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A irplan e E n g in e s : What They Are and Why: by Lt.H.B. Miller, u .s . n .a . c .

Full Size Plans; Flying

Model Curtiss *Bleecker

Three*view Layout
T ravel* A ir
V. M ystery S J
M A RCH, 1931
«Λ3» Packs of sport ahead this Summer
on lakes or ponds for this

Listen, Aeromodelists! CLEVELAND

The b e st model a irc ra ft m a k e r in th e world requires the
best m a te ria ls to do his job w ith , because he know s th a t
w ith only o rd in a ry m a te ria ls he can only expect to p ro ­ There's double sport in mak­
duce o rd in a ry re su lts. So w h eth er y o u’re a beginner, or ing tills masteři ill yellow and
an “ o ld -tim e r” in bu ild in g models the sooner you become blue Sikorsky - like model.
a C leveland Model E n g in eer, ju s t th a t much quicker^ do Will either r.o.g. ur r.o.w. (wheels instantly retracted).
Flics kilt) feet or more. 27" span. Easy to build.
you becom e a b e tte r builder of m odels. T he super-detailed Complete kit includes full size drawings and all ma­
in stru c tio n s a n d engineer ed m aterials th a t terials. Outer Kit H.-301. Only $3.30 postfree.
com e w ith each k it enable you to build the
model faithfully and w ith a skill th a t ordinary
b u ild ers seldom , if e v er, a tta in .
Up like a rocket goes this
As sensational as the per­
formance of its famous proto­
type. Its brilliant red and
black batlike coloring give ii
striking beauty. A v‘i " scale
Y o u r last chance to get this 24" near-scale model. 22" span. Flies at
3o for a distance of
ΓιΟΟ feet or more. Full size detailed drawings with all

needed Blue Diamond engineered parts and supplies
complete In kit. Easier to build than Sport Trainer.
Order Kit SF-2C· Only $5.30 postfree.


I have just finished the Travel Air Mystery Ship.
I háve been building models for over 1 I years, lint
have never bad the pleasure of building one that
is as beautifully engineered as vours. The scrvico
that you have given me is astounding. It seems
that 1 no more than order something than it is
liere. 1 ordered one of your new Boeing Fighter
Kits on Dee. 17th, and received it on the tilth.
That's what I call speed—and this to.k place dur­
ing the Christmas rush. Enclosed llml my check for
one of your Great Lakes Sport Trainer Kits.

America's most popular model-this

Cleveland-Designed GREAT LAKES
If you haven't yet hulit SPORT TRAINER
tills marvelous ->i" scale
model—get It right away.
20" span; international
orange and black. Full
size drawings, and every­
thing needed. Order Kit
SF-Ul- Only $5.80 post-

A ll three motors actually pull this

T h e new higher price of $4.00 becomes effective M arch 10th. Only C LE VELAN D Keenest model ever. First suc-
o rd ers in the mail before that date will be accepted at the present TR M OTOR
cessful tractor triiiiotor seml-pro-
Hie model in entire world. Mod-
low price. So don’t w ait too long, if you w ant to save money on I I M I v l v ^ i V -/1 \
c|e,)_ with Its 20" span, along
Ford lines. Many features including movable control
this great new flagship of C leveland-D esigned Class B “C B ” line. surfaces. Alumlnum-Uke covering beautifully trimmed
in blue. Full size detailed drawings with all needid
2 2 /i" span. B rilliant yellow and olive drab colors. Speedy, long Blue Diamond engineered parts and supplies make it
easy to build. Order Kit V I-302. Only $3.30 postfree.
distance flights. Kit contains full size detailed draw ings, celluloid
m otor, w heels, p arts for efficient C leveland-D esigned propeller, Get this PROFILE-FUSELAGE
R edicut balsa ribs, star-in-circle insignia—and everything else A IR LINE
needed. N e v e r anything before like it—nor again at this price. Each model in ibis FL-
100 Airline Is easy to
O rd e r Kit CB-1C, only $3 postfree (till M arch 9th only—after that build, is exactly in rel­
ative proportion t» the
it becomes $4.00), otliirs. and beautifully
colored like its world-
famous prototype. Each
kit is only $1.10. Order
CLEVELAND MODEL ^ & SUPPLY CO, I nc. b y number. FI. -101;
Pinnary Glider, and Ad~
Model Aircraft Engineers > 1866N West 57th St., Cleveland, Ohio lanced Snarer (two ill
one). FI.-102: Great
l.akes Trainer. FL-lol:
Boeing Fighter. FL-105:
F.aglerock Bullet- FL-
100: Curtiss Hawk· FL-
CB-1C__ . . . $3.00 ( ) FL -102 . . . . $1.10 ( ) FL-10S........ $1.10 107: Tratcl Air Mystery
FL-301.. . . . 3.30 ( ) FL -103. . . . . 1.10 ( ) FL-109....... 1.10 Sbiti. FI.-108: Boeing
SF-2C .. . . . 5.50 ( ) FL 104.. . . . . 1.10 ( ) FL-110....... 1.10 Mail. FL-109: Curtiss
SF-1E .. . . . 5.50 ( ) FL 105. ( ) FL-111....... 1.10 Robin. FL-110: Vought LOCKHEED SIRIUS
FL-302.. . . . 3.30 ( 1 FL -100. . . . 1.10 ( I FL-112....... 1.10 Corsair. FL-112: Curtiss FL-111: Span It!1» ": length
FL-101.. . . . 1.10 ( ) FI. -107. 1.10 ( ) 1931 Notebook-Cata Falcon. 10%". Orange and Black.

