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FIRST SEMESTER 2021 – 2022
Course Handout (Part – II)
Date: 5-09-2021
In addition to Part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the Time Table) this portion further
specific details regarding the course.

Course No. : CS F213 (3 1 4)

Course Title : Object Oriented Programming
Instructor-in-charge : Dr. Sujala D. Shetty
Instructors : Prof. S. Vadivel, Dr. Sujala D.Shetty, Dr. Pranav Mothabhau Pawar

Scope and Objective of the Course:

This course provides the students good understanding in object-oriented design, design patterns and java
language including graphical user interface programming. After learning this course, students will have
good understanding of OO design, design patterns and Java programming. Given a problem, students will
be able to select and apply a suitable design pattern.

Course Pre/Co- requisite (if any) & Catalogue / Bulletin Description: Given in the Bulletin 2021 – 2022

Study Material:
Text book [TB]:
Cay Horstmann, Object Oriented Design & Patterns, John Wiley & Sons, 2006, 2nd Edition
Reference book(s) [RB]:
i) Herbert Schildt, The complete Reference Java 2, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
ii) James W. Cooper, JavaTM Design Patterns – A Tutorial, Addison-Wesly, 2000.

Course Plan / Schedule:

Lec. Learning objectives Contents Chapter No
Writing “Hello, World” program in java, primitive TB1: Chapter 1, Sec.
To learn the basic syntax of Java and
1,2 types and control flow statements, the minor 1.1 to 1.4, class
OOP principles.
differences between C and Java syntax notes
3 To learn classes and objects Classes, Objects, Constructors and Methods class notes
To learn the object references, TB1:Chapter 1, Sec.
Variables of class type and null type, method
4 passing parameters as objects, and 1.5 to 1.6, class
method overloading notes
Static fields and static methods User Input TB1:Chapter 1, Sec
To learn static fields and static
5 Classes, Accessors and Mutators, Final instance 1.10 ,Sec 1.13
Packages, importing packages, packages in java TB1:Chapter 1, Sec
6 To learn the concept of modularity
library 1.7 and class notes
Arrays and Multi-dimensional arrays, Strings, TB1:Chapter 1,
7,8 Learning Arrays and Strings
StringBuffer, StringTokenizer Sec:1.9, 1.12
ArrayList and Vector classes and the use of TB1:Chapter 1, Sec
9 Learning Dynamic Arrays
Iterators, Linked List and List Iterators 1.11 & Class notes
Access Specifiers to
10 To learn the concept of Encapsulation Class notes
methods and fields
Inheritance, abstract classes, Instance variable TB1: Chapter 6, Sec
11,12 To learn Inheritance
hiding, Method overriding 6.1 and class notes
13,14 interfaces, Comparator and Comparable TB1: Chapter 4, Sec
To learn interfaces and Polymorphism
,15 interfaces, Inner classes ,Anonymous classes 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6
16,17 Exception classes in Java library, try catch TB1:Chapter 1, Sec
To learn how to handle exceptions
,18 blocks, the key words throw, throws and finally 1.8 and class notes
The Java Type System, Type Inquiry, The Object TB1: chapter 7 Sec
19,20 To learn the Java Object Model
class, Shallow and Deep Copy 7.1 – 7.4
21,22 TB1:Chapter 9, Sec
To learn multi thread programming Thread Basics, Thread synchronization
,23 9.1 and 9.2
To learn the concept of Delegation class notes
24 Event Handling, Delegation Event Model
Event Model
To learn Swings and User interface User interface components, User interface TB1: chapter 4 Sec
programs actions, The Icon interface type 4.1, 4.7, 4.8
Pattern Concept, The Observer pattern, TB1: chapter 5 Sec.
Learning Patterns and GUI Components and Containers and the Composite 5.2 – 5.6
programming Pattern, Layout Managers and the Strategy
Pattern, Scroll Bars and the Decorator Patterns
29,30 To learn how to handle the files, file handling ,JDBC Concepts and database Class Notes
Database Connectivity applications
To learn the Object – Oriented Design Identifying classes, methods and relationships TB1: Chapter 2, Sec
Process between classes 2.2 - 2.5
To learn the Object – Oriented Design TB1: Chapter 2, Sec
32 Use cases, CRC cards
Process 2.6 & 2.7.
To learn the Object – Oriented Design TB1:Chapter 2, Sec.
33 UML class diagram
Process 2.8
To learn the Object – Oriented Design TB1: Chapter 2, Sec
34 Sequence diagrams and State diagrams
Process 2.9 & 2.10
Separation of Accessors and Mutators, Side TB1: Chapter 3 Sec.
To learn how to analyze the quality of effects, 3.5
an interface Cohesion, Completeness, Convenience, Clarity
and Consistency
To learn how to write program by Preconditions, Assertions, Post conditions, Class
36 TB1:Chapter 3, Sec.
contract Invariants
The Adapter Pattern, Actions and the Command TB1:Chapter 10 Sec.
Pattern, The Factory Method Pattern , The Proxy 10.1, 10.2, 10.3,
,39,4 To learn more Design Patterns
Pattern, The Singleton Pattern, The Visitor 10.4, 10.5, 10.6

