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Name of the article Manga

Brand Kodansha Comics

Country of origin China

Manufactured in: United States

Environmental impact The water that is wasted to produce the pages and the ink
used on them is produced at the expense of some types of
plants for it and others for the color of the ink.
According to the environmental consulting firm Cleantech,
which aggregated a series of studies, a single book generates
about 7.5 kg of carbon dioxide equivalents—the value of all
its greenhouse gas emissions expressed in terms of the
impact of carbon dioxide.1

-Eco Company. (2020). Books online. 2020, de Readers Sitio web:

Social impact Determines the personality of the person by their likes.The

reader's capacity for imagination is enhanced, Books are
fundamental, to study, to enjoy them, to nourish ourselves with
information, it is difficult the idea of not being able to have it

1 European Commission. (2021). Growing consumption. 2021, Sitio web:
physically since for certain people it is more comfortable.
“Books influence our thoughts on politics and social issues,
they show us how to be better people, and they help us to not
feel alone.”2

-Vox. (2020). Buying in excess. 2021, de The goods Sitio web:

Ethical dilemma it There's the dilemma of buying in real life instead of online
generates. Take in where the costs for producing are far less impacting to the
consideration what we environment.
have discussed about It is argued that it is better to buy physical or virtual books,
globalization, there is a great fight that influences excessive consumption.
We buy the same book online and physical to see what is
better instead of thinking about the impact.
“The key difference between e-books and printed books is this
lack of a physical object. For starters, one difference is that an
e-book is more portable than a print book.”3

We think consumerism is having an environmental impact in the society, mainly we
over-consume because we think we need it. But there are other specific reasons why

2 Vox. (2020). Buying in excess. 2021, de The goods Sitio web:
3 European Commission. (2021). Growing consumption. 2021, Sitio web:
consumerism is growing, there are alot of “trends” to follow so you can be part of the

There are people that influence our opinions. If we watch people wearing red heels
we have the need to buy them to fit in with society. People we live with will qualify us
depending on how we dress, what we use, if we follow new fashions.But the real
problem is that fashions change very quickly, maybe today blue shirts are in fashion
but tomorrow red ones, so we have to buy too many things that in less than a month
will no longer be useful. “Consumer behavior and choices matter, and are changing,
with trends towards sustainable consumption, wellbeing and civic brands.” 4

People have always consumed but it was really only what was necessary, but as
social classes have grown, luxury purchases have been introduced. We think that
maybe we need to please ourselves in some way, people want to maximize their
We believe that there may be a real reason why people consume in excess, “It might
not just be competition among the brands trying to sell us things, but also
competition among ourselves.”5
We are in a fight with ourselves, who loves each other more, it really means: who
has more things to show off. we cover the lack of love with our purchase that in
some way their satisfaction is temporary, since it will end when the product you have
bought is no longer in fashion or when you simply no longer need or like it.

Maybe in the future we will realize all the damage we do to the environment by
consuming nonstop, sometimes we consume more because we think we need it
when all we need is intelligence to be able to select what we are really going to use,
only buy the basics. “By 2030, the consumer class is expected to reach almost 5
billion people. This means 1.3 billion more people with increased purchasing power
than today.”6
We need to be intelligent consumers, with the capability to have a clear
understanding of our supplies.

4 Kbook. (2021). Enviromental impact. 2021, de Slate Sitio web:
5 Eco Company. (2020). Books online. 2020, de Readers Sitio web:
6 Toner Buzz. (2020). Online paper. 2021, de Canin Sitio web:

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