Model Airplane News 1931-05

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C Convertible Mono'
Biplane Plans

Λ Wind Tunnel

Airplane Designing J

MAY, 1931

A C a p ro n i B o m b e r (W a rtim e ) F ig h tin g O ff a S q u a d ro n of Pfalz Scouts

63" Win4 Span 5'/t Oz. 32" Length.


The most cleverly designed, consistant flying, læst landing, realistic appearing, sensational performing, fuselage model airplane
ever offered the Flyers and Builders of Model Airplanes in America.


Specifications: Tapered (hand moulded) oval, all balsa fuselage, all surfaces adjustable, shock absorbing landing gear, 3"
celluloid wheels, 14" Propeller, removable nose block, binged opening tail assembly, dummy motor and exhaust pipes, duralum­
inum' gear mechanism, and all necessary parts and material to complete kit.
Performance: R. O. G. eight feet. Duration with otte motor, one to two minutes; two motors, two to five minutes; three mo­
tors, five to eight minutes. Ceiling two hundred feet. Distance up to two miles. Speed 20 Μ. P. II.
Semi-constructed kit postpaid in U. S. A., including all necessary parts, large full blue print 43" x 30", and complete instructions.
$12.50. Canada and Hawaii, $13.00.
A bulletin describing this remarkable plane is yours for the asking. Merely send us a stamped
envelope bearing your correct return address.
C E L L U L O ID SP EC IA LT IES M U SIC W IR E wood b u t ad d s very l ittle w eight. Two oz. 22c, fo u r
N in o cy lin d e r double im p re ssio n (lummy m otors d rille d All o f o u r m usic w ire h as been tin n e d to p rev e n t r u s t ­ oz. 40c.
for 1 /S " s h a ft 33c. Sing le im p ressio n 25c. 3" black ing. S ix sizes to select from at tlu s e b a rg a in p rices,
c e llu lo id cowlings 25c. B la c k celluloid p a n ts to lit o u r .016, .022, .026—th ree feet per c e n t: .033. .039, .045— BALSA WOOD
1 7 /8 " o r L 3 /1 " wheels 17c each. L ig h t w eight sheet tw o fee t p e r cen t. » Try a piece o f o u r selected G ra d e A - l B a lsa Wood.
c e llu lo id 50 sq. in . 8c. One larg e p ie c e - a b o u t 0 "x2"x36" lo n g for only $1.10.
C E L L U L O ID W HEELS C o u n try C lub Contest R u b b er is noted for its lo n g life W IN D E R S
a n d g re a te r n u m ber of tu rn s . T he ru b b er m o to r Is tho S tro n g S in g le W in d e rs. 5 to 1 ra tio . 50c each . These
W e stock a com plete line of black celluloid w heels in heart, o f your plane. W e in v ite you to test th is ru b b er m ay he used <;n large outdoor p lan e s. A lum inum
a ll sizes. The 1 3 /8 " a n d th e 1 7 /S " w heels a re f u r ­ for b reakage ag a in st any o th er s tr a n d a t an y price. B eau ty D ouble W in d e rs 90c.
n ish e d w ith a sm all ey e le t b e a rin g . C heck th ese p ric e s 3 /1 6 " lia t. two ft. p er cent. 1 /S " flat. 1 /1 6 ". or
—3 /4 " 4c ea ch — I " 4c e a ch — 1 -3 /S " 6c each — 1-7/S " 9c 1 /3 2 " sq. th re e ft. per cen t. F u ll skeins c o n ta in a b o u t COMPRESSED A IR MOTORS
ea ch — 3" 15c each. 225 ft. a t the follow ing reduced prices. 3 /1 6 " flat 95c. 3 C y lin d er com pressed a ir m otors, read y to use. $3.75;
1 /8 " flat 70c. 1/1 6 " sq u are 65e. 1 /3 2 " sq u are 60c. F o u r C y lin d e r, $4.75. 30" C om pressed A ir T a n k s 3"
A L U M IN U M W HEELS in d ia m e te r, assem bled, $4.50.
A lu m in u m wheels w ith balloon tire s. 1 - 1 /2 " 10c each. RUBBER L U B R IC A N T
1 -3 /4 " l i e each. 2" 12c each. Our C ountry Club T w ister R u b b er L u b ric a n t w ill in ­ RUBBER OR FIB R E TU B IN G
crease th e n u m b er of tu rn s from an y ru b b er m otor. 1 /S " O. D . B u b b e r T u b in g or 3 /3 2 " O. D . F ib re T u b ­
C O V E RIN G M A T E R IA LS One oz. 20c; two oz. 32c. ing. lc p e r in c h , o r 10c p e r ft.
I .arge sheets of 21"x31" J a p a n e s e M ino silk o r W h ite
H akone 4c each o r 40c p e r dozen. S m a lle r sh e ets of DOWELS U N IT IT E CEMENT
Supertine or Rod It a lione fu rn is h e d fo r th e sam e price. 1 /1 6 " W h ite B irch Dow els 24" long, 20e p e r dozen. A larg e 2 oz. c a n of co lo rless U n ltitc Cem ent 25c.
20"x30" sheets of W ood V eneer p a p e r 15c each. I m ­ T h is glue w as desig n ed for m odel a ir p la n e use.
ported w hite c h in a silk $1.20 p e r y ard . W ASHERS
5 /3 2 " B ra ss W ashers w ith .041" hole o r 1 /4 " Copper A L U M IN U M
A M B R O ID CEMENT W ash ers w ith .062" Dole, 3c p e r dozen. 1 /8 " A lu m in u m T u b in g 15c. for 3 ft. len g th . 3 /1 6 " —
G e n u in e A m b ro id e ith e r colored or colorless. One oz. ISo. 1 /4 " — 20e. S h e e t A lu m in u m .006", .010" or
13c, two oz. 20c, fo u r oz. 38c. THRUST B EA R IN G S .016"—25c. p e r sq. ft.
S tro n g h a 'f-ro u m l hearin g s w ith e ith e r .025" o r .035"
BAMBOO h ole 3c each or 25c p e r dozen. A LU M IN U M OR GOLD POW DER
S tra ig h t grained selected bam boo a v erag in g l / 1 6 " x l / 4 " A lu m in u m or gold pow der fo r lin x in g w ith c le a r dope
fu rn ish ed in e ith e r 12" or 15" len g th s for lc per strip . ACETONE, BANANA OIL. OR SHELLAC or b a n a n a oil, 10c. p e r p ackage.
12" lengths 8c p e r dozen. 15" len g th s 9e p e r dozen. B e st q u a lity A cetone. B a n a n a Oil o r S h ellac Sc p e r oz.
S h re d d ed bam boo averaging l /3 2 " x l /1 6 " x l 2 " 7c p er doz. Two oz. f ie , four oz. 26c. PARACHUTES
D aredevil A irm an p a ra c h u te s ' m ad e of J a p a n e se tissu e
CLEAR AND COLORED DOPES BALSA WOOD S K IS to w hich a s m a ll lea d e n m a n is su sp ended, 25c.
C lear n itr a te dope—o u r special m ix . One oz. Sc, two G e n u in e B a ls a W ood Skis, ready to a tta c h to your
oz. 14c, four oz. 26c. Colored P ig m e n te d dopes any p lan e, p e r p a ir . 6", 40c; 8", 50c: 12", 60c. BALSA SP LIT T IN G K N IF E
color you w ish, one oz. 12c. tw o oz. 20c, fo u r oz. 30c. U se one of these kn iv es once, a m i you will throw aw ay
R educed p ric e s on two a n d fo u r oz. c a n s do n o t apply B A LSA SH IN E y o u r razo r blades. Tho b est value we have over
on one oz. asso rted color o rders. A liq u id filler for B a ls a wood w hich stre n g th e n s the offered for 35c.

Our new 1931 catalog is just completed. It contains hundreds of bargains similar to the above, our complete price list of Balsa
Wood, and a brief description of the Flying Fool. Send five one cent stamps for it, or better still send us a 50c trial order and
the catalog will be included free.


Kansas City Retail Shops, 1103 East 59th Street and 221 West 47th Street.
"W h e re your dollar has m ore cents.’'

The Finest KITS You Ever Saw

At a Price You Can Afford to Pay =====


Tw o larg e p r in te d sh eets c o n ta in in g fu ll size lay o u ts of e n tlro m odel, a ll
b u lk h ea d s, rib s , a n d sp ecial p a rts , th re e o p tio n al color schem es a n d 4.000 words
of in stru c tio n s. P ric e Is only 50c.
The most real­
istic flying model
ever built!
TFXACO NoJ3 K it contains full
size plans and in­
structions, Alumi­
num N. A. C. A.
cowling, stamped
ribs, stamped bulk­
heads, large tube
cement, 2 oz. can
red dope, 1 oz. bot­
tle white dope, ve­
neer fuselage cov­
ering, pair celluloid wheels,
easy to form wheel pants,
and many other features
THE which make this k it the
TW IN greatest bargain in the coun­
Picture above is
an actual photo try a t only...... ..
A tw in p u sh e r t h a t h a s a c tu a lly flown over 12 m in u te s, n o t once—
b u t several tim e s!! T h is p ian o h a s m an y fea tu re s w hich c a n n o t be
of our 24 inch
W hen o r d e r e d
separately a d d
found elsew here. I t ' h a s a 40 Inch " A ” fram e th a t Is a m arvel for
lig h tn e ss a n d stre n g th . 36 In ch , hig h cam bered, tap ered wing, and 10c for postage.
tw o 12 Inch, hig h p itc h props, powered by 68 feet of 1/8 Hat ru b ­
ber. Tlie k it c o n ta in s p lan s. In stru ctio n s, stam ped rib s, an d more
th a n enough m a te ria ls fo r th e co n stru c tio n of th is record breaker. A L U M IN U M N. A . C. A . C O W L IN G
W hen o rd ered s e p a ra te ly ad d 10c for postage.


P la n s fo r R-u - Λη X. A. C. A. cow ling t h a t Is ta k in g the
co u n try by sto rm ! H ere’s th e reason for its
G„ E n d u ran ce tre m en d o u s p o p u la rity am ong e x p e rt model
b u ild e rs.
R. 0 . G.. II It Is tho only cow ling on tho m arket which
M inute T racto r c o n ta in s a d u m m y m otor am i th ru s t bearing.
One of th e sn a p p ie st flying m odels In Its class! P ro p e r I t Is m ad e of a lu m in u m a n d looks exactly like
if you w rite for th e ones u sed on b ig ships. D on’t let an o th er
e n g in eerin g a n d a ll b a ls a co n stru c tio n does it! T h is d a y go by w ith o u t g ettin g one. Size of cowl­
p la n e h a s a d o uble su rfa c e d , hig h lift wing. 30 In. sp an , our c o m p l e t e
a ll b a lsa tria n g u la r fu selag e, e x tra stro n g la n d in g g e a r 'to ing. 2" deep. 3" d lam o ter. Packed In en rd -
w ith sta n d th e shocks of o u td o o r flying, an d a large, wide price list. board box w ith m o u n tin g in stru c tio n s. 50c.
b laded prop to keep It up for long d u ra tio n flights. Iv lt c o n ta in s If o rd ered se p ara te ly a d d 5c fo r pack in g and
p lan s. In stru ctio n s, stam p ed rib s, larg e tulte cem ent. 2 oz. can dope, postngo.
p a ir cellu lo id w heels, a n d all m a te ria ls needed to com plete tills won­
d e rfu l m odel. W hen o rd ered se p ara te ly a d d 10c for postage.




t)u r B a lsa Is th o lig h te st an d best 4 oz. can ...........................................................25
b a lsa to be h ad .
36" S T R I P S 2 oz. c a n ...........................................................20
1/1G X 1/16 .......................................... 01 COLORLESS CEMENT
1/8 X 1/8 ............................................... O l'/i 2 oz. c a n .......................................................... 20
1/8 X 3/1C .......................................... 02
SHEET BALSA .045 saltare ................................ 3 ft. for .01
1/32 X 2 X 3 0 ........................................... OG 1 /8 flat ......................................... 5 ft. for .02
F A M O U S 3 IN I KIT 1/16 X 2 X 3 6 ............................................07 3 /1 6 fla t ....................................... 3 ft. for .02
H ere are those flying stick m o d els y o u ’re 1/8 X 2i 36........................................ 08
been w a n tin g to b u ild for a long tim e. No THRUST B E A R IN G S
m a tte r how m any of th ese yo u 'v e b u ilt BALSA PROPELLER BLOCKS .035 hole. E ach .......................................... 03
alre a d y , y o u 're su re to g et a kick o u t of 1 /2 X 3/4 X 6 ................................................... 02 S m all slzo, .025 hole. E a c h ...................... 03
these lig h t, h ig h p erfo rm an ce mo­ 5 /8 X 1 X ’ ........................................ 2 for .05-
dels. Tills k it co n ta in s p la n s a n d 5 /8 X 1 X 8 ................................................. .. .03 W ASHERS
In stru ctio n s a n d a ll m a te ria ls n e c ­ 1 /8 O. I), p e r iloz.......................................... 02
essary to b u ild a high p erfo rm an ce CLEAR DOPE 1 /4 O. D. p e r doz.......................................... 02
R .O .G ., a so n lo r It.O .O . a n d a now 2 oz. c a n ..........................................................14
11 m in u to Indoor tra c to r. T h e price M U SIC W IR E
COLORED DOPE Sizes .014. ,020. .028. .034. 5 ft.
for theso th re e m odels Is less t h a n
some co m p an ies are a sk in g fo r th e 2 oz. c a n ..........................................................17 pack ag o s ........................................................02
la s t p ian o alone. W h en o rd erin g
s e p a ra te ly a d d 10c fo r postago.

M A D IS O N M O D E L AIRPLANES, Inc., 134 Livingston St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

-Dealers and Clubs write for Special Price List-
O €H O

B s ^ e

V o l. I V . N o. 5
In O ur N e x t Issue
Published by Harold Hersey
Can you read this?:
Edited by Capt. H. J. Loftus-Price

Would you like to be able to read

C O N TEN T/ it, and send it over the air to your
chum nearby?
Then don’t fail to delve into the
MAY, 1931 wonderfully interesting and educa­
tional course in “Aerial Radio” which
starts in our next (June) issue.
Skywriting! By Newell Struck 4 Remember, the successful pilot or
The A. B. C. of Aerial Penmanship pilot-navigator of today and the fu­
ture is the one who knows not only
The Log of a Flying Sailor By Lt. (jg) Η. B. Miller his plane, but all its adjuncts. Radio
A Day in the U. S. Naval Air Corps is one of the most important of these,
and the man who knows his dots and
Some Outstanding American Planes in Pictures 10
dashes to perfection is the man who
How to Build a Convertible Mono-Biplane gets first call!
By Prof. T. N. de Bobrovsky 11 The author of this wonder-course
A Cantilever hlod cl with Unusual Features
is none other than Captain Leslie S.
Potter, late Royal Air Force, and one
The American Sky Cadets 23 of the outstanding pilot-navigators in
News and Views of Mode! Plane Enthusiasts the world today. His experience in
France during the W ar, Serbia, and
A W ind Tunnel Substitute for Model Planes the Near East amply fit him to teach
By Dick Cole 25 you all there is to know about flying.
Build lt and Test Tour Flyers His course in “Aerial Navigation,”
published in Model Airplane News,
Special Course in Air Navigation bears ample testimony to his merits
By Capt. Leslie S. Potter 27 as an author-instructor. ’Nuff said
In Which Meteorology is Discussed for the moment.
Aviation Advisory Board 29
Some Rare Data on Wartime Planes This is but a sample of what the
next issue has in store for you. In
Cameragrams of an English Meet 30 addition there is an automatic switch
31 for rubber motors; a spiffy Tractor
More Photographs of American Planes
model by Prof. T. N. de Bobrovsky;·
Gliding and Soaring By Percival and Mat White 32 and thumb-nail sketches of the out­
Continuing this Absorbing Scries standing daredevils of the war—
Baron von Richthofen, German ace,
A Course in Airplane Designing By Ken Sinclair 34 and Col. William Bishop, Britain’s
More About Propellers greatest living ace, by Orville H.
A Novelty for the Home Carpenter ••Φϋφ..
By Edwin T. Hamilton 35 Don’t forget—Model Airplane News,
A Natty Shoe and Stocking Box the wonder magazine of the air! On all
newsstands, May 23, only 15c. a copy!

Published M onthly by G O O D ST O R Y M A G A Z IN E C O M PA N Y , IN C ., M yrick B ldg., S pringfield, M ass.

E d ito rial and G eneral Offices, 25 W est 43rd S tre e t, New Y ork C ity
* H aro ld H e rse y , P resid e n t P auline S andberg, T re a s u re r F r a n k M oran, S ecretary
J . VV. I.eB aro n , A d v e rtisin g M anager, G ra y b a r B uilding, 420 L exington A ve., New Y ork. N . Y.
E n tered as second-class m a tte r J u n e 5, 1929, a t the P o st Office a t S pringfield, M ass., u nder th e A ct of M arch, 3, 1879.
A dditional E n try a t New Y ork, N . Y.
C o pyright, 1931, by GOOD ST O R Y M A G A Z IN E C O M PA N Y , IN C .
Price 15c a copy in U . S. a n d in C anada. Su b scription price $1.50 a y e a r in the U n ited S ta te s and its possessions; also C anada,
Cuba, M exico and P anam a.
All o th er countries $2.00 per year.
C hicago A d v e rtisin g Office: 333 N o rth M ichigan A ve., C. H . S h a ttu c k . M an ag er.
London A g e n ts: A tla s P u b lishing & D istrib u tin g Co., L td ., 18 B ride L ane, London, E. C.
C o n trib u to rs are especially advised to be sure to reta in copies o f th eir c o n trib u tio n s, otherw ise th e y are ta k in g unnecessary risk . E v e ry possible e ffo rt w ill be made in our
organization to re tu rn unavailable m a n u scrip ts, photographs and dra w in g s, ( i f accom panied b y postage) , b u t w e w ill n o t be responsible fo r an y loss o f such m a tte r c o n trib u te d .
Eq u al Novcr Seen
“ Everybody's
T a lk in g ” ’ ..5 ® ) ; (■ " lla v o ju s t com pleted
y o u r B oeing F ig h te r
C It-lC . a n d Travel
" I h e a r so much A ir M ystery Ship
about your C om pany, S F -2 0 , a n d th o lr ap-
your model planes, p earan eo an d p e r­
and your new catalog form ance a ie truly
th a t 1 ju st have to rem ark ab le. In eig h t
send for a copy.
E verybody's talk in g
of your g re a t values
and your planes.
AN y e a rs of m odel b u ild ­
in g I have never seen
th e ir eq u al. The e n ­
closed money ord er la


(From a m odel e n ­
H aw -
thorne. N e w Jersey.)
ϋ OPEN LETTER for y o u r A inphlblon
F Ii-3 0 1 . and
b a lsa k it for th e
Ford T r im otor
F I ,- 30 2 ."

San Carlos, C a lif.

Pleased W ith
T . A . M. S.
" I received th e T rav-
cl A ir M ystery S h ip
kit all rig h t a n d am
a to M odel A irplane Builders
E veryw here
Reflects Quality
"Y o u r new catalo g Is
p rin te d In n way to
reflect th e q u a lity of
your products. I
very pleased w ith It. hopo to In terest a
Six m onths ago 1 few of the upper
bought your fine k it Krade boys In model
of the G re a t Lakes I w m ak in tf." ( From th i
Sport T ra in e r. I had Principal o f a N ew
no trouble b u ild in g Y o rk state school who
It because of the has purchased k its o f
marvelous draw ings,
a n d it is a b e a u ty ." m aterials fo r his own
use fro m us m any
M assachusetts.
tim es.)

ACK in March, 1930, we made a pre­ a scientific ‘Cleveland-Designed’ model, it’s

B diction. Said the time was ripe for a
great improvement in model airplanes—
“ They copied all they could follow.
Blit they couldn’t copy my mind,
A nd 1 left ’em sw eatin g and stea lin g —
a waste of time and money to go back to
ordinary model building.”
. . . A y e ar and a half behind.”
their appearance—their flying qualities. — K ip lin g . Some of the outstanding model aircraft
With our Great Lakes Sport Trainer we developments which have won this high
set out to blaze the trail—entirely disre­ praise for· “Cleveland” are:—The 3/4"
garding old standards of model build­ scale Great Lakes Sport Trainer—which
ing. New models followed in rapid .succession. established an unofficial flight record of 3,608 feet; the rocket-
like Travel Air Mystery Ship—a true scale model .that attains
Today we find ourselves flattered to the extent that many 30 m.p.h. in long distance flights; the Cleveland Trimotor—
concerns have imitated us in every way—as far as they dare; world’s first successful tractor trimotor; the Cleveland Amphi-
others, to protect their own interests, openly deny that scale bion—simple to build and takes off water easier than any other
realism and excellent flying qualities go hand in hand—but any model airplane; the sensational FL-100 beginner’s line; with the
up-to-date model builder can show them where they’re wrong new big outdoor Cleveland Robin—that almost laughs at winds
in that opinion. and would rather stay up in the air than come down; and,
lastly—the new phenomenal line of World War planes, headed
Long before “Cleveland” develops a new model, first hand by Col. Rickenbacker’s all-conquering Spad.
information on what aeromodeiists want is procured not only
through the mail but from our own retail store. Then we Best of all, “Cleveland-Designed” models are extremely simple
to build because everything is drawn full size, in complete detail
conduct exhaustive experiments—design and redesign—until we —an exclusive ‘“Cleveland” feature. These easy-to-follow in­
have perfected a model worthy of the “Cleveland-Designed” structions, quality parts and good engineering have quickly
name—a name which means far more than “just an ordinary earned for “Cleveland-Designed” models the title of “America’s
model,” and has inspired unusual customer confidence. So Finest Model Airplanes.” The line is the largest for fine models
much so, in fact, that model builders write u s: “After building in the world today, and there are prices for any pockctbook.
Be Sure to Build C O L . R I C K E N B A C K E IT S Famous S P A D , and these other keen models!
T h e S p art w as r e ­
p u ted to be th e m ošt CLEVELAND
efficient w ar p lan e
th e A llies h ail. 3 /1 " ROBIN
Cleveland - D esig n ed
m odel h a s a sp a n of (S o m eth in g Now!)
1 9 -3 /4 ". a n d IciiKth
of 1 5 -1 /4 ". Yellow P re m ie r an n o u n cem en t
Wings a n d ta ll s u r ­ on th is new big o u td o o r
faces. green fu se la g e; profile fuselage m odel
w ing circles, s ta rs fur w ith 33" sp an . J u s t the
th e wheels a n d H a t- th in g for S p rin g and
in -th e -Itln g In sig n ia. K it Includes fu ll size d e ta ile d d raw in g s, S um m er Hying, R ugged;
e asy-tn-nnderstam l In stru ctio n s— a n d e v ery th in g needed. O rder o u trid e s th e w in d , easily
K it C B -2, only $4. postfrcc. a tta in s d u ra tio n of one m in u to , a n d d ista n c e of 500 feet.
E x ce p tio n a l value. Very easy to b u ild from fu ll size d ra w ­
ings. e a sy -to -u m lo rs ta n d In stru c tio n s a n d m o re -th a n -en o u g h
m a te ria l. O rder K it F D -201, only $2.20 postfree.
(G erm an, 1918) . . ALBATROSS C-3
The wizard of the G erm an " F l y ­
ing C ircu s". R ealistically d u p li­ (German, 1917)
cated In C leveland-D esigned 22"
span. 1 8-3/4" length m odel. D a rk N icknam ed th e G erm an " S p n d " .
green wings a n d t a il su rfa c e s, o ran g e fu selag e a n d s tr u ts . T h e " h e ll-d iv e r" of Its tim e. T ills
M altese Crosses, fu ll size d e ta ile d d raw in g s, o a s y -to -u n d e rs ta n d C le v elan d -D esig n ed m odel is b c a u tl-
Instructions, a n d every th in g needed, In clu d e d in k it. O rd er fu lly s tre a m lin e d llko th e o riginal,
K it ( l i - 3 , only $4. postfrcc. w ith a span of 22", an d 1 8 -3 /4 " length. O range w ings: light
blue fu selag e, t a l l a n d s tru ts. C om plete w ith fu ll slzo d ra w ­
ings. e a sy -tn -u n d e rs ta n d In stru c tio n s — a n d ev ery th in g! O rder
COL. R IC K E N BA C K ER K it C B -5, only $1. p ostfree.
(F re n c h , 1917) Get Your Notebook-Catalog
Doved a n d flown by p rac tic a lly a ll A llied p ilots. T he N eeded by every a e ro m o d ellst. ts NOW !
clever little C lev elan d -D esig n ed _____ m odel h a s a sp a n of 18 o th e r m odels in colors; an d com plete stock of l ’luo
2 0 -1 /4 " . a n d 13" le n g th ; b r il li a n t yellow w ings an d D iam ond E ngineered su p p lies. (In s e rts for new w arlin e
t a i l ; black fuselage an d s tr u ts . C om pletely d e ta ile d , an d lato r p la n e s m ailed la te r to a ll c a ta lo g h o ld ers.)
m achine guns, en fu ll sizo draw in g s, e a sy -to -u n d e rs ta n d In stru c tio n s a n d every- D o n 't delay having th is g rea t N oteb o o k -C atalo g —s e n d 25c at once, a n d w e'll rush
O rder K it (IB -4 ., only y o u r coopy to you. (No F re e C o p ies.)
th in g else needed. ------- . . $4,
. p ostfree.
Ask your leading store for Cleveland-Designed Models; find out if there's an N. A. Μ. E. Chapter in your town, too.


