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A peo, she ba pa (OF ao he moat ~ac ean the eye af hin e-allea orld =the moat succes om So- a pool Di shea tiers? Wasi or show? No. Least hike No Because she's She’ good Shs er Se has nts Her rote And he boa po! noe = tsi ante Faasic fan io de has Fergani. Vso rea. Vis pices. ‘Vis to Ade tte Shc’ nate Ann se coanes to our esibitions. ramped litle exhibitions ‘tein baemsin ites Chr plot, bjs rues, then shes, she somes bay And shel ep on anerising dives he resin he bp for ou incising dios ‘Weave he: We ace er Weal ably ade bes ‘Years. ag when she ws in ~ whew she was in he Group. Lie int on A ed aways be oping hee ches of, js ping ther ol and wrd lp them of tuo — we'd flo ee ~ ate then weil ll ake performance pice oF arthouse shor ce wom gosknm-Epping forte sheer naked a ti But nowadays e's. absent East. She's... abe 1s that gai i er work hase ‘The pecs th nt began when we oat Ray to te whole Aid thing Ana she ase Ray's ad nd andages an ater tnd comlonn Fics tt old yo every major ealectr inthe word A rt And yt snow seongiael he woe ba 4 pool tne water Ail now ae has the peo. The pooceoeacd0el ist seen in attachments A Css atachinent, Ope the _ntachment fora PDF of mye pon open ei cut. {have a ea of vires, ir pol “Youre weleame a any dime. Came ave share the peal Ay of you~ sigulny or together jus come ovr and joy the pal ‘And these’ the PDE. There the pool, Clean and blued by bean pits And theve'the po boy "who coud hare been a poo star Or maybe ra porn san Or wil bea porn sta. Ad thet er personal rane aking her hou et lengths: Ad he's a porn tar vo. And abe te poo bay fuk the ane Or the cine aks her Or she ls the pool boy Na io no no she's always been a yey moral penton, She's shuns hada sit code of moral, Bein the hovel day. She never ithe habhabshevin for mor than 2 aay And se vay keptie door sey shut aight, ‘And so we emilee other hack and forth yeas go ane See the poll's go ane alae he poo, aly nt? Why nat? Lev share wih her ‘And we email her hack Wee coming, wee coming, wer all aming, We'e al geuing ona plane and coming ov to share {e pool wih you ‘nd she Bs back: Fantasie Fantasie, Fanatic, Time dri, of course, We're al busy ~ there's exhibitions in {he bohemian quate, theses project to pale mur for heroin babi, tow’ Fand-sing there's ‘There's Sally in the hospice. Sly in hat ackng spice. {1 her bones noi eatn through her Dody adr thar ie ei cuntng Ci eating into hee bane ie ota laste of mar and ae es there ad she spe 1 vant to iT want toe al 1 waar st ie why ea hey jose Twon' ake the mediation when ll anit de? post tan we) 5 al we sy ber ‘Think ofthe poo Think o the poo. That's someting 0 Seep going fo Well ge you ou o hee aay yu out to the ool, ants sling halhy happy nes bead a he pool ‘asd he Ys ‘But ha ort nso, Nobody bev that ‘And Sally is green and Sally cura grey and tees a dip ‘dp dp suck evry and uses ae nn an we ‘xg a ous because life mst goon with ts exhibitions and fess and we cake eit ut weal rash here fe sght and some of uy make ian some of oo tnd thas Sal doe foe An you're jus sipped mae because sodden al ihe art ‘was woth aoing fs ating means nating Sally has sone Ar de nothing and An could do nosing and Dead [sbig aad we are smal andl relly were nothing, were nothing ‘Ae here the exmatoia, Anda sy "Thankyou for looking er Sally Thank yo fort, You were all samaving tr loking ar Ton so lt Toul ave been Ihre soanes Ane wee nono MO No ‘Ba 7 dd you eo ston 11, hiss wong 1 Row eh it ‘sr ul, naybe t's only eid anyone else fel ~ and it Irony a fel tt fos eling ane Tasca hoe! be honoused, you Kaew TF yo know set Di saying? ‘Okay okay Ta going vo mye Tm yong tl you, Tm