اسئلة فاوستس

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1. In the Prologue, who introduces the story of Doctor Faustus? The Chorus Faustus Mephastophilis Wagner 2. To which Greek mythological character is Faustus compared in the Prologue? Hercules Perseus learus Theseus 3. What fields of learning does Faustus consider before he turns to magic? Chemistry, biology, and physics Logic, medicine, law, and theology Navigation, astronomy, rhetoric, and theology Grammar, history, science, and Latin 4. Which characters instruct Faustus in the dark arts? The scholars Wagner and Robin The good and bad angels 5. When he first summons Mephastophilis, how does Faustus ask him to appear? In the shape of a Franciscan friar In the shape of a beautiful woman As a winged creature with horns As ahandsome young man 6. What is the name of the ruler of hell in Doctor Faustus? Satan Mephastophilis Lucifer Belzebub 7. How long does Faustus demand that Mephastophilis serve him? Thirty years Twenty-four years One hour Acentury 8. What does Faustus offer in return for this service? All his riches The life of his first-born child Nothing 9. How does Faustus sign his compact with Lucifer? In his own blood In the blood of a virgin In ink produced in hell He doesn't 10. What is the meaning of the words that appear on Faustus’s arm in Latin? “Satan's own” “Prince of Darkness” “Fly, man’ “You are doomed” 11. Who agrees, under duress, to become Wagner's servant? Faustus The clown Belzebub Helen of Troy 12. What does Mephastophilis refuse to tell Faustus? If Faustus will be damned How many planets there are Where hell is located 13. Why does Mephastophilis refuse to answer this question? He says that the answer is “against our kingdom’ He does not know the answer He thinks that the answer is too terrifying for Faustus to hear He thinks that God will strike him down if he answers the question 14. Which city does Faustus visit extensively in scene 7? Amsterdam Berlin Rome Jerusalem 15. What trick does Faustus, while invisible, play on the pope? He makes a Bible burn in the pope's hands He exposes the pope's baldness He fools the pope into believing a statue is talking to him He steals dishes of food and disrupts the pope's banquet 16. Which historical figure does Faustus conjure up for the emperor to see? Helen of Troy Jesus Christ Joan of Arc 17. Which character is publicly skeptical of Faustus’s powers? Charles V The horse-courser The ostler 18. How does Faustus humiliate this skeptic? He turns his skin green He makes him unable to speak He hypnotizes him and makes him strip naked 19. Who tries to persuade Faustus to repent just before he reseals his pact with Lucifer? An old man Wagner Mephastophilis The knight 20. What happens to the horse that Faustus sells to the horse-courser? It turns into a dragon It dies immediately It lives along and healthy life 21. What does the horse-courser think he is removing from Faustus’s body after Faustus wakes? His shirt His cloak His hand 22 In the chorus, what has Faustus given to Wagner? All his wealth All his magic All of his books All his secrets 23 Who asks Faustus to make Helen of Troy appear? Wagner Mephastophilis One of the scholars Lucifer 24 In Scene 12, who tries to persuade Faustus to repent? An angel An old man Mephastophilis Wagner 25In Scene 13, as the clock strikes eleven, what does Faustus see? A huge feast His family and friends A vision of Heaven A vision of Hell 26 What does Faustus wish he was, so that upon death he would simply cease to be? A beast A fairy A plant A play 27 Christopher Marlowe was an actor, poet, and playwright during the reign of which monarch? Elizabeth | James | Victoria Henry VIII 28 What religion was Marlowe suspected of having converted to, leading Cambridge to try to withhold his degree? Buddhism Judaism Islam 29The immediate source of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus is most likely an anonymous German work dating from __. 1390 1453 1501 30How many plays did Marlowe produce before being killed in a tavern brawl in 1593? Two Five Ten 31Johannes Faustus, the real-life figure to whom the tale about selling one's became attached, was___. A doctor A schoolteacher A German prince 32 Faustus grows dissatisfied with the limits of traditional forms of __. Travel Knowledge Magic Cookery 33How does Faustus begin his new career as a magician? By summoning a devil By summoning a fairy By summoning an angel By summoning an audience 34What does Faustus do first with his new powers? Paint Start a family Travel Relax 35Faustus sells the horse-courser a horse: what does it turn into when ridden into a river? Wood Gold Stone 36 Who does Faustus summon towards the end of his twenty-four-year deal? Alexander the Great Helen of Troy A host of devils An old man 37 Which characteristic does Faustus lack? Ambition Brilliance Indecisiveness 38 What word describes Mephastophilis's motivations? Concrete Amiable Comical 39 Which two characters represent Faustus's conscience? The Clown, Robin Valdes, Cornelius Martino, Frederick 40 What is Robin's profession? Clown Ascholar A horse-courser 41 Who hears Faustus's confession of his pact with Lucifer? The scholars The pope Emperor Charles V Wagner 42vFaustus represents the spirit of which era? The Regency The Edwardian The Medieval 43 For the most part, how does Faustus use his tremendous gifts? For great good