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Cultural studies

$$$ 1
The ancient thinker who proposed to apply the concept of "culture" in the meaning of
transformation of something: "the culture of the mind is philosophy":
A) Herodotus
B) Pericles
C) Anaxagoras
D) Cicero
E) Seneca
F) Epictetus

$$$ 2
Linking culture with human activity, many researchers understand it as:
A) Rules of law
B) The factor of ethnogenesis
C) Mechanical activity
D) Creative activity
E) Genetic code

$$$ 3
The semiotic approach to understanding culture considers it as:
A) The physical system
B) The cosmic phenomenon
C) Unconscious image
D) The sign system
E) Mental disorder

$$$ 4
The process of acquisition by one people of certain forms of culture of another people, which
occurs as a result of communication between these peoples:
A) Association
B) Acculturation
C) Worldview
D) Philosophy
E) Poetry

$$$ 5
Cultural activities for the interpretation of cultural texts, which may include not only written
sources, but also any objects and phenomena of culture:
A) Sequestration
B) Deconstruction
C) Hermeneutics
D) Assimilation
(E) Secularization

$$$ 6
An ideological concept according to which Europe has played a leading role in the development
of modern civilization and culture:
A) Cosmocentrism
B) Eurocentrism
C) Pantheism
D) Francocentrism
E) Slavocentrism

$$$ 7
The process of entering a person into another culture, mastering the experience of another
A) Association
B) Inculturation
C) Monoculture
D) Union
(E) Confederation

$$$ 8
The most important component of spiritual culture, which allows maintaining the continuity of
cultural evolution, the continuity of culture and passing it on to subsequent generations:
A) Westernization
B) Historical memory
(C) Globalization
D) The scientific revolution
E) Aesthetic innovation

$$$ 9
Mutual sympathy (antipathy) of individuals in culture, which determines the division into
"friends" and "strangers":
A) Approbation
B) Complimentarity
C) Emigration
D) Immigration
E) Polycentration

$$$ 10
Denial of national isolation, limitation and isolation, striving for the creation of supranational
societies, for a world without state borders:
A) Approbation
B) Cosmopolitanism
C) Emigration
D) Immigration
E) Polycentration

$$$ 11
Hostile attitude towards foreigners and to everything alien - language, lifestyle, style of thinking,
A) Approbation
(B) Xenophobia
C) Formalization
D) Syllogism
E) Polycentration

$$$ 12
Affirmation of equality of all types of cultures, rejection of the selected systems of cultural
A) Approbation
B) Cultural relativism
C) Formalization
D) Syllogism
E) Polycentration

$$$ 13
The general designation of the rituals available in the ancient culture of different peoples, which
are based on the belief in the supernatural influence of man on objects of nature, animals and
other people:
A) Science
B) Magic
C) Gathering
D) Art
(E) Rhetoric

$$$ 14
The etymology of the word "culture" includes the meanings of:
A) Negation
B) Cultivation
C) Submission
D) Interaction
E) Veneration
(F) Coercion

$$$ 15
The most adequate theoretical definition of culture is:
A) Processing, design, spiritualization, ennobling by people of the environment and themselves
B) Man's denial of nature, struggle with nature
C) Adaptation of a person to environmental conditions, acquisition of survival skills
D) The result of disorders in the human psyche, leading to the need to create an illusory reality
E) Realization by a person in the process of life of the programmed genetic code

$$$ 16
The condition of a person or group of people who are separated from their usual environment
and lifestyle and have not adopted a new one, are in an intermediate, borderline state:
A) Approbation
B) Marginality
C) Formalization
D) Syllogism
E) Polycentration

$$$ 17
The totality of global cultural elements produced industrially:
A) Elite art
B) Popular culture
C) Cultural individualism
D) Abstractionism
E) Surrealism

$$$ 18
The contradictory nature of the relationship between society and nature in the conditions of
modern civilization has led to the emergence of the concept:
A) Geographical environment
B) Ecological culture
C) Demographic explosion
D) Cultural expansion
(E) Modernization of the economy

$$$ 19
A special state of society characterized by a high degree of order in social life based on morality
and law, significant development of education, science and technology, technologies of activity
and communication is the definition of:
A) Capitalism
B) Barbarism
C) Civilizations
D) Antiquity
E) Utopias

$$$ 20
A relatively integral set of thoughts, beliefs that create a picture of the world and consolidate the
unity of a cultural tradition or any community:
A) Approbation
B) Mentality
C) Formalization
D) Syllogism
E) Polycentration