1866N West 57th St. M o d e l A ircra ft Engineers Since 1919 Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A.

Cleveland Blue Diamond” is the symbol of honest quality, reasonable price and speedy 6-hour service

N ew ell S t r u c k

ACK in 1910 , Major Jack Savage of London, Eng'

B land, conceived the idea of writing inscriptions in
the sky, using an airplane for a pen or brush, and
smoke as the ink. The World W ar interrupted the coni'
plete development of this idea, so that it was not until
after the war that patents were granted Maj. Savage in
practically every civilized country. The scope of Maj.
Savage’s patents cover all means whereby intermittent or
continuous smoke trails can be released from an airplane
in flight.
The first public demonstration of skywriting was given in
England on May 30, 1922, by Capt. Cyril Turner, a fight'
ing ace pilot in the British Royal Air Force. Capt. Turner
performed the skywriting while a championship football
match was being played and, needless to say, no one watch'
ed the football game. From that time on skywriting was
the talk of a nation.
The requirements for successful skywriting arc a high'
powered, very maneuverable airplane with a cruising speed “Gubbins” is a dark thick mixture that resembles crude
of 125 to 130 miles per hour at 10,000 feet altitude, and oil. The smoke generated for skywriting could not be
the ability to climb very rapidly. The SE5 combat plane spread as a protecting screen in naval operations because
that made Britain and the Allies supreme in the air is the our smoke is different from that used by the navy. Their
one that has been used for skywriting. chemical is heavier than the prevailing atmosphere and
Ideal weather conditions for skywriting arc a clear, blue settles, forming a vertical curtain. That would not do
sky with few cloud banks, sunshine and a steady wind. for skywriting as the letters must hang in the air as long
A gusty wind is not favorable as it tends to break up the as possible. Therefore the smoke must be as near as
smoke stream. However, skywriting has been success' possible the same weight as the prevailing atmosphere at
fully accomplished in steady winds of fifty-five to sixty 10,000 feet.
miles per hour.
The smoke producing apparatus is built into the fuse' HEN the pilot wishes to write he squeezes the
lage of the plane and consist of a tank to hold the smoke
producing chemicals under pressure, a wind-driven pres­ W “Bowdin Control” which is placed near the top of
the “joy stick.” This control is the same as that used as
sure pump, pipe lines and a series of control levers. a trigger for firing machine guns on a fighting plane during
Writing “fluid” is controllable white smoke formed by the war, except that instead of firing a burst of bullets
a secret combination of chemicals called by the pilots, a stream of “Gubbins” is injected into the hot exhaust
“Gubbins.” It is doubtful if more than a few people could pipes at the cylinder heads of the motor.
pronounce the chemical name so “Gubbins” it is. On coming into contact with the hot ex­
haust this “Gubbins” forms a very dense,
white .vapor or smoke and is emitted into the
air from the exhaust pipe outlet at the tail of
the plane. In a short time this stream of smoke
expands into a column approximately fifty feet
in diameter to form gigantic letters that can
be seen for many miles.
Each second the trigger valve is open 250,000
cubic feet of smoke is generated. It requires
from 7,000,000 to S,000,000 cubic feet of smoke
to form a single letter so, if you are very fond
of arithmetic you may figure out how many
cubic feet of smoke it would require to sky­
write your name.
Skywriting is usually done at 10,000 to 12,-
000 feet altitude as the wind at that height is
steadier, its direction less affected by the earth’s
heat and uneven surface and a greater number

An S.E.5 (above) testing the smoke on the

take-off, and (below) off like a streak to do
some smoke writing


on their heads. To get the

thing clear in your mind
try this.
Take a fairly thin piece
of writing paper and print
The A. B. C. of
on it “T H A T .” Now this Amazing
below it print it this way,
starting with the T at the Art of Aerial
right or end and printing
toward the left “T A Η T .” Penmanship
Turn the paper over so that
the blank side is toward With Smoke
you and hold it in front of
you so that the light shows
through the paper, making
the printing on the side away from you visible. Now what
do you see? The “T A Η T ” looks and is correct and the
first one you printed is backwards. Incidentally, we hold
a patent on writing backward in the sky.
Can you imagine an experienced skywriter going up and
writing backwards? Well, Pilot McMullin did and he
certainly had the ears kidded off him. But he had it com­
ing to him. When New York City was celebrating its
300th birthday with a jubilee the streets were draped with
bunting, flags were flying from ever available pole and
tower and up went McMullin, an Englishman, to skywrite
about it.
A t 10,000 feet he levelled off and started writing.
Crowds in the streets below stopped to watch him and
gasped. Apparently he'd gone crazy, for he was tracing
of people can see it from the ground. the following message:
Capital letters and loops are usually made about one mile
from top to bottom, small letters about a half mile. So
you see, a line of seven or eight letters is about five miles
long, which can easily be seen by everyone on the ground
over an area of thirty square miles. A rather large sign
you must admit! Can you imagine a signboard on the
ground a mile high and five miles long?

ANY people think that skywriting letters are made

M vertical in relation to the earth. My goodness, if He never knew it. At least he didn't realize it when he
landed afterwards at the hangar. “How'd it go?" some­
that could be done we should have planes that would climb
straight up at the rate of 125 miles an hour. Oh, Boy! one there asked him, not knowing what had happened.
what a plane that would be. “All right. Air's a bit bumpy, but a nice blue sky.
All you would need with such a plane would be a few Cuess I'll call up the boss."
weeks of spare time, plenty of gas and you'd be The “boss” is Allan J. Cameron, President of The Sky­
looking for a landing field on Mars. And· if you writing Corporation of America, which holds the skywrit­
fellows have been following aviation news of rocket driven ing patents for the U. S. A.
plane experiments you'll not say such a plane isn’t “Hello, 'Cam,’ how did you like the show?”
Getting back to actualities again, I want to
tell you that skywriting letters are formed flat
or in a horizontal plane with the earth, the
same as you’d write on a wet pavement by mak­
ing a bicycle travel in the directions necessary
to form a letter with the tire tracks. In fact,
in the early days of skywriting, some of the
pilots used to practice the backward system of
writing on bicycles, using wet tires on the con­
crete in front of the Hendon airdrome, outside
London. But, even though they made an im­
pression on the concrete they could not do a
vertical bank on a bicycle.
In skywriting, a pilot writes backwards or
from right to left instead of from left to right
so that those on the ground will see the word
in its proper position without having to stand

A S k y w ritin g p lan e tellin g th e w orld a b o u t

it, 10,000 fe et u p . (Below ) a side view a t
th e tak e -o ff

No one heard what on the ground began to

Mr. Cameron said, but snicker and nudge his
the telephone receiver neighbor.
was making peculiar “Collie” was spell­
rattling noises it does ing “Lucky” with two
when someone at the “k’s.” Undismayed, he
other end is talking in a finished the word and
very emphatic manner. then went back and
McMullin came back crossed out the extra
with the reddest face “k” with a trail of
you ever saw on a man. smoke. Only a few
Then the story came knew he had done it
out — and we never purposely, so the “kid­
have let him forget it. ding” he received from
A successful sky­ the newspapers was
writing pilot must be very good publicity.
an able flyer. He must Of course it is pos­
at all times know al­ sible for a skywriter to
most instinctively his miss-spell a word ac­
position and the direc­ cidentally, but hardly
tion in which his plane likely because he has a
is travelling regardless diagram of what he is
of how many twists skywriting on the in­
and turns he has made strument panel before
since starting a letter. him at all times.
A river, a long street Skywriting is not as
or a railroad track on easy to do as. it may
the ground below is appear to people on
used as a bearing for the ground.watching it.
his base line. Or the It is quite tricky to
position of the shadow control the smoke so
of a strut or wire on that letters are formed
the wing of the plane properly with smoke
is used to guide him in streams of even diam­
keeping his base line eter, of the same si2;e
straight. and in a straight line.
No two skywriters Many fine pilots never
write alike in the sky get the knack of con­
any more than they do trolling the smoke prop­
when writing with a erly. The plane is, of
pen and paper. In course, flown in the
fact, it is quite easy to same direction as the
stand on the ground letters to be made are
and tell who is writing written with a pen—by
without being told his m a n o e u v e r i n g the
name if you arc famil­ plane, just as we did in
iar with his writing. wartime, when the idea
And don’t forget was to dodge enemy
this. Don’t make a mistake in spelling, because you have machine gun bullets, instead of skywriting.
no eraser. “Collie,” Capt. C. B. D. Collyer, the veteran All you have to do is to fly your plane in the necessary
army and air mail pilot and ’round the world flyer who direction to form the lines of the letters you are writing,
crashed with Harry Tucker in the Lockheed Vega mono­ operate the mechanism that releases the smoke so that the
plane “Yankee Doodle” attempting to break the West to resulting column or line is of even diameter, keep the let­
East transcontinental U. S. A. speed record, did just that ters straight—and write backwards.
over San Francisco while writing “Lucky Strike.” He was You must also allow enough distance between each line
on the fourth letter of the word Lucky when everybody forming a letter and each (Continued on page 37)

An S.E.5 Skywriting plane, showing the smoke apparatus being tested


L t. (jg) Η . B . M iller
U . S . N . A . C.

HUGE shape plunges its nose

A into the rolling swells of the
Pacific. Occasionally a whitecap
is to be seen as an ambitious wave over'
does itself and climbs higher than the
rest, only to fall with a wasted fury of
spume and foam. The sun had just
risen over an horizon of red.
Aboard this onward rushing mass of
steel, the U.S.S. Saratoga, reveille has
just sounded its clear but unwelcome
notes. The Boatswain’s Mates pass along ’ ' ; m - 'f ;
the hammock'swung passageways stirring ·* - ' Μ miss fire. As a
up sleepy bluejackets, “Up you come, : W. precaution a 11
sailors!” “Bear a hand!” “Shake a å plugs are generally
leg!” “All hands!”
y ' II i l Š “ thoroughly wiped off
;ff I
The compartments begin to stir with as the first step of
life. The narrow strips of canvas known starting the engines.
as hammocks are rolled up tightly, se' ' €- ' O "x! This saves many a weary
cured with lashings, and stowed away cranking of a balky, cold
for the day. The men assigned to the power plant.
aircraft squadrons begin to work their A mechanic climbs into
way topsides'to the Flight Deck. each cockpit where he sets the fuel valves, throttle, and
The trim little fighting planes are there just as they spark advance levers. A few strokes with the priming
left them the preceding day. Heavy canvas covers house pump and he has injected a charge of raw gasoline into
the engines and cockpits, thus keeping out the moisture the three top cylinders of the aircooled Wasp. A second
which saturates everything aboard a ship at sea. If a sailor breaks out the cranking handle and begins to turn
long, rainy spell has set in, it often becomes necessary to over the inertia starter.
place an electric light inside the covers in order to keep After a cold night the lubricating oil has become stiff
the engines dry. and sluggish. It lends resistance to the natural inertia of
Small beads of dew on the ignition leads are sufficient the starter. As a result it takes considerable strength to
to cause a great deal of difficulty in starting because this turn over the crank. A t last it is whining and whirling
water may short circuit the spark plugs and cause them to at a terrific rate of speed and the starting clutch is engaged
with the engine.
Sufficient energy has been
stored up in this revolving
four'pound weight to turn
the large power plant over
rapidly several times. With
luck it will start at the first
cranking. W ith a poofh and
a bang, one cylinder fires as
if in protest. This kicks the

A bove— N in e “ ey es”
o f th e fleet in fo rm a ­
tio n flying a b o v e th e
m o th e r sh ip , U . S . S .
S a r a to g a


fragmentation bombs for the racks with which each plane

is fitted. The shells have each been carefully inspected by
a Gunner's Mate. Defective ammunition will invariably
cause a jam when firing. The case of the shell may be
oversized or crimped. Either way it will fail to be
ejected from the chamber and a stoppage will result.
When this occurs down comes the gunnery score, for
only a part of the sixty allowed cartridges will then
be fired at the target and fewer hits will result.
The cartridges arc bound in lengths of thirty
by means of metal links which unlock and fall
clear of the plane as the bullets are fired. Thus
there are no canvas strips to entangle any of
the gun-operating gear.

W O thirty-pound fragmentation bombs

T are carried on the rack which is
mounted on the under side of the right
wing. These bombs are used mostly
against personel such as the crews oper­
ating anti-aircraft guns. They are in­
effective against heavy protection such
A Boeing fighter in as armor. The bombs will not ex­
a power dive
plode as they are handled on the
engine over so swiftly deck of the carrier. It is only
that the main magnetocs when the firing pin is released
can now deliver a powerful that it becomes a dangerous
spark to the gas-filled cylin weapon.
ders. Complete ignition takes It is entirely possible to re-·
place and all nine cylinders arei lease them from high in the
air without having them
soon hitting smoothly.
The Engineering Officer is up and explode. Thus, in case of
an impending forced
about. Moving in and out of the closely
packed planes he assists in diagnosing any landing when it is de­
troubles which might be encountered by his sired to lighten the
plane crews. His planes must be in tip-top condi­ plane of all dispos­
tion todaý, for the squadron is scheduled to shoot able l o a d s , t h e
some very important gunnery practises. No engine b o m b s c a n be
dropped safely
failures must occur while the planes are at sea.
without endan­
W ith a mighty roar the throttles are opened wide to
gering the lives
insure that they are turning up their maximum revolutions.
of those on
A few new spark plugs are installed in this engine. Another
the ground.
one needs a richer carburetor setting. All gas strainers are
thoroughly cleaned in order that no water will be present
in the fuel system. The Chief Petty Officer reports to the
Engineering Officer that all power plants arc operating
satisfactorily. They are stopped and the gas tanks of the
planes are topped off. That last five gallons may be the
safety margin which brings home a belated pilot to his The bomb
ship some day. is exploded by
contact of the fir­
HE planes are now hauled around on deck and placed ing pin and a booster
T in the proper position for the take-off. They are gener­
ally “spotted” in the natural numeral sequence. That is, the
charge consisting of a
small quantity of fulmi­
Squadron Leader’s plane, Number One, will be placed in nate of mercury. A small
a position where he may take off first. Next comes Num­ wind-driven propeller is fitted
ber Two, Number Three, etc. The planes arc then firmly in the nose of each bomb. As
secured to the deck by lashings on the wheels and tail skags. the projectile falls the propeller
Strong lines also make the wing-tips fast in order that a revolves. A system of screws push
cross wind will not turn the craft over on its back. the firing pin nearly in contact with the
The Quartermaster makes five bells. Only 6:30! How­ booster charge. As the bomb strikes an
ever, it is a welcome note for the bugle sounds, “Mess object the contact is completed and the ex­
Gear!” Time to knock off work and get ready for break­ plosion occurs. However, it is possible for the
fast. After the morning’s work in the bracing salt air the pilot to release the bomb with the propeller locked
men are equipped with most capable appetites. Nothing in place. In this case, the bomb is unable to arm
can satisfy this better than a dish running over with golden, itself and it is harmless except as a falling weight.
brown beans banked with delicious corn bread. Over all The pilots now come upon deck, warmly dressed as a
this a rich layer of tomato catsup more commonly known protection against the intense cold of the higher altitudes.
in the Navy as "red eye.” Warm leather jackets serve as wind-breakers while silken
Then back to work on the planes. The Gunner’s gang scarfs keep the wind from slipping down their backs.
is busy issuing ammunition for the machine guns and Goggles are wiped dry and clean. No oil spot is to be

p e rm itte d to planes once they

blurr their visions are released. The
during their ter' whistle and siren
rific dives on the blows. All set.
target. The chocks are
They go care' removed from the
fully over their wheels of the first
planes, inspecting plane in line. The
each fitting no Squadron Leader
matter how small. nods his readiness
The control wires and the men on
must have no each wing turn
broken strands. loose. Opening
Are the control wide his throttle
surface hinge pins and holding his
in place and se' control stick for'
cured with safety ward, his plane
wire? Dócs the quickly lifts its
control · s t i c k tail clear and be-
move freely and gins to roll down
easily? The tires the long deck.
must be pumped He now throt'
up evenly in or' ties down in or'
der to prevent a der that he will
possible ground' A remarkable view (above) of a fighter leaving the deck of the Saratoga not lift off the
Navy fighters lined up on the tarmac for inspection (below) deck too far aft
loop during a
landing. Is the cowling all secured in place? of the bow. Otherwise a cross'current of air might sweep
A bugle sounds out loud and clear. Bong, bong, bong him into the forward turrets on the starboard side of the
go the alarm bells! Flight Quarters! Operations are about ship. Rapidly gaining speed, the plane is now rolling
to begin. All pilots hurry to the “Ready Room” for a swiftly forward on its wheels. The throttle is opened
conference and last minute instructions. The Command' wider, the wheels lift clear of the deck. Air'borne at last,
ing Officer reads and explains the operations order which the plane is in its native element where there is room to
is to control their movements for the day. Each pilot maneuver.
must understand clearly just what is to be done, its timing,
and its sequence. NE by one these fighting cocks lift up their tails and
The order, “Man your planes” comes down from the O with a roar roll swiftly down the deck. On clearing
bridge. The pilots pull tight their helmets, draw on their the bow they mount quickly to the appointed rendezvous
gloves and head for the door. Reaching it, they carefully where the leader is awaiting them. As each plane reaches
set their course through the maze of wings and engines the prearranged locality he falls into his proper position in
that crowd the flight deck. Climbing into their planes the formation.
they adjust their parachutes. These must be snug, for if The target towing planes now leave the deck with their
a jump is made with a loose parachute, it is liable to six'hundred feet tow-line. A t the end of this is a strongly-
bruise the wearer. sewn cloth sleeve twelve feet long. The width at the lead­
A throbbing and roaring noise sounds throughout the ing edge is four feet. It gradually tapers smaller to the
mighty vessel as the powerful engines are tuned up and trailing edge. A metal ring holds the front diameter open.
tested. Each pilot runs his engine on both the main and The wind passing through keeps it inflated and full-blown.
reserve tanks to make sure no obstruction exists in the The projected area of this target simulates the critical area
fuel lines. The lubricating oil is brought up to a safe of an enemy plane. That is, the space occupied by the pilot,
operating temperature. All eighteen planes are now ready gas tank, and engine. A towing plane and target is
to take the air. provided for every six ships of the firing squadron.
The carrier is swung around and headed into the wind. Climbing, climbing, climbing. Ten thousand, fifteen
This added airspeed aids in lifting the heavily'burdened thousand feet. Slower now (Continued on page 45)






ATHER round, you medium balsa. Make two

G model builders, for

here is a novelty to
H ow to B uild sides A and cut two holes of
3/16" diameter near the
gladden the hearts of
all aviation enthusiasts—a
peach of a flying model that
A Convertible bulkheads II and III, as
shown in the drawing.
The lower wings are at­
can be used as a high-wing tached by two tubes, shown
,-monoplane, or a low-wing
monoplane, or a biplane.
In general this model some­
Mono -Biplane in drawing 6; these are indi­
cated by the number 16.
These tubes are to be fas­
what resembles the Belgian tened in the two holes men­
R. S. V. training plane. By tioned in the preceding para­
From your work on this graph. Make two tubes.
model you will be able to
learn much about the differ­
P r o f. T . N . de B o b ro v sk y Only one piece (B) is needed
for the bottom of the fuse­
ent flying qualities of the lage. Near bulkhead 5 cut
various types of planes embodied in the one model. It is out No. 1, as shown, and from 1/32" balsa cut 2 pieces
easy to construct and at the same time inexpensive. of No. 2, and fix them in the space cut out. Do not throw
Now, as an additional surprise, a "parachute device for away the piece cut out from No. 1, as it is through the
experiments is incorporated in the model. A little care­ opening in No. 1 we fix or change the rubber motor, and
ful study and manipulation will enable you to release the the piece cut out fits as a cover. It is advisable to fix this
parachute at varying heights in turns, spins, etc. cover in place by means of little threads of paper which
Another feature to be noticed is that it is equipped with can be easily torn off when necessary to change the rubber.
neither fin nor rudder. If one were to build an actual
plane of this type the front fin and rudder could be
replaced by some patented rudder placed on the wings.
If this could be worked out it would be an excellent thing
for military purposes, giving, as it would, an unobstructed
view over the tail for gunnery purposes. Now, as regards
the type of parachute being used, the idea is to eliminate
the necessity of jumping out of the plane and of risking
one’s life, as would be the case in a low jump.
The type of parachute you will build for this model
makes it possible to jump very near to the ground. By
use of the unlocking device, the parachute comes in a posi­
tion by which the airflow caused by the propeller and the
momentum in general opens it. The pilot is then gently
lifted from the cockpit. The resistance of the parachute
in question is such as to enable the pilot to leave his plane
at about
100 f e e t
above the
You will
be amazed A C antilever
at the sim­
plicity of M odel W ith
tion of this
model, and
M an y U nusual
in the dif­ F eatures
ferences of
the meth­
ods used in
A mer i ca,
and the European methods, which have been adopted—as
for instance, the fuselage. It does not contain a motor-
stick, but holds the rubber itself—a European idea. Both
are equal in weight, nevertheless the European method
has two advantages over the American. First, the model
is stronger and does not alter its shape, and secondly, the
model flies a straight course invariably, which is not as­
sured by the easily moved motor-sticks as in the American
types. The motor can be changed or wound up just as
easily as in the ordinary type.
If the rubber breaks, do not be afraid that it will damage
the model, as would. be the case in an ordinary paper-
covered and motor-stick mounted fuselage.
Drawings 1 and 2 show the side A and the bottom B of
the fuselage. These are made from 1/32" thick, hard or

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The Am erican Sky Cadets
HE Junior High School

T Aviation Club of the

American Sky Cadets
at Summit, N. J., has, under
N ew s and V iew s
o f M odel P lan e
the leadership of Mr. Furth,
Manuel Training instructor, E n th u sia sts
obtained a strong position
among the activities of the
Classes of instruction in
model building and aviation
are held twice a week imme­
diately after school hours. .
Many excellent models have Othello Dickert and
been built by members and his scale models of a
Boeing Navy flying
great keenness has been shown boat and a Boeing
by the boys during the course single-seater fighter
of instruction. The scrap
books have assumed large pro-
portions and there are few
cases where the boys are un­ was affiliated with the American Sky Cadets and shortly
able to name the type of plane shown on a photograph. after some of the members successfully took part in the
Mr. Furth has inaugurated a series of discussions on State contest held in Elizabeth.
famous flights. These discussions go below the surface, Later in the year a contest and exhibit were held in the
seek out not the spectacular part of an expedition, but the gymnasium, at which some excellent models were flown and
reasons for it. Those expeditions which have been success­ exhibited. The 1931 session of the club has recently
ful owe their success in very small measure to luck, and started, with more.than thirty members, under the leader­
mostly to careful preparation, courage in overcoming diffi­ ship of W. L. Espenchied and Arthur Davis.
culties, keen work by the members whether there be two As the conduct of the club-will be in the hands of men
or twenty and the will to succeed in an undertaking which who are themselves aviators and expert model builders,
must have for its purpose a definite object for good. This members are looking forward to a year of special interest.
object may be purely scientific, the advancement of aviation, Contests will be held and visits made to airports and
relief of suffering or exploration. aeroplane factories. Efforts also are being made to per­
Admiral Byrd’s South suade some well known
Pole Expedition was one aviators to address the
of the finest examples of club.
such success. His work
has been thoroughly ana­
lysed and studied by the E liza b eth
Summit club members.
The system used by Mr. M odel Club
Furth might, with advan­
tage, be studied by other RGANIZED three
clubs, especially those in
schools which are using
O years ago by Mr. Irv­
ing Levy, of Levy Bros.,*
aviation as part of their the Elizabeth, N. J., model
activities. They realize airplane club has a limited
that this study is not mere­ membership of twenty.
ly a game, but possesses
great educational advan­ Competition to join the
tages if organized and run Members of American Sky Cadets club at Y.M.C.A., Jersey club is keen, particularly
ion lines similar to those in City, N. J. as the members enjoy spe­
use at Summit Junior High. cial privileges, and have a
The new course has now started and Summit boys are high standing among the model builders in N ew Jersey.
all out to be winners in some of the contests scheduled to Meetings are held each Saturday at the Elizabeth Armory
take place during the year. In any case there is no doubt when planes are tested and new designs are discussed.
that apart from contests the members of this club will Members have built an autogiro and some success has been
derive the greatest benefit from an educational point of obtained with the Rotor type of model. After each meet­
view. ing members visit the Newark Metropolitan Airport and
study the different types of planes to be found there.
Jersey C ity Y . M . C. A . The club has a large library of aviation books and maga­
zines for the use of its members.
HE model airplane club of the Y. M. C. A. in Jersey Membership is divided into three grades, as follows:
T City has been active since 1925. Each year the club
has held a model airplane contest and exhibit of models,
Upon joining, a member becomes a cadet.
A pilot’s wings are obtained after passing various tests
which always attracts considerable attention. in aerodynamics and successfully building and flying certain
In 1930 this club, under the dirtetion of Mr. Ledlie, types of models.

