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Spotlight_Advanced (2021-22)_Day-7_In-CLass Assignment_Mathematics


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Day-7_In-Class Assignment_Mathematics

Topic : Co-ordinate Geometry

1. The point (4, 1) undergoes the following three transformations successively

(i) Reflection about the line y = x
(ii) Translation through a distance 2 units along the positive direction of x-axis
(iii) Rotation through an angle /4 about the origin in the counter clockwise direction.
The final position of the points is given by the coordinates

 7 1   7 1 
(A)  ,  (B)  , 
 2 2  2 2

 1 7 
(C)   ,  (D) None of these
 2 2

2 2
2. The pair of straight lines x – 4xy + y = 0 together with the line x + y + 4 6 = 0 form a triangle which is

(A) Right angled but not isosceles (B) Right isosceles

(C) Scalene (D) Equilateral
3. Family of lines represented by the equation (cos  + sin ) x + (cos  – sin )y – 3(3 cos  + sin ) = 0
passes through a fixed point M for all real values of . The reflection of M in the line x – y = 0, is
(A) (6, 3) (B) (3, 6)
(C) (– 6, 3) (D) (3, – 6)
4. Let A(5, 12), B(–13 cos , 13 sin ) and C(13 sin , – 13 cos ) are angular points of ABC where  R. The
locus of orthocentre of ABC is
(A) x – y + 7 = 0 (B) x – y – 7 = 0
(C) x + y – 7 = 0 (D) x + y + 7 = 0
5. A ray of light is incident on x-axis at A  (– 2, 0) and after reflection from the x-axis it intersect the curve y2 = 4x

1 1 1
in P and Q. If   (P, Q being in I-quadrant), then equation of incident ray, is

(A) x + y + 2 = 0 (B) y  x 3  2 3  0

(C) y  x 3  2 3  0 (D) x  3y20

Spotlight_Advanced (2021-22)_Day-7_In-CLass Assignment_Mathematics

6. The common chord of two intersecting circles C1 and C2 can be seen from their centres at the angles of 90º and

60º respectively. If the distance between their centres is equal to 3 + 1 then the radius of C1 and C2 are

(A) 3 and 3 (B) 2 and 2 2

(C) 2 and 2 (D) 2 2 and 4

7. A circle is inscribed into a rhombus ABCD with one angle 60º. The distance from the centre of the circle to the nearest
vertex is equal to 1. If P is any point of the circle, then | PA |2 + | PB |2 + | PC |2 + | PD |2 is equal to
(A) 12 (B) 11
(C) 9 (D) None
8. A(1, 0) and B(0, 1) and two fixed points on the circle x 2 + y2 = 1. C is a variable point on this circle. As C moves,
the locus of the orthocentre of the triangle ABC is
(A) x2 + y2 – 2x – 2y + 1 = 0 (B) x2 + y2 – x – y = 0
(C) x2 + y2 = 4 (D) x2 + y2 + 2x – 2y + 1 = 0
9. The sum of the slopes of the lines tangent to both circles x 2 + y2 = 1 and (x – 6)2 + y2 = 4, is

(A) 3  35 (B) 0

(C) 2 3  2 35 (D) 105

10. If the ordered pair (x, y) lies on the circle x 2 + y2 = 9, then the largest value of the expression
x2 + 2y2 + 4x equals
(A) 22 (B) 27
(C) 24 (D) 36
11. Two circles C 1 and C 2 both passes through the points A(1, 2) and E(2, 1) and touch the line
4x – 2y = 9 at B and D respectively. The possible coordinates of a point C such that the quadrilateral ABCD is a
parallelogram is
(A) (2, – 1) (B) (4, –1)
(C) (6, –3) (D) (3, – 3)
12. Let ABC is an equilateral triangle. If the coordinates of the base are B(1, –1) and C (5, 2), then the coordinates
of vertex A can be

 3 1   3 1 
(A)  3  ,  3  (B)  3  ,  3 
 2 2   2 2 

 3 3 1   3 3 1 
(C) 3  ,  2 3  (D)  3  ,  2 3 
 2 2 2 2
   

13. If one vertex of a equilateral triangle of side 2 lies at the origin and other lies on the line x – 3 y = 0, then the
coordinates of the third vertex are