$$$ 21
A legend that conveys the ideas of ancient peoples about the origin of the world, natural
phenomena, about gods and legendary heroes; arose among all peoples at an early stage of
development to explain the phenomena of nature:
A) A poem
B) Myth
C) Amulet
D) Symbol
E) Fetish

$$$ 22
Modernization, modification in accordance with the requirements of modernity, improvement:
A) Approbation
B) Modernization
C) Formalization
D) Syllogism
E) Polycentration

$$$ 23
A way of transferring cultural experience from one generation to another in the form of customs,
orders, rules of conduct:
A) Poem
B) Tradition
C) Amulet
D) Symbol
E) Fetish

$$$ 24
Author of the book "Primitive culture":
A) L. White.
B) F. Kissing.
C) B. Malinovsky.
D) E. Tylor.
E) Z. Freud.

$$$ 25
Means, signs, forms, symbols that allow people to make communicative connections, navigate in
the space of culture:
A) The language of culture.
B) Empathy.
C) Interractionism.
D) Modernism.
(E) Pluralism.

$$$ 26
An artistic image, a type of people deprived of the memory of their cultural past:
A) Mankurt.
B) Marginal.
C) Neophyte.
D) A nihilist.
E) Dissident.

$$$ 27
The concept of culture as the "spirit of peoples acting in history" in Modern times belongs to:
A) A. Muller.
B) I. Herder.
C) V. Humboldt.
D) E. Husserl.
E) I. Kant.

$$$ 28
The creator of the game concept of cultural genesis:
A) K. Marx.
B) Z. Freud.
C) J. Huizinga.
D) E. Cassirer.
(E) A. Toynbee.

$$$ 29
The creator of the symbolic concept of cultural genesis:
A) K. Marx.
B) Z. Freud.
C) J. Huizinga.
D) E. Cassirer.
(E) A. Toynbee.

$$$ 30
The main source of cultural genesis in the concept of culture is Y. Huizings:
A) Labor.
B) The psyche.
C) Language.
D) The game.
E) The symbol.

$$$ 31
The most important source of cultural genesis in E. Kassirer's concept of culture:
A) Labor.
B) The psyche.
C) Language.
D) The game.
E) The symbol.

$$$ 32
What is culture in the broadest philosophical sense:
A) Nature, the natural world.
B) The humanized world.
C) Art.
(D) Morality.
(E) Traditions.

$$$ 33
The function of culture, which has a comprehensive character:
A) Axiological.
B) Cognitive.
C) Informational.
D) Man-made.
E) Communicative.

$$$ 34
The low-cultural state of society and (or) the manifestation of anti-cultural tendencies expressed
in the deliberate (or ignorance) destruction of culture, its values, artifacts, monuments:
A) Capitalism
B) Barbarism
C) Civilization
D) Nihilism
E) Utopianism

$$$ 35
The unity of the cultural world of a person (social group) with a certain culture, cultural
tradition, cultural system, characterized by the assimilation and acceptance of values, norms, the
content core of this culture and forms of its expression:
A) Communication
B) Marginality
(C) Globalization
D) Mentality
E) Identity

$$$ 36
A German thinker who lived in the second half of the XVIII century, whose ideas contributed to
the isolation of culture as an independent subject of philosophical analysis:
A) K. Marx
B) L. Wittgenstein
C) R. Carnap
D) G. Heine
E) I. Herder

$$$ 37
Elements of the material culture of society
A) Moral standards
B) Philosophy
C) Public speaking
(D) Means of production
E) Jokes
F) Tools of production
G) Technology
H) Ideas

$$$ 38
An element of the spiritual culture of society
A) Means of production
B) Moral standards
C) Scientific instruments
D) Productive forces
E) Jewelry

$$$ 39
The main functions of culture
A) Regulatory
B) Explanatory
C) Gaming
(D) Economic
E) Sports and recreation
F) Communication

$$$ 40
The ratio of the content of the concepts "culture" and "society"
A) They are identical in content
B) They do not have a common content
C) The concept of culture expresses one of the socially significant aspects of the life of society
D) The concept of "society" is only part of the broader concept of "culture"
E) They are opposite in content

$$$ 41
American scientist, founder of the direction of cultural anthropology:
A) K. Marx
B) L. Wittgenstein
C) R. Carnap
D) F. Boas
E) I. Herder

$$$ 42
Scientists who have studied culture from the standpoint of the theory of evolutionism:
A) L. Morgan
B) J. Fraser
C) E. Tylor
D) B. Malinovsky
E) A. Radcliffe-Brown
F) I. Fichte
G) E. Mach

