The Art of Tinder Final 2

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© 2018 Masculine Development
All rights Reserved. International Copyright

This publication is fully copyrighted and does not come with giveaway or resale rights. You may
not sell or redistribute this eBook. It is reserved solely for paid members of Copyright and illegal distribution violations will be
prosecuted. This document has been watermarked with a digital GPS identification tag.

The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor is it a
substitute for medical treatment, nor is it an alternative to dating advice, nor is it in any way,
shape, or form, to be construed as life advice or psychological advice. I am not a doctor.

This publication is presented for informational purposes, to increase the public knowledge of
developments in the field of pickup and online dating. The recommendations outlined herein
should not be followed without a consultation with your medical practitioner.

Table of Contents
Step 1 – The Profile..................................................................................................5
Step 2 – Swiping.....................................................................................................12
Step 3 – The Opener..............................................................................................13
Step 4 – Getting Her Number................................................................................16
Step 5 – The Lay.....................................................................................................24

My name is Jon Anthony, but if you were reading my blog you already knew that. I created
Masculine Development as a way to help men all over the world improve their lives, and your
sex life is a big part of this.

Having frequent sex is absolutely crucial to having a happy life – it benefits you physically and
emotionally, reducing stress and increasing your sense of well-being. It allows you to have more
functional, healthy, and stable relationships. And last, but not least, it feels good.

Unfortunately, however, very many men are sex-deprived (as I was). We live in a society that
crushes masculinity out of men at a young age, and thus 99% of men don't know how to
effectively seduce a woman AND keep her interested by relating to her on a man to woman
level. Tinder is one way to start getting experience with doing this.

Although Tinder is not an excuse to simply never go out to bars, clubs, or social events, it is a
great addition to these things. Or, if you’re a virgin and extremely anti-social, Tinder is a good
way to ease yourself into having sex with women. Tinder was crucial for breaking out of my
shell; I've always been fairly good looking, and I work out, which allowed me to create a good
looking profile on Tinder.

This got me a bunch of girls that were interested in me, which often times led to sex. This gave
me the confidence and skill set that I needed in order to actually go out to clubs and bars, to
meet and seduce women in person. If you are too afraid to cold approach women, Tinder is a
great way to get over this anxiety.

This guide is a compilation of years of experience on Tinder, primarily stemming from 2014-
2015. During this one year period, I slept with too many girls to count. Some weeks I slept with
4, 5, or 6 different girls, and other weeks, I slept with none. How many women you sleep with is
directly related to the population of your city, and how well you follow this cheat sheet. I hope
that you have as much success with it as I did.

I wish you the best of luck, and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to
shoot me an email at

-Jon Anthony

Step 1: The Profile
Before you do anything you have to optimize your profile. Without a killer profile, literally
nothing else matters. Your profile is what gets women swiping right, and the most important
component of this profile is your pictures.

I cannot tell you how many times I've seen dudes upload shitty, blurry, and just generally lame
pictures on Tinder. Don't do this, because girls will NOT swipe right. Instead, we want pictures
that communicate several things: good looks, fun, wealth, social status, and personality.

The goal of your pictures is to get her swiping right JUST from looking at the first picture (the
profile picture). Most girls will not take the time to browse through your profile, so it's
paramount that you have a good picture for your profile.

In addition to having a picture in which you look very good, ideally you want some other
pictures. You want a picture that shows you have social status (maybe with you in a suit, or next
to an expensive car).

You want a picture showing that you like to have fun, and that you party (maybe you at a
nightclub). You also want a picture with some women in it, so that girls start to wonder if you're
a player or not. This will make them want you more.

I realize that this may sound shallow, and that's because it is. Tinder is for hooking up, not for
relationships (although that may happen over time). Treat it as such.

Picture #1: An attractive picture with your face and body

Example From Jon's Profile:

→This picture is ideal, because it shows my face and body. You don't need to be
shirtless (although it helps) as long as you look muscular in your picture. My profile
picture shows that I'm handsome, I have a nice body, a tan, and I have style.

If you are muscular, try to get one taken at the beach, playing a sport, or in some
other situation where it’s natural to take your shirt off.

