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ISSN 2070-2051, Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2021, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 488–499.

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2021.



The Optical and Structural Properties of Undoped ZnO

and Co-doped ZnO:Alx:Cdy x = 1 at %, y = 1, 2, 3, 5 at %
Thin Films, and Their Electrical Characteristics as Photodiode
Nihat Demirbileka, Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlua, and Mehmet Kayab, *
a Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Firat University, Elazig, Turkey
Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, Çorlu Vacational School,
Machinery and Metal Technologies Department, Çorlu/Tekirdağ, Turkey
Received August 27, 2020; revised January 11, 2021; accepted January 12, 2021

Abstract—ZnO semiconductor thin films with and without Al/Cd additives were produced with sol–gel spin
coating technique. Also, photodiodes with and without Al/Cd additives were prepared using the same
method. The structural properties of thin films produced were examined with SEM and XRD. Optical prop-
erties were tested using UV spectrophotometer, and band gap energies of the films were analyzed using absor-
bance values obtained. It was observed that the films had hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure, and their band
gap energies reduce with increasing amount of Cd added. The electrical characterizations of photodiodes
were analyzed with phototransient current (I-t, C-t), current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and
conductance-voltage (G/w-V) measurements. The barrier height and ideality factor parameters of the diodes
were calculated using thermoionic emission model. The photodiodes exhibited photosensitive behavior, and
it was seen that reverse bias current raised due to raising the light intensity. The results demonstrated that the
produced diodes can be used as photodiodes or photosensors in optoelectronic implementation.

Keywords: Co-doped ZnO, sol–gel, photodiode, optical properties

DOI: 10.1134/S2070205121030096

1. INTRODUCTION large surfaces and easy adjustment of additive concen-

Recently, a lot of researches have been done for the tration compared to other methods. Aluminum (Al)
production of nanostructured materials and their [9, 10], gallium (Ga) [11] and indium (In) [12] are
applications in different fields. One of the most mostly used as additive materials to produce semicon-
important reasons of these studies is that their electri- ductor thin films. There are also lots of studies on ZnO
cal and optical properties can be checked by grain size thin films, which are doped with tin (Sn) [13], lithium
[1, 2]. This allows the nanostructured material to be (Li) [14], magnesium (Mg) [15], zirconium (Zr) [16],
used for different applications depending on the grain erbium (Er), manganese (Mn) [17], cadmium (Cd)
size and structure. For this reason, it is preferred to use [18] and copper (Cu) [19]. Semiconductors with large
nanostructured materials especially in the construc- band (Broadband), which are permeable in the
tion of electronic circuit elements to be used for differ- appearing zone of the electromagnetic spectrum, have
ent electronic circuit applications [3]. ZnO has a high a significant effect in the production of electronic and
electrical conductivity and a direct-pass forbidden optoelectronic devices [20]. The most important
energy range of approximate 3.37 eV at room tempera- advantages of transparent conductive and semicon-
ture [4, 5]. The materials formed by combination of ductor oxides are that they are chemically stable and
II-VI group elements in the periodic table are semi- can be easily coated on different substrates [21]. In this
conductors and have a high exciton binding energy study, sol–gel method, which is easier and more eco-
(60meV). ZnO semiconductor thin films are suitable nomical than other methods, was used to prepare
materials for electronic and optical devices. In addi- solution of the samples. ZnO semiconductor thin
tion, zinc oxide is non-toxic, widely available and films (on glass substrate) with and without Al/Cd
inexpensive. ZnO thin films are coated with a few dis- additives were produced with spin coating technique.
similar techniques like chemical vapor deposition Also, photodiodes (on n-type Si substrate) with and
(CVD) [6], chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP) [6, 7], without Al/Cd additives were prepared using the same
pulsed laser deposition (PLD), sputtering and sol–gel technique. The impression of Cd added on the struc-
[8]. Sol–gel method is widely used because of its cost- tural, optical and electrical properties of thin films and
effectiveness, simplicity of coating, application to photodiodes were analyzed.