$$$ 43
Scientists who have studied culture from the standpoint of the theory of functionalism:
A) L. Morgan
B) J. Fraser
C) E. Tylor
D) B. Malinovsky
E) A. Radcliffe-Brown
F) I. Fichte

$$$ 44
American scientists, representatives of the School of Cultural Anthropology:
A) L. White
B) J. Fraser
C) E. Tylor
D) F. Engels
E) M. Mead
F) I. Fichte

$$$ 45
French philosopher who linked the development of culture in the ancient world with the
peculiarities of primitive man's thinking:
A) L. White
B) J. Fraser
C) E. Tylor
D) F. Engels
E) L. Levy-Bruhl

$$$ 46
The thinker who linked the development of culture with the tool-labor activity of man:
A) L. White
B) J. Fraser
C) E. Tylor
D) F. Engels
E) L. Levy-Bruhl

$$$ 47
Thinkers who explained the development of culture by the peculiarities of the human psyche:
A) Z. Freud
B) J. Fraser
C) E. Tylor
D) F. Engels
E) K.G. Jung
F) I. Fichte

$$$ 48
The key factors of the development of culture in antiquity, according to the concept of Z. Freud:
A) the system of prohibitions
B) rewards and punishments
C) sacred symbols
D) writing
E) labor
F) taboo

$$$ 49
The concepts of C.G. Jung's concept, with which his explanation of culture is connected:
A) the collective unconscious
B) sexuality
C) tools
D) writing
E) labor
F) archetype

$$$ 50
Representatives of sociological science who considered cultures from the standpoint of the
theory of elites:
A) L. Morgan
B) J. Fraser
C) E. Tylor
D) G. Mosca
E) V. Paretto
F) T. Eliot
G) E. Mach

$$$ 51
The following are related to the concept of gaming culture:
A) J. Huizinga
B) E. Fink
C) G. Hesse
D) G. Mosca
E) V. Paretto
F) T. Eliot
G) E. Mach

$$$ 52
Representatives of structuralism in the study of culture:
A) J. Huizinga
B) E. Fink
C) K. Levi-Strauss
D) G. Mosca
E) V. Paretto
F) J. Lacan
G) M. Foucault

$$$ 53
One of the first variants of the theoretical opposition of culture and civilization belongs to the
German philosopher:
A) J. Heising
B) I. Kant
C) K. Marx
D) G. Mosca
E) V. Paretto

It was believed that civilization and culture are synonyms:
A) J. Huizinga
B) E. Fink
C) K. Levi-Strauss
D) I. Herder
E) E. Tylor
F) J. Lacan

$$$ 55
They believed that civilization is the end of culture, its old age, the antipode of spirituality:
A) J. Huizinga
B) E. Fink
C) K. Levi-Strauss
D) J.J. Rousseau
E) S. Fourier
F) O. Spengler
G) M. Foucault

$$$ 56
He believed that civilization is the progress of culture:
A) J. Huizinga
B) I. Kant
C) K. Marx
D) G. Mosca
E) D. Bell

$$$ 57
It was believed that civilization is a stage of social development following savagery and
barbarism, characterized by the formation of the state:
A) L. Morgan
B) E. Fink
C) F. Engels
D) J.J. Rousseau
E) S. Fourier
F) O. Spengler

$$$ 58
It was believed that civilization is a local type of culture:
A) N.Y. Danilevsky
B) A. Toynbee
C) F. Engels
D) J.J. Rousseau
E) S. Fourier
F) M.M. Bakhtin

$$$ 59
The concept of "clash of civilizations" was proposed by a modern American scientist:
A) P. Sorokin
B) A. Toynbee
C) E.
Castels D) F. Fukuyama
E) S. Huntington

$$$ 60
The main civilizations of the modern world, according to S. Huntington, include:
A) Western
B) Confucian
C) Jewish
D) Oceanic
E) Northern
(F) South

$$$ 61
The main civilizations of the modern world, according to S. Huntington, include:
A) Japanese
(B) Islamic
C) Jewish
D) Oceanic
E) Northern
(F) South

$$$ 62
The main civilizations of the modern world, according to S. Huntington, include:
A) Hindu
B) Orthodox-Slavic
C) Jewish
D) Oceanic
E) Northern
(F) South

$$$ 63
The main factor influencing the formation of civilizations in S. Huntington's concept:
A) Technology
(B) Rules of law
C) Art
(D) Natural resources
E) Religion

