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TUBITAK ee SERU / YMAU Structural Engineering Research Unit Yap! Milhendisligi Arastirma Unitesi 'UBLICATION NO. 2003 / 1 TURKISH STANDARDS TS 500 FEBRUARY 2000 REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES ANKARA TURKEY 2003 TURKISH STANDARDS TS 500 FEBRUARY 2000 REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES PREFACE TS 500 entitled ‘Requirements for Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, was published by the Turkish Standards Institute, Ankara, in February, 2000. In order to introduce the Turkish Code to non ~ Turkish speakers as well as to enable effective use of the Code in related courses at Middle East Technical University, and also to encourage discussion of articles of the Code on an international platform, it was decided to render the latest edition of TS 500 into English. This is also one of the objectives of the NATO Science for Peace Project No. S{P977231 entitled Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings. The present translation draws upon the labours of several persons connected with the Civil Engineering Department at Middle East Technical University. Zehra Cagnan, Melin Susoy and Baris Yalim have all contributed to the translation and/or preparation of the text. The contribution of Prof, Dr. Tugrul Tankut is also acknowledged. Publication of this edition of the English version of TS 500 has been made possible under TUBITAK Project IOTAG 1577 entitled Earthquake Engineering: Continuing Education. We are grateful to TUBITAK for sanctioning the publication and distribution of this translation as per their letter No. B.02.1.BAK:0,06.0011/220 ~ 107 dated 6 March 2003, The present translation of TS 00 is for educational purposes only, and the code text in Turkish is the valid official version. We would be grateful it any errors of omissions are brought to our attention. Thanks are also due to the Turkish Standards Institute for sanctioning the publication of this translation as per their letter No, 11.00.04787 of 7 February 2003, Ugur Ersoy --Guney Ozcebe 8. Tanvir Wasti Middle East Technical University Ankara, March 2003, “TURKISH STANDARD Er ‘CONTENTS 0 SUBJECT, DEFINITIONS, SCOPE. 0.1- SUBJECT 102. DEFINITIONS, ee 03-SCOPE ele ie 1 -NOTATION AND UNITS AND EMPLOYED, " vn 1.9- NOTATION. erin 43- UNITS, eae? 2- DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE STRUCTURE — on 24 GENERAL wu : 22. STRUCTURAL ANALY8IS AND DESIGN CALCULATIONS. 7 23- DRAWINGS. baci srenee 2.4 INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION 2 - 2.5. CHANGES IN THE PROJECT a 3- MATERIALS “ - 30- NOTATION USED, et 3:1 CONCRETE MATERIALS. vo '31.2- coment 3:13 - Aggregates 3:14 Wator = - 4.15 -Chemical Amines. st 132 Stoo Rlnforcomont ose ‘ 33- Concrete. 1.3.1 Concroto Grades and Concrete Compressive Seng 3.32 Conerote Tensile Seng 3.33 modus of Canty, Shor Modu, Paes Rao and Thenal Expenion Coin 1333/1 - Modulus of East, 13332-Poisean Ratio. ae 3:3.3- Sheor Modulus. aie 33.94 Theimal Expansion Coeficet. 7 £334 Time Dependent Deformation of Cones 434. QUALITY CONTROL and Accoptance of Conca Gully. 4 PREPARING CONCRETE AND REINFORCEMENT. : 4:0: GENERAL “12: MIKING, CONVEYING, DEPOSITING AND CURING CONCRETE... 43 PLACING REINFORCEMENT vo §5- FORMWORKS AND SCAFFOLDING sss - : BA GENERAL " 5:2 -FORMWORK AND SCAFFOLDING LOADS. 53: DRAWINGS. 54 -FORMWORK ANO SCAFFOLD SUPPORTS, prea 55. REMOVAL OF FORMWORKS. 2 6 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF REINFORCED CONORETE DESIGN . 50-NOTATION. ane 6.4 -GENERAL e 6.2-STRUCTURAL SAFETY : 162.1-Goneral ss {622 - Limit Stat Method no one 529 -Uimate Lint Ste. ai 10 10 10 40 10 0 a " 2 2 12 12 2 2 2 14 4 4 18 15 45 15 16 7” " 7 at 7 16 16 “TURKISH STANDARD. T3500 1.3 PUNDHING SHEAR. _— 2s '3.3.4- Punching Sheer Stent 58 53.2: Punching Shoar Reinforcement — 8 84. BRACKETS AND SHORT CANTILEVERS. “ 38 {35 -SPEGIAL PROVISIONS FOR DEEP BEANS... 8 4: RULES | SPECIFICATIONS FOR ANCHORAGE AND PLACEMENT OF REINFORCEMENT “0 930-NOTATION 0 9.4 -DEVELOPMENT OF REINFORCEMENT... 40 0.12- Gener 40 9.13 -Development of Reinforcing Bars n Tension oo 40 8 tue. Development of Reinforcing Barn CoMpresI0N 0 2 9.18. Devetopment of Stuns 2 (9.2 SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT... ” 43 9.21 - Gener! i 3 9.22-Lap Spices a 9.23. Mechanical Gonaectons (Slaves) 43 9.24. Walied Spices nen] £225 -Sploes of Roltorcing Bars in Tension one 3 8.26. Splces of Reinforcing Sar in Compression | 4 9.27 -Lap Spices Longtusinal Colunn Bars, a4 {99 STANDARD HOOK DETAILS, z on 9.31 Hooks in Lengiucnal Reinforcement a8 9.22 -Stirup Hooks. " 45 9.33. Stirup Hooks made up of Mash Relnerement. 