 7.51
Among soils within communities 23.26 0.08 2.48
Within soils of communities 996.82 2.83 90.01
Total 1,117.81 3.14
Between ADE/Oxisols and floodplain 51.95 0.31 9.67
Level 1, Bitter and sweet
varieties. Level 2, Soils within Among Swiddens within groups of soils 155.93 0.07 2.11
communities. Level 3, Within Swiddens 909.93 2.88 88.24
Swiddens within upland and Total 1,117.81 3.26
floodplain soils

Genetica (2011) 139:1259–1271 1267

used in this study, Peroni et al. (2007) found 4.5 alleles per the names given to manioc varieties were unique to par-
locus and a mean HO of 0.67. Elias et al. (2004), with eight ticular families cultivating the variety, often resulting in the
of the loci used here, analyzed 117 accessions of bitter and same phenotype having distinct names in different families.
sweet manioc, reporting 5.5 alleles per locus and a mean This pattern was also found by Kizito et al. (2007) in
HO of 0.51. Using seven of the loci used here for 55 sweet Uganda. These authors found manioc varieties (either
and bitter varieties, Mühlen et al. (2000) found 4.4 alleles local, introduced or commercial) with the same name and
per locus and a mean HO of 0.56. These three studies similar genotypes, but in different localities. However they
analyzed varieties from widely separated geographic areas, also found manioc varieties with different names and from
rather than within a small geographic area. different localities, but that were genetically and morpho-
The great proportions of loci in LD found among the logically similar. A parallel line can be traced with our
studied varieties are probably the consequence of selection study, which found the same genotype in individuals
and clonal propagation. Since farmers propagate manioc assigned to distinct varieties. For instance, the two indi-
exclusively by stem cuttings, the genotypes selected are viduals of variety Manicore´ had the same MLG as indi-
immediately fixed, restricting recombination (which occurs viduals of variety Manaus collected in the same
when seedlings are incorporated). Higher proportions of community, but in swiddens of different families. Another
loci in LD among bitter than sweet varieties may be due to possibility is that genotype-environment interactions may
greater selective pressures imposed by the farmers on bitter cause unique morphological expressions of the same
manioc. Bitter varieties are the main staple food crop and genotype to be identified as new varieties (Emperaire et al.
one of the main sources of income for farmers in the 1998). A possible example is variety Roxa, collected only
region, thus although farmers manage a high diversity of once at an ADE swidden, which had the same MLG as
varieties, it is probable that they select their varieties for some individuals of variety Roxinha, collected in Oxisol
some degree of morphological (and indirectly genotype) swiddens. Variation in designations of the varieties among
uniformity. Within the groups of varieties the presence of farmers might play an important role in maintaining
null alleles is related to the loci that were not in HWE and diversity within the crop, since it opens the possibility of
may be the explanation for the excess of homozygotes keeping sets of individuals with unique genetic features
detected in these loci (Dewoody et al. 2006). under the same varietal name at different locations.
The 82 MLGs found for the 50 varieties included in the
analysis agree with previous studies, which showed that Seedlings
manioc varieties are polyclonal (Peroni et al. 2007; Pujol
et al. 2007). Interestingly, the floodplain varieties had the It was not surprising that seedlings showed lower hetero-
greater number of unique MLGs, which certainly contrib- zygosity than adults and a deficiency of heterozygotes.
uted to their distinction from upland soils. Analyses of Elias et al. (2001) found lower heterozygosity for two
manioc varieties cultivated by Amerindians in Costa Rica populations of volunteer seedlings than for the 29 varieties
(Rocha et al. 2008) showed a lesser extent of genetic sampled in Guyana. Pujol et al. (2005) also found highly
variation than our study. These authors sampled 70 and 39 inbreed populations of seedlings in two swiddens of Palikur
varieties in two different regions, and found 28 and 19 Amerindians in French Guyana. Although manioc is
MLGs, respectively. thought to be preferentially allogamous (Martins 2001),
For some varieties, all individuals had identical MLGs, there may be high rates of self-fertilization (geitonogamy
even when collected in different swiddens, but amongst the as well) since, given the grouped distribution of plants of
most frequent varieties (collected in more than five swid- the same variety frequently observed in swiddens, there is a
dens), all had at least three different MLGs that were not good chance that surrounding individuals are clones or
associated with different soil types or with different com- genetically similar (Pujol et al. 2005). This is probably the
munities. Incorporation of seedlings into the varieties explanation of the high inbreeding coefficient and lower
(Duputié et al. 2009; Martins 2001; Pujol et al. 2005) and number of private alleles observed in the seedlings. The
the occurrence of somatic mutations in plants used to high proportion of inter-varietal crosses in the parentage
prepare stem cuttings might also be sources of new MLGs analysis contrasts with the lower heterozygosities. How-
within varieties (McKey et al. 2010b), especially given the ever, most of the seedlings from the same swidden that
high mutation rates of microsatellites (Powell et al. 1996). were assigned in this analysis had one (half-sibs) or both
We also found individuals assigned to different varietal (full-sibs) of their most likely parents in common. This also
names with identical MLGs, which suggests that the des- may have contributed to the lower heterozygosities and
ignation of varieties may not be uniform among farmers in higher inbreeding of seedlings when compared to adults.
communities along the middle Madeira River. Salick et al. Low proportions of assignments at the strict and even at
(1997), in Peruvian Amazonia, detected that over 50% of the relaxed levels of confidence in parentage analysis may

