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Read the following news headings:

Pay attention to the way it is written and the reason for it, discuss why news headings are
presented this way.

2. Rewrite the headings to full sentences using the correct tense of passive voice. Add
articles, prepositions and any other necessary word.

A toddler found a winning ticket on the street

A lady was cast in a movie after meeting the celebrity she loves.

A man was invited to a well-known soccer team after seeing them play on the street.

3. Record a 3 – 5 minute video where you tell what you think might have happened in each
heading. You should give general ideas about each heading and last 1 – 1:30 minutes in
each. Use modals of deduction.

4. Choose one of the headings in exercise 1. Write a 500 – 700 word news report, that is,
expand your ideas from exercise 3. Your news report should include passive voice and
modals of deduction.

The child could have earned the winning ticket in another way, like visiting a convenience store
and buying a notary ticket like anyone else, but was lucky enough to find it after walking down the
street without waiting for the ticket to arrive. the draw will drastically change her life. having
earned an enormous amount of dollars or millions of dollars which you will know how to spend
according to your needs at that moment. I would start by giving it to my mum and dad and with
their help knowing what to do with it, how to invest. into something that produces more
productivity or benefits us in the future like a savings account or a student fund that guarantees
my future. Without forgetting my desires or needs I have, like buying a new bike or any new
electronic device.
5. Identify the passive voice in AT LEAST 5 sentences from your news report in exercise 4.
Write the passive voice in bold and write the tense in which they are.

 Example: “A winning lottery ticket  was found  on the street by a kid. –  Simple

The child could have earned the winning ticket

but was lucky enough to find it after walking down the street

having earned an enormous amount of dollars

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