DO NOT take a picture of yourself shirtless in the mirror unless you’re extremely
jacked (like, girls turning heads and asking for pictures with you jacked). Most of the
time you’ll just end up looking like a loser.

→If you don't work out, I recommend that you start immediately. The best program on
the market is Body of an Alpha, my definitive guide to building an attractive physique.

Picture #2: A Picture of You With Some Friends

Example From Jon's Profile:

This is to let the girls know that you’re not a sociopath and that you have at least
some semblance of social skills.

→This is even better if you have some girls in it. If you look at my picture above, I have
three girls, in addition to some dudes. This is great, because it shows women that I have
a friend group and that I'm not some loner trying to get in their pants; I already have

→The more high status your friends look, the better. If you have one with you and your
bros at a golfing course, or on a yacht or something, that's great. Women will eat that
type of thing up.

Picture #3: A Picture Showing You're Fun

Example From Jon's Profile:

→Basically just me, buried at the beach, with a cigarette in my mouth. It shows that I
don't take life too seriously, like to have fun, and am an all around chill dude.

A picture of you with a puppy would be great. Consider volunteering at an animal

shelter and getting a picture taken there. Girls love puppies, and you could even
consider making this your profile picture.

I had pictures of me taking a martial art, at the shooting range, on top of a mountain,
etc. The point is to show the girls that you have a cool hobby and are at least somewhat

Picture #4: A High Status Picture

Example From Jon's Profile:

→This one is of me at a business networking meeting/competition with my team. I'm

sure you can imagine that a woman seeing this would get the impression that I'm a high
status male.

→I'm in the center, with a girl on each side, and I'm in a suit surrounded by other guys
in suits.

→This could be you at a business meeting, or giving a public seminar on something, or

next to a Mercedes or Lamborghini, or whatever. Just show off something that makes
you look high status.

For Your Profile Description
You want to have something cheeky and fun – this lets girls know that you’re not on here for
anything serious. It’s also good to give a little bit about yourself so that the girls feel more
comfortable with you and know a little bit about you.

For example, here are a few things that I've put on my profile before:

→“Let’s say we met fighting over the last shot of fireball.”

→“I’m not that type of girl so stop asking.”
→“I’m an aspiring musician, so become a groupie while you still can.”
→“Love nature, boxing, and modding cars.”

Do you see the point? I always see guys with ridiculous profiles that make me cringe. No, you're
not actually on here to “find a girlfriend,” every girl knows this and it comes off as weird.

And don't be upfront about the fact that you're looking for a hookup, either (unless it's an over
the top joke or something). Girls obviously know why you're on here, they don't need you to
tell them.

They want a guy who looks and acts like he's already getting laid by a lot of other women; this is
why cocky-funny humor works so well in your profile. Making a joke about something that girls
typically do or say is good, saying something that only a player would say is good, and going
over the top and saying that you just want a girl who will cuddle is good too.

The point is to say something that when she reads it, she'll think: “Haha, this guy's funny...he's
probably fucking a lot of other girls, though.” This will make her swipe right.

Your Facebook Likes
Be sure to like a lot of shit on Facebook that girls will probably like as well. When you have
“common likes,” girls feel like they have more in common with you and are way more likely to
hang out with you (aka have sex with you).

Some ideas of things to like are:

→TV shows that you enjoy

→Bands that you listen to
→Places you’ve been
→Hobbies you have
→Magazines you enjoy
→Books you’ve read
→Your favorite movies

Once you have the profile all set up, you can move onto step 2.

Step 2: Swiping
Tinder is a HUGE numbers game – anybody who tells you otherwise has no idea what they’re
talking about. On average, I probably only sleep with 2-5% of the women that I swipe right on.
But do you know what? All you need is one girl to agree in order for you to have a great day.

Swipe right for EVERYONE. This will save you a shit ton of time, and it will also put you into a
state of abundance. If you only swipe right on girls that are hot, you'll match with far less
women. Ask yourself which is better: Having literally 100's of matches with girls hitting you up,
or only like 20 or 30 hot girls?

I'd take the first, any day. Just because you swipe right doesn't mean you'll have to fuck them.
But it will make you feel like you're an attractive man who's the shit when you have tons of
women matching with you.