New Notebook-Catalog N ow Ready

PRINT NAME The hook even* acromodcliet wants. Striking views in
color of entire line Cleveland-Designed models, ranging
from 49c to $5.50: and famous Blue Diamond en-
ADDRESS . . . . YRS. MODEL EXP, Xineered supplies. Semi 25c for It nt once.

Honest Quality Reasonable Price

CITY ......................................................................................... STATE
cud S freedy 6-Hour Service
March, 1931 MODEL Λ l RP L A K E HE W S 1

O utlaw s

W est
a magazine of hair-trigger hombres
'Do you enjoy big, book-length novels o f adventure and excite­
ment in the alkali dust and sage brush o f the West?
a magazine of frontier thrills
You can easily recognize it on any news stand by the long Red
Band on the cover.

Stories by authors who know the West from the saddle, out
where there is no line-wire: William Colt MacDonald, Willard
E. Hawkins, J. R. Johnson, A1 Martin, Clec Woods, and
many others.

On th e Stands t he Twenty-Third of Each Month



Published, by H arold Hersey

E dited by C apt. H . J. Loftus-Price
In Our Next
C O N TEN T/ Issue
M arch, 1931 No need to tell you, of course, that
there's another surprise in store for
you in the April issue of MODEL
Airplane Engines—W hat They Arc and Why AIRPLANE NEWS!
By Lieut, (jg) Η. B. Miller 4 It is nothing less than plans for a
All About Motive Power in Understandable Language
flying model of the famous ROTOR
Gliding and Soaring By Percival and Mat White 7 plane—an adaption of the Flettner
Another Chapter in the Manual of Motorless Flight principale to airplanes. It’s a peach
A Flying Curtiss-Bleecker Helicopter Model of a model, and worth every moment
By Prof. T. N. de Bobrovsky 9 of your time spent on it.
A Replica to Test the S\ill of All True Air Enthusiasts
The American Sky Cadets 18 Then there is a flying model of the
Champion Model Builders Flow Employed by Boeing Bowlus Sailplane—the craft in which
Hawley Bowlus established the first
A Course in Airplane Designing By Ken Sinclair 20 official American endurance record.
Continuing this Valuable Series •·φΐ:ι<>·.
“Jimmie” Doolittle Has Something to Say About
Ray Wardel has painted another
Models 21
A ThreeWiew J.ayout of the Travel Air “Mystery pip of a cover, depicting a Sopwith
Ship” “D o l ph in ” single-seater (British)
in a fight with a German F okker D7.
A Word or Two About “Casey” Jones 23 The coloring and action arc amazing­
A Thumbnail Sketch of America's Dean of Aerial ly life-like, and every detail is to
scale and authentic.
The Mystery of the Silver Dart By Ray Creena 24
"Forced” Down, Our Heroes Stumble on a Menace
in a Mangrove Lair Our famous courses in Gliding and
Special Course in Air Navigation Soaring, Aerial Navigation and Air­
. Capt. Leslie S. Potter 27 plane Designing, in which nearly
More on the Mainstay of Successful Piloting every. question you could ever ask is
answered, continue, of course.
How to Build the Grant “Minute Man”
By Charles H. Grant 29 ••φι.ιφ·.
A W orth While and Speedy Model Don't forget—April Model Air­
Aviation Advisory Board 33 plane News. On all news stands
Some Wartime Insignia of the Air Corps March 23 next, and only 15 cents a
A Smoking Stand for Dad By E. T. Hamilton 35
An Inexpensive and Easy Article to Build

P u b lish ed M onthly by GOOD' ST O R Y M A G A Z IN E C O M PA N Y , T.VC., M yrick B ldg., Springfield, M ass.

