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Caring for the elderly


care home ( n) home that provides accommodation, food
and care for elderly. ‫المنزل الذي يوفر السكن والغذاء‬
‫والرعاية لكبار السن‬.
carer ( n) A person who is trained to take care of ill or
elderly people. ‫الشخص الذي تدرب على رعاية‬
‫المرضى أو كبار السن‬.
catering ‫توفير خدمة‬ The work for preparing food for a hospital ,
‫ ( الطعام‬n) a school or for a care home. ‫العمل في إعداد الطعام‬
‫ لمدرسة أو لدار للرعاية‬،‫لمستشفى‬.
Cognitive function The ability to use your brain effectively ‫القدرة‬
( n) ‫على استخدام عقلك بشكل فعال‬
Concentrate (v) to focus attention in one thing ‫تركيز االنتباه في‬
‫شيء واحد‬
confinement ( n) the condition of being unable to leave your
#Bedridden bed, room, etc . ‫ من عدم القدرة على مغادرة‬.‫حالة‬
‫ وما إلى ذلك‬،‫ الغرفة‬،‫السرير‬.
Bedridden‫طريح‬ confined to bed by sickness or old age. \ ‫طريح‬
‫ ( الفراش‬adj) ‫حبيس الفراش بسبب المرض أو الشيخوخة‬.

confusion ( n) a state of not being certain about what is

‫ارتباك – تشوش‬ happening, what you should do, etc. ‫ من‬.‫حالة‬
‫ الخ‬،‫ ما عليك القيام به‬،‫عدم اليقين حول ما يحدث‬
coordination ( n) The ability to control your movements well.
‫تناسق‬ ‫القدرة على التحكم في الحركات بشكل جيد‬.
deaf ( adj )‫أصم‬ unable to hear ‫غير قادر على السمع‬
degenerative getting worse as time passes‫حاله تزداد سوءا مع‬
( adj) ‫إنحاللي‬ ‫مرور الوقت‬
dementia ( adj) a mental disorder caused by brain disease or
‫جنون خبل‬ by injury that affects the ability to behave
and think normally. ‫اضطراب نفسي الناجم عن‬
‫مرض في المخ أو إصابة تؤثر على القدرة على التصرف‬
‫والتفكير بشكل طبيعي‬.

a physical or mental problem that means you

disabled ( adj) ‫معاق‬ are unable to do some things ‫مشكلة جسدية أو‬
‫عقلية مما يعني أنك غير قادر على القيام ببعض األمور‬
frail ( adj) weak and easily broken ‫ضعيف سهل الكسر‬
Old age and the brain

 Why is it possible ‫ممكن‬for us to write with the wrong hand?

 That is possible because learning makes new nerve cells‫خاليا عصبيه‬
grow .
 During learning ( training ), connections ‫ وصالت‬between neurons
‫بين الخاليا العصبية‬

in our brain get stronger ‫ تقوى‬so the brain grows ‫لذا فإن العقل يقوى‬
‫ وينضج‬.

 Brain develops when it is stimulated ‫ يحفذ‬- ‫ (يستحث‬Healthy brain ) .
Without this stimulation, it gradually dies when we get older
( degenerative‫ إنحاللي‬brain ) . Healthy brains still rewire ‫يعيد تركيب‬
‫وتجهيز‬and develop new neurons ‫ ( خاليا عصبيه‬cells ) . Degenerative

brains ‫دماغ االنحاللي‬..‫ ال‬are very weak .and soon die because of a
disease called Al-Zaheimer.

 It is wrong to connect between old age or between aging and Al-

Zaheimer disease.
 Again, Old age doesn't mean mental decline ‫ني‬..‫ن ال يع‬..‫بر الس‬..‫ك‬
‫ الحالة العقلية للشخص‬.‫بالضرورة تدهور‬. So what is the cause?
 There are two causes for this mental decline ; INACTIVITY ‫عدم‬
‫ النشاط‬and MOTOR SKILLS PROBLEMS ‫ ومشاكل المهارات الحركية‬.
 ********************************************************************
Signs and Symptoms
There are three main types for Al- Zaheimer Disease:
 Movement Symptoms
 Thought Symptoms
 Behavior Symptoms

Movement Symptoms Though Symptoms Behavior

-Shuffling gait ‫مشية مختلطة‬ -Forgetting recent Unusual behavior.

‫بدون رفع القدم من على األرض‬ conversation, names . Getting easily upset or
-Difficulty in swallowing etc aggressive .
‫صعوبة البلع‬ -Confusing night and Loss of interest in
-Needing continuous help night. other people.
with ADLs ( Activities of -Inability to recognize
daily life ) familiar people.
-Complete loss of
Useful Medical Tools

Tools Usage
Hearing aid For deaf or weak hearing
Pressure pad ‫وسادة الضغط‬ For using in measuring
Bath lift For immobile‫ ال يتحرك‬or
Incontinent pad For old people who can
not leave bed and who are
incontinent‫مصاب بسلس البول‬
Commode For old people who can
not leave ‫ال يبرح‬bed and
move around freely ‫وال‬
‫يتجول بحرية‬
Power chair For disabled patients

1- …………………………………is the condition that kill the brain cells.
a) Healthy brain condition c)degenerative disease
b) Generative condition d) aging disease
2- The condition of the loss of the ability to use your brain well is
a) Mental health c) mental weak
b) Mental decline d) mental laziness
3- …………………………………….. is the ability to control your body.
a) Motor racing c) motor skills
b) Motor cycles d) motor power
4- One of the following is correct :
a) When you grow older you lose a huge number of brain cells.
b) We associate aging with mental diseases
c) Aging is the cause of loss of memory.
d) Al-Zaheimer is caused by old age.
5- ……………………………….. is a motion symptom.
a) Confusing night and day c) forgetting names
b) Loss of speech d) incontinent .
6- One of the following symptom is a behavior symptom.
a) Wandering c) confusing night and day
b) Complete loss of memory d) loss of speech
7- ………………………………… is a thought symptom .
a) Wandering c) repetition
b) Difficulty in swallowing d) Complete loss of memory

8- The ………………… person can't leave her or his bed.

a) frail c) immobile
b) confused d) bedridden .
9- I don't think you ………………… be able stay up tonight as you
didn't sleep 2 days ago.
a) Will c) are going to
b) Must d) has to

10- Will you help me ……………………. Up, please?

a) Standing c) stand
b) Stood d) stands
11- The mind needs ……………………. to stay fit.
a) stimulation b) degeneration c) shuffling d) nap
12- Loss of …………………. Is frustrating for the elderly.
a)immobility b) dependence c) independence d) incontinent

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