2. EXPERIMENTAL tures are homogeneously coated on the glass substrate,

In this study, pure ZnO and co-doped ZnO:Alx:Cdy there are no agglomeration and gaps on the surface.
Particles are nearly in identical dimension and covered
(x = 1 at %, y = 1, 2, 3, 5 at %) thin films, and also pure very appropriate on the surface, it is seen that the
n-Si/ZnO and co-doped n-Si/ZnO:Alx:Cdy (x = 1 at %, grains are held together better, and also have nanofiber
y = 1, 2, 3, 5 at %) photodiodes were prepared via a sol- structures.
gel method and a spin-coating technique. To prepare the
samples, zinc acetate dihydrate (Zn (CH3COO)2⋅2H2O) Similar structure and morphology were shown by
Yakuphanoglu et al. [22] for pure ZnO and Cd doped
as a essence of zinc, aluminum nitrate nonahydrate ZnO thin films synthesized similar as samples fabri-
(Al(NO3)3⋅9H2O) and cadmium acetate [Cd(CH3COO)2⋅ cated in this study. Also, morphological structures of
2H2O] as additive materials, 2-methoxyethanol Al-doped ZnO and Al, Na co-doped ZnO thin films,
(DME) [C3H8O2] as a dissolvent, and monoethanol- which were produced using sol–gel method and spin
amine (MEA) [C2H7NO] as a stabilizer were used coating technique, were investigated by Wang et al.
respectively. The content of solutions of ZnO with and [23]. It is stated that the surfaces of the thin films pro-
without additive was prepared as 0.5 M, and heated at duced by them are homogeneous, like the surfaces of
60°C for 1 h in bottles with a magnetic stirrer in order the samples fabricated in this study.
to get homogeneous solution, and then was aged for X-Ray diffraction patterns of pure and co-doped
20–24 h. ZnO specimens synthesized through sol–gel method
Glass substrates with 2 × 1 cm2 size and 2 mm on glass substrates are given in Figs. 2a–2e. It is seen
thickness were cleaned by using acetone, ethanol, dis- that all the pure and co-doped ZnO nanoparticles fab-
tilled water and then dried with nitrogen gas to prepare ricated are in crystal structure. When the diffraction
thin films. The solutions of ZnO with and without patterns were examined, it was determined that the
additive Al/Cd were poured on glass substrates, and films were in the hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure
spined at 1500 rpm for 15 s. Later, the films were in the zincite (ZnO) phase. In addition to, it is deter-
heated at 250°C for 10 min and then this procedure mined that the characteristic peaks belonging to the
was repeated 5 times in order to increase the thickness ZnO phase (34, 22°, 2θ) correspond to the plane
of films. To obtain photodiodes, n-type Si substrates (002). Also, similar diffraction peak (002) was again
with 1 × 1 cm2 size were cleaned by using RCA method observed for the co-doped samples (ZnO:Al 1%, Cd
and dried with nitrogen gas. Then, the solution was 1%; ZnO:Al 1%, Cd 2%; ZnO:Al 1%, Cd 3%; Al 1%,
poured on the cleaned substrates, the films were spined Cd 5%). When the diffraction patterns of cadmium-
at 3000 rpm for 30 s. and heated at 250°C for 10 min. doped AZO (AZO—Al-doped zinc oxide) thin films
This procedure was repeated 3 times in order to increase were examined, it was observed that the peak density
the thickness of the films. Finally all thin films and in the plane (002) decreased with increasing Cd con-
diodes were annealed at 450°C in the furnace for 1 hr tribution in general. The densities of the peaks can
and then cooled at room temperature [21]. change due to the accumulation of excess cadmium
The structure properties and morphology of thin atoms in the ZnO matrix and disrupting in the struc-
films were investigated by images obtained using scan- ture. As cadmium concentration increases, Cd atoms
ning electron microscope (SEM). XRD patterns were occupy the intermediate regions in the lattice. This
obtained with X-ray diffractometer in the 2θ range causes an increase in mesh defects in the crystal [22].
between 10° and 90° at room temperature. The trans- In addition, with addition of Cd, a small amount of
mittance and absorption spectra of the films were secondary phases can occur in the structure. In XRD
evaluated in the wavelength range of 200–1000 nm patterns of cadmium-doped AZO films, the absence
through UV–VIS–NIR spectrophotometer and the of peaks of other phases indicates that Cd ions enter
optical band gap energies of thin films were computed. the crystalline structure and replace it with O–2 ions. It
The current–voltage, the capacitance–voltage, the is also seen that the films grow along c-axis. Similarly,
conductance-voltage and the photoresponse charac- different proportions of Cd doped ZnO thin films,
teristics of the fabricated diodes were examined using Cd(1 and 3 at %) doped by Yakuphanoglu et al. [22],
KEITHLEY 4200 semiconductor characterization Al 1 at % and Cd (2, 4, 6, 8 at %) codoped by Duan et
system. al. [24], Cd (0.15, 0.25, 0.35 and 0.45 at %) doped by
Jule et al. [25], and Cd (5, 10, 20, 30 at %) doped by Li
et al. [26]. They reported that all prepared thin films
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION have hexagonal wurtzite structure and grown perpen-
3.1. Surface Morphology and XRD Analysis dicular to c-axis of the crystal structure in desired per-
fection. Wang et al. [23] investigated the structure of
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of Al-doped ZnO and Al, Na co-doped ZnO thin films
pure ZnO and co-doped ZnO:Alx:Cdy thin films were produced using the same method. They observed that
taken to obtain information about their surface mor- the structure of the enlarged ZnO films was hexago-
phology, in Figs. 1a–1e. SEM images of thin films nal. In an other research, Xu et al. [27] studied crystal
show us that the pure ZnO and co-doped ZnO struc- structure of pure ZnO, Al-doped ZnO and Al, K co-