45 9.4. REGULATIONS FOR BENDING REINFORCING BARS. a8 3.5 -REGULATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF REINFORCING BARS 6 94 Clear Concrete Cover a8 9.2 - Spacing of Reinforcing Bas 4 45 853. Bundes Bars 46 954 -Placement of Relnforcing Bers 4 10- REINFORCED CONCRETE FOOTINGS, a 10.0- ROTATION. a7 10.1 - GENERAL a 402 FOOTINGS SUPPORTING WALLS. a 142.1- Genera Prncipios a 1122--Desgn Prniles a 102° Reguatons relang to Reinforcement - ar 10:3- NOWIDUAL COLUMN FOOTINGS (THOAWAY FOOTINGS). a 403.1 Ganoral Principles a 192 Design Princes. : 47 1133-- Regulatons Relating to Reinforcement, 48 40.4 - CONTINUOUS FOOTINGS 48 {04.1 - General Principles 48 104.2 Design Principles 48 {043 - Regulations Relating to Reinforcement “0 11 -REIMFORCED CONCRETE SLAB SYSTEMS. 30 110-NOTATION. 50 ‘1.4 GENERAL : 0 “TURKISH STANDARD. 13509 REFERENCES, qs224 TF each 1900 “atosonry Cement Patt Spoctestin” “T8498/ November 1887 “Design Loads fr Bulge” Te esT November 1879 ;uling Code fer Timber Stucures™ 1S e¢8/Docombor 1880, Bulking Code fr Sto! Structures” ‘78 708/Desember 1980 “aggrepatos for Conccete” Te 708March 1986 “steel ars for Concrete! Ts e0atanvary 1985 “esi Gonerota Mixes" Soy “wining, Placing ané Curing of Concrste -Abnarms! ‘Wester Conations" “ning, Placing and Curing of Conerete- Abnormal ‘78 124aHepr 1868 Brie dec eh Te 2o4olonuery 1978 “wtrods of Sampling Frash Concrete i Mating and Curing Concrete Test Speciens The 18 3088March 1978 ‘Mating ae ae ‘earn of Creme Sant Crete Tes Te335tlage 1979 Making and Curing Concrete Test Specrens in The Fiic™ “Rules for Making Concrete Exposed to Aggressive Els Ts thay 1862 Siu, Sit an Gano 193482 “chemical Admiures for Conret ‘Besos For Design of Structures; Actions duet The Sa 18180 ¢194Noverber 1087 Walphtot Stvlures, Non: sbuctral Elemants and Stored Matera Density" ‘9 112zeuuly 1994 “conerete- Ready xed Concrete tnniaty et Consvcton and Setlement, 1998. Specitcatons for stctures tobe bultin disaster soas “To Tutksh Earthquake Code is avatabe in Engsh on tne web al the folowing adresses: oso metyedu,chomencmeteode nt pur ko oun. lSepremmuEINEND 99.0 TURKISH STANDARD 19500 SUBJECT, DEFINITIONS, SCOPE 0.4 - SUBJECT ‘This standard provides rues and minimum requlrements fr the safe design, dealing an construction of Th slander re uturl erent and structures in accordance with fet design purpose and service Ms 02 -DEFINITIONS 0.24 -Comprosston Block oe copra eierbuten inte compressan zone ofa elorced concrete member under bending Is Uoied a te compression block 0.22 - Concrete Cover Oe comet cele the distance between the conta of gravity ofthe ongtinl reinforcement ans the treme concrete fet, 0.29--Torsion 0.23.1 -Equlllxlum Torsion 22 eamurtrion Te the freon that must be inldad in the cals to acteve equliorum of tne ‘Susur ayer tthe utmate andthe corvceabily it sats 02.22 -Compatilty Torsion 2 com eet ihe tars winout be ncusin of which equim of the stuctura stem canst Es Beloved othe unimate and the sericea it ites 024- Strength 22 Senge ue ofthe maximum sess that a material can rail under the condos given ins dst 0.244 -Conereto Comprassive Strength Fa come rrscane aengin is te maximum sess tat a 28 day 06 standard cyinsical conte arse th Sor damater and 200h Nag can resist. The specimen shoud be cued accordance Speen tnd standard and loaded under unix compression ata speed In accorGence with Ine rated andar 10.242 - Concrete Charactoiéte Strength 72 Cotwaclvate avengihe te svengih value obtained from stall data by which the concrte saree cpceied. The probenliy of coining = avengin value lower than the characteratcstengi Spestesiponaraly 10 percent) 0249--Yield Strangth of Reinforcement Bate Sin ffelorcemort se valu of So8s cared al he near of ing of he te andr nalteneon 0.244-Tonale Strength of Roinforcement Oe ana inet tunlreamnt sme masimum value of stress cared by the see reinforcement {ested Under al tension 0.24.5 -Cheractoristle Yield Strength of Renforeamant 0 cnara ciel atongholrorforcement eto yd strong value btaned trom stabscel deta by ‘Tre charactor pra fs apeciog The probably of caning a sirengihvelus ower than te charactrisic tre sof fenicrcoments pected. n paces, he characerste yl tenths he owe vl of Yala srengh emseagod inthe speciation for that gre of tcl 0.2.46 - Average Strength Bho eof malo [she average of senghh values oblained trom an agequstomurbe: of tess 0247 -Deslgn Strength oa Deni a oblarsed by viding the characarist strength by @ mato actor, which cen be eal aos rena foe alae a carton margin of saey. In design calculations, the design srengih value Shou be used 025 -Palanced Rainforcamant Ral See ae ein ory enabigs a refereed coneete beam under bending to reach te ute Fee ererataneous yacing of the tension steel relnorcement and crushing ofthe extreme conc Tie delined ee the balanced enforcement at. ‘TURKISH STANDARD. 