E d itorial and G eneral Offices, 25 W est 43rd S tre e t, New Y ork C ity
H aro ld Ile rs e y , P resid e n t P auline S andberg, T re a s u re r F ra n k M oran, S e c re ta ry
J. W . L eB aro n , A d v e rtisin g M anager, G ra y b a r B uilding, 420 L exington A ve., New Y ork. N . Y.
E n te re d as second-class m a tte r Ju n e 5, 1929, a t th e P o st Office a t D unellen, X. J ., u n d e r the A ct of M arch 3, 1S79.
A pplication for tra n sfe r to Springfield, M ass., pending.
* A dditional E n try a t New Y ork, X. Y.
C o p y rig h t, 1931. by GOOD ST O R Y M A G A Z IN E C O M PA N Y , IN C .
P rice 15c a copy in U . S. an d in C anada. Subscription price $1.50 a y e ar in the U nited S ta te s and its possessions; also C anada,
- Cuba, M exico and P anam a.
All o th er countries $2.00 p e r y e ar.
Chicago A d v ertisin g Office: 333 N orth M ichigan A ve., C. II. S h a ttu c k , M an ag er.
London A g e n ts: A tla s P ublishing & D istrib u tin g Co., L td ., 18 B ride L ane, London, E. C.
Contributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions, otherwise they are taking unnecessary risk. El cry possible effort will be made in our
organization to return unavailable manuscripts, photographs and drawings, (if accompanied by postage), but ue will not be responsible for any loss of such matter contributed.

(Continued from page 34)
Haviland 53; such as the dimen­
IN T H E M O D E L A IR C R A F T sions, size of the fuselage length, wing
span and the motor used.
IN D U S T R Y Tours truly,
W . J. H o m e r ,
1112 Perrine Bldg.,
N ew U. S. A rm y H aivk K it Oklahoma City, 0 \la .
Answer: T R A V E L A IR M Y S T E R Y S H IP
The manufacturers are no longer making Photograph of model built from National Kit.
this particular machine and it has been Capt. Hawks famous plane In which lie made bis
replaced by their Gypsy Moth. Hence, it recent coast-to-eoas- record flights. A pprfeet fly­
ing scale model. K it now made ready for you to
is impossible to obtain data such as you build.
Price complete with B. P. and instructions 53.50
Dear Sir:
Do you th in \ you would be able to
get a job for me somewhere in the
line of aviation, so I can ma\e my liv* MODELS
ing and go to night school, as I will
31 %c" Wingspan be only in the eighth grade at the end A SENSATION
of this term? wherever shown. As simple to build as a Baby R.
(». O. Can be fl-'wn indoors or out. Practically
Tours truly,
AND B ernhard L indemann ,
New Brigden,
indestructible. At a new low price for scale models.
12" M idget C u rtiss H a w k construction
Col. C harles A . L in d b erg h ’s set, postpaid ............................................$1.10
Altoona. Canada. 12" M idget H e a th -P a ra so l c onstruction
L ockheed “Sirius” K it Answer: set, postpaid . . . . : ........................._............ 1.10
We regret to inform you that we can do
nothing for you in the matter of secure
ing a position for you, as we do not have
an employment bureau. However, we would
suggest that you apply at all the airports
or airplane factories in your locality and
24" Wingspan tell them what you want to do. It is pos*
sible that they may have something for
BOTH you there.
Dear Sir: Lockheed S iriu s: L in d y ’s favorite ship. 2
F O R T H E P R IC E O F 'W hat is the wing span and fuse- ft. flying model w ith X. A. C. A. Cowling
lage length of Lindbergh's Lockheed p a n ts and cone propeller. A plane w ith a
low w ing and high speed.
ONE “Dog Star”? W hat is the high speed
of a Vought "Corsair”? What has be-
AN D IN S T R U C T IO N S .......................... $3.00
come of the good old army DM-4's? OTHER CONSTRUCTION SETS
ONLY Tours truly, Models eaually well constructed and easy to build:
R a lph H off, P rim a ry G lider w ith d ra w in g ..................$0.50
. (No Postage Stamps, Pow ered G lider w ith d ra w in g ................. 0.75
C l Λ Canadian, or Foreign Box 174, M idget T ra c to r w ith d ra w in g ................. 0.50
Oslo, Minn. D raw ings only for th e above sets, each 0.15
Coin Accepted) H e a th -S u p e r-P a ra s o l 24" w ingspread .. 3.00
(Canada and JFest of Answer: S tin so n -Ju n io r 24" w ingspread .............. 3.50
The total wing area of Lindbergh's Secondary G lider 16" w in g sp re a d ........... 1.00
Mississippi $6.00) C u rtiss A rm y H a w k 24" w in g s p re a d ... 3.00
Lockheed “ Sirius,” including the aileron V ought N avy C o rsair 24" w in g sp read .. 3.75
A LEADER IS ALW AYS area of 25 square feet, is 305 square feet. B oeing P-12 24" w in g sp re a d ....................
B lu e p rin ts included w ith all sets,
The length overall is 27 feet, 6 inches.
A D M IR E D ! Become one The high speed of a Vought “ Corsair”
B luep rin ts only fur any 21" scale model, each 0.S0
y’- 'v I A brand new 32-page
as owner of two of the best kits made. is 151 miles per hour. V vU X l illu stra te d catalog, lis t­
Kits are complete with full-size de­ ing all N ational .Model
The old army DH-4’s arc obsolete, A irplane constru ctio n s ets and a complete
tailed blueprints and plenty of grade
“A”—A. A. C. South American balsa though some are being, used in individual line of supplies. M any new p a rts to build
cases for passenger carrying. model a irp la n e s n ev er offered b efo re.. 5c
wood, supplies, wheels, and colored W e supply schools, clubs, Y. M . C. A .’s,
dopes. Send your remittance at once recreatio n c en ters and o th e r o rg a n iz a ­
with coupon below for this tions.
N o C. O. D. All goods g u a ra n te ed or
wonderful offer. m oney refunded. O rders for less than
Send 2c postage stamp $1.00 add 15c for packing. $1.00 or more
for lozoest price list in the BUILD A MODEL OF THE add 10%.
country. II townilVeto want one dealer or agent in every J
handle National Model Airplane Sets I
A Boeing Pursuit Model won the 1930 Na­ . and Supplies. Because of their proven oual- t
tional Contest. • lty. a National model dealer with sets ami
The Hoeing Airplane Company, producer of
famous military and commercial aircraft, I parts to supply immediate wants can make I
lias established a model bureau to furnish big money. Write for full details. i
4715-17-19 T h ird Avo., N. Y. C. drawings and photographs of Hoeing planes I
Enclosed herewith is ? .........................(C A S H or The following material is offered: 8 differ­
MONEY ORDER) covering cost of my attache«! ent pictures of Boeing planes; scale draw­ Address
order for THE GREATEST COMBINATION KIT ing of the Boeing pursuit: 8 x in flight
OFFER photographs of the pursuit, tri-motor and
Monomail: and a rotogravure booklet on
NAME manufacture and operation tf Boeing NATIONAL MODEL AIRCRAFT
Send 50 cents IN STAMPS for tills entire
I ADDRESS ............................................... olfer to the Model Bureau. Dept. A. Boeing D ept. A-6
Airplane Company, Seattle, Wash. 29 N orth Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y.
f CITY......................................... STATE.
By Lieut, (jg) Η. B. Miller