(A) (0, 2) 
(B)  2, 2 
(C) (2, 0) (D)  3, 1 
14. In an acute triangle ABC, if the coordinates of orthocentre 'H' are (4, b), centroid 'G' are (b, 2b – 8) and circumcentre
'S' are (– 4, 8), then 'b' can not be
(A) 4 (B) 8
(C) 12 (D) –12

Spotlight_Advanced (2021-22)_Day-7_In-CLass Assignment_Mathematics

15. Two equal sides of an isosceles triangle are given by the equations 7x – y + 3 = 0 and x + y – 3 = 0 and its third
side passes through the point (1, –10). The equation of the third side can be
(A) x + 3y + 29 = 0 (B) x – 3y = 31
(C) 3x – y = 13 (D) 3x + y + 7 = 0
16. Triangle ABC lies in the Cartesian plane and has an area of 70 sq. units. The coordinates of B and C are (12, 19)
and (23, 20) respecitvely and the coordinates of A are (p, q). The median to the side BC has slope – 5, then
which can be corrected.
(A) p + q = 47 (B) p + q = 27
(C) p – q = 17 (D) p – q = 13
17. For the circles x2 + y2 – 10x + 16y + 89 – r2 = 0 and x2 + y2 + 6x – 14y + 42 = 0 which of the following
is/are true.
(A) Number of integral values of r are 7 for which circles are intersecting.
(B) Number of integral values of r are 9 for which circles are intersecting.
(C) For r equal to 13 number of common tangents are 3.
(D) For r equal to 21 number of common tangents are 2.
18. x2 + y2 = a2 and (x – 2a)2 + y2 = a2 are two equal circles touching each other. Find the equation of circle (or
circles) of the same radius touching both the circles.

(A) x2 + y2 + 2ax + 2 3 ay + 3a2 = 0 (B) x2 + y2 – 2ax + 2 3 ay + 3a2 = 0

(C) x2 + y2 + 2ax – 2 3 ay + 3a2 = 0 (D) x2 + y2 – 2ax – 2 3 ay + 3a2 = 0

19. Consider two circles C1 : x2 + y2 – 1 = 0 and C2 : x2 + y2 – 2 = 0. Let A(1,0) be a fixed point on the circle C1 and
B be any variable point on the circle C2. The line BA meets the curve C2 again at C. Which of the following
alternative(s) is/are correct?
(A) OA2 + OB2 + BC2  [7, 11], where O is the origin
(B) OA2 + OB2 + BC2  [4, 7], where O is the origin.

(C) Locus of midpoint of AB is a circle of radius

(D) Locus of midpoint of AB is a circle of area
20. Locus of the intersection of the two straight lines passing through (1, 0) and (–1, 0) respectively and including an
angle of 45° can be a circle with

(A) Centre (1, 0) and radius 2. (B) Centre (1, 0) and radius 2.

(C) Centre (0, 1) and radius 2. (D) Centre (0, – 1) and radius 2.
21. Consider the circles S1 : x2 + y2 = 4 and S2 : x2 + y2 – 2x – 4y + 4 = 0 which of the following statements are
(A) Number of common tangents to these circles is 2.
(B) If the power of a variable point P w.r.t. these two circles is same then P moves on the
line x + 2y – 4 = 0.
(C) Sum of the y-intercepts of both the circles is 6.
(D) The circles S1 and S2 are orthogonal.
22. If the straight lines joining the origin and the points of intersection of the curve
5x 2 + 12xy  6y2 + 4x  2y + 3 = 0 and x + ky  1 = 0 are equally inclined to the x-axis, then find the value
of |k|.