$$$ 64
The criteria of civilization in S. Huntington's concept are:
A) Language
B) Soil
C) Tools
(D) Social institutions
(E) Natural resources
F) Self-identification
(G) Climate

$$$ 65
A peculiar concept of the dynamics of ethnocultures is given in his works by:
A) P. Sorokin
B) A. Toynbee
C) L.N. Gumilev
D) F. Fukuyama
E) S. Huntington

$$$ 66
American ethnologists who studied the theory of acculturation:
A) J. Huizinga
B) M. Herskovitz
C) K. Levi-Strauss
D) R. Linton
E) R. Redfield
F) O. Spengler
G) M. Foucault

$$$ 67
The problem of acculturation is characteristic of these regions of the cultural and historical
regions of the Earth:
A) Western Europe
B) Eastern Europe
C) North America
D) Northern Europe
(E) Asia
(F) Africa
(G) Latin America

$$$ 68
The acculturation process is realized due to such phenomena as:
A) modernization
(B) Urbanization
C) Westernization
(D) Marginalization
(E) Criminalization
(F) Secularization
G) lumpenization

$$$ 69
The process of spreading the values of Western civilization in culture and public life:
A) modernization
(B) Urbanization
C) Westernization
(D) Marginalization
(E) Criminalization

$$$ 70
There is a widespread urban lifestyle in the culture:
A) modernization
(B) Urbanization
C) Westernization
(D) Marginalization
(E) Criminalization

$$$ 71
Kazakhstan is particularly interested in the experience of such a multi-ethnic, multi-racial and
multi-confessional state as:
A) Poland
B) Japan
(D) Norway
(E) Austria

$$$ 72
In American ethnosociology, which studies the processes of interaction of various ethnic
cultures, theories have appeared:
A) "melting pot"
B) "new Babylon"
C) "disappearance of ethnic groups"
D) "racial cosmopolitanism"
E) "social Darwinism"
F) "ethnic pluralism"

$$$ 73
The theory of the "melting pot" is shared by American scientists:
A) P. Sorokin
B) A. Toynbee
C) G. J. Abramson
D) F. Fukuyama
E) S. Huntington
F) M. Masuda

$$$ 74
American scientists criticized the "melting pot" theory:
A) P. Sorokin
B) A. Toynbee
C) M. Novak
D) F. Fukuyama
E) S. Huntington
F) V. Green

$$$ 75
Modern States in which the principles of ethnic pluralism and multiculturalism are effectively
A) Poland
B) Ukraine
(C) Iran
(D) Switzerland
(E) Australia
(F) Saudi Arabia

$$$ 76
One of the fundamental principles of modern ethno-cultural policy in Kazakhstan:
A) "one nation – one ethnos"
B) "new cosmopolitanism"
C) "Disappearance of ethnic groups"
D) "diversity without unity"
E) "unity in diversity"

$$$ 77
A. Toynbee claimed that in the middle of the twentieth century only 5 "living" civilizations
survived: Islamic, Orthodox Christian, Hindu, Far Eastern and ...:
A) Iranian
C) Byzantine
C) Maya
D) Western Christian
F) Babylonian

$$$ 78
The basic concepts of A. Toynbee's theory are:
A) "Challenge and response".
B) "Basis and superstructure".
C) "The will to power".
D) "Creative minority".
E) "Inert majority".
(F) "Productive forces".
(G) "Industrial relations".

$$$ 79
The works of the American scientist L. White, in which he introduced the term "cultural studies"
into scientific circulation:
A) "Culture and the world of childhood"
B) "Evolution of culture"
C) "Dialogues about culture"
D) "The future of one illusion"
E) "The science of culture"
F) "Totem and taboo"

$$$ 80
From the point of view of the American scientist L. White, the subject of the science of culture
consists of these subsystems:
A) natural
B) Space
C) technological
D) social
E) ideological
F) archaic
G) modern

$$$ 81
Works of Z. Freud, in which he explores problems of a culturological nature:
A) "Culture and the world of childhood"
B) "Evolution of culture"
C) "Dialogues about culture"
D) "The future of one illusion"
E) "The science of culture"
F) "Totem and taboo"

$$$ 82
In the concept of Z. Freud's culture appears as a phenomenon:
A) "I"
B) "It"
C) "Super-I"
D) "Libido"
E) "Consciousness"