All You Want To Know About

Motive Power In Under­
standable Language

“ Hawk”

plosive engine is centuries

old. Gun powder was first
used as the propelling force. It proved too violent, how­
ever, and the trials ended in failure.
'HEN discussing aviation, people at first think of Work was first obtained from an engine built by an
planes. The subject of powerplants is brought Englishman, Brown, in 1826. After a piston chamber was
home, however, when their model plane fails to fly filled with gases of combustion a jet of water was used to
because of lack of power. In the same way, avia- condense these gases. A partial vacuum was thus created.
tion was held back by lack of suitable engines. Even now, The piston was then moved in the opposite direction by
plane progress keeps step with that of engine development. atmospheric pressure.
Internal combustion engines are now more or less familiar The idea of compression was developed about 1S38. A
to us all. Automobiles have been dashing about as far back greater amount of energy can be obtained from a given
as we can remember. Due to the recently attained promin- amount of fuel vapor, if it is first compressed. This is
ence of aviation most boys can distinguish the various types primarily true because a more powerful explosion takes
of engines used in planes. Unquestionably, the airplane place when the particles of the gases are in close contact.
engine of today is one of the finest pieces of mechanism Less energy is used to bring about their chemical combina­
manufactured. tion and thus more work is available.
This has not always been true, Progress was slow. The four­
however, and any study of en­ cycle idea was advanced in 1862.
gines cannot but be helped by A t about this period efficiency
a short review of the various began to be the byword. In
stages of development through the engine industry it was
which the internal combustion realised that an increase of en­
engine has passed. gine speeds would increase the
The problem of converting engine efficiency considerably.
vertical motion to rotary mo­ From this point on progress
tion has long been understood. was rapid. Details were watched
How to obtain vertical motion carefully. Precision in design and
was the problem to be solved manufacture became paramount.
and many brilliant minds The advent of automobiles proved a
worked on it. Some people boon for engine manufacturers.’ Numerous
think that it has not yet been Hispano-Suiza companies were formed. Engine power was
solved entirely satisfactorily. 180-H.P. engine greatly increased. Vibration was reduced to
The idea of having an ex- a minimum and economy was seriously con-
Wh a t t h e y a r e
« « « a n d Wh y !
sidered. It must be remembered that in those days gaso' English Channel
line was purchased only in drugstores. Corner lots were in 1909. Consid­
used for other things than gas stations. ering the time
One important factor was omitted in the gasoline engine and the stage of
development. It was permissable, however, because it was development, this
relatively of no importance to the automobile industry.
flight cloéely ri­
This was the matter of weight.
It is an unquestioned fact that planes would have flown vals Lindbergh s
previous to 1903 if an adequate powerplant had been avail· trans - At l a nt i c
able. The standard ip i tt r , , Curtiss OXX engine
engine of that time The World
L ieu t. M iller is In str u c to r in weighed approximate' W ar brought on a demand for higher power. The air­
th e E n g in e S e c tio n o f th e ly 100 pounds per cooled radials could not supply it because of the resulting
G round S ch o o l a t t h e Naval horsepow er. There heat. Thus began the rotary engine. This type of engine
Air S ta tio n , P en sa co la , F la. was no demand for revolved around a stationary crankshaft. Sufficient cooling
Form erly h e w as E n g in e e r ­ better p erfo rm an ce was obtained by the whirling engine. This form of engine
than this until the is best represented by the Gnome and the Clerget models.
in g Officer o f VF S q u a d ro n possibilities of flight The Renault 12-cylinder Vee air-cooled engine was also
T w o-B B a ttle F le e t. were seriously con' extensively used.
What better authority sidered. As the war advanced aviation was driven further and
cou ld y o u w ish to in s tr u c t Professor Langley higher into the sky. Still more power was required. The
y o u on su c h te c h n ic a l m a tte r s and Charles N. Man' rotary engine had reached its mechanical limits. Air resist­
ley were forced to ance increased rapidly as the centrifugal speed of rotation
as airp la n e en gin es? increased. Besides, the gyroscopic effect of this revolving
make their own en­
gine and succeeded mass was tremendous. All of us have read about the tricky
admirably. They constructed a five-cylinder water-cooled Camels equipped with Clerget engines. A climbing turn
radial engine which produced fifty-two horsepower and was sure to result in a spin.
weighed 2.4 pounds per horsepower—a heretofore unheard The water-cooled models now began to forge ahead.
of performance. The Wright brothers also found it neces­ Though heavier per horsepower, they could dissipate heat
sary to build their own engine. It possessed only 12 horse­ sufficiently fast to allow the generation of higher power.
power and weighed
nearly 15 pounds per
A v ia tio n moved
forward just as fast
as engine develop­
ment permitted. As
soon as the practica­
bility of flight was
p r o v e d by t h e
Wrights, engine de­
signers and manufac­
turers turned their
eyes towards this in­
fant industry.
France early began
the development of
the air-cooled engine
while Germany cham­
pioned the w ater-
cooled job. The 3-cy­
linder Ansani carried
B lériot across the

