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Unit Nº 1

Name : Miguel Jijon


1. She records words on her phone, then listens to the while she’s running and
puts them into sentences
2. She writes words on cards and adds a picture or a definition, an example and
sometimes a translation, too
3. No, because he needs to see things written down, but he thinks he’s too lazy
to write word cards

1. The article mentions Maria’s idea about moving around while

2. The article is more about remembering new information

 Visual learners: study in a quiet place; think of an image in their head; draw
 Auditory learners: go to lectures; read their notes aloud; use the new words
when you talk to people; listen to podcasts
 Kina esthetic learners: move around; touch things; take regular breaks and go
for walks
1. In order to
2. So
3. To

a) Ideas already mentioned

b) A complete idea
c) A noun

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