Make Money With OnlyFans Mastery

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OnlyFans is a social media website where creators charge a monthly fee

for “fans” to follow their account. After paying your subscription fee,
users gain access to your feed where they can view your exclusive
content. Creators keep 80% of the money generated by their account,
whilst the remaining 20% goes to OnlyFans.

OnlyFans is very popular in the adult industry due to it’s unrestricted

content policy, however it also hosts successful content creators from
other genres such as physical fitness and modelling.

Getting Started

OnlyFans is a premium social media site, every creator profile has the
following tabs:

 Posts – All your content can be seen here, photos, videos, audio,
stories, live videos, updates and more.

 Photos – Your photos are shown here

 Videos – Your video content is shown here

 Audio – Your voice recordings are kept here

 Likes – Total number of likes received is displayed here, fans can

also see your content they “liked”.

 Fans – Your number of fans are shown here, fans themselves are
not visible.
When creating your OnlyFans account you should think about a name for
your account, the kind of content you want to post, how often you will
post and your monthly subscription price.

You can create an OnlyFans account for a wide variety of content


 Fitness Coaching

 Cosplaying

 Fashion

 Travel Blogging

 DIY Tutorials

 Beauty

 Gaming

 Adult Content

 Recipes & Cooking Tips

 Funny Videos

 Influencer Vlogs

 Modelling
OnlyFans overview

Before we look at how to setup your OnlyFans account and how you can
generate an online income, first lets have quick look at the features
available to creators.

As you can see, there is a rich amount of features available to creators,

with a simple and intuitive interface. We’ll go through these options in
detail below:

Post to your feed

Post a status update message

Attach media

Post a photo, multiple photos and videos to your feed.

Record your voice

Record your voice and upload it as an audio track.

Add a poll

Choose a duration for your poll, add your question, add your answers
and post it to your feed. Your fans can then vote by clicking on one of the
answers available.

Choose an expiration period for your post

Choose how long you want your post to appear on your feed before
being deleted automatically.

Schedule posts

Pick a time and date to automatically publish a post you have created.

Add a price to your post

To price lock a post, your OnlyFans susbcription price has to be set to

“Free”. You can then price lock your post by adding a price.

You can only price lock posts with media such as photos, audio or videos.
Once on your feed, fans can “unlock” the post by paying the price you
To price lock a post on OnlyFans, click on the create post button, add
your media, then click on the dollar tag icon, set your price and post it to
your timeline.

Important Note: Some OnlyFans users can’t see the “Post Price” button
when creating a post. This is most likely because your OnlyFans account
has a subscription price. Only “Free” OnlyFans accounts can price lock
A good strategy is to create two OnlyFans accounts, a free account and a
premium (paid) account. On the free account you post exclusive content
but only share your best content through price locked posts. You can also
use your free page to promote your premium page directly.

Go Live with your subscribers

Set a date and time to go live with your subscribers. Once your live
stream is over you can upload it as a normal video, this way if some of
your fans missed your live stream they can catch up later.

Tip: You can run polls asking your subscribers to vote on what they want
to see in a live stream, vote on any popular questions they have and on
the best times to go live.

Add to your story

Similar to Instagram and Facebook, OnlyFans has a “story” feature,

where you can upload photos or videos which are only visible for a
certain amount of time. You can also save stories as highlights on your

Receive tips

Fans can send you tips directly through your posts, during a live stream
and through your messages. You can also sell custom content in return
for tips from your fans.

Send messages

Speak with fans and other OnlyFans creators through the messages. You
can also use the messages to send Pay Per View (PPV) content to your
Setup your OnlyFans account

Go to the OnlyFans site and click on “sign up for OnlyFans” at the bottom
or you can sign up using your Twitter account.

Add your email address and create a password, next add the display
name you want to use in the “name” field. Once you have filled in your
details, click on the small box to agree to the OnlyFans Terms of Service
and Privacy Policy.

Below is how the signup page looks like on mobile devices.

I covered the email and password fields, but I left the “name” field

Once you have created your OnlyFans account you will be sent to the
“Edit Profile” page where you can customize your profile.
Edit your OnlyFans profile

The first thing you need to do is set a username and display name for
your OnlyFans account:

 Username = This name will appear in your URL and “@”.

