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My Personal Ethic

I feel as though my personal ethic is pretty close to that of the rest of society, especially

when it comes to basic principles of being kind to others, treating them with respect and telling

the truth. This is the  golden rule that most people in society also believe in. My personal ethics

goes beyond the basics though I believe in personal freedom, always trying to see others in the

best possible way. I also have a strong work ethic and I believe it is important to do what you say

you are going to do.

These core parts of my ethic help me to make a change in society and overall just to be a

good and active citizen in society. So while being an active citizen in the community I try to base

what I do on my personal ethics. If I am meeting someone new I try to treat them with kindness

and respect. If someone asks me to do something I am going to do that thing and do it to the best

of my abilities. There are so many situations where following and believing in ethics the way

that I do can help me become a better citizen and just be better to others.

My ethics are a pretty big part of who I am as a person, so the question can be asked how

I get these ethics. I would say that I learned these things from a few different people and

situations. I learned most of these things from my parents who are great examples of these things

and teach me the importance of doing things this way. I also found that a lot of these things

became important to me because of my religious beliefs which is a big part of the way that I

choose to act in my daily life. Through learning these ethics and the importance I personally feel

to abiding by them is how I have become an active citizen in society.

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