If you look at each person before deciding whether to swipe right or left, two things will

1. You’ll waste time

2. You’ll come from a “scarcity” mindset.

In other words, not only will you waste time, but because you’ll only match with a few girls,
you’ll also be too worried about if you can fuck them or not. You'll agonize over what to say,
you'll become heavily invested in everything they do, and worst of all, you'll chase them off
because they'll sense this.

Instead, swipe right for EVERYONE. You can decide if you want to invite them over later on.

This will do several things:

1. You’ll get through your daily swipes way faster.
2. You’ll get more practice texting girls
3. You’ll come from an “abundance” mindset.

When you have 1500 matches you aren’t as worried about whether or not you get a single girl
to come over. This is important, because you don’t want to come across as too desperate on

Step 3: The Opener
An “opener” is just a fancy word for the first thing you say to a girl.

There’s a few different approaches that you can take, but the best one (in my opinion) is saying
something cheeky/fun/flirty. This immediately sets the tone as being sexual and fun, so it
communicates several things at once:

1. You're interested in her

2. You're a high status male who isn't afraid of being sexual
3. You're not a scared little bitch who thinks you can fuck a girl by talking about her
interests for 5 hours (plenty of guys think this)

Having an openly sexual first line means that only the girls who are interested will reply back.

In other words, not only will you save a ton of time by screening out the women who aren't
interested in you, but you'll also come off as a total alpha male. I always cringe when I see guys
who text women for HOURS about the dumbest shit. “Oh! You like Volleyball, too? No way!”
dude, do you honestly think that this will get you laid?

Ask yourself: is James Bond talking to a girl for hours on end about her dumb little interests? Or
is he very openly sexual and moving the interaction forward? Now, as a side note, try not to be
too sexual, because it can come off as desperate, but that's a nuanced point that you can worry
about later.

For now, just remember this: DO NOT open her asking about her interests or what sports she
plays, this will literally go nowhere 99% of the time and you’ll end up wasting hours of time

Good Openers
Again, recall that the best openers are flirty and a little bit cocky. If they're funny, then this is
even better. So, with this in mind, here's a few openers that I like to use on a pretty regular

→“Fuck, marry, kill. Me, Hitler, and me again…GO!”

→“Does this mean we’re dating now?”
→“Bad boys or nice guys?”
→“I don’t trust your innocent face for a second.”
→“I swiped right because of your personality.”
→”You look like trouble.”

“You look like trouble,” is my favorite opener, for a few reasons. First off, it's easy to copy and
paste. It's short, and it's simple. Second, it's a statement, and not a question. Generally
speaking, there's nothing wrong with questions, but comments are typically less “chasing” the
girl than comments.

A question asks for her to respond. It takes mental effort (again, this isn't always a bad thing). A
comment, on the other hand, is just playful. It's cocky and funny. It doesn't take effort for her to
respond, because she doesn't have to think of a response. She just says what she feels. She
communicates her reaction to your comment, which is very easy for women to do.

“How do I know which opener to use, Jon?”

To be completely honest, that's on you to figure out. Depending on your geographic region,
there may be an opener that's better than others. For example, if you live in a very country area
of the USA, you may want to make a joke about how all the other guys have dead deer as their
profile picture.

If you live in California, making a joke about how she definitely looks like a stoner might be
good. If you live in a very religious area, making a joke about her being a temptation might be a
good idea. Ultimately, you will have to play around with which openers work and which don't.

If you're wondering which opener will work the best for you, literally just choose an opener and
copy and paste that same opener to every girl. This will do a few things. First off, it'll let you test
the same opener on a wide variety of women. It isn't enough to just test an opener on one or
even ten girls. Test it on a few hundred.

Second, this will save you a ton of time. Remember: Tinder is a numbers game.

“What about unique openers?”

Sometimes I make unique openers for girls that are really sexy, but that’s only because I have a
lot of experience with Tinder and text game. For example, if she's got a picture of her with a
pumpkin spice latte, I may make a joke about how she's a basic bitch. If she's a certain race, I
may crack a pun about her race or ask her if she'll cook me Thai food if we get married.

I wouldn't worry too much about this just yet, though. For now the goal is to just copy and
paste the same opener to a hundred or two hundred girls. You should focus on getting at least
10 or 15 lays before you start to craft your own unique openers to women.

