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Arranged to fulfil the task of health counselling on the campus STIKES Rajawali Bandung
building c floor 2

Hafsoh Nurul Hasanah
NPM 1118051



Subject : Abnormal pregnancy

Topics : Molar Pregnancy
target : A Teenager
Giver Material : Hafsoh Nurul Hasanah
Date : January 8, 2020
Time : 13.00 – 13.15 WIB
The Placet : Room 402

A. Institutional Goals
After 30 minutes of counseling it is expected that teenagers can understand
Molar Pregnancy
B. General Instructional Goal
After getting counseling for 30 minutes it is expected that extension participants
can understand Molar Pregnancy

C. Characteristics Of Extension Paryicipants

All Teenager

D. Task Analysis
1. Know
1. Understanding of Molar Pregnancy
2. Simptoms Molar Pregnancy

3. causes Molar Pregnancy

4. How to prevent Molar Pregnancy

2. Do :
Give questions when counseling takes place.

3. Show :
Listen to the material given by the instructor attentively while the counseling takes place.
E. Special instructional purposes
After counseling, participants are axpected to :
1. Understand what Molar Pregnancy
2. Understand the Simptoms Of Molar Pregnancy
3. Understand the causes Molar Pregnancy
4. Understand how to prevent Molar Pregnancy

F. The subject
Abnormal Pregnancy
G. Sub-topic of discussion
Molar Pregnancy
H. Time Allocation
1. Apperception : 5 minutes
2. Opening activies : 5 minutes
3. Material explance : 10 minutes
4. Question and answer discussion : 10 minutes
5. Evaluation and closing : 5 minutes

I. Strategi Instruksional
1. explain teaching material
2. Use teching media to faciliti the understanding of participants of the counseling
3. Provide an opportunity to ask participants in counseling
4. conduct an evaluation

J. Extension Media
Power point

K. Source
1. Sujiyantini, Mufdlilah, Asri Hidayat. 2003. Asuhan Patologi Kebidanan.
Lampung: Nurmed 
2. AloDokter, (2019, 10 Juli), Hamil Anggur, dari
L. Teaching Method
1. Lecture
2. Practice
3. discussion

M. Evaluasi
1. Structure
The Planned activity is prepared well in advance of the extension activities.

2. Proses
a. Participants consisted of all teenager
b. The place building c floor

3. The Result
Participants are able to answer the questions correctly. so according to the
assessments standards set counselling is successful.

Step Extension Participant Extension Method Media
Activities Participant’s
Pre  prepare equipment
 room set

opening  say greetings  answer Question

 convey the purpose of greetings and
counseling  agree on answer
purpose of
Material  Understanding of Molar  tells the lecture Leaflet
description Pregnancy experirience
 Simptoms Of Molar of Molar Power
Question point
Pregnancy Pregnancy
 causes Molar Pregnancy  listening
 How to prevent Molar
Pregnancy  listening
 listening

closing  conclude the material that  listening to lecture

has been conveyed the question
 give a chance to ask Question
 asking and
 Answer the question
question answer
 end the counseling by saying
regards  listening to
the question
 answer

1. Understanding Of Molar Pregnancy
Abnormal Pregnancy is Characterized by the growth off small bubbles that
contain a lot of liquid so that is ressembles grapes. The fetus usually dies, but the
villi will live and enlarge
2. Signs and Simptoms Of Molar Pregnancy
a) Pelvic pain
b) Nausea and vomiting
c) Bleeding
d) Early preeclampsia
e) Increased levels of hCG
f) There is no sign of life in the fetus
g) Abdominal growth is abnormal
h) Hyperthyroidism
i) The appearance of ovarian cysts
j) Anemia

3. Causes Molar Pregnancy

Molar pregnancy (hydatidiform mole) occurs due to the beginning of an
abnormal fertilization process. It could be because sperm fertilize an empty egg
cell or there are 2 sperm that fertilize an egg cell.

4. How to prevent Molar Pregnancy

a) Give pause for a year before trying to get pregnant again
b) Avoid getting pregnant in old age that is above 40 years

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