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“Good day, class!”

“How are you?”
“Are you all feeling great?

Before we start our discussion we will have first our opening

Opening Prayer:
Let us bow down our head and make a sign of the cross.
Dear lord, we thank you for the gift of life today. You allow us
to have another day to praise you and see your glory. Thank
you for the love and protection, especially this time of
pandemic. Bless us father, with your wisdom as we begin our
class. Help us to focus our hearts and minds on what we are
about to learn. Lord we thank you, and let you will be done in
our lives. We ask all this in the mighty name of Jesus. AMEN

Good afternoon everyone! Praise be Jesus and Mary

Before we start, are you now on your comfortable seat?

To formally start our discussion I have prepared a video song, I
want you to watch and listen carefully because the video will
be connected to our lesson for today
Are you ready?

Roots, Stem, leaves, flowers, sun and air and a little rain shower
Start with tiny seed in the ground, buried in the dirt roots will
be found , the roots keep water and form a base, the roots will
hold the plant in place
Stem holds the plant up straight and tall, it helps make sure the
plant doesn’t fall, the stem carries water up from the dirt, the
stem helps keep the plant alert

Roots, Stem, leaves, flowers, sun and air and a little rain shower

The leaves are not just there to show, the leaves will work to
help the plant grow and take in sunlight and make it sweet, the
leaves make food for the plant to eat

The colorful flower is so very bright, bees will stop and rest in
their flight, they pollinate flowers and spread it around, then
the seed fall to the ground.

Roots, Stem, leaves, flowers, sun and air and a little rain shower

Class do you like the song?

What is the song all about?

Today, we will be discussing the parts of plant and its function

But, before that we will have first our objective for this lesson:

Class, I have here a picture
What do you see in the picture?

Do you know what plant is that?

Very Good! That is a sunflower plant
Do you know that sunflower have different parts and each part
has a function?

Like our body each part has a function right? So just like our
body that sunflower also have different parts and function and
we will know or discuss each part one by one.

First part of plant is help the plants to get water, make food
and grow. So first plant part where gonna look out today are
the Roots
What part of the plant can be seen on the ground?
They needed healthy soil for them to grow. Like our body, we
need water and healthy foods to grow healthy.
Roots usually underground but can be above ground too.
Do all plants have roots?
Again, what is the use of the roots?

So do you now understand what is roots?

So now we’re gonna look at second part of the plant which are
the stem.
Or we can say the stems help the plant to stand up tall.
It hold the leaves, flowers and fruits.
Like our body, stems are like bones and muscles, it holds our
body upright
What part of the plant holds the leaves, flowers and fruits?
Do all plants have stem?
What is the main work of the stem?

There are different kinds of stem

1. Green, soft and fleshy stems
2. Hard and woody stems
3. And lastly, there are stems that are called specialized stems,
because it grows underground

What are the different kinds of stem?

Do you know understand the function of stem?

The third part of plant that we gonna learn today are the
Leaves are the most important part of the plant. Without
leaves, plant cannot make food for its growth

What do you call the part of the plant that where it makes its
own food?

Good job!

Example: this leaves vary according to shapes

Next part we’re gonna look at are the flowers
Some plants have flowers, most flowers become fruits. The
flower are the most attractive part of a plant. Flowers are often
used to add color and beauty to places like your home or your
Flowers are like our face its beautiful

What is the part of the plant that makes the surrounding

attractive and beautiful?

What is the work of the flower?

This are the examples of flowers

We also have flowers that be eaten. They are prepared and
cook in many ways
Examples are:

Do you know understand what is flower?


Okay! The last part of the plant we’re gonna learn about is the
Some fruits are big while others are small.
Fruits differ in colors, smell and taste. Some are sweet while
others are sour.

Again, what part of the plant the holds the seed of the plant?
What do you think is the other use of fruits?

Can you give me some name of the fruits?

Did you understand our lesson class?

Again, what are the parts of the plant?

Okay class, since you already know how to identify the parts of
plants and its function, let’s have an activity.
Are you ready class?

So, for your activity I want you to prepare a coupon bond or

any paper would do because for your activity I want you to….

Based on the activity that you have done, what did you learned
What are the parts of the plant?

So class, why do each part of the plants need to have its

- Very Good! That’s right. In order to
the development of a plant.”

Who created all the plants?

1. Knowing that God created everything for us. (PPT)
“We need to take care of plants,
because plants are essential to the
balance of nature and people’s lives.

2. Deforestation harm to people in nearby areas it is the process

of cutting down the forest, without replanting them again. (PPT)

3. Utilization of our natural resources help us to improve and

develop our country. (PPT)


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