13.500 0248-Losding toadng comprises various physea action that may aft structure throughout its sere ite and which rhaad tbo coneldvod in decign such as verte! (rat) loade,horzonial leads (earthquake laa, wind [Gauig ee), and tre eects of aorta! eettement of founaatons, temperature changes, defomain cus te croop,shruage ee 02.48.41 -Live Load ads which nl ot remain on structures for lng periods curing tel service fe recalled Ine acs 02482 -Permanont Load tate hie wt romain on stuctrestroughout thee sence Ife (9. the wight of nad carving members ‘er aher nonivtutl member) ae called permanent oes. 02:89 -Susttined Load Peimanent cade ant te ive load known tobe acting onthe srctureforlog pariods ave ened leeds 0.249-Load Combinations 2a the prooaiy o varus led types affecting @ stcture skmutaneoush i ow, load combinations ore ‘rangement of those ad types for when tn probaly of acting together fconsderaly Nigh, 0:220-Load Efect toad eects are tntonal free regutants (@9. bending moment, shear for, torsional moment) thats producns dng tha sorvce if of he stucture by various prysial fect such as veal end horizons Fists. imposed deformations, temperature changes etc, which are sssumed Yo possess © siatstcal ‘Ssrnuton, 0220.1 - Design Load Effect ‘The donlgn toad tft she loss effect consieredin design calculation to achive acelin vel of safety Design tae eftoct Is obtained by muting the characters load eect vain by afaior that canbe equal foorgrester nan 1.0 and by subsituing tne cbsined va Into a sutabe load combination, 0.2202 - Characteristic Load Effect ‘The characterstc oad ote! fs estalenes onthe bas of statistics! data ad the probably of exceecance is ood eft durmg the Hate ofthe stretore is ganoral 10 percent, 0.221-Lond Factors eles by mhien cnaracteitc nas values are multiplet obtain load values to be used in design nore fo scheve a ceram ive! of safely se clad Toad factors 03 -8cOPE ‘This standard proves minimum requrements fr the safe desln, dealing anc constuction of reinforced onerte stra slomants and stctre in aoeordance wih a design purpose and see ie ‘This standard does not apoly to reinforced concrete structures that ae constructed by using high srengh oneteta(agher fan 0 MPa), Wien hgh srengh conse Is used, calculations shoul be prover tbo ‘orect By using eBlovant references, in case of sructores fo be consruted in selemie eplons in addon to basic principles ans eaurements (Guon i ti standart roquoments of “Specticalons for Structures to be Bull Disaster Area’ Sustenod by the Tukan hint of Publ Works ena Setlomer, sould be satisfied as wel In case of special structures such a8 water tanks, pulsar structures, sls, addon to requirements of his ‘andar reguramonts of standard for ne epoca sucre under concdoraton shoud be sastes as wel tained ‘TURKISH STANDARO 18500 coontity nan yrocone Modus of etait of concrete Haute of easly of concrete mn boar Noaule of elaciky of days ld concrete Modus of easy of concrete in ib Mort of last of ranorcement (210? MPa} Fonural tne Fenual stness of tos concrete secon of olmn Fouwasttiness of orga! ener. Becigncomrassve evento onto Chracierae compressive srength of concale heactrec compressive srength of day ld coneoe ‘orage compressive srengh of concrete hinmom correo compress sbenath Design toate song af conte horatorat one avg of concrete Sverage axa tenale svanat of conta annum srengin of ongiudinareinfreement Doig yes sheng of tenga reorearent ‘harris yl avength of enpiudna rinfercement ‘Sesgn yd svengh of taneveresrenforcemant Fora Surmet sab oads win erica punching perimeter (i) Desan ree eign fod fect Charon tro Fomenantoed fet Shear moss Shear modus of Sib bickness Member death ‘Ft cepthot beam ross sectona mension of lum ons bending plane Fortzonal force effect (eg earth presto) Horzoral design ferce case f braces and shor cantlevers Moment oferta Grose moment onto of beam tows momen of ra of columa {Stocked moment ot nea abt rei els Efectve moment oferta Grose neon ter of Sib con Radius of praton turn ofc long tector Eauiaent rectangle compression Bock depth fact ‘Wath of prof ooing under wall hat proecs beyond the wa Spon tongin tebe ted atcvalons etemn tena (moaured omens oe) Cap ple length ‘Spar lngtn of ab between support axes In ctecton considered Sean endo ab between support xesin