Blood Can Be Tested Like This.:: Complete Blood Count (CBC)

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Unit 9 .

There are 4 main blood groups ( A,B,AB,and O ) each group is

either + or – ( positive or negative )

Blood can be tested like this.:

 Taking some blood from a vein ‫ وريد‬by using a syringe.

 Putting the blood into a test tube‫ أنبوب إختبار‬.
 Using a pipette‫ إستخدام ماصه‬to put a drop of the blood into
a slide ‫ شريحة‬.
 Examining‫ فحصها‬it under a microscope.
What can we see in a normal drop blood examined under
a microscope?
- It consists of three main components.: The platelets
‫ – الصفائح‬the red blood cells‫ – خاليا الدم الحمراء‬white
blood cells)‫ خاليا الدم البيضاء‬.
- The platelets are small dark oval shaped bodies. There
are many of them in the drop of blood.
- The white blood cells are irregular in shape. ( White
blood cells are the body defending army ‫) جيش الدفاع‬.
- The red blood cells are circular.


It is a measuring blood test by which the following facts are

- It measures‫ يقيس‬the amount ‫ مقدار وكمية‬of
hemoglobin( a protein in the cells that carries the
oxygen ) .
- It cares for‫ يهتم ب‬the size and shape ‫ شكل‬of the cells.
- It shows how the platelets are capable for making the
blood clots after injuries ‫يوضح مدى مقدرة الصفائح الدموية‬
‫على تكوين الجلطات بعد حدوث الجروح‬..
- It shows how the red blood cells are capable for taking
the oxygen from the lungs to the different body tissues
and taking the carbon dioxide away at the same time.
- ‫إختبار قياس الدم الكامل إيضا ً يوضح مدى مقدرة كرات الدم الحمراء‬
‫على نقل األكسجين من الرئتين إلى مختلف أنسجة الجسم وفي نفس‬
‫الوقت الرجوع بثاني أكسيد الكربون‬.
The tiny drop of blood can lead the police to arrest the
murderer by doing a BLOOD PATTERN ANALYSIS:
 Blood Pattern analysis can show a lot of information
about the victim ( Blood type – male or female and
other information. )
 Blood from a cut artery sprays out ‫الدم الناتج من قطع في‬
) ‫الشريان يكون له رزاز ( رش‬
 Blood from a knife, gun, a weapon…..etc flown out
‫ يتدفق‬or moves slowly.
 Blood from a small cut drips out ‫ يتقطر‬.
Exercises on Listening based on Unit 9

1-Blood …………………. Can receive blood Type A.

( A / AB / O / B )

2- It is ………………….. to give Blood Type A to type B.

( safe / right / dangerous / Ok )

3- If we add wrong type blood to another type blood,

……………..happens to the red blood cells.

( climbing /clumbing / clump ing / claimbing )

4- If we add some blood type O to type B the red blood


( gather/ cluster/ move / group)

5- Type O is the ……………….. donor.

( private / specific / special/ general)

Blood Prefixes Meaning
hematoma a solid swelling or
bruising of clotted blood
.within the tissues
Hemoglobin red protein responsible
for transporting oxygen
in the blood of
homeostasis the stopping of a flow of
hemorrhoids a swollen vein or group
of veins in the region of
.the anus
hemorrhage an escape of blood from
a ruptured blood vessel,
especially when profuse.
- (of a person) suffer a
he had begun
hemorrhaging in the
‫انظر أيضًا‬
-cerebral hemorrhage,
brain hemorrhage
hemorrhagic accompanied by or
produced by

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