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Nelson College London

Organizational Behaviour


P1 Analyse how an organization’s culture, politics and power can influence individual and
team behaviour and performance...............................................................................................5

M1 Critically analyse how the culture, politics and power of an organization can influence
individual and team behaviour and performance...................................................................8

P2 Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation, and motivational techniques,
enable effective achievement of goals in an organisational context..........................................9

M2 Critically evaluate how to influence the behaviour of others through the effective
application of behavioural motivational theories, concepts and models..............................11

P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team.........................12

M3 Analyse relevant team and group development theories to support the development of
dynamic co-operation...........................................................................................................14

P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of OB within an organisational context and a given

business situation.....................................................................................................................15

M4 Justify and evaluate a range of concepts and philosophies in how they inform and
influence behaviour in both positive and negative way.......................................................17




P1 Analyse how an organization’s culture, politics, and power can
influence individual and team behavior and performance
Organizational Culture and its Influences:
The associated factors of the organizations like beliefs, experience, expectations, values,
philosophies that influenced and drive the organization’s all operations are expressed as the
organizational culture. An organization’s culture can also consider as the written or unwritten
rules of the organization (Cancialosi, 2017). The organization's culture can be varied based
on differences in demographics, geographical locations, religions, and race, and the culture of
LG has been differently growing up in the different business region. Positive traits can be
growing up in the organization when there has existed an organized culture but dysfunctional
culture can turn the organization down. So, to keep the organization productive and high-
performing LG has to track the culture globally and develop a healthy culture. What will be
the efforts and behavior of an individual in the organization has been determined by the
culture build up in the organization. As well as the team performance and behavior also
depended on the developed culture of the organization. In a high-performing culture,
individuals and teams have been seen as more energetic and motivated which is the key to the
increase of productivity and growth of the organization. But in the dysfunctional
organization, the team members haven’t been able to work together and have seen lots of
conflict in their behavior which drives the organization towards loss. Variety of
organizational culture can influence the organization in different ways-

Market Culture: This is the culture where all the operations of organizations have been
running by considering the result. This culture is very competitive and goal-oriented where
leaders have been focusing only on the goals of the organization. The efforts of the human
resources haven’t been counted until that brings success or fulfills the goal of the
organizations. Because of the leader’s influences in this culture individuals of LG have been
performing higher for achieving the goals in anyways because if the goal will not be
achieving all the efforts will be in vain. The team performance of LG will also be fully goal-
oriented in market culture and all the team players will be involved themselves to achieve the
goals. But this culture may demotivate the employees many times because through
contributed high efforts sometimes goals haven’t been fully achieved and that times there
hasn’t any rewards for them.

Adhocracy Culture: The culture which has been run by innovative or entrepreneurial leaders
in the adhocracy culture. This culture makes the individual and team be innovative and
permit everyone to take risks. For the sake of innovation individuals and the team can share
and implement their ideas and make the organization competitive than other companies in the
industry. Here the performance of individuals and team has been higher and all of them
performing from their motivation. Here over idea generation can make high pressure on
employees and increase the competition among them but LG can take risks to turn the
innovation higher and take the organization to next level (Roy, 2021).

Hierarchy Culture: When LG has been developing its culture based on organizational
structure and conducted all the activities in the formal way that will be hierarchy culture. In
this culture power has been shown based on position belongs to an individual, and the
subordinates have to perform according to the directions of their leaders. This bureaucratic
culture can turn productivity less because less of independence and dissatisfaction of the

Clan Culture: This is considering the best culture for team performance because leaders
have been mentoring directly and every individual has been sharing their thought for the
growth of the organization. When LG develops the clan culture that will increase the
performance of the individuals and teams and make the team performance more effective.
Through family culture in the organization can be toughest and challenges for the
organization to maintain effectively but LG can turn its organization into high performing
culture through going with clan culture (Heinz, 2019).

Organizational Politics and its Influences:

The self-serving behavior or activities played by the individuals of the organization for
achieving or fulfilling own desire is considering as organizational politics. In the organization
from different perspectives, individuals have been going with organizational politics through
their power in the organization. In LG there can be different issues that happened through the
practices of organizational politics and influence the team and individual’s performance in
several ways-

The decline of Productivity: Organizational politics has been seen in the organization for
reducing the workload which results in productivity reduction. When an individual has been
using political power and reduce his productivity level that will demotivate the other
individuals and team to provide higher efforts.