The famous Navy Sea­

plane NC-4 Liberty

The Allied Hispano-Suiza was prob' not cause a complete engine failure.
ably the best known of this type of It is seldom that a commercial aviator
wartime engine. The United States allows himself to get in such a posi­
produced the OX models and finally tion that he can not land safely with
brought out the sensational Liberty. his engine turning up a thousand
This power plant was originally revolutions.
intended for production in units of Accessibility. This is most desir­
4, S, or 12 cylinders. The Allies, able. It must be easy to make repairs.
however, persuaded the government The parts which require inspecting
that only the greatest power was use­ must be quickly accessible or else
ful. Hence, the Liberty was manu­ they are apt to be overlooked or ig­
factured only in the larger units nored. Quick repairs mean further
which generated 410 horsepower. economy. Adjustments are more reg­
W ith the urgency of war over, the ularly made when conveniently lo­
aeronautical industry settled down cated.
and took a sane survey of ‘the situa­ Cost. This naturally must be low
tion. Commercial aviation was in­ in order to bring aviation within the
terested in low costs and greater effi­ price range of all possible customers.
ciency. Aviation soon developed its This particular engine requirement is
own peculiar requirements for its difficult to reconcile with the other
engines. Among these are: essentials. The necessity for light
Maximum Horsepower per Pound. weight is particularly unfavorable to
This is one of the most important re­ low costs. It demands expensive al­
quirements, for on this factor depend loys and extensive machining. Quan­
many things. The pay load of the tity production is the secret of low
plane is largely dependent on this initial cost of an engine. Popular in­
item. Since the greatest paying load terest in aviation will bring this
is extremely desirable in commercial about. Indeed, quantity production
aviation, the best index of an engine, may be said to have started in 1928.
providing all other things are equal, W ith the above requirements de­
is its pounds of weight per horse­ finitely understood, the airplane en­
power developed. gine was distinctly on the upward
Also, less engine weight results in march. The internal combustion en­
slower landing speeds providing an gine had been decisively placed in the
equal pay load is carried. Further, fore.
less weight means a quicker take-off and climb to safe alti­ Steam has' been used for motive power for years but the
tudes. A plane is in less danger of getting into trouble if smaller weight of the internal combustion engines lias
it can gain altitude quickly and so reach a maneuvering placed steam on the back scat in aeronautics. There is
height. at present no indication that it will ever be brought up
Economy. This factor has come to be a very important to a competitive strength. Various vapor engines such as
clement in engines. W ith commercial operators being mercury have enjoyed a temporary llareup campaign, but
forced to figure out to a fraction of a cent the cost of pas­ they have invariably returned to oblivion.
senger miles, fuel is a major consideration because of its There are four essential and distinct systems in an in­
expense. In addition, an economical engine will require a ternal combustion engine. They are common to all types
lesser amount of fuel to be carried. This increases the per- of airplane engines and will be discussed as generalities.
missable pay load even more. Fuel System. This includes the gas tanks, gas lines, gas
Reliability. This, naturally, is essential for safety and strainers and the carburetors. The various gas lines deliver
economical operation. A cracked-up plane is expensive to the liquid fuel from the gas tanks, through the strainers,
repair. W e have just and on to the fuel pump.
passed through a series of The pressure developed
e ndur a nc e flights t hat by the pump feeds the gas
have attempted to prove to the carburetor. The
the reliability of airplane function of this device is
engines. The desirable to vaporize the liquid fuel.
thing is that not one en­ In this respect it is similar
gine will run 400 hours to the one on your auto­
without s t oppi ng but, mobile.
rather, that all engines However, as a plane
will operate reliably for a gains altitude the air be­
shorter time, say 40 hours. comes rarefied and less air
This will give safe opera­ mixes with the gas. The
tion to all, instead of to a fuel thus becomes too rich.
few specially prepared en­ Provision must be made
gines. whereby the mixture of
The airplane engine air and gas remains near­
must be so constructed ly constant. A normal
that a minor failure, such mixture at sea level is
as a broken magneto, will (Continued on page 38)

Top—A Hall-Scott engine Left—A war-time 12-Cylin­

(War-time) der Liberty engine
