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I interviewed my mother, who was a pharmaceutical representative named Michelle

Albanese. Her contact information is as follows:
a. email:
b. phone number: 619-540-8782

2. A typical day as a pharmaceutical representative begins with planning. A representative

works from home, so they must plan out their day beforehand. They must analyze when
and where to go. Throughout the day, reps meet different doctors and professionals,
where they discuss medical products. At the end of the day, pharmaceutical
representatives reflect and analyze their progress.

3. In this particular career, you have to have good communication skills, confidence, the
ability to handle rejection, a good attitude, and entrepreneurship.

4. I was unaware that pharmaceutical representatives use their homes as offices. I think it
takes a lot of motivation and self-discipline to achieve work at home as well as in the
field, and I admire those who can succeed at that balance.

5. The different aspects of this career that appeal to me are communication, analysis, and
flexibility. I am a very independent person, yet, I love to work with others. This job
requires both, so I think it could be a really good fit for me and my personality.

6. The parts of this career that scare me are the rejection factor as well as the conflict that
can arise between me, my company, and insurance companies. I do struggle a lot with
failure and learning how to accept and grow from rejection, but I think over time I would

7. This career really matches well with my analysis skills, good spirit, and self-driven
personality. As mentioned previously, I am a very good team member but I also don’t
need to always rely on others, and this career seems to aid both sides really well.

8. To prepare for a job in the pharmaceutical field, I would probably start by taking
communication and business classes in college and learning the ways of the medical
world, specifically the pharmaceutical portion.
9. Through this experience, I have actually been greatly influenced to find a career that
requires the skills needed as a pharmaceutical representative. I believe having a
balance between independent flexibility and teamwork could be very beneficial for my
happiness and future.

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