gg to ellyou what Ewha Tl, standing inthe esematriun and suenly he’s here wid hee Manager or whew the, she's tte and E want to stenn ae her Cant, God ‘Yes, open ay Jang ad ecm a er: Cunt Cunt ~ hie fayour dot Vo did this. Yow te tis asked You ae this ‘ket, ce iis cheap harnble weaden cake with our Hien Sly ioe You ud that. That was you" 6 pou ine water Go Te you who ied Sal? God Because none of ws was meant 0 be weal aon of ws wa meant t be recognised, ave of s was meant wo fy. Were the Group. And theres hace: Ad yu tok sey the balan, One of sgors up then ec of goes down. Is na Jaws Don't yt umerwand the ms asc natal ? Wi of couse yu do~ aderstnd and ignored eon pope nd alle Sally, Chose ol Sally Ct Cunt Ga? And Toul wld Rave tom er ai Grom ise hes an tra tae lotic ows hr boy an spat ina er cunt igh he and Pgh there That was ehat-- Didansone che? [No wo nono onesie, Lae, Ls. Le Yousee, at bal people. Ne a al el people eda be that ay of coma” No, Ke nce Holy we oat APF ome gd. But intend we hatbour AE hk mayo hae lays harbouted, yo know sight Since tke hovel, arbour [Nave we ree Tat chat sirange? All he time she Was among us a8 Fiend, all ha tae and yet ely we harboured the ros ol tell pone hele ‘Murders hae ‘iol be the nly wor ‘eh That ey ese Yes tis anl we mst ee bat go. We must Bodh with our ‘work wid the heroin babies, bat loin our atte eet We ‘nut embrace her, We ust love hee We ust mone frwa And ego of the past and let goof the Bada and ove Tawar with our love fr hee “Yoni al wiped ox? she says. “You all exhausted she says ically an psy woe emoron, Plage cone tt he pul Pease: Pee, Come. sth wt Lean Al 0 wal yy, {Ohler ene el es ene eae’ eae tht bind ‘Tae pore Ande go. Rakes 9 ma hows ta Deo hi srange now world and here ore pt ees het haze in the sek of He pon And ahs show ileum welcome weleame Aan the hug allan sh howe thr the pool bey and ‘the penal ine athe cook “ela Fic: Ri. Wesee. Good 1. Yeh. Hew ya Game on take youreles sting Fra! Huot, So you're? Heart semucl That’ good Aa yo fel ie guy en we sik ol the fering ck is de tye beatings and he xpi nd the pain al fora manger wut co rush back here aa Ina some ot Bat we tke omen ake 8 soneN To let that poss because Gly are e rsp for every bay ge mone rane? Tae would be waite Aude tok are ee Ye ely you're just a fervon. pr Uke Aad soy ei ee el thse tebe ‘Bing al tse yeas? Ok it fee god ave tem go ‘Ae done how grea ee xem ate and how” ‘a he anh seus and we acu aber adere the Sra she's nso present 90 ping hese a yon ~ 80 fe seer people we ‘Ande cach of ld her an a ICs good toe here peat io sce yn.” And we actualy men Aid we ate ger the ha bec fr ea Yon owe’ a aawelous peren. One of wot inthe Seok ad ing ell Rie 1 elebae at pool ao wate) And ha night there's amet ~ ova and waters ane ‘ool cool wine and we ge reinicent and ne ge cosy ad We get arf About the God, da you remember when we ae $M togethee when call eemed to mean so mach when ‘Serything was no fill of meaning ye wear al drenched in meaning sind we all coed we al ene 0 passionately? Do ‘ou renter do you remener da you remember do you Ferner do you remember Use day? Al yes hoppy BapPy bppy happy happy hoppy kp cays 1 vemember. very sight colons the orf te choo In hat int so we share. Lemember everything having > ‘mych claur that feo, how ean Teer find a mesiam that has oo uch elour™ Time for be [nd each of tin a bead ‘But suddenly she's there, sully her head i round dhe dor ‘ow we sid sleep but T dough skinmy-ipping e's come ‘on simspcpping nthe pool belo bed” God he i a dite seeing dete al hi gree Seve ony aegis nate Magic nerds on longa: sisn-ececpp-pionnass Nad wee bak atin the sight ane weve ggg ae wee dr nad ger’ ght