1268 Genetica (2011) 139:1259–1271

be due to different reasons. Firstly, only a small proportion The distinction of bitter and sweet varieties is recog-
of the potential parents were sampled in the swiddens. nized by farmers (Elias et al. 2000; McKey and Beckerman
Another possibility is that the parents were of varieties not 1993) and is also genetically well documented (Mühlen
grown in the cultivation cycle at sampling time. Also, et al. 2000; Peroni et al. 2007). With more systematic
parentage analysis is more powerful when sexes of candi- sampling of sweet varieties, the individuals would probably
date parents are known (Marshall et al. 1998). form two distinct groups in PCoA representing the two
According to the AMOVA, varieties in swiddens within major groups of varieties, although some overlap would be
each community are very similar. Thus, it is more likely expected given the continuum of cyanogenic glycoside
that parental varieties are in the same communities as the levels. Interesting patterns of relationships of bitter and
seedlings, either in the same swidden or not. This may be sweet varieties were detected in PCoA (Fig. 2B) and the
explained by more intensive exchange of varieties within swiddens’ dendrogram (Fig. 3): in both analyses sweet
than among communities. Indeed, exchange of varieties varieties were closely related to the bitter varieties of the
has been demonstrated as being part of social networks floodplain. These interesting relationships may be due to
where manioc varieties are traditionally grown (Boster the origins of sweet and bitter manioc, as suggested by
1986; Emperaire and Peroni 2007; Peroni and Hanazaki Arroyo-Kalin (2010), although our sampling strategy was
2002; Oliveira 2008). In such social networks the exchange not designed to examine this. This author hypothesized that
of varieties tends to be more intensive between farmers during the process of manioc domestication sweet varieties
with closer kinship relations, which we may expect to be arose first, probably in dump heaps of non-sedentary peo-
more frequent in the same community. Few seedlings’ ples. Because sweet manioc matures faster and does not
most-likely parents were varieties collected in different soil demand technologies for detoxification, it would be more
types, probably due to short distance pollination and seed appropriate for nomadic peoples (Baleé 1992). Dump
dispersal. Manioc is pollinated by wind and small insects heaps latter developed into homegardens (Lathrap 1977),
(Lebot 2009), so it is unlikely that pollination occurs where sweet varieties are often found today (Elias et al.
between plants located in distant swiddens in different soil 2000; McKey et al. 2010a). When floodplains filled enough
types. Seeds are dispersed by authocory followed by for horticulture, the homegarden varieties adapted to rich
myrmecochory, which limits seed dispersal to a short soils would have been ‘‘pre-adapted’’ to the rich soils of the
range, although some birds may have occasional roles in floodplains, where cultivation could be somewhat intensi-
dispersal (Elias and McKey 2000). fied. Bitter varieties would have arisen when sedentary
One-fifth of the seedlings had individuals of varieties societies appeared and manioc started to be grown in larger
that did not occur at the same swidden as possible parents. swiddens in more intensive systems beyond the homegar-
This suggests that different varieties than the ones present dens (Arroyo-Kalin 2010), generally on the terra firme
at the time of sampling might have been grown in the same upland soils, simply because there is more space and no
or in nearby swiddens in prior cycles of cultivation, a flood threat on the terra firme. Arroyo-Kalin’s hypothesis
common occurrence in traditional swidden-fallow systems would be better tested genetically with the use of chloro-
(Pujol et al. 2007). plast DNA polymorphisms with a large-scale sampling of
both bitter and sweet South American manioc varieties
Bitter and sweet varieties traditionally cultivated by indigenous and non-indigenous
Although heterozygosity was higher for the sweet varieties
(HO = 0.65), the bitter varieties had greater allelic richness Genetic differentiation among cultivation environments
(AR = 4.627). Also, while bitter varieties showed a deficit
of about 7% of heterozygotes, sweet varieties had an excess Because different environments of manioc cultivation were
of observed heterozygosity (f = -0.14). Previous studies never emphasized in previous genetic studies it is difficult
also found higher observed heterozygosities in sweet to compare our results with others. The floodplain varieties
varieties (Elias et al. 2004; Mühlen et al. 2000; Peroni et al. presented greater genetic diversity than ADE and Oxisols
2007). The higher number of private alleles in bitter vari- varieties, and this may result from farmers’ selection for
eties found in this study is probably explained by the dif- variable characteristics due to the unstable nature of the
ference in sampling numbers, and certainly contributes to floodplain. Natural and farmers’ selection lead to high
the genetic difference between the two groups of varieties. genetic diversity in barley landraces traditionally cultivated
Elias et al. (2001) found 22 private alleles in bitter varieties in adverse environments (Ceccarelli and Grando 2000).
and only one in sweet varieties, while Peroni et al. (2007) These authors suggested that such populations may be
found three private alleles in sweet and none in bitter useful for understanding the mechanisms that enhance
varieties. stability in stressful environments and the adaptive role of

