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ED183 Worksheet 2. 15% Name: Bishal Kirith Lal Student No.

: S11159321

If sources are being used to help argue your points, do reference properly. Cutting and pasting is not
acceptable and since it is an individual task, copying each other is also plagiarism.

A. Give a key mistake you have encountered in two swim strokes during practical sessions and explain
the corrective feedback for each of them (10 marks).

Stroke 1: Backstroke

Common mistake you made:

 The first mistake I made was improper breathing and due to that my body got stiff while doing
the stroke.
 My body form was improper, my head was not under water slightly while performing the
 While doing the backstroke my knees was bend too much while I had to throw small kicks.

Sufficient explanation of corrective feedback and action (s) to help address it:

 Proper breathing is important while doing backstroke. Floating on the back is to be learnt well so
body would float properly while performing backstroke.
 The body has to be under the surface of water to have a proper body form. The head should be
slightly out of the water and relaxed.
 While doing backstroke, kicks should be below the surface of the water and keeping kicks small.

Stroke 2: Breaststroke

Common mistake you made:

 Neck movement was excessive and head position was improper.

 Kicking of the legs too wide and kicking too much in the water.
 Arms pulling too wide.

Sufficient explanation of corrective feedback and action (s) to help address it:

 The head should be above water and then between the arms as performing breaststroke. Lift
head above the water to breathe in and repeat.
 Before doing the breaststroke, floating board can be used to practice correct leg movement as it
allows to focus on just the leg kick. Legs are not to be kept wide but it should be parallel.
 Arms should sweep outwards and not open arms too wide as it takes more energy. Hands
should be pointing down with palms facing back when sweeping arms back.
B. Read the news below and answer question.

Natabua Man Drowns in an Attempt to Save the Lives of Two Children

Posted by: Darshika Raj July 21, 2019 in News Comments Offon Natabua Man Drowns in an Attempt to
Save the Lives of Two Children

A man from Natabua, Lautoka has allegedly drowned while trying to save the life of two children in
Natadola Beach.
The incident occurred yesterday afternoon while the 28-year-old was having a picnic with members of
the Rabi Methodist Western Church group.
It is alleged that the man noticed two children being swept towards the deep end and then swam
against the current in an attempt to save them.
The man soon disappeared under the currents and was found an hour later with the help of staff from
the Intercontinental Resort.
He was rushed to the Sigatoka Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.
The two children were saved by the other members of the church group.
The drowning death toll now stands at 20 compared to 25 for the same period last year.
Investigations continue.

Using taught reasoning (s) in class, what do you think would you have done in attempting to rescue the
two children without putting yourself seriously at risk? (5 marks).

 Reach rescue is one of the safest way to rescue a drowning person. Try to reach the victim with
arm or leg. If a pole or stick is available then use that to reach out to the victim and pull them
safely to the ground. For instance, if the man would looked for a stick or use his arm then
children would have grabbed it and come to the ground.
 Throw rescue is another way to safely rescuing without putting danger to the rescuer and victim.
Throw something to the victim. It could be a rope or something that floats which victim can use
to keep them above water.

Due date: Friday 1 May, 2020

Email Ms. Sharon Smith when done:

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