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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Blog “Presentations”

Hello, my name is Natalia Nieves

Santos, I am twenty - two years
old, I am from Colombia, and I
live Barrancabermeja. I am
industrial engineering, I like
playing guitar and play soccer. I
am cheerful and good person, I
consider myself an enterprising
woman and I like to help others.

This is my husband, his name is

Edinson Jaimes, he is twenty -
five years old, he is from
Colombia, and live
Barrancabermeja. He is
production engineering, his
hobbies is play soccer and ride a
bike. He is a good person,
amusing and he likes to work, he
has short, straight, black hair,
and dark eyes.

This is my sister, her name is

Nicol Nieves, she is nineteen
years old, she is from Colombia,
and live Barrancabermeja. She is
a public accountant, her hobbies
is play volleyball and read books.
She is a good person and kind,
she has long, straight, brown
hair, and brown eyes.

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