Changing Attitudes: Serious and potential employees can be lost their interest to contribute
to the organization when organizational politics has been practices highly. Over practice in
LG will make the organization dysfunctional and that will be changing the attitudes for
higher contribution mindset to less productive employees.

Demotivated employees: Because of organizational politics sometimes employees haven’t

gotten the proper recognition from the organization and that impacts the mindset of the
employees which will be caused by demotivation. This demotivation can influence the
performance of team an individual down and will result in bearing losses (Juneja, 2019).

Organizational Power and its Influences:

The ability of individuals in the organization to control the performance and direct others for
conducting any tasks is the organizational power. In LG power can be used both with
positivity and can bring negativity for the organization also. When the top management of the
organization or leaders has been using the power for the benefits of LG that will motive the
individuals and the team performance but if the leaders or power belonging persons will be
using the power for self-interest or benefits that will impact the growth of LG badly.

Reward Power: Through using the rewarding the leaders of LG can control the performance
of the subordinates is considering as the reward power. Through this power, the productivity
of the employees can turn into the peak. But the over the implementation of the reward power
can bring unhealthy competition and sometimes brings dissatisfaction also because without
fulfill the target employees will not able to enjoy rewards.

Expert Power: When specialist employees of a specific area show the power in the
organization that will be considered as the expert power. When expert power will be used in
the LG that will bring higher productivity and developing high performing culture in the
organization. All the activities will be conducted more efficiently in the organization. But
sometimes the lack of leadership skills of the experts can make the organization

Coercive Power: This power is generally used in the organization to completing the tasks in a
set time. Through using this power LG can be completing any project more efficiently
because through this power leaders can force the subordinates or team members to
completing the tasks.

M1 Critically analyze how the culture, politics, and power of an

organization can influence individual and team behavior and performance

P2 Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation, and
motivational techniques, enable effective achievement of goals in
an organizational context
Motivation is the process of initiating guidance and maintain goal-oriented behaviors. It
involves biological, social, and emotional forces that activate behaviors. In terms of business
organizations, leaders encourage their employees and workers to perform well in the
organization to achieve their goals accomplished. When in an organization, employee
productivity and innovative power are decreased, the management or the leader try to
motivate their employees to perform well and increase in effectivity. When organizations'
management motivates their employees, their employees can lead to more output which
means increasing in their productivity, their innovative power becomes increases, as well as
the rate of staff turnover, become decreases.

There are lots of organizational motivational theories but the Maslow’s motivational theory is
known as the main motivational theory. Maslow first introduced this hierarchy need theory in
1943 for human motivation. These days organizations use these theories for motivates their
employees and workers. Maslow divided a person's needs into three configurations by five
steps. Those three configurations are basic needs, psychological needs, and self-fulfillment
needs. Here are those five stages are briefly discussing below:

Physiological needs: the physiological need is known as the basic need of a person. Foods,
clothes, education, medicines, and shelters are the element of the basic needs of a person. For
improvement and leading life, these needs to be fulfilled. The management of the LG
organization requires to ensure that their employees and workers will get these basic needs
filled so that they can give their best for the organization.

Safety and security: Safety and security are known as the second stage of mallows hierarchy
need theory. This is related to a person’s feelings. When a person doesn’t have any personal
securities, financial securities, good health he or she become demotivated in his work. For
this, the management of the LG has to focus on filling an employee’s safety and security

Social affiliation: for not only living in the society but also in the workplace, this social
affiliation is important. This means establishing a strong relationship with families, friends,

colleagues, etc. the human resource manager of the LG work for building up a strong positive
relationship between their employees to help each other and work together.

Self- esteem: self-esteem is the need for respect. Self-respect being slightly more important
than gaining respect. It means a person gets respect when he or she respects others. In terms
of the LG organizational perspective, management prefers their workers to work with self-
respect that helps to work independently and effectively.

Self-actualization: is the last and final step of Maslow’s hierarchy need theory. In these
stages, a person becomes creative, independent and increases of morality. In this stage
employees of the organization work effectively and improved way. For this, the LG created a
safe workplace opportunity and offering them to perform better (D., 2018).

For encouraging and increasing performances of the employee's organizations uses different
techniques. There are lots of motivational techniques that the LG organization can take for
motivating their employees and workers for better performance in the organization. Here are
some of those techniques that the LG organization can choose:

Lead with the vision: everyone knows that when there a clear vision employees can focus on
that and they can perform well when they are clear on what they have to do (Perkbox, 2019).

