Vocabulary 09

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WONDERFUL WORLD 4 sizzle: (of food) make a hissing 4 reminisce: to talk or write about
sound when frying or roasting events remembered from the past
1 bemused: deeply absorbed in Spanish: chisporrotear Spanish: contar recuerdos
thought or slightly confused
Spanish: en profunda meditación 5 sautéing: cooking (food) using a 1 whimsical: creative or playfully
small amount of fat in an open pan humorous, especially in an endearing
2 goofily: in a crazy, silly or ridiculous over a relatively high heat, shaking the way
way pan so that the food does not stick to Spanish: ingenioso, ocurrente
Spanish: de forma loca, tonta o ridícula the pan as it cooks
Spanish: cocinar en sartén con grasa 2 tinkle: (informal) to urinate
3 lark: an activity done for Spanish: hacer pis
amusement, which is slightly bad but is 6 crumble: to break up into tiny bits
not intended to cause serious harm or Spanish: desmenuzar 1 round trip: a trip to some place
damage and back again
Spanish: broma 7 thawed: no longer frozen solid Spanish: viaje de ida y vuelta
Spanish: descongelado
4 flail(ing): to thrash or swing 2 needle(d): to incite to action by
something around uncontrollably, or 8 tempeh: fermented soy beans, repeated gibes
move in this way popular as a health food and in some Spanish: incitar a la acción
Spanish: moverse de forma Asian cuisines
descontrolada Spanish: soja cocinada y fermentada 3 gnaw(ed): cause persistent anxiety
or pain
5 hover(ing): to float or flutter in the 9 seasoning(s): a substance that is Spanish: causar ansiedad persistente
air without moving very far from the added to savoury food to improve its
same spot flavour 4 hop(s) on: jump on
Spanish: flotar en el aire, moverse Spanish: condimento Spanish: subir de un salto
suspendido en el aire
10 broil: US for grill: to cook 5 marina: a purpose-built harbour
6 compelling: attracting strong something by direct heat, especially with moorings for yachts and small
interest and attention under a very hot surface in a cooker boats
Spanish: fascinante Spanish: asar a la parrilla Spanish: marina, puerto con atraque

7 low-tech: not using the most 11 griddle: a round, flat piece of 6 pontoon(s): a flat-bottomed boat
recent equipment or methods metal used for cooking over a fire or or portable float
Spanish: con tecnología sencilla cooker Spanish: pontón
Spanish: plancha portátil para cocinas
8 troll(ing): to search among a large 1 debut: to show formally and
number or a great variety of places in 12 couscous: a food, originally from publicly for the first time
order to find people or information you North Africa, consisting of crushed Spanish: estrenar, lanzar, presentar
want wheat, which is often served with meat
Spanish: buscar, mirar rápidamente or vegetables 2 refillable: of something that can
Spanish: couscous be filled again
1 pantry: a small closed space Spanish: recargable
connected to a kitchen, often with a 1 industrywide: throughout an
door, in which food and utensils for entire industry 3 landfill(s): a site where waste
food preparation can be stored Spanish: en toda la industria material has been buried
Spanish: despensa, alacena Spanish: zona del vertedero
2 casket: box in which a corpse is
2 wing it: to improvise buried or cremated 1 spring-powered: powered by a
Spanish: improvisar Spanish: cajón, ataúd coil that will store energy when
compressed and release energy when
3 skillet: a small shallow pan with a 3 recyclables: materials that can be returning to its original shape Use: for
long handle and usually legs, used for used again cushioning, in clockwork.
frying or braising food Spanish: materiales reciclables Spanish: accionado por resorte
Spanish: sartén grill