 Display Name = This is the name that shows up above your

username on your feed and your profile, since this is not a
username you can add spaces and make it look more attractive.

Next you need to add a cover image and a profile photo. The cover
image is a large banner that appears behind your profile picture. Upload
a cover image that is related to the content that you will post on your
feed, however keep in mind that full nudity is not allowed in your banner
or display picture.

Next upload a profile picture for your account. As you can see, the
“Subscription Price ($/Per Month)” section is grayed out and cannot be
accessed. This is because you need to add a bank account to your
OnlyFans account and confirm that you are over 18.
You can your personal details by clicking on “add a bank account”
written in blue, I highlighted this in the image above. We are going to go
through this process in a moment so you can continue editing your
profile for now.

Under the “Subscription Price” section you have the “About” section.
Here is where you can add a bio for your fans to see when they come
across your profile.

When fans view your profile your bio will be hidden by the label “Show
more info”, clicking on that label will reveal your bio and additional
information including website links.

After clicking “Show more info” and revealing your bio, the tab changes
to “Show less” if fans want to hide your bio again.

Use your bio section to let your fans know what they will gain access to
when they subscribe. Tell fans the kind of content that you post, for
example it could be workout videos, cosplay photos, clothing hauls,
modelling photosets etc.

Try and be as descriptive as possible, this will improve your chances of

gaining new subscribers since you are making it clear whats fans will be
getting for their money.

You can also let fans know how often you post, if you post regularly, you
can add phrases like “daily uploads” or “new content added weekly” to
your bio. If you offer custom content (workout plans, recipes, photo or
video requests, adult content etc.), add this to your bio too.
Under the “About” section you have:

 Location = You can add your location here.

 Website URL = If you have website you want to promote to your

fans, add the URL here.

 Amazon Wishlist = If you have an Amazon wish list, insert the URL

 Spotify Account = You can connect your Spotify account here by

clicking on the “Connect” button.

Once you have finished editing your OnlyFans account, click on the blue
“Save changes” button.

Add a bank account to earn money

Add a bank account:

Step 1 – Submit your personal details

Note: Adding your bank account to your OnlyFans account is done in 2


1. Submit your personal details and ID for approval by OnlyFans.

2. After your account is approved, add your bank account and set your
monthly subscription price.

To start earning money as an OnlyFans creator you need to submit your

personal details for review, once the OnlyFans team have reviewed and
approved your account, you’ll be able to add your bank account.
To submit your personal details you can scroll back up and click on “add
a bank account” under the “Subscription Price” section.

You can also add your bank details by clicking on the profile icon in the
top right corner. This will open up a side menu, on this menu click on
“Add Bank (to earn)”.

On the next page add your country of residence and click the age
verification circle to confirm that you are at least 18 years old. Once you
are done, click on “Next”.
On the page after this you need to add your personal information:

 First name

 Last name

 Address

 City

 Post/Zip Code

 Date of birth

You can also add your Twitter and Instagram account names, but these
are optional.

Below your personal information you have to upload a government

issued photo ID. Under “Document Type” click and choose the ID you
want to upload, you can upload the following ID types:

 Passport

 ID Card

 Driving Licence
Next you need to upload a photo of the ID itself and a photo of you
holding the ID next to your face.

When uploading your ID photos, make sure the file size isn’t too large. I
tried uploading a 7mb photo and it was “too large” but when I uploaded
a 3mb version of the photo it was accepted, so try and keep the size
under 5mb or 6mb.

Next you have to add the ID expiration date or click on the circle next to
“No expiration date” if your ID has no expiry date. If you are uploading
explicit adult content you need to tick the circle underneath “Explicit

Once you are done, the “Send for approval” button should now be blue
instead of gray, click on it to submit your details. It takes 48 hours for
your account to get approved. For me it took less than 24 hours for to
get approved for OnlyFans.
Add a bank account: Step 2 – Add your bank account and set your
monthly subscription price

Once your account has been approved you should receive an email from
OnlyFans confirming the approval and letting you know that you can now
add your bank account and set your monthly subscription price.

Log into your OnlyFans account, click on the profile icon, then click on
“Add Bank”, this will take you to the banking page. The default payout
method is Direct Transfer through your Visa Card.