Genetica (2011) 139:1259–1271 1269

individual traits. Hence, bitter manioc varieties from the extensively than variation with elevation and topography.
floodplain may be used as a model for understanding However, as highlighted by the authors, the genetic basis
adaptive mechanisms of cultivation that occur in this involved in the correlations is unknown. Agronomic char-
environment. acterization of the Empresa Barsileira de Pesquisa Agro-
Based on ethnobotanical observations, Fraser and pecuária (Embrapa) Brazilian manioc core collection also
Clement (2008) and Fraser (2010) suggested that commu- revealed variation among ecogeographic regions of Brazil;
nities along the middle Madeira River developed distinct however, this core collection has not yet been fully char-
varieties of bitter manioc adapted to different soil types. As acterized with molecular markers (Cordeiro and Abadie
a consequence, those communities with access to different 2007).
soil types would manage higher levels of genetic diversity. This is the first time that the genetic structure of
This seems not to be necessarily true, since communities in numerous manioc varieties have been examined at a fine
which bitter manioc is grown in the three soil types (Água geographic scale, on three different soils, two of which are
Azul and Barreira do Capanã) had lower genetic diversity nutrient rich and not well represented in the manioc liter-
than communities in which bitter manioc is cultivated only ature. Ethnobotanical observation in the middle Madeira
in floodplain soils (Pau Queimado, Fortaleza and Verdum). River region suggested that communities that cultivate
Another hypothesis of Fraser (2010) is that the genetic bitter manioc in more than one soil type would manage
structure of varieties would be related to the different higher genetic diversity, and that the genetic structure of
cultivation environments. This second hypothesis is partly bitter varieties would be related to the soil type in which
true, given the genetic differentiation found between the they are grown, with a closer relationship between varieties
floodplain and upland soils (ADE and Oxisols), as sug- grown in the floodplain and ADE (Fraser and Clement
gested by FST and AMOVA (Tables 3 and 4). 2008; Fraser 2010). Based on levels of genetic variability
Fraser and Clement (2008) and Fraser (2010) also for bitter manioc, floodplain communities manage more
observed that bitter manioc varieties grown in the flood- genetic diversity than communities on other soils. There-
plain and ADE appeared to have similar ecological adap- fore, higher genetic diversity is not necessarily found
tations (such as fast maturation and low starch content), within communities in which farmers have access to dif-
possibly due to farmers’ selection and the consequent ferent soil types. There was little evidence that the bitter
development of genetic distinctions attributable to these manioc varieties from the floodplain are genetically closer
adaptations. Contrary to ethnobotanical observations, bitter to the varieties from ADE, rather, there is significant
manioc varieties of ADE were more related to bitter genetic differentiation between varieties grown in the
manioc varieties of Oxisols, rather than to those in the floodplain and those grown in upland soils.
floodplain, as shown by PCoA (Fig. 2b) and the dendro- The genetic data showed a divergent evolutionary tra-
gram (Fig. 3). Our data appears to refute the ethnobotanical jectory of bitter manioc in cultivation in different Ama-