The highest test for “Ace” necessitates Miss Mary Reynolds, to do research work
passing further tests. in his laboratory in their spare time.
The club emblem is a gold pin on which Everything that goes with the work of
is engraved the names of the club and an Aeronautical Research Laboratory, such
sponsor. as that owned by Professor de Bobrovsky,
Within the past year the club has more at Secaucus, N. J., will be undertaken by
than doubled its flying records, which now the boys, including a scries on flight
stand as follows: methods, calculation, building and testing
Indoor endurance 4 min. 40 secs. systems, and designing of aircrafts and
Indoor commercial 2 min. 32 secs. models.
Indoor R. O. G. 2 min. 34 secs. This is the first time that anything of
Indoor glider 15 secs. this nature has been undertaken, particu­
Outdoor endurance -17 min. 20 secs. larly in the matter of the professor himself
Outdoor commercial 2 min. 5 secs. providing the material and instruments
Outdoor hand launched Garfield Edwards,Wheeling, with which the boys work, and sparing the
W. Va. and one of his planes
glider 39 secs. time to direct their research.
Each year, in order to stimulate the — :oo:—
members, Levy Bros., offer to the two most successful
members a free trip to the National Contest at Detroit. Philip M. O'Hara, Honorary National Contender of
the A. S. C. and leader of the Detroit Daily Sky Cadet
HE club has at various times challenged other model Club, has just submitted a report of recent activities, from
T clubs in New Jersey and so far retains an unbeaten which it is gathered that the club is making monstrous
record. strides, and pleasing everybody. In his letter to Capt. H.
The present officers are: president, J. Loftus-Price, Administrator of the
Henry C. Runkel; vice-president, Henry American Sky Cadets, Mr. O’Hara
Cox and secretary-treasurer, Welcome writes:
Bender, Jr. “Things have been humming in our
club within the last two months. Some­
A. S. C. HEADQUARTERS, thing new has been turning up nearly
every day.
N EW YORK “We are having regular monthly
Well, there’s another surprise in store meetings on the second Friday of each
for the American Cadets in New York month. A t the last meeting, held
and adjacent territory, and that is that February 13, we staged a model contest
by the time you read this, our head­ in connection with it and had 150 en­
quarters group will have been formed in tries in the contest. The big prize was
the Aviation Department at Stern Broth­ a $25 silver cup, a beautiful thing, which
ers’ huge New York Department Store. was presented to the winner of the en­
A large space is being partitioned off durance contest by one of Detroit’s
on the sixth· floor, where work benches, councilmen.
a library and an instructor will be in- Λν “We have organized the ' Detroit
stalled. Members of the club will be William Gricff, Jersey City, Daily Junior Aviation club band (40
allowed to work at the benches, read and N. J., holding one of his models pieces) and one unit of the band, named
refer to all library books, and also will be in honor of a popular radio entertainer,
given instruction in matters pertaining to aeronautics. Miss Betty (Aunt Betty) Schmult, the director, will go on
Efforts have been made to persuade Clarence Cham­ the air over a local radio station within a few weeks, we
berlain, the famous transatlantic flier, and Miss Amelia believe. They arc known as, “Betty’s Sky Cadets. It s
Earhart, America’s outstanding woman flier, to become an 11-piece orchestra. All boys over 17 years of age.
officers of the club. They’re pretty good, too. Have been practising twice a
' Ben Shcreshaw, one of New York’s noted model build­ week.
ers, and an experienced wind-tunnel worker, is the in­ “Got a club song, Happy Landings, taken from George
structor at the Club, and will be there to answer all ques­ White's musical comedy, Flying High. W e’re using
tions and help in building Happy Landings to sign off
and designing your models. with at the bottom of the
W hat better meeting place column in the Daily and it
could you wish for than a fits in nicely as a club song.
Club such as this—so why “Planning now on a big
not make your password, membership contest with a
“Meet me at Stern’s Sky Ca­ large downtown theatre co­
det Club.” operating with free tickets
to the moving picture Diri-
— :oo:— gible, coming in about three
weeks. Should bring in hun­
Another note of interest dreds of new members.
to all model makers comes “Had a model airplane
from Professor T. N. dc supply company to open up
Bobrovsky, the famous aero­ a downtown retail store near
nautical research expert, who where we hold our meetings
has taken under his tutorship and besides advertising with
eight selected students from Carlton Schaub, Hawthorne, N. J., in his home-made the Daily three days a week
the Dickinson High School, hang glider they’re giving a 10% dis­
Jersey City, all pupils of count to club, members.”
O d o u b t evory The outside dimensions of
N builder of flying
model airplanes has
wished he could test his
A Wind Tunnel the frame are 6" x 24" x
49Yi". Thus the length­
wise inside dimension is
creation in a wind tunnel.
The wish probably has
prompted him to try out
his model in the breeze from an
Substitute for 48", which permits the in­
stallation of 48 openings
1 " square, openings to
each longitudinal row. The inside
ordinary electric fan. However,
Model Planes
the result was no doubt very disap­
pointing; the model weaved from
height of the honeycombing is 16",
which permits sixteen 1 " vertical
openings. Of the extreme lower sec­
side to side and careened crazily, and the test tion of the frame 8" is covered with a board.
proved nothing at all. By The honeycombing itself can be made of
The chief reason for this is that the blast any thin, rigid material, such as sheet metal,
from the electric fan is a maze of whirling DICK COLE thin wood, or cardboard. Sheet metal—
air currents—a miniature tornado, as it were. galvanized iron or common tin—is recom­
If, however, the air from the fan had first been directed mended. Fifteen strips 6" x 48" and 47 strips 6" x 16"
through pigeonholing, somewhat similar to the core of an are necessary. All the strips are notched half through at
automobile radiator, the whirling eddies would have been 1 " intervals, and then the horizontal and the vertical strips
straightened out, and the test would have proved more are interlocked into the core assembly. An insert drawing
satisfactory. shows the interlocking of the core strips. There is no need
Even so, one fan will not provide sufficient cross-section to solder the joins.
area to the air flow to test ade­ W ith the honeycomb frame
quately the average-sized model. completed, the next operation is
Three or four fans placed side to set up the fans. Four fans
by side would supply the neces­ B u ild It an d and fan bracket assemblies from
sary area. Usually a number of model T Fords are used. Any
electric fans are not available,
so I shall tell how to build a
T e st Y o u r F ly e rs auto junk yard will supply these
at fifty cents up. Care should
be taken to select those with
suitable substitute for a wind
tunnel with the use of four fan S c ie n tific a lly good fan shaft bushes; other­
assemblies from old model T wise it will be necessary to re­
Fords, and of J/4 or ]/-> Η. P. bush them. This, however, is
electric motor—the motor “borrowed” from the family an easy and inexpensive job.
washing machine, for instance. Next, take a piece of straight-grained “two by four”
Plate I visualizes the wind machine assembly. The first 49Yi long and streamline it as shown in the insert draw­
operation is to make the honeycomb frame. The frame ing. The trailing edge is notched in for 1" to receive the
proper can be made of any cheap lumber about 24” thick. fan bracket. These are bolted (Continued on page 39)


Pa n s in o pen w in d o w


CHECKING- THf in d ic a t o r s AGAINST a scale \TENSlON TO \ N o i C A T O R SPlNDLE
s p r in g - balan ce cF KNOWN ACCURACY they
Special Course in Air Navigation
C a p t. L eslie S . P o tte r
HIS is a science, the study of which is purely the 35,000 feet, is called the troposphere. Above this it is
T work of a specialist, and one which is obviously out­ called the stratosphere, but. the latter has little bearing on
side the scope of a short chapter included in a course the aeronautics of today.
of air navigation. Fortunately, a thorough knowledge is The two factors which have most bearing on our
not essential to the air navigator, but the main character­ weather conditions are air pressure and temperature.
istics of the air and its ways must be understood in order Air pressure is probably of primary importance because
that he may be able to intelligently read and understand all the other weather elements depend on it or its changes.
the synoptic charts prepared and issued by the United As you know, the presence of air exercises a definite
States Weather Bureau, and to interpret the general signi­ pressure which is measured by an instrument known as the
ficance of the forecasts issued for the territory in which barometer. The mercury and the aneroid barometer are
he is interested. For a thorough knowledge of this subject the two kinds of instruments most commonly used. Pres­
the reader cannot do better than study the text book “Aero­ sure is measured either in lbs. per square inch or millibars
nautical Meteorology” prepared by Willis Ray Gregg, A.B., (expressed mb.) per square centimetre. In northern
of the U. S. Weather Bureau. U. S. and Canada the normal limits of pressure at sea-level
A synoptic chart is a map of the are 940 mb. and 1060 mb.—a pres­
area under consideration, showing the sure of over 1025 mb. is considered
distribution of various meteorological high, and a pressure below 990 ml^. is
elements such as wind, pressure, C ap t. P o tte r D iscu sses considered low.
temperature and the like over that On synoptic charts, places where
period at a given time. M eteo ro lo g y in T h is equal pressure occurs are connected
The atmosphere around the earth by lines called isobars, and for the
is composed mainly of nitrogen and M o n th ’s In sta lm en t purpose of easy comparison these
.oxygen, which form approximately pressures are reduced to sea level.
from 98% to 99% of its constituents. o f h is S eries Pressure tends to increase with drops
The belt of air in the U. S. and in temperature and decrease with alti­
Europe, up to an average height of tude, but it has its regular (diurnal)



or daily changes, which are, however, slight. sea and continues until evening. During the night when
Air temperature is measured with the thermometer. the land cools rapidly and gives up the heat it has acquired
Lines on a synoptic chart connecting places of equal tem- during the day, these conditions are reversed and a land
perature are called isotherms. The two scales generally or offshore breeze springs up.
used in measuring temperature are the Fahrenheit and the Variations in wind direction are caused by friction at
Centigrade scales. A comparison of their graduations is or near the surface which produces divergencies in direc­
given hereunder: tion of from 20° to 30°. If the surface is much broken up
Fahrenheit Centigrade by trees, hills and buildings it may vary as much as 50°;
Boiling point of water....... 212° 100° but as you get higher it more or less assumes its true
Freezing point of water..... 32° 0° course. This is represented most accurately' at around
Temperature normally decreases with altitude, though 2,000 to 3,000 feet. Still higher up the changes in tem­
this does not invariably happen. Normally in still air the perature will cause further variations.
temperature will decrease about 3° The wind is never perfectly steady
Fahrenheit or 2° Centigrade for every but is a perpetual succession of
1000 feet of altitude, but temperature FIGUREE changes in velocity. When these
also has its seasonal and daily (diur- 5 YtiOPT/C CHPffTSHOWING HIGH changes are more pronounced they
nal) changes. are called gusts or squalls. A squall
30* 3Č J jo 4 may be described as a large gust, but
INĎ is the air in motion. Air while a gust is a sudden increase of
W flows from areas of high pres-
sure to areas of low pressure, but ow'
wind of short duration, a squall is a
greater increase in wind velocity and
ing to the earth’s rotation it does not lasts several minutes.
travel in a direct line from one area The effect of a squall on a plane
to the other. In the northern hemi­ that is turning will be unpleasant and
sphere air streams are deflected to the will probably cause temporary loss of
right, and in the southern hemisphere control. A line squall does not last
to the left. The air leaves a high pres­ much longer than an ordinary squall
sure area in a clockwise rotation, but it may be as much as 200 miles
flows towards a low pressure area and wide. A long line of dark cloud
enters this in an anti-clockwise rota­ ahead preceded by rain or hail is
tion. The strength of the wind de­ often an indication of a line squall.
pends on the pressure gradient. If Jim m unts/tcpR am soB /m p^m cnim fs Since owing to its breadth it is gener­
the isobars lie close together; or in A m m c m m r m D im m ally impossible to fly round, a landing
other words, if the changes in air should always be made if possible.
pressure over a certain region are CLO U D Y ·
P A R T L Y C LO U D Y f)
rapid, the winds will be strong; if the
isobars lie far apart they will be
SN O W ©
B UMPINESS is another state of
air turbulence caused by ascend­
ing and descending currents. One
Winds are classified into different forces by the Beaufort often reads of colossal bumps being experienced in the air,
Wind Scale (see figure 1) and this is often used by meteor­ but imagination often plays a larger part in these descrip­
ologists in referring to wind velocity. Areas of high and tions than do actual weather conditions. Generally speak­
low pressure in the United States move in approximately ing, bumps will not be experienced over 3,000 feet. They
are more common over the land than the sea and reach
a west to east direction, finishing up generally in the New
higher altitudes in tropical countries where they are also
England States. The speed with which they move will more violent; but on the hottest day, they may usually be
depend on the wind velocity but a distance of 500 to 600 avoided at a height of 7,000 feet.
miles will be a normal distance of travel in a day. The upward and downward currents are due to the
The effect of unequal heating
temperature and of the earth’s sur­
" F IG U R E ! air pressure in face and to its ir­ FIGUREΈ
is characterized in a broken up •OtOmb.
in the land and country with
sea breezes com­ m a n y h i l l s ,
mon to most sea bumps are more
coasts during the likely to be ex­
summer. T h e perienced than in
land which is f l a t unbroken
more easily and regions.
rapidly h e a te d Cyclones, some­
than the water times called de­
becomes abnor­ pressions or lows,
mally heated by are areas of low
day and produces barometric pres­
a low pressure. sure with more or
STRAIGHTUNESREPRESENTlSOmiDRAWNmiNTER\'AiS-Srr,h Heated air, as is less circular iso­
illustrated by the bars, though in STRAIGHTUtiES REPRESENTTOM S, MWNEORMTERlfllS-
hot air balloon, some cases these ARROW S R EPR ESEN T WIND DIRECTION.
CLEAR W EATHER O becomes rarified also assume “V ” FIG U RES R E P R E S E N T W IND SPEED.
C LO U D Y @
P A R T L Y CLOUDY 3 and r i s e s . A and wedge shapes CLEAR WEATHER O
R A IN breeze, therefore, (Continued on PARTLYCLOUDY ®
blows in from the page 40)
P ric e


ERE'S another pleasant surprise for model builders • Area of fin, 11.2 sq. ft.
H and aviation enthusiasts in general!
For some time now I have been receiving ‘insis-
Area of body in horizontal plane, 96 sq. ft.
Area of body in vertical plane, 107 sq. ft.
Weight empty, 6,039 lbs.
tent demands for data concerning war-time planes, and Useful load, 2,722 lbs.
after some extensive research work, I am enabled to publish Total weight fully loaded, 8,763 lbs.
for you the following details. Loading per sq. ft., 8.9 lbs.
We are still working on the subject, and hope for some
Two 260 h.p. Mercedes engines:
future issue to obtain data relating to more types of war­ Engine centres, 14 ft.
time planes. Airscrew diameter, 10 ft. 2 in.
However, here goes! Track of main landing wheels, 3 ft. 2|/ 2in.
Track of auxiliary landing wheels, 2 ft. Ί / ι in.
BRITISH The speed of this machine at 12,000 ft. was estimated
F.E. 2b: Beardmore engine of 120 h.p. Fore-runner of
the Rolls engined type, which it resembles in general at 72 miles per hour.
, — :o0:— .
design. This machine, with slight modifications and a
160 h.p. Beardmore engine, was still in use at the end
Fo\l{er D.7 (Single-Seater Biplane) :
of the war, as a night-bombing machine.
B.E. 2e: The original B.E. was designed by and built un­ Span, 29 ft. 3J/2 in.
Chord (upper wing), 5 ft. 2/ i in.
der supervision of Mr. Geoffrey de Havilland, later
Chord (lower wing), 3 ft. llJ /4 in.
Captain R.F.C. and chief designer for the Aircraft
Mfg. Co., Ltd. A later type of the same general de­ Overall length, 22 ft. llJ /2 in.
sign was numbered B.E. 2. Developments of this type Gap, 4 ft. 2 in.
Area of upper wings (with ailerons), 140.7 sq. ft.
were the B.E. 2b, B.E. 2d and B.E. 2e, the two last
being built in very large quantities. Area of lower wings, 7S.3 sq. ft.
Area of aileron (one only), 5.7 sq. ft.
Area of balance of aileron, .5 sq. ft.
Gotha: The standard type of two-engined Gotha is a Area of horizontal tail plane, 21.1 sq. ft.
. pusher, the appearance of Nwhich is characterized by Area of elevators, 15.2 sq. ft.
the backward sweep of the main planes, which are also Area of balance of elevator, 1.1 sq. ft.
set at a lateral dihedral angle. The set back of the Area of fin, 2.8 sq. ft.
plane is 4 deg. and the dihedral approximately 2 deg. Area of rudder, 5.9 sq. ft.
Maximum span, 77 ft. Area of horizontal area of body, 35.6 sq. ft.
Span of lower plane, 71 ft. 9 in. Area of vertical area of body, 58.6 sq. ft.
Gap, 7 ft. Area of plane, between wheels, 12.4 sq. ft.
Maximum chord, 7 ft. 6 in. — :oo:—
Minimum chord, 7 ft. 2 / i in. Albatros D III:
Over-all length, 41 ft. Span (upper wing), 30
Area of top plane, 521.6 sq. ft.
ft. Span (lower wing), 29
Area of bottom plane, 464 sq. ft.
ft. Chord (upper wing), 4
Total area, 985 sq. ft. ft. 11 in.
Gap, 4 ft. 11 in.
Area of upper aileron, 32 sq.
Stagger, 9 in.
Area of balance of aileron, Upper and lower span al­
3.2 sq. ft. most equal. Projecting ailer­
Area of bottom aileron, 22.4 ons. Dihedral to lower plane
sq. ft. only. Rudder and fin entire­
Span of tail planes, 13 ft. 6 ly above fuselage. Tiny fin
in. below fuselage. Solid eleva­
Area of tail planes, 45 sq. ft. tor with balanced projec­
Area of rudder, 16 sq. ft. tions, rounded fuselage, with
Area of rudder balance, 3.2 pot on propeller. Motor—
sq. ft. Fixed Mercedes, 175 h.p.
A S o p w ith “ S n ip e ” (B ritish w a r tim e fig h te r)
Area of elevators, 19.2 sq. ft. — Courtesy Δ . D. C. A irc ra ft Co. (Continued on page 47)

MEETING of the Wimbledon Model Aeroplane Club on Wimbledon Common

England (above) during which a petrol-driven model was flown, causing great,
excitement and interest both in flight and on the ground
W ide W orld

O the left is a view

T of the same meet
showing the competitors
lined up with their mod­
els of all sizes and types.
The diversity of these
aroused the keen interest
of the crowd of spectators
W ide W orld

n o t h e r view
A (right) of the mini­
ature “flying meeting.”
Notice the exagger­
ated dihedral angle of
the wings on the mono­
plane PHMAC-26 in
the foreground
W ide W orld





OU can learn a good deal about
Y gliding By building and flying
model gliders. Construction of
models teaches you much concerning
the parts of a glider and the aerody-
namic qualities which allow the glider
to stay in the air. Model building is
not for amateur flyers alone; airplane
designers test their plans on a small
scale before they invest time and
money in building a full-size ship.
Moreover, models are sometimes used
in testing the winds prior to soaring
Model Gliders Made for Purposes
of Construction. There are in gen-
eral two types of model gliders; those
made to show construction or form,
and those intended to fly. One de-
rives the same sort of pleasure from
building the first type of glider as
from rigging a clipper ship model.
Such a glider may be a detailed copy
of a real motorless plane, with a pi­
lot’s seat, rudder-bar and stick which
actually move the control-surfaces,
etc. The wings may be made of cloth A Prufling glider in flight
or paper, stretched over wooden
Others, of course, are made of solid
wood. Thread may be used to simu­
late wire if the parts are made im­ By
movable. In such a model you can
use various accessories, such as tiny buckles to tighten the P ercival W h ite an d M a t W h ite
wires, since additional weight makes no difference. This
glider will, of course, not fly, and is only to be looked at, wood is probably the lightest known and is ideal for model
but you will gain a lot of constructional information by purposes, either in strips or whole surfaces.
working on such a model. Sometime^ strips of thin, light weight metal are used.
Model Gliders Made for Flight Purposes. Glider models Aluminum is available in thin sheets, as is magnesium. The
intended actually to fly vary from the simplest to the most latter is extraordinarily light and comes in various sizes of
complicated. The simplest type of thing you can build wire, also. The wings may be made entirely of such metal,
consists of a straight, narrow piece of light wood or of also, but it is apt to bend when the ship strikes the ground,
cardboard at one end for wings, and a smaller surface at and is usually unsatisfactory.
the other end for elevators. These will usually be built up When you have experimented with simple models, begin
to have a slight camber or curvature, rather than a per­ to-make gliders with greater refinement of design, and
fectly flat under-surface. more accurately built.
By adjusting these supporting planes until the ship is The model sailplane made by the American Sailplane Co.
perfectly balanced, you will learn something of the aero­ is described by the manufacturer as follows: “It is made
dynamical principles of balance and of the relationship be­ of solid balsa v/ood and lias a wing span of 6 feet 8 inches
tween the center of pressure and the center of gravity. and chord of 8 inches at the body tapering slightly towards
In order that the planes may be easily adjustable, they the wing tips. The overall body length is 30 inches and
may be fastened to the fuselage with rubber bands, rather the complete model weighs 3 lbs., with a wing surface of 4
than nails or glue. square feet. The center of gravity is well forward and
Directionable stability is, of course, impossible without the nose is loaded with lead. The body is well streamlined.
the addition of some kind of fin or rudder. Some models The tail structure is very short and light. The elevator
are flown in reverse fashion; that is, the fin is placed behind is set close to the wings and at a negative angle. The
the wing and the stabilizer in front of it so that the model wings are swept back slightly with a deep camber near the
is put into the air with body which gradually
the stabilizer in front. washes out into a thin,
This is a rather com­ flat, light, negative
mon type. wingtip. They are also
Simple glider models set at a slight dihedral
may be made of heavy angle.
paper strengthened by Several flights of a
thin strips of wood, mile or more have been
may be covered with made with this model,
light weight cloth, or according to the mak­
made entirely of wood. ers, when flown from
Any wood may be used An all-balsa an e l e v a t i o n and
for this but soft wood model glider launched into a moder­
is preferable. Balsa ate rising wind, the
G LI D I K C A K D SO A R I K G 33

model retaining its bal·

ance perfectly and soar' B u ild in g a
ing like an eagle. It has R eal G lider
been made to hover mo­
tionless over one spot The least expensive
several seconds at a time way to procure a glider
.under favorable condi­ is to build it yourself, or
tions. with some friends who
The model assumes will help share the ex­
the correct soaring angle, pense. Moreover, glider
adjusts itself to different construction will teach
air currents very quick­ you a great deal about
ly, banks correctly in aerodynamics and de­
turning and possesses sign. Most ground
almost perfect inherent schools offer opportuni­
stability in flight. ties for some actual con­
The principles of sta­ structional work, al­
bility and soaring ability though not usually on
embodied are results of gliders.
several years of experi­ Before you start to
America’s famous Franklin P.S.2 glider build you must choose
ments with different
types of models of sailplanes with the idea in mind of the design, and become familiar with the essential parts of
applying these principles to a full-si^e, man-carrying the structure of a glider.
sailplane which would be efficient, easily controlled, in­ The Dangers of Glider Construction. Most of the
herently stable, and simple and cheap to construct.” accidents which happened to the first gliders were the
How to Fly Models. The types of model gliders in­ result of faulty construction. A glider is an airplane and
tended to be flown, may be used either inside the house or it must be built not only strongly but according to the
outdoors. There are several ways in which a glider may principles of aerodynamics. No amateur should attempt,
be launched. Of these, the simplest is to hurl it from the unaided, to build a glider. Unless you have a real knowl­
hand like a javelin. Another method of launching the edge of construction, engineering, aerodynamics, and gliders
model is to hook its nose to the elastic of a sling shot. By which have been made previously, you should work under
pulling the ship backward, then suddenly letting go, you the direction and, if possible, the supervision of an expert.
can send it into the air exactly as you would a stone.
Another way is to hold the glider in your right hand; N expert in airplane construction will, of course, be
with your left hand, take one end of a short, flexible A of real assistance to you, if he does not try to change
hickory stick. Place the other end of the stick against a the design. A man experienced only in building powerful
small block of wood glued to the side of the fuselage, and ships is apt not to understand that gliders do not have to
bend the stick. When you suddenly let go of the glider bear the strain that airplanes do. Such experts can be
with your right hand, the stick will unbend, shooting the found nowadays in almost every large community. How­
ship into the air. ever, be sure they are experts.
There are model gliders built so that they may be flown The Shop. This should be preferably thirty or thirty-
like kites. Such a ship can be sent to a great altitude on five feet long, to give room for the construction of the
the end of a string, and then, if let loose from the line, will wings, and at least ten feet wide, so that a wing can be
glide down. The best way to free the model in the air is set up flatways, and so that there will be room for the
to atach the line to the glider by a hook which you can storage of other parts while the wings are being built. Exit
release from the ground by pulling a second string. These from the shop should be sufficient and convenient for the
glider-kites are made of paper alone, or of paper stretched finished, assembled, ship to pass through.
over bent reed. The shop should have a good floor,
When you have launched your model since it will be used as the surface on
glider for several straight flights, you can which to assemble the fuselage, wings,
make it do tricks and turns in the air and other parts. A wooden floor en­
by setting the control surfaces. ables you to nail your supports and
Conclusion. Model building is in­ should be heated if it is to be used in
structive; not only from the increase of cold weather. The shop must be well
aerodynamic knowledge which it brings lighted, with windows along one side at
but from the practice in delicate con­ least. A bench should be placed against
struction that it gives. the best lighted wall of the shop.
It is also intensely interesting to per­ Equipment and Tools. You will need
fect them and learn to handle them the usual tools of an amateur carpenter,
until, if correctly such as a claw
d e s i g n e d and hammer, a small
built, you can tack hammer,
make them carry chisels, s a w s ,
your " wishes in p l a n e s , draw
the air. knife, spoke
I t is a r e a l shave, etc. In
pleasure to see a addition, it will
tiny air ship ac­ greatly facilitate
tually flying un­ the work if you
der its own con­ (Continued on
trol. Another noted albbalsa model glider page 43)
A Course in Airplane Designing
B y M a s te r in g T h is V a lu a b le C o u rs e , t h e M o d e l B u ild e r o f
T o d a y L a y s t h e C o rn e rs to n e fo r H is C a re e r a s t h e
A e r o n a u tic a l E n g in e e r a n d D e sig n e r o f T o m o rro w