For great evil For huge personal gain 44 At which point in the play does Marlowe use much of his finest poetry? In the first act When describing Faustus's mediocrity In the chorus 45 Which characteristic does not describe Mephastophilis? Sympathetic Ambiguous Bullying 46 What does Mephastophilis say or do when Faustus says that he doesn't believe in Hell? Agrees with him Says nothing Starts laughing 47 In keeping with the Christian framework of the play, what could Faustus theoretically do to save his soul from Hell? Ask God for forgiveness Ask Lucifer for mercy Convert to another religion Kill the devil 48 What did the medieval world place at the center of existence? Man God Art Physics 49 In the Renaissance, what took center stage? Secular matters Theology Sin Feudalism 50 What lends a grandeur to Faustus's schemes, and makes his quest for personal power seem almost heroic? Faustus's greed The Renaissance setting Mephastophilis's encouragement 51 What does Faustus say he sees running across the sky during his terrible last night? Rainbows alu The galaxies 52 How many people make up the chorus? Eight Two Three 53 What two topics does the chorus say will not be tackled in the play? Love and war History and geography Faustus's fortunes 54 Where was Faustus born? Wittenberg Rhodes Wattenberg 55 Who did Faustus initially live with in Wittenberg? No one A family friend Awise nobleman 56 According to the chorus, who is "swollen with cunning"? Lucifer Mephastophilis The chorus Faustus 57 Which area of scholarship does Faustus not discuss in his soliloquy? Law Divinity Medicine 58 Who visits Faustus while he is waiting for his friends to arrive? Lucifer Valdes and Cornelius Faustus's mother 59 What does the Good Angel encourage Faustus to read? The Scriptures A long poem The Koran 60 Over which country does Faustus imagine himself as King? Prussia Italy England 61 Who lists several texts to help Faustus study magic? The Evil Angel Cornelius Lucifer 62 In Scene Two, who does Wagner make fun of? Valdes and Cornelius Faustus God 63 What does Faustus order Mephastophilis to wear? A king's robes Ascholar's cap An artist's smock 64 What does Mephastophilis say he hopes to do to Faustus? Teach Faustus magic Obey Faustus Scare Faustus 65 According to Mephastophilis, what did Lucifer and the devils used to be? Men Fairies Gods 66 What food does Wagner say the clown would probably sell his soul for? A joint of beef A shoulder of mutton A well-seasoned turnip A large roast 67 What does the Good Angel urge Faustus to think about? Hell Heaven His reputation His life choices 68 According to Mephastophilis, why does Lucifer want Faustus's soul? To enlarge his kingdom For fun To make humans suffer 69 What happens when Faustus tries to use his blood to write the deed? He doesn't bleed He faints The paper is ruined 70 What does the inscription that appears on Faustus's arm ("Homo fuge") mean? Oman, cry O man, walk Oman, sink 71According to Mephastophilis, where is Hell located? Under the earth In the sun In Norway 72 What pulled the chariot that took Faustus through the heavens? Horses Devils Doves 73 In the B text, what do Faustus and Mephastophilis disguise themselves as when meeting the pope? Bishops Swiss guards Angels. 74 Who was attempting to become pope with the backing of the German emperor? Brutus Brian Bertie 75 What do Faustus and Mephastophilis do during the pope's dinner? Make themselves invisible Curse noisily Box the pope's ear 76 What have Robin and Rafe stolen from a tavern? Awine skin A knife Aham 77 During the chorus, who do we learn has invited Faustus to his palace? Charles III Charles de Gaulle Charles Dickens 78 In the B text, who declares he will watch the action from a window because he is hungover? Bruno. Faustus Charles V 79 Which character (A text, B text) is sceptical that Faustus can conjure spirits resembling Alexander the Great and his lover? Darius, Benvolio Charles V, Benvolio Clown, Benvolio 80 What does Faustus conjure onto the head of the Knight/Benvolio? Rabbit ears Acrown A bald spot 81 In the B text, after being "murdered" by Benvolio, what punishment does Faustus give his attackers? Dragged through thorns Thrown off cliffs Dragged to Hell 82What does the horse-courser do first to try and wake Faustus? Throws water on him Shakes him Sets him on fire 83 What does the horse-courser run away with? Faustus's money Faustus's arm Faustus's head 84 In the B text, per the carter, Faustus paid three farthings to eat all he could of A field of wheat A forest of pine A truckle of cheese 85 At the court of the Duke of Vanholt, the duchess requests __ from Faustus. Sour apples Ripe medlars Raw apricots 86 In the B text, what does Faustus do to the crowd that bursts into the court? Kills them magically Removes them magically Ignores them 87 In the chorus, what has Faustus given to Wagner? All his magic All of his books All his secrets 88 Who asks Faustus to make Helen of Troy appear? Wagner Mephastophilis One of the scholars Lucifer 89 In Scene 12, who tries to persuade Faustus to repent? An angel An old man Mephastophilis Wagner 90 In Scene 13, as the clock strikes eleven, what does Faustus see? A huge feast His family and friends Avision of Heaven 91 What does Faustus wish he was, so that upon death he would simply cease to be? A fairy Aplant Aplay

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