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CONTUNCTIONS ‘Turkee'de karsihgi baglaclar olan conjunctions, adlarindan da anlasildigi gibi kelimeleri ve- ya ciimlecikleri birlestirmek igin kullanilirlar. Ue cesit baBlag vardir: © Co-ordinating conjunctions + Correlative conjunctions = Subordinating conjunctions irlestirme baBlaglant Denklik baglaglart ‘an ctimle baglaclant Simdi bunlari inceleyelim: CO-ORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS “Birlestirme baglaclar’’ antamindaki co-ordinating conjunctions sunlardir: and, or, but, so, Sor, yet, nor: And Isimleri, sfatlart, zarflan ve ctimleleri birlestirmek icin kullantlan ‘ve’ anlammdaki baglagtir: She prepared the breakfast and set the table. He speaks clearly and slowly. My farher and my uncle went fishing. The car was beautiful and expensive. ut/Vet Zithk belirten ‘fakat, ama’ antamina gelen baglaclardir: Your house is beautiful but/yet expensive. (Eviniz.gizel ama pahali) Her work is slow butlyet thorough. (Onun igi yavas ama tam) Everything around him was blown to pieces, butlyet the minister escaped without a scratch. (Etrafindaki her gey havaya ugtu, ama bakan siyriksiz kagtt) Or ‘Yada’ anlamma gelen baglactir. lsimleri veya ctmlecikleri birlestirirken kullaninz: She must be stupid or very clever. (O, ya aptal ya da gok zeki olmalt) 165 CONJUNCTIONS He goes swimming or fishing in his spare times. (Bos zamantarmnda ytizmeye ya da balik tutmaya gider) iz ior Bu baglacin kullanilabilmesi igin birinci comlemizin olumsuz olmasi gerekir.Nor'un bagh ola cat climle devrik olmalichr; yani, ctimlenin yardimes fili mor balacindan hemen sonra ge! He didn't help me, nor did anyone. (O bana yardim etmedigi gibi bagkast da yardim etmedi) I can’t afford to eat in restaurants, nor can anyone I knew. (Lokantalarda yemek yemeye gticim yetmedigi gibi tantdigim kimselerin de get yetmez) She can't see, nor can she hear. (Goremedigi gibi duyamryor da) We hadn't gone on a holiday last summer, nor had we let our son go. (Gecen yl tatile gitmedigimiz gibi oglumuzun gitmesine de izin vermedik) So Sonug (result) bildiren bir baglag olan so, ‘bu yéizden’ anlamindahr, : It's snowing, so we can’t go out now. (Kar yagiyor bu ydizden disan gikamayr2) He had no money, so he borrowed some money from me. (Hig parasi yoktu bu yitzden benden biraz borg aldi) ‘She was very sleepy, $0 she went to her bed earlier than usual. (Gok uykuluydu ba yazden her zamankinden daha erken yattt) For ‘Neden (reason) bildiir. ‘Caka" anlamindadir, dntinde bir virgdlle kullanilmalidir. Because’ dan farklr olarak ciimle basinda kullanilmaz: This was where he spent his free (Bu onun bos zamanlarim gegir e, for he had nowhere else to go. verdir ¢iinkit gidecek baska higbir yeri yoktu) Don't lend him your money, for he doesn’t pay it back (Ona parant dding verme ¢fanka onu geri Sdemez) We stayed at home, for there was a storm outside. (Evde kaldik eaimkd disarida firtina vardi) 166 CONIUNCTIONS, CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS: “Denktik baglaclart’ anlamindaki correlative conjunctions ikili olarak Kullaniliriar. Bu ba’ laglarla ctimleteri, sizcik Obeklerini dzneleri, nesneler, sifatlar, zarflan, fiilleri baalayabili- riz, Bu sekilde kullanilan baglaclar: both...and, either...0F, Neither. .W0T, HOt OMI.ueBUL also: Both....and: ‘Hem..hem de’ anlamindaki bu baglacin Kullanumina dikkat edilmelidir. Sayet iki Szneyi bagliyorsa cimlenin ana fili her zaman goguldur: Both his brother and his sister are married. (6zneleri birlestirivor) (Hem erkek kardesi hem de kiz kardesi evlidir) These are dangers that threaten both men and women. (nesneleri birlestirivor) (Bunlar hem erkekleri hem de kadmnlart tehdit eden tehlikelerdir) Both the students