he aectonperpendiaar to considered decton ‘ovelopmenterath Development argh with hook Equvalentokness| it story eclumn eng (measured rom ax 6 ox) Calum efectve(oucking} eth {lea span of sib nthe drecton under conlderation Gsriengin of member ‘loa spanmessres rom on suger facet theater {ear astonce betwen two Init pois of beam ‘Span lngih bebwoen supper axas ining drecton of sab ays 06 concrete {TURKISH STANDARD 8509 ‘ar Small engl hat shear ~ retin enforcement makes withthe shear plans fe —_-Avorage ef ey and op fe Ato Br aum of continuous ado Yong sum ofa se lang fr sabe ot Thermat expansion coeticlont p Frees coam flexural sie to fra stesso late having with ff 5 Moment magna factor for colin fk Mamentmagieatn factor for al eum of storey 5 Instantaneous detection % Totalaatecton §,_nstanianeaus detection due to permanentoads Be Relative at at th storey Skt Amount of support moment recuotion GM Mfamum dolection measured under id est aading ost Se Maumum defection measured under lod in second eading fest SE, Maximum residual defecton measured in frst 8c ost SEE Manmum resoual daflcion measured in scand oedng test So Skrainin the reinforcement Sh Gteap sain co Shrinkage stain {Gh shorening at conerataeushing SS Ruetge reinforcement stain n th region betwosn cracks Em Btzigeton of rnforcaont at maximum stress : cieraaton ot gt lrcamont (re largest of diferent ameter) ‘ Diameet o ear secon (aamoler of afgest cca tha can be inscribed h a polygonal seeton) ta Eguvalnt reinforcement ameter incase of bundles bars S.— Groep Coaticient {Statist diameter of ongtudial entrcement Y Factor rect effect of axa free on cracking senath Factor reflecting effec of bending on punching shear ML Materia factor Toe Matai actor or conerato WE Materia fata for reinoring soo! JP Factor for porrenent oss Y Feat ta be ut in punching hear cautions 2 Stabiy index 2 Permanent defection mutpier fh — Shear=itioneoetiont Polson ro fr concrete se Ratio tension reiforcomentin beams, As ue ° ato of compression renforeemontin beams, Abad & Balanged eintorcoment rae ofa rat of ongtudina reinforcement in otis O Maximum rate of enfrcementin Beams SS Mum eintorcement ratio. few Yfemum ra of engtuial enforcement in columns Bet Stree in reinforcarent RGhvorcement sites ealulte by assuming cracked section ae Neminel sess n onerae under permanent oading Se Renrcament ses a ist cracting cleus by assuring cracked secon © Grackwiatn sco Maximum allowable crack with 44-UNTS huni roused inthis code. “TURKISH STANDARD 8800 | Journal or nolabsok showing the general progress of work wit dates ust be minsined ot the ates ints jal formation aut aggregates and how tne characteris ar wih timo Stearsoment rao, concreta quality. werkaily (elzmp) of fresh concrete, naturel weer eantent of sragalos, moasuied datas or sulng of sand sposmens Taken rst (dates ans duration) end day ‘Bicalre chenpee shouldbe provided, This journal srous be made avalebito the buldng owner a the Inspetior henover requested. 25- CHANGES IN THE PROJECT ‘any poet llaatons, which ao conedered necessary due to problams arising during constueton, should seapproved by te design engineer and recorded In sgned documents, efter which We eancton of ated suinorias shows bo obtained ‘TURKISH STANDARD, 38.0 ‘Table 3.4 Mechanical Properties of Rtorcng Bars (Taker from TS 708) Rantoong 2s | penterent Iran charts Termites [ot os zn [eae eons refs [ton | iY gH aa | aa | sm | a | so | o0 fen ue aha ae [ oo [oe | so [eo | os) hm ae ost [spa w{etutetets 33: Conerate For consiucton,conerete made on sto ready-mix concrete can be uss, cancel Is preared on sts, ‘Ratorle ob Used Ine mix shou be auoratal weighed and mixed na mixer fo saat the concrete Tropartos speciieg by te daalgner I ready-mix cncrte is used he requirements of TS11222 shou be folstes 38:1 - Conerata Grades and Concrete Compressive Strength ‘onulete a dances according tots comproseve svengin. omprassve syengh shous ba cterined by (esting 28 daye od siendard syndeeal coneretaepecmone wi 180 mm damstor and 300 mm height Soeodanco wth roquirements oF TS 3088. Conerote charactoisiccompresive stent lathe vale for ‘tncs the probably of Golaring & lower compressive sengh frm tats a cyndes Is etn rai (in (Gensel 10 perce The compressive sirongh of enerete ean be obiained from cube tts as well Uncer ich ctcumsances, the concrete cnractnsic comprossvaaength lean be deed by making ure of fanvorsion coeiclnte vaidated by testa. Equlraintsength fr 180 min cubes are given n Tebie 9.2 For {00 mm cube specimane th cube sirengih gv nthe ale should De rediced by 5 percant, “Table 22 Concrete Grades and Stongt's