By Ken S in clair

N presenting this course, M odel A irplane N ews So far no solution has been generally adopted, but of late
I wishes to stress the fact that model building is more
than a mere sport. If the builder of model airplanes learns
the variable pitch propeller has been developed to a state
where it seems practical. The variable pitch prop is one
the fundamental principles underlying airplane flight and in which the blade angle can be changed by the pilot while
design, he prepares himself for a future career in the most the ship is in the air with the propeller turning over.
profitable phase of aviation. For example, were a pilot to be taking off with a very
The policy of M odel A irplane N ews is not to eu- heavy load to fly across the continent at a high altitude, he
courage or teach its readers to become pilots, but rather would set his propeller at a low pitch before he left the
to become aeronautical engineers, designers, salesmen, ground, then gradually increase the pitch as the ship
manufacturers, or equip the77iselves for many other posh climbed skyward, thus keeping the blades operating at their
tions which require the training of the specialist or execw most efficient angle at all times.
tive. Study this course fro7n month to month, master it in It is surprising how much power is wasted through
every detail and you will gain a fundamental \noivledge the failure of the ordinary propeller to operate efficiently
of the how and why of airplane design which will be at all altitudes. The motor of a plan loses power as the
second to none. ship gains height, and this, combined with the loss of
T he E ditor. propeller thrust, has made high-altitude flying impractical
AST month we discussed the propeller, learning some­ on a commercial basis until the present time.
L thing about the theory and operation of this impor­
tant part of the airplane. Now we will go on with
that topic and try to clear up any points that may have
W ith the variable pitch propeller, however, the larger
part of the difficulty is removed. The loss of motor power
can be made up by the use of a supercharger, which is a
been left over from last time. device that supplies large quantities of the rarefied air to
We have said that the pitch, or distance that the pro- the motor under pressure, thus making up for the loss due
\ peller moves forward during each revolution, is dependent to the rarefied air and the reduced air pressure. The
on the blade angle. At low altitudes, where the air is variable pitch propeller does its part by enabling the prop
thick, the most efficient pro­ to make the fullest use of the
peller is one having a com­ power supplied by the motor
paratively small pitch; while at any altitude.
at high altitudes, where the This type of propeller is
air is thin, the efficiency of not as complicated as it may
the low-pitch propeller drops seem at first glance. The
rapidly. basic idea is a propeller hav­
For flying at high altitudes ing blades that may be
we need a high-pitch pro­ turned while the ship is fly­
peller that will move a lot of ing, changing their pitch
the rarefied air and obtain angle. The present type
sufficient thrust to move the makes use of gears on the
ship. Thus it is that we propeller shaft, which are in
usually see, on the high-alti- turn handled from the cock­
tude ships, a large propeller pit. Another type has been
of higher pitch than normal. flown in which the changes in
This matter of pitch has prop pitch are brought about
received quite a bit of atten­ by alternately throttling and
tion, since high-altitude fly­ speeding up the motor.
ing for long rapid trips seems
to be the coming thing. It is N the former type, how-
obvious that a propeller
which will be efficient near
I . ever, we have the added
advantage of ability to stop
the ground will fail to meet the ship quickly in landing.
the requirements of high-alti- For example, the pilot would
tude work. On the other approach the field in the
hand, were we to make a normal way and level out.
propeller for high-altitude When the wheels touched,
flying, it might be so ineffi­ however, he would reverse
cient near the ground that the propeller blades and
it would not deliver enough open the motor. The thrust
thrust to take the ship off. (Continued on page 38)

N THE past, is used for parti­
the floor of
Mother’s clo-
set was good
A Novelty for tions only, and is
assembled after the
main box is erect­
enough for her ed. When each
shoes, but in this
day of modern effi­
ciency, it has be­
The piece of the Yz
stock has been fin­
ished, as instructed
come passe along
with hoop skirts
and k e r o s e n e
Home Carpenter above, a careful
check on all mea­
surements should
lamps. be made. When
Now the proper this has been done
thing is this simple but handy shoe and stocking box, where we are ready to assemble the box.
there is a place for everything and everything can be found Hot carpenter’s glue and 1" small-head brads are used
easily. Twelve separate compartments hold her stockings, for tliis purpose. The following instructions should
while six larger compartments each hold a pair of shoes. be carefully followed in the order given, as trouble may be
At the bottom is a larger space for her overshoes, etc., experienced in the assembling if another procedure is fol­
which is lined with oilcloth and which permits Mother to lowed in this work. The shelves and the shelf partitions
deposit her rubbers in it when wet. are first assembled together, leaving the bottom shelf board,
No dirt or dust can reach her things, as a door and cover which also acts as a base for the box, until later. Take the
for the stocking compartment guards against this trouble. remaining four shelf boards and draw a line through the
So let’s get busy. Build this handy box for Mother and center of each and parallel to the end edge of each. These
everytime she changes her shoes, she’ll praise the thought­ lines should be drawn completely around the board, so
ful boy who built it for her. that they appear on the top and bottom of each board.
The same tools which were necessary for the smoking Use your try-square to do this.
stand are needed for this box, and the lumber used in its
construction is yellow pine. The partitions of the stocking HE shelf partition boards divide each shelf in two equal
compartment can be best made from cigar box wood, so T lengths, so they must be attached in place on their re­
collect enough cigar boxes to make these. The following spective shelf boards in the exact center of each of these
lumber is needed: drawn lines.
2 pcs.—Y i" thick X 12" wide x Take the second bottom and third
30" long for sides. bottom shelf boards, and attach a
3 pcs.— Yz" thick X 6" wide x 11 shelf partition board between them.
Yl long for shelf partitions. Apply glue to the side edges of the
5 pcs.— Yz thick X iV /z" wide partition board and drive the nails
X l2Yz" long for shelves. along the line, drawn about 1" apart.
1 pc.—Yz thick X Y l/z wide x These are driven through the shelf
30" long for back. boards and in the shelf partition
1 pc.—Yz thick X l l / z " wide x ’ board. The second shelf partition
12Yz" long for front. board is now attached between the
1 pc.—Yz thick X 12" wide x 12 third bottom shelf board and the
Yz long for cover. fourth. As nails cannot be driven
1 pc.—Yz" thick X \^ Y z ' wide x from the third bottom shelf, due to
30" long for door. the partition board already attached,
(Note that all the above material glue alone holds this partition board
is Yz stock.) to the third shelf. However, nails
3 pcs.—Ys," thick X 3" wide x 12 are driven through the fourth bot­
Yz long for partition boards. tom board in the second shelf parti­
4 pcs.—Y§" thick X 3" wide x 2 tion board. The third and last par­
11/16" long for partitions. tition shelf board is now attached in
4 pcs.—Y§' thick X 3" wide x 2 place between the fourth bottom
Yq" long for partitions. and the top shelf in the same man­
The Yz lumber can be easily ner.
found in scrap packing boxes, while cigar box lumber, The back is now attached. Draw a line down its center
though it may not be Y&" thick can readily be used. The parallel to its side edge and continue this around the entire
last two items on the above list need your special attention. board, so that it appears on both faces of the back. The
As these pieces fit between the • shelf partition boards are center­
long partition boards, it would ed along this line and the first as­
be best not to cut them to size N a tty S hoe and S to ck in g sembled part of the box is attach­
until after the long partition ed to the back in this position.
boards are attached in place, so Box fo r M o th er or S ister If the lines have been drawn
that a perfect fit can be assured. correctly the two ends of each
Cut each of the necessary four­ shelf should match the sides of
teen pieces of Yz stock to the the back. The top of the top
exact size called for in the above By E D W IN T . H AM ILTO N shelf should be 3" below the top
list. Test each with your try- edge of the back board. Apply
square to insure squared corners. glue to both the parts and then
Plane each board on both its faces and along all its edges drive the brads 1" apart along the drawn line on the back
for smoothness and then sandpaper completely. of the back board and into the shelves and shelf partition
A t this time the J/δ" cigar box wood is not cut, as this boards. Brads should also be (Continued on page 38)

SK Y W R IT IN G the city, head towards South Ferry, and

start vour smoke. Keep flying towards the
(Continued from page 6 ) Hudson River in a nice easy bank so that
when you can sec the Hudson almost di'
separate letter so that the wind docs not rcctly down and a little ahead we’ll be fly'
blow them together, making the word die- ing parallel to the river and headed north.
gible. If the wind is very strong you must When you see that little building with the
write quite a distance towards the direction ferryboats near it directly down and over
from which the wind is blowing, and away your left shoulder cut your smoke and do
from the place you wish your finished writ' a good tight vertical bank turn until we’re
ing to be. It is sometimes necessary to start headed towards the East River.
writing from five to six miles to windward Now just miss that smoke column you’ve
of the area you wish the finished inscription just made and head a little to the left of
to be. that other bank of smoke about a half mile
Altogether you have not more than five away. There’s the smoke we just now fin-
things to do at the same time. ished. Squeeze that trigger. Now when
Suppose you come along on a skywriting you see the East River directly under us
job so that you will, in imagination, be do' cut your smoke and hard over to the right
ing the skywriting yourself. First of all for a 90° turn and you'll be headed south
you have to decide what you are going to with the river.
write and write it out on a piece of paper When you see that smoke cloud over N ew ell S tru c k
with a pencil, the same as you arc going your right shoulder and to the back of you, ( N o te d S k y w r ite r and a u th o r o f th is a rticle)
to fly it. Let’s do one that we did a while go into a nice easy right turn of about 15° just now made directly in line over your
ago. A name that you all know. “POST and start your smoke for the “O.” Keep left shoulder, cut your smoke and level off.
TOASTIES.” the plane in an easy turn until you see the Count ten and start your smoke for the
We’ll do the first word in capital letters Hudson under you again and then tighten top of the “T.” Count off twenty seconds
and the second one in script, keeping in your right turn until you’re headed straight and cut your smoke. Now a climbing right
mind that the less flying you have to do for the East River again. Don’t let go turn and head for the East River again,
with your smoke cut off the better the in- that trigger until you’ve finished this let' but keep the nose of the plane up so that
scription will appear when finished. ter. Now when you get to where you you go about 100 feet over the top of the
Now that we have the diagram illustrat- started the “O" head directly for it and “T” you just made. When the smdke is
cd below finished we’ll fasten it to the in­ pull your stick back a bit so that you don’t under you start your smoke and don’t let
go the trigger until you’re back to the East
Now you follow the diagram in front of
you and write the next word yourself. I’ll
give you a little advice as you go along.
First your “T”, then the rest are smaller
and in script. Attaboy, not bad. Now the
“o” is a steady bank to the left. Then the
“a” is the same thing except when you fin-
ish it do a climbing turn with smoke off
strument board of our S.E.5 with good go into your smoke column but instead go until you start cast. Climb a little on this
stout clips and get going. over it about 100 feet else you’ll scatter it. so that when you finish the “a” you can
We’ll leave Roosevelt Field at Garden Let go of the trigger as soon as you’re nose down and do a tight three-quarter
City, L. I., and write over New York City over the smoke, head south along the river right turn to start your “s.” When you
where a few million people can see what for a few seconds and then into an easy finish the first stroke of the “s” do a loop
we’re doing. right turn and start your “S.” When with a little right rudder and when you’re
We’ll make sure that our parachutes arc in your dive after the loop, do a half roll
adjusted properly and the safety belt fast' you’re headed straight for your “O" that
you just made, go into an easy left turn. and finish the “s” at a little higher alti­
ened O.K. Now we’ll taxi over to the tude than you started it.
north'castern end of the field so that we Just as soon as you see the smoke you’ve Now cross the “t” before you start the
can take off into the wind, which is blow' long stroke on which you should climb a
ing from the south-west. Now that we’re bit so that you can nose down on the tight
far enough away so that we can safely clear right turn to finish the “t” and start the
the hangars we’ll swing around and head “i”. Keep the nose down a bit to get some
into the wind. Let’s go. speed for a tight right climbing turn at
As we’ve been climbing steadily, we are the top of the “i” and don’t forget to dot
about high enough now. The altimeter the “i”. Just a short quick burst of smoke.
says “ 11 ,000” feet and just ahead and Climb as much as you can on the down
down under us is the East River and New stroke of the “i” so that you can nose
York City. Looks as though you could down a bit for the “e”. It’s a tight turn
pick up both the East River and the Hud' and you should hold your speed to keep
son River with one hand doesn’t it? your altitude.. Now the “s”. Just the same
Now take a look at the sun. It’s about as the other one you made.
a quarter down in the sky, and from where Now stand off and look at what you’ve
we are it seems hanging over New Jersey. done. What, you can’t sec anything but
That means we can do our writing right a lot of smoke clouds? Well, in that event
over the city and the people can see it all we can do is head back to the hangar
without having the sun shine in their eyes. at Roosevelt Field. When we get there
But we’re going to have to start writing at you can ’phone the office and ask Mr.
about over 42nd St., so that when we’re Cameron, “How was the show?” If you
finished the inscription will be hanging over leave the ’phone with a smile on your
Central Park—that little small, thin line of dirty, oil spotted face I’ll know we did a
trees and a couple of ponds here and there. good job and I’ll do my best to get “Mac,”
First we’ll let out a small burst of smoke our Scotch hangar foreman, to buy the ice
to see how it hangs together in this breeze, cream sodas.
so give the trigger a good short squeeze. Well, how do you like skywriting?
There it is away behind us already, and Allan J. Cameron Want to go again? All right, sec you
looks like a good big ball of cotton. (Pres. S k y w r itin g Cor/), o f A m erica ) soon.
Now that we’re just over the center of Cheerio.
on the air, which produces the thrust. This
T h e H om e C a r p e n te r stress is precisely the same as that in a canti­
lever (unbraced) wing, and must be pro­
(Continued from page 35) vided for. It is shown in Figure 1 .
driven through the back board and into the dry before proceeding with the work. When However, this is not the only stress with
shelves. the glue has become hard, the nine short which we have to deal in the designing of
The two side boards are now attached in dividing boards are glued in place. Make the airplane propeller. There arc centri­
the same manner, brads being driven these fit tightly between the long partition fugal stresses, caused by the tendency of the
through them into the back board, as well boards. If this is done, the glue will hold rotating propeller to tear its blades away
as into the ends of each shelf board. These them permanently. from the hub. Swing a pencil or some
should be spaced about 1" apart. Now at' The cover is now attached to the stock­ other small object on the end of a string
tach the bottom shelf board in place in the ing compartment by two 2" hinges, while fairly rapidly, in a circle, and you will sec
same manner. the door has 3" hinges. Scrape away all that this centrifugal stress is not to be dis­
excess glue and use a nail set on all nails, regarded. It must be provided for, espe­
countersinking them about 1/16" deep. Fill cially in full-size ships, because of the high
T HE front board is now attached be-
tween the two side boards and on top all nail set holes, joints and wood blemishes
with plastic wood, and finish smooth with
rate of rotation of the propcllor.
Still another stress is that set up by the
of the top shelf. The ends of the side
boards, the back board and the side of this sandpaper. drag. Each blade of the propeller is in ef­
front board should all be flush with each Many such boxes are painted, and if this fect a wing, and, naturally, there is a drag
other. The assembly of the main box is is decided on, it is recommended that lac­ force present. These last two are shown
now complete, as the door and the stocking quer be used. Do not paint the inside of in Figure 2.
compartment cover are not attached at this the box. Give the stocking and the shoe Still another set of stresses are set up in
time. compartment three coats of clear white var­ the propeller by gyroscopic action. We
We are now ready to assemble the stock- nish. The bottom compartment is lined have all seen a gyroscope at some time or
ing compartment. Cut the three long parti­ with oilcloth, which can be purchased at other. A wheel, when set spinning, exhi­
tion boards to size. Cigar boxes do not any “Five and Ten Cent” store. This is at­ bits surprising resistance to a change in the
come this long, so if they are used, two tached with hot carpenter’s glue. Be sure direction of its plane of rotation.
boards must be assembled to obtain this to pull it tightly over the surface and iron Take a bicycle wheel on an axle and spin
length. See that the break between the two out any creases. Trim the edges smooth. it very rapidly, holding the ends of the
boards comes as a point of intersection be­ An attractive and novel way of covering axle. Hold the wheel vertical at first, and
tween these long partition boards and the the outside of the box, instead of paint, is then, when it is spinning, try to turn it
short dividing boards. Slight grooves V s " to cover it with wallpaper. Pick out some until it is level with the ground. It resists
deep and the exact width of the partition flowered design and glue the paper over the with some little force. The same is true
boards you use should be cut along the top entire box. Allow the glue to harden and of the airplane propeller.
shelf. Glue is applied to these three grooves then give the paper two coats of varnish. When an airplane prop, weighing any­
and the three partition boards, and they are It makes an attractive finish and allows where from thirty to a hundred or so
then pushed in place. See that these par­ Mother to keep it dustproof and clean by pounds, is turning up to eighteen hundred
tition boards form right angles to the top simply running a damp rag over it occasion­ R.P.M., powerful stresses arc set up in the
shelf board at this time, and allow them to ally. blades during sudden changes of direction
of the ship, such as snap rolls, quick turns,
or sudden recovery from power dives.
A ir p la n e D esign in g In the early days of flying it was a com­
mon thing to have a propeller tear itself
(Continued from page 34) to pieces in the air, and in many cases no
explanation could be found. Later on, how­
would be reversed, with the propeller act­ utmost speed, the right angle for duration, ever, more was learned about the true
ing as the ideal brake, and there would be etc. nature of the stresses and their causes, and
no danger of nosing over. It should be It is an extremely interesting and valu­ due precautions were taken to make the
possible to stop a ship in a very short dis­ able experience for the model builder. I prop able to withstand those stresses, with
tance by this method. have no doubt that, if handled properly, the result that, today, a case of propeller
The disadvantages of the variable pitch (perhaps treated) wood propellers could be failure is practically unheard-of.
prop are its weight and the complication made satisfactory in an adjustable pitch ar­ Still another important factor of propeller
brought about by the necessary gears. rangement. design, and one to which no real answer has
These points, however, are being overcome, Another difficulty with the adjustable yet been found, is noise. When the aver­
and beyond all doubt the variable pitch pro­ pitch prop for models is its weight. It age person hears an airplane roaring along,
peller will find a place for itself, and a must be admitted that this type of propel­ he is prone to lay the blame entirely on
valuable one, because it is the logical thing. ler weighs more than the ordinary kind, and the motor. However, the motor is not al­
When I speak of a variable pitch pro­ is harder to build; but at the same time together at fault. Motors are noisy, it is
peller I mean one that may be adjusted in it is easy to see its advantages for experi­ true, but only because a suitable muffler
flight. The steel propeller now in general mental work. has not yet been developed.
use may be adjusted to some extent while A model builder may have been making Mufflers for airplanes have proven them­
the ship is on the ground with the motor propellers with too little pitch for years, selves too heavy, and, more important, they
stopped, but this does not allow for the and wondering why his props “raced” and set up a back pressure of exhaust gases that
changes that are necessary in high-altitude why his ships flew so poorly; and an ad­ causes the motor to lose power and overheat.
work; namely, changes in pitch while the justable pitch propeller may clear up the On automobiles this loss of power can be
ship climbs. whole difficulty for him. It’s worth the afforded, as can the excess weight, but in
In model work it is interesting to experi­ work, fellows, to build at least one adjust­ airplane design we need every ounce of.
ment with propellers whose pitch is adjust­ able pitch propeller. It is worth the work power and just as little weight as we can
able while the plane is at rest. The diffi­ not only in the interesting experiment it get. Thus it is that, as yet, no successful
culty lies in making a hub that will grip affords, but also in the determination of muffler has been introduced.
the blades and yet allow for adjustment, the proper pitch angle for a given ship.
for our props are usually made of.rather In the designing and building of propel­ As the propeller is such an important
soft wood, such as balsa, and this is ob­ lers the weight of the finished product is, and intricate subject, the author has tal{cn
viously impractical for an adjustable hub. of course, of great importance. We must pains to cover it in great detail from every
The blades, too, have an exasperating make the prop strong enough, with a mar­ angle. It should be studied slowly and
tendency to squash under the pressure of gin of safety, for all uses; but there is no carefully so that all points are clear before
the hub necessary to hold them at the pro­ need for making it excessively heavy. To going ahead. Hext month's instalment will
per angle. Metal propellers for models this end we must know a little about the contain some more valuable information
solve this difficulty and permit the model stresses that occur in a propeller. ivhich definitely clears up the propeller pro-
builder to change the pitch of the propeller Obviously, there is a lifting stress that blent for those who want to \now the how
until he finds just the right angle for the is brought about by the action of the blades and why of airplane design.

wood stick about 15" long is attached across

(Continued from page 25)
tightly to the trailing edge. The brackets
W in d T u n n e l the model at its center of gravity. Light
rubber bands—their tension depending on
arc spaced so that the adjacent fan tips
clear each other by V-\"· Braces to the S u b s t itu t e the size of the model to be tested—arc at­
tached to the ends of the stick and led to
sides of the honeycomb frame hold the bat' the points shown in the drawing. Silk
tcry of fans in place. fish-line leads to and around the drums of
Idler pulleys and blocks must be made motor will operate the machine satisfactori­ the indicators.
next. Cheap pulleys about 4" in diameter ly. A 1/2 H.P. will create a miniature hur­ The whole is suspended from a screw-eye
and with an P /A face can be bought at ricane.
In operating the wind machine in a room, in the ceiling. A turn-buckle is inserted in
any machinery supply house. If one has the suspension cord and can be adjusted
a lathe, suitable pulleys also can be turned it should be located between two openings,
such as a door and a window. An electric to bring the lift indicator to zero before
from maple. In that ease, they should be testing. The drag indicator will always be
fitted with a brass bush. The construction fan placed on the window sill and blowing
outward will speed up the flow of air. at zero when the wind machine is idle.
of the pulley bracket should be quite ob- When the wind machine is started, the
vious from the drawing. Note that the pul­ Plate II illustrates the set-up of the wind
ley on the extreme left is 1" lower than machine. lift and drag are immediately registered.
the others to allow the return of the belt, Experimenting with a model plane in a The rudder, tail, and ailerons can be set at
and that the pulley bracket on the extreme wind tunnel affords the experimenter more different positions and the results studied
right is hinged to permit tightening of the actual aeronautical knowledge than does the visibly. The primary object of the wind
belt. flight of a model plane. Plate II shows machine is to find the point where the
The manner of running the belt over the how a model plane can be suspended so model has the maximum lift with the mini­
pulleys is clearly shown. A thin, pliable that all of its characteristics and properties mum drag, and at the same time has longi­
belt 1" wide should be used. Rawhide will can be studied. tudinal balance.
serve the purpose, but it stretches readily The first essential to this experimenting In testing a plane before the wind ma­
and requires frequent adjusting. However, is two indicators to register lift and drag. chine, the propeller and rubber band motor
the use of the wind machine is so intermit- An insert drawing (Plate II) shows how can be left off, but the center of gravity
tant that a rawhide belt will serve satisfac­ a pair of simple indicators can be made. should be determined with these in place.
torily. Cotton webbing treated with yel­ Note that strips of rubber cut from an old In testing the model, their weight is replac­
low soap and resin will also serve as a belt. inner tube replace the usual tension springs. ed with small pieces of lead foil.
The application of the motor is obvious. By checking the indicators against a scale Any model plane experimenter will find
As stated before, the washing machine mo­ of known accuracy, the dials can be calibrat­ this wind tunnel substitute a valuable as­
tor can be “borrowed” to operate the wind ed fairly accurately in ounces. set in his experimental work. Its use will
machine. To obtain the best results, it prob­ Before suspending the model, its normal save many prized models from partial or
ably will be found necessary to change the center of gravity—center of balance—is de­ total wrecking, as might be the case if they
pitch on the fan blades. This can best be termined by balancing the model on an were launched on their initial flight with
determined by experimentation. A H.P. edge, such as a blunt knife-edge. A balsa the controls set by guesswork.

Complete Kit sets to build any one of the above flying models; containing full size blue prints, celluloid wheels,
checked paper, the necessary balsa and bamboo, nothing omitted, are now available at $1.50 each postage paid. All four
kit sets can be had at the low price of $5.00.
SCALE—24" Sikorsky 10 P I ...........................................................$0.25 WORLD WAR PRINTS
C u rtiss H aw k Pi! ....................................................... $0.40 F o rd T ri-M o to r .................................................................40 * Fro m Official D ra w ings.
C u rtiss H aw k P3A ...........................................................40 S tin so n D e tro iter ............................................................ 40
S .E .5.A . (1017) ................................................................. 40 BRISTOLSCOUT ............................................... $0.2
Vouglit- C o rsa ir ......... 40 SPECIAL PRINTS FOKKER D.7 ....................................................... 2
Travel A ir M ystery S h ip ............................................. 40 10 " to 15" S P A D 220 ......................................................................... 2
Lockheed S iriu s ................................................................. 25 C u rtis s H aw k PSA an d Travel A i r .................$0.25 S .E .5 .A ...................................................................................... 2
C u rtis s H aw k P0 a n d Hoeini:
P u r s u it .........................................................
THE “ENTERPRISE” P.ocing SOA a n d C u rtiss C o n d o r ... DORNIER “DO-X”
Sikorsky S.3S a n d H oeing. 2 0 4 . .. . 7 full size sh e ets of blue p r in ts to b u ild an
O fu ll s'zc blue p rin ts to b u ild a s a i’ing Fokker D.7 an d S .K .5 .A ..................... a ll wood scale m odel of th e D O -X .
scale m odel of tlm w o rld 's faste st sa ilin g S u p e rm a rin e a n d M ercury H a re rs .
b o at, $1.50. W allace Touro P la n e a n d In la n d S p o rt. $1.50
K eystone B om ber a n d lla ll A lu m in u m ; P a tro l

p* B rin g s you a com plete illu s tra te d booklet co n ta in in g la te s t mode! a irp la n e s , an d sunnlies. F n ’l
d e s c rip tio n of m a te ria ls and e q u ip m en t needed. Every m odel is desig n ed to fly w hen m ad e
o acco rd in g to o u r sim p lified p la n s of co n stru ctio n . D o n 't fa il to send for It.



