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Unit/Module : Organizational Behaviour

Programme : HND in Business


Nelson College London




Analysis how an organization’s culture, polities and power can influence individual and team
behavior and performance...............................................................................................................6

Critically analyze how the culture, politics and power of an organization can influence
individual and team behavior and performance.........................................................................11

Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation, and motivational techniques, enable
effective achievement of goals in an organisational context.........................................................14

Critically evaluate how to influence the behavior of others through the effective application of
behavioral motivational theories, concepts and models............................................................19

Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team....................................20

Analyse relevant team and group development theories to support the development of dynamic

Apply concepts and philosophies of OB within an organisational context and a given business

Justify and evaluate a range of concepts and philosophies in how they inform and influence
behaviour in both positive and negative way........................................................................29



In this report the organizational activities of LG Company are discussed. How the organizational
culture need for the company and what kind of impact can be seen and also how the power and
politics can influence the company is also given in this report. How the motivational theories and
motivational techniques are implemented in the company and how the effective and ineffective
team manipulates the company and the organizational concepts and philosophies are
implemented and how these influences the behavior of the employees in both positive and
negative way are discussing briefly in this report.

Organizational behavior is the combination of the organizational rules and regulation,
organizational law and restrictions and culture also. In every organization there are many
employees are working together as individual or as a group to achieve the organizational goals.
Every employee needs to get a secure and flexible job which will help him to work effectively.
So those individuals try to get a good environment and get an effective team which will help
them to work independently. And every company has its own culture to operate its
organizational activities so individual need to cooperate with this culture.

LG Company is always working for the employee’s betterment that’s why they continually
motivated their employees with the motivational theories and techniques and implement the
effective concepts or theories to influence the employees in a positive way.

Analysis how an organization’s culture, polities and power can
influence individual and team behavior and performance.
Organizational culture is the system of generating organization’s values, norms, beliefs, rituals,
expectation and how they interacting each other to contribute to make a unique and
understanding social and psychological environment of and organization (Wong, 2020). As an
example, we can choose LG company where the organization’s culture, politics and power play
their individual role and highly impactful for the company. The details are given below:

Impact of culture in an organization:

According to “Decision making” and “Reward structure” an organizational culture can be

classified into four different ways. These are briefly explained below:

1. Creative Company Culture: Combination of individual reward structure and subjective

decision making is considered as creative company culture or it also can be said the self-
actualization or self expression. In this culture the owner or the leader of the organization
always their employee to complete any task with their own creativity. This culture always
suggests to work beyond the boarder. The leader also inspires the employees to think out
of the box and implement their creativity to increase the performance of the organization.
In creative company culture the leader always focus of innovation rather than any
traditional method which helps the organization to make a strong position in competitive
market. LG Company always welcome the creative one who can concentrate on
2. Collaborative Company Culture: Combination of subjective decision making and
group reward structure is considered as collaborative company culture or it also can be
said the affiliation. This is different from creative company culture because in this culture
the leader always gives priority to a team activities and team decisions. It increases the
trust and belief towards the employees and focus on customer service and their
satisfaction. LG Company sometimes try to work on a project and that’s why make some
team to work together and achieve the company’s goal.

3. Competitive Company Culture: Combination of individual reward structure and
objective decision making is considered as competitive company culture or it is also said
that the achievement. Basically, in this culture leaders are more engages with individual
achievement rather than the teamwork. Normally in this culture the company focuses to
their success.
4. Controlled company Culture: Combination of group reward structure and objective
decision making and this is also known as the power and security. In this culture the main
aim is to achieve the goal of the organization and in this culture the companies remove all
the imbalanced form of activities and make a fine, friendly and smooth environment to
work dedicatedly to achieve its goal. This is one of the main company cultures of LG

Impact of politics in an organization:

Politics is a kind of individual or group activities that are not required while an employee is a
part of an organization, because the political activities always directly or indirectly influences the

Politics in LG Company can influence the employees; these are given below:

1. Less active employees: Politics can influence the employees a lot because employees
will more engaged with the political activities, criticizing others; they are more interested
to make a group instead of being attentive in their working activities. Less attentive
employees or less activity in a workplace is very much harmful because it reduces the
productivity and the bonding between the workers. Sometimes because of political issues
there can be seen many fewer active employees and they keep themselves busy with
many political activities.
2. Less dedication: As employees are more engaged in political activities so they are seen
in gathering more people in their political group which creates less dedication in there
working place and that’s why it increases criticism among them. As the company’s

employees are busy with political activities, they are more dedicated with political
movement rather than their own job.
3. Negative environment: Less dedicated, inactive and less attentive employees and much
political movement surrounding workplace is creating negative environment which
hampers the other workers to work safely. Because of political issues there can be seen
the negative environment too.
4. Changing attitude: More political involvement creates more rudeness, angriness; even
they never afraid of being rude with the leaders also and they will always behave roughly
anyone who will against them. LG Company many times faces many changing attitudes
towards the work of the employees.
5. Less motivation: More and more demotivate employee can be seen which is a negative
side and it will demotivate their employees and against them to the authority. This is
harmful for LG Company.
6. Less productivity: Less motivate employees, less attentive employees and less
dedication towards work is reducing the productivity in the company and it will make a
loss of the company.
7. Increasing negative activities: Political issues in working place create negative
environment and negative activities which will less the productivity and create many
negative activities like killing innocents, fighting etc. So that political movement in an
organization is harm for not only the LG Company but also for every organization too.

Impact of power in an organization:

Normally power is an act which can dominate the employees in the organization and work done
by the order. Power is the basic need of an organization because the person who has the power to
operate the organization is could be the CEO or Leader and order his employees for the
betterment of the company.

Power can be both positive and negative impact on organization because this power can directly
manipulate the workers, employees and the organization too. For example, LG company

stimulating their power for the betterment of the organization. They also classified their power
into two categories. These are formal power and personal power. Details are given below:

1. Formal Power: Formal power is a power which will identify individual’s position and
their activities in the organization. Formal power is also segmented into some sub sector;
these are coercive power, reward power, legitimate power. These are given below:
 Coercive power: Coercive power is kind of negative power of a company and it is
less effective for a company. In this power, the leader or CEO forces the employees
to complete the task as the want to. Even sometimes they threat they employees and
make them afraid of losing their job. This creates mental pressure, pain, even losing
independency in the working place so that LG company always ignore this type of
power of the leader.
 Reward power: Reward power is the exactly opposite to the coercive power, in this
power the leader always appreciates the employees or the workers with giving them
bonus or promotion or support them what they do. It keeps the employees active and
dedicated towards the work and makes them feel independent. In LG Company this
type of power operated by the CEO or the leader of the workers or managers and they
always preferred this type of power for the betterment of the company.
 Legitimate Power: The power of getting a position from the organization in know as
legitimate power. This power as offered or giving to the person who set in the leading
position of an organization and this person can hold this position until the
organization wants him. He can make plans and implement it with the help of his
team. In LG Company this position or power or power offered to the CEO or the
manager or any kind head in any specific department.

These are the formal power of the LG Company.

2. Personal Power: Personal power is not any formal power or not a power given by the
company, this power shows the uniqueness of individual characteristics and this power is
totally independent power and varies from person to person. These powers can also be
categorized into two sub sectors; these are given below:

 Expert Power: Expert power is one’s individual power which shows one’s
experience, skills and knowledge. This expert power shows every individual own
extraordinary ability to gain the goal but the expert one can gather many people and
influence them with his expertise knowledge. In LG Company the extraordinary
expert people are observed very politely and make them work freely with their own
 Referent power: The power which can influence others with their desirable
resources and personal traits. And this power attracts people or employees of an
organization; for example, the manager or CEO of LG company or sometimes they
hire any celebrities normally and try to grab the attention of employees.

These are the personal power of the LG Company. Besides all these there is an extra type of
power which is information power; this information power refers to the idea which shows that
the one who always deal or control all the information of an organization and work to spread this
information for the betterment of the company.

In fine it could be said that both the culture, politics and power have some individual impact in
LG Company and these particular items influences individual or their team work or modify their
performances and LG Company always try to ignore or remove the negative impact in their
company and choose a right smooth path of success.

Critically analyze how the culture, politics and power of an organization can
influence individual and team behavior and performance.
Organizational culture:

Organizational culture influences both individual and team behavior. There are many factors and
sub factors which can directly influence the employees. These factors and sub factors show one’s
or a team’s knowledge, skills, understanding power, way of controlling the situation, dedication
towards the working activities.