This is an Original Credit Transfer (OCT), a new payment system which is

faster and cheaper than bank transfers, allowing you withdraw as little as
$20 and receive it within 3 business days.
Under “Direct Transfer (OCT)” you’ll see a button called “Other payout
options”. This will show you the remaining payout options available,
currently Direct Transfer (OCT) and International Bank Transfer (SWIFT)
are available.

If you want to get paid by bank transfer instead you can choose this
option, however this method only lets you withdraw money after your
account has made $200 each time, it’s can be slightly longer than Direct

On the other hand, this method works with any bank account whilst,
Direct Transfer on OnlyFans only works with Visa and Visa Debit cards.

If you have a Visa or Visa Debit card, stick with Direct Transfer (OCT).

If you don’t have a Visa or Visa Debit card, choose International Bank
Transfer (SWIFT).

Once you have chosen your payout method, fill in the details needed and
click “Save payout details”. That’s it! Now you just need to set a monthly
subscription price and start getting paid. We’ll cover this in the next step.

Set a monthly subscription price

Once your OnlyFans account has been approved and your bank details
have been added to your account, you can now set your monthly
subscription price.

To do this, click on the profile icon in the top right corner then on the
side menu go to “My Profile” then click on “Edit Profile” on your profile

By default your subscription price is set to “Free” and the minimum

subscription price you can set is $4.99.

I recommend starting off with a price range between $9.99 – $14.99 and
running promotions for $5.99 – $7.99 when necessary. As time goes on
you will see a pattern develop between your pricing, content and
subscribers. You can then adjust your prices depending on how your
account performs.
In general you are likely to have more subscribers if your subscription
price is lower but don’t be afraid to charge more if you post a lot of
content, especially if the content is lengthy and time consuming to

You want to have a balance where it’s not too expensive for new
subscribers to join but you are still making enough money for it to be
worthwhile. Think of it this way, if you charge $9.99 a month and have
1,000 subscribers, you’ll make $7,992 a month after OnlyFans takes their
20% fee.

A lot of high performing OnlyFans creators have subscription fees priced

at $9.99 and even lower, so don’t be afraid to start off low.
How To Make Money On OnlyFans (Even Without Showing Your Face):

According to some sources, top earners on OnlyFans are pulling in tens

even hundreds of thousands of dollars per month on the platform. But
what if you don’t have hundreds of thousands of followers already?

Can you make money with OnlyFans without a following? Can you make
money on OnlyFans without social media? How about making money on
OnlyFans as a guy, without getting naked, or getting naked (but without
showing your face)? Wondering how to make money on OnlyFans?

You can make money on OnlyFans by being crafty and engineering.

Ways of making money on OnlyFans include collecting a monthly
subscription fee from fans, charging people to attend your live streams,
even creating exclusive pay per-view content. You decide what kinds of
content you want to create, you set your own rates, and the skies the
limit with how to make money on OnlyFans.

In this beginner guide to making money on OnlyFans, I’m going to break

down how the influencers on OnlyFans, who are actually making money,
are doing it! And despite what you may think, it doesn’t have to include
buss’n it wide or posting nude, lewd or adult content. (Although, if you’re
into that — get it how ya live). Ha!
Here are some things you can do (that don’t necessarily involve getting
naked) to make money on OnlyFans.

1. Teach something. Post exclusive tutorials.

The business of selling education or online courses is booming now more

than ever. Maybe you’re really good at something — why not build a
subscriber base of people who want to learn from you teaching them
how to do that thing. Here are some ideas:

 Teach English (or another language).

 Teach how to cook or make recipes.

 Teach how to make DIY projects or crafts.

Think of all the things people teach for free on Youtube. You could do
something similar on OnlyFans. You can differentiate yourself from the
free stuff on Youtube by putting a special twist on it. Make your content
extra valuable so that people are willing and eager to pay for it.

2. Post exclusive content.

By exclusive, I mean content that you wouldn’t post on say Instagram,

Facebook, or Tiktok. You can decide what makes the content “exclusive”.
While it certainly doesn’t have to be explicitly sexual in nature, it should
be unique.

What kind of content or art can you create? How and why is it valuable?
Why should someone pay to see this content?
3. Post daily/regular workouts.