C o u r se in A ir
TheFamoust^futcXOgUj N a v ig a tio n
(Continued from page 28)
(Figs. 2 and 4). The wind follows the
isobars inward in an anti-clockwise direc­
tion, and will vary in strength with the
pressure gradient, but will increase towards
the center. Cyclones are generally associ­
ated with strong winds and dull rainy
weather and their diameters will vary from
300 to 2,000 miles, but the average in the
United States is between 1,000 and 1,500
Anti-cyclones, (see Figure III), some­
times also called highs, are areas of high
barometric pressure. An anti-cyclonic area
is more stable than a cyclonic and generally
the pressure gradient is less. The winds
follow the isobars outwards in a clockwise
direction, and contrary to the cyclone, the
center of an anti-cyclonic area is usually a
region of calms or light winds, which, how­
ever, increase in intensity as they blow out­
wards. Generally speaking, the tempera­
ture will be less than that which accom­
M ade b y panies cyclones and the conditions will be
favorable to fog formation.
K in g s b i i ry. Fogs arc due to condensation of water
FL IG H T G U A R A N TE E D vapor in the air, which may be caused by
A b so lu tely th e slickest plane you ever saw . the cooling of the air by radiation, or by
G u a ra n te e d to fly or m oney back. Look a t its mixing with an inflow of cooler air.
p h o to s. See d etails of construction below. M any
b ra n d new fe a tu re s. N ot a construction s e t—b u t Fog will generally follow the drifting of
read y to fly. C reates positive sen satio n w ith its
tome IllKlits and supreme performance. At last what
warm humid air over a cool surface. A ty­
you’ve been looking for—satisfaction unconditionally pical example is the fog which abounds
round the Newfoundland Bank during sum­
f LLXt HLC- R U O O C R mer. The warm, moisture-laden air blow­
ing over the gulf stream meets the cold air
as it blows over the Labrador Current and
produces the resultant fogs.
T A IL S K I D s *
There are a variety of conditions respon­
“Actual photos of plane RONrcIN
m sible for fogs in different localities, but
UCtP, F A B R IC R r iM F O K C C M C N T

in flight” A
tn light winds or calm, and a cool, clear night
are conditions likely to influence fogs in
12 thnllm g issues! B l O O P T lN G L lN G A l R S T O R IE S coastal areas. Further inland they arc seen
but seldom and are generally local over low
E v ery b o d y ’s ta lk in g a b o u t th e sen satio n sto rie s in THE OPEN ROAD
for IS»ys Magazine. C ram m ed w ith th rillin g sto ries of high a d v en tu re in lying, marshy ground or river beds. The
th e a ir, on land and sea. W onderful m y ste ry tales, deep suspense. O ver difference between a fog and a mist is
200,000 re a d ers a re w ild a b o u t mainly one of density.
th is g re a t b o y s’ m agazine.
B est sto ries y e t now being Humidity. At all times air contains a
issu ed . D on’t you d a re m iss certain amount of water and the propor­
th e m ! R eg u lar su b scrip tio n
p ric e $1 a y e ar. S P E C IA L tion will vary with the condition of the air.
O F F E R : Send us $1 today The actual amount of water in the air is
a n d w e will send you this
g re a t m ag azin e for a whole called the “absolute humidity” of that air,
y e a r (12 fa t issu es) and th is and the ratio of the actual amount of wa­
sen sa tio n a l a irp la n e “ W h ite
W a s p ” free. A g re a t offer. |Tj ter vapor it bears to the amount it would
O rd e r sev eral for C h ristm a s ] hold if saturated, is called the “relative
G ifts. W as th e re ev er su ch 5
a b a rg a in ? humidity,” and is usually shown in a per­
centage. When the percentage reaches
USE 100, the air is said to be at saturation
COUPON point or more usually “dew point.”
Clouds. When humid air rises owing
to a lower barometric pressure than exists
P IL O T H O L L IS Canadian Postage 25c extra in surrounding areas, it expands owing to
Open R oad P u b lish in g Co., foreign 50c extra the lower temperatures through which it is
130 N ew bury S t., B oston, M ass. . passing, and eventually the water vapor it
F rie n d : G osh yes! H e re ’s m y d ollar. P u t me down for a whole y e a r for The Open RoaJ
for Boys Magazine a n d ru sh m e th e W H IT E W A S P p la n e im m ediately. (W rite g ift orders
contains condenses and presents the ap­
on s e p a ra te sh eet.)
pearance known as clouds. If the water
vapor condenses very rapidly it is precipit­
ated in the form of rain, hail, sleet or
S tre e t a n d N u m b e r........................................................................................................ snow, depending on the temperatures
C ity o r T o w n ................................ ....................................................................... S ta te . through which it passes.
Different types of clouds arc given dif­
ferent titles, but to recognise them readily
ORDER SEVERAL FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS under their various names the reader
should make a study of appropriate photo-

graphs and compare them with actual tween two areas of high pressure will be
weather conditions. They mostly fall under neither narrow or wide. Seen on a chart
four heads and their variations, Cirrus, it will indicate storm centers at its northern
Stratus, Cumulus and Nimbus; the last two and southern extremities if it is of the
being generally the rain bearing type. former type. If it is a wide trough with u . s .
Thunderstorms offer weather conditions comparatively high temperatures, the de­
particularly hazardous to pilots. The dan* velopment of an extensive storm area will
ger from lightning is perhaps the greatest
hazard, though the risks of squalls in land'
ing and the bad visibility occasioned by the
heavy rain are equally important. There is
probably follow.
Any drops in barometric pressure will
indicate changes of weather. The ques-
tions of wind direction, temperature and
only one rule for a pilot whose course takes the rapidity of the drop will indicate the
him in the path of a thunderstorm which
extends over too large an area to avoid, and
that is to land. No other course is pos'
sible compatible with safety.
conditions that are likely to follow and
whether rain, storms, snow or gales are to
be expected.
In the absence of other information a
The distance of a thunderstorm from an study of the clouds will inform an observer
observer may be calculated roughly by no' of impending weather changes. A long

Limits of Vel­
Beau­ General Specification of Beaufort Scale ocity in Miles
fort Description per Hour at
Num­ of Wind about 30 ft.
ber For Coast Use For Use Inland above Level
0 Calm Calm Smoke rises vertically Less than 1
1 Light Air Fishing smack just Wind direction shown by 1-3
has steering way smoke drift but not by
wind vanes
2 Slight Winds fill the sails of Wind felt on face; leaves 4-7
breeze smacks which then rustle; ordinary vane
move at about 1-2 moved by wind
miles per hour
3 Gentle Smacks begin to ca­ Leaves and small twigs in 8-12
breeze reen and travel constant motion; wind
about 3-4 miles per extends light flag
4 Moderate Good working breeze; Raises dust and loose 13-18
breeze smacks carry all paper; small branches
cnavas with good are moved
5 Fresh Smacks shorten sail Small trees in leaf begin 19-24
breeze to sway
6 Strong Smacks have double Large branches in motion; 25-31
breeze reef in main sail whistling in telegraph
7 High Smacks at sea lie to Whole trees in motion 32-38
8 Gale All smacks make for Breaks twigs off trees; 39-46
harbor generally impedes prog­
ress COMPLETE KIT—Includes Full-size
9 Strong Slight structural damage 47-54 plans; Detailed Building Instructions;
gale occurs; chimney pots Ambroid Cement; Banana Oil; Feath­
off erweight Celluloid Wheels; Japanese
10 Whole Trees uprooted; consider­ 55-63 Hakone Covering; Plenty of Grade "A”
gale able structural damage Balsa IVood and Supplies—AND RED,
11 Storm Very rarely experienced; 64-75 WHITE AND BLUE M ILITA R Y
widespread damage INSIG NIAS (Stars, Stripes, U. S.
12 Hurricane Above 75
Army, etc.) Also Pictures of the Mo­
del. Everything snugly packed in box
ting the number of seconds that elapse be­ line of low, dark clouds often indicates the and mailed in very strong shipping car­
tween seeing a flash of lightning and hear' approaching squall and rain; high clouds ton. A ll for the price of only—
ing the thunder, remembering that sight is moving at high velocities from the south
almost instantaneous and sound travels also indicate rain. A northerly wind with
1,100 feet per second. the heavy, dark, patchy Strato-cumulus O ne D o lla r l!
A detailed description of other condi' clouds which lay below 7,000 feet almost
tions such as snowstorms, sandstorms or ice invariaby precede gales. ASK YOUR DEALER OR DEPART­
accumulation on wings is beyond the scope Cyclones almost always follow dark lines MENT STORE FOR THIS KIT—OR
of this article. It must suffice to say that of converging Alto-stratus and Cirro-stra­ Send your remittance (cash—check—or
flying under any conditions such as these is tus clouds. The former generally start in Money Order) to:—
dangerous and should be avoided at all dark patches between 10,000 and 25,000
costs. The conditions leading up to these feet and these are followed by thick layers.
elements are usually sufficiently obvious to The Cirro-stratus will appear at greater (No postage stamps or
give the pilot enough time to avoid them. heights, probably about 30,000 feet and foreign coin accepted.)
An intelligent study of a synoptic chart will have a whitish appearance. Each lay­ Of <3
will enable an observer to ascertain the er will be well defined and the converging
existence of any high or low pressure areas
in the district over which he proposes to
of the two sets of clouds will be definite.
The Alto-stratus will gradually thicken as
fly, the direction and rate of their progress, it approaches.
the visibility that exists along his course, The high, feathery Cirrus clouds moving A IR C R A F T E R S
the winds and the prospect of any rapid at λ high speed arc generally an index to
changes occurring. the changcablcness of the weather. On the 4719 Third Ave., New York City
A trough or an area of low pressure be' (Continued on page 45)

M ono-Biplane Plans
(Continued from page 1 1 )

Now prepare the five bulkheads shown Five tailribs as shown in drawing 9 arc
in drawing 3. Bulkhead No. 1 is made needed and are made from 1/16" hard
of 3/8" thick, balsa. Then from 1/16" balsa. The structure of the tail is shown
plywood make piece No. 4 and join it in drawing 10, and when finished is cov­
to piece No. 3, as shown. Bore a hole ered with Japanese silk paper and fasten­
in it and insert piece of copper tubing ed to the fuselage. The angle of attack
1/16" diameter in the dimensions shown
in the drawing. This is the shaft-bearing. is zero degrees.
CLEAN L IN E S — FAST! The pull of the rubber motor will keep it Drawing 7 shows the front, and draw­
F ly in g svnlo mmlol of B e n n y H o w a rd ’s fam ous
single senior ra c in g m ach in e, tho fastest 90 horse­ in place. ing 9 the side view of the 9Vl" diameter
power p lane In the world. Shaft No. 6 is made in the usual way. propeller, which is made of bent balsa. In­
K it Includes a ll m a te ria ls to d im e n sio n , wheels,
a c tu a l size layout, a n d am p le In stru ctio n s. New The remaining three bulkheads should be sert the shaft No. 6, bend it properly, and
m ethod m akes h u lld in g easy. 2 2" w ing sp a n , 87
sec. d u ra tio n , a f a s t speed p lan e . K it tM f r n cut from 1/16" thick ply balsa veneer—· ambroid it in place, using the necessary
p o stp a id , only ................................................... « p i.J V
22.5 M IN U T E T W IN P U S H E R
the measurements given in the drawing. washes, etc. The rubber motor consists of
T ho w o rld 's record tw in p u sh e r. R ecord m ade Ply balsa veneer can be made by yourself ten strands of 3/32" flat rubber. When
w ith m odel m ado from a k it j u s t liko th e one you
will recelvo. C om plete k it w ith th reo big b lu e ­ out of 1/32" balsa sheeting. Ambroid assembled, the model is ready for flight.
p rin ts . all m etal p a rts form ed, rib s 0*9 Q C
stam ped, e tc ., p o stp a id , o n ly .........................
the two sheets together so that the grain
of the balsa of one sheet is at right angles If you desire to use it as a low-wing
to the grain of the other. Then place monoplane, do not glue the cabane to the
them under a press. fuselage but fasten it by means of four
Now make rear hook No. 7 and am- wooden screws, which will enable you to
broid it to the Va" thick, hard balsa remove it together with the top wings. The
bulkhead No. 5, as shown in the drawing. point of the center of pressure is shown
When the bulkheads are ready, ambroid in figure 1. The model will be stable, and
them to the side pieces A. When these will be found to be a good flying model in
have dried, attach bottom of bulkhead (B). each of the three types for which you use
Drawing 4 shows the front cowling (D). it. As a biplane, it has good endurance,
Use 1/32" thick soft balsa for this. The and also for use as a high-wing monoplane,
same drawing shows the proportions of taking off speedily. As a low-wing mono­
Tho sn a p p lo sl looking b ip la n e you ever saw. F lie s
piece C made out of 1/32" thick hard bal­ plane it shows great speed.
like a stre a k , a n d stay s u p GO seconds. K it Includes sa. Ambroid a thin celluloid plate (13)
a ll m a te ria ls to d im ension, cow ling, p a n ts ,
ha n d carved “ p ro p ." etc. C o m p le te ................ to the round opening which indicates the The parts shown in No. 10 and 11 arc
Se n d 5c F o r C ata lo gu e
Send 5c for N ew C a ta lo g (ask for cn talo g M M ) cockpit through which the rubber can be to be used with the model for the parachute
show ing w orld’s fam ous m odels a n d th e lowest prices
reached. Now fix pieces B tž D in their experiments. Hook 22 is pasted to bulk­
on su pplies in tho co u n try . No stam p s..
C h a m p a ig n , Illin o is .
CO . proper places, secure them with ambroid, head 1 in position as shown. Piece 18 is
and your fuselage is finished. made of 1/16" hard balsa. Pieces 19 and
The tailskid (12) shown in drawing 3 21 are made of steel wire and ambroided to
is made from 1/32" thick fibre, and am- piece 18, as shown in the drawing. The
W A N T E D broided in place. Now make pieces No. 8, cone ( 20) is made of hard balsa and
Model Air Plane Builders 9 and 10—shown in drawings 4 and 5. mounted on axle 19. Let it revolve easily,
W e offer to Itoys a n d M en everyw here who liko to
b u ild m odel a irp la n e s an ex c ep tio n al o p p o rtu n ity to Pieces 8 and 9 are made from 1/16" hard as it can not slide down because hook 21
ca sh In on th e ir experlonco. F o r p a rtic u la rs w rite balsa, and No. 10 of 1/16" hard wood. would check it. This structure is ambroid­
National Model Aircraft & Supply Co. Make two of each. The landing gear and ed to the upper wing as shown in draw­
29 N o rth Avc., D ep t. 11, N ew R ochelle, N . Y. its assembly—dimensions being full size— ings 7 and 11. The parachute is made by
arc shown in drawing 5. Make two axles following drawing 23.
( 1 1 ) of steel wire, and attach 2" celluloid The material used for the parachute is
wheels to them, as shown in drawing. Japanese silk paper, from which six pieces
Drawing 5 shows the outline of the ribs, arc cut out exactly as shown. Paste them
B e tte r M o u ld s T h e n lia n B e e n , m o u ld s a s lo w as $ 1 .5 0 e a c h . T o C sst
of which seventeen arc needed for the up­ together on the dotted lines, and also paste
L en d S o ld iers, I n d ia n * . H u n U ris, W ild a n d F a r m A n im a l* . W o n d e r fu l
0 7 c “ T n io T o L ife M o d e ls ." E s s y e n d in e x p e n s iv e t o m s k e . 1 per wing, and sixteen for the two lower a piece of silk thread (24) 12" long to
f u rn is h λ 11 ner«-*jw»ry r n .itc riá l in c lu d in g · E n n ts c L S e n d Co
wings. The upper wing is shown in draw­ each joint. The threads are fastened to a
D. S C H I E R C K E . GHENT. NEW YORK ings 6 and 7. Make the front spar from celluloid ring (25), and must he equal in
MODEL AIRPLANE MATERIAL 32" X Va X Va" hard balsa, and use Va" length. Tie a small weight (27) to the
B ig bun.dlo of sam plo stock c o n ta in in g v a rio u s slzos square medium balsa for the rear spar. The ring by means of a piece of string (26)
of halsa a n d o th e r wood, Hat a n d sq u a re ru b b er
stra n d s , m usic w ire, J a p a n e s e tissu e , reede, ro und
trailing edge is made of Va" x 1/16" medi­ 6" long, and the parachute is ready.
wood, bamboo a n d o u r low p ric e s on m odel a irp la n e
supplies. B a ls a stock is I S " long. S e n t p o stp a id
um balsa. The spars on the lower wings Fold up the parachute and place in the
for 2 5 a . flvo b u n d les for $1.00. are of the same dimensions, but arc made folds one end of a piece of silk thread
If you wish our price l is t only sen d 2c stam p. H ero
Is a sam plo of o u r p ric e s on b a ls a Va" x x 36" of hard balsa. 30" long, so arranged that a slight pull
a t l c por piece.
AERO SH O P Make the upper wing in one piece, plac­ on the thread will open the parachute.
S050 H u r lb u t Avc. Ootrolt, M ic h . ing the ribs 2" apart. Pieces 14 and 15 You will learn how to do this after a lit­
are made of 1/16" thick soft balsa, and tle practice.
B U I L D THE B A L S A are ambroided to the last top ribs in order Place the folded parachute between ca­
to increase the rigidity. Cover the wings bane 17, as shown in drawing 2, and the
WOOD HULL on both sides with Japanese silk paper, and weight 27 on the cockpit. Lead the rope
25" MODEL YACHT dope them in the usual manner. 28 through the double hook 21 , wind it
Instruction P am phlet...................$ .25 Drawings 8 and 9 show the lower wings, round 20 but keep the end free. This free
Balsa Wood Block 4x8x25" long 2.25 of which we need a right and a left. Con­ end is led through the upper curve of the
Semi Shaped_________________ 2.50 struct these and cover them in the same cabane and hook 22 to the shaft of the
With Mahogany DeckP la te --------3.25 manner as the upper wing. The cabane, .propeller. Wind up the propeller and tic
Complete K i t _________________12.00 shown in drawing 9, is made of steel wire the thread to the shaft. The revolving
Model Yacht Ready toS a il-------18.00 and is ambroided to the upper wing and axle pulls the rope, which, when wound
R o m lt b y Check. E x p re ss o r U. S . M o n e y Order. the fuselage. The upper wing is set at an up, releases the parachute. The strong air
M odel B o a ts of B a ls a and H ardw ood.
P ric e s of other S u p p lie s and M o d e ls on request. angle of zero degrees. The lower wings current throws back the parachute, opens
are simply set in place. The tubes (16) it up and it in turn floats away with the
MODEL CRAFT STUDIO as set secure 3 degrees dihedral for the weight 27. The model continues in flight
Seaford, N. Y,
---- -■! lower wings. while the parachute descends slowly.

G lid in g a n d N A T IO N A L M ID G E T -----
(Continued from page 33) REASONABLE IN P R IC E
have a band saw and a circular saw, ah L» Ο O U VERY LIGHT IN WEIGHT,
though these machines arc not absolutely They A ttra c t A tten tio n W herever Show n.
necessary. A band saw is useful for mak- H u n d re d s of F lig h ts Aro Possible.

ing profiles and moulds for wings and

other parts which have irregular shapes.
Unless you have these saws, you will be
obliged to have a good many parts got out
at a mill. C-clamps are also necessary to MIDGET—ARMY—HAWK
hold the parts together while the glider Com plete C onstruction S et, P o stp aid §1.10
R ead y to F ly , $4.00
is being assembled.
Materials and Accessories. The most im-
portant of these materials is wood—metal
is sometimes used as a wing or fuselage
covering, but it is harder to work, more
expensive, as easily destructible as wood, MIDGET—FOKKER D-7
and far more difficult to repair. Steel tub­ C om plete C on stru ctio n S et, P o stp aid $1.10
Ready to Fly. $4.00
ing is sometimes used in place of wood
in the frame work. One make of glider
which can be bought with parts ready to
put together is made entirely of this. How­
ever, it is probably more difficult for the
amateur to work with.
It is essential that the wood used be of MIDGET—HEATH—PARASOL
the best quality. A poor grade of wood is C om plete C o nstruction S et, P o stpaid $1.10
neither durable nor strong, and much may MIDGET—CURTISS—ROBIN
be too knotty to be used at all. Airplane C om plete C o n stru c tio n S e t, P o s tp a id .................... S I. 10
lumber yards, which exist in most large MIDGET—CURTISS—FALCON
Com plete C o n stru c tio n S et, P o s tp a id .................... S I . 10
cities, sell wood of excellent quality. R ead y to F ly , $4.00
Spruce is commonly considered the best CATALOGUE
D e sc rib in g M odel A irp la n e S u p p lie s of b est q u a lity
material for gliders. Oregon pine may be a t reaso n ab le prices. C o n stru ctio n s e ts to b u ild 0
ft. (lying scale m odels, such a s H aw ks, C o rsairs.
used, although it is heavier, because it is Lockheed S iriu s , T ravel A ir M ystery fillip a n d m any C om plete C on stru ctio n S et, P o stpaid $1.10
as strong and less expensive. Combina­ o th ers. S e n d 5c a n d g e t ono by r e tu rn m all. Ready to Fly, $4.00
---------------------------------------------------------- ,
tions of these woods may be used in build­ A G EN TS W AN TED ORDER TODAY
ing a glider, to ensure lightness, strength, W o w ant one d e a le r o r a g en t in every tow n to No C.O.D. accepted
h a n d le N a tio n a l M odel A irp la n e S e ts a n d su p p lies. I
and durability. Some kind of hardwood, R e c a u se of tlie lr proven q u a lity , a N a tio n a l model
preferably ash or hickory, should be used d e a le r w ith sets a n d p a rts to supply im m e d ia te * NATIONAL MODEL AIRCRAFT &
w a n ts c a n m ak o big m oney. W rite fo r fu ll d e ta ils , i SUPPLY CO.
for the runner, and onc-cighth-inch ply­
wood is necessary for gussets, the box skid,
N am e. 29 North Ave—New Rochelle, N. Y.
and other purposes.
Often airplane factories have “seconds”
that will qualify as glider “firsts;” e. g., a
span, defective in one end, may be sound
enough for a glider span. Such “seconds”
should not be used, however, unless an ex­ NO COST TO Y O U !
pert builder recommends them.
It will save time to have the stock sawed Oh. boy! H e re ’s th e very
and planed as far as possible at a mill be­ p ian o you’ve been looking
fo ri T ills fam o u s F a irc h ild
fore it is sent to you. Until you get ready low -w ing m odel Is b u ilt for
sp eed . H a s b rig h t red body,
to use the wood, it should be kept so that and 18 in ch w ing span.
the air can circulate around it, and so that W h irlw in d typo m otor. S ilk
covered w ings, ta il a n d ru d ­
it will not get out of shape. This is done d e r. Com es to you read y to
fly. W rite to d ay , an d we will show Deliver th re o of A m erica’s best
by piling up the lumber on the floor, or on you how to g et th is am i o th er d andy known m ag azin es to reg u lar cus­
p la n e s w ith o u t a cen t of cost. to m e rs in yo u r spare tim e, and
some other flat surface, and by “sticking;” w in m any w onderful a irp lan e s like
i.e., by putting small strips of wood of The
M R. JIM T H A Y E R . Dept. 201
Crowell P u b lish in g Co., Springfield, Ohio
th e one shown above. W rite NOW ;
equal thickness between each two boards to
separate them. Long, thin strips can be
“stuck” and fastened together with cord,
so that they will not twist out of shape.
Spruce is much given to twisting. D E G R E E IN 2 Y E A R S
Glue. All wooden joints should be glued.
Casein glue is the best glue for glider
construction because it is waterproof. It Savo tim e a n d m oney by ta k in g th e T r l- S ta to College course
comes in a powder and should be mixed in A e ro n a u tic al E n g in e erin g . 10S weeks. B a c h e lo r of Science
D egree. G ra d u a te s in M e ch an ical K n g in eerin g c a n com plete
with cold water; use equal parts of glue c o u rse in tw o term s (24 w eeks). T horough tra in in g in a lt
f u n d a m e n ta l e n g in e e rin g su b jects. N o n -c sso n tiais e lim in a te d .
and water by weight; or twice as much C ourses do sip n ed to save s tu d e n t tim e a n d money. F ly in g
school fa c ilitie s a v a ila b le at n e a rb y a irp o rts . E n te r S eptem ­
water as glue by volume. Mix only as ber. J a n u a r v , M arch an d J u n e . Collogo now in 4 ,th year.
much glue as you expect to use immedi­ C ourses a r e 'o ffered in C ivil, E le c tric a l. M e ch an ical and Chem -
ie il F n -in e c r in g A lso B u sin e ss A d m in is tra tio n a n d A ccount­
ately; it becomes too old to be useful after in g L iv in g costs an d tu itio n low. Those who lack high
school m ay m ak e u p w ork. G ra d u a te s su ccessfu l. - 851 College
it has stood a day. Ave., A ngola. Ind.
Nails. Since nails add considerably to Write for
the weight of the glider, you should use as catalog
few of them as possible. They are neces­
sary chiefly as additional safety in case the