Organizational culture in individual performance:

There are many specific factors and some sub factor which can directly influences individual
performance because individual performance can help to achieve company’s goal. The factors
are given below:

1. Personal factor: Personal factor indicates one’s individual characteristics and these
personal factors classified into some sub factors, they are individual’s age, nature,
religion, maturity, experiences, skills, knowledge, maturity, marital status, lining status,
society, mentality etc. These personal factors always directly influenced individuals and
persons daily activities and way of working highly depended on these factors.
2. Social factor: Social factors is not controlled by one rather it is very changeable factor
because these factors highly depended on current government and their policies, the rules
and regulations given by the government and the law too.
3. Environmental factors: The environmental factors are depended on the company’s
working environment and their reward policies, wages, benefits etc.
4. Organizational factors: This is totally organizational oriented, these factors are
company’s rules and regulation, company’s activities and structure, company’s hierarchy
and company’s management style.
5. Psychological factors: Personality, attitude, perception, learning, values etc are
psychological factors which can influences directly in individual’s performance.

These are the factors which affecting individual’s performance in the organization.

Organizational culture in team behavior and performance:

Organizational culture can highly influence the team behavior and their performance. The factors
are given below:

1. Social Norms: Social norms refer to believe of people how they will react or how they
appreciate and this factor directly influences the team performance. Reducing uncertainty
and making a standard performance can make an effective performance by the team
2. Team size: Team size means the members number in a team and this team member must
be prominent, dedicated, unique and productive. These qualified team members and team
size can highly influence the team performance.
3. Team cohesiveness: Team cohesiveness means the bonding between the team members.
The more team bonding the stronger team performance.
4. Team roles: Team roles mean how the team members are connected with each other and
how dedicated towards the team work and how they contribute their performance for the
best outcome of the team performance.
5. Team communication: A good team performance is highly depended on the team
communication. The more effective communication the better team performance.

These are the factors which influences the team behavior and the team performance.

Affects of power and politics in organization:

1. Organizational power and politics are very important for every organization,
organizational politics helps the organization stronger and power gives the strength to
take important decisions for the organization.
2. Organizational politics helps to develop the organizational power to take critical steps.
3. Political power helps individual to get good jobs and positive political power makes some
good changes in the organization.
4. Positive politics and power bring the positive changes in the organization and positive
changes like helps to work in a team and decreases the conflicts between the team
5. Negative politics are harmful for the organization because it reduces the productivity and
trust between the members.

In fine it can be said that politics and power is very important for the organization if the
employees implement them in a positive way so that the negative politics and power should
strongly prohibited for the betterment of the company.

Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation, and
motivational techniques, enable effective achievement of goals in an
organisational context.
Theories of motivation: The motivational theory is given below:

Maslow’s theory of hierarchy need:

There are many theories of motivation in every organization. Among them Maslow’s theory of
the hierarchy need is the main motivational theory, this theory is given below:

Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy need is based on 5 factors. These are physiological needs,
safety and security, social affiliation, self esteem, self actualization. This theory is the basic
theory which is followed by the LG Company. The details are given below:

1. Physiological need: This is the basic need of a person; the basic needs the food, cloths,
shelter, education, medicine. Every person must fulfil these needs first for a better life.
Same thing is for LG Company too, the managers of LG company firstly assures these
basic needs of every employees, they believe that the way they treat their people the more
feedback they will get.
2. Safety and security: This safety and security is considered as the feelings of a person,
for example the fear, anxiety, dependency, security etc. LG Company always work for
the employee’s safety because if their employees cannot get rid of these feelings, they
cannot work freely so that the management team always try to remove this fear from the
3. Social affiliation: Social affiliation is much more important to live in a society even in
the workplace too. Social affiliation means establishing the social relationship with the
friends, family, groups etc. For some good interaction LG Company always try to build a
good relationship among the employees and that’s why they make some group where
employees get to know each other and make a good relationship which is really helpful
for working together.

4. Self esteem: Self esteem means the self respect or fame or goodwill etc. This is very
important everyone because if a person can respect thyself, he/she will respect others too.
This is very important in every organization too, for example LG Company, they always
prefer their employees will work with their self dignity and self respect which will help
the employees to work freely with their co-workers.