GADGETS 3 furry: covered in fur (the soft dense 14 inmate(s): somebody who is
coat of hair on a hairy animal) confined to a prison or a psychiatric
1 endless: having no apparent end or Spanish: peludo hospital
limit Spanish: recluso/a
Spanish: infinito, interminable 4 lift the spirits: to make
(somebody) happy 15 backup: a substitute who can
2 by far: by a considerable margin Spanish: levantar el ánimo replace somebody else
Spanish: por mucha diferencia Spanish: reemplazo, sustituto
5 payoff: an ultimate benefit or
3 bunch: a number of people or advantage 16 downplay(s): to make something
things grouped or joined together Spanish: beneficio o ventaja seem less important, significant, or
Spanish: grupo serious than it really is
6 shell out: (informal) to pay out Spanish: quitar importancia a
4 subwoofer: a loudspeaker used to money, especially a great deal of money
reproduce very low-frequency sounds Spanish: gastar (mucho dinero) 17 on a shoestring: (idiom) on a
with great power and fidelity very tight budget; with few resources
Spanish: altavoz de graves 7 pampering: the act of indulging or or little money
gratifying a desire Spanish: con un presupuesto ajustado
5 thump: the loud dull sound made Spanish: gratificación, mimo
by a heavy object impacting with a 18 foster homes: foster homes are
surface 8 off-leash: without a leash (a piece for children/animals whose natural
Spanish: compás, golpe of rope, chain, etc. tied to an animal, parents/owners are dead, absent, or
especially to a dog at its collar when unfit or unable to look after them
6 hook up: to set up or connect taking it for a walk) Spanish: hogares adoptivos
electronic or electric devices Spanish: sin correa
Spanish: conectar
9 chakra: in yoga, any of the centers FASHION: CHARM SCHOOL
7 shuffle: sort or look through (a of spiritual power in the body
number of things) hurriedly Spanish: chakra 1 hip: informed about the latest
Spanish: pasar, ordenar, buscar trends
10 hijacking(s): the seizure of a Spanish: a la moda
8 buzzer: an electronic device that public transport vehicle, e.g. a
makes a humming or buzzing sound passenger aircraft while in transit, 2 clutch: a woman's small usually
when activated taking those on board hostage, and strapless handbag
Spanish: zumbador, timbre often diverting it to another destination Spanish: sobre, cartera de mano
Spanish: secuestro de aviones,
9 detachable: designed to be desviación a mano armada de 3 shift: a loose-fitting dress that
unfastened or disconnected without aeronave, piratería aérea hangs down from the shoulders
damage Spanish: vestido suelto
Spanish: desconectable, que se puede 11 divert: to change the route or
desconectar path taken by something such as traffic 4 tights: a one-piece close-fitting
or a river garment made of opaque colored
Spanish: desviar material, covering the body from the
COVER STORY: waist to the feet and worn by women
MAN’S BEST FRIEND 12 deploy: to distribute systematically and girls for warmth and casual wear
or strategically Spanish: medias bombacha, pantis
1 boost: something that helps to Spanish: desplegar
improve, strengthen, or encourage 5 pleated: with pleats (narrow folds
somebody or something 13 set things off: to make in a piece of cloth made by pressing or
Spanish: impulso, estímulo something such as an alarm or a sewing two parts of the cloth together)
firework operate or explode Spanish: tableada
2 pooch: informal term for dog Spanish: hacer explotar algo
Spanish: perro


6 striped: with stripes (strips on the 4 sprout: any new growth of a plant 12 dip(ped): to fall to a lower level
surface of something which are a Spanish: brote or amount, especially for a short time
different color from the surrounding Spanish: caer
Spanish: a rayas HEALTH: 13 take: a personal impression or
ANESTHESIA AWARENESS opinion of something
7 plaid: having a pattern of different Spanish: visión, punto de vista
colored straight lines crossing each 1 crunching: of a sound, as if
other at 90 degree angles something is being crushed or broken 14 pancreatic pseudocyst: a
Spanish: con un patrón cuadriculado/a Spanish: crujiente collection of fluid and necrotic debris. It
occurs as a complication of acute
8 gored: cut into a tapering triangular 2 probe(d): to examine something pancreatitis and may subside
form with a probe (a long thin instrument spontaneously or become secondarily
Spanish: cortada en forma triangular used by doctors and dentists for infected and develop into an abscess.
exploring or examining) Spanish: pseudoquiste pancreático
9 peacock: a bright, slightly greenish- Spanish: examinar
blue color
Spanish: color azul verdoso brillante 3 grist: matter of interest or value PERSONALITIES: DALAI LAMA
forming the basis of a story
10 spotted: having spots (small, Spanish: tema de interés 1 embroiled: involved in an
usually round areas of color) on it argument or a difficult situation
Spanish: con puntos 4 lurid: sensational and shocking, Spanish: involucrado/envuelto en una
with graphic details of horror, contienda o situación difícil
11 quilted: made of layers of fabric devastation, or violence
held together by patterned stitching Spanish: espeluznante 2 standoff: a situation in which
Spanish: acolchada agreement in an argument does not
5 counseling: help with personal or seem possible because neither group
12 streamline: a contour designed psychological matters usually given by a can win or get an advantage and no
to minimize resistance to motion professional action can be taken
Spanish: de contorno ágil Spanish: apoyo psicológico Spanish: enfrentamiento sin solución