Here's why: crafting unique openers is an art, because on one hand, it shows that you took the
time to analyze her profile and come up with a response. In other words, it shows that you're
fairly invested in this girl right off the bat. On the other hand, if you can pull it off with smooth
game and funny comments, it works better than any generic opener.

For now, don't worry about this type of thing. Let's just focus on getting you some quality girls
to fuck, and then eventually you can worry about crafting unique openers.

Step 4: Getting Her Number
I’m going to be completely honest – most girls won’t give you their number. This is completely
fine. Don't get mad at them, don't wait around for them, don't chase them, and don't think
twice about them. Once you send a girl a message, you should completely forget that you ever
sent that message.

If she respond, great. If not, that's fine too. You've got literally hundreds of other girls on Tinder
who want you to open them; don't get bogged down with one girl. Remember: I only fuck an
average of 2-5% of the women who I swipe right on. All it takes for you to have sex is one good
number, so don’t worry about it when girls don’t respond or give you their number.

Some Guidelines

1. Try to get the number as fast as possible

If she is DTF she will be okay with sending you her number early on in the interaction.
→This doesn't mean to be jagged and unsmooth, but if you see an opportunity to ask
for it that's suave, then go for it.

2. If she hesitates to give you her number, ignore her and move on.
Some girls will kind of tease you and say “Haha you have to earn it,” or something like
Ignore them. They’re just there for attention, and even if they’re interested you don’t
want to set the frame of “I’m jumping through your hoops” from the start.
→Sometimes, you can do what's called a re-frame where you get her chasing you
even though she wants you to chase her, but that's pretty advanced.

3. Try to get the number fast, but also try to transition smoothly
Don’t just abruptly ask for her number. Have some sort of a smooth transition.
I’ll show you some examples below.

“You Look Like Trouble” Examples

Notice how I kept the “flirty/playful” frame? This is crucial. You want to keep teasing them and
lead the conversation towards “finding out,” if she's trouble or not, because from there’s it’s
super easy to slide your number in or ask for hers so that you can “find out” how much trouble
she is.

It doesn’t matter what you're trying to find out, either. Maybe you want to find out if she’s a
good girl or bad girl, maybe she teases you about being nerdy, so you say she needs to find out
if you are, or whatever – the point is that it’s an easy transition into getting her number.

“Haha well there’s only one way to find out.”

DO NOT forget this line. It’s an amazingly easy transition to getting her number.

Again, the point here is to be smooth. Girls get way too many guys hitting them up on Tinder
that have no text game and have no clue how to be smooth. Just by using this one line, and
easing your way into asking for her number, you're setting yourself apart from 95% of guys.

Do you see how easy it is? By saying “You look like trouble,” you’re filtering out the girls who
aren’t interested. You'll get less responses, typically (maybe only 20% of women will respond),
but most of them will end up giving you their number and fucking you.

Remember this: it's better to only have to text 20 women, and end up fucking 15, than it is to
have to text 500 women, but end up fucking 30. It's just not worth all of the extra hassle that
comes with flirting with, screening, texting, etc, etc. all of those other girls.

The only girls who are going to reply are the ones who are interested in you – and that’s what
you want. You don’t want girls who aren’t interested in you wasting your time. Also – notice
how I got her number.

Sometimes I ask for their number, simply by saying that tinder is annoying. But, remember that
the goal is to be smooth...since this transition to getting her number isn't particularly smooth, I
always throw in a “BTW” and ask for her number after I can see that she's interested.

Examples of Other Openers

“Bad boys or nice guys” is another one of my favorite openers, because it’s really easy to
segway into the question of which I am. Girls love trying to guess if you're a bad boy or a nice
guy, and there's a few smooth lines that you can use once she guesses.

For example, if she says: “You're totally a nice guy!” you can say: “Nah, I look like a nice guy, but
I'm actually kind of an asshole...I'm the perfect trap.” This shit will have her cracking up.

Or if she says you're a bad boy, you can say: “No, I'm an angel :)” which of course will only
reaffirm her idea that you're a bad boy and get her chasing you even more.