and their teacher were playing in the garden. (dcneleri birlestiriyor) (Hem égrenciler hem de onlarin &retmeni bahgede oynuyorlardi) He can both speak and write. (filleri birlestiriyor) (Hem konusabilir hem de yazabilir) Our house is both beautiful and cheap. (sifatlar: birlestiriyor) (Evimiz hem gzel hem de pahalidir) Both Mr. Koldemir and Mr. liker are willing (o learn English. (8zneleri birlestiriyor) (Hem Mr, Koldemir hem de Mr. tiker ingilizce 6grenmeye isteklidir) 1 can speak both English and Arabic. (nesneleri birlestiriyor) (Hem ingilizce hem de Arapga konusabilirim) Neithe no! Olumlu yapidaki cumlelerde kullanilip ciimleye olumsuz bir anlam katan ‘ne....e de" anlamindaki baglagtir: Neither Mary nor Ann was there. (Ne Mary ne de Ann oradaydi) ‘My father could neither read nor write. (Babam ne okuyabiliyordu ne de yazabiliyordu) He has nelther the talent nor the desire to learn English. (Onun ingilizce ogrenmeye ne kabiliyeti ne de hevesi vardir) a, Ee CONJUNCTIONS ‘The hotel is neither spacious nor cheap. (Otel ne ferah ne de ueuzdur) From now on, Iwill neither write nor phone her. (Bundan bayle ona ne yazacagim ne de telefon edecezim) Either....or *Ya.....¥a da’ anlammdaki bu baflac genellikle olumlu ciimlelerde kullanilir: I will learn either Spanish or French in addition to English. (ingilizce’nin yaninda ya Ispanyolea ya da Pransizca direnecegim) You must have left your wallet either on the table or in the drawer. (Clizdaninizi ya masanin dstinde ya da gekmecede birakms olmalisrmz) He is going to elther write or phone you after so many years. (Bu kadar yildan sonra sana ya yazacak ya da telefon edecek) > Bu baglag olumsuz ciimlede kullanildigi zaman neither....nor anlamim verit: ‘She can't either see or hear. (Ne giirebiliyor ne de igitebiliyor) = She can neither see nor hear, (Ne gorebiliyor ne de istebiliyor) Your house isn’t ether beautiful or cheap. (Eviniz ne gizeldir ne de ucuzdur) = Your house is neither beautiful nor cheap. (Eviniz ne giizeldir ne de ucuzdur) ‘Yapi olarak olumsuz g6rinmesine ragmen olumlu bir anlama sahiptir ve olumtu cimlelerde kullanilir. Borh....and baglact gibi bir anlama sahiptir; fakat, ondan biraz daha vurgulu bir an- Jam tastr: ‘Not only my father was there but also my uncle. (Sadece babam degil amcam da oradaydi) She is not only arrogant but also selfish (O sadece gururlu degil bencildir de) Bob not only shouted at his son but also beat him. (Bob ouna sadece bagirmadh dovdl de) The last storm caused not only loss of property but also loss of life. (Gegen firtina sadece mal kaybina defil can kaybma da sebep oldu) 168 CONIUNCTIONS ‘SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS, ‘Yan ctimle baglaglan’ anlamindaki subordinate conjunctions bir yan climleyi temel ctimle (main clause)’ye baglamamiza yarar. Ashinda bu baglaglarin hepsini ADVERBIAL CLAUSES (Zarf cimlecikleri ) adli Konuda da gorebilirsiniz: Adverbial clauses igin kullanmannz.gereken baglaglar (conjunetions) vardir. Buntar, belirt- tikleri durumtara are siniflandirip bir tabloda gérelim: : "| when, whenever, while, as, since, after, before, untiVtill, once, TIME assoon as, now (that), the moment/minute (that), by the (Zaman) | time (that), immediately, as tong as PLACE __| where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere (Yer) MANNER —_|as, as if, as though (Tarz) COMPARISON | as + sifat/arf +as, not so/as + sifat/zarf + as, -er than, (Kargilagtirma)_| die...the, more + sifut/sarf than PURPOSE. |so that, in order that, for fear that, in case, lest (Amag) } because, as, since, seeing (thal) | | 80, so that, so + sifatzarf + that, such (a) + sifat + ad * that, CONCESSION | although, though, even, fiilsifav‘zarf + asthough , even if, | (Zutlik) while, much