490 DEMIRBILEK et al.

(a) 10 μm (b) 15 μm

(c) 15 μm (d) 15 μm

(e) 10 μm

Fig. 1. SEM images of pure ZnO (a), Al 1% Cd 1% ZnO (b), Al 1% Cd 2% ZnO (c), Al 1% Cd 3% ZnO (d) and Al 1% Cd 5%
ZnO (e).

doped ZnO thin films produced using the sol–gel tive are better for conductivity. The optical transmit-
method and spin coating technique. It is observed in tance curves of pure and co-doped thin films are seen in
their study that the structure of all films was coated Fig. 3b. It is observed that pure ZnO and co-doped
perpendicular to c-axis of the crystal structure in ZnO thin films with added Al and Cd are quite trans-
desired perfection. The results obtained are also in parent in wavelength range from 400 to 500 nm. In Fig.
agreement with the studies in the literature [22–27]. 3b, transmittances of thin films increase dramatically
for Cd1% and Cd 2%, but decrease for Cd 3% and Cd
3.2. Optical Properties 5%. Their transmittance values vary between 83 and
90%, which are seen in Table 2. Also, band gap ener-
Optical properties of synthesized pure ZnO and co- gies of the samples are given in Table 2. The band gap
doped ZnO thin films were investigated. Absorbance, energies were computed from basic absorption edge of
transmittance and band gap energy graphs of speci- the thin films. The variation in the band gap energy is
mens are given in Figs. 3a–3c. As shown in Fig. 3a,
ZnO thin films with added Al and Cd show absorption owing to the shift in the band edge. The band gap
limit lower than 400 nm. It was observed that absorp- energy is calculated via Equation (1) [25].
tion limit gradually decreased with addition of Al and
Cd. It is understood that the samples with lower addi- (αhv )1/ n  = A(hv − E g ). (1)



12 000

10 000 (002) From down (a) to up (e)

(a) Pure ZnO
8000 (b) Al 1%, Cd 1%-ZnO

(c) Al 1%, Cd 2%-ZnO
6000 (d) Al 1%, Cd 3%-ZnO
(e) Al 1%, Cd 4%-ZnO


20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Fig. 2. XRD patterns of pure ZnO (a), ZnO (Al 1%, Cd 1%) (b), ZnO (Al 1%, Cd 2%) (c), ZnO (Al 1%, Cd 3%) (d) and ZnO
(Al 1%, Cd 5%) (e).