glue should give way, and to secure the tion of parts of the ship. Where excessive
Boys! H ere’s the Plane joints while the glue is drying. Cement' strain is put on the wire, two strands of
T H E “F L E E T W IN G ” covered brass airplane nails arc preferred it may be twisted together.
by some; but iron nails arc commonly used. Choosing the Design for the Glider. You
So-called cigar-box nails arc slim and light. should choose the design with the advice
You must decide on the size of the nails of someone who has good knowledge of the
in accordance with the thickness of the subject. It is a great advantage, of course,
wood which you are using. If you are for construction experts to make their own
nailing a thin piece of wood onto a thick designs; the best gliders which have so far
one, the nails should be about three times been built may be still more improved on.
as long as the thickness of the thinner Selection of a design should be made with
piece. If you are fastening two thin pieces reference to the purpose which the glider
of wood together, it is advisable that the is to serve. Primary training gliders, for
nails be long enough to be clinched on the instance, arc easy to handle and, according­
under side. ly, serve admirably to train novices. On
Bolts. All good plans specify the di- the other hand, a student soon masters the
mensions of material bolts. It is usually operation of the primary training glider,
S tu rd y enough to s ta n d th e b u m p s yet lig h t better to use two or three small bolts than and demands a more efficient machine.
enough to have afl the flying d u a litie s — 1 /5 ounce.
Itu ilt by an o u ts ta n d in g M odel E n g in eer of over one large one. Both three-sixteenths-inch There arc a number of well-tried designs
ten years experience in M odel b u ild in g an d flying.
The " F le e tw in g " is d e c o ra ted in a b e a u tifu l red
bolts and quarter-inch bolts will probably for these elementary ships. Many second­
w ith black In sig n ias— a m arvel in th e a ir. See th e be necessary. Steel bolts are the best, but ary training gliders arc too sensitive to be
a sto n ish in g ly low p rice in th e coupon.
ordinary iron ones can be used. flown by most beginners; but, since they
YOU CAN BUILD YOUR OWN Metal fittings. Sixteen or cighten gauge will soar, they have a greater field of use­
brass or galvanized iron may be used for fulness and some are easily handled by a
many of the fittings, and can be procured clever student.
at any tin shop. Pieces of steel tubing Comparatively few soarers have been
arc also useful for fastening the struts to built in this country, and until recently
the fuselage, and to the wings. Such fit' only a few pilots here were qualified to
tings add only to the strength of the glider fly them. Plans for soarers arc difficult to
and to the case with which it can be as- obtain, and only experts should attempt to
scmblcd and taken apart. Some fittings design or build them.
can be bought ready-made from large Enlarging the Plan. When you have
from tlie ‘‘F lo e lw liig " k it. Every piece necessary
hardware stores or from mailorder houses chosen the design for the glider and ob'
for a ssem bling— n o th in g to c u t— a ll b alsa p a rts which specialize in airplane supplies. If tained the plans, they should be thoroughly
m ade to size b u t not d e c o ra ted — a ll s p rin g steel
wire p a rts correctly form ed read y for use— perfectly you have no metal working tools, fittings studied so that you are familiar with all the
r u t p ropeller a lre a d y p ie rc e d — h ig h est g rad e c e llu ­
loid wheels. which cannot be bought can be made up parts and how they fit together. Usually
A fu ll so t of d ra w in g s a n d easy to u n d e rs ta n d
In stru ctio n s In every k i t a t a p rice y o u c a n 't afford
to order at a machine shop. the plans given in the blue prints are small
to tu rn down.
. Any hoy w ith or w ith o u t ex p erien ce c a n fly the
Wing Covering. The wing covering of and must be enlarged. In this event, full-
" F le o tw ln g ” or b u ild one from tlicso rea d y form ed gliders consists of some fairly good grade sized drawings should be made of such
p a rts.
lie th e first in y o u r neighborhood to fly tills littlo of cotton cloth, such as unbleached muslin parts as joints, intersections, portions of
wonder. F ill in the coupon a n d m all it to d ay or cambric usually, although regular air' the wing at its tip and base, etc. These
The C an ton M in ia t u r e A irc ra ft C o rp o ratio n , plane fabric may be used. Heavy cotton enlargements must be made to scale, using
1600 F o u rth St., S . E.. C an ton , O hio.
G entlem en,— or linen thread, and straightway tape about the dimensions given on the blue prints.
I'iease send mo by re tu r n m a ll th e ite m s checked
below for w hich money o rd er is enclosed. an inch wide, (either torn from the cloth The profile of the wing must be drawn
( ) T he " F lc c tw ln g " M o n o p lan e ......................... $ .85
( ) The " F le e tw in g " K it .............................................50
or bought in a piece, and sold regularly full size. This drawing is necessary, partly
( ) C atalogue of M odels a n d S u p p lie s— N o C h a rg e .' for this purpose) arc necessary for cover' because a form has to be built in the shape
C ity ........................................................ S t a t e .............................
S tre e t A ddress ............................................................................. ing the seams in’ the cloth. of the profile over which to form the ribs,
Name ................................................................................................
Dope. “Dope” (cellulose acetate or ni' and partly because the wing must be made
tratc) can be bought at hardware stores or exactly as the plan specified in order to
from mail-order and aeronautical supply function properly. The laying out of a
houses. It is better than paint because it wing profile is a very delicate process, its
shrinks the cloth, making it fit tightly over various characteristics and dimensions are
the framework, land because it is lighter chosen for any given wing in order that
than paint (four coats of dope add only it may best serve its special purposes. All
about three ounces of weight per square
CC 0 >,
J u s t one m o u th ago,
wc p la re d o u r first M odel
(th e F o k k e r D - 7 ) .o n th e m ark et,
yard). Consequently, ordinary paint
wing designs in common use today arc num­
bered and catalogued. The catalogues, giv­
th a n k
a n d w h a t a trem en d o u s response. Tl'e
the m any for th e ir k in d le tte rs of p ra is e , a n d
should never be used. At least three coats ing figures for the enlargement of each
wish to a ssu re all, th a t they w ill receive ju s t as of dope should be given to the wings. wing design, can be procured from the Na­
m uch value in any R E L IA N C E M odel of th e fu tu re .
To those who a re not a s y e t a c q u a in te d w ith us, Dope is best put on by means of a paint tional Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,
allow us to in tro d u c e to you . . . sprayer, although it can be done with a in Washington.
The F O K K E R D -7 brush. Doping adds greatly to the The wings of a glider of high perform­
( F ly in g M o de l) 27" W in g S p a n — W e ig h t 3 o z.
strength and rigidity of the wings and ance are almost always tapered. Tapered
fuselage. wings arc more difficult to construct than
If it is mixed with some sort of pigment, straight ones. In a tapered wing, the wing
dope excludes the light, and light has an profile becomes gradually smaller from the
adverse effect on dope. For this reason, root to the tip. Therefore a separate pat­
dry aluminum powder is often added to tern has to be drawn for each rib.
the last two coats of dope which arc ap- Some plans of light gliders give direc­
plied. The aluminum gives the cloth a tions for changing the length of the fuse­
Form lOi. silver appearance. Soarers are sometimes lage or the position of the seat in accord'
Sec t h is P lane featured in the M o tio n Pictu/e.
tinted red or orange, so that the official ance with the weight of the pilot who is to
H E L L ’S A N G E L S observers may follow them easily. use the glider. You should look for such
Learn some t h in g s about model a irc ra ft you
knew before.
never If the fuselage is not covered with cloth, directions when you are enlarging the
Sim plified m ethod of c o n stru ctio n m akes th is m odel it must be protected in some other way plans. There arc some companies which
easy to build. H as d ie c u t rib s, b u lk h ea d s, body,
etc. S h ap ed nose block, an d im p o rta n t pieces of
from the weather. Although any ordinary make gliders and sell the parts ready for
w rod c u t to length a n d size for you. All colored paint may be used, lacquer adds the least assembly. Tin's is probably slightly more
dopes a re also fu rn ish ed . In fact th is kit c o n ta in s
2)1 r $ilhirem cnts. N o th in g f u rth e r to buy. weight. If the fuselage is painted in colors, expensive but certainly less trouble .than to
The F O K K E R n - 7 C o n st- u n io n K it c o m p lete w ith it gives the glider a cheery aspect and can
full size B lue p rin ts a n d in s tr u c tio n s ........... $4.95 make all the parts yourself. On the other
D e a lers w rite at once fo r lib e ra l p ro p o sitio n . be seen further. hand, it is not so instructive and you lose
1304-18 N. H ow ard Street, P h ila d e lp h ia , Pa.
Wire. Fourteen-gauge tinned airplane a great deal of the pleasure of carrying
wire is suitable to be used in the construe- your building from the beginning to end.

C ourse in A ir N a v ig a tio n
(Continued front page 41)
other hand, if they are seen to be station*
ary or moving very slowly, no change need
be expected for a day or two. The bank*
by observing, cither with bearing compass,
bearing plate or tailplane drift markings,
the direction of the track or the angle of
drift. The same method could be adopted
'Soys- - -
ing up of thunder clouds is too familiar over the land except that flares would be here's a dandy
to need description. unnecessary.
Remembering these points, especially in 3. Method V is the system of taking 20 in. C a b in M o d el
relation to squalls, cyclones and thunder* bearings on a single object at equal time
storms, may be of inestimable use to a intervals. The plane is kept on a constant C o n s tru c tio n S e t
pilot flying in uncertain weather. In con* course and at equal intervals of time, bear* for o n ly .........
nection with the diagrams of synoptic ings arc taken on the object—a minimum
charts, it is pointed out that these do not of four is essential. The bearings arc then
represent any particular daily weather state plotted with reference to any straight line
in the U. S.; they are merely illustrations and an equal number of convenient dis*
of how highs, lows, etc., would be depicted tanccs marked off on the ruler. This is
on a chart. then placed on the bearings, drawn so that
ANSWERS TO LAST MONTH'S the points on it coincide with points on
QUESTIONS the bearings. A straight line drawn in this
1. Maintain a steady course and check direction, and there can only be one dircc*
this by reference to the compass. Watch
until a prominent object appears directly
tion if the bearings are accurate, will in*
dicatc your track. This method would be The Ideal
ahead, and still maintaining the same cours used when flying in conditions such as fog
observe under which point on the leading and when only one unrecognized object is
or trailing edges it appears to pass. The
essential conditions to be observed arc:
1 . That the plane is maintained on 1 . What is the direction of wind with
a constant course. respect to high and low pressure areas? 'Τ ' H E m ost re m a rk a b le little ship you ever
·*■ saw ! A real repro d u ctio n of p re sen t-d ay
2. That the pilot keeps his head in 2. What is the general direction of tra* com m ercial planes. A com plete, 20 in. F u s e ­
the correct position. vel of highs and lows in the United States? lage C ab in -ty p e Model m ade en tire ly of B alsa-
wood (not c ard b o ard ) and g u a ra n te e d to fly
3. That the mean of several read* 3. Name two kinds of barometers. w hen co rrectly c o n stru cted . . . and for only
ings is taken. What is meant by a falling barometer and 50 c en ts! ! E v e ry th in g com plete in C o n stru c ­
tion S et, including m any re a d y -to -u s e w ire
2. A tail bearing over the sea could be what types of weather will be indicated? and m etal p a rts , form ed propeller, ribs, fu se ­
obtained by flying on a constant course 4. What causes bumps? lage sides, lan d in g g e a r w ith w heels, etc., etc.
over a stationary object, such as a lightship; 5. What particular weather conditions C o nstruction is e a sy : you can build a whole
fleet of “ E A G L E T S ” . G et yours now ! Send
or dropping a flare into the water, and then should be avoided? 50 cents and we w ill d eliv er th e C onstruction
S et fully p ostpaid.
Prices Reduced
L o g o f a F ly in g S a ilo r on IDEAL Supplies
(Continued from page 9) Send for 48 pg. Complete Catalogue
as they reach the region of rarified air. of the plane and it appears as if the whirl* W e have supplies and m a te ria ls for all types
The towing planes have had a hard pull for ing propeller will surely slash it into bits. of M odels, fully listed in our big catalo g u e;
the resistance of the targets is tremendous. also full inform ation on all th e N ew ID E A L
At the last instant the pilot gives the stick M odels a n d C on stru ctio n S ets. Send 5 cen ts
The firing planes nose even further upward a downward shove and the plane ducks un* now for yo u r c atalogue.
and come to level flight only after reaching der, missing the bullct*riddlcd cloth by the
an altitude of 18,000 feet. closest of margins. IDEAL AEROPLANE &
The squadron now breaks up into three Diving now to get clear of the second SUPPLY CO„ Inc.
divisions of six planes each and the Division plane which is already approaching, the
Commanders lead their flying mates apart, leader pulls off to one side to observe the The Most Reliable Name in Model
each division seeking out its designated tar* work of his division mates. The towing Airplanes fo r 20 Years.
get plane. Flying several hundred yards pilot is flying a steady course which is fav* 20-24 West 19th St., New York City
ahead of his target, each leader takes a pro* orablc for firing. He might well be ex*
per lateral distance from it. The point of cused · for weaving in and out, however, Send C anadian M ail O rd ers to—
C anadian M odel A irc ra ft, 344 V ictoria A vc.,
starting is of utmost importance in order for the towing plane has frequently come M o n treal. C anadian P rice s, 30% higher.
to standardize the firing runs. down rewarded with bullet holes in its fa*
The leader waves “good-luck” and swings brie and framework.
away towards the now tiny sleeve in a One by one the fighters dive down at Have you seen the New
welbbankcd wingover. Taking careful no* a terrific speed to pierce the moving tar* I d e a l “V IC TO R Y ”
ticc that he is approaching the target at the get with steel projectiles, which travel on Flying Airplanes?
desired angle, he places his eyes to his tele* downward to fall harmlessly into the open
scopic sight. Now, the target appears larg* sea. Joining up in formation the planes
cr. The plane gains more and more speed fly slowly past the target to sec the results
in its dive. The target begins to fill the of their practice. The towing pilot goes
entire eyepiece. The gun triggers which back to the carrier, where he drops the
are attached to the control stick are fingered target on the deck and then proceeds to
A Knockout!
T h a t w ill knock you off y o u r feet. 12" SC A LE m odel
of tlie well know n “ C U R T IS S ARMY H A W K ” and ju st
confidently. land aboard. The sleeve is gathered up by look w h a t's h e re . N av y 's latest, lig h ter, “ C U R T IS S
The plane must now be maneuvered en* the gunnery observers who officially count H E L L D IV E R ,” th e sn a p p ie s t little p la n e you ever set
y o u r eyes on. A ll b a ls a c o n stru c tio n . N o bam boo Ufcd.
tircly by the appearance of the sleeve the hits. Itlu e p r in ts for e ith e r p la n e 25c each. B e Hrst to own
a real good scale m odel.
through the small telescope. If the pilot The divisions now proceed to an area STA N D A R D M ODEL A IR P L A N E S AND S U P P L IE S
3227 W h ite P la in s Ave. (C or. B u rk ), N. Y. C.
allows his plane to continue on this path in which three destroyers are steaming
too long he will fly into the target. Now along at twenty knots with a raft in tow.
is the time to shoot. It is impossible to miss. This raft is designed to throw up a spray H E W .S C IE N T 1 F IC W O N D E R
Squeezing the triggers to the stick his alert in order that it will be visible from the air. R A Y ~ £ u g f* j H c ;.U .H .P .I Ο Τ
eye sees holes being dotted in the white An eight hundred foot tow line is used,
cloth of the target. His cars arc filled with for the average error in bombing is much
the din of the roaring engine, but above greater than that of machine guns.
that comes the rat*tat*tat of the machine Gliding down to an altitude of 6,000 feet 3 fo r 25c B I G FUN
guns sounding like the steady, persistent the divisions begin their bombing runs on Q /^ X Z c
Buk V / T w
Y o u a p p a re n tly soo t h r u C lo thes. W ood
S tono, a n y o b jec t. See B ones, in Flesh
roll of a snare drum. the raft. The target is the imposed area of F R E E I ’kg. ra d io p ictu re 111ms. tak e s p ic tu re s w ltlio
c a m e ra. “ Y o u ’ll lik e ’e m ." I PkB. w ith each 25c ordi
The sleeve now looms up directly in front a destroyer projected around the raft as a M arv el M fg. Co., D ept. 93, N ew H a v en , Con
center. Photographs arc taken of every
bomb that lands and its distance relative
to the simulated ship is determined.
B uild The planes open up the distance between
one another in order to have some freedom
of movement. This will give each pilot a
tlie small amount of leeway in his approach to
the target when over the destroyer. The
leader’s plane suddenly tilts downward at

New a sharp angle. By the time he reaches his

releasing altitude the raft will have moved
nearly under him.
Steeper and steeper becomes the dive un*
IDEAL 32 ft . P r im a r y G lid e r
Λ p ra c tic al, safe, s tu rd ily -b u ilt G lider desig n ed in accordance w ith the D ep artm en t of
til he is vertical. Faster lie goes until the
wires of his strong fighter are screaming.
The second pilot repeats the performance
Com m erce specifications by an e x p ert G erm an G lider engineer. 32 ft. w ing s p a n ; com ­ and places his plane in the same vertical
pleted w eight, 160 lbs. Econom ical c o n stru ctio n fe a tu re s and w onderful perform ance in
th e air. dive. The succeeding planes do likewise
and at last a vertical line of screaming,
C om p lete P la n s For B u ild in g howling fighting planes arc to be seen div*
com prise th re e (3) se p a ra te 19" x 24" p lan sh ee ts show ing all p a rts in detail, 1/12 a ctu al ing on their target.
size, and g iv in g com plete lists w ith sizes of all wood, w ire and fittin g s; also full size (5
ft.) rib lay o u t p la n ; the m ost com plete and p ra c tic al G lider plans obtainable . . . . $1.50 Γη' the meantime the leader is using his
Plans sent postpaid upon receipt of telescopic sight. Estimating the forward
price; or write for descriptive circular. movement of the target and the natural lag
in the trajectory of the bomb, he takes care-
I D E A L A E R O P L A N E & S U P P L Y C O ., I N C ful aim and pulls the release toggle. Ah
Glider Division lowing a fraction of a second for the
20-24 WEST 19th STREET NEW YORK bomb to fall clear, he pulls vigorously
hack on his control stick and gets clear of
the next plane in line. If he is quick, he
nn v r a i i b u il d a se a g u l l
will be able to catch sight of his bomb as it
BO Y SV !!!
··· Can(j
H A M wjn
P I O N y0urM O |D0ca|
EL SEA G ULL CLO U D BREAKER is falling and follow it down until it ex*
contest. Get the now S e a g u ll C ham p ion
Helicopter C on stru ctio n K it. Com plete K it
A singlo p u sh e r th a t circlos
g racefully an d clim b s to g reat
plodes in the sea alongside the raft.
w ith ail wire p arts formed and fu ll c o n ­ h e ig h ts. F lig h ts of 2 m in. a n d As the Division Leader gets clear he
stru ctio n a n d fly in g directions, $.35 p. p. over easily o b tain e d . Com plete k it
C ontest Sp ecials. w ith sta m p e d rib s, a ll wire p a rts climbs quickly for altitude and hurries back
form ed an d full co n stru ctio n an d
B a ls a —1 /8 x 3 x 3 6 ..................................... 07
1/10 X 2 X 8 6 .................................... 07 flying d ire c tio n s. $ .65. forward of the towing destroyer. As the
1/32 X 2 X 3 0 ....................................07 last plane in line drops his first projectile,
Colored or C olorless A m broid. 1 o z ... .12
2 oz. .2llc the leader dives down again followed by
B a n a n a Oil ...................................... 2 oz. .13
S uperfine T issu e. .01 e a ............. 7 for .25 his mates, who have stuck close on his tail.
M u sic W ire .011. .020. . 0 2 8 . .0 3 1 .3 ft. .0 2
B u b b e r Vi fiat .015 sq ................... 5 ft. .02
The second bomb is released during this
A lu m in u m B eauty Double W in d e r. $1.20 maneuver.
10c p a c k in g a n d p o stag e ch arges m u st
SEA G U LL BULLET acco m p an y a ll o rd ers. No s ta m p s a c ­ Zooming upward the planes are again
cep ted . P ric e lis t free. D ealers, clu b s,
A m idget in size b u t a g ia n t schools, w rite fo r sp ecial prico list. closed in and the three divisions join up in
In perform ance. A n easily c o n ­
s tru c te d tw in -p u s h e r (h a t lia s SEA GULL MODEL squadron formation. The squadron leader
m ade (lights of over 3 m in . C om ­
plete kit. W ith sta m p e d rib s, all AERO CO. - now resumes command and lays a course
wire p a rts form ed a n d full c o n ­
153 Beach 128th St. hack towards the carrier which has been
stru c tio n a n d flying directio n s.
$ .85. BELLE HARBOR. RO CKAW AY BEACH lying to in the distance. Upon seeing their
L. I., N . Y .
return the mother ship gets under way and
steams ahead into the wind, ready to take
them aboard. Breaking up into six sections
of three planes each, the planes now circle
A 3 0 " ta p e re d w ing m odel of th e fam ous Botvlus
soarer. All B a ls a con stru c tio n w ith d e m o u n ta b le B eys, h e re 's your ch an ce to m ake m oney! B uy tlie
wings. C an be a d ju s te d lor 30 ft. d iam . loops, tu rn s , larg e k it, se p ara te it Into 10 k its a n d sell th em to overhead. The first section dives down.
and soaring flights, l i a s a g lid in g angle of 15 to 1. your frie n d s for 25c each. K it com es com plete w ith Each pilot lowers his landing hook which
Can Ikj assem bled in Vi h r. a fte r receiving. wood c u t to size, prop block d rille d , w ire p a rts
Tlie k it Is se m i-c o n stru c ted . form ed attd everything, easy to put up in b ag s a n d
sell. F u ll p la n s come w ith th e k it. Send money
will later engage in the arresting gear spread
B la u s a n d k it for 3 0 " p ia n o , p o stp a id In U .S .A . .75c
O L IV E R P . D U N S T A N o rd er a n d 5c for postage to out on the deck.
53 V inew ootl A ve n u o P on tia c, M ic h . 17 Belm ont Street, W o b u rn . M assa ch u se tts Opening out to a distance of about two
hundred yards the planes slow down and
approach the deck at just above stalling
BIG-BANC speed. Following the directions of the
signalman aboard ship the pilot knows whe'
ther to increase the speed of his craft or
whether to slow it down still more. Furtlv
P O L IS H E D (24” L e n gth s) B A L S A
er, this signalman indicates to the pilot the
. 8c 1 /1 6 " λ 1" ........... . . lO o proper height. If too high he must fol·
1 /2 0 " X 4" .............. . 9c 1 /8 " X i " ............. . . 12c
• S T R IP S and PLAN KS
low instructions to throttle down and drop
1 /3 2 "
1 /1 6 "
1/16" ___
1/1 6 " . . . .
1 /2 " X 1 /2 " ......... . . . 2c
3 /1 " ......... . . . lc
lower. When in the proper position the
\> \G 'W 3 /3 2 " . . . . . Vic 5 /8 " X 3 /1 " ............ . . 6c signalman indicates to the pilot that he
1 /8 " ......... . Vic 3 /1 " X 2" .............. ... 1 5 c
3 /3 2 " X 3/3 2 " . . . . . %C \ " .............. . . . 25c must close his throttle entirely and land.
1 /8 " X 1 /8 " ........... ]<r . . . 1 2c
3 /1 6 " . . . . 1c 3 " .................... . ..2 0 c As the plane stops it is surrounded by a
1 /1 " ......... . lc 6 " .................... . ..1 0 c crew of men who hurriedly push it out of
1 /1 " ......... . lc
3 " .................... . . .10c
6 " ....................
the arresting gear in order that the next in
3 /8 " ......... . 1 Vic 3 " X 1 " .................... line will have a clear area on which to land.
1 /2 " ......... . 1 Vic 6 " .................... . . 1 . 0 0
vi OOO' 3 /8 " X 1 /2 " ........... . 2c If the space is not cleared in time it will
(36" len g th s m ay be h a d a t a co st of Vi m ore) be necessary for the next plane to go around
T en (10c) cent postage a n d p a c k in g ch arg e m ust
accom pany all orders. Only postal or ex p ress money the landing circle again.
„wn Con·«^ o rd ers accepted. No o rd ers u n d e r 50c accepted.
N ot responsible for lass in m ail. Add Sc fo r In ­ Occasionally a landing plane will fly so
su ra n c e if desired. close that the signalman is forced to jump
d BANG — Send for free b a lsa price lis t. —
down onto a small protected platform built
Dept. A irc ra ft Model Engin ee rin g
expressly for such an event. Other times
548 W e st 6th Street L on g Beach. C a lifo r n ia a plane will land quite hard and blow out
a tire. Perhaps the landing gear will give

