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Crypto Economy that wants to protect


A White Paper

What we believe:

As the Pomi team, we believe it is possible to make the

world a better place for other living things.

Animal protection laws have been enacted in many countries around

the world. Penalties for cruelty to animals have been increased. In this
period, when the laws started to protect stray animals, all the products,
services and aids required in the great initiative created by using crypto
technology to overcome their other problems such as shelter, nutrition
and health in terms of finance will be provided quickly.

Our task is to make the stray animals comfortable, by combining

technology with crypto technology, which has become a trend in this
period when the future and management of finance are shrinking, and
to enable shelters and foundations to open a new era in terms of both
management and function compared to the past.

The power is in our hands.

— Pomi Team

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 1


This whitepaper describes the first sale of POMİCOIN (Pomi). Pomi is a crypto token.

Pomi is designed to be used for all services provided by existing exchange platforms and is
described in this whitepaper. Pomi can be used as a crypto payment system for the transfer of
funds allocated for necessary services starting from the top tier.

Commercial establishments;
Pomi will not limit its use or the types of commercial assets it wishes to use.

Pomi is not intended to establish a security in any jurisdiction. This whitepaper is not an
investment demand and is in no way related to a security offering in any jurisdiction.

Please note that Pomi purchases are final and non-refundable.

Individuals, businesses, and other organizations should carefully measure the risks, costs, and
benefits of acquiring Pomi.


You can purchase Pomi with other available coins and tokens in a country where you are a
citizen or resident (tax or otherwise).

You cannot own Pomicoins as you must comply with applicable laws and regulations set by law
in any country or state where the purchase of Pomi or similar crypto tokens is prohibited or the
sale of tokens is not accepted. In particular, if you are a resident of the People's Republic of
China, you cannot purchase Pomi through the token sale.

Pomi purchases should only be made by individuals, organizations or companies with significant
experience in: Pomicoin investors need to understand the use and complexity of crypto tokens
and blockchain-based software systems. Recipients should have a functional understanding of
the storage and transmission mechanisms associated with other crypto tokens.

Pomi as currency and the exchanges where the transaction is carried out cannot be held
responsible for any problems arising from the actions or omissions of any person in Pomi or
other crypto tokens. If you do not have the necessary experience or expertise, then you should
not buy Pomi or participate in the sale of Pomi.

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 2

You should carefully consider the risks, costs and other disadvantages of acquiring Pomicoins
and take independent advice yourself if necessary. If you are not in a position to accept or
understand the risks associated with the token, you should not purchase Pomi until you have
received the required independent advice from Pomi sales or other risks whitepaper outlined in
this document.


Buying Pomi carries significant risks. Before buying Pomi, the recipient should carefully consider
the following. You should be aware of the risks listed below regarding whether or not to
purchase Pomi and consult a lawyer, accountant and/or tax professional as necessary.

(a) Pomi will be stored in a wallet accessible only with a password chosen by the recipient. If a
Pomi purchaser fails to keep an accurate record of or secure their password, it could result in
Pomi being lost. Losses can result if your password protection is weak and has been cracked or
discovered by someone else. As a result, recipients should store their passwords securely in one
or more good backup locations.

(b) The recipient acknowledges that the Pomi team has done some work at the current stage
and is currently in place. Pomicoin may undergo significant changes before and after
development and release. The buyer's expectations may not be met for some reasons.

(c) The recipient understands that the Pomi team will do their best to achieve their goals. It is
possible that most of the major crypto exchanges will reject some tokens.

(d) The recipient knows that Pomicoin wants to make the world a more livable place for all
street animals. Due to official and different reasons, it is possible to postpone the transactions
in some areas.

(e) As with other Crypto tokens, general cryptocurrency market conditions can significantly
fluctuate the value of Pomicoin for many reasons, including but not limited to any supply and
demand, political or geographical reasons, regulatory changes in any jurisdiction, and technical

(f) Pomicoin will be published on the Ethereum blockchain. Therefore, any malfunction or
unexpected operation of the device Ethereum protocol may affect the recipient's ability to
transmit or securely hold Pomi. Such an effect negatively affects the Pomi value.

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 3

Including but not limited to Pomicoin, general project, website, smart contracts, token and all
apps. "Pomi" is a licensed, unlicensed or exempted financial or payment service of any type and
in any jurisdiction, as presented in this conceptual document.

In this Introduction text, any terminology or practice used on the Website is designed as a
primary reference only to terms in a regulated and/or financial environment without any valid
or legal meaning of the same.