Where, α is absorbtion coefficient, A is constant and 3.14 eV, and they decrease reasonably with
based on probability of transition and n is an index that increasing Cd additive. All these results show us high
completes optical absorption process. Thus, the graph rate of Cd dopant does not effect the optical band gap
of ( αhv ) against hv was drawn using these parame- energy of ZnO seriously, but low rate of Cd dopant
decreases the optical band gap energy of ZnO severely.
ters. To calculate band gap energy, the tangent was Yakuphanoglu et al. [22] fabricated pure ZnO and Cd
drawn to the curve on the graph in Fig. 3c, and the (1 and 3%) doped ZnO thin films by sol–gel and spin
point where the tangent crosses the x-axis was taken coating. They pointed that optical transmittance var-
into account. That is, the value of ( αhv ) is 0 on the
ied from 68 to 82%, and optical absorption was seen in
end of tangent crosses x-axis, and so Eg is equal to hv. wavelength range 380–410 nm for all of pure ZnO and
In the Eq. (1), n is taken as 1/2 for materials with direct Cd doped ZnO specimens. In addition to, they calcu-
band transitions while it is taken as 2 for materials with lated Eg values of ZnO, CZO (Cd 1%) and CZO (Cd
indirect band transitions. 3%) thin films as 3.24, 3.22 and 3.18 eV, respectively.
The optical transmittance values are lower than those
Considering the band gap energy values given in of Al/Cd doped thin films fabricated in this study.
the Table 1, it was observed that 3.25 eV for pure ZnO Also, optical band gap energies of samples fabricated
and the values decreased from 3.23 to 3.14 eV for co- by Yakuphanoglu et al. [22] are higher according to the
doped samples. Similarly, the optical band gap energy results obtained in this study. Their samples contain
values were determined as 3.275, 3.257, 3.248, 3.223 only Cd additive, but the samples fabricated in this
and 3.160 eV for Cd 0%, Cd 2%, Cd 4%, Cd 6% and study contain both Al and Cd additives. It is under-
Cd 8% doped ZnO thin films [24], 3.15, 3.05, 2.89, stood that Al improves optical transmittance and con-
2.79 and 2.76 eV for Cd 0%, Cd 0.15%, Cd 0.25%, Cd ductivity of the samples.
0.35% and Cd 0.45% doped ZnO thin films [25], 3.27,
3.23, 3.21, 3.17 and 3.16 for Cd 0%, Cd 5%, Cd 10%, In a study by Xu et al. [27], similar thin films were
Cd 20% and Cd 30% doped ZnO thin films [26], synthesized using the same method, and optical band
respectively. The obtained optical band gap energy gap energies of synthesized sample were investigated.
values of thin films in present work are between 3.25 It is seen that Eg values for pure ZnO thin film is 3.280 eV,

Table 1. Effect of additive on transmittance and band gap of ZnO

Sample name Transmittance, % Band gap, eV
Pure ZnO 95 3.25
Al 1% and Cd 1% co-doped ZnO 90 3.23
Al 1% and Cd 2% co-doped ZnO 87 3.18
Al 1% and Cd 3% co-doped ZnO 85 3.21
Al 1% and Cd 5% co-doped ZnO 83 3.14


492 DEMIRBILEK et al.

(a) (b)
3.5 100
ZnO 90
Al 1% Cd 1% 80

Transmittance, %
2.5 Al 1% Cd 2% 70

2.0 Al 1% Cd 3% 60
Al 1% Cd 5% 50
40 ZnO
30 Al 1% Cd 1%
0.5 20 Al 1% Cd 2%
0 10 Al 1% Cd 3%
0 Al 1% Cd 5%
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Wavelengh, nm Wavelengh, nm
Al 1% Cd 1%
Al 1% Cd 2%
(αhv)2, arbitrary unit

1.5 Al 1% Cd 3%
Al 1% Cd 5%



3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
hv, eV

Fig. 3. (a) Absorbance curve of pure and co-doped ZnO thin films (b) Transmittance curve of pure and co-doped ZnO thin films
(c) energy band gap of pure and co-doped ZnO thin films.