way, but it causes no loss of time for the to them for conditioning.
craft is hauled clear by hand nearly as quick'
ly as if its wheels were intact.
When all planes arc aboard the pilots
After dinner every night a motion pie-
ture program is held topside on the deck.
A new show is scheduled each night. The
Get a Glidex
meet in the Ready Room to talk over the library of crash reels are often shown. Slow
day’s work. Any mistakes made are noted
and discussed in order that a rcoccurcnce
will be prevented. The squadron’s score
motion pictures arc taken of every landing
that begins and ends badly. As a result
Without Cost
every crash is recorded. The pilot thus has
is tallied and ways of improving it are no alibis and the movie audience has many
talked over. The Engineering Officer col· a laugh over the frailties of men.
lccts complaints, if any, regarding the oper- After the show the pilots may listen to
ation of the engines. the radio with which all Navy ships are
After lunch the mechanics again tackle equipped or they may read from a well
the planes and engines. Change oil, if ne- stocked library. The flying, however, com­
ccssary, gas up the tanks, wipe down the bined with the hard work of the afternoon
loose oil which has sprayed the plane dur- brings on an early urge to sleep. The en­
ing the long dives. Magneto breaker points listed men are weary, too, after the long
arc checked, spark plugs arc cleaned up, day and they are apt to turn in early.
and in general the aircraft arc put in ship'
shape order. A long drawn-out bugle call sounds
While this is going on the pilots arc at' over the water. It has a plaintive note,
tending school. They arc practising sema' but it is comforting, too, for it is Taps.
phorc and radio, studying tactics, engineer' All lights out. The day is done. The run­
ing, and gunnery. ning lights burning bright and clear with
An hour's exercise up on deck works up an occasional white light arc all that can
a healthy appetite and keeps the flyers ton' be seen as the huge monster pushes its way GLIDES 4 CITY BLOCKS!
through the swells of the Pacific. Aboard W h a t a g lider! Goes over 100 feet high
cd up to the good physical condition which and sails gracefully for 4 city blocks. T he
is so necessary for an aviator. Once a week her arc the sleeping men whose presence new tail' _tim in g device docs th e trick.
they take a physical examination in order offers protection to those who stay ashore C ontrols it like a real pilot. D'urable—
shock proof w ing m ount. C am bered B alsa
that the Flight Surgeons can keep in touch and on the ground. They arc the barrier w ing, e lev ato r and ru d d e r for least a ir
with the well-being of the officers assigned —the first line of defense. re sista n c e . C om plete w ith sling a nd tw o
le n g th s of ru b b e r for only 35 cen ts. Send
coin—n o t stam p s.
Get Y our Glidex FREE
A v ia tio n A d v iso ry B o a r d Sell six G lidex m odels to your friends and
g e t y ours free for yourself. T h a t’s easy.
(Continued from page 29) Send $2.10 for six and we will include one
Haiberstadt (Two-seater Fighter). Rate of Climb at this height, 50 ft. e x tra for you. O r send 35c in coin for one.
Span of upper plane, 35 ft. 3 in· per min.
Span of lower plane, 34 ft. 11 in. — :oo:— B A D G E R T O Y CO.
Chord of upper plane, 5 ft. 3J/4 in. Hannoverancr Biplane: Dept. M 5 , 3045 W. Walnut St.
Chord of lower plane, 4 ft. 3Vi in. Weight empty, 1,732 lbs. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Gap, maximum, 4 ft. Total weight, 2,572 lbs. f L Y I N G C L U B P I N S . · - ■ 35»«
Gap, minimum, 3 ft. in. FREE CATALOG
Area of upper wings, 217.6 sq. ft. Design Shown silver piste 35 cents each. $3.50
Dihedral angle of lower plane, 2deg. Area of lower wings, 142.4 sq. ft. doz. Gold' plate or sterling silver 60 cents each.
$5.00 doz. Made with any 6 letten or leas;
Horizontal dihedral ofmain planes, 4 Total area of wings, 360.0 sq. ft. . No. as» 2 colon enamel.
deg. BASTIAN BROS. CO. 369 Bastian Bldg., Rochester. N. Y.
Loading per sq. ft. of wing surface,
Total area of main planes, 310 sq. ft. 7.29 lbs.
Area of each aileron, 11.6 sq. ft. Area of aileron, each, 16.4 sq. ft. TWIN PUSHER
Area of aileron balance, 2.0 sq. ft. Area of balance of aileron, 1.6 sq. ft. W IN N E R A T A T L A N T IC C IT Y N A T IO N A L
Load per sq. ft., 8.2 lbs. Area of top plane of tail, 10.0 sq. ft. Illg c o n s tru c tio n k it. w ith d e ta il p lan s a n d e x tra
m a te ria l. Kasy to assem ble.
Area of tail planes, 13.6 sq. ft. Area of bottom plane of tail, 19.2 sq. * Itu ild th is ■record breakers a n d w in y o u r local
Area of elevator, 12.4 sq. ft. ft. Conform s w ith ΛΜΚΛ· w eight rule..
S P E C I A L P R I C E P O S T P A I D O N L Y S I. 00.
Area of fin, 6.4 sq. ft. Total area of tail plane, 29.2 sq. ft. S P E C IA L O F F E R
Area of rudder, 7.9 sq. ft. Area of fin, 6.5 sq. ft. approx. 24 A sst. W ash ers O.VI.Y
2 T h ru s t B earin g s 10c
Area of rudder balance, 1.0 sq. ft. Area of rudder, 6.4 sq. ft. P re p aid .
Maximum cross section of body, 8.8 Area of elevators, 22.0 sq. ft. T h e fin est m ade. U sed by C ham pion flyers.
sq. ft. Horizontal area of body, 53.2 sq. ft. L a k e w o o d , R . I ., U . S . A .
Horizontal area of body, 44.0 sq. ft. Vertical area of body, 91.6 sq. ft.
Vertical area of body, 52.8 sq. ft. Total weight per h.p., 14.3 lbs. per R A D I A L H o o sie r
Length over all, 24 ft. h.p. Air Motors
Engine, 180 h.p. Mercedes. Crew, pilot and observer. and Tanks
Weight per h.p. (180), 14.07 lbs. Armament, 1 Spandau firing through Won All
Capacity of petrol tanks, 34 gallons. propeller, 1 Parabcllum on ring TH E Air Model
Capacity of oil tanks, 4 gallons. mounting. o n l y Jt-oz. Prizes
Crew, Two. Engine, Opel Argus, 180 h.p. 3 IN. D IA M E T E R C h i c a g o
Guns, 1 fixed and 1 movable. Petrol capacity, 371/» gallons. CO M PRESSED
35*IN. B O R E N a t io n a l
«■ IN . S T R O K E l N a t l 0 n a l
Military load on test, 545 lbs. Oil capacity, 3 gallons. AIR
Air Races
Total load on test, 2,532 lbs. M O TO R
Performance: 'P O W E R F U L

Performance: 1930
(a) Climb to 5,000 ft., 7 min. Counter balanced steel crankshaft. Unique. Fliet * I t. to B I t. model·.
Speed at 10,000 ft., 97 m.p.h., 1,385 Rate of climb in ft. per min., 590. Finished p i r n , easy to assemble, j l . y j p o ttp iid . Com pletely assembled i n j
t f »te J - J ). 7 Ϊ postpaid.
r.p.m. Indicated air speed, 68. C om prC M ftfd A ir T a n k — G natw eight seamiest high prcuure, 3* dianv-
f »fr. 30" luny., $7 postpaid; 2 4" lon*, JA.I0 postpaid.
R a te of I n d ic a te d
C lim b In F t. A ir Revolutions of engine, h,495. M o t o r sind 2 4 - in . T a n k C o m b i n a t i o n — W t. com plete only l % o tl
Send thi« ad. $10.50 postpaid.
Min. See. Min. Speed (b) Climb to 10,000 ft., 18 min. C o m p le t e K it f o r 5 f t . C o m p r e s s e d A ir M o d e l w ith blueprint lna
la n k and m otor $4.00 postpaid l i n e an air model for your neat
Climb to 5,000ft. 9 25 440 69 Rate of climb in ft. per min., 340. N ational Model A irplane contest. O rder today! Be *uee and cnclote only
money orders or d r a in .
Climb to 10,000ft. 24 30 240 64 Revolutions of engine, 1,475. R u b b e r 1 /J 2 * x % * Bat— fu ll fre th ile im special price only 72c.
postpaid ( I / } 2 m X J / ) 2 * 70c. pottpa id).
Climb to 14,000ft. 51 55 80 58 Indicated air speed, 65. I l e a l R u b b e r L u b r i c a n t K n o w n — D oublet w inds. Used on all latex
record models, big 2 o r. can only JCc. pottpaid.
Service ceiling (height at which climb (c) Climb to 13,000 ft., 29 min. 45 S e n d 10c. a t O n e r f o r a N o w I l l u s t r a t e d L i a t J u a t O ff t h e
I 'r e a s show ing all the la te x and b ett material» at used by recent N ational
is 100 ft. per minute) 13,500 ft. sec. c o n tm w inners o f trips to Europe, etc., w ith surprising low prices on
she best m aterials. S c h o o la . c l u b s , d e a l e r a w r i t e f o r t e r m .
Estimated Absolute Ceiling, 16,000 ft. Rate of climb in ft. per min., 190. “ M o d e l A i r p l a n e E x p e r t a o f T o d a y a r c t h e A v ia t i o n E x p e r t»
o f T om o rro w ,* * .
Greatest height reached, 14,800 ft. in Indicated air speed, 62. P E R U M OD EL A IR P L A N E S H O P
64 min. 40 sec. D ept. J . P e ru , In d ia n a
Revolutions of engine, 1,445.

At 10,000 ft. 96 miles an hour; Revo·

AIRSEAL A erial R adio an d

A irp lan e E ngin e
lutions 1,565.
At 13,000, 891/2 miles an hour; Ravo-
lutions 1,520.
Service ceiling at which rate of climb

BALSA Courses For

YOU! !
is 100 ft. per min. 15,000.
Estimated absolute ceiling, 16,500.
Greatest height reached, 14,400 in 39
min. 10 sec.
Model Builders attain the greatest
success by using The Best Grade Rate of climb at this height, 120 ft.
of Material. Air Seal Balsa is per min.
known as the highest grade of Balsa Well, we’re still sticking the odd . Air endurance—about 2*l/ i hrs. at Ml
by the Model Airplane Builders. nose upland going places! speed at 10,000 ft. including climb to
The Winners of National Contests Adhering to its policy of endeavor­ this height.
are using Air Seal Balsa—Air Seal ing to obtain for you everything that Military load, 545 lbs.
Balsa is sold in all sections of the will help you to form a firm founda­ Rumpler (Two-seater Biplane) Type C. V.
country. If you do not use Air Seal tion for a successful career in aviation, —260 h.p. Mercedes engine.
Balsa try a sample order, we have MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS an­ Weight empty (but with water), 2,439
a few standard sizes for immediate nounces with pride and pleasure the lbs.
shipment. start in an early issue of two courses— Weight, fully loaded, 3,439 lbs.
Write for Free Booklet on Model “Aerial Radio.’’ by Captain L. Total military load, 545 lbs.
Construction S. Potter Span (upper), 41 ft. 6 in.
P ric e s In c lu d in g I ’ostago on S am p le S izes and Span (lower), 40 ft.
“Airplane Engines,” by Lieut. Chord (upper), 5 ft. 8 in.
2" thick, 6" w ide, 30" long a t $1.15 each
2" th ic k , 5" w ide, 40" long a t 1.15 each Η. B. Miller. Chord (lower), 4 ft. 4 in.
1 /8 " th ic k , 6" w ide, 30" long at .55 each
1 /1 0 " th ic k . 0" w ide. 30" long at .50 each No need to tell you how much these Sweep back, 3 deg.
1" th ic k , 4" w ide. 30" long at .00 each
3" th ic k , 3" w ide. 30" long at .85 each courses will supplement those already Dihedral, 2 1/2 deg.
P rices quoted on q u a n titie s of v ario u s G rades on published in MODEL AIRPLANE Area of upper wings (with ailerons),
req u est. NEWS. Just think— 217.6 sq. ft.
Area of lower wings, 146 sq. ft.
“Air Navigation.” by Captain Area of ailerons (each), 15.3 sq. ft.
T H E F L E IS C H M A N N Potter Total area of main planes, 363.6 sq. ft.
T R A N S P O R T A T IO N GO. “Airplane Designing,” by Ken Loading per sq. ft. of wing surface,
B a lsa Wood Division Sinclair 9.5 lbs.
595 M ADISON A V E N U E Area of tail plane, 22 sq. ft.
“Gliding and Soaring,” by P. Area of fin, 4 sq. ft.
NEW Y O RK . N. Y.
and M. White, and now two
327 So. L a Sallo S t„ 245 - l l t h S t„ more courses. Area of elevators, 20.8 sq. ft.
Chicago, Illin o is. San F ran cisco , Cal. Area of rudder, 6 sq. ft.
Where else in the world could you Total weight per h.p., 13.2 lbs.
or your friends (have you told them, Petrol capacity, 59 gallons.
4 C ylinder A ir M otor R eady to Run $7.50 by the way?) obtain such .ground Oil capacity, 3 gallons.
4 -0 -8 C y lin d e r Com prersed schooling in aviation for only 15 c a Water capacity, 10 gallons.
a ir m o to rs, a lso tan k e
seam less. 6 -fo o t L ockheed- month? Endurance, about 4 hours.
S iriu s M otor m odel. New
C u rtiss H aw k s 2 4 " h o l­
Stick by M. A. N. and succeed in
low halsa fuselage a n d 2 8 " L ockheed S iriu s , r u b ­ aviation! Performance:
ber driven. C atalo g u e 10 cents. ft. m.p.h. revs.
MINIATURE AIRCRAFT CORP. T he Editor . Speed at 10,000 100.5 1,510
83 Low T e rra c e N ew B rig h to n , N . Y . Speed at 15,000 87 1,390
ft. m.s. min. revs.
Climb to 10,000 16.0 400 1,375
^ C E S N A ^ Ž ) Service ceiling, 15,500 ft. (estimated).
Boys, get t h is flashin g B E D mode! o f th a t speedy
ship t h a t d id so well in th e 1930 N a tio n a l A ir R aces. CABINAIRE Jr. KIT $1.00 P. P. Greatest height reached, 15,300 ft. in
T he IS " tap e -e d w ing gives u n u su a l a ltitu d e . F o r sp eed
a n d d ista n c e It w ill outdo m any tw ice its size a n d price. In d o o r am i Outdoor 38 min. 25 sec.
fllor. 21" wing sp an , '/j
K it w ith ready eut m a te ria l, red tissu e, b lu ep rin t, etc.
sen t po stp a id $1.45. N o sta m p s, foreign coins, o r p e r ­ oz. w eight. Prop ready Rate of climb at this height is 125 ft.
sonal cheeks accopted. U N IV E R S A L M ODEL AERO carved. IVfe-minute e n ­
d urance. Cellophane w in ­
per min.
S U P P L Y . 811 G alt Avcmio. C hicago. III.
dows. W ill sen d ready
10 p e r c e n t, off on a ll m a te ria l th is m onth.
to fly fo r $2.50. Controversies arising between Rumpler
17" F ly in g S cale model.
and Etrich, the latter dropped the German
(Sec Crescent ad In A pril M odel A irp la n e N ew s.) patent rights, which led to the general
V ery com plete k it. $1.05. F L Y IN G G LO RY .
adoption of the “Taube” type by almost
S m ash in g R ecords! 27" wing sp read, g u a ra n te ed to fly 300 ft. a n d
S e m l-fln ish e d k it w ith prop ready carved.
Send 5c for c atalo g u e an d P ric e L ist of every aircraft works in Germany.
Su p p lies. C R ESCEN T M ODEL A IR C R A F T , 1805
IT 'S A H A B IT ! U. S . M ODELS Benson Avc.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Hirth left, and Rumpler lost much in
W alk Away W ith All Prizes.
T h is 2 0 " C u rtiss Robin influcnce5 Linnekogel put up further alti­
Proves It— Fly? W ell
Boy! B uild Ono. tude records on the new Rumpler mono­
Build This A I R M O N S T E R ! plane, of modified “Taube” design, in that
C u rtis s Navy IÍE L L -D IV E H . 2 -ft. flying scale m odel,
the plane underbridge was abandoned and
flies fo r over 1 m in u te, w eighs ab o u t 1 oz.—com plete
co n stru c tio n outfit for only $3.00.
the back-swept clastic wing tips replaced
Large fu ll-s iz e B lu e p rin ts fo r a 2 -ft. scale m odel of by usual ailerons of same shape.
th e H ornier D O -X ; th e lio cln g P 1 2 -B . a n d th e F a ir-
ch ild M onoplane— Biggest B a rg a in . S en d $1.50 fer The same body, canvas covered over steel
th ese com plete plans«, ami specifications. New catalog,
ch o c k -fu ll w ith p ictu res, of the latest p o p u la r p lanes, tubes, was employed in the first Rumpler
a n d w ith Lockheed S iriu s draw ings, e tc ., fo r only Be.
NEW! U.S. Lockheed Sirius, Boeing BROOKLYN M ODEL A IR C R A FT CO.. 1326 F la tb u sh biplane, on which Basser performed his 18
Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. hours’ duration record and the passenger
P12B—Both Flying Wonders. Send overland flight, Berlin—Budapest—Sofia—
10c for large 56 page catalog. De­ S H IP M ODEL F IT T IN G S
Constantinople non-stop, excepting the
of q u a lity
scribes 26 models—1000 parts. F u r nin ilfl Y a c h t» we make tn*»»t <ocket*.
D u st b a n d ·. l*ooui b a n d » , rudder», goo three capitals.
neck», a d ju s ta b le bia»t s te p . a u to m a tic

FREE!oim N£WKρα°εFOMFD s te e r in g s t a r , b ra ss a n d a Ju u d n iu n tu r n · During the war this biplane has been

b u c k le ·.
W e m a n u fa c tu re th e la rg e s t a n d nin<i
I c o m p le te lin e o f m odel fittin g s f o r ja c h ta produced as a seaplane, earlier efforts in
t a ilin g s h ip s, ste am x h ip * a n d n a v a l »**>rl»
i n th e U n ite d S la te s
A sp e c ia l li s t of f ittin g s foi P e e tro y r i
this field being the Rumpler flying boat, an
•‘P r e s to n " «%111 lie fo u n d In o u r c ata lo g
O ur I llu s tr a te d c a ta lo g N o. 7 w ill t
intermediate between the Curtiss and F. B.
397 BRIDGE ST.. BROOKLYN, N.Y m a ile d on r e c e ip t of ISc. A. types and the ordinary “Taube” design,
A. J. F IS H E R
1002 Etowah Ave. Dent. A Roval Oak. M ich. only with a two-floats landing gear.


O fficial Λ. M . L. A. OBTAINABLE!
K its N ow O b ta in a b le .
W e n o w c a r r y t h e o ffi­ M ATERIALS FOR COVERING
c ia l M o d e l A ir p la n e iL ik o n c , a w h ite rice p a p e r. 5e. p e r s h e e t, size
21" X 31".
L e a g u e o f A m e ric a J a p a n e s e T iss u e , a cream -co lo red stro n g
tissu e s u ita b le for o u td o o r p lan es. 5e. p er
M o d el A ir p la n e K its . sh e e t, size 2 1 " x 3 1 ".
Six s h e e ts o f e ith e r o r m ixed S P E C I A L 25c..
A ll p ric e s o il k i t s a n d p o s tp a id .
V E R I T I I I N T I S S U E . A lig h t glazed tissue,
p la n e s a r e p o s tp a id . o n ly .0(103" th ick ! Six sh e e ts, I x 3 6 " in pack ag e,
o n ly .............................................................................. 25c.
O rd e r o n e o f t h e w o n ­ W IN D E R S , S trong A lu m in u m geared
d e rfu l c o m p le te k its d o u b l e w in d e r s . R e st H uy i n t h is lin e.
S p e c ia l $1.00 e a c h .
n o w a n d b e r e a d y fo r S p lit b am liiM ), 1 5 " l e n g t h s , 2 c . e a c h o r
fid l e n jo y m e n t o f m o d ­ 1 5 e. p e r d o z e n .
e l H ying t h i s s e a s o n . W c offer th e finest g ra d e o f HALSA W O O D
th a t ca n he b o u g h t. 11 is p u rc h a s e d from se­
le cted s to c k a n d s m o o th ly c u t to size by
O th e r A .M .L .A . K its a re listed below . esp ecially d esig n e d e q u ip m e n t. We g u a ra n te e
Kncli k it c o n ta in s fu ll in s tru c tio n s a n d it to b e o f th e b est q u a lity an d free from
sufficient m a te ria ls for b u ild in g . w orm holes.
A .M .L .A . S o u r in g G i l d e r N o . 19. .2 5 c . P r ic e P r ic e
p e r P ie c e S iz e p e r P ie c e
New E n d u ran ce T ractor Ki t, A .M .L.A . A .M .L.A . F u selage M odel N o. 22 3 6 " . . .$.01 1 /8 X 3 / 1 6 X 3 6 " . . . .$ .0 2
16"............01 I 8 X 1 /4 X 3 6 " . . . . . .02
Indoor KiL N o. 2L 16"............02 3 / 1 6 X 1 4 X 3 6 " . . . . .02
N u m b e r 22 is a m odel we a r e p ro u d o f. T h is littlo
T hi« p la n e holíte th e official re c o rd o f II m in u te s . >".............. 015 1 I x l l x 3 6 " . . . . . .02
Kaeli kit c o n ta in s a n in s tru c tio n book tellin g bow to p la n e , w ith it s g a y ly d e c o ra te d s tre a m lin e fu selag e S H E E T BA LSA
build seven c h a m p io n s h ip in d o o r ships, a n y o ne o f a n d g ra c e fu l ta p e re d w ings, lias all th e a p p e a ra n c e o f P ric e P ric e
which m a y be h o ik fro m th e m a te ria l in c lu d e d in th e w ell-know n L o c k h eed S iriu s. T h e k it c o n ta in s S iz e p e r P ie c e S i/.« p e r P ie c e
th is kit F u ll d raw in g s a n d in s tru c tio n s . I 3 2 v 2 X 36 ' ............3 .0 6 1 1 6 x 2 x 3 6 " ___ . .$ .0 7
K it C o m p l e t e , P o s t p a i d ...........................................$ 1 .2 5 tile fo rm e d fuselag e h a lv e s r e a d y to assem b le, a n d 1 /2 0 X 2 X 3 6 "' ................ 07 I 8 X 2 X 3 6 " .......... . . 08
* * * th e c a rv e d p ro p e lle r to g e th e r w ith a!! th e o th e r p a r ts PLA N K BALSA
n ec essary for b u ild in g th e p la n e in c lu d in g fu ll in ­ P ric e P r ic e
Indoor E n durance F u sela g e M odel s tru c tio n s . C o m p le te K it, p o s tp a id .......................... 75c.
S iz e p e r Pierce S iz e p e r P ie c e
T hi« i« th e fam o u s C -4 ra h in jo h . Λ b e a u ty a n d an I X 3 X 3 6 " . . . ............ 8 .1 0 2 X 3 X 3 6 " .............. .$ 1 X 0
ex cellen t llicr. S u ita b le for e n tra n c e in in d o o r 1 X 6 X 3 6 " . . . .................70 2 X 6 X 3 6 " .............. . 1.25
N o te — A 10c p a c k in g c h a rg e m u st ac c o m p a n y an y
fuselage c o n te s ts . o rd e r for b alsa w ood.
C o m p l e te K i t , P o s t p a i d ......................................... $1*50
O utdoor D uration M o n o p la n e S iz e Q u iin . P ric e S iz e (Ju an , P r ic e
W e will be g la d to fu rn ish y o u w ith an o u tlin e 3 /8 X 1 / 2 x 5 " . . I . . .$ .0 2 1 x 1 -1 /2 x 10". . 1 . . .$.09
A .M .L .A . K it N o. 5 o f a co u rse in m odel a irp la n e c o n s tru c tio n for use 3 / 8 X 3 / 4 x 6 " . . I . . . .02 S p ecial tw in p u s h e r size:
T h is is a low wing jo h esp ecially d e sig n e d to fulfill a t y o u r c a m p . Kull in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e c a m p 1 /2 X 5 / 8 v 6 " . . I . . . .02 1 x i -1 /2 x 1 2 " . . 1. . . 10c
th e re q u ire m e n ts fo r th e S to u t a n d W akefield C u p sh o u ld a c c o m p a n y th is re q u e s t.
C o n te sts. A n official a v e ra g e of 90 seco n d s w as m a d e We also h a v e a sp e c ia l offer for sch o o ls, c lu b s S M A S C O G L U — T h e b e s t m o d e l a ir p la n e ce m e n t
u n d er all w e a th e r c o n d itio n s . a n d Y .M .C .A .’s. U se y o u r le tte r h e a d w hen r e ­ o b ta in a b le . T h is new c e m e n t is co lo rless, p ro d u cin g
C o m p l e t e K i t , P o s t p a i d ......................................... $ 2 .0 0 q u e s tin g su c h prices. a m u c h n e a te r jo h ; s tr o n g e r , g iv in g a m o re p e rm a ­
* * * n e n t jo i n t, a n d q u ic k e r d r y in g , m a k in g p o ssib le a
p ro m p t as s e m b ly . O b ta in a b le o n ly fro m u s , in th e
O dicial A .M .L.A . Seale M od el P lan s follow ing sizes, 1 c z .. I2 c .; 2 o zs., 20c.
B A N A N A O I L — T h is is a h ig h g rad e
T h e A .M .L .A . h a s p re p a re d a series o f b a n a n a o il w h ich w ill re a lly s tic k p ap e r
2 4 " scale m odel d ra w in g s. K aeli d ra w ­ to th e fra m e , a n d w a te rp ro o f p ro p ellers
ing sh o w s fu ll d e ta il o f th e p la n e a n d is a n d p o n to o n s . I t is also excellen t for
o n a sh eet a p p ro x im a te ly 3 4 " x 4 4 ". s tre n g th e n in g h alsa s p a rs . 1 o z., 10c.;
H oeing P -12, V o u g h t C o rs a ir, F o k k e r 2 o zs., 15c.
F-10. Lockheed V ega. S tin s o n L y c o m ­ W I N G D O P E — T h is m e d iu m d o p e is
ing, W aco T a p e r W ing, L ockheed S irius. p rep are d b y u s fro m o u r o w n fo rm u la,
A ny one o f th e a b o v e p la n es for 20c., a n d is s u ita b le fo r th e w ings a n d fuse­
p o s tp a id . lag es o f stro n g in d o o r m o d els an d all
o u td o o r m o d els. 11 is a good all aro u n d
dope. O b ta in a b le in th e follow ing
sizes: I oz., I 0 e .: 2 o zs., I5 e.
A C E T O N E — C h em ically p u re a c e to n e
is offered as a s o lv e n t o r th in n e r for ce­
R ealistic C elluloid P rod u cts m e n ts. o r for m ixing y o u r ο » n d o p es or
c e m e n ts. 1 o z., 1 0 c.; 2 o zs.. 15c.
W heels in re d , w hite, o r b la ck . 2 " size» * * *
p er p a ir, 2 0e.; I 3 -8 " size, p er p a ir. 12e.; O R D E R IN G IN S T R U C T IO N S
1" size, p e r p a ir. 8 e.; 3 -4 " size, p e r p air, 1— N o G . O . I ) . o r d e r s w i l l lie filled.
7c. D u m m y Ita d ia l M o to r (b la ck ce l­ N o o r d e r s f«.r le ss th a n 50c. w o rth
lu lo id ), 4 0 c. e a c h . N .A .C .A . C ow ling o f h a ls a w ill h e a c c e p te d .
(black ce llu lo id ), 25c. e a c h . W heel 2— S en d m o n e y b y p o s ta l m o n ey o rd e r
p a n ts (s tre a m lin e co v e rin g s fo r 2 " if p o ssib le.
w heels), 30e. p e r p a ir. W heels a n d 3·— D o n o t i n c l u d e p o s t a g e . W c p a y
p a n ts assem b led , 50c. p er p a ir. a ll p o s ta g e u n le s s o th e rw is e
s t a t e d . A ll o r d e r s c o n t a i n i n g
b a lsa w o o d o r liq u id s m u s t
A .M .L.A . T h rce-in -O n e Baby R .O.G. i n c l u d e a p a c k i n g c h a r g e o f 1 0 c.
R ubber! B est G rade Parti a t 4— O rd e rs fro m C a n a d a m u s t in c lu d e a n e x tra 10c
K it N o. 20 h a n d lin g c h a rg e .
L ow est P rices Y et 5— W e d o n o t a c c e p t re s p o n s ib ility fo r o rd e rs lo st or
T h is k it c o n ta in s en o u g h m a te ria l to c o n s tru c t a n y b ro k e n in th e m a il. I n c lu d e 5c. fo r in s u ra n c e if
o ne o f th re e d iffe re n t ty p e s o f p la n e s in c lu d in g th e d esire d .
T h e p o p u la r 1-8" fiat size 3 ft. for o ne ee iit. 210 ft. im p ro v e d K .O .G ., B a b y B ip la n e , a n d th e fam o u s 6 — S e r v ic e . A ll o r d e r s w ill l>e s h i p p e d w i t h i n
sk ein S P E C IA L 6 0c. F R E S H S T O C K A L W A Y S . c a m b e re d w ing E n d u r a n c e R .O .G . A c a rv e d p r o ­ 12 h o u r s a f t e r r e c e i p t .
7 — Wc re s e rv e th e rig h t to refu se th e w hole or p a rt
A special size for sm all in d o o r m o d e ls .045 sq ., 3 ft. p eller. full in s tr u c tio n s , a n d p le n ty o f m a te r ia l a re o f a n y o rd e r.
for )c. 210 ft. skein 50c. in c lu d e d in th is k it. C o m p .e tc K it, p o s tp a id ..........50c. 8 — I n c l u d e y o u r fi ll n a m e a n d a d d r e s s w i t h
each o rd e r.