the grou hee night ob {repost eenihings ben site off And we my: deter Sit Bocaan bse the mage ost a, mw Srondestl =? Clothe a. ‘And we take off our lshes ‘And each of ts ns dat oo ody tot watt was those fen year before tht here’ eng ad st an ies even. ane ceven even the fist hits of gre, Oh es the sa sa 10 (0 the gave is already beg. a hat dost mater dhe aves. By the darkness wee ‘swe wate eens ag when we stp pee and performance Peces anda hat raed fon. = posi (oo wate) ® sn ju so boa, lightest eceze around your res, Banging» He ithe nd Andsome of us and some of ws laugh but wee a maxed ip shes ono Beauty oti ‘ahaa remernber tha moment aay fist something laf ae suantng here naked im ae dark Someimes naw Shen the penser wong ry osu hat home and the tinge do see 0 i ‘Came on she equels cameo the pal ‘then she's ronning ad whooping through the dane abe launches breil an youre st se her up in de Up agin thes, te age of Bee bady Dhow height sy ‘pand wp sad up and up ‘the seems so igh She's ying Shen angel, A ranken Taughing goo angel “vl den she arcs dos and were elapping and we're shoeing Ad thes Senue of ws thought we eid! he spas, Yoo do. When you {hk dhe goin co bea spa den you hear wash You Joke work Bate elit hear the spas, There was no splash There was Theemes “Ve racking of er body “The hari crack of her body agains he cones ‘ae there wa lence, “The there washer gan aed er squeal an he seas of pan. “Axasaageghoonaweno9oowocanwnncnin ‘ee forward inte dvs our naked urs moving Ips inte dc wl we're at dhe edge atthe pond then we ae as TE ast 10 poo (vo wae Pool No water st int of ater pool now dine, ‘Aad these in the mide of the conerte er body wit aed ‘rundhed and rashes and her sine now ase 29 more of ged orange. Ooaotaaaaayaworne ‘Wie don’ spetk. We dont look at each ether We've too together ri Yo net! look or speak to eal other atl ‘Aun we con dow and we cb daw nt the poek ‘Aud we stan around he, ‘She was ail conscious then, Sill stetning ad eying and jeking ‘Ande wanted ofa what she was fing she i one os, ‘wear ats no, were people we wate o fel what she vas feling~ share te pan Hat itd happen We soon, We soo and we watched the jeiking ad we heat fhe soreams And westood and we watched. All of We eoukd't do aathing Count gue her. But we cole Ive flesmething, Auk witha empathy is She dijo or long She. went Did she de? Layppone fora mementt cone my ind and Tear no ae det ic nd think somehow we inew she did die. She aed fo ‘And the grea absent hing i nga oe fet and wee ‘inking "Thin gh The ele ~ hore sight in tht. 1m sory you ba to sure, sory ther’ this pain ~ but thre jusice i ths Something shaping our ead or Sal for Ray, fw, ht had 0 be, ‘You see you few ~yes~ you reached out your wings an you Ale abowe us And hats okay, You tee and cngranlaious. pool po wate) 1 ortrying, Bu yon thought that cul ae Flying above the ‘round ooking deen cnt out lives inthe ey below? You ‘eal thought that could ast? OF course tht oul a An! noe ye cashed ght dow, And ha ute doc 2 usdertndTt ‘This els god. This fees wonder. Look at you. Hah, lah J}stook at you. Lam grea ‘Theses streng n me. Ob de regi ia me F never knew Vd, You bites you bitch yo bitch you bitch you bleh you bitch you bie, ‘And we ‘Maybe you wil de. Maybe death wil come fr you, di come for ou, it hasnt come fre. That soe fo Sather ls ‘Axel we ‘ou thi you she you evel st vl hit think hese things of smother person wt Kn af cl es inside you? Ande u've patron my. Youve patria my esibitions inthe lohan quaver At sa st Tea patron 90%. ean ‘ase: What eter way fo patos you hack Mah cave fr thie ‘mangled exppled body? And ier fce. You would have thought = locked ino a grimace of ps, intense emaion