as, whereas, no matter + QW (soru sizcigti), however + sifat/carf_ | CONDITION | if, unless, provided (that), providing (that), so/as long as, on {kosul) | condition (that), assuming (that), supposing, whether ‘Simdi bu baglaglarla ilgili émek edimleler verelim: Conjunctions of time (Zaman baglaglan) When he reaches his aim, he will be a very rich man. (Amacina ulastiii zaman gok zengin bir adam olacak) They decided to climb the mountain as soon as the weather improved. (Hava dtizelir ditzelmez daga tirmanmaya karar verdiler) 169 CONJUNCTIONS Before he starts his project, he will compile information. (Projesine baslamadan nce bilgi derleyecek) After he graduates from university, he will get a well-paid job. (Oniversiteden mezum olduktan sonra parast iyi olan bir igi olacak) He had been watching television for eight hours untiAill his mother came, (Annesi gelene kadar sekiz saat boyunca televizyon seyretmekteydi) Twwept bitterly as he was telling his life story. (O yasam_hikayesini anlatirken act bir sckilde agladim) Whenever I need help, you are the first person to help. (Ne zaman yardima ihtiyacim olsa yardim edecek ilk kisi sensin) The plane had already took off by the time she arrived at the airport. (Hava alanina vardiginda ugak goktan kalkmists) While her son was playing with toys, she was cleaning the windows. (Oglu oyuncaklarla oynuyorken 0, pencereleri siliyordu) Once you have understood this rule you will have no further difficulty (Bu kuralt anlayinea daha hig zorluk gekmeyeceksin) He won't go anywhere as long as you talk to him. (Sen onunla konustukga higbir yere gitmeyecektir) She has been living in Canakkale since she left Van. (Van'den ayrildhindan beri Canakkale'de yasamaktadir) They recognized me immediately they saw me. (Beni gértr gérmez tamidilar) I want to see him the moment/minute (that) he arrives. (O vanir varmaz onu gormek istiyorum) > Now (thay)’in bagh bulundugu cimleyle present tense veya present perfect tense kullanihe: Now (that) our project has finished, we can go for a holiday. (Madem su an projemiz bitmis, tatile gidebiliriz) Now (that) you have enough money, you can buy a new ear. (Madem su an yeterince paran var, yeni bir araba satin alabilirsin) 170 CONJUNCTIONS > No sooner than ve hardly. Janie: when yapilari da zaman belirten cuml We had hardly gone out when it began to rain. veya devrik climle yaparak; Hardly had we gone out when it began to rain. (Dasari hentiz gikmishik ki yagmur yagmaya basladi) The film had hardly begun when the lights went out. veya devrik ctimle yaparak: Hardly had the film begun when the lights went out. Film hendz baslamust ki isiklar gitti) Thad no sooner closed my eyes than 1 fell asleep. veya devrik ctmle yaparak; ‘No sooner had I closed my eyes than 1 fell asleep. (Gozlerimi kapar kapamaz, uyuyakaldim) eR “ Zaman belirten baBlaglardan parece ‘eullanatir: © They will goon a holiday. Their son will come from abroad. They will go on a holiday when their son comes from abroad. (Onlarm oBtu yurtdisindan geldiginde tatile gidecekler) . “mrZaman belirten baglaglardan sonra funure perfect kullanilmaz; yerine presemt perfect ‘tense kullambir: = Feild. see fated os janine ae o'clock Pip You ‘Once/The minute/As soon as t have finished my homework, Ul phone you. © @devimi bitirirbitirmez_ sana telefon edecegim) Connecting words or phrases used as_time referenc: (Zaman belirten birlestirici sbzclk veya sOzetk gruplart) Afterwards :‘Sonra, sonralart’ anlamindadir: Let's go to watch TV first and eat afterwards. (Once filmi izlemeye gidelim, sonra yemek yeriz) Afterwards we all helped him prepare the meal. (Sonra hepimiz ona yemeyi hazarlamasina yardim ettik) We swam in the sea. Afterwards we lay on beach (Denizde yazdak. Sonra