for ZnO thin film with Al 1% doped is 3.295 eV, and Eg et al. [29]. The transmittance values were approxi-
decreased from 3.300 to 3.289 eV with increasing addi- mately 83–94% for Cd (0.1 wt %) and La (0.1–4 wt %)
tived K for ZnO thin films co-doped with Al 1% and K co-doped ZnO samples, which produced by Gozeh
(1 to 10%). In their study and our study, it is seen that et al. [29] using the same method. Also, Eg values were
the additive materials decreased the values Eg. Also, it decreased from 3.25 to 3.14 eV, with increasing La
was determined by different researches [22, 27] that doped.
band gap energies of ZnO thin films decreased with
increasing additive materials. Wang et al. [23]
explained that transmittance values of co-doped ZnO 3.3. Electrical Characteristics of Photodiodes
thin films added with Al and Na were above 85%, and In this study, the current-voltage characteristics of
Eg values decreased from 3.94 to 3.83 eV, with increas- n-Si/ZnO, and co-doped n-Si/ ZnO : Alx : Cdy (x =
ing Na percent. Caglar et al. [28] obtained that optical 1%, y = 1, 2, 3, 5%) photodiodes were analyzed under
transmittance was about 80%, and band gap energies dark and different light intensities. I–V characteristics
were 3.280, 3.285, 3.280 and 3.276 eV, respectively for of photodiodes are shown in Fig. 4. As seen in Fig. 4,
pure ZnO and ZnO thin films added with Cu (1, 3, current increases in direct proportion with light inten-
5%), which were produced the same method. The sity. These results show us the diodes prepared are
transmittance values shown above studies are lower light sensitive photodiodes. To understand the electri-
while Eg values are higher than those of our samples. cal characteristics of diode-based devices, I–V mea-
From this, it is concluded that the films having better surements are very important [30]. The electrical
conductivity properties can be obtained by adding parameters of photodiodes such as barrier height, ide-
small amount of Al and Cd to ZnO. The results in this ality factor and reverse bias leakage current were
study are compatible with results obtained by Gozeh acquired through I–V measurements.



10–2 ZnO 10–2 Cd 1%

10–3 10–3

I, A 10–4 10–4

I, A
10–5 10–5

10–6 Dark
10–6 Dark
20 mW/cm2
20 mW/cm2 40 mW/cm2
40 mW/cm2
60 mW/cm2 60 mW/cm2
10–7 10–7 80 mW/cm2
80 mW/cm2
100 mW/cm2 100 mW/cm2
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
Voltage, V Voltage, V
10–1 Cd 2% 10–1 Cd 3%

10–2 10–2

10–3 10–3
I, A

I, A

10 –6 Dark Dark
20 mW/cm2 –6 20 mW/cm2
40 mW/cm2
10 40 mW/cm2
60 mW/cm2
10–7 60 mW/cm2
80 mW/cm2
80 mW/cm2 100 mW/cm2
100 mW/cm2 10–7
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
Voltage, V Voltage, V
10–1 Cd 5%


I, A


20 mW/cm2
40 mW/cm2
10–6 60 mW/cm2
80 mW/cm2
100 mW/cm2
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
Voltage, V

Fig. 4. I–V characteristics of the pure ZnO and co-doped ZnO with Al 1% and concentrations of Cd 1%, Cd 2%, Cd 3%, Cd 5%
for different light intensity conditions.


494 DEMIRBILEK et al.

2.0 × 10–3 5.0 × 10–9 10 kHz 20 mW/cm2

Cd 1% 20 mW/cm2
10 kHz 40 mW/cm2
40 mW/cm2 10 kHz 60 mW/cm2
60 mW/cm2 10 kHz 80 mW/cm2

1.5 × 10–3
80 mW/cm2
100 mW/cm2
4.0 × 10–9 10 kHz 100 mW/cm2

Cd 1%

3.0 × 10–9

1.0 × 10–3

2.0 × 10–9
5.0 × 10–4
1.0 × 10–9

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time, sn Time, sn
8.0 × 10–3 20 mW/cm2 6.0 × 10–9 10 kHz 20 mW/cm2
40 mW/cm2 10 kHz 40 mW/cm2
60 mW/cm2 10 kHz 60 mW/cm2
80 mW/cm2
100 mW/cm2
5.0 × 10–9 10 kHz 80 mW/cm2
–3 10 kHz 100 mW/cm2
6.0 × 10

Cd 2% C(F) 4.0 × 10–9

Cd 2%
4.0 × 10–3 –9
3.0 × 10

2.0 × 10–3 2.0 × 10–9

0 1.0 × 10–9

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time, sn Time, sn

Fig. 5. Transient photocapacitance and current transient measurements of co-doped ZnO with Al 1% and concentrations of
Cd 1%, Cd 2%.