Bat no he ace on tayo that. fnanhedaup bo er fae wate aba al ever bea, Andi Leotld ave dled ino her skall~ or ped ic olf {isto Know what though an elings went through her Tey then Iwo, seat Coxhoe, ‘There’ a ie sneam of pits ones out of her now ~ green fiom all he wine. And 8 dae Ray to think of no = bean that focuses 12 poot ao wats} ‘And ve organise and we ell ne we ope doors and were — {ou goin the solange lw 3 Oh please ake cae of my end. Please."The most a scene lease ‘Asia that room shes wired up and dripped up and hooked up fd we come and go and bring eachother cafe and cguttes tnd we pce the colors ad we ack de doctors ad the nurses fr ews news news any news? We would veer dare telah ther tral hee he word ~ eg th i, Dit you fe shat~ ? Tish there was something ee but sere ‘The excitement that all of ws deny Becaseeaitements not = bo, Hot an appropriate response, “Wes touch and go wth your end’ ee doctor ali ax Ads uch and go" Come on you cunt el ah fel oh ~ bat we look ~ We Jak ke ‘we're apposed tn lok, we de the the Ble i of the head, the lite py dhe tear comes down de cheek = jus ke we Know ise er ody ~her body ibraken in our head pice bat not — ienoe Feing you know? And you would have theugit Above ales nas would Aud in the 100m one of wo all of ws any somebody says her Yo eae but [have fl dhe most fl hing toward you. Aa that wan contnus, I ean conn. You are down, {and La going to care fr you, Please etme in and wil ive ‘ov. Dont be scat Be hee Plewe” ‘And hack her house we ay our hea down al we ste therm ‘puidng thong cut soon ~ Sally wih er reat ete an Ray witha hg no bigger han a mateox and now tis ~as ‘se want js the parade acl mia down to hel or heaven tor purgatory bul we don't because we bave a dizepain an 9 “mvoke, a ene anda eaepam~ and thats Okay peal ino wate) 18 “The net day the persona trainer aot, The cok how ‘The ool boy threat so overdone. The bo vebo drained dhe pou Inthe the by who We cso hem. Wo are al Unf, We elacaver~ ok wonder wha’ goo! people Auvdof course as soa a we humanly can we go to tbe bagi We cant emsember now It doesst mates Ob of couse it aves to erator it matters to histone - But o ust doesn. mater at al But age of ws rst thought of ang came Wie dont enn know whe ft packed te digg i-ig-cam for oor vist Alay we all il Maybe each af w did. Maybe ‘eh of us sponta came 1 that same eonsion. Yes ‘sybe eae of ele that an nage, a record, a fame = finn eal te Ua was the thing de But there we ane howl wih the camera nt ove hand ‘Aix! wee het. We'e here We here ithe room ith the ‘amera andthe sunlight coming trough te blinds, el, Helly. sus. esse wae and op, Don' et us dott, You don't have to urbe on, Jost open your eyes Tha all Do you new hon Ich we dod fo “yon wer jot 0 mick apart of aed Ane! weld the camer down by our sides. Come on, Js ook Al ee And feel. And eae Bsa maura Iron hing Bt we ‘Ane y09 sce now — lol what i's dane a her Now the Fico bee cleaned a. The boy bred ad swollen ino lapels humans yet sehieved, Her bs in plate. le eek in pla, Her musk The psd the tubes And the ‘machine at nace and Deceep. moving. ines picture ofthe. (uriend yes but abo ‘The ine ofthe machine 1 po! io wae “The purple of the heave {cappeats. temp Ther is beauy here. We kaon weve spent our hung ot ad thre ay here ‘And we sand sd we lok aa at st wee moved by the intense eso tha sage (Throw careea~ gusting hing Moors to the ste blo) 1 you'd Ben in that roo wih us then maybe, maybe yor Ihave ft dhe same. Because Today we are all ast Aa dhe fight at goo! ane the potent! for composion was lf there ad o be hone it was easy easy easy easy a come Up with hose images that so later seemed skin tough window ad ight (Seamp