plajda uzandik) At the same time: “Aynt zamanda’ anlamindadir It made us cautious but at the same time it made us willing to take a risk (Bizi ihtiyath yapt aym zamanda riske girmeye istekli kildi) im CONJUNCTIONS Do not speak and eat at the same time. (Aynt anda konugup yemek yeme) ‘She was laughing and crying at the same time, (Aynt anda giliiyor ve agliyordu) Concurrently: “Aynt anda’ antammdadir: Two subjects will be studied concurrently. (iki konu aym anda galistlacaktir) The criminals were executed concurrently. (Suglular aym anda idam edildi) In the meantime: *Bu arada’ anlamindadir: The next programme starts in five minutes; in the meantime, let's listen to some music (Diger program bes dakikada baslar; bu arada, biraz milzik dinleyelim) They will call our family doctor. In the mean time you must sleep. (Aile doktorumuzu gagiracaklar. Bu arada uyumaism) ‘Meanwhile: ‘Bu arada’ anlamindadhr: He went to college. Meanwhile all his friends got well-paid jobs. (O koleje gitti, Bu arada, onun butn arkadaslar iyi paral isler edindiler) I continued working. Meanwhile he went out shopping. (Ben galigmaya devam ettim. Bu arada o ahsverige gikt. ‘Subsequently: ‘Sonradan’ anlamindadr: They subsequently heard he had left the country. (Sonradan onun dlkeyi terk ettigini duydular) Freddie was arrested and subsequently sentenced to five years’ imprisonment. (Freddie tutuklandh ve bes yillik hapse mahkum oldu) Conjunctions of place (Yer baglaclari) Put it where we can all see. (Onu hepimizin gorebilecegi yere koy) The meeting took place where our Prime Minister once lived. (Toplanti bir zamanlar basbakanimrzin yasacigt yerde gergeklesti) 2 o——_—————— CONTUNCTIONS Wherever/Everywhere/Anywhere Mr. Gene goes, there are always crowds of people waiting to see him. (Mr. Geng nereye gitse omu gormek igin bekleyen daima insan kalabaligs vardhir) You can't park where/wherever/anywhere you'd like. (istediginiz yerde park edemezsiniz) 1 Conjunctions of manner (Tarz balaclart) Why didn't you do your homework as I told you to (Odevini neden sana sdyledigim gibi yapmadin?) Leave the table as itis. (Sofray! oldugu gibi birak) He refused their proposal as Ann had done. (Ann’in yaptigi gibi onlarin teklifini reddetti) > As if /as though baglaclan genellikle be, act, behave, appear, seem, Look, feel, smell, sound, taste fiillerinden sonra gelirler: Lfeel as iffas though I’m going to be sick (Kendimi hasta olacakimis gibi hissediyorum) It looks as ifas though he won't join ws (Bize katilmayacag gérdniyor) He behaved as iffas though nothing had happened (Hig bir sey olmamis gibi davrandh) His illness feels as if/as though it’s getting better. (Hastaligt iyitesiyormus gibi géruniyor) It feels to me as iff as though we ought 0 go. (Bana gitmemiz gerekiyormus gibi geliyor) ‘She looked as iffas though she hadn't slept very much (Cok fazla uyumamis gibi gortindt) We acted as iffas though we had never seen each other before. (Daha dnce birbirimizi hig gérmemisiz gibi davrandik) It seemed as Iffas though I had known them for along time. (Onlani cok uzun zamandir tamyormusum gibi gortnda) Ie looks as ifas though it’s going to rain (Yagmur yagacak gibi gorinuyor) 173 CONIUNCTIONS, Wi Conjunctions of comparison (Karsilastirma baglaglari) He is as good cook as she (is) (Onun kadar iyi bit aggidir) Mert is as clever as his brother (is). (Mert kardesi kadar zekidit) Her eyes aren't as/so blue as they look in the film (Gozleri filmde gorinduga kadar mavi degildir) She is as good an actress as she is a singer, (Bir sarkicr oldugu kadar iyi bir aktristr) I can't run as/so fast as you can. (Senin kosabildigin kadar hizi kosamam) He loves me more than you do. (O beni senin sevdigtinden daha gok sever) ‘She is mow a