TraraGorsie | Equvaeri Gute | Charcesicais | 25557] Compresevs | "(00mm)" | TorsonStengh | Elsie ona | Sveran” | Compan : Noone | argo | SH ‘Sera | ee woo | ee ea oe 8 2 “a 2000 oe ‘8 2 ‘3 Hen cao 2 % ‘8 Zeon os % x 18 Seow o Fd ” 2 seam os Fa 6 au 000 eo © © 22 S000 os ‘ & Fe soon oo | % ry 35 sro | 142 -Conerote Tenslo Strength ence tonto svengih shou be obtained from sual tension tess. The average tn from fossa fa nhoas fax the characteristic tone stength. Te concrete characteris ena srg {ere tha value for which the probabity of odtalning slower tonsiostengh from tests on eal tension Shecmons is definte ratio (m gonerl ‘Operoet. Tho concrete cherecierisic tensile siengtn sre be alvited by using the equation gon alow os = 035 Ten Pa) an or eotain conerete grades the tense atengt values obtained from tls equation are gen in Table 22 Goneeta tensie svengin can also be oblanes fom ferual tosis and splt cylinder tsi, The lansie Srongth fo can appronimatly be obtained by dhidng Ne tensia strength valude cosines from tn soit hinder est by 1 Band the tense erengh valves rom the flexural test rent by 20, trang obtineg TURKISH STANDARD Is 60 ‘Aleast one grove (9 specimans) of tet specimens should be taken fam each produaton unit for quay fare A prosuston unt composed of cnet having tho sare target design s\engt ard the ser {tories inthe sare rx proportions. Furtterme, oe un can net exceed 100m? (by volume) of 480m? (ty aren) f coneoto paved on the enme day, From aach bach, ctlest 3 groups (9 specimens) shoul se {Blon'as samples. The specimens of each group shale sored under standardeondtons and tested unc>r Uni compression. Each specimen hal be Taken fom 2 dflerenttanamiver or concrete mse. moe fan one specimen Is laken fram the sare concrete mr, ty snould be courted os one specmen an {har average stength valve should be taken fo consideration. Specimens should be lake, cued and prepared iv aceordance wih TS 2040, TS 3068 and TS 3351 and tests shoud be cares out aozardenes sins 88 nen ready mad concrete Is ued, in edlton to he specimens taken at the plant, spacinens. 6 manvet Und Tuner dessibod above, srould be taxan atthe constucion sto as well The evaluation shod frimaly be based on te spscimane taken atthe constuction ste, Specimen, groups of thee eyinsers Shen stoud sueresshvely be named a8 Gr, Gs, Gy-Guif the ordain whin they are taken andthe average ‘omprestiveavength f gach group should be obtained I esen successive party consisting of 3 groups named #8 Py (G. Gn Gi), Pa (Ge, Gx, Ge Ps, Ga) P00 not satty both of he raquvertents mesoned belo he coneret wil be rejected. ‘Average ofeach party lg Bhat LOMPa Minimum group average in e80h 1) aon 2f-30.MP6 Specinens taken fr hardening test shld be stored ats condone and tosted at a suitable time as ‘ogated. The purpose ef conducting the harconing fst, wien shouldbe cared ou on atleast 3 specimen, Teo neck whether tno curng and soning of cnotel ave salsfacory 0” no, and fo exiabish he tine required forthe removal of he formers i the resus obtained fom the qualiy contra! tasts do not sty the raqurerents mentioned sbove, he {oad bearing capacity of structure oro ha sructra memoer iclved shouldbe re-evaluated by using Ne ‘Su console sensi oblaned, n cess agnfeant svengih reduction fs obtained, necessary ramet Imeasures shoul be taken “Toa supansing engheer may requre tests to delemine the compressive stengih of concrete in he Sirucure wnenever itis necessary. Tis can Be done fy faking cores fam locations iat lot esu8 any ‘Song educton nthe srclureo: by making Wo of nar-dest ctv testing methods (suriace nares, Sound volaty tex, te, ln ase of nspecton with nowdestctve tests, corelaton of reauts wth iho oneele uaed nina uc shoul be established, ‘TURKISH STANDARD. isso '5-FORIWORKS AND SCAFFOLDING 54-GENERAL ‘Aformwerks and seafldng should have adequate stably and safe load carving capacly. Formwork and cafe members should 68 prepared, comected and setup in eccordence wih elated codes 20 e310 Drovent excessive celomation ang. eatiomont. Timber formwork and scaffold members shoud be {leegnated to conform TS 647 and soe former and scaffold members shouldbe designated fo conform T3646 Pranks forming the timber fermiork shuld be eufenty tight to proven! eskoe of grout cing conc ‘compaction and hey should have adquata svengtn apans vbratr eects, Ikehoul be eneuted that al loac, which wil act on he fours during ther use, shouldbe cared sey Speci care shuld bo taken in age of fomwarks an scaols ha are suppote by nietmadata sas o ther srtral members ae"surng the constuoton of an addtional storey or in strengthening. 