The electrical characteristics of photodiodes can be High value of ideal factor indicates that oxide layer,
analyzed by thermoionic emission model shown in series resistance, interface states and inhomogeneities
equation 2. of Schottky barrier height occur between film layer
and silicon [31]. Generally, ideality factors of photodi-
I = I 0 exp [q (V − IRs ) nkT ] , (2) odes fabricated using the same method are higher than 1.
For example; ideality factor was determined as 3.4 for
where n is ideality factor, q is electronic charge, Rs is co-doped Cd(0.1) wt %–La (0.1 wt) ZnO, and barrier
series resistance, k is Boltzmann constant, V is applied height was determined as 0.49 eV [29]. It is seen that
voltage, T is temperature and I 0 is reverse saturation band gap energy and barrier height decrease when n-
current given in Eq. (3). Si/ZnO is fabricated as co-doped with different ele-

( )
qΦ b ments, and so conductivity of the sample improves.
 I 0 = AA*T 2 exp −
. (3) The photoresponse of diodes was measured under
dark and different light intensities. As shown in Fig. 4,
In Eq. (3), A is diode contact area, A* is Richardson the reverse bias currents of photodiodes clearly
constant which is equal to 112 A cm −2 K −2 for n-type increase in direct proportion depending on light inten-
silicon, and Φ b is barrier height. Ideality factor and sity. This means that the diodes prepared are photore-
barrier height of photodiodes were computed. The sponse and photoconductive, and they can be used in
lowest ideality factor and barrier height were obtained different optoelectronic circuits.
as 4.5 and 0.44 eV respectively for co-doped The transient photocurrent computations are very
n-Si/ZnO:Alx:Cdy (x = 1%, y = 2%). This result shows worthy for photoresponse analysis of diode. They were
us the photodiode prepared demonstrates a non-ideal performed and demonstrated in Figs. 5a, 5c. When the
behavior owing to the ideality factor is greater than n = 1. light is turned on, the current suddenly increases and



1200 (a) (b)

Cd 1% Cd 1%
1000 Cd 2% Cd 2%
Cd 3% 0.01 Cd 3%

800 Cd 5% Cd 5%

logIph, A

400 1E–3


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100

P, mW/cm2 logP, mW/cm2

Fig. 6. (a) Photoresponse vs. Power and (b) Plot of logIph versus logP for all diodes.

4.0 × 10–9
ZnO 10 kHz Cd 1% 10 kHz
8.0 × 10–10 50 kHz 50 kHz
100kHz 100kHz
200kHz 3.0 × 10–9 200kHz
300kHz 300kHz
–10 400kHz 400kHz
6.0 × 10
500kHz 500kHz


600kHz 2.0 × 10–9 600kHz

–10 700kHz 700kHz
4.0 × 10 800kHz 800kHz
900kHz 900kHz
1 MHz 1.0 × 10–9 1 MHz
2.0 × 10
–2 –1 0 1 2 3 –1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Voltage, V Voltage, V
10 kHz
Cd 2% 50 kHz
4.0 × 10–9 100kHz
3.0 × 10–9 400kHz

2.0 × 10–9 700kHz

1.0 × 10–9 1 MHz

–1.0 × 10–9
–1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Voltage, V

Fig. 7. The capacitance-voltage-frequency plots of pure ZnO and co-doped n-Si/ZnO:Alx:Cdy (x = 1%, y = 1, 2%) photodiodes.

rapidly reaches a constant value for different intensi- turned off. The Ion/Ioff values of the diodes under the
ties ranges (20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 mW/cm2), and then light intensity of 100 mW/cm2 were found as 92.12 and
the current reaches its first value when the light is 271.22 for Cd 1% and Cd 2%, respectively. This indi-


496 DEMIRBILEK et al.

8.0 × 10–3 10 kHz 1.2 × 10–2 Cd 1% 10 kHz

ZnO 50 kHz 50 kHz
100kHz 1.0 × 10–2 100kHz
6.0 × 10 –3 200kHz 200kHz
300kHz 300kHz
400kHz 8.0 × 10–3 400kHz