on that lens and sit on that vewtnd andl icar the ‘mary cut by she soul) ‘And the temptation wo arrange — justo move the De... So the composition was. get ber head i height, 86. The {erplation was great and we were weak So we Whee ber into Ugh anid scaaly move the like ad head ~cheelang of ‘course not o ars the tubes and drips and. science and farcean werk opether happily Tecaoka few romeo sap, A inf Lats, we st the stoking room snd said wo ous ‘Thac wae’ good thing wo do. Tat was a tere hing 0 do. Wiy ov sel delete and wipe aay what Youve 7 Why not ‘And we dd, No honest with you~ we nest di Buc we ever di ‘And that ight onthe pnp we survey our work and we ah treat toe daghsted with oraever ay we expect we shou ‘ica enc hiking interac ensigon caulogu as pool foe wise) 15 “The net two months, The diy ound “The moming tthe Hopital wat or your canes eli your ingen while yoo ca. (Ob now well we get to know tat hospital And fra wile scaly dated the russe Miguel ~ve hal Hood ett ‘ork Br infections ae cone the rene ut Tan eay to commit otha ended. An I hin Miguel might actly Inve sospected = there were some quesions~ about the day photos Noch there wa anything wron ‘Sil we ere five for tha hole ite, Maybe jst fo the oD "Then evenings back wo sovey what weve done Siam to arrange sat oer sta to entage. Stax 0 print wih» quly of drenched colons; tne al Sesto ma Her home su home, a so. ii in she orang the sy ono ned a nights ce plese he wn and ‘wear ed and attend to by he tal ‘At my dy ~ ving that ie my body stats ore and tne athe tne comes at ssa we ra dough the sbrb toga gyon and inthe aflernaon fim iy Teng inthe poot I wh Pe hac otto bev. Hel fabulos. ‘Aa in ne the ight eal the ght agent, the vg poblici ~dswl be an importa eis of images ‘We've become fascinated by the look you can soe Faxemate by He way the marge ad the easings and the Cts pogaes om ey 0 a pst okt ook Just ook ae se. on tat rer interesting? Inv thal fens? ‘The way she bruises aa the swelings grow and spon overex: ‘The mgr colour ha a bie co ake. One dy a ee reales another oneeaed! bene te swoleYe 16 poo no wate ‘And we fel together: We fel as one There a jab of work to So ad we are doing Oh we are alive ~ wk! yu look a at the oe compe is bch fom the xia ~and Tm sing samp and i sttking the cnr ad Pm retin the ai Hurrah! Howrah! Hur oe’ sing oo love but ‘Hgrah! Hurl! Harsh! Join mei you will seat Hurab! Barn ‘Wire the Group! Wee the Group! We're the Growp! Buc happiness... Happiness so ft ight wees an he Wie arsve se usual, And Miguel ~ we weren't dang by no that had Enihe! some oon Miguel cores forward a he toning at ws Beaming ‘And we oe kone We ea say the word fo hin “Your end i comsious” on “Two mont aa Sleping Beary is on, ‘Ad igh sneha ad en ‘hasta? Taking ose images” Searching that... ? No.0 toma That wast thing that we were supposed to 6. That tres. ob tee ree This saved “Thats wonderol? {Lam so happy that ar hae gone away and now we can be people Let her be present, Please. Let her be pol (womens) 17 1 ia lnebefire I ent ita ee roon.Lnever wold amgboely ‘hat before, Ino dj enous a Hie ad i the ‘appy.changineacity 1.» Tdon' understand ele “Hato, Look is Wee al ewe.” ‘She’ not awake ~ not woe ke you and meshes Siping jntnd ont ut sometimes her eyes open ans’ Look a as ‘nd ahe sex, She a the rou th us ace dhe even ges ‘iehersmie. Uwe to Goat Aral were hp For he. Bat ls ox as. A quit happy but si Aa we alc ha spt tha bole tat yo tlt he temeeoneions and to babies We busbe a nice wound because She deere de sweetest baby ek Sie going go sinay-aipping. Any day none Thats eat swerve gonns do. Wee gonna get you out af here, And-we ee ll gona sip and i going be back ‘You wile one of ust ait ws al dhe dase pas ‘nything sipped away an usu bunch af cunt of kt lan ties sad bumeracs us he hating beac think of ‘th my ding nko. We ae 0 ley to ae known and ‘Wel Bw gain We el. We a, We wi 1k het Sh doesnt do anything Butts okay. Everything “Ave we sto each oer: Its over She's mending Happy days sree Aird we old hands ad we aie an we og aud we sing "Phe ‘Group stand atu her bed and we sing ashe opens Ree ‘je ad he ks a and iki fora moment. 