S W ARM air rises, like all wind currents, may

A it cools off gradu-

ally and finally
condenses to form
clouds. Wherever there is
be classified according to
duration, velocity, and the
compass direction of the
wind which resolves itself
a cumulus cloud, the pilot into the upward current.
may be sure to find an up­ It is obvious that the longer
ward current. the upward current en­
Soarer pilots can deter­ dures, the more useful it is
mine exactly where thermal to the soarer. The current
currents exist by studying lasts as long as the wind
the nature of the earth’s continues to blow from the
surface over which they in­ same direction.
tend to soar, and by learn­ A rising current’s effec­
ing the relative rapidity tiveness is supposed to de­
with which forests, sand, pend largely on its velocity,
fields, etc., are heated by on the assumption that the
the sun. These currents greater the velocity the
are, of course, found only higher the altitude to which
during that part of the day it rises. The importance of
in which the sun is warm. the wind’s compass direc­
Lilienthal’s Theory of tion varies with the region
the Wind. Lilienthal evolv­ in question. The angle of
ed a theory, (the third the current to the horizon­
cause of upward currents) tal must be considerable, in
that the wind does not blovv order to prove most effec­
horizontally, even over level tive.
surfaces, but rises at an an­ Horizontal Wind Cur­
gle of three or four degrees. rents. Horizontal currents
He explained this theory by are useful to the soarer pi­
saying that air in a high lot because of their varia­
pressure region, moving to­ tions. The atmosphere may
ward a region of low pres­ be considered to consist of
sure, encounters motionless layers of air, one above an­
air in a place of medium other. These layers move
pressure. at r e l a t i v e l y different
The cold air from the speeds. The friction caus­
field of high atmospheric ed by the earth’s surface re­
pressure tends to push ahead the air tards the lower strata. W ith increas­
in the medium field; the latter tends
to resist this pushing, becomes dense,
and escapes upward. This escape
causes the wind to diverge from its
G l id in g ing altitude the strata move with
greater velocity.
For example, an atmospheric stra­
tum at a height of one hundred or
horizontal course.
Theoretically, if Lilienthal’s con­
clusions are correct, a soarer with a
and two hundred feet often moves with
twice the speed of the layer next to
the ground. Every stratum is not ne­
cessarily more rapid than the one be­
gliding angle of three or four degrees
could maintain level flight as long as
the wind blew. However, this feat
has never been accomplished.
SOARING low it, however, for occasionally a
stratum travels much more slowly
than the main movement of the air.
How Upward Currents Are Offset. As long as the sun Moreover, each individual stratum of air is affected by
shines, thermal currents appear daily in the same places, variations. These variations are caused by the friction be­
other conditions remaining unchanged. Rising currents tween each two layers of air travelling at different speeds.
are not always caused, however, by irregularities in the The friction results in whirlpools of air. The condition
earth’s surface. Other irregularities may prevent upward of the atmosphere in which the presence of these whirl­
currents from being caus­ pools is pronounced, is
ed by the particular irre­ called “gustiness.”
gularity in question. A Manual of Motorless Flight Other variations affect
For instance, if the the individual stratum of
wind blew for several days across a plain toward one side air beside changes in velocity. Near the earth, local winds
of a mountain, the pilot would doubtless find constant up­ may blow in directions contrary to the main movement of
ward currents to the windward of its peak. If, however, the atmosphere. Moreover, horizontal gustiness may some­
the wind should then change, so that it blew toward the times be found combined with rising currents.
mountain from across a forest and several low hills, the Soarer pilots have as yet been unable to make full use
pilot would find only a very weak upward current. of frontal gusts of wind. Perhaps this is because of the
Some terrain formations cause so many eddies and difficulty of developing means for detecting useful vari­
whirlpools of air that they are dangeroOs to the un­ ations of the wind soon enough, and because soarers
initiated. Such · zones usually exist By can not as yet be manoeuvered fast
where chains of hills are ranged in horse­ enough for pilots to avail themselves of
shoe shapes so that they catch the wind. PERCIVAL WHITE the full force of frontal gusts.
Conclusion. The conditions of the
Usefulness of the Various Kinds of
Upward Currents. Upv/ard currents, and MAT WHITE atmosphere, the degrees to which various