500kHz 500kHz
4.0 × 10–3 600kHz 6.0 × 10–3 600kHz
700kHz 700kHz
800kHz 4.0 × 10–3 800kHz
2.0 × 10–3 900kHz 900kHz
1 MНz 1 MНz
2.0 × 10–3
0 0
–2 –1 0 1 2 3 –2 –1 0 1 2
V(V) V(V)
1.2 × 10–2 Cd 2%
10 kHz
1.0 × 10–2 50 kHz
8.0 × 10–3 300kHz

6.0 × 10–3 500kHz
4.0 × 10–3 700kHz
2.0 × 10–3 1 MНz
–2 –1 0 1 2

Fig. 8. The conductance-voltage-frequency plots of pure ZnO and co-doped n-Si/ZnO:Alx:Cdy (x = 1%, y = 1, 2%) photodiodes.

cates that the diodes exhibit strong photoresponse The m values were obtained as 0.37, 0.64, 1.90 and 1.30
behavior. Amount of photogenerated charge carriers for Cd 1%, Cd 2%, Cd 3% and Cd 5%, respectively. If
increases when diode is illuminated, and current m values are between 0.5 and 1, photoconducting
occurs due to existence of free electrons. Current of mechanism of diodes refers a sublinear behavior [32].
diode decreases when number of free electrons is In this study, m values of photodiodes for co-doped n-
decreased. This proves that interface states have com- Si/ZnO:Alx:Cdy (x = 1%, y = 1, 2%) exhibit sublinear
pleted filling process. behavior. Similarly, m value of Al/p-Si/n-ZnO/Al
Under various light intensities, capacitance–time photodiode produced using the same method was
(C–t) graphs of photodiodes for 10 kHz frequency are determined as 0.81 [32].
shown in Figs. 5b, 5d. As shown in the Figures, photo-
capacitance clearly increases in direct proportion
depending on light intensity. Photocapacitive and 3.4. Capacitance-voltage Characteristics of Photodiodes
photoconducting behavior of diodes produced indi-
cates that these diodes can be used as a photodetector The capacitance–voltage (C–V) and conduc-
in optoelectronics applications. tance–voltage (G–V) plots of n-Si/ZnO and co-
doped n-Si/ ZnO:Alx:Cdy (x = 1%, y = 1, 2%) photo-
We can analyze photoconduction mechanism of
diodes through following Eq. (4), diodes are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. As seen
clearly in Fig. 7, at negative voltage state, capacitance
I ph = AP m. (4) increases with decreasing frequency. However, at pos-
itive voltage state, capacitance does not change with
In Eq. (4), Iph is photocurrent, P is illumination varying frequency, and it remains constant. In Fig. 8,
intensity and A is a constant. It is indicated that pho- at positive voltage state, conductance does not vary
toconducting mechanism of diodes shows a sublinear with different frequency, but at negative voltage state,
behavior through plot of logIph versus logP in Fig. 6b. conductance increases with increasing frequency.



6.0 × 10–7 10 kHz 10 kHz

ZnO 50 kHz Cd 1% 50 kHz
1.0 × 10–6
100kHz 100kHz
200kHz 200kHz
300kHz 8.0 × 10–7 300kHz
4.0 × 10–7 400kHz 400kHz

500kHz 500kHz
600kHz 6.0 × 10–7 600kHz
700kHz 700kHz
2.0 × 10–7 800kHz 4.0 × 10–7 800kHz
900kHz 900kHz
1 MHz 1 MHz
2.0 × 10–7
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
V(V) V(V)
10 kHz
Cd 2% 50 kHz
1.0 × 10–7
8.0 × 10–8 300kHz
6.0 × 10–8 500kHz

4.0 × 10–8 800kHz
2.0 × 10–8 1 MHz

–2.0 × 10–8
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

Fig. 9. Adjusted capacitance plots of pure ZnO and co-doped n-Si/ ZnO:Alx:Cdy (x = 1%, y = 1, 2%) photodiodes.