90 Yeo T thought Low no whether syone ee tought. Maye al of wr hough 18 pot wae Sine kao. Shea what we have been doing She sce the ‘ame ih our pocke andl she understands, How much wiser than ue she Buc that could be. So we hed the water er lips ane! we stoke er fingers ae ‘we breathe: We lve you Ad she sy “Thank you or being ny ends dhrough all ofthese year, An! ~no ~ she dd how thal thoughts of ate had ever fon rouge our head and we are ~ well besed~ and ~ thn abnelved by Une words Ad thet ele very good. And for hours we ae therewith her a she sleeps aoe wakes {tnd think th wa hes elmest have ever en So why ~back at her house we sare ~? let he gym Sip these week. My bly gp 1 divest and the chicken wings and icecream uti my sorel buen One nigh with lot of wine asp and cakeyeokeyeoke seal rove Sebject~ nothing But seaming and sling Sha tara ence A cy oa ar i noe ee a By aepapepeicy i ely emerge? Beenie [wos 0 ‘Sore Two pr ee Gronp hat ws [want ‘otnuch bu ty woot ye Fv exci rrm a it Tern king ns in th aking oom what hospital oon wate a nee yon non? And ce = Il gv you une top with me. Leave te joa fora msomenr Leave the ool lone jo fr one godcam Erna and vere one good fick wot you! What kro ‘ih my money? And Ray ae Foy a Sally ae tng aun ny trom, Calon crugalnargied ne if you he. BT ea ie pool no wate 19 piel wea de bones of dead Send ate banging against your Jad and eowning on he sounds of Hie, while we =. Eat Shep Shit Wank Begin ag. Eat. Sleep. Shc. Wank Begin agin ‘On yes, Thats rght One of ws did to sho her dhe finger Well Lean remeber whlch 1 done nk ic was me bot ‘aye I cou have Anyway one of =e were war? ~all nthe room ana ‘hens wae somehing aboot here the, the way se looked tus neie cated for her 1 ke she was sceusng me ad sso hard eo know what she's thinking, Aways been ike da ‘Bat normaly you fel Be she. juin ‘Aad ware. Somebody thong Ihave ow hes To make me fel eter Maybe to art he. Aud dhe was ooking down ther boty ~ il pple ane twisted ~ and se says ‘No intr anywhere. Lust look ke Bt 1 gues they dont sex mie toate lt." Ane ere was oie: “Ob you cm ate what you look ike? ae? “But aybe you shoud. Maye i best? ‘Ho Taiko ve She dit op us you see here was every chance. ‘You've gota mice 20 poo! no wate) “No but...” ‘The laptop out, Tha fist wee in he hospital She's bly Jhoman. Serll Week, duce, a through dhe moxubs, She begins to hel ‘And she's watching Bat I cold see Sill nothing in her eye ‘And then se aks: ‘Where do dese come Fn?™ Ando we We tok them, ‘And dough she'd understand the el inside os. Bu Lely Alon tineshe al besa any ae aye “Thaak you" Tie she means ‘She dia’ want ws to pt the apr away. But we deh The Battery was runing ae ‘Aad then she sys “Gan you take me wo the eile” “They served har catheter by then and so Lpposted ber to te tale and [felt olay beemae Tens being Ber and she ely needle me ‘Ad you kn these were wists when she dt mension the images dow’ know = due? fou? several visits when they dnt came up. mind several weeks when they weve unspoken. And suppose actly wast wong eas wha de won? inde cod that fc hes, Wallyes if wet done fr her Yer, Andi we had’ arranged the bod, ne iheexiition If we cou forget ‘Aad then one day she sy pool owe) 21 ‘Bring the