6 gauge: to determine the amount, 3 riven: violently divided

INFO ANTS quantity, size, or extent of something Spanish: dividido violentamente
Spanish: medir, calcular, estimar
1 caterpillar: a wormlike and often 4 steadfast: staying the same for a
brightly colored and hairy or spiny larva 7 dispute(d): to question or doubt long time and not changing quickly or
of a butterfly or moth the truth or validity of something unexpectedly
Spanish: oruga Spanish: cuestionar Spanish: resuelto, inalterable, tenaz,
2 hatching(s): a group of birds, 8 cortex: the outer, folded layer of
reptiles, fish, insects, etc., which the brain (cerebral cortex) 5 adamantly: inflexibly; unshakably
emerge from their eggs at the same Spanish: corteza Spanish: inflexiblemente, tenazmente
Spanish: insectos/ reptiles/ aves recién 9 dismiss: regard as unworthy of 6 stridently: in a manner that
nacidos consideration commands attention by a loud or
Spanish: descartar obtrusive quality
3 honeydew: a sweet sticky Spanish: en forma estridente
substance deposited on leaves by 10 hook(ed) up: to connect to
aphids and some other insects as a electric devices 7 unrest: social or political discontent
byproduct of the juices they suck from Spanish: conectar or protest that disrupts the established
plants; or sweet sticky substance order
produced by the leaves of some plants 11 went off: (past of go off) to start Spanish: descontento, tensión política
Spanish: mielato to ring, sound, or vibrate
Spanish: empezar a sonar


8 pivotal: vitally important, especially 3 clopping: making a sharp hollow MUSIC REVIEW
in determining the outcome, progress, sound, as of a horse's hoof striking
or success of something pavement 1 stateside: relating to, in, or toward
Spanish: crucial, trascendental Spanish: con el sonido del andar del the continental United States
caballo sobre el pavimento Spanish: de Estados Unidos
9 divide: a serious disagreement
between two groups of people 4 horse-buggy(ies): a small 2 politicking: political activity,
(typically producing tension or hostility) lightweight carriage drawn by a single especially campaigning or
Spanish: serio desacuerdo horse speechmaking
Spanish: carrito tirado por un solo Spanish: politiqueo, actividad política
10 underscore(d): to give emphasis caballo
or extra force to something 3 get down: (informal) to enjoy
Spanish: subrayar, poner en relieve 5 startlingly: in a way that causes yourself in an unrestrained way; to have
momentary fright, surprise, or a good time partying
11 schism: a division into two groups astonishment Spanish: disfrutar sin medida
caused by a disagreement about ideas, Spanish: sorprendentemente,
especially in a religious organization asombrosamente 4 encompass: to include a wide or
Spanish: división comprehensive range
6 scaled-down: smaller than it Spanish: incluir
12 uprising: an act of rebellion or really is
revolt against an authority Spanish: en pequeña escala 5 jolt: an emotional shock or a sharp
Spanish: levantamiento reminder
7 haughtiness: pride evidenced by a Spanish: shock
13 drift(ed) away: lose personal superior manner toward inferiors
contact over time Spanish: altanería 6 messed up: unhappy and
Spanish: alejarse emotionally confused
8 suffice to say: it is enough to say Spanish: infeliz, confundido/a
14 set off: put in motion or move to Spanish: es suficiente decir
act 1 groundbreaking: new and
Spanish: comenzar, ponerse en 9 whimsy: the quality of being pioneering or innovative
movimiento slightly odd or playfully humorous, Spanish: pionero/a, innovador/a
especially in an endearing way
15 mold: (British: mould) shape or Spanish: encanto 2 gyrating: revolving quickly and
influence; give direction to repeatedly around one's own axis
Spanish: moldear, dar forma, 10 it'll have to do: it will have to Spanish: que gira/ da vueltas
influenciar, dar dirección be acceptable, suitable or enough
Spanish: deberá ser sufieciente 3 hideaway: a secluded place of
retreat or concealment
CITY GUIDE: QUEBEC CITY 11 extravaganza: a lavish and Spanish: lugar retirado/secreto
spectacular entertainment
1 drop(ped) anchor: secure a vessel Spanish: entretenimiento espectacular 4 stumble: to discover or meet with
with an anchor when you arrive accidentally or unexpectedly (usually
somewhere. Figuratively, to arrive in a 12 walkable: fit to be walked on; followed by on, upon, or across)
place coming from the sea capable of being walked on or over Spanish: encontrar por
Spanish: tirar ancla, arrivar por primera Spanish: que se puede caminar accidente/casualidad
13 the unsteady: those people who 5 a ticket to stardom: something
2 touch-up: a slight correction or stagger or totter when walking that allows a person to reach fame
adjustment Spanish: los que tienen dificultades Spanish: un boleto a la fama
Spanish: ajuste, arreglo para caminar
6 goof(ing) around: (informal) to
14 clipclopping: a sound like that of behave in a playful or silly way
horses' hooves on a hard surface Spanish: bromear, hacer tonterías
Spanish: el sonido del andar del caballo
contra una superficie dura


