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语法专练 2

代 词

单数 复数
人 主格 I you he she it we you they

代 宾格 you her it you

物 形容词性 my your its our your their
主 物主代词
代 名词性物 yours his its yours
词 主代词
反身代词 myself yourself herself itself yourselves

1. 人称代词的主格在句中作主语。
I love my country. She is a good student.
I don’t know her. His mother is waiting for him outside.
单数:you, he and I 复数:we, you and they
4. 形容词性的物主代词在句中作定语修饰名词,不单独使用。
His parents are both office workers. My name is Jack.
This is my dictionary. Where is yours? My idea is quite different from hers.
6.名词性的物主代词可用 of 在后作定语,相当于“of+名词所有格” ,表示带有部分概念或
He is a friend of mine.
7. 反身代词表示“某人自己” ,常用词组有:
look after oneself 照料某人自己 teach oneself 自学
learn by oneself 自学 enjoy oneself 玩得开心
help oneself 随便吃 come to oneself 苏醒
hurt oneself 受伤 by oneself 亲自

第 1 页 共 6 页
语法专练 2
疑 问 代 词

疑问代词 主要用法 例句

主语、表语、宾语(作宾语在口语 who wants to go with me ?

who 中不能放在介词后)
whom who 的宾格形式,作宾语 Who are you talking to ?

whose who 的所有格形式,作主语、表语、 Whose book is this?


what/who what 询问某人的职业 ---- What’s his father ?

---- He’s a worker.
who 询问某人的身份、姓名 ---- Who is the boy under the tree?
---- He is Jim.
what/which what 指不一定数目中的“哪一个,
那一些;什么”,没有一定范围的限 What would you like?

which “哪一个”,在一定范围内的 Which do you like, spring or autumn?

1. “_______ is the woman?”
“She is a cook.”
A. What B. Who C. Which D. How
2. “______ is the woman?”
“She is fine.”
A. What B. Who C. Which D. How
3. Everyone should do ______ best.
A. its B. ones C. their D. his
4. Except Mrs. Lee and ______, no one was old in the waiting room.
A. his B. her C. I D. she
5. Do you know _____ hair is shorter, Lucy’s or Mary’s?
A. who B. what C. whose D. which
6. ______ work is heavy, but ______ is heavier than ______.
A. Our, their, our B. Our, theirs, ours C. Ours, theirs, our D. Our, their, ours
7. Please take good care of ______.
A. you B. youself C. yourself D. myself
8. Our teacher asked us to be strict with ______ in English study.

第 2 页 共 6 页
语法专练 2
A. ours B. our C. ourselves D. oneselves
9. Your football is under the desk. Where’s ______?
A. her B. you C. us D. ours
10. – Who is singing in the classroom?
– ______ must be Susan.
A. She B. It C. This D. He
11. – What a lovely card! Where did you buy it?
– I made it by ______.
A. me B. himself C. myself D. itself
12. – ______ are you talking about?
– The Olympic Games in Beijing.
A. What B. Whom C. How D. Where
13. – Wow, your new bicycle looks the same as ______.
– Really?
A. me B. I C. my D. mine
14. – Sonia, is this your dictionary?
– Oh, no, it’s not ______. Ask Li Lei, he is looking for ______.
A. me, hers B. mine, him C. my, her D. mine, his
15. Yesterday was Dad’s birthday. I gave ______ a scarf as a present.
A. he B. him C. his D. himself
16. The book is ______. I wrote ______ name on its cover ______.
A. my, my, myself B. mine, my, myself
C. mine, myself, my D. myself, mine, my
17. – Who is the boy over there?
– ______ is my brother.
A. He B. His C. Him D. Himself
18. – ______ school is much larger than ______.
– Really?
A. Our, your B. Our, yours C. Ours, yours D. we, you
19. – Did you enjoy ______ at the party, Jimmy?
– Yes. Just ______.
A. yours, ourselves B. yourselves, myself
C. yourself, myself D. yourselves, ourselves
20. – ______ does your cousin look like?
– He’s tall and thin.
A. What B. Where C. Who D. Which
21. John and Dicky are too busy to help us. Let’s do it ______.
A. herself B. himself C. themselves D. ourselves