camer Ob... 00 “Yes ring the camera £ want 9 canyon, Um si healing. ‘ageing stronger he ine And Pie to eay on reeonag that ‘hat could edo Bat ring te camera? Shelagh eat day She was so happy. She cured er head uo helt to dow se base She alld up the gown show the wounds, he tthe, the bone aoa wicking through thee Me. ‘She dive by am energy we awe’ seen Fr years "Yon tae over he. Here~ ge the dip in the fame beside she ero te hae” ‘red we cary oat he command. So many images and then etme see ete see let me se mye! es mn onder: Delivered like «el ba sit ‘And 0 we sro hsough and se stds intend and oh “Thats the hind of moment when any sane person nee a Kile you know’? Js oye yu out of tht room. Ard sheHles dhe, Adal hat energy Bory ly sheaves ws on, And every clay i recording hes “Theol rosie was naughey She was lsping, We were ching bis of Bee And no his or job to make er happy, Ad se lowe ha And she gow songer everyday, Wie we we actealy stared 0 fel vather sy yo now? have headache. [have igrsines The morning sipped thie saving see the se thee. Noes alight a yes yes toy des actualy stig Bt you must worry about me. 22 pod (no wats) Doctor doctor | hin the poo! boy may ave pase 08 sermething ong Px yeas ana want tery aboot it ‘We wot her wale. We dont wnt her to Ste heal. She shoul be seeping al he ime hut now we are the ‘exhausted one The wt 6 the bompital The Moresecnt Tight. That bad cole, Tis very tin ‘And now she wants bard copies. So we provide har copies. ‘And she ay them ut around dhe rooms, aranges reseranges, studies And ~yen~ sometimes she dees ak ou opinions bu really cis bes oe, he ee shaping dem int afr ‘She 50 geod at what she des. She has shown at such fanatic {glleres. os ssealy learn fom ber werting her sey sg Those images Wines peege ‘But we ll Rave take her tothe toes. Remeber At the fend af the day. we sll have to take ert he tee Tell never crossed on mind that ae might ave other vitor so hen we “Ta Rich, Tanned. Bio a cant "Who was be? ‘le owns he gallery that I wodk without here. Weve bees taling about the wore want fo show wen I get a of ee” ‘Whas work? “Oh jum dene” But knee Is a then Ie as her body, She had ve into the poo, wan hee act Ad we thovght we took the images bat hie was the work. And she aw everything ad we have oh ~ aang 1 ca’ do thin facing longer you know? Give me a beak Letme scceet She would cla the images and we would be back othe Dohenian quarter doing "of ~ very good work wth the underpavged. Bat be honest Ive done my duct —T vane tobe prego Fi sal (a0 wie) 25 ‘Ad now it fe ie ponent take dose diy images of her You ca fea wt wl be sid abot hee. You knw eho ‘wl bay these. nest do wething le with ny ie Bat wha? Sofuae party in er voor, Spi vay Lets ele though ‘ete all coger this and making thee pitare Lacs ell A cveyiig we ea fel that Aa ney the in comes. x winter: Shee coming ome, Excitement. Sorting we can organist ‘She mak a ist ofcourse. Clothes and make hat we have {o ake to pepace her In we go. Ske sting onthe bed, ‘xpetaniy ready now go, Clothes on wi ome aac snakes aru apped Aun walking shrough dhe wat she looks so seg wel “Amongat the injure yng line she Hooks so song a i 10 ‘na each of them one by one. Ad ies us fllowang bend ‘no look the wher The weak ones stepping in her ep. Bur he strat — whee the healthy ones parade sound ud ton delle and hveaten = wel there ~ ee ‘he pases throngh the evolving door a into he ex — Side she secs the weak Suey you ee the way her Ban are now tet quite ight, the dng and hobble of her Frame ou see tie wy 10 aes Known ea quite conceal (he olen fee stone step for hasta o see ~ but all {he ference nd se’ the suanger here. Thisis our world ~ ‘Spite th sab