Pomi Coin, is a community-driven project and does not have owners, shareholders, promoters,
marketers, managers, directors, or other figures or entities exerting any form of governance.

Pomi Coin smart contracts are open source, security audited, permanent and cannot be
changed in any way. The Pomi Coin token is strictly a utility token in all jurisdictions and cannot
be considered a "security" or otherwise regulated token of any kind.

Pomi Coin is not in any way e-money and/or fiat money, or an asset backed stablecoin, whether
global or limited in scope.

This Whitepaper is not in itself a contract or contractual agreement of any kind, nor is it an

It is at the discretion of the individual to make a request or offer to invest in Pomicoin or to

receive or use Pomicoin tokens in any way.

Any user of Pomi Coin reads and/or uses any part or element of Pomi Coin, which includes
appropriate technical, administrative, regulatory and legal advice prior to such user's access
and/or access. A blockchain and/or crypto system, token, platform, software or interface,
including Pomi Coin, as well as deny any claim against any community member (Pomi Coin
token). The user hereby accepts and declares that there is a high risk in nature.

It is not directly or indirectly related to Pomi Coin for any damage incurred including total loss.

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 4


1. Abstract ..................................................................................................................5
2. Values .....................................................................................................................7
3. Ecosystem .............................................................................................................. 8
4. Pomi Coin ...............................................................................................................9
5. Map.......................................................................................................................10
6. Tokenomics & Stats...............................................................................................11
6. Legal Disclaimer and Disclosures...........................................................................12

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 5


Pomi Coin, which started pre-sale as of December 2021, is built on the highly secure Ethereum

Pomi Coin aims to fund the shelter, nutrition and health services of stray animals all over the

Institutions, foundations, shelters and veterinarians can request assistance.

It aims to receive donations from stray animal welfare foundations all over the world and to
gain value by converting the cash assets they hold into pomicoin.

Pomi Coin aims to keep the value of the coin always valuable and high by burning 1% of its
circulating supply every month (12% per annum).

In this way, it aims to provide extra income to investors and foundations who keep their
investments as pomicoin.

Pomi Coin is initially building a global community that connects both coin holders and
foundations and charities.

Pomi Coin is valued as a central reference currency and can be traded and crowdfunded on
Global Coin platforms.

Pomi Coin is a reliable, essential, long-term project based on social values.

Pomi Coin allows you to create your own wallet and use and sell your coins on Exchange sites.

Pomi Coin holders will receive an extra cyclic monthly payment for each pomi coin they hold.

Pomi created an education panel for major foundations and associations to promote
tokenization and popularize use.

Pomi Coin works as a central and reference currency.

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 6


To ensure long-term development and legitimacy, the Pomi Coin team is completely
transparent as the project operates according to European Union regulations.

Pomi Coin is building a global community connecting both token holders and foundations and
charities. Community is everything and only together can we be strong and successful.

In the cryptocurrency market, trust comes first. This means full transparency not only in the
community and development, but also in security efforts. Pomi Coin is a reliable, fundamental,
long-term project based on social values.

After the Pomi Coin pre-sale, all will be locked except for the funds for cyclical payments and

Pomi Coin who want to give stray animals a healthy and good life, will be here for a long time.

It will be easier for people to learn about reliable institutions and help them at any time
through the Pomi Coin they hold. They will add value by keeping the aid they receive in
institutions as Pomi Coins until they are needed.

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 7

Pomi Coin

It was developed on the Ethereum network (ETH), a highly reliable, high-speed network that
has been traded in cryptocurrency markets for years. It is called ERC-20. Ethereum developers
continue to work on this system to make it even better. ERC-20 standards and infrastructure,
which continue to strengthen with these studies, provide great benefits for the crypto money
world and will continue to do so.

The value of a blockchain is the inherent certainty of the network: participants can create a
reliable and immutable record of transactions without the need for intermediaries. The
decentralized architecture of a blockchain ensures that the integrity of the network is never
compromised – multiple distributed nodes simultaneously running the software and creating
the record.

The strength of the Ethereum blockchain is its programmability: agreements are embedded in
the code for automatic execution of transactions. These digital agreements or “smart
contracts” can call into unlimited forms, conditions and even other contracts, making Ethereum
not only for payment settlement but also for arbitration of transaction events in trade finance,
supply chains, government registries, energy grids make it useful.

Advantages of the Ethereum are:

 Data coordination
 Rapid deployment
 Permissioned networks
 Network size
 Private transactions
 Scalability and performance
 Finality
 Incentive layer
 Tokenization
 Standards
 Interoperability and open source

Pomi Coin is not responsible for the actions of the Ethereum network.