5. Self actualization: Self actualization is the morality, creativity of individual; this is the
last stage of hierarchy need theory because this stage is the combination of the last four
stages. This stage is helpful for making a good sense and work effectively for the
betterment. This stage is highly followed by the LG Company because this company give
all the opportunities to their employees so that the employees can work safely and make
an effective way for the company’s betterment.

This is the Maslow’s theories of hierarchy need in LG Company which is highly followed by the
higher management level.

Alderfer’s ERG theory:

Alderfer’s Erg theory is considered as the expansion of the Maslow’s theory of hierarchy needs.
Here ERG means the Existence, relatedness and growth. Each of them is based on the Maslow’s
theory; these are given below:

1. Existence: This need refers to the idea which means that the person always needs to
fulfill their basics need and then h/she must need the safety and security to live in the

society which means the psychological need and safety need is the main things of the
existence theory. For example, when a workers or employees join a company h/she must
need the needs and need a safe place to work. So that LG Company follows it very
prominently because firstly they assure the basic needs of the employees and then
confirm a safe place for him/her to work peacefully.

2. Relatedness: Relatedness is the way how a person communicates with others or how a
person builds a good relationship with an unknown person and they way the person
accepted by others. After joining the company every employee first want that the
company will fulfill his basic needs and then confirm the safety and security but after that
the employees always feel puzzled that how he will accept by other or the co-workers

will be. So that LG Company always try to organize an orientation program which will
help them to know each other and then make them into some groups which will help
them to know each other and get the strength to work together.
3. Growth: Growth is the last stage of this theory which refers the need of self esteem and
self actualization of individuals. Self esteem means the achievement, the confidence, the
respect to individual or respect by others and the self actualization is considered as the
realization of the morality and confident to solve the problem so that like every company
LG Company always try that their employees will respect and help each other and gain
enough knowledge to solve any problem of the company and this is only possible when
the LG Company confirm the existence and relatedness of the company.

These two is the main two motivational theory, every company would try different types of
motivational theory but these two is very basics that’s why LG Company follows these two all

Motivational Techniques:

Besides all these theories of motivations there are also some motivational techniques followed by
the LG Company and these different types of techniques or different categorized techniques are
motivates the employees to work better in future and encourage them to work with more
dedication. There are some techniques given below which is followed by the LG Company:

1. Trust the employee: The first technique followed by the company is the trust because
the manager of the company believes that if they trust their employees, the employees
will be more confident and dedicated towards the work (Seth, 2011).
2. Small goals: This technique means that the manager of LG Company segmented every
employee into some groups and gives them some weekly goals or any monthly goals,
because after giving these little goals the employees are encouraged to work and work
hard to achieve the goal which will help in the long run.
3. Be transparent and positive: The manager of LG Company always believes that they
have to be transparent with every employee and positively accept their feedbacks and
situations which help the employees to feel safe and secure.

4. Motivate individuals: The manager believes that they need to motivate individually
everyone not just the entire team and hear every problem and needs of every individual.
5. Offer Reward: Offering reward is another motivation technique of LG Company
because they think this reward system is helping every employee to get self motivated in
their work (LG, 2020).
6. Job security and flexibility: The manager of LG Company always prefers job security
because it makes the employees loyal and confident and flexible enough to take the
workloads and responsibilities.

These are the motivation techniques which are followed by the LG Company.

Critically evaluate how to influence the behavior of others through the
effective application of behavioral motivational theories, concepts and models.
There are many motivational theories to the employees of a company and each of it applied by
the higher authority of a company to encourage them for a better way of life and a better
performance in the workplace. These motivational theories highly influence the employees
which can be seen in their behavioral changes and seen them doing the productive work
effectively and efficiently. How this behavioral motivational theories, concept and models
influence the behavior of others is given below:

1. These motivational theories help to start a new beginning in everyone’s life because
firstly it helps to get a better life with the proper use of the basics need and it also keep
the mind fresh and clam to think positively and observe things logically (Horne, 2019).
2. By these theories it makes the employees to get to know how to work patiently and
productively when they have a secure job.
3. These motivational theories help the employees to work in a flexible way, they thyself
make many strategies to control all the workloads and responsibilities.
4. These theories help the employees to complete the work effectively and efficiently and
this will help them to get benefited in the workplace by getting promotions or incentives.
5. These motivational theories help the employees to work with dedication and within the
time which helps those to get rewarded which helps to work better in future too.
6. These help them to work together and solve any problems together.
7. The theories will help them to get to know each other which will help to make a good
team and work as a group in the company.
8. These theories help the employees to think creatively and productively and logically.
9. These help the employees to respect others which help each other to give space of work
and to think.