The graphs of the capacitance–voltage and con- The graphs of adjusted capacitance and adjusted
ductance–voltage demonstrates a non-linear attitude. conductivity at different frequencies are shown in Figs. 9
This undesirable situation can be based upon series and 10. In Figs. 9, 10, some peaks are seen in graphs of
resistance and density of the interface states. In order Cadj–V and Gadj–V. These peaks demonstrate the pres-
to remove influence of space charge capacitance, ence of interface state density, space charge capaci-
interface states density and series resistance, we can tance states, and series resistance between the silicon
adjust the capacitance – voltage and the conduc- and film layer.
tance–voltage graphs via Eqs. (5), (6), (7) [32]. Hence, interface state density (Dit) of diodes can be

(G  )
computed through Eq. (8) [38];
+  ( ωCm ) C
2 2
m   m
Cadj = , (5) Gm  
a   +  ( ωCm )  
2 2

 Dit (N ss  ) = 2  ω max . (8)

( )
2 2
+ ( ωCm )  a
2 qA  Gm   1 − Cm 
G     Cox    +     
Gadj = , (6)   ω max   Cox 
a   +  ( ωCm )
2 2
In Eq. (8), ω is angular frequency, Cox is capaci-
tance of insulator layer,  m  
a = Gm − (Gm2 ( ωCm ) )Rs .
(7) is maximum mea-
 ω max
In the equations above, ω is angular frequency, Cadj sured conductance, Cm is measured capacitance and A
adjusted capacitance, Gadj adjusted conductivity, Cm is area of diode.
measured capacity, Gm measured conductivity and a is The graphs of Dit with varying frequency for co-
adjustable parameter depending on Rs, Gm and Cm. doped n-Si/ ZnO:Alx:Cdy (x = 1%, y = 1, 2%) photo-


498 DEMIRBILEK et al.

3.0 × 10–2
ZnO 10 kHz 6.0 × 10–2 Cd 1% 10 kHz
–2 50 kHz 4.0 × 10–2 50 kHz
2.0 × 10
100kHz 100kHz
200kHz 2.0 × 10–2 200kHz
1.0 × 10–2 300kHz 0 300kHz

400kHz –2.0 × 10–2 400kHz
0 500kHz 500kHz
600kHz –4.0 × 10–2 600kHz
–1.0 × 10–2 700kHz –6.0 × 10–2 700kHz
800kHz –8.0 × 10–2 800kHz
900kHz 900kHz
–2.0 × 10–2 –1.0 × 10–1
1 MHz 1 MHz
–1.2 × 10–1
–3.0 × 10–2
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
V(V) V(V)
3.0 × 10–2 Cd 2% 10 kHz
50 kHz
3.0 × 10–2
1.0 × 10–2 200kHz
0 300kHz
–1.0 × 10–2 400kHz

–2.0 × 10–2 600kHz
–3.0 × 10–2 700kHz
–4.0 × 10–2 900kHz
–5.0 × 10–2 1 MHz
–6.0 × 10–2
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

Fig. 10. Adjusted conductance plots of pure ZnO and co-doped n-Si/ ZnO:Alx:Cdy (x = 1%, y = 1, 2%) photodiodes.

Cd 1% Cd 2%
1.5 × 1014 6.0 × 1013

Dit, eV–1 cm–2


1.0 × 1014 4.0 × 1013

Dit, eV

5.0 × 1013 2.0 × 1013

0 0

0 400.0 k 800.0 k 0 400.0 k 800.0 k 1.0 M

200.0 k 600.0 k 1.0 M 200.0 k 600.0 k
Frequency, Hz Frequency, Hz

Fig. 11. The graphs of Dit versus frequency of co-doped n-Si/ ZnO:Alx:Cdy (x = 1%, y = 1, 2%) photodiodes.

diodes are shown in Fig. 11. As it is clearly seen in Fig. 11, doped with different elements [31, 32]. It is seen that
the interface states density inreases at low freqency, Dit value of n-Si/ZnO:Al 1%:Cd 2%/Al diode is lower
and it attains a constant value by decreasing at high than that of n-Si/ZnO:Al 1%:Cd 1%/Al diode. This
freqencies. Similar results were shown for p-Si/ZnO result demonstrates that intensity quality of interface



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