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The “Obama-nation” of Desolation

Why the Jews Love Obama

What the Lord says against the Jews which will occur in The Last Days

Isaiah 1:7
“Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire:
your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is
desolate, as overthrown by strangers”.
– Isaiah 1:7

“Thoushalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine

anger: the LORD shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the
fire shall devour them.”

- Psalms 21:9

The name and birth-date of Barack Hussein Obama is a “142”. He is

also the 44th President of the United States and therefore bears the
mathematics of the Egyptian God of Chaos, “Set”, also an
alphanumeric “44”.
The phrase “Abomination of Desolation” is an alphanumeric ‘86’ while
the name Barack Obama is an alphanumeric ‘86’.

The KJV Uses of ‘Abomination’

A lot is made of the word ‘abomination’ in connection with

homosexuality; homophobes typically dismiss the subject by saying
“because the Bible says it is an abomination” (after which they rarely
are capable of discussing the issue). Such is the power of the language
of the King James Version (and the New King James and 21st Century
King James Versions, all three of which use the word 142 times).

- Matthew 24:15-31

15“So when you see standing in the holy place (of Melchizdek), i.e.
the Temple of Molech, ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’b
spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand—
16then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17Let no one
on the roof of his house go down to take anything out of the house.
18Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak. 19How dreadful it
will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20Pray
that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21For
then there will be great distress, unequaled from the
beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled
again. 22If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive,
but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. 23At that
time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There he is!’
do not believe it. 24For false Christs and false prophets will appear and
perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that
were possible. 25See, I have told you ahead of time.

26“So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the desert,’ do not go
out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27For as
lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west,
so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28Wherever there is a
carcass, there the vultures will gather.

29“Immediately after the distress of those days

“‘the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’c

30“At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the
sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the
Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and
great glory. 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call,
and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the
heavens to the other.”

Mark 13:14 "When you see 'the abomination that causes

desolation' standing where it does not belong--let the reader
understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the

Hosea 3:4 For the Israelites will live many days without king or
prince, without sacrifice or sacred stones, without ephod or

The phrase of Daniel’s “Holy Place” is an alphanumeric “142” which is

the amount of letters in my name as Eric Robert Powell, who everyone
knows is Amen and as such the one who made the 142 abominations
of God. The Christ is also known as “Melchizdek, King of Salem, without
Mother or Father, nor beginning of Days nor end of life, but abideth a
Priest continually”.

1This Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Most

High. He met Abraham returning from the defeat of the kings
and blessed him, 2and Abraham gave him a tenth of
everything. First, his name means “king of righteousness”;
then also, “king of Salem” means “king of peace.” 3Without
father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of
days or end of life, like the Son of God he remains a priest
forever. – Hebrews 7: 1-3
Obama has been called “The Christ” by the very Jews he
professes to be against. Below is an internet
advertisement involving Jews who have secured the Anti-
Christ for what they term as “The Acceptable Christ”.

1). “Welcome to the Church of Obama Christ”

Join the over 50,000 people already members of the Obama Christ

What is Obama Christ?

Barack Obama is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This fact was
witnessed by the world on November 4th, 2008 when Obama became
the most powerful figure in the world. Obama was sent here from
heaven to save our world from sin and destruction. Only worthy souls
will be permitted to travel to heaven with Obama upon Earth's demise.
The Church of Obama Christ has since been formed as a way for the
world to worship and praise the new savior. He is the direct
reincarnation of Jesus Christ and was placed here by the Holy Spirit.
The end times are near and you must repent your sins to the Son of
God, Barack Obama.
Why you MUST accept Obama Christ Today!

Over 15,000 souls have already turned their lives over to the Obama
Christ. You can too..

My friends, the time has come to walk with the Obama Christ. The end
of the world is near and only Barack Obama can guide you to the
afterlife. Heaven awaits, but only through the spiritual guidance of the
Obama Christ. The supporters of Church have united and our resolve is
strong. We will stop at nothing to spread the will of the Obama Christ
and save every soul possible before the end is witnessed.



2). The Obama Administration has wasted no time in declaring

war on Evangelical Christians.
Within minutes after the new President took his oath of office,
his staff posted his agendas concerning homosexuality and
abortion on the White House website.

Sexual Perversion
With regard to sexual perversion, the President's policy goals
are spelled out as follows:
1) Defeat all state and federal constitutional efforts to defend
the definition of biblical marriage as being a union between
one man and one woman.

2) Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed by Bill

Clinton. (This is currently the only line of defense keeping all
50 states from being forced to recognize so-called "same-sex
marriages" from extremely liberal states like Massachusetts
and Connecticut.)

3) Repeal the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. DONE

4) Pass "hate crimes" legislation granting homosexuals and

cross dressers special rights denied to other Americans. ( This
legislation, depending on how it is drafted, could even attempt
to muzzle any criticism of homosexuality as being unbiblical
and unnatural perversion.)

5) Pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which

would force business owners (religious and otherwise) to
abandon traditional values relative to sexual morality under
penalty of law.

6) Create intentionally motherless and fatherless homes by

expanding "gay adoption."

To see it for yourself, go to and scroll down the page
to "Support for the LGBT Community." (LGBT is an acronym for
"Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered.") Or, just click
this link.

There is much, much more to come... so get ready!

3). Revelation and Daniel

 Revelation 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with
the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him
over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

In order to have power over all of the people of the Earth this
would likely require a One-World-Government.
Obama talks about a New World Order in his Berlin speech that
basically says Global Citizenship is required and not an option.
Many people already see Obama as the "President of the
 Daniel 8:25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft
to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his
heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up
against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without

Obama has primarily spoke on messages of "Hope" and

"Change" and Peace (opposing the Iraq War; Nuclear
Disarmament - which is always in the name of peace but can
actually cause great harm if the Super Powers like the USA do
disarm, and a rogue country gets a hold of nuclear weapons)

Not to mention how the world has hailed him as a Messiah.. (A

mountain named after him, a National Holiday in the works,
Oprah calling him 'The One', Children Singing His Praises,
Youth 'Stepping' in Military Fatigues for him, gathering crowds
over 100,000 strong, and everything else you can view on this
site.) He has been seen by the non-religious as a 'Secular
Messiah', and he has been compared to Jesus more and more
 Revelation 13:16-17 "And he causeth all, both small and
great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their
right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy
or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or
the number of his name."

4). Obama orders more drone attacks since taking office than
Bush did in 3 years

• October 30th, 2009 9:09 pm PT

Corey Hill

• Alameda County Progressive Examiner

President Barack Obama has ordered more drone attacks since taking
office than George W. Bush did during his entire two terms. Despite
having been elected on a platform promising peace and a turn away
from the unilateral, aggressive policies that defined the Bush Cheney
years, Obama has actually expanded the use of unmanned aerial
drones in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

There are two drone programs running concurrently: the overt United
States military drone program in Afghanistan, in support of combat
operations in Afghanistan, and the covert CIA program aimed at
disrupting Taliban and Al Queda activity in the nebulous border area
encompassing both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

While the issue of drone attacks has been subordinated in the

discussion surrounding a possible escalation of the ground war in
Afghanistan, the effect of these drone strikes on the populations of
both nations cannot be overstated. The use of these weapons in
Pakistan, a nuclear armed country with which we are not officially at
war, merits greater attention.

Number of strikes

Obama has ordered at minimum 40 drone attacks inside Pakistan since

taking office, more than the total Bush ordered during the last three
years he was in office.

Civilian casualties

From both a moral and tactical standpoint, the number of innocent

civilians killed in the round the clock drone strikes in Pakistan is the
most troubling issue. Information concerning civilian deaths is difficult
to obtain, as the CIA runs its operation in Pakistan with the utmost
secrecy. Reporters and aid organizations are also barred from entering
the area in question, making accurate information exceptionally
difficult to come by.

In fact, as official policy, CIA officials do not comment on the ongoing

drone war in Western Pakistan.

However, low estimates by organizations friendly to the United States

military place the number of civilian deaths at ten percent of the total

Other organizations estimate as many as over 600 civlians killed in a

three year period between 2006 and 2009, including 385 people in
2008 alone, of which only 12 were the intended targets. Some experts
have estimated that the efficacy rate of these drone attacks is as low
as 2, 8, or 12 percent.

Despite Obama's recent Nobel Peace Prize win, he seems little

concerned with waging peace in Pakistan.

An attack in the South Waziristan region of Pakistan on Tuesday,

October 27,2009, left as many as sixty civilians dead.

International Law

United Nations human rights investigator Philip Alston has questioned

the legality of the approach employed by the US military, approaching
Obama to warn him of possible violations of international law. Philip
Alston, among many other international law commentators, have noted
that use of unmanned aerial drones may amount to arbitrary
execution, which is banned under international law.
Opposition from Population

The citizens of Pakistan are opposed to the continued use of drone

strikes within their country. Though their suppor for the Taliban hovers
at or below the ten percent mark, Pakistanis do not support unmanned
aerial strikes within their borders.