7 drool(ing) on sbdy/sthg: to 4 stand out: to distinguish oneself, 4 gilded: covered with a thin layer of
show extreme and sometimes foolish to be prominent gold or a substance that looks like gold
pleasure while looking at someone or Spanish: distinguirse Spanish: dorado/a
Spanish: babearse por alguien, mostrar 5 add-on: a component that is added 5 fitted out: dressed up
demasiado interés en alguien to something to improve it Spanish: vestido/a
Spanish: complemento, algo adicional
1 rarity(ies): something unusual -- 6 floundering: awkwardly moving
perhaps worthy of collecting 6 bias: a tendency to support or Spanish: moviéndose de forma extraña
Spanish: rareza oppose a particular person or thing in
an unfair way by allowing personal 7 curse: a cause of unhappiness or
2 scrapbook: a blank book or album opinions to influence your judgment harm
for pasting in photos, pictures, cuttings, Spanish: prejuicio Spanish: maldición
or other material
Spanish: álbum de recortes 7 on the flip side: (on the other 8 given in (my) notice: presented
hand) a phrase used to introduce an (my) resignation
3 swirl(s): a turning, twisting, idea opposed to another idea previously Spanish: presentar la renuncia
spiraling movement, or something that mentioned
moves in this way; dizziness or Spanish: por otra parte 9 spineless: lacking courage or
confusion vitality, weak in willpower
Spanish: movimiento espiral; 8 showcase: to present something or Spanish: débil, cobarde
confusión/mareo somebody in a way that is designed to
attract attention and admiration 10 strained: without spontaneity; not
4 lurching: walking unsteadily; rolling Spanish: presentar natural
or swaying as a drunken man Spanish: poco natural/creíble
Spanish: que camina sin firmeza, como 9 walk (you) through: give
borracho somebody step-by-step explanation 11 workshy: lazy and unwilling to
Spanish: explicar work
5 jerky: not having a steady rhythm Spanish: vago/a, haragán/a
Spanish: sin ritmo estable 10 crash course: a rapid and intense
course of training (usually undertaken 12 squeaking: a short very high cry
6 ditty(ies): an especially simple and in an emergency) or sound
unaffected song Spanish: curso acelerado Spanish: chillido
Spanish: canción simple
13 shuffled away: to walk away
1 kick(ing) open: to open (a door) STORYTELLING: slowly without picking up the feet
abruptly; figuratively, to open the way THE METAMORPHOSIS Spanish: alejarse arrastrando los pies
to something new in a certain field
Spanish: abrir de una patada 1 vermin: small animals or insects 14 plaintively: in a way that
that harm people, livestock, property, or expresses suffering or woe
crops and are difficult to control, e.g. Spanish: quejumbrosamente
LIFE: THE EVOLUTION OF A rats, weasels, fleas, or cockroaches
RESUME Spanish: bichos, alimañas 15 occupational hazard: a risk
associated with the work that
1 footprint: something that identifies 2 domed: having a hemispherical somebody does
Spanish: marca vault or dome Spanish: riesgo ocupacional/laboral
Spanish: de forma abovedada
2 toss(ed) around: to consider or 16 shove(d): to push someone or
think about something or to use words 3 bedding: coverings such as sheets, something forcefully
without thinking carefully about them quilts, and blankets used to prepare a Spanish: empujar
Spanish: usar palabras bed
Spanish: ropa de capa 17 breadth: the distance or
3 out there: in the world measurement of something from one
Spanish: allá afuera, en el mundo side to the other
Spanish: ancho, amplitud


18 at any price: at any cost, no TRIVIA: THE SIMPSONS

matter how great, no matter how
difficult 1 hit the airwaves: to be
Spanish: a cualquier costo broadcasted for the first time
Spanish: ser transmitido por primera
19 shortcoming: a failure or flaw in vez, llegar a la pantalla chica
somebody's carácter
Spanish: defecto 2 body of work: the total output
of a writer or artist (or a substantial
20 lout(s): a young man who part of it)
behaves in a very rude and offensive Spanish: obra de un artista
Spanish: un joven maleducado 3 stripped: (of something important,
such as a title) taken away from
21 pangs of conscience: sudden someone as a punishment
sharp feelings, especially of painful Spanish: quitado
emotions, such as guilt
Spanish: cargo de conciencia 4 amend: to change the words of a
text, typically a law or a legal document
22 thump: a blow or knock with or Spanish: cambiar las palabras de un
as if with something blunt or heavy; or texto
the sound made by such a blow
Spanish: golpe, porrazo

23 muffled: made softer or less loud

or clear
Spanish: amortiguado

24 gruff: abrupt, angry, or impatient

in manner or speech
Spanish: seco, brusco

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