Evaluation scheme:
Components Duration Weightage % Date & Time Venue
1 Test-1 (Closed Book) 50 minutes 20 2.10.21 Sa2

announced later
2 Quiz (Closed Book) 20 minutes 05 20.10.21 W9
3 Test – 2 (Open book*) 50 minutes 20 6.11.21 Sa2

To be
Application based
4 programming - 06 On or before 10.12.21
5 Compre Exam 3 hours 35 22.12.21 FN
1 (mid sem) 332
Lab1 & Lab2: 2 hours /
6 + To be announced
Observation week
1 (end sem)
Lab Exam (Closed
7 TBA 6+6 To be announced
* Only prescribed text book(s),ppt notes and hand written notes are permitted

Lab experiments: Java based programs on Basic Classes, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism,
Threads, GUI Programs

Mid-sem Grading:
Mid-sem grading will be displayed after the Test 1(20%), Quiz (5%), Lab1 observation (1%), Lab Exam-
1(6%) evaluation components. (Refer Academic calendar for schedule).

Note: A student will be likely to get “NC”, if he / she doesn’t appear / appear for the sake of appearing for
the evaluation components / scoring zero in pre-compre total.

Makeup and Attendance policies:

Make-ups are not given as a routine. It is solely dependent upon the genuineness of the circumstances
under which a student fails to appear in a scheduled evaluation component. In such circumstances, prior
permission should be obtained from the Instructor-in-Charge (I/C). The decision of the I/C and faculty in the
above matter will be final.

Attendance: Every student is expected to be responsible for regularity of his/her attendance in class
rooms and laboratories, to appear in scheduled tests and examinations and fulfill all other tasks assigned
to him/her in every course. A student should have a minimum of 60% of attendance in a course to be
eligible to appear for the Comprehensive Examination in that course. For the students under the purview of
Academic Counseling Board (ACB), the Board shall prescribe the minimum attendance requirement on a
case-to-case basis. Attendance in the course will be a deciding factor in judging the seriousness of a
student which may be directly / indirectly related to grading.

General instructions:
Students should come prepared for classes and carry the text book(s) or material(s) as prescribed by the
Course Faculty to the class.
All notices concerning the course will be displayed on the respective Notice Boards and Google classroom.

Course instructors contact information:

Chamber# &
Instructor Name Email Id Chamber consultation hour
contact Tel#
vadivel@dubai.bits- Mon 2:50PM – 3:40PM
Prof. S. Vadivel 042753700 Tue 6:00PM – 7:00PM (online)
Ext. – 303
Dr. Sujala D. Shetty sujala@dubai.bits- Wed 12:10PM- 1:00PM 279, Wed 5:30PM – 6:00PM (online) 042753700
Ext. – 328
Dr. Pranav pranav@dubai.bits- Th 2:50PM – 3:40PM 204
Mothabhau Pawar Tu 3:40PM – 4:30PM (online) 042753700
Ext. – 304

Dr. Sujala D. Shetty

Instructor In-Charge
CS F213 (Object Oriented Programming)

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