These are the ways which can influences everyone by these theories of motivational.

Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective
Effective team:

In every organization there are many employees working as a team or a group which goal is to
achieve the organization goal as alone as the team’s goal effectively and efficiently. The team
who work with a target and a goal and continues communicate and help each other is considered
as the effective team (Schoultz, 2017). An effective team is the blessings for the organization,
every organization desire an effective team which helps them to make a strong position in the
market competition. There are more and more characteristics of an effective team but few of
them discuss below:

1. One specific direction: An effective team always has a specific direction which will help
them to achieve the goal and these directions helps them how to work strategically
together (Deering, 2019).
2. Communication: Good communication is very much need for an effective team, because
good communication helps them in touch and work instantly. If any problem arises in a
team work good communication helps to solve it very quickly.
3. Support in risk taking: Risk taking is one of the ways to achieve success, without the
support it cannot possible to take the risk together, so that the team members must
support each other in risk taking.
4. Mutual understanding and individual role playing: Mutual understanding is making a
team effective because every team member have their own way of thinking and own
thoughts but without mutually fixed one is tough so that mutually fixed one and
understand its important can helps the team members and helps them to play their
individual role in the team.
5. Common goals: Each of the team members have their common goal which helps them to
work together and give the highest effort to achieve it.
6. Collaboration and team trust: Collaboration and team trust is must for the effective
team because each team member collaborate each other to complete the task and trust
each other to work freely without any fear.

7. Equal share and organized: Effective team member like to work in an organized way
and give equal share and equal effort to complete the task.

These are some of characteristics of the effective team and there are many more characteristics
of the effective team too and every organization can proudly go ahead with this team.

Ineffective team:

Ineffective team is the team which team as no collaboration and no interaction between them and
they have no goal to achieve or not dedicated to work to achieve the goal. This team is harmful
for every organization. This team is like a burden and discouraged others to work peacefully.
There are some characters of ineffective team, these are given below:

1. Lack of communication: Ineffective team fails to communicate each other or not

interested to communicate which will make them lazy and less attentive to achieve the
2. No goal to achieve: Ineffective team have no goal; they work without any destination.
3. Lack of trust: No trust can be seen in ineffective team, no team member cannot trust
each other in a team rather jealousy, arguments can be seen in ineffective team (Rush,
4. Lack of unity: No unity is there in ineffective team, no collaboration; no interaction is
there in ineffective team.
5. Lack of diversity and knowledge gap: No diversification can be seen in ineffective
team and lack of knowledge of working for something new cannot be seen also.
6. Disorganized: Ineffective team cannot work in an organized way, because of this
disorganized way of working makes them lazy and less productive.
7. No mutual understanding and support: Mutual understanding and support each other
is not seen in an ineffective team.

These are some of the characteristics of ineffective team and the organization faces many
problems because of this ineffective team.

Finally, it can be said that these all are the characteristics which makes a team effective or
ineffective and these characteristics can easily distinguish between effective and ineffective

team. Having the good side and good energy and dedication helps a team effective and without
all these it makes a team ineffective.