hypothesis and poses new questions: are the similar eco- zonian edaphic environments. Interesting new questions,
logical adaptations observed for ADE and floodplain bitter which have many genetic, evolutionary and ecological
manioc varieties outcomes of adaptive convergence of implications, may be raised: what are the selective forces
traits directed by farmer’s selection? Is this selection con- that drive the genetic differentiation of the floodplain
scious or unconscious? varieties from the upland soils varieties? While this may
As expected, most of the variation detected by AMOVA seem trivial, periodic extreme flood events may eliminate
was found within the swiddens, which contain different enormous numbers of floodplain varieties and require
varieties. The AMOVA for groups of swiddens of the same significant farmer action to recreate them. What are the
soil within communities suggested that the exchange of differences in the traditional farmer’s management that
varieties may be more intensive within than among the may explain such differentiation? To what extent do the
communities. Indeed, exchange of varieties is expected to patterns of distribution of the genetic diversity of bitter
be more frequent within communities due to the social manioc varieties among different environments apply to
networks discussed above (Boster 1986; Emperaire and the rest of Amazonia? May these patterns also be found in
Peroni 2007; Peroni and Hanazaki 2002; Oliveira 2008). sweet manioc? We have just added one new component to
Overall, our results suggest a strong genetic differenti- the discussion of the evolutionary dynamics of manioc
ation among bitter manioc varieties cultivated in different under cultivation, and much remains to be done. We also
environments. Differentiation among environments of hope that studies like this encourage the adoption of social
cultivation was also suggested by Salick et al. (1997). policies that raise the awareness of the value of traditional
These authors studied indigenous communities in Peruvian practices of smallholder farmers, who are the current
Upper Amazonia and concluded that morphological char- curators of the on-farm conservation of manioc genetic
acteristics in manioc vary with soil types, but less resources.

1270 Genetica (2011) 139:1259–1271

Acknowledgments This research was part of AAP’s Master Thesis Duputié A, Massol F, David P, Haxaire C, McKey D (2009)
and was funded by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Traditional Amerindian cultivators combine directional and
Cientı´fico e Tecnológico—CNPq, CT Amazônia proc. no. 575588/08- ideotypic selection for sustainable management of cassava
0, and also supported by the Programa de Pós-Graduação em genetic diversity. J Evol Biol 22:1317–1325. doi:10.1111/j.1420-
Gene´tica, Conservação e Biologia Evolutiva (INPA). The authors 9101.2009.01749.x
thank André Braga Junqueira for support in field collection. The El Mousadik A, Petit RJ (1996) High level of genetic differentiation
authors also thank Michelly de Cristo-Araújo, Maristerra Lemes, for allelic richness among populations of the argan tree [Argania
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de Nı´vel Superior—CAPES for a master’s scholarship. CRC and RG Elias M, McKey D (2000) The unmanaged reproductive ecology of
thank CNPq for research fellowships (bolsas de produtividade). NP domesticated plants in traditional agroecosystems: an example
thanks CAPES for a research fellowship (PRODOC). Last, but not involving cassava and a call for data. Acta Oecol 21(3):223–230
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