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 8


Community Supported
We welcome different perspectives to turn Pomi Coin into the most helpful community in
crypto. We care about the shelter, nutrition and health of all street animals.
Pomi Coin aims to receive donations in Pomicoin from the foundations it cooperates with and
to add value to the assets of these foundations.

By burning 1% of its circulating supply every month (12% per year), we aim to keep the value of
Pomicoin always valuable and high.

Loyalty is rewarded
Pomi holders will receive an extra cyclic monthly payment for every Pomicoin they hold in their
wallet. With your support, Pomi Coin will grow a little more every day.

Pomi Coins outside the relief fund are locked. Investments will not be used until the fund is

The Pomi Coin Charity fund funds benefit projects that help stray animals.

45% will be sold on pre-sale. Total 450.000.000.000 Pomi.

Stage 1 - (0.0000099 USDT)
Stage 2 - (0.0000129 USDT)
Stage 3 - (0.0000179 USDT)

10% Airdrop
10% has been set aside as a relief fund.
30% locked. The charities will be gradually unlocked as needed for financial support.
5% Development can be used for anything that helps infrastructure and ecosystem growth over
the long term.

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 9

Road Map

With the help of our teams, contributors and investors, these are
milestones we look forward to reaching.

1-3 Months
Opening requests for assistance from institutions, foundations, shelters and veterinarians.
Partnership for the Ecosystem of the Future
Listing on the coin market
Partnership announcement with five major foundations

3-6 Months
Launching the Pomi App for iOS and Android
Announcement of Pomi Coin Lists on 3 Exchanges

6-12 Months
Listing of Pomi Coin on major global exchange
Release the full version of the Pomi App for iOS and Android

Developing cooperation with the foundations it has partnered with
To survive in all countries

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 10

Tokenomics & Stats



Coins Allocated for ICO

Charity Fund Development
10% 5%

10% Public sale


Contact Link:

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 11

Legal Disclaimer and Disclosures

Crypto / digital asset trading is highly risky and highly volatile, and you should never invest
more than you can afford to lose. Risks associated with Token Pomi may lose up to the full
value of the funds. The Ethereum Blockchain network, like all existing ones, is a High-risk
investment. Token Pomi Coin (Pomi) participants assume the risk associated with project
development and deployment.

This document (‘White Paper) is for information purposes only and may be subject to change.
We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the statements made or conclusions reached in this
White Paper and we expressly disclaim all representations and warranties (whether express or
implied by statute or otherwise) whatsoever, including but not limited to:

 any representations or warranties relating to merchantability, fitness for a particular

purpose, suitability, wage, title or non-infringement;
 that the contents of this document are accurate and free from any errors; and
 that such contents do not infringe any third-party rights.

We shall have no liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use, reference to or reliance
on the contents of this White Paper, even if advised of the possibility of damages arising.

This White Paper shall not and cannot be considered as an invitation to enter into an
investment. It does not constitute or relate in any way nor should be considered as an offering
of securities in any jurisdiction. The White Paper does not include nor contain any information
or indication that might be considered as a recommendation or that might be used to base any
investment decision on.

This White Paper does not constitute an offer or an invitation to sell shares, securities or rights
belonging to Pomi Coin or any related or associated company.

No regulatory authority has examined or approved any of the information set out in this White
Paper. No such action has or will be taken under the laws, regulatory requirements or rules of
any jurisdiction. The publication, distribution or dissemination of this White Paper does not
imply that applicable laws or regulatory requirements have been complied with.

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 12

This document is intended for people who have experience purchasing blockchain tokens. If
you have not regularly participated in prior token sales, nor fully understand risks associated
with it, we strongly advise against participating in the Pomi Coin sale. Each participant fully
accepts any risks associated in the process of the token sales, distribution and accepts that no

will be made for the tradability of the token, nor protection against the exposure of volatility
which may occur, resulting in a large difference in the value between the purchase date and the
date Pomi Coin are tradable.

Also, you accept that blockchain tokens inherently come with great risks, such as loss of value,
theft, hacking or other complete loss of tokens, loss of usability and security and other
weaknesses in Pomi or third-party software. Please be aware that it is your own responsibility
to adequately hold, store and trade the Pomi tokens, for instance by choosing a compatible
wallet. If you do not fully understand these risks and obligations, we encourage you to get
informed or obtain relevant counsel or to abstain from any involvement.

Pomi Coin reserves the right to change this White Paper at any time.

Copyright © Pomi 2021. All rights reserved Page 13

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