better player than she was last year, (O simdi gegen yt! oldugundan daha iyi bir oyuncudur) You are much older than you look (Goriindugtindzden daha yashsiniz) He works as carefully as his father does. (Babasi kadar dikkatli galsir) Hakan didn't play as well as we expected. (Hakan umdugumuz kadar iyi oynamadi) Today, it seems nicer than it was yesterday. (Bugin hava don oldugundan daha hos g6rtinttyor) Atalay spends more than he earns. (Atalay kazandiindan daha ¢ok hareat) av/so+ much/many + isim + as: Some companies don’t pay asiso mutch tax as a small shop does. (Bar sirketler kOgik bir dukkanin Sdedigi kadar vergi Gdemezler) I didn’t read asiso many books as I thought I would. (Okuyacagnm dtistindtigiim kadar cok kitap okumadim) 6 CONJUNCTIONS, Connecting words or phrases used to show comparison: ‘(Kargilastirma gdstermek igin kullanilan sizcuk veya stzc0k gruplari) By/In comparison to/with: ‘ile karsilastirildiginda’ anlammdadhr: ‘The tallest buildings in Turkey are small by/in comparison to/with those in New York. (Tarkiye’ deki en wzun binalar, New York’takilerle karsilastinldiginda kOgOKt6r) Their possessions were few by/in comparison to/with those of the older men. (Onlann mallan, daha yasli insantarin mallaniyla kargilastirildiginda azdi) Compared to/with; “ile Karsilastildiginda’ anammdadir: The fee here is low, compared withto that at many other private schools. (Buradaki tieret, diger pek ¢ok ze! okulunki ile karstlastirldigida dasiikttir) stuclents Our school's students are more successful compared to/with those other school (Bizim okulun dgrencileri, diger okulunkilerle karsilastraldignda daha basarihidir) Likewise: ‘Similarly aynen, ayni gekilde’ anlamindad: Twas watching TV and wanted them to do likewise. (TV seyrediyordum ayn gekilde onlarin da izlemesini istedim) The meal was excellent likewise the yoghurt (CYemek miithisti: aynen yogurt da ) Equally: “Ayn sekilde, esit olarak’ anlamindadhr: He must try to think which job is suitable for himself, equally he must consider whether it is well-paid or not. (Hangi isin kendisi igin uygun oldugunu distinmeye gayret etmelidir, ayn sekilde onun iyi paralt bir ig olup olmadigim da dasGnmelidir) Each country must find its own solution to unempl way of coping with inflation. (Her dike igsizlige kendi ¢&ziimiinii bulmahdir. Ayn sekilde, herbiri enflasyonla bas etmenin kendi yolunu bulmalidir) yment. Equally, each must find its own © Conjuntions of reason (Sebep balaclanl) > As ve since genellikle cimle basinda, because ise genellikle ana clmle (main clause)‘den sonra kullanilir: 175 CONSUNCTIONS As/Since we have no money, we can’t buy a new car. (Hig paramiz olmadigindan dolay: yeni bir araba satin alamayr2) As/Since you weren't there, I left a message. (Orada olmadigindan dolay: mesaj biraktum) AvSince she has been ill perhaps she will need help. (Hasta oldugundan dolayt belki yardima ihtiyact olacak) We couldn't go out because it was raining. (Yagmur yagsyor oldugundan dolayt disani grkamadik) He did it because I told him to. (nu, yapmasim soyledigim igin_yapti) I got very angry because you were late. (Geg kaldiginizdan dotayt gok kizdim) > As, since, seeing (that) baBlaclart ‘in view of the fact that” antaminds kullamilrlar; fakat because'un béyle bir kullanim: yoktur. Omeklerle gorelim: As/Since/Seeing (that) you don't like Mary, why did you invite her? (Mary’i sevmedigine gire, onu neden davet ettin?) (Madem ki Mary’i sevmiyorsun, onu neden davet ettin?) As/Since/Seeing (that) he is ill, he is unlikely to come. (O hasta olduguna gore, gelmesi muhtemel degildir) (O madem ki hastadir, gelmesi muhtemel degildit) As/Since/Seeing (that) you have no pity for yourself, Don't you have tenderness of heart for your own