Analyse relevant team and group development theories to support the
development of dynamic co-operation.
There are many team or group development theories which help to support each group members
for the development of dynamic co-operation. Among all of these some of is given below:

1. Tuckman’s five stage team development model:

Tuckman give a group development model which has five stages and these stages are highly
applied for every team or group in the company. The stares are:

 Forming: This is the very first stage of group development model of Tuckman. In
this stage the employee enters the group or team and he/she try to understand the
nature and behavior of the group members and try to explore the team’s expectations.
In this stage the employee finds every single way to survive and fix in the team try to
make one of them by his/her own efforts. In this stage the employee firstly follows all
the instructions and follow the manager or group leader rather giving his/her own
idea. Some individuals’ responsibilities need to complete first in this stage.
 Storming: This is the second stage of group development model, here each of the
team members know each other and complete understanding with individual nature,
behavior and role in the group. In this stage every member tries to seek the attentions
and try to be the leader of the group and want proper status and control over the group
that’s why inter-personal conflicts have been started with each of the members. But
here members also try to solve this problem with individual’s role in the group.
 Norming: This is the third stage of Tuchman’s group development model. In this
stage the group members try to control themselves from any kind of conflicts and try
to work for achieving the goal by developing the group norms. So that being
cooperative with each other increases the communication among them and work for
the group goal.
 Performing: These is the fourth stage of this model, in this model the members
avoiding every conflict and make everything possible to achieve the goal and the trust
and collaboration among them can be seen too and their work speed increases too to
achieve the goal effectively and efficiently (Chapman, 2017).

 Adjourning: This is the last stage of this model. Every group has started their
journey for some purpose but after completing the purpose the group will be

This is the group development model given by Tuckman’s.

2. Kormanski & Mozenter’s Model of group development:

There is another group development model given by Kormanski and Mozenter. This model has
five stages. These are given below:

 Awareness: This is the first stage of this model and in this stage the team members
get to know each other and know about the group’s goal and understand the group
motives, objectives for achieving the goal (Chapman, 2017).
 Conflicts: This is the second model of this stage. After knowing each other and
knowing about the group’s goal many problems may arise because many questing and
queries about the goal come in mind so that conflict among the members can be seen.
 Cooperation: This is the third stage of this group, in this stage the members get
attached with the goal and dedicated to achieve it, and help each other to complete
every task.
 Productivity: This is the fourth stage and in this stage the members are successfully
achieve their goal and celebrates each other.
 Separations: This is the last stage of this model and in this model the members are
satisfied with each other and close the team activities.

This is the overall idea of Kormanski and Mozenter’s model of group development.

3. Tubbs’s system model:

Tubbs’s Model has four stages in its group development model. They are given below:

 Orientation: This is the first stage of group development model of Tubbs. In this
model the members get to know each other and know about the goal and its

 Conflicts: This is the second stage and in this model the group member interact each
other and discuss about the way of evaluating the goal and formulate the thoughts.
 Consensus: In this stage the members make them mutually understanding with the
ideas of formulating the goal and compromise themselves to work to achieve it.
 Closure: After achieving the goal the group member celebrates the success and
closes the group activities.

All these are the different types of group development model which is followed in every

Apply concepts and philosophies of OB within an organisational
context and a given business situation.
There are many concepts and philosophies of organizational behaviour in every company; LG
Company is one of them. LG Company has their own concepts and philosophy in their company
but they implement whenever what is need for the company. These concepts help them to solve
any problem arise in the company. The organization behaviour approaches of LG Company are
given below:

Basic approaches of LG:

There are four basic approaches of LG Company and the leader of LG Company always follows
these to operate the company. These are given below:

1. Human resource approaches: Here LG Company’s leaders are supported their worker
and collaborate and co-operate their workers and make them feel like they are the core
part of the company, this approach helps LG Company to increases their productivity and
sales in market.
2. Contingency approaches: In contingency approaches, the manager of LG Company
analysis their external environment and act according to the environmental changes. In
this segment the manager analysis the situation and try to use different methods in
different situation.
3. Productivity approaches: Now a day productivity approaches are very important for
every company and for LG Company the leaders always measure the ratio between the
output and input. These inputs are the social and human input too to increases the
productivity of the company.
4. System approaches: Leaders of LG Company uses system approaches as the solution of
many critical problems for example there are many systems where the leader have to
consider the company as a team and solve every problem in a systematic way. And LG
Company follows these systematic approaches very much.

These are the basic approaches of LG Company.