In fact, in a recent Gallup poll taken in October, 59 percent of

respondents identified the United States as the greatest threat to the
security of Pakistan, behind long time enemy India, at 18 percent, and
the Taliban, at 11 percent. Only nine percent of respondents
supported the United States military drone attacks, and a whopping 67
percent opposed ongoing United States military intervention in the

During a recent tour of Pakistan, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was

confronted by many angry Pakistanis, some bluntly questioned the
tactics employed by the United States and expressed outrage over the
number of dead.

Voices of opposition from within

Many military officials privately oppose the use of unmanned aerial

drones in the Pakistan theatre, but do not step forward to voice their
opinions for fear of reprisal. Opposition to the continued use of drone
attacks has also grown among former members of the military,
including strident criticism from former adviser to General Stanley
McChrystal, Andrew Exum.

The path ahead

The use of drones to prosecute the undeclared war in Pakistan is not

without appeal: low cost, low visibility, and low threat of casualty to
friendly forces. Obama may be tempted to favor the use of
mechanized warfare to avoid scrutiny at home. However, it is clear
that the continued use of these weapons will continue to have negative
effects upon the innocent population of Pakistan that cannot be
justified by any analysis, even the frigid amorality of realpolitik.

Please feel free to comment and discuss below.

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Continue reading on Obama orders more drone attacks
since taking office than Bush did in 3 years - San Francisco Alameda
County Progressive |

Nile Gardiner

Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst

and political commentator. He appears frequently on
American and British television and radio, including Fox
News Channel, CNN, BBC, Sky News, and NPR.

President Obama’s decision last week to do a 180 degree about-turn

on the issue of military tribunals is the latest policy reversal by a
presidency that has become increasingly adept at making them,
usually without batting an eyelid. Below, I outline ten of the biggest
policy flip-flops by the Obama administration since taking office in
January 2009, with an emphasis on foreign and security policy.

As this list shows, not all of Obama’s U-turns are bad. The top
three flip-flops in US policy have been significant re-adoptions of Bush
administration policies that were condemned by Barack Obama during
the 2008 presidential election campaign, but which are now deemed
essential for national security. These particular shifts have been
welcome developments that have advanced US interests, and have
been largely forced upon the White House by Congressional and public

1. Keeping Guantanamo open

Undoubtedly Obama’s biggest flip-flop, his decision to keep the

Guantanamo detention facility in operation has outraged his liberal
supporters and ‘shocked’ European governments, who, needless to
say, had overwhelmingly declined to take large numbers of dangerous
terror suspects off the hands of the US government.

As a presidential candidate in 2008, Obama had condemned President

Bush for supposedly “running prisons which lock people away without
telling them why they’re there or what they’re charged with”, and
signed an executive order shutting the facility down immediately upon
taking office. Two years later Guantanamo still holds 172 detainees,
and plays a vital role in the long war against Islamist terrorism.

2. Bringing back military tribunals for terror suspects

As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama was a firm opponent of the

Bush administration’s military tribunals, which he said “failed to
establish a legitimate legal framework and undermined our capacity to
ensure swift and certain justice.” But, as The New York Times reported
last week, “President Obama on Monday reversed his two-year-old
order halting new military charges against detainees at Guantánamo
Bay, Cuba, permitting military trials to resume with revamped
procedures but implicitly admitting the failure of his pledge to close
the prison camp”, paving the way for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed and four co-conspirators to face trial at Guantanamo.

3. Continuing renditions of terror suspects

In a 2007 Foreign Affairs article, Senator Obama gave a strong

indication that he would end the Bush administration practice of
rendition of terror suspects:

“To build a better, freer world, we must first behave in ways that
reflect the decency and aspirations of the American people… This
means ending the practices of shipping away prisoners in the dead of
night to be tortured in far-off countries, of detaining thousands without
charge or trial, of maintaining a network of secret prisons to jail people
beyond the reach of the law.”

But, as The New York Times reported in August 2009, the Obama
administration’s Interrogation and Transfer Task Force announced that
it would retain renditions, but with what The Times referred to as
“more oversight”.