child? (Merhametin yok diyelim nefsine, ‘Merhamet etmez misin kendi evladma? ) Hi Conjunetions of purpose (Amag baglaglari) So that/In order that > So that ve in order that ana climle (main clause) present, present perfect veya future tense oldugu zaman may, can ve will ile kullamilabilirler. So that, in order that'e nazaran daha az kullantlir: He has studied very hard so that/in order that he can pass his final exam. (Smavi gegebilsin diye gok stki ¢aligti) Peter speaks very slowly so that/in order that I can understand what he says. (Peter, ne dedigini anlayabileyim diye cok yavag konusur) We will give you a key so that/in order that you can get into the house whenever you like. (istediginiz zaman eve girebilesiniz diye size bir anahtar verecediz) 176 ‘CONSUNCTIONS > So that ve in order that ana cimle (main clause)'deki tense, simple past, past continuous veya past perfect oldugu zaman should, would, could, might ile kullamilabilitler: I raised my voice so thavin order that the students could hear me (OBrenciler beni duyabilsin diye sesimi yaksel She had worked hard so that/in order that everything would/could be ready by 8 o'clock (Her sey saat 8° kadar hazir olsun diye cok siki calismisti) [left home early so that/in order that I shoutd/would/might arrive at the meeting on time. (Toplantyya zamaninda varabileyim diye evden erken ayniidim) Incase: In case, olmasi diisiinilen (olmayabilir de) bir duruma karsi yaptlan hazirhk veya Onlem al- madir: Twill take my umbrella in case it rains. (Yagmur yaBabilir diye semsiyemi alacagim) They kept a spare room in case their guests came. (Misafirleri gelebilirler diye bos bir oda bulundurdular) Mary is going to take some chocolate in case her son gets hungry. (Mary, oflu acikabilir diye biraz cikolata gittirecek) He stayed at home all day long in case Peter phoned. (Peter telefon edebilir diye buttin gtin evde kaldi) > Incase ile kullamtan tense’ter: Main verb (An: future present + incase+ J present tense veya should Present perfect conditional past tense +incase+ J past tense veya should past perfect 477 CONJUNCTIONS, ‘daha Shvecek satin alaéagfe, gelmerse sa So" dan sonra much, many, few, litle gibi miktar belirten ifadeleri kullanabiliriz ; fakat, such’dan sonra sadece a tot of ‘kullanabiliriz: There was so much noise that we couldn't hear what the teacher said. (@ylesine cok giralta vardi ki dretmenin ne dedigini duyamadik) He bought so many books that all of his money finished. (Gylesine cok kitap satin aldi ki bitin parasi bitti) ‘She has $0 few friends that she always feels lonely. (Gylesine az. arkadasi var ki kendini hep yalnyz hisseder) There was such a lot of rain that we couldn't go out. (Oylesine cok yagmur vardi ki digart gikamadik) so (that) That room is very noisy, 50 (that) I want to come to your room. (0 oda cok giirtitila bu ytizden senin odana gelmek istiyorum) 179 CONJUNCTIONS The shops were closed, so (that) I couldn't get any milk. (Batin dokkanlar kapaliydi bu yizden hig st bulamadim) The boss was ill, so (that) I went to the meeting in his place. (Patron hastaydi bu yiizden toplantiya onun yerine ben gittim) These glasses are very expensive, $0 (that) please be careful with them, (Bu bardaklar gok pahah latfen onlara dikkat et) Connecting words or phrases used (Sonus belirten sSzctk veya sOzcik grupfari) Asa result : ‘sonug olarak’ Because of this Consequently For this reason _: ‘bu sebepten’ ‘On account of this : “bundan dolayr” Therefore : *bu ylizden” Thus “bu yizden” Hence 1 *bu yzden’ He was the eldest son oft his family; thus, inherited all of his father’s fortune. hence, therefore, as a result, consequently, because of this, for this reason, ‘on account of this, Ustteki Smekte girdogtimtz gibi bu sbzcOk veya