80 rensbitaton war Vertes! loads tom scaflde shoud be transferred to the sol ensuing Ina dlsrbuton in an appropriate rmannor, and special precautions should be taken Ih case of loose sol and frozen sol conctions. Load {Tesla and tansmiselon snoua be provid by tering Wel-rshed timber wedges, which nave adecuate {rong and which would ranain in postion underneath the vores stu fr ths purpose Brcko lone ‘shoul na ba used), When theee evppotscannol be consfucted as @ single Dove ana instead need fo be trranged i aver, salty aganst ovaruming shouls be prouded In case cf incinea Stu, safety gant Blain shoud be provided as wel During the placement of tne reinforcement and casting cones, scatfing for work safely should be provided Formwork and scaffolding should be organized #0 a6 to be demented easily and safely wihout shack or “ibrton Use snous be mace of avaiable alsmantingprocacures using weds, sand bores, bol, jacks ee In oor to ensure that structoral members vith long spans wl aqui the positon envisages nthe cesan ther removal cf formworke and states the fomwors and scatfos should be provided wih ho ‘Sppropiate amount of camber. Bete coneeta placement, the ni ofthe formwark shout be wel cleaned: Hf required thy shove be troiog, Fo is putpese elasning holes shouldbe provided inthe batt regions of columns, atthe fe ‘rcs ol catlavers ana athe eats af doap boas. Before and during casting concrete al ormwerk and scaflisshoul be checked costly thou he permission of the supervising engineer, materials should not be paced or pled up on the ‘ormvore 52+ FORMWORK AND SCAFFOLDING LOADS. ine designing forrvorks and acess, tha selfveight of he formworks and scald, the seencigh of trevhy places Se plod concrete, to eltnelght of vehicles being used to cary cone, Impact ofc Scouring while cating concrete and the oltvlghtof laborers shoul be considered as vertcloscs, As hoizonll loads, ather than the wind effect, tnsion In cables (¥ appleable) and the horzonal Components of he Syppatfezclons af ncined momersetz soul be considered. \When compaction of concrete scared outwith a wiretr, especialy in caso of cone ina paso ld ‘ate, hehyarosai Ineral pressure effect wansforea to tho forms due fo concrete possessing a density of a 25 i shou bo consier 53-DRAWINGS In case of mutstocay an fee standing (so supporting) scald, formwork and seals Sesion érsvings requred for evength and stalty checks should be prove. 154 FORMMVORK AND SCAFFOLD SUPPORTS 1 orrworks and seatolds should be supported oth Rerzontly and verically so tht they can transfor ‘ovizonal forces fo the sl ete, Scafld support bracing shoul generally be arrange toform 3 anglar truss pata TURKISH STANDARD 73.500, 6 - BASIC PRINCIPLES OF REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN 60 - NOTATION 3 Supportwidth , —_Glaa dstance between parle beams ° Frange width of eam by Webwidtn of beam Earthquake leasing . econ Gem Minimum eccentricity Force Fe Besgn force CDi ed nec £2 Beslgn compressive strength of concrete Characters comprossve srongth of concrete 5, Characterste oxaltenste svengin a conzota EL Design sal teneia svength of soneatn f2 Design yl strength of iongitsinalreirforcament 1 Characoritie yielasvengt of ongtusnal ectorcemont € Permanent oad ofoct H—Horzonial ead (e9. earth pressure) eect nh Crags gtona dimension of column ne crcton of bending t Span length tobe used in calelatons| fe Langih between to intecton (zor moment) points cf beam 4m —_Arauntof support moment reduction, O° el eae R, —Dosgn svangty T' Lesa eect dus to tamperature change, srnkage, cera setterent, ee t ‘Thicksoss of beam flange (sock) Y— Shoartorce Ww Wing etect te Materia cooteont re Material cotfictent or concrete jn Meter coefcint or anforcemont Patio enson einforomentin beams Bato of compression einfacamentin Bans Pe Balanced ranfocement rato 64 - GENERAL, Ta purpose of suet ensyss and section design of reinforoad concrete sutures iso ensure tet he trate dung is sericeabiyIfebme benaves in actordance win the envsaged purpos Stuclures and ebuctural members should be designed for a defrite safely level and for continuous Soniceablty under al possible lode and deformations that can act he ble dung he constuction tnd tization cages, ‘eign ealelatons for he purpose described above should be based on sine princes, exparimontl dats and on past experince, ‘The design caleuatons pecormed fr reinforced conerets structures are vald only the envisaged material rents are aenieved on st In cave the material strengths obtained are conscerely dierent tom the speci value, th resus one sign calelatons wil ose Mor vat 62. STRUCTURAL SAFETY 624 -Ganeral In design, te require safety against colanse curing the service We of the sructure should be provided anc In-2dation erecxng, deformation, voraton ela enous not exoeed levels which would Impar be TURKISH STANDARD Wen hotzonél sol pressure Is present, In addon to Equations 6.9 and 4 the folowing load fonungtore sal akan into seco Fux 146+ 160 (6a) Fut 096 + 16H (6.10) When tid pres Is resent, thi pressure shoud be muted by 14 and should bo died to al loss amanatne n ac there ev ea i cate ofthe suvcnablty tint tate, dosried abovein Section 6.24, alead cetclonts shoul bo ta cuualto10, (63 - STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 63.4 tethods of Analysis Incmalfoess which provide tho basis forthe dimenslonng ofthe secons of structure mama, shouts be {ined by an analy In accordance wh tbe princes of sbuctral mecharics. This arayis based on tho ftressstain ritonships af conerete an slo! may be enaninear method ora mato tha based onthe esumption ef inet alaste situa! behavior Moments colanea for continuous beams ene slabs by sing incar laste sheds, can be modified ae desorbed In Sacton €.26; provided iat tne real behair Ie taken into consigrston and equi conatons are tly aad 632. Loads {ead offoes dv to tomperatun change, shrinkage and creep aro glo in hs standard. Other shoud be fished fom TS 420, TS 160 8te4 and "Specteatione for Shuctures to bo. Bul Disaster Areae Fropared By bw Mins of Puble Wore ond Setlement Incase of spec stuctres, loads sould be fhonan rom spcfeatone nepeci Tonmatd fe hase siclos 3:3 Arrangomant of Livo Leads Fora load conbinalons,axcopt those including garthuake fading, ho We foad should be arranged on the srvtie soe fo provide the most ete! (uneuls.) Intnl force eet, 634 - Expansion, Shrinkage and Crop Etfects 8) conadering frmpertire change en shnkage effects, expansan jolts should be proved in the iperarucure of long spa Indeterminate svuctures. In case of sfuctures, whion are opon to evra nvsonmental eats, the epacing of expancion Jos srovlé nat exceed Om. Inthe tase f Freres protected agai temperature cnangas sn inthe cae of ame ype sutures thal do net have si shear trae st he edges th spacing ofthe expansion johis ean be irereesaa up te 60m. These lis may be brceeded! if eaulatone for bm cepenet behavior ae err Out or moasures are tao to prlae! ftrctre agaist seria. Inthe cate ! asymmetesystoms and for synmats systems win st vical Imombare at bah ands, provening horzcrialeleplaoement, cae should be laken to Keep Te spacing of [Bris shore, tthe analy of steely Indeterminate structure, tne ebinege effec an se nrosueed lo the calultone. Se temperature ep. delaied ealoatons are nol conducted. te amour hating due to shvinksge ean be obtained fom Tabla 3.4 For stately Indetrminao structures, the IMomoar Bening stfness(E) may 80 redid lo calcu the ong orm effect af lemperaturecnange and Uvnkage. Covtlents toques for creep caleulone can be sbisines from Table 2. The concrele ‘modulus of saat ehould not be redicea when sas deo shnkage are calculated. 635-Design Span Lengths Span lana to Be Used n design of beams and slabs should be the distance fom the cenleine of one upped othe cate of he oer suppor. This value cn bs racuced upto 8 value of 05 tes the ier Span engh velo when Beams and slabs re manothcaly cast wth te supports. When beams and slabs Sra not catt monclincal withthe supports, hs value can be reduced up fo the sum of let span value dius tho mente pth 838 - Effective Flango Wiath The fange wich of T Bears required fr the coss setonal area and moment of inert caelaons can be bined by usag oquations given below. ‘Symmotic eose-sectons (T section} #0, +026 wer Non symmetiecras-sectone (L section, se): bby +0.44 (612) However he overhanging tange on each sid beyond the web cannot exceed 6 times he fang hicknoss (half ofthe ebtance fo the next beam face, fy used above fe the distance tween the te infecon (20 torent oi of bear, If precise calousions are nt conducted, canbe taken 3: “TURKISH STANDARD. 