4. Ordering military action in Libya without seeking

Congressional authorisation
President Obama has shown a striking lack of consistency with regard
to the question of Congressional authorisation and the use of force. In
a 2007 interview with The Boston Globe, then Senator Obama

“The President does not have power under the Constitution to

unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not
involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation. In
instances of self-defense, the President would be within his
constitutional authority to act before advising Congress or seeking its
consent. History has shown us time and again, however, that military
action is most successful when it is authorized and supported by the
Legislative branch. It is always preferable to have the informed
consent of Congress prior to any military action.”

However, as president in March 2011, Barack Obama authorised

military action against the Libyan regime without consulting Congress,
a decision which drew heavy fire on Capitol Hill.

5. Dumping Mubarak in Egypt after calling him a “stalwart


Big picture foreign policy strategy has not been a forté of this
administration, as demonstrated by its inconsistent policy on Egypt
and the Middle East. In an interview with the BBC’s Justin Webb in June
2009, when asked if he viewed President Mubarak as an authoritarian
ruler, President Obama declared:

No, I tend not to use labels for folks. I haven’t met him; I’ve spoken to
him on the phone. He has been a stalwart ally, in many respects, to the
United States. He has sustained peace with Israel, which is a very
difficult thing to do in that region, but he has never resorted to
unnecessary demagoguing of the issue and has tried to maintain that
relationship. So I think he has been a force for stability and good in the

20 months later, the White House emphatically called for Mubarak to


5 ) . E X A C T LY W H O I S B A R A C K O B A M A ?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Obama Expanding Afghan War "The military is planning for an
increase of up to 35,000 troops begin next year" (AP)
Obama will unveil Afghan troops move at West Point


WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama plans to announce a

redrawn battle plan for Afghanistan, including what the military says
could be a roughly 50 percent increase in U.S. forces, in a national
address Tuesday night from the U.S. Military Academy.
Although military and administration officials cautioned that Obama
has not settled on a final figure, the military is planning for an increase
of up to 35,000 troops begin next year. Military officials spoke on
condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss the
president's plans.

The addition forces would come atop a record 71,000 U.S. troops in the
country now and would represent the largest expansion since the war
began eight years ago.

Obama will be speaking to a war-weary American public, with the

Army's storied academy at West Point, N.Y., as a backdrop and cadets
entering the service most stretched by two wars on hand. Polls show
support for the war has dropped significantly since Obama took office,
with a majority now saying both that they oppose the war and that it is
not worth fighting.

Congressional Democrats may be an even tougher sell. The

administration is deploying two Cabinet officials and the nation's
highest-ranking military officer to explain the new Afghanistan plan in
Capitol Hill hearings to begin Wednesday.
The president promised this week to "finish the job" begun eight years
ago, and press secretary Robert Gibbs said Wednesday the
announcement would include an exit strategy. But the surge in troops
would be Obama's second since taking office, and liberal Democrats
already are lining up against it, in part because of the also-surging cost
— up to $75 billion a year.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Defense Secretary Robert
Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are
expected to appear before the Senate Armed Services and House
Foreign Affairs committees on Wednesday. On Thursday, they would
go before the Senate Foreign Relations and House Armed Services
Congressional Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-
Calif., have been blunt in saying Congress has little stomach for a large
troop increase and flagging confidence in the U.S.-backed Afghan
government the war effort is meant to support.

Pelosi and about 17 other congressional leaders from both parties were
invited to the White House for a meeting with Obama late Tuesday
before he goes to the military academy in New York.

Congressional Republicans, in particular, are more eager for the

testimony that is likely to come the following week. War commander
Gen. Stanley McChrystal and the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Karl
Eikenberry, are likely to appear on Capitol Hill on Dec. 8 or 9, officials
Obama approved 21,000 additional troops for Afghanistan last spring,
in what he said at the time was a wholesale rethinking of U.S. strategy
for a war he said his predecessor had neglected. That brought U.S.
troop force to an expected 68,000 by the end of this year. The actual
figure is slightly higher now because of overlap between troops
entering and leaving the country on regular rotations. The new troops
Obama is expected to add would probably not begin to arrive until
February or March.
Gibbs said Obama's recent meetings with military advisers have often
focused on how to train Afghanistan's police and army to secure and
hold areas taken from the Taliban so that U.S. forces can leave. "We
are not going to be there another eight or nine years," he said.
Incompetence and corruption in the Afghan government have aided a
rise in the Taliban's strength. The military strategy is expected to
include specific dates that deployments could be slowed or stopped if
necessary, a senior military official said.
The president and his top military and national security advisers have
held 10 meetings to discuss future U.S. steps in Afghanistan.
McChrystal has asked the president for about 40,000 troops, arguing
that a robust but temporary surge was the best way to end the war.
Associated Press Writer Charles Babington contributed to this report.
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