forces affect it, etc., are still very much unknown. The The bird tilts his wings at this angle with the aid of
Weather Bureau and other government agencies have done the resistance of the air, which impedes the movement of
most important work in charting large movements arid in their trailing edges, and at the same time tends to push
daily accounting of these. However, as to the minute vari­ their tips slightly forward. The angle of the wing is
ations in which the soarer pilot is interested, almost unlim­ changed preparatory to the up-stroke, so that the front
ited work still remains to be done. It is the duty of aero- edges are at a higher level than the back edges. Consc<-
nauts of the future to carry the early explorations further. quently, the force of the air helps to raise the wings.
The way in which wind currents may be utilized by Stability. A bird's controls are more complicated, and
soarers next will be discussed. at the same time more effective, than those of a glider.
Lateral balance is easily maintained, since each wing moves
CHAPTER XVII independently of the other, and since the whole wing (not
HOW BIRDS FLY AND SOAR just the ailerons, as on an airplane) is mobile, a hard
stroke of one. wing, or a change in its angle of attack,
For thousands of centuries birds have been exploring the serves to bank the bird’s body.
atmosphere, and have acquired an acquaintance with it The bird controls longitudinal stability chiefly by means
which would be invaluable to the human pilot. Lilienthal of his tail. This he employs as an elevator, raising or de­
and the Wright brothers, when they first began to expert- pressing it in order to climb or dive. He may give added
ment with heavier-than-air craft, designed their gliders effectiveness to the tail by spreading the feathers, or by
upon principles which they learned from bird flight. cupping it to prevent the escape of air.
However, when the airplane was invented, with an ap- Webfooted birds often use their feet to supplement
plication of power entirely different from that of birds, their tails in maintaining longitudinal control. The bird
the' analogy between birds and airplanes was considered may affect his upward or downward motion by raising or
less significant. Now that the glider pilot, however, seems lowering his head. He is also able to increase or decrease
destined to be the
greatest scientist in
the laboratory of the
air, he may learn
much about the com
struction of wings,
and about aerodyna-
mics, meteorology,
and flight, from the
b e h a v i o r of the
The Motive Pow'
er of Birds. The
flapping of a bird’s
wings may to some
extent be likened to
the revolutions of an
airplane’s propeller:
It supplies the body
of the bird or plane
with power with
which to maintain
f or wa r d p ro g ress
and thus to counter-
act the pull of grav-
ity. The strokes of
a bird’s wings have
two functions; first, Gliding in the Bavarian Alps
they support him in
the air; and second, they give him forward movement. the angle of incidence of his wings by rotating the bones
In order to support himself in flight, the bird makes a which fasten the wings to his body.
series of up-and-down strokes with his wings. At the be­ The bird has several methods of controlling directional
ginning of each stroke, his wings are high above his body. movement. He bends his body in the direction which
Next, the wings are brought down forcibly through the he wishes to take; or he banks by means of unequal wing
air, somewhat like an oar in the water. This quick down­ strokes; or he employs his tail as a rudder, twisting its
ward movement compresses the bird’s feathers, making feathers.
the wings impervious to the air. A bird’s wings are so built as to make various automa­
When the wings are raised again, preparatory to an­ tic movements to retain his balance. His wing is cup­
other downward stroke, and the movement is more lei­ shaped, near the body, to increase his lift. If the bird
surely, the difference between the effective pressure of the were in a climbing position, it might be expected that any
quickly descending air-tight wing, and of the same when sudden force of the wing against the under side of the
ascending more slowly and partly previous to that air, wing’s trailing edge might send him into a dive.
represents the power which overcomes gravity and sup­ However, the feathers are so elastic that they yield to
ports the bird in the air. the pressure of the wind, and thus prevent an involuntary
In order to propel himself, the bird holds the leading dive. Similarly, a strong gust of wind impinging on only
edges of his wings at a lower level than the trailing edges one of the wings flexes it and does not unduly increase
on the down-stroke. This has an effect on air similar to its lift. This prevents loss of balance.
that of oars on water. Bird’s Method of Landing. (Continued on page 41)
HE Curtiss-Bleecker helicopter, though not yet