sézctk gruplarmm hepsi sonug belirtmekte- dir @ Conjunctions of concession (Zitlik baglaglar) Although/Though/Even though Although/Though/Even though we all tried our best, we lost the game. (Elimizden geleni yapmamuza ragmen oyunu kaybettik) 180 CONIUNCTIONS Although/Though/Even though we lack finance, we will go on our project. (Mali eksigimiz,olmasina ragmen projeye devam edecegiz) Although/Though/Even though no one had expected, he won the game. (Kimsenin ummamasina ragmen oyunu kazandi) Even if Even if you disagree with her, she’s worth listening to. (Onunla aym fikirde olmasan bile o dinlenmeye deger) They should see the Trojan Horse even if their visit is a short one. (Ziyarotteri kisa bile olsa Truva Att'm gormeliler/gbrseler iyi olur) Much as Much as I would like to stay, I really have to go home. (Kalmak istesem bile gergekten gitmek zorundayim) ‘Much as she likes him she will never consider marrying him. (Ondan hoslansa bile onunla evlenmegi asla ddstnmeyecek) Whes Mr. Gene is lively and talkative, whereas I am very quiet and reserved. (Mr. Gen¢’in neseli ve konuskan olmasina karst, ben sessiz ve cekingenimdir) T earn £3000 a year whereas he earns £5000 a year. (Benim yilda £3000 kazanmama kars1, 0 £5000 kazanir) While While I have sympathy for these fellows, I think they went too far. (Bu arkadaslara karsi sempatim olmasina karsilik sanirim biraz ileri gittiler) English is spoken all over the world while German is spoken by only a few people outside Germany itself. (Almanca Almanya’nn kendisi disinda gok az insan tarafindan konusulmasina karsthik Ingilizce dtinyanin her tarafinda konusulur) While I admit that there are problems I don't agree that they cannot be solved. (Problemlerin oldugunu kabul etmeme karsiik onlarin ¢éziilemeyecedi fikrine kattImiyorum) 181 CONJUNCTIONS No matter + ru siizetlBi Don't trust him, no matter what he says. (Ne derse desin ona givenme) No matter where they go, they will be arrested. (Nereye giderlerse gitsinler yakalanacaklar) No mater when the guests come, we have to be already ready. (Misafirler ne zaman gelirlerse gelsinler, biz goktan hazir olmaliyt2) No matter what you do, don't open the door. (Ne yaparsan yap, kapry1 agma) Whatever Keep calm, whatever they say. (Onlar ne derlerse desinler, sakin ol) Whatever other people thihk, you are right. (Diger insanlar ne distintrlerse diigtinstinler, sen haklisin) However + sifat/zarf However hard he studies, he will never pass the history exam. (Ne kadar siki ders galtgirsa caligsm, tarih sinavint asla gegemeyecek) We will defeat them however strong they are. (Ne kadar gla olsalar da onlari maglup edecegiz) couldn't remember him, however hard I tried. (Ne kadar ¢ok gayret ettimse de, onu hatirlayamadim) However fast he runs, he will never break the world record. (Ne kadar hizit kosarsa kossun, diinya rekorunu asla kiramayacaktir) Try as/though he might, he couldn't open the door, (Ne kadar gayret ettiyse de, kapryt agamadi) Young as/though he is, he knows more than you do. (Ne kadar geng olsa da, senden daha cok biliyor) Patient as/though I am, I have no intention of waiting for eight hours. (Ne kadar sabirli olsam da, sekiz saat beklemeye niyetim yok) 182 CONTUNCTIONS Connecting words or phrases used to show contrast/concessio ‘Zalik gOstermek igin Kollamilan sOzcik veya sbzc0k gruplert) However: ‘Bununta birlikte’ anlammdadir, Daha once sdylenen size zit bir sey . sdyleyecegimiz zaman kultaniri He has an exam tomorrow; however, he wants to go to the cinema tonight, (Yarm sinavi var; bununla birlikte , bu gece sinemaya gitmek istiyor) Iwas very ill yesterday. Ewent to school, however, and tried to listen to the lesson. (Din cok hastaydimn, Bununla birlikte, okula gittim ve dersi