Think of the conversational flow chart like this

Opener  Pose a question that she has to find out  “Haha there’s only one way to find out”
 “What’s that?  “You give me your number ;)”

Don’t be afraid to tease them/be a bit abrasive. This sometimes appears like it’s pushing you
apart, when it’s actually bringing you together. This is a classic example of the player's
push/pull move. It's where you pull her in (I swiped right because of your personality) and push
her away (I'm Jon fucking Anthony. I'm kind of a big deal, little girl.).

What this does is it makes her think that she has your validation, but then you rip it away which
shows you're not afraid to leave (communicating the fact that you probably have other girls
who would suck your dick, which is why you aren't worried about losing one girl).

The key with the push/pull, however, is to not overdo it. All it takes is one little push and you're
good. See how she said “I'm a cancer. You're gonna make me cry.” A lot of guys just starting off
might do something stupid and push her even more, but this would be overkill and she'd lost
interest, because she'd be able to see that you aren't experienced.

Instead, I countered by saying my sign as well, acknowledging my push, and then pulling her in
a bit by saying that Scorpios can be passionate and intense. This set her up to say that she
wants these characteristics (a powerful man) in her life, which led to getting the number.

Once you get the hang of it, it's really not that hard guys. Trust me on this. A little bit of practice
and you'll be pulling girls in no time.

Making Your Own Openers
You can totally make your own openers, too...but remember, this shouldn't be attempted as a
newbie. Most newbies will completely fuck this up, so if you're a beginner, don't even bother
reading it. This section is only for the guys who have had at least 15 lays from Tinder.

With this in mind, good openers really only need a couple of things to be considered good:

1. They’re sexual/flirty
2. They tease the girl

That’s it. In fact, sometimes custom openers (openers that make fun of a specific girl’s profile)
are extremely effective...but you have to counter-measure this by being an ice cold pimp, and
not caring whether she rejects or accepts you. Remember: custom openers are tricky. Too
much chasing her, and you lose. Too little, and you lose, too.

I wouldn’t spend too much time looking through her profile, maybe just 15-20 seconds to figure
out what you can tease her about. Here’s a couple examples of really good custom openers:

Her profile picture was her making the duck face, so I teased her about it. If you recall the flow
chart, you'll see that I follow it almost to a T.

Teasing opener  something that I/she has to find out  Find out by giving me your number

I tease her about her duck face, then tease her a little bit more about her talents. She says that
I'll have to find out which talents she has (a line which I totally set her up for), and then
naturally, I ask for her number so that I can find out. It's that simple.

Here’s another one:

This one was admittedly pretty offensive, but it still worked. She was Vietnamese, and I figured
that most guys send her Asian pickup lines (Are you Japanese because you have anime-zing
body) so I decided to mix it up.

Don’t be afraid to be offensive – this is actually what makes men attractive (both in text and
real life). Not that they’re offensive for the sake of being offensive, but that they just say what
they want and aren’t too afraid that others will disapprove.

This girl totally ate my opener up, because she realized I was making fun of all the other guys
who hit her up with Asian pickup lines. This is a great tool to use. Whenever you can show that
you understand what hot girls go through, they'll immediately assume that you're a player.

This is why it's effective to make jokes about shit that girls always say, like “I'm not that type of
girl,” or something – they recognize that only players know girls don't actually mean this.
Women always assume that you're a player when you make jokes about shit that other guys
wouldn't sets you apart, and I highly recommend that you do it.

Step 5: The Lay
Again, remember the first principle that I said: Tinder is a numbers game. Well, this rule still
applies for when you get a girl's number. Usually around 1/3 of the girls whose numbers I get
end up fucking me, but AGAIN! How many girls do you need to have a good night? Just one. All
it takes is one.

The key here is to just be smooth, and DO NOT pressure them. Too many guys try to pressure
girls into coming over to “hang out,” but this does not work. Think of it from her perspective:
she just met this random dude, maybe she thinks you're cute, but then you start pressuring her.
Naturally she's going to feel a bit afraid, because if you pressure her over text, what might you
be like in person?

A great rule to remember with women is this: act as if you have 15 women calling you every
day. If you have this many women calling you every day, would you be so eager to sleep with
this one girl? Of course not. You still want to, but if she's busy or whatever, it isn't a big deal.