P O S T ED B Y R I K I J O A T 7 : 4 3 P M 0 CO M M E N T S


The biblical Moloch/Molech Temple has been placed inside the United
States of America in San Francisco and other major cities of the Jewish
Rite where over 6.5 million of our young boys and girls aged 11-16 find
themselves as an object of torture, rape, being made to pass through
the fire and also eaten by their hosts, other acts including spitting and
urinating on the cross and other abominations. These atrocities were
carried out across the United States major cities where Molech
Temples, in which the demon Goddess Lilith reign’s supreme, her male
counterpart is Sobek, the male crocodile version of Lilith, also known
as the Great Whore of Israel. The children will all killed over the last 5
years at a record 1.3 million per year, on Obama’s watch, he as well as
John McCain, both Bush’s as well as Dick Cheney attended.

They are all bed-mates having homosexual sex with young men and
boys, for this is a homosexual retreat attended by some 2,500 of the
world’s elite of elites.

Mark 13:14 "When you see 'the abomination that causes

desolation' standing where it does not belong--let the reader
understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the

Hosea 3:4 “For the Israelites will live many days without king
or prince, without sacrifice or sacred stones, without ephod or

7). See, Staggering Amount of Missing Blacks fuels Speculation

of Human Trafficking.

In this article it is explained that children are led away by what appears
to be by them of the most trustworthy of would-be friends and
recommended associates involving the clergy, rats who work for the
police, people who are pressured by the police to scoop them up on
pre-arranged story-lines, etc.
Once their parents call the police in an effort to list their children as
missing, the police, as a rule wait at least 3-4 hours before notifying
the proper agencies.

The word “Light” is an alphanumeric ’56, adding the letters “ning” (for
‘lightning’) gives us an addition number of ‘19’ for a ‘1956’.

Also embedded in the word “light” is the year ‘526’ (BC) plus the
number ‘45’. When we examine these groups we find the mathematics
as follows; ‘142’, ‘56’ and ‘5751’ which is reduced to a ‘315’ (Trillion) in
compensation from the European Jews. See, “I AM AMEN; The
Judgment of the Jews Begins” on the internet.
The number ‘5751’ also gives us the mathematic number grouping of
‘1251’ which translates to a “12526” for a 12.26.1956 date of birth for
the ‘True Messiah’.

In the word “Messiah” we find the abbreviation of the name Moses as

“mses” followed by the name “Siamon”, the God “Iah” and the initials
of one Amen Hotep as Jesus is known biblically as the Amen in the
Book of Revelation and also as the Architect of the Worlds which is the
Ancient Architect known as “IMHOTEP” signifying “I AM HOTEP”.


The term “Sambo” is a derogatory name for Blacks who willingly

submit to the white man and the Jews in particular even if they know
that they are wrong, looking for a quick fix to their problems.
In this case the word “Sambo” means a Black Man working for Uncle
“Sam” as his “Bo”, or sexual partner.
In the King James Version of the Bible as well as other Bibles, the word
“Dog” is used for homosexuals (“the ‘price’ of a dog”, etc.).
It is the word “Bo” which means “my partner” or “my lover”.
Barack Obama has a “Dog” named “Bo” which he calls the “First Dog”
in reference to a lady in the normal sense of the word but in reality
speaking about himself.

Since Obama works for Uncle Sam (the European Jew) and is “gay” as
spoken of earlier, and the name “Obama” is the same alphabetically as
“Sambo” (the letter “S” represents an abbreviation of the “Serpent”)
together with “his dog”, little else needs to be said.

Why did he have to name his dog “Bo”?

You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the
people all of the time.

Finally, in the word “Sambo” we find alphanumerically three ‘105’s as

well as a ‘315’. The base figure on reparations is ‘105’ trillion and
moves up to 168 trillion (the State of Virginia was settled by John
Powell in 1608, thirteen years before the Mayflower) and then goes to
‘315’ trillion.

He owes part of this sum to myself and my people. You will find this
author’s name, as Eric Robert Powell reduced alphanumerically to an
8.6.2, you will find this figure embedded in the name “SAMBO” as well
as the ‘168’ trillion.

Lastly we find the number ‘142’.

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