18500 1 - SECTION DESIGN (ULTIMATE STRENGTH) ~ BENDING AND COMBINED BENDING 110- NOTATION A. Gross area of concrete secton A, tes ensonrelnforcerent RY tea of compression reorcement Grete soeoonal area o* rtermedatereuroamentin beams Xi Tota cross sectoral aoa of longtusinal ralnforeament in colurins 3" support wih Equvalentractanguar compresslon block sth ic by Web wish ofboam G,—-Mementeoetiiot in case of bucking e Distance fom extreme compression fbr to neta axis & Chaar eancrata cover : Efecve depth in bet © Concrete cover messi E —_Selamictoas atoct E ——_Modulve af lat of conerota Froxuralrigity Flovurl igi ofthe gross column section Frenural rig of tne coum longhusina eorcement Mogulus o laste of reinorcoment +210" MPa) Design toad affect Design compressive strength of concrete CCharatorisocompressvastrengof concrete Design ena stongth of concrete ‘esi ytd sang of longi reiforcement Permanent eect, Total dopin of beam r Moment of inerta | Grossmamont of neta of eaten i Reclus of gyration fom canto of compression reinforcement k Calum eflecve length cootciont 1, Eauvalontrectanguar compression back dophcosfclent ' Colum anath, measured rom aso axis 4, Pstry column langth, measured trom als to as f Colum active foucking) tng & Mg Basin banging moment Mine Column end moments (multpod by lad factors in he ans), Ne Sala design load NS, Permanent oad contibuton to ext design force NO Cole bucking aaa @ ——telead fect. Re Cheep eoeicient t ‘Thickness of beam flange (dak) Ve asian shear oreo Ve Tota shear free at th story Vie Permanent 938 contbuon to design shear force We Wingetoct ty Average ofa; and aeratos trae Column end rstaint coefclens (os 02) : Moment magnification factr forthe column Bk Moment magnieaton factor fal clurns of story britain stony f.—Gonerete eushing strain B—Staininreiforcing ses! fh Stainin relfrcing soe! at maximum strength ‘TURKISH STANOARO. 3600 = —.—l| 22001 besarh) ae Figur 4 Dimensions of beam section ‘Tre sits of ed sibs, secondary beams that ae nal frame beams, pre-tnsionss and precast beams 60 rot neceserlynead to sally the above requromants relate to beam dimensions. “The clear concrete cover of beams, ca, except in spac suetues, shal not be less than 25mm or exterior Tnanters ana zomm for iar members (60 figure 7.1). These values must be nereasee in case of Uniavorabe evitnmestalcondons end whan grote fre eat is needed, ‘The clear spacing between two celnforing bars n a single ayer and between two layers of enforcement has not be lees then 20mm nor ls than bath ha ber Garoter and 4/2 mes the mina maximum cose ‘agregato dimension, Whan renforing ba are bundles togobver, the equivalent Gamete should be CREF. 4) ner more than one ranforeement ayer exits, reinforcing bars shoud be ened exely ‘ont of each oer, Bars in beams should be ban beyond tne theoretical bar cutoff pins, Tis clstanceshovid nat be smal than one fia he effective aeptn nr les tan & bat lamers. The ditance between te eostical end {ote cu points for secondary, bare shuld nt lass tan the effective depth nor less than 20 ber ‘Sametes fr Gaformed bare or 40 bar camer fo pln bas In beams the rato of tension relnfrcement,p, should at be ls than the minimum values given Deon ae 92? in Sat! St ry ‘The siference between the tenson and compression oinforcement rats in bears should not exceed 02 af he blanca ralnforcament PPS Pawy = 0850 ny Inadsiton, he rato of tension relnfrcement should nol exceed te limit given below ps002 9 ‘nase of beams, bars with ciameter las than 12 mm shall not be use as longtcinal enforces In ease of beams with webs deeper than 600 mm, Intermediate enforcement sheuld be used. The amount Of he intermodite elforeement aha beat ast equal to tal oblanes from Equation 78, Ths (Bifrcement should be aranged i qual amounts atthe faces of the web, The dameler of these ‘Sivoreng bars should be ees 10 mm an he varical spacing shoud nol exceed 200 mm 20 yd 79) TURKISH STANDARD. 15.500 118+SLENDERNESS EFFECT 761 -General Method ‘The design and dimensioning of members under sal compression and bending under the load cantinations glven in Section 62 should be based on axial force and moment values cated om 2 setond-order analysis considacng maiavalnonnaarty and cracking es well a6 stnkago and creep of orere, However, he slandeess ratio does not exceed G10, the aporoxmate molhod cf sachon ‘7182 ean be usod forthe designe the secon, 17.82 Approximate Mthod (Moment Magnification Mathod) ‘Tha eppreximate method can be appiod fs clumra whose section dimensions and axl oad do nal vty ‘ve thor height. The design moment forthe column should be oblained by magnitng the lager ns ‘momen, whichis obtained fom! an analysis baoed on near este behavior and sachs In renin ‘ozpnnéty requirement of secon 8.310, by an appropriate megnieaion factor. 1762.1- The Sway Criterion Hates wal or similar members exist in a stuctra system providing adequate sttinss agent hoizntl ‘ores, sway ean be assumed to be preventes the column end momen obtained tome seconcorset on k—tw wo mr, — XS a oo ——Sa ion Longitudinal bar, to end erosstis hooks da 26 Hr pi: dy, 9224, 298 Figure 9.1 Hooked bar deals «) Development with Welded Transverse Bars

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