Spotlight_Advanced (2021-22)_Day-7_In-CLass Assignment_Mathematics

23. On the straight line y = x + 2, a point (a, b) is such that the sum of the square of distances from the straight lines
3x – 4y + 8 = 0 and 3x – y – 1 = 0 is least, then find value of 11 (a + b).
24. Find number of integral values of  if (,  + 1) is an interior points of ABC, where A  (0, 3), B  (–2, 0)
and C  (6, 1).
25. A(3, 4), B(0, 0) and C(3, 0) are vertices of ABC. If 'P' is the point inside the ABC, such that d(P, BC)  min.
{d(P, AB), d (P, AC)}. Then the maximum of d (P, BC) is.
(where d(P, BC) represent distance between P and BC).
26. A light beam emanating from the point A(3, 10) reflects from the straight line 2x + y  6 = 0 and then
passes through the point B(4, 3). The equation of the reflected beam is x + 3y –  = 0, then find the value
of .
27. Tangents drawn from P(1, 8) to the circle x2 + y2 – 6x – 4y – 11 = 0 touches the circle at the points A and B
respectively. If the radius of the circle which passes through the points of intersection of circles x 2 + y2 – 2x – 6y

+ 6 = 0 and x2 + y2 + 2x – 6y + 6 = 0 and intersects the circumcircle of the PAB orthogonally is equal to
where p, q N, then find the minimum value of (p + q).
28. Consider the circle W  x2 + y2 = 81. Let AB be a diameter of circle W. AB is extended through A to C. Point T lies
on W so that line CT is tangent to W. Point P is the foot of the perpendicular from A to the line CT. Find the
maximum value of (BP)2
29. If p1 and p2 are the two values of p for which two perpendicular tangents can be drawn from the origin to the

circle x2 – 6x + y2 – 2py + 17 = 0, then find the value of p2

1 
 p 22 .
30. Let two parallel lines L1 and L2 with positive slope are tangent to the circle
C1 : x2 + y2 – 2x –16y + 64 = 0. If L1 is also tangent to the circle C2 : x2 + y2 – 2x + 2y –2 = 0 and equation of L2

is a a x – by + c – a a = 0 where a, b, c  N, then find the value of (a + b + c).

31. A circle x2 + y2 + 4x – 2 2 y + c = 0 is the director circle of circle S1 and S1 is the director circle of circle S2
and so on. If the sum of radii of all these circles is 2, then the value of c is equal to n where n  N. Find
the value of n.
Paragraph For Q No. 32 to 34
Consider ABC whose vertices are A  (m, n), B (1, 2), C (2, 3) and vertex 'A' lies on the line 2x – y + 3 = 0
where m, n N with m2 + n2 = 90. Let area of ABC be S such that [S] = 2, where [x] denotes greatest integer less
than or equal to x .
32. If the equation of side AC of  ABC is ax + by = 9, then (a + b) equals
(A) 4 (B) 15
(C) 5 (D) 11
33. If the point R (,) lies inside the ABC is such that the ABR, BCR and CAR are of equal area, then (2
+ 3) equals
(A) 12 (B) 17
(C) 19 (D) 18
34. If A  (m, n), B (1, 2), C (2, 3) and D (r,s) are the vertices of a parallelogram ABCD, then
(A) r = 10, s = 4 (B) r = 4, s = 10
(C) r = 10, s = 2 (D) r = 2, s = 10

Spotlight_Advanced (2021-22)_Day-7_In-CLass Assignment_Mathematics

Paragraph For Q. No. 35 to 37

Consider the family of circles x2 + y2 – 2x – 2y – 8 = 0 passing through two fixed points A and B. Also S = 0 is a circle
of this family, the tangent to which at A and B intersect on the line x + 2y + 5 = 0.
35. The distance between the points A and B, is

(A) 4 (B) 4 2

(C) 6 (D) 8
36. The area of an equilateral triangle inscribed in S, is

27 3 9 3
(A) (B)
4 2

27 3
(C) (D) 9 3
37. If the circle x2 + y2 – 10x + 2y + c = 0 is orthogonal to S = 0, then the value of c equals
(A) 8 (B) 9
(C) 10 (D) 12
Paragraph For Q. No. 38 to 40
Consider two circles S1 : x2 + y2 – 9 = 0 and S2 : x2 + y2 – 10x + 9 = 0.
38. Length of the common chord of S1 = 0 and S2 = 0 is

6 24
(A) (B)
5 25

12 24
(C) (D)
5 5
39. If is the angle between the two commont tangents of S1 = 0 and S2 = 0, then cos equals

23 24
(A) (B)
25 25

12 13
(C) (D)
25 25
40. Distance of a common tangent of S1 = 0 and S2 = 0 from point (9,0) is

26 24
(A) (B)
5 5

(C) 5 (D)

  

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