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22. – Who’s your English teacher?
– Miss Gao. She teaches ______ English very well.
A. our B. us C. ours D. we
23. – Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food.
– Never mind. You can have ______.
A. us B. ours C. you D. yours
24. – Whose painting is this? It’s really wonderful.
– Oh, it’s not ______. It’s ______.
A. hers, your B. mine, Eliza’s C. yours, he’s D. his, my
25. Do you know the girl between Mary and ______?
A. she B. I C. his D. me
26. Mike’s words are different from ______. We really can’t agree with ______.
A. ours, him B. ours, he’s C. us, him D. us, his
27. We can’t leave our grandparents by ______.
A. they B. them C. themselves D. their
28. – Tom, is this your pen?
– Yes, it’s ______.
A. yours B. his C. mine D. my
29. The old woman asked ______, “What should I do?”
A. she B. her C. hers D. herself
30. ______ have a lot of work to do.
A. He, you and I B. You, he and I C. I, you and he D. I, he and you

it 1.指上下文提到的一个事物。
2. 不明身份,不知是谁常用 it 替代。
3. 指代时间、速度、距离等。
one 上下文的同类事物中的不同一个。
this/ these 指近处的东西。
that/those 比较结构中替代前文提到的名词,避免重复。远处的东西。

some, any few, little one,
many, much either, neither one,
each, every both, all other
Somebody Anybody Nobody Everybody
Someone Anyone No one Everyone
Something anything Nothing everything
第 4 页 共 6 页
语法专练 2
1. –Could I have some milk?
–Certainly. There’s ____ in the bottle.
A little B a little C a few D few
2. –Who taught______ English last term? Was ______Mr. Smith?
–No, Miss White did.
A you, it B you, he C your, it D your, that
3. The weather in summer in Beijing is cooler than ______ in Shanghai.
A this B it C that D one
4. –Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food.
–Never mind. You can have _____.
A us B ours C you D yours
5. “Help _____ to some _____, Children.” Aunt Wang said.
A yourself, fish B yourselves, pear C yourselves, apples D you, meat
6. –Whose painting is this? It’s really wonderful.
–Oh, it’s not _____. It’s _____.
A hers, your B mine, Eliza’s C yours, he’s D his,my
7. –What else do we need, Mum?
–____else, I think. We’ve got everything ready.
A something B Anything C Nothing D Everything
8. –Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange, a bottle of milk or a glass of water?
–______, thanks. I’d like just a cup of tea.
A Either B Neither C Both D None
9. –Can I talk to you for a minute, Brian?
–Sure, I have ______ time.
A a few B little C few D a little
10. Mike’s words are different from ______. We really can’t agree with _____.
A ours, him B ours, he’s C us, him D us, his
11. There is _____ knocking at the door. Go and see who it is.
A nobody B somebody C anybody D everybody
12. –Have you sent your parents an e-mail telling them you arrived safely?
–No. ____ of them can use a computer.
A None B Both C Neither D All
13. We find ____ impossible to get there before 8 o’clock.
A her B it C this D that
14. –Do you like Lucy’s new skirt?
–Yes, very much. I’ll ask Mum to buy ____ for me.
A it B one C this D that
15. _____ is he waiting for?
A Where B Who C What D When
16. –When shall we meet again?
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–Make it ____ day you like. It’s all the same to me.
A one B any C another D all
17. –____ did Mr. Wang leave in a hurry?
– Perhaps to meet a friend. Who knows?
A How B Where C For what D With whom
18. It was a long journey, but ____ of them four felt bored.
A neither B both C none D all
19. _____went surfing at the beach because of the terrible weather.
A Someone B Everyone C Nothing D No one
20. –Can we put our sports shoes here?
–Oh, yes. Put ____ here, please.
A Them B their C it D they
1. Believe yourself. You’re better than ______. You’re the best. Wish you success!
A anyone else B someone else C else anyone
2. I tired several jackets on, but ______ of them looked good.
A both B either C none D neither
3. I’m hungry. I want _____ to eat.
A anything B something C everything D nothing
4. –The story is so amazing! It’s the most interesting story I’ve ever read.
–But I’m afraid it won’t be liked by _______.
A everybody B somebody C anybody D nobody
5. There are many tall buildings on _____ sides of the street.
A either B all C both
6. –I saw Tony at the party. But he didn’t speak to me _____ evening.
–Maybe he didn’t see you.
A all B every C either D another
7. I have got many collections of snow globes. You may take _____ if you like.
A either B one C it D none
8. –Your watch is quite nice. Where did you buy ______?
–In Shanghai. Do you want to have ______ like this?
A it, one B it, it C one, it D one, one
9. –What about this T-shirt?
–I don’t like the color. Please show me ______one.
A other B the other C another D each other
10. –Harbin is really a beautiful city and there’re many places of interest.
–So it is. Why not stay here for _____ two days?
A other B others C another
11. –Two Evening Papers, please!
–Only one copy left. Would you like to have _____, sir?
A one B it C this D that
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