In fact, just by using this principle, I've gotten plenty of girls chasing me. Look below. This girl
won't stop texting me trying to hang out, but she texts me at the worst times so I never
respond, or if I do, I respond this next day. What does this communicate to her? I can have sex
whenever I want. It's not a big deal to turn her offers down. This makes her want me more.

Do you see the point? Because I'm not needy she keeps texting me back. I don't put pressure on
her, I just let her know that the option is there if she wants.

Now, some guys will take this too far and won't put any pressure on them at all. This is not
ideal; in reality, if a girl is hot she's going to be bombarded with texts from other guys. You need
to put in some work, but ideally it should be just enough. Not so much that it's needy and
chasing her, but not so little that she barely even considers you.

“How long do I wait to text her?”

This is a very tricky to answer, because in all honesty the time frame can change. For example, if
a girl gives you her number on a Friday at 3PM, do you think that you should text her
immediately or wait a day or two? Well, I would personally text her as soon as I got her

“But Jon! Isn't that beta! Shouldn't you wait?” Fuck no. If she's a hot girl, she's going to get tons
of guys hitting her up around 5PM on a Friday night. Then, she's going to go out with her
friends that night, and probably Saturday too. Two days of partying and alcohol will make her
completely forget all about me, so if I wait until Sunday or Monday to text her, she'll blow me
off, not knowing who the fuck I am.

But, by getting in with her early, she may invite me out to a club she's going to or hang out to
pregame before she goes out. Remember: don't get too caught up in the rules. Yes, generally as
a rule you want to wait a while before texting her, but there are exceptions (like this).

Compare this to if a girl gave me her number on a Monday night or something. This would be
entirely different. I'd suggest that if a girl does this to you, maybe wait a day or two before
hitting her up. To be honest, you'll just have to feel it out, though. If she seems very eager to
hang out, then text her the same day that you get her number.

If she doesn't, then I typically wait, because sometimes this means she's testing you to see how
desperate you are.

The Goal

Ultimately, the goal is to get to a point where you've got so many women in your life, that you
just NATURALLY do these things. But, I realize that this isn't very helpful to someone just
starting out, so I advise you to fake it until you make it.

This is what I did, and now I've made it. At first, I would purposefully wait a few days to text a
girl back, to seem like a player. Now, I actually just fuck other girls, and then remember that I

should probably text her once a few days have gone by. This is what you want: eventually, you
want this behavior to come naturally, but until it does, just fake it until you make it.

Easy Lay
In general, here's the flow chart that I follow once I get her number.

Text her something unique → small talk/gather logistics → invite her over

It's really that simple. I text her something unique, preferably something from our conversation
on Tinder so that she remembers who I am instantly. Then, I make some small talk depending
on her reaction. “What's up,” “what're you doing today,” etc, etc. Then, if she's free, invite her

Here, I texted her saying “Hey, what's up? It's Jon from Tinder.” She replied with “Hey! Nothing
much, just cooking. You?” Then, I asked her if she's a good cook, which gets her proving herself
to me right off the bat. This is good. The more that you can get women trying to prove
themselves to you, the better.

I then teased her, and said I might ask her to cook for me – she said maybe some day, which is
definitely a good thing. I asked her if she wanted to come over, and she said yes. Bada-bing
bada-boom. Easy peasy.

Sometimes, the girls will give you a little bit of resistance. This is fine; she's usually giving you a
shit test to see if you're the type of man who's just going to give up, or if you're going to go
after what you want. Now, to be fair, sometimes she actually isn't comfortable with you yet –
try to tell the difference.

With this girl, I could tell that she didn't give her number out often based off of how much shit
she gave me on Tinder. That's why I didn't bother introducing myself – instead, I texted her
with a funny picture which immediately got her in a good mood, and made her want to talk to

Then, I made a couple of sexual jokes. Girls love this shit, as long as it isn't super crass or
uncalled for. It shows that you're comfortable with your sexuality and yourself, and that you're
witty, too. Then – she gives me a little resistance. She doesn't want to feel like a slut, so she
tells me that she doesn't want to do anything sexual.

