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A physical data model is 

a database-specific model that represents relational data objects (for

example, tables, columns, primary and foreign keys) and their relationships. A physical data
model can be used to generate DDL statements which can then be deployed to a database server.

What is the Waterfall Method?

The Waterfall Model is a linear or sequential approach to project management and
works based on fixed dates, requirements, and outcomes. Teams do not require
consistent communication and, unless specific integrations are required, can be self-
contained. Team members can also work independently and are often required to
provide status reports somewhat less frequently (when compared to an agile

A typical Waterfall project is chronological and is made up of the following phases:

1. Requirements
2. Design
3. Implementation
4. Verification
5. Maintenance

Let’s break this down.


Throughout these five stages, written requirements, usually put into a single document
and used for verification of each stage, are composed alongside constraints and
functional and non-functional needs of the project. Cost is described, as are
assumptions, risks, dependencies, success metrics, and timelines for completion.


A high-level design (HLD) is created to describe the purpose, the scope of the project,
the general traffic flow of each component, and the integration points (the topology),
followed by a detailed design, which allows subject matter experts (SMEs) to
implement the HLD design to precise details.

Implementation teams work to the design to create, code, implement, and test the
solution. It is crucial that the single written document be as clear as possible, as the
team who designs the system may or may not be the same. If changes are required
during the implementation phase (due to unforeseen issues with the design,
integrations, or even changes to the intended function of the system), this
necessitates that a new design be created and signed off on before the
implementation is completed.


Acceptance tests are then deployed and executed in the verification phase, with the
built solution further tested against the requirements to confirm that the project meets
initial expectations. If it does not, then an examination is performed to identify the
shortfalls and a review is completed to determine any ratification actions.


Finally, as defects are raised or new versions of products are needed (maybe because
they are no longer supported), planned changes are made by a dedicated ownership
team. With the Waterfall Model, each stage can only continue when each of the
previous stages are completed and signed off.

Benefits vs. constraints

As with most methodologies, the Waterfall Model comes with just as many benefits as
constraints that can impact a project. Let’s look at some of the benefits and constraints
you will need to balance with getting your project out of the door.

 The project scope stays relatively static, meaning cost and timelines can be determined early on in
the project.
 By completing a full design early in the project, changes to systems stay minimal, meaning the cost
to fix and alter designs is kept low.
 A structured approach to a project means that everyone understands what needs to be done and
when. SMEs can effectively plan their time over the fixed period.
 By having detailed documentation and designs, a project can lose key members without too much
hassle since the documentation describes in reasonable detail how any SME of the product or skill
are needed to complete the work.

 It is hard to allow for new requirements in an ever-changing world. For example, an organization or
industry-wide change of specifications would take a long time to adopt, with the project needing to
return back to the requirements and design stage.
 A project that has dependencies on relatively unstable products which are constantly in flux may
also cause constraint. For example, if the project makes use of software or technologies with very
rapid release-cycles and paces-of-change, then the project needs to have fixes being implemented on
a monthly basis. This makes design and documentation very difficult and means risk and
assumptions must be embedded into the estimations with widely varying degrees of accuracy.
 It is difficult to estimate the total time a project will take to complete. Each organization has
different processes and each project has different issues, including SME shortages, long delays in
provisioning software, and a lengthy approval process.
 A large amount of contingency is, more often than not, added into timescales. From the start of
project, lots of subjects and outcomes will be undetermined and only put into production in the final
stages of the project. This creates risk, which gradually diminishes as the project progresses. Whilst
this risk can be decreased with good practices, it still creates a good deal of uncertainty.

Hopefully this article has given you a better understanding of when to use the
Waterfall Method. To see how we used it in practice, see our article

The main actors of E-Learning Management System in this Use Case Diagram are: Super
Admin, System User, Teacher, Student, who perform the different type of use cases such
as Manage Course, Manage Students, Manage Shedules, Manage Fees, Manage Durations,
Manage Training, Manage Subject, Manage Users and Full E-Learning ...

The User Interface of an LMS is how the learner interacts with the system. Icons, buttons,
menus, search bars, welcome screens and newsfeeds are just a few examples of the
components that make up the user interface of modern systems.

What is user interface in digital library?

User Interface Design

Digital libraries are not used in isolation, they are built up with many components – User
Interface is one of the major components that affect its use. The user interface system, has gained
much deliberation due to the fact that it affects the usability, which is a key factor for the success
of a product.

deployment Diagram

deployment Diagram for Library Management System - Deployment diagram is a structure
diagram which shows architecture of the system as deployment (distribution) of software
artifacts to deployment targets.

A mini project on designing a DATABASE for Library management system using mySQL. It

keeps track of all the information about the books in the library, their cost, status and total
number of books available in the Library.

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