This is a great idea for OnlyFans if, for example, you’re a professional
personal trainer or fitness guru. Even if you’re not a professional, you
could certainly do some workouts for people to follow along and make
money with OnlyFans. Here are some ideas..

 Host a yoga class.

 Host an afrobeats dance class.

 Teach how to roller skate.

4. Get “frisky”.

One way many content creators are making money on OnlyFans is by

getting a little (or more than a little) frisky.

Things you can do on OnlyFans to make money include selling erotic

pictures of your feet. Heck, you could even sell nude pictures of yourself
without showing your face. Whether you’re a guy, a girl, or even a couple
(I’m not judging) — what you can do on OnlyFans to make money knows
no bounds. Do you boo.

If you really want to get down and frisky, consider checking out Frisk.
Frisk is just like OnlyFans but in a lot of ways Frisk better. Especially so if
you’re looking to create adult content.

Frisk is a social media platform and app that allows users to upload
photos and videos to their profile, communicate with their fans and
share private content with them.
Ways to make money on OnlyFans

The main way content creators are able to make money on OnlyFans is
by acquiring paying monthly subscribers or followers. There are however
other ways earn money on OnlyFans.

What some people who join OnlyFans without a following, for example,
do is to allow access to their exclusive content to subscribers for free.
They are then able to make money on OnlyFans by requesting tips or
selling pay per view content individually. This could be a good strategy if
you want to make money on OnlyFans anonymously without a following.

Think about it — some people may be apprehensive about paying for a

subscription without having at least an idea of what they can expect
from the content creator. Allowing free access entices people to follow
and get to know you whilst helping to build up your following.

So to break it down, here are some of the ways to make money on


Get paid for each monthly subscriber.

Have fans or followers pay a monthly subscription for unlimited access to

your exclusive content. This way is pretty straight forward.

Generate tips from the content in your feed.

You may consider, especially if you want to grow your OnlyFans from
scratch without a following, making access to your profile free. You can
then make money by requesting tips from your fans if they enjoy the
content you share.
Sell super exclusive or custom content via tips in the DM’s.

You could sell pictures and videos, but you can also sell digital products
such as ebooks, PDFs, or even ship physical products to your fans.
OnlyFans would in that instance simply act as a sort of interactive
payment processor.

Pay Per View messages.

One of the best ways to make money n OnlyFans is by teasing your fans
with access to pay per view content. You could even send out the locked
pay per view content that your followers would need to pay to unlock.

Examples of pay per view content include photos, photo clusters (up to
20 photos), audio recording and video clips. The minimum price you can
set for pay per view content is $3.

Live streaming

If you have a free OnlyFans account (your subscriber to not pay monthly
fee), OnlyFans gives you the option of having payment gated streams,
essentially allows you to set an entry fee to join your your stream.

The minimum “ticket price” is $5. This is great for musicians, dancers or
actors doing live performances or any creator who wants to stream
something special.

Tipping is another great way to earn money on your OnlyFans live

streaming. It’s the same concept as super chat on Youtube.
Referral Program

To offer creators an additional way of making money, OnlyFans has an

awesome referral program (which I happen to be a part of). The Referral
Payout will be 5% of the Referred Creator’s Earning for the first 12
months of their account.

How much can you make on OnlyFans?

How much you can make on OnlyFans really depends. Content creators
on OnlyFans can set their own pricing for their content. So in that regard,
you control how much you make. You can charge for example from $2 to
$50 per month or even more to allow people to access the content
behind your pay wall.

There are content creators making upwards of $1k, 50k, even 100k per
month with OnlyFans. This however I dont think is typical, especially if
you are brand new and want to make money on OnlyFans without a
following. But by putting in the work and being consistent, you can
certainly work your way up.

Keep in mind however that OnlyFans takes 20% of that fee as

commission and gives out rest 80% to the profile owners.

Jem Wolfe is an example of how much it’s possible to make on OnlyFans,

although she did start with a large following already (but dont let that
deter you).
She models underwear, swimwear, sportswear and all kind of things
she’s “passionate about”. She maintains that full nudity and explicit
content is a no-go for her. I think it’s also safe to bet that she couldn’t
have amassed such a following without showing her face.
Over on the OnlyFans website, there’s this cool calculator that based on
your current following (or lack thereof) estimates how much money you
can make. It’s pretty cool.

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