ile Eves we've led = thi sour woe aed Se not te ding br. [And we ave gavel agin, We are good. As weep her nt (pve drcetons, bolt her ar bump oF tan nies ite pain fon he Wee te fr yon, wee ging you, we love You ice aking you tnough the dain. Trt us Lave Pee, She sted at home, She ae ia banners cake the pool. A File sie, ‘Phac ites she aways given yea On yea and 24 pool va wate) ‘ver given anything aan The amie hat you ea ina of ‘eat you will But the mie done she dain and we (Come on tobe neo ret a’ wat you act al 90 tach you eed ‘And we watch over he and we do cae forbes We do inl ~st'very Sporn hat yu aoall eles eh bi — the do gen eve, “Thes'smtcropted sep. Shes sexing ic again and again when ther eyes are sue Slipping off the clothes The leap into the siz The are up and wp int the stars. Swoop denen And then {he inaent of concrete, The instant of Inowledge of al the pin tha most come snd then erack, And she ake But we've there There's aby ane of there. And he ames and sya "Thank you thank yu thank yo tank you fe being hee And we Silly you sly no we want tobe here Andis ue. We do, We ely do, And she as vistors Her manager Hex publ. The galeny ‘And we welcome hem anal we show thea up t Ber oo And we ile hem sn fer ther inks and we cate ‘ake ov the wo of the conversion that going on abo our heads Bt realy we Bow We kney tha ths ory Hee story The pictures This what they ae dealing in. Seng Packaging Promoting Launching They are geting ready forthe launch oi ‘Aad we are housemside really and any day now we be ‘eporeed home ‘And look honestly years ago who woud have dough. ‘She was the Jas of ws bones pool an wate) 25, ‘Thex one dy she Lets qe out the fnags, Las po thon out aonnd the rom. ere we go Here we go. She's preparing So we [Noo yotte not ey youre ot ready for that not while yout gang beter 00 B6¢ no ser we ca go ough hem. Promise? OF coune of ease we promibe you An tha wat ment, We eae it hen. Nothing hdl then, 1 would ay the vrs we led Te wa’ quite as clear as Ha No one eget an down andi Gane you vis come enter my inbox spread your stain Trough mode into merry and rainiame come “That would be riiculoue. Bu T do think one of usin our Tht of sei hear neve dat the ascent wae 3 Ape, he at opengl me” would wrk he lptop Ble by fis aking ou he iages 239 app 099 =. We protested ‘Si shi shit ut we had backed up 99. something gong on more dan jt Beak, Dida sl nee ept on est no ad en yor then the mages es ys Al we hada ther ail The olka but here were foie sil in the eaera merry ewe bas opis let [Ensug to pce together even faves even ‘Wl even if cunks of ~ reat ig chunks of actually ~ whole ‘uplesof sme Hey sof the even i ead me” had setually Take up the ory of her Keng 0 now she hele in lnpe a tact a noses sare, Butthere wasa Kind of ~ stl enough wo sai here bout, 26 pool to wae) ‘Ad the day wa coming The day wa coming none ‘The day wen we had promised er that sie coal ee he ages al Out fom theirs stolen shss of her swollen mangled tty Saneonscis Game ight rough to the ia fe day the Fal rast of wellnew inthe hoop ‘Tomorow Wwe tl her tomorroeTemorsow you will come dloywanand wall be presented nthe Ing room ~ the tly of you ‘Thankyou She sys and off she fs sleeping wih the eames se youl ever sen And we Stinson. Whiting for On God, Wing or 1 lame the personal tainer He world the it~ there {personal tine in this ood who daca deal a wel 8. Tin? Buc it wa he peroneal tesiner ho desl ue the that night He was slag bue yes aay and we were buying, 1 thought wa lean Teal thought Twas ao clean But im aT Ne and Kava el ni he aye Th ae grea? Tt ching grea? Because 1 Kow who am. me ona sseunkiecont-

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