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PET Masterclass

Module 1 Test
Student B
1 Here are some sentences about daily routines. For each question, complete the second
sentence so that it means the same as the first, using no more than three words.
1 Yesterday morning my friend Paula arrived before I finished breakfast.
Yesterday morning I was …………………… breakfast when my friend Paula arrived.
2 Maria told me not to forget my passport.
Maria said ‘…………………… forget your passport.’
3 We play tennis every Friday afternoon.
We play tennis once …………………… on Friday afternoons.
4 At the weekend John gets up later than during the week.
During the week John …………………… than at the weekend.
5 The college where I study is quite near my apartment.
The college where I study isn’t very …………………… my apartment.

2 Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
A lot of people 1 …………….. flu during the winter. This 2 …………….. can be quite
serious and it’s always 3 …………….. to go straight to bed if you think it’s the flu. You
should drink 4 …………….. of water but it’s better not to eat 5 …………….. . You
probably won’t 6 …………….. like eating anyway, especially if you have a 7 ……………..
throat. 8 …………….. your temperature regularly and if you have a 9 …………….. , bring
it down with aspirin 10 …………….. . It isn’t usually necessary to see a doctor.

1 A catch B put C hold D fetch

2 A bruise B accident C pain D illness
3 A least B worst C most D best
4 A much B many C several D plenty
5 A nothing B anything C everything D something
6 A look B be C feel D want
7 A sore B cut C hard D fit
8 A Take B Get C Have D Make
9 A sprain B fever C earache D wound
10 A plasters B medicine C tablets D bandages

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3 Look at the text in each question.

What does it say? Choose the correct explanation – A, B or C.

1 A Special sofas will be ready for sale on

SOFAS HALF-PRICE – B There will be a sale of sofas only on
C Sofas are cheaper than usual until

2 A Parking is free at weekends.

Car parking charges B Do not park here at weekends.
do not apply at weekends
C You must apply to park here at weekends.

3 A Wash your hands in cold water before

putting on this clothing.
100% SILK – B Use cold water in the machine when you
wash this clothing.
COLD WATER C Wash this silk clothing by hand in cold

4 A We only sell the sizes you can see on display.

PLEASE ASK IF YOUR SIZE B Your size might be available, so please ask
IS NOT ON DISPLAY an assistant to help.
C Everything on display will fit all sizes.

5 A We prefer you to pay by cheque or with a

credit card.
We accept cheques,
credit cards and cash B You can pay with a cheque, credit card or
in cash.

C You must have a cheque and a credit card
as well as cash.

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4 Choose the correct word.
1 After 6 p.m. the main entrance is locked, but you can get in / on through a door
at the back.
2 Fiona’s just got down / back from her trip to Australia.
3 I’m definitely going to give out / up smoking this year.
4 I managed to return / exchange that damaged CD for another one.
5 Gordon said he would very / really love to see our new flat.
6 The sales assistant gave back / out free perfume samples this morning.
7 Take the intercity coach and get off / up at the main railway station.
8 I’m afraid I can’t give you your money back unless you’ve got the receipt / discount.
9 The shop only charged / cost me £20 to repair my watch.
10 Grandad’s not at all well, but the doctor says he’ll cure / recover soon.
5 Write the word which fits the definition.
1 You breathe through it. …………
2 You bite your food with them. …………
3 You kiss with them. …………
4 You see with them. …………
5 You bend your legs with them. …………
6 You could keep plates in it. …………
7 You get washed under it. …………
8 You keep your car in it. …………
9 You can see yourself in it. …………
10 You keep your clothes in it. …………

Total /50

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PET Masterclass

Module 1 Test Answers

Student B
1 1 eating / finishing
2 Don’t
3 a week
4 gets up earlier
5 far from

2 1 A 6C
2 D 7A
3 D 8A
4 D 9B
5 B 10 C
3 1 C
2 A
3 C
4 B
5 B

4 1 in 6 out
2 back 7 off
3 up 8 receipt
4 exchange 9 charged
5 really 10 recover
5 1 nose 6 cupboard
2 teeth 7 shower
3 lips 8 garage
4 eyes 9 mirror
5 knees 10 wardrobe

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