dinlemeye galisum) We all tried our best. However, we lost the match. (Elimizden geleni yaptik. Bununia birlikte magi kaybettie) Nevertheless: ‘Yine de, buna ragmen’ anlamindadir: He saw me immediately, but nevertheless pretended to look around for me. (Beni birden gord6, fakat buna ragmen, beni anyormus gibi davrandi) Though very rich, he is, nevertheless rather modest. (Gok zengin olmasina ragmen yine de oldukea miitevazidir) Bob is always rude to me, but I like him nevertheless. (Bob bana karst daima kabadhr, ama yine de onu severim) ‘None the Jess: ‘Bununta birlikte, yine de? anlamundadr: Iewas an easy question but he couldn’t answer it none the less. (Gok kolay bir soruyda fakat yine de onn cevapleyamadi) That house will cost us too much money. None the less, we have to buy it (© ev bize cok paraya mai olacak. Bununfa birlikte onu satin almak zorundayiz) By/In contrast: ‘Aksine’ anlamindad) By/ln contrast, your previous exam’s result was very high. (Aksing, senin ilk simavinm sonucu gok yiksekti) Their sales, 6y/ie contrast, increased incredibly. (Onlann satislan, aksine, inamlmaz bir sekilde art) mn the contrary: “Aksine’ anlamindadir: These questions aren't dificult; on the comitdry, [think L can answer them all (Bu sorular zor degil; aksine, hepsini cevaplayabilecegimi zannediyorum) : 183 CONJUNCTIONS Anyway/Anyhow: ‘Nasi! olursa olsun, nasil olsa’ anlamindadirlar: Don't try to deceive me, Anyhow/Anyway, you can’ (Be aldatmaya gahisma, Nasil olsa yapamazsin) Why did you come?. You are late, anyhow/anyway. (Nive geldiniz? Nasil olsa geg kaldiniz) All the same: ‘Buna ramen, bununla birlikte* anlamindadirlar: All the same, there is some iruth in what he says. (Buna ramen, onun dediginde biraz gergek pay! vardit) ‘The teacher knew the students weren't listening, but he went on all the same. (Ggretmen ogrencilerin dinlemedigini biliyordy, fakat yine de devam etti) Despite this/In spite of this: They hadn't studied their examination, despite this/in spite of this, they didn't fail. (Siavlarina galismamislardt, buna ramen, basaristz olmadilar) ‘Buna ragmen’ anlamindadirlar: ‘She was very il, despite this/in spite of this, she was very cheerful (Gok hastaydi, buna ramen, ¢ok neseliydi) > Despite/in spite of dan sonra the fact that kullanitabili: Despite the fact that/ In spite of the fact that I warned my friend he did't stop drinking. (Arkedasimi uyarmama ragmen ickiyi birakmadi) Despite the fact that/ In spite of the fact that he was very popular, he didn’t win the election. (Gok tutulmasina karsin yine de segimi kazanamadi) Cont ig the same idea with connecting words and phrases: Bahsettigimiz konu ile ilgili ilaveten bir gris belirtecegimiz zaman birlestirici sbzetk veya sézek gruplarma ihtiyacimiz vardir: Simdi bunlan inceleyelim: We knew that the painting was a forgery. Moreover, we knew who had painted it. Furthermore, (Tablonun sahte oldugunu biliyorduk. Dahasi, kimin boyadigunt da biliyorduk) Today, he interviewed with over thirty candidates, In addition, there are six other candidates. Besides, (Bugin, otuzun tzerinde adayla gortistt, Bununla birlikte, bagka alti aday daha var) Ustteki Omeklerde gegen furthermore, moreover, in addition, besides sibzckleri hemen he~ men aynt anlama sahiptirler. ‘Bununla birlikte, buna ek olarak, dahasi’ anlamlarina gelirler. 184 CONJUNCTIONS, > Bunlardan bask, apart from this ve aside from that sSzclik gruplart da tsttekilerle aynt anlama sahiptir: He was very tired, apart from this/aside from that, he was very sleepy. They will go swimming tomorrow, apart from this/aside from this, they will have a picnic, [Kosul belirten baglaglar icin CONDITIONAL SENTENCES adli konuya bakiniz.] 185

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