Small goal setting: this is a technique that the management can take within their
organization. By setting up a regular or weekly goal as a small goal they can encourage them
to work hard and effectively to reach their goal.

Job security: in organizations, it seems that because of less job security, employees do not
give their best to their organization. For this, the LG organization has to provide job
securities to their employees.

Motivate individually: by knowing what types of problems their employees are facing and
what can solve their problems, the management of the LG can motivate individuals to their

Non-financial motivation: organization can provide different types of traveling package to

their employees for refreshment which can motivate to focus on their work. This technique
also can be taken by the LG organization

M2 Critically evaluate how to influence the behavior of others through the
effective application of behavioral motivational theories, concepts, and
There are lots of motivational theories that an organization's management can choose for
improvement in their performances of their employees. Applying motivational theories in the
workplace, the changes in their behavior can be noticeable. Motivated employees are an asset
for an organization which increases productivity and makes the organization innovative. Here
is the discussion on behavioral motivational theories, model, and concepts below:

First of all, it helps to lead a better life as they have filled their basic needs and their thinking
power become improve and positive. This helps to make them flexible in their work which is
the most prerequisite for an organization for applying any strategy. By following these
theories, employees become work efficiently and effectively. This theory makes improve in
their dedication at their work as well as work together and solve any kinds of problems.
Through these theories, their communication level becomes increases, and work as a team in
the organization. Their creativity also increases and the production rate becomes high. On the
other side, they respect each other’s which is beneficial from an organizational perspective.

P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an
ineffective team
Effective team

It's a foundation of a better organization they are doing work more effectively. Making an
effective team is profitable for an organization. Because they can complete any type of work
within time. Now explain some characteristics.

A common goal: All effective team goals for doing work perfectly in time. Then they have
some consideration. All of the group members doing according to the organizational
objectives. All of the goals have a specific time. The team member always tries to maintain
consideration of their work.

Open discussion: this is an opportunity for all team members. Because they feel comfortable
doing work within the discussion. In the work have some critical issue. The team member
solves this issue doing discussing it. Authority gives space for discussion for better work.

Open communication: A better communication ability making a smooth organization. This

is very impotent for effective teamwork. They solve problems, avoid unnecessary work, and
avoid confusion for doing better communication.

Team roles: All of the team members playing roles in the organization according to the
consideration. The team leader has to plan for effective work. After that give working
liability in the workforce.

Time management: After dividing team roles, the leader setting time for all of the specific
working tasks. Then the team member gives deliver work in time. This is the most important
characteristic for a better team.

Bonding: In an effective team have good bonding. For better bonding, they feel comfortable.
So organizations with high authority try to create a strong bonding.

Ineffective team

They are not doing work properly. In an ineffective team member are unconscious minded.
For this reason, they do not maintain consideration actively.

Lack of consideration: This ineffective team leader has lower consideration. That's why
team worker do not maintain actively

Lace of responsibility: The team member have not responsibility for their work. They do not
maintain team leader advice. That's why poor quality work.

Lower structure: the team organization structure is very poor. That’s why they are doing
work without planning.

Reasons for an effective team turns into an ineffective team:

Lack of rules: When team rules and regulation is lower than member are not maintained

Trust: lack of trust making an ineffective team.

Lack of leadership: when team leader cannot give leading in the workplace then. Then the
team can be ineffective.

M3 Analyse relevant team and group development theories to support the
development of dynamic co-operation
For making an active team an LG company needs a development theory. This theory makes
planning for developing a team. Tuckman's team model explains how to develop an effective
team in an organization.

Forming: In the team forming stage all of the people try to take a good impression on others
and they have an expectation they are expending good times.

Storming: They are doing brainstorming for this stage. Because they are making planning and
design for this stage.

Norming: After making a goal of the team they are divided working tasks between these
members. All of the members take responsibility for their work.

Performing: This stage is very important. All of the members doing work activities according
to the consideration of work in the LG project.

Adjourning: When team members doing work perfectly and they are completely working on
tasks successfully. After that work will be adjourned.

P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of OB within an
organizational context and a given business situation
Organizational behavior is generally based on some fundamental concepts and philosophies.
Those concepts and philosophies influence the organizational activities and elements directly
or indirectly. Here are discussed the concept of organizational behavior regarding the LG
Company (iedunote, 2020).

