B2-LISTENING TEST-Not Really Keen-Traffic Control-Keeping Healthy

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Task 1 (7 x 1 mark = 7 marks)

You will hear seven conversations. Read through headings A–J before
listening. For each conversation 1–7 choose the heading that best
matches the information you have heard. Then write the letter in the
corresponding white box below. There are two headings you will not need
and an introductory conversation as an example. Now read the headings.


Listen to some people discussing their interests

A A thrill-seeking activity

B An unfortunate accident

C Travelling at weekends

D Being with the right company

E Organising your time

F Musical preferences

G Being busy at the weekend

H An interest in politics

I Alternative transport

J Reading for pleasure

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Listening Test 2

Task 2 (10 x 1 mark = 10 marks)

You will hear two parts of a conversation. Read through the sentences
below and decide if sentences 8–17 are True (T) or False (F) according to
what you hear. Sentence 0 has been done as an example. Now read the


Listen to two friends discussing the neighbourhood while having coffee.

0 An accident occurred recently on the road near where they live.

8 Claire was not surprised that this happened.

9 The traffic control system is inadequate.

10 There should be more policemen on the streets.

11 The traffic system needs to slow drivers down.

12 Speed cameras would stop drivers speeding.


Listen to Chris and Claire continuing their conversation about making the roads

13 The man doesn’t like speed cameras because he got caught speeding.

14 You only have to pay a fine for speeding.

15 The crossing shouldn’t be near the shopping area.

16 The problem is where people cross the street.

17 Not allowing cars to park could help the situation too.

0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Task 3 (8 x 1 mark = 8 marks)

You will hear part of a programme. Read through the notes below and
complete them by filling in gaps 18–25 according to what you hear. Gap 0
has been completed as an example. Now read the notes.


Listen to Jason speaking to Phil about making big decisions.

 One of the men gave up smoking years ago. (0)

 Smoking can destroy _____________________. (18)

 The man stopped smoking so he could become a ____________ .(19)

 To become a fireman you must __________________ . (20)

 The man used to smoke ______________________ . (21)

 He had wanted to be a fireman since _____________________ . (22)

 A friend of his dad’s was in the local ____________________. (23)

 He didn’t like the idea of working in _____________________ . (24)

 He is very happy that he moved to _________________(25)

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