I agree, which is a complete lie. Remember: 95% of the time that girls say this, they don't really
mean it. They just don't want to feel slutty, and they don't want you to judge them. Just agree
and focus on getting them over. Then, when they're over at your place, if they don't want to
have sex, you need to respect this. Most of the time, this isn't the case, however. Within an
hour of this girl coming over to my place, she was calling me daddy and sucking my dick. Just
goes to show you that girls often test you like this.

Live to Fuck Another Day
Sometimes, for genuine reasons, girls won't be able to hang out on the same day that you text
them. This is fine – remember, act as if you have 15 girls calling you a day. Don't get butthurt,
don't get mad, just be cool about it. She has a life, and sometimes it gets busy.

Take the example below. I texted her, and made a joke about getting drunk and watching
Disney movies, because she said she liked watching Disney movies.

We go back and forth a bit, and she says that she can't hang out that night. I'm totally fine with
it. She asks for my Snapchat, and I give it to her. By the way, Snapchat is a great way to get girls
comfortable with you; I use it all the time with my Tinder pulls.

Anyways, I'm totally cool with her not being able to hang out. We exchange a few Snaps, and
because she can sense that I'm not pressuring her, she asks ME if I want to hang out that very
same night. Do you see? This emphasizes the fact that women are EMOTIONAL creatures.

When she said that she couldn't hang out, she genuinely meant it – she had a big final (I fuck a
lot of college girls) that next morning, and didn't want to risk it. But, because I got her in a good
mood by just being an alpha male, she changed her mind. Remember this: when it comes to
girls, change their mood NOT their mind.

Sometimes, if a girl doesn't hang out with me on that day, I won't text her back at all. Other
times, I'll text her back after 3-4 days. It just depends.

Some General Guidelines
In general, you don't want to waste too much time chasing girls from Tinder. For me personally,
I only text a girl 2-3 times asking to hang out. I'll ask her once, then if she says no I'll wait a few
days. Then, I'll ask her again. If she says no, most of the time I just forget about her, but
occasionally I'll text her after a week if we had chemistry.

Text her something unique → small talk/gather logistics → invite her over

Overall, just remember the flow chart that I gave you. Text her something unique from the
conversation that you had on Tinder. If she doesn't respond for a while, don't sweat it. I've had
girls not respond for literally weeks, then suddenly they respond asking to hang out. Girls are
flaky by their very nature, so don't invest too much mental energy into them.

Then, just small talk a bit. Ask if they live nearby, what they're doing, etc. If they seem
receptive, I usually invite them over. If I'm doing something that night, I'll tell them that I want
to hang out, but can't that night. Never schedule ahead by asking them what days they're free
or whatever. 99% of girls will say “Oh, I'm free on Tuesday!” or whatever, but come Tuesday
they'll be busy.

Once you get her over to your place, make her feel comfortable. I often have some alcohol in
case they're nervous and want a drink. Ultimately, being smooth with women in person will just
take practice. It isn't something that you can do overnight, it isn't something that happens
immediately, and it isn't something that you can force. You just have to practice and slowly get

Overall, Tinder is a great way to get some experience with women. If you're too afraid to go out
to clubs, bars, and parties, Tinder can be a great way to help alleviate some of this nervousness
and get you a few easy lays.

But, remember – Tinder isn't meant to be a crutch. Don't rely too heavily on it. I personally only
use Tinder when I have free time to kill, or when I don't have anything to do that night. If I have
the ability to go out to a bar, party, or club, I ALWAYS choose to do that. You'll learn 10x more
from pulling a club girl than you will from pulling a Tinder girl.

If you follow the steps that I laid out, I promise that you'll be sleeping with new girls in no time.
This process took me a very long time to figure out, but once I got it down, it works like a
charm. Put in the work, and you'll get the results.

Remember, though: becoming a better man isn't just about sex. You should also be cultivating a
lifestyle that makes you wealthy and happy. Spend time working out and cultivating your
health. Eat good, whole foods that will make your mind and body run at a higher level. Learn to
get your finances in check by investing in the stock market and building your own business.

Ultimately, this journey will take a while. Don't get upset if you aren't where you want to be in
just a few months, or even a year. The goal is to just get a little bit better every day. Be sure to
check in on the blog regularly, because I'm always posting new content that will help you
enhance your life. I hope that you put this guide to use, and I wish you the best of luck.

Until Next Time,

-Jon Anthony


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