T proved to have been a revolutionary success, is by

far the most interesting development in aviation in
recent times. Mr. Maitland Bleecker, the designer,
put in four years of research work and hard labor before
vanes. Tests of
he felt satisfied that his invention could be given a public t h i s machine,
demonstration. This took place in June, 1930, since when however, show­
the helicopter has been undergoing a number of changes ed that while it
and improvements. rose a few inch­
So great have been the efforts by aviation engineers and es vert i cal l y
designers to perfect a helicopter, that it is only fitting that from the
model airplane enthusiasts should be given an opportunity ground, the lift
to study this type of aircraft at first hand. For this reason was too small
I have carefully prepared these plans and constructional and the propel­
data from ac- lers lost their
t u a 1 photo- efficiency. Next,
graphs and an Italian en­
drawings of the gineer named
Curtiss-Bleecker Issaco experimented with the same type of machine, but
helicopter. the best he could do was to make it rise a few feet from
One word of the ground.
advice — work Italian experts are now experimenting with a helicopter,
slowly on the for which exceptional claims are being made.
model, which, if Now to the model.
built properly, Chief among the modifications is that of the central
is a perfect fly­ motor. This is much too complicated and heavy to repro­
ing model. It duce in model form and obtain good results. Our pro­
has been tested pellers, too, have two blades instead of four.
in a wind-tunnel and is more than worth every minute One important point is to study very carefully the photo­
spent on its construction. Naturally, the model is modified graphs and plans. Note carefully the rudder, which, con­
and simplified in comparison to the helicopter proper. trary to usual, is fixed to a horizontal axle. This serves to
Before going into details concerning the model helicopter, change the position of the fuselage and to offset the torque.
let me give you some data concerning earlier attempts to It is also seen that the fuselage is attached to a vertical
build this type of machine. The first to try to solve the mast. A wooden cross, as shown in the drawings, will
problem of vertical flight was an Hungarian engineer, Lewis serve to keep the wings from rotating.
Ossz, and his son. They built a machine in 1909, very There are four wings, each with two outriggers, each of
much on the lines of the Curtiss-Bleecker helicopter. The which carries an elevator. Each wing also has a motor-
craft rose a few feet from the ground during tests, and was stick. It is obvious that when the propellers are in motion
reported to be quite stable. However, it was considered the wings will rotate, creating lift and thus carry the model
as being impracticable. vertically in the air until the power is exhausted.
Then Hellcsen and Kahn, two French inventors, in 1925, The fuselage (see drawing 2) is made from 1/16" balsa.
also built a machine similar in design to the Curtiss- Rudder ribs 12 and 13, and the other parts, are also cut
Bleecker, but with two 70-h.p An- _ _ i? rp XT from this to make a complete balsa
sani engines fitted to the wings, or -C>y γ Γ Ο Ι . 1 · J N, (1Θ B r O D O r s k y rudder as shown in the drawing.


The rudder axle is made from 1/16" round a small brush, paint both sides of the propeller
wood, and is ambroided to the fuselage. A with this mixture. See that the surface is
hole is cut in the rear of the fuselage for this completely covered with the mixture. Let
purpose. The rudder is then covered the propeller stand for a few seconds to
with tissue in the usual way. give the mixture a chance to soak in.
The mast (2) is made of hard Then with two T pins fix the cen-
balsa, and shaped as shown in the ter of the propeller as shown in
drawing. It is then ambroided drawing and with two more
to the fuselage and is sup' pins arrange the blades
ported by the struts num- ^ (which have a radius)
bered 3 and 4, which as shown in drawing.
are made from 1/16" The propeller is now
round wood. left for six hours to
The struts and dry, at the end
axle of the chas' of which the
sis (5 and 8) pins can be
a re made taken away