$$$ 83
The interpretation of culture from the standpoint of hermeneutics is characteristic of these
A) F. Schleiermacher
B) H.G. Gadamer
C) M. Heidegger
D) R. Linton
E) R. Redfield
F) O. Spengler
G) M. Foucault

$$$ 84
Connects the understanding of culture with the phenomenological interpretation of "texts" such a
direction of philosophy as:
A) Structuralism
B) Positivism
C) Axiology
(D) Empiriocriticism
E) Hermeneutics

$$$ 85
In order to eliminate threats and conflicts arising in the modern world, it is necessary to form
new ideological orientations of a person based on ...:
A) consumer culture
B) market cultures
C) production cultures
(D) Management cultures
(E) Cultures of dialogue
(F) A culture of consent

$$$ 86
One of the most effective cultural ways to resolve conflicts arising in the modern world:
A) Economic sanctions
(B) Peace enforcement
(C) Armed forces
D) Trade war
E) Dialogue

$$$ 87
A comprehensive study of dialogue as a cultural phenomenon was conducted by:
A) G. Plekhanov
B) V. Vernadsky
C) A. Chizhevsky
D) I. Pavlov
E) M. Bakhtin

$$$ 88
Historical example of effective development of the dialogue of cultures and interaction of
A) Crusades
B) Expedition of F. Magellan
C) Colonization of North America
(D) Colonization of Africa
E) The Great Silk Road

$$$ 89
The idea of: A) Digital economy is relevant for modern Kazakhstan in terms of achieving social
well-being through the efforts of the whole society
A) Digital economy
B) Innovative technologies
C) E-government
D) E-commerce
(E) Civil society

$$$ 90
A special form of socio-economic and political organization of society in antiquity:
A) Colony
(B) Symposium
C) Gymnasium
D) Agora
E) Policy

$$$ 91
The problem of the formation of civil society appears in the philosophical works of these ancient
A) Thales
B) Anaximenes
C) Parmenides
D) Protagoras
E) Plato
F) Aristotle
$$$ 92
The origin of the state as a result of a social contract based on people's trust in each other was
considered by the philosophers of Modern times:
A) F. Nietzsche
B) F. Bacon
C) P. Holbach
D) J. Berkeley
E) T. Hobbes
F) J.J. Rousseau

$$$ 93
German philosophers considered civil society as the most effective form of achieving freedom in
A) F. Nietzsche
B) V. Dilthey
C) P. Holbach
D) J. Berkeley
E) I. Kant
F) G. Hegel

$$$ 94
Criteria adopted as characteristics of civil society:
A) Agricultural production
B) Totalitarianism
C) Enlightened monarchy
D) Command and administrative management
E) High level of science and technology
F) Market relations
(G) Democracy and multiparty system

$$$ 95
The spiritual and ideological basis of civil society includes:
A) Authoritarianism
B) Totalitarianism
C) Ochlocracy
(D) Clericalism
(E) Pluralism of ideas
F) Tolerance
(G) Humanism

$$$ 96
The main directions of modernization of public consciousness in Kazakhstan are
A) Conservation of natural resources.
B) Reform of the banking sector.
C) Trips abroad.
D) Study of philosophical works.
E) Preservation of national identity.
F) The cult of knowledge.
G) Preservation of national culture.
(H) Development of the space industry

$$$ 97
Any citizen of Kazakhstan, as well as the nation as a whole, needs to have a set of qualities
worthy of the XXI century, among them
A) Computer literacy.
B) Knowledge of foreign languages.
C) Cultural openness.
D) Physical strength.
E) Secondary education.
F) Economic ideas.
G) Availability of a car.
H) Availability of a bank deposit

$$$ 98
Part of the preparation of Kazakhstanis for life in the XXI century, part of the formation of our
competitiveness are:
A) The program "Youth practice".
B) The program of economic literacy.
C) Digital Kazakhstan Program.
D) Trilingualism program.
(E) Religious education program.
F) The Program of Cultural and Confessional Harmony.
G) Business communication program.
H) The program of obtaining a job abroad

$$$ 99
The main priorities of modernization of public consciousness in Kazakhstan are
A) Competitiveness.
B) Pragmatism.
C) Openness of consciousness.
(D) Social apathy.
(E) Social infantilism.
F) Conservatism.
(G) Patriarchy.
H) State paternalism

$$$ 100
The concept of modern social cognition, which asserts the priority of universal values over more
private (regional, national, class):
A) Socio-economic formation.
B) Productive forces.
C) Basis.
(D) Social mobility.
E) Planetary consciousness.
F) Passionarity.
G) Intentionality.
$$$ end

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