LG Company also have some goal achieve theories, one of them is path goal theory, the details
of path goal theory are given below:

Path-Goal Theory:

Path goal theory is the theory which shows the leadership style of a company. Like every
company LG Company follow this theory too. This theory has three parts: 1) Leader’s behaviour,
2) Subordinates personal characteristics, 3) Environmental Characteristics and the details of this
theory are given below:

 Leader’s Behaviour: Leader’s behaviour is the combination of some characteristics

of a leader or the characteristics the leader should have. These characterises are
directive, supportive, participative and achievement oriented. These characteristics
are also followed by the LG Company’s leaders. The details are given below:
a) Directive leaders: The leader who directs its subordinates and find the way of
achieving the goal. The leader of LC company always works as a directive leader
because he/she always directs the way to its employees and guides them to find
the best way.
b) Supportive leaders: A supportive leader is the leader who supports its
subordinate whenever they need it. Leader of LG Company always works for the
employee’s benefits as well as the welfare too.
c) Participative leaders: Participative leaders are the leaders who always
participate with the subordinate in every task. LG company’s leader are very
prominent in this area because the leader allows its employees in decision making
and asks suggestion that which decision will be appropriate for LG Company.
d) Achievement oriented leaders: In this stage the leader set the company goal. In
this stage the LG Company sets the goal of the company and instructs its
employees to work at the best level and participate with them for achieving the
 Subordinates personal characteristics: In this stage there are two ways, these are:

a) Perceived ability: This is one’s individual ability. In LG Company if any
employees’ things that they have many lacking in their ability the directive and
supportive leaders of the company help them to find a way.
b) Lucas of control: Here the leaders of LG Company help to managing employee’s
way of working.
 Environmental characteristics in the workplace: In this stage the characteristic
classified into two ways, they are:
a) Task structure: The directive leader’s show gives the proper directions about the
task. And in LG Company the directive leader direct them and supportive leaders
support them to find the best way to complete the task.
b) Workgroup: Work group is very essential to achieve the goal and LG Company
always prefers to have an effective working group and a good group leader.

This is the path goal theory of leaders in and the techniques applied by the LG Company.

These all are the theories of Organizational Behaviour.


Justify and evaluate a range of concepts and philosophies in how they inform
and influence behaviour in both positive and negative way.
Every concepts or philosophies are influencing the behaviour of the employees in both positive
and negative ways. Some of these influences are given below:

1. Path Goal theory:

In the path goal theory, there is a direct indication of achieving the goal by the leaders. Here the
leaders direct the employees, support them and participate with them for achieving goal. In this
stage the employees get motivated to have a good and supportive leader. They are getting more
attached and more dedicated toward completing the tasks.

So that path goal theory influences the behaviour of the employees in a positive way.

2. Decision making theory:

Decision making theory influences the behaviour in both positive and negative way. Because
first of all the leader set the goal and then evaluate it and then identify some other alternatives.
When the leader offers its subordinate to select the specific one than conflict can be seen
between some groups which is the negative side but if the leader listens to the subordinates and
suggests them the specific one then the subordinates would not deny him which is not the
negative side.

So that the leader should concern that conflicts between the groups are highly prohibited and try
to influence the employees in the positive way.

3. Theory X & Y:

Theory X means the employees who are not dedicated toward the company and lazy to complete
the work. Many leaders are trying to punish them or insult them which cannot be the effective
solutions because this is the negative way of influencing their behaviour.

On the other hand, theory Y means the employees who are highly dedicated and self motivated
and work effectively to achieve the company goal. This is the positive side of the company.

So that the leader can offer some reward and incentives which will influence both the
employees’ behaviour in a positive way because the lazy one gets self motivated to get the
reward and the active one work hard to get the reward.

In fine it can be said that there are many concepts or philosophies in the OB and all of these
applied when the company any of them and each has both positive and negative side but the
leader should influence the behaviour which will be positively affected every employee and this
will be the success for both the leader and employees.

LG Company should build such a healthy and positive environment where people are willingly
working with their own interest and the CEO or the higher authority should concern about the
organizational culture and even the power and politics of the organization too. Which culture is
accepted by the employees and how politics and power will influence them is the leader’s
concern? And the leaders also need to motivate its employees for achieving the goal of the
company because motivated employees are the blessings for the company. As every company
has both effective and ineffective team, this company should praise the effective team and
motivate the ineffective team with different types of motivational techniques. And lastly there
are so many different types of concepts or philosophies can be seen in every organization so that
LG Company selects the effective concepts which will influence the employees’ behaviour in a
positive way.

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