Post Office Box 149 Atlanta, Georgia
.P ro tec tio n against B u rg la rs T ram pa, & D ogs
, S p e c i a l OffeC
StnullostlliblQ χ*\\ΰ ΤΡ*Λ1
Make Your Watches, Clocks, Etc™, *"* 1 B lan k C artrid g e PiatoL in tho World*
Sixo of a poet·
V ic I llifA I k « / M s o i i t T he very la to it diecovcry in th e scientific a g o a ta m p «
V l S B D i e R J y I l K g n i world. H itherto. pructirnUy unobtain- 2 0 0 P agos,
ab!c except a t an exorb itan t price, wo h ave a t la it auccocdod in producing this remarkable Said to bring '- V > * ; i
L U M IN O U S P A I N T , w hich, nppliod to tbo lurfnc· oř any article, o m its r a y s o f w h ito 'Ig h t, cood luck to -T ’•'•xri
M nďcrincit p e r f e c t ly v i s i b l e f n th *d ark . THE DARKER THE NIGHT THE MORE BRIL­ W e ll m a d o o n d thoow oor. A
LIANT IT S H IN E S . . Quito cim plo to υ»ο. Anyone— you can do it. A littlo applied to tho dial e fle c tiv e , m od­ genuine work
r f your w atch or clo ck w ill enable y ou to tell tho tim e by n ight. You can coat the push bu t· elled on la te s t
l . n · or sw itch p lates o f your elertrio lig h t·, m atch boxe·, ond innumerable other ortid ee; ^type o f R evolver; bo ·οοη to bo appreciated. M ako good m oney
mnko vour ow n L um inous Crucifixe·, Luminous Rotaries, etc. em ail bottle* p r ic e 2 5 c . Lnrrcr appearance a lon e !5 selling them to frionds, church acquaintance·*
, 1103. ŠO o and S I p o jip a id . JOHNSON SM ITH & CO. D eo». S 0 0 RACINE. W IS. oDough to Bcaro & etp. P R IC E 1 5 o each. 3 for 4 0 c , 1 2 for
B u rglar.W h en loaded It S 1 .« 5 , 1 0 0 for 5 7 . 5 0 , Al*o obtainable in
STAGE m ay bo a s elT ectivo r.a a
Teal rev o lv e r w ith ou t dafl*
Leather Binding. w ith gold cd jo ·. P r i c e 5 0 o
e a c h , 3 fo r 5 1 . 2 5 , S 4 .S O p e r d o r . M a g n i·
MONEY ir e r t o lif e . I t ta k es stan d
3rd .2 2 C al. B lank Cart·
T id ge — ob tain ab le every·
tving G la s s for u«o wit u M idget T ib i·, 1 5 c .

•w here. S p e c ia l c a s h w it h - ^ *
o r d e r o f f e r : 1 Superior q u a lity B lan k C art?Idgo P i s - ]
- I
Lover’sKnotor Friendship Ring
? o l, IC O Blank C artrid g es, and our n e w 5 5 0 p a g e M ad e o f 4 s tr a n d a r---------
J )o L u x e C a ta lo g o f la te s t n o v e ltie s; nil f e r C u L Y o f g en u in '· 1 IK g o ld
filled w ire , w o v e n in -
to th o T ru o L o v e r ’s
__ __ IExploding Cigarettes K n o t, s y m b o lic o f
lo v e o r f r i e n d s h i p .
With a rf thr** Imitation νϊη" .m1ciS” “o Ä
v er> k in g . q u a in t a n d .T h * y appear so real, hut T h r o w Y o u r V o ic e V ery p re tty , y e t n o t
sh o w y . B a c h r in g ia
: u;i y ji can appear proepermi* u n com m on. S ilv er tlnish :· when each cienrotto is about
By ř.aihlr^ a roll of the e bills tw o b r illia n t, f l a i l i n g gem s (one-third ■molted, the victim <?/ In to a tru n k , u n d e r th o bed or m a d o b y h a n d b y g o ld
and perlíne off a real one from w iro e x p o rt. Itlo o k 3
the top. effect will be all you sp a rk le out o f f tie eves. Igeta a very great eurprieo na
S a id to be a lucky tok en , it coca off w ith a loud B A N G I
- an y w h ere. Lota o f fu n fooling th e good a n d i t is good.
desire. 40 Bills 20c.. 120 lor r/‘" te a ch e r, policem an o r frie n d s . ' “s*
10c .. S3.10 thou vand P. Pd. O nly 25e p o stp a id . i A great m irth provoker y o te n - P r ic o 5 0 c P o s t p a id
(t»relvharinleM .P rIco25c box,
The VENTROLO J o h n s o n S m it h & C o .

T H E D A N D Y P E R IS C O P E a little in s tr u m e n t, fits in
th e m o u th ou t o f si g h t, u s ed
Rubber Chewing Gum
V ery In te re s tin g and A m u sin g N ovelty
w ith above f o r B ird Calls,
SEE WITHOUT BEING SEEN . A nyone c a n u s o it. N ever fa ils.
Look O v er th e H ead s of th e T a lle s t M en in A 1G-Page C ourse on /VLL F O R
a Crowd. V e n tr ilo q u is m a n d i n n i j
See O ver a Fence, A round C orners, E tc. I th e V e n trilo ................ 1 ΊΙ 1*81043
LOTS OF FUN AND Wonderful I t is just like a regular pneknge o f
AMUSEMENT 350 L C © K --s t r u m e n t . chew ing gum and looks so real th at it
fools everyb od y. Of course no one ·υ ·-
fleets it is n o t genuino until they Hurt
S tro n g ly M ade. E quipped w ith M irro rs, G r e a te s t
S ig h t-F in d e r a n d E y e-P iece. thing to chow it. T here’s n world of (tin in
th is rubber ohew ing gum — 6 atickn to
y c t.N ln o tb o pncknE O . P r ic o , 1 0 c P k g .; 3 fo r
H IS Is tho sam e kind o f Instrum ent th a t th e soldiers 2 5 c ; 1 2 fo r 7 5 c p o s tp a id ._____________
T u se In the trenches to w atch th e enem y w ithout risk
of b ein g seen th em selves, an d every subm arine lias
s e p a r a te
a rtic le s Rubber Cigarcllcs.PriceperBox. 20c
one to project above th e su rface of the sea to keep a
lo o k -ou t for other vessels, etc. W ith it you ran gaze over
In o n e . Rubber Malches. Price per Pkg.lOc
E v e r y b o d y clc-
a h igh w all or see around a corner w ithout being seen
y o u rself, or. if you are iu a crow d, you ran lo o k ‘ right
_ lig h t e d w ith I t.
O d d , C u rio u s a n d l n te r c s t -
over th e h ead s o f th e ta lle st men and w atch a ll th e fun.
Our illu str a tio n s w ill give you som e idea as to the nu m ­ _ l e g . L o t s o f p le a s u re a s w ell TANK
erous u>rs to wh’rli th e P eriscop e can he put. Every Boy n s v e ry u sefu l. I t Is a d o u b le M le ro s c o p e fo r cx-
Scout sh ou ld have one for sp yin g and anyone c\sc w ho __ a m b lin g tb o w o n d e rs o f n a tu r e . I t Is a ls o a n
w an ts som e rare am usem ent. T he D andy IYr’scope Is O p e ra G la s s, a S te re o sc o p e, a B u r n in g I.c n s, a R e a d in g
very stron gly m ade, w ill stand the roughest h a n d 'ln g and th e hardest G la ss, a T e lesc o p e , a C o m p a s s, a p o c k e t M ir r o r, a n d a
w ear, and w ith ordinary use slio u ’d Jn>t a lifetim e. It m easures 17 L ary n g o sco p e— fo r e x a m in in g e y e , e a r. n o so a n d t h r o a t . I t
In ch es *ong. am i a little over tw o in ch es w ide. T h e Periscope Tube
Is han d som ely d cro-ated w ith colored d e s'sn s to show m any of its Is w o rth a ll th o c o s t to lo c a te e v e n o n e p a in fu l c in d e r In th o
ey e. F o ld s H at a n d Ilts th o p o c k e t. S o m e th in g g r e a t— y o u r--nark-M o st
u ses, and each P eriscope com es com p lete in box. . r~
3 "
fo r $ 1 . 0 0
P rice P ostp aid to any A ddress ........................................................ $ 1 . 0 0 nu eii on e. D o n ’t mlna It. Sont liy m oil. O nly 3 5 c to y
125 T R IC K S W IT H CA RDS ' iuuk initiiwiini.ciuicr wiuj wio ihmu*
NOVELTY BADGES __o v e r th o tloor o r ta b le a n d th e n p la c in g i t d o w n
INVISIBLE INK Containing all the tricks end deceptions w ith cards
ever invented. Including the latest- «Tricks
. . . „Conjurers, Magicia
n] urers· ,M
i ι ν . ,of
. υ ΐthe
Μ ,most
^ c la n s and 1 rcstldigitatorft e o
i,t w i l l c r a w l a lo n g , o v e r c o m in g nil o o e ta c le e , in tho
. . « . e a m o lifo -lik o m a n n er 0 5 th o la r g e r T a n k th a t p ro v ed
jn th o irreat w a r . W h a t m a k es i t g o is
Tho most con­ popularly explained, sim plified and adapted for home BoniOWh a t o f n m y s te r y , fo r th o r o la n o m e c h a n ism
fidential messages *'"* * - ·· *“ j t o w in d u p n a ia u a u a lly u n d e r s t o o d w ith m e c h a n ic a l
pan bo written with perform the mast difficult font, to h is own satlsfac
t o y e .y o t t h ia t a n k w il lk e e p ploddinirnlonsr te n tim e s
:hls Ink, for tho lo n 'r o r th a n t h o o r d in a r y r u n o f to y a . I t w ill p e r fo r m
vriting m a k e s n o m a rk . ft'in and to the v.onder and adm lr.itIon of h is friends. d o ^ o n a o f th o m o a t w o n d e r fu le t u n t a . 2 5 c p r e p a i d .
C unnut bo seen union·· y ou There Is also added a Complete Exposure of all the tho eccrct. luvalunblo Card Tricks made use of by P ioV udonal Card le a v ­
or m a n y rcneonn. K eep
rour por t n|e nr.d other prirnto
ers and Gamblers. Shows how •’Sk in ” Gamblers
and win money by their infernal **palni fling” and ITCHING Powder
norrornndumn aw ay fr«im pry- other tricks. These features m ake It the best work T h is fa a n o th e r g o o d p r a c ­
Kissing Permit 10» tic a l jo k o f th o i n t e n H o d is ­
n e cyrn. Great fun for p la y - e'er published ou Card Tricks. Price 25c Postpaid.
n s practical jokes. c o m fitu r e o f y o u r v ic t im s to
e v e r y o n e b u t t h e m s e lv e · Is
O n ly 1 5 c a B o ttle ; 3 f o r 4 0 c · M IC R O P H O N E T R A N S M IT T E R B U T T O N th o ro u g h ly e n j o y a b l e . A ll
t h a t is n e c e s s a r y to etn r t tho

SURPRISE M ATC H ES WqsisM&I X-Ray Tube b a ll ro llin g i s to d e p o s it n lit­

t lo o f th o p o w d e r on a p e r ­
s o n *s h a n d a n d t h o p o w d er
. auA wonderlulllttlc - c a n b o r e lie d u pon to d o tho
More fun t h a n —λ N. _ r« in stru m en t pro- r e s t . T h o r e s u lt fa n v ig o r o u s s c r a t c h , th e n so m e
flglitlng with your(£ ,<Ά fM tic in g o p tic a l m o r o p c r a tc lu u n d o till e e m o m o r e , 1 0 c b o x ^ 3 b o x e s
_____ ' Illusions botli f o r 2 3 c o r 7 5 c p e r d o z e n . S h ip p e d b y E x p r e s s .
wife. Look Just
llk e o rd in a ry ηβ · / 1 Λ 6 ΐ su rp ris in g and
matches. P u t up „ —t ' å U V «-»startling. W ith It
sroo can boo vrhat i · apparently tbo.bonce of
In boxes ju st llko reg-1 Π« your finger*, tbo lead in u lead pencil, tbo in­ "You can pn.ily mako a M clily w neitivo dolocto-
O no o f th e s e g la s s v ia ls
ular Safety M atches.AV'- terior ordains io O p ip · item , and m any othev pliono by tifiinc tkie_ T ransm itter H utton to call, f t
drop p ed in n room fu ll o f
As the victim tries . ciunlnr illusion·. A m ystery th a t no ono baa
been ftbt· to ·αΙ:ζΤη<·1οΓίΙν explain. Price 10 c* tbo Bound w ave·. Y ou cun build your ow n o u tiit
p eo p lo w ill m u s e m oro c o n ­
ste r n a tio n th a n a lim b u rg er
lig h t one lie gets quite a surprise. 3 f o r 2 S c ,1 d o » e n 7 S c , J o h n so n S m ith & C o» w ithout buying cxjvenøivo equipm ent. I t w eim p lo c h o o se . T h e sm e ll e n tir e ly
Piles 10c per t o . 3 t o es for 25c. 12 for 75cc.tilg. _______ ? o u can install an otitfit in your
and inexpeneivo, d r-ap p ea rs in n sh o r t tim e.
hem o and bear coavcrrationa being held all over tho 1 0 c . p er B ox, 3 B oxes
house. You can connect up different rooms of n fo r 2 5 c ., 7 5 c p er d oz.
hotel. T h i· outfit was used b y . eccrct scrvico
S I .5 0 R O L M O N IC A operatives during tho war. I t is being used on tbo
stage. I t is ultra-aensitivo and is tho grentest in ­
B oxes, or
R ross B o x e s .
o n ly b y E xp ress«
$ 7 .5 0 por
A Mouth Organ vention in microphones. You can m ount tbo
button alm ost nnywhere— card hoard#boxes, atovo
that Plays pipes, stiff calendars, on tho wall behind a picture
frame, etc. H utton is so ligh t and email it cannot SNEEZING POWDER
with a bo detected. Persons can bo overheard w ithout
suspecting it. Y ou can liaten In on conversations
. P ln c o a v e r y em ail a -
raount o f t h i e p o w d er
Music in another room . A deaf person in tho audience
can bear tbo speaker. Connected to phonograph,
o n th o b a c k o f y o u r
h a n d an d b l o w i t Into
Roll piano or other m usical instrum ent, m u iic can bo
heard hundred· o f feet aw ay. Button m ay bo used t o #rcnew telephono
t h o a ir , nnd e v e r y o n e In
t h o ro o m or c a r w ill b e-
transmitters; often mnkes an old lino **tnlk u p ” when nothing elso w ill. Tbo ;in t o s n e e z e w ith o u t
A n y O n e C an P la y ideal microphone for radio use; carrie· heavy current and is extrem ely sensi­ s n o w in g th o r e a so n
I t W itliu u t P r a c tic e tive. Amplilics radio signals. C ountless other similar uses will su ggest w h y . I t is m o s t a m a z ­
themselves. Experimenters find tbo button useful to, hundreds of experi­ in g t o h e a r t h e ir ro-
A W id e S e le c tio n of m ents along tbo lines of telephones, amplifiers, lend speakers, e tc .. M any m a r h e . an t h e y n e v e r
fascinating stu n ts m ny bo devised, su -h as bolding tbo button against tho a a e p e c t th o rea l n on ree, b a t th in k t h e y h a v e c a u g h t
R o lls to C hoose •hront or cheat to rcproduco speech w ithout sound w aves. PRICE S 1 . 0 0 . I t o n o fro m an o th e r . B e tw e e n t h o l a u g h i n g n n d
F i-om n n c e z in g y o u y o u r s c lfw illh o h a v in g t h o tim o o ř y o u r
li f o . F or p a r tire, p o litic a l m eetings, c a r rid es, or
M A G I C I A N ’S BO X C F TRDCKS a n y p la c e a t o ll w h ero t h e r e Is n g a th e r in g o f p e o p l e .
I t 13 th e o rra te a tjo k e o u t. P r i c o 1 0 c t 3 f o r 2 5 c .
A pparatus a n d D irection s fo r a N u m b er o f 7 5 c p e r d o z e n . S h ip p e d b y E x p r e s e .
tho A tcrio u s Tricks, E nough fo r
Latest Veritable Pocket K g g & S S ftf: ψ ° ξ ] COMICAL
Broadw ay H its
T he Pocket P la y e r P ia n o Size Jazz-Band! ϋ. IίΡ Anyone Can Do Them MOTTO RINGS
t is great fun m ystifying your L o t a o f h a r m le ss fu n n n d
Rolmonfca is an au to m a tic harm onica, that plays a m usic roll just like a player piano. friends. Got this Conjurcr’o Cabi­ a m u s e m e n t w e a r in g th 'tto
It is a w hole b rass hand a ll in o n e—the b ig g est sensation of the m usical world in the last n et, and you will bo tbo cleverest r in g s . M ad e In p la tin o id
few y ears. A n yon e can p la y .it , f<»r .ill you h ave to do is to insert a roll, and turn the fellow in your district. I t contains fin is h (to r e s e m b le p la ti­
handle while you blow. T h a t is all there is to it. N oth in g could he sim pler. Any child tho __ __opparatus -for . . ten firct-claen.
— --------- č ů m ), w it h w o r d in g on
w ho can do th ese tw o sim ple th in gs can play the Rolmonica. It is averitable pocket sire tricks, l a u d i n g T ho M AGIO c n n m c lo id ,a s illu s tr a te d .
P r ic o 2 5 c e a . P o s t p a i d
Jazz-B a n d , com bining the principles of the harm onica and th e player piano. It is an j ^ A N D V A b L TRICK to
in stru m en t of λ th o u L n d m elodies, it p la y , the popular airs of the p a st, as w ell a , the
la test B roadw ay h its. T h ere arc hundreds o f rolls to select from , such as My Blue , oxSl^e?oundinVome“ o e la o ^ ir ť ílí
H cavcn . H om e S w eet H om e. A m erica, Old Black Joe, A nnie L aurie, S idew alks of N e w 1 c t -) ; Tho —.................
H IN D O ...............
O T R IC —K ...............
Y ork, H um oresque, W ild Irish H ose, Rosie O 'G rady, A m ong My Souvenirs, L ove’s Old (can bo znado to chanco com pletely
S w e e t S o n g , D ixie, M ighty Lak* a Hose, Aloha O c, R am ona, Juanita, Hose Marie, Onward no less than fivo tim es); D IS - __ — .
C h ristian S old iers, S ally of M y D ream s. Carolina Sfoon, I Faw Down Λ Go Boom , W eary A PP E A R IN G C O IN B O X (a coin; placed in tho ivooden box: v a n ish es
R iver, Over T here, Ma Gherie, Long W ay to Tipperary, M ake B elieve, D esert S ong, La lcntL entirely or ______________________
changes into a com of another ______________
denom ination); __________
T ho GLASS _ _____
Balom a, S w e e t A deline, I'v e Got a F eeling, Pagan L ove S ong, W hen My Dream s Come vLET TIU C K (a coin is dropped into n elacs of w ater und when tbo w ater in
poured out tho coin line vanished nnd 1« found eomowhero cloc): tbo R IB B O N
,ν /· An excellent littlo
T rue, P arade of W ooden Soldiers, Land of Sleepy W ater, T urkey in Straw , H ail the FACTORY FROM T H E M O U TH T IU C K (a oeem ingly cndlc-a eupply o! •I book ooiituinintf *J50
G ang’s A ll H ere, and hundreds of oth ers. An u nfailing source of am usem ent. You can Parlor Tricks, tricks
‘ ’ paper ribbons coir.cs o u t of* your xnoutb) south); tho D IS A P P E A R IN G w ith r:vr«ls.coins.haml-
d eligh t your friends for hours and play tunc after tunc sim ply by ch a n g ­ H A N D K E R C H IE F (a handkerchief held in th e har k o r e h ie f ·,« * * ·, rings,
ing rolls. Sm all in sire, fittin g your pocket, yet m ighty in its finger- tho W IZARD’S R IN G C O IN T R IC K ; tho E N C ________ _________ . . . . gloaiHM, e tc. t>o sim ple
tick lin g. to e -tin g lin g tunc pow er. N ot a toy, but a genuine m usical ono but yourself iin b l· to mako it lay dow n); tho G R E A T H A T A N D D IC E ’/ / th a t a child can per-
instrum ent and the life of any party. One Roll free with each Rolmonica. T IU C K (a large dico is placed on to p of a hat, disappears, nnd is found undcr- •"’Vw f«»rm them . Profusely
E xtra R olls alw ays obtainable; com plete list w ith each instrum ent. | H •cath
fA VyTe ot Snof ono
C A has
n n touched
T W n r tho
" S h a t), nnd last, b u t n o t least, tho G R E A T S?, illus. S en t postpd. to
I JIANTOM C A R D T R IC K , or tw o from fivo lenves nothing. Full in ­ a n y address for o n ly
R olls added each m onth. Price w ith 1 Roll $1.50; E xtra R olls 10c ^etruetione
structions *nro
nro rent pent for performing each trick. In addition to tf»o tho above.
above, n 1 0 c . 3 c o p i e s fo r
rach, a ll postpaid. number of other fentennd illusionenro fullycxplnincd for which you can easily 25c.
Λ Dc luxe Edition of our new Catalogue m ailed on receipt of 2Sc. mako or procure tho necessary apparatus. t P r ic o co m p lo to 5 1 .0 0 D ostoald.
H andsom o binding. B ig g er and hotter than ever. O nly book of its !
kind in e x isten ce. N early 6S0 pages of all the la test tricks in m agic, 1
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unusual and in terestin g books, cu riosities in seeds and plants, e tc ., 1
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