Concept of OB:

Individual differences: Individual differences are the concept of the organization and the
person is different from each other. Also, the person is individually different from the other
person. Here the organization strongly believes this concept. They believe the workers and
employees are used to work in this organization. They are different from each other

Perception: The people’s works in the organization. Their perception is also different from
each other. They have a different point of view and different idealizations about a certain
object. Peoples have a different experiences in their life. They have different personalities,
different needs, and demands. They have different demographical factors which influence
their life directly or indirectly. So they present a different statement about the certain object
they have seen in life. So the organization believes that each person has contained different

A whole person: A whole person is a concept that the worker's or the employee’s personal
life is not different from his working life. Both include in a person and it may influence on
two sides. The employees who work in an organization have the consciousness and tension
for their families. Personal life good or bad situation strongly make an impact on working
life. They cannot be separate from each other. The organization manager needs to be aware of
this and treat the employees as a whole person.

Value of the person: Valuing the employees or the person who has been working on that
organization is one of the most important concepts of Organizational behavior. Every person
wants to get valued and treat differently. They don’t want to be treated as just factors of
production like- land, labor, and capital. The organization needs strongly conscious about
valuing the employees properly.

Mutual Interest: it is one of the most important concepts of organizational behavior. Mutual
interest refers to people who need the organization and the organization needs people. Those
two factors are depending on each other. The organization can’t move forward without
people and also the people can’t explore their activity and productivity creativeness without
organization. The organization needs peoples to achieve the company objective and on the
other hand, peoples need an organization to reach to gain the desired goal. LG organization
also needs the employees and along with the employees need the organization too. It is a
strong concept.

Basic Approaches of organizational behavior

Human resource approach: The human resource approach is the most important in
organizational behavior. It deals with the growth and development of the peoples in the
organization. It works to make the employees grow and develop on a higher level of
competency. Here LG can conduct some developing programs to enhance the growth and
development level of their employees.

A Contingency Approach: The contingency approach defines different situation needs to

apply the different behavioral practices. It makes effective organizational activities. LG
Company can follow this approach in a different situation.

Productivity Approach: The productivity approach is the strategy that compares the input
unit with the output unit. The difference makes the result of productivity. LG Company can
follow this approach to know the productivity level. If the input is less than the output. The
productivity process is good whether the output is less than the input. The company needs to
take proper step to increase output (relivingmbadays, 2012)

M4 Justify and evaluate a range of concepts and philosophies in how they
inform and influence behavior in both positive and negative way
The concepts are the fundamental object of organization. Those influence and make a big
impact on organizational general activity. Here provided the influence behavior of that
concept and the positive and negative impact (Wong, 2018).

Positive Impact: The approaches and concepts are very important for the organization to
attain the organizational objective. These concepts and approaches make an impact and
influence the organization's employees directly. Here LG company needs to make sure about
the implementation of the approaches properly and effective use of organizational concepts.
These can help the organization to grow productivity and get through the way of success.
Properly utilize and implementation of approach make the development of employees who
run the total business process.

Negative Impact: These approaches and concepts are too important that can’t be ignored by
the organization. Here LG Company needs to overseas the implementation program. If the
organization can’t make proper utilization of these concepts and can’t implement the
approach properly. The organization will fail to achieve the goal and can’t run the business
activity properly. For this reason, the employees also get demotivated and it may reduce their

So here mentioned how these approaches and concepts have a negative impact if they are not
implemented well.


Cancialosi, 2017. Influence of Organizational culture. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12 02 2021].

D., A., 2018. The Needs Theory: Motivating Employees with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
Available at:
[Accessed 12 02 2021].

Available at:
[Accessed 12 02 2021].

iedunote, 2020. Fundamental Concepts of Organizational Behavior. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 12 February 2021].

Juneja, P., 2019. Effect of Politics on Organization and Employees. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 12 02 2021].

Perkbox, 2019. How do you improve employee motivation? 9 tips for a motivated workforce.
Available at:
[Accessed 12 02 2021].

relivingmbadays, 2012. Organizational Behavior. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 12 2 2021].

Roy, B. D., 2021. The Four Distinct Types of Organizational Culture and its Advantages.
Available at:
[Accessed 12 02 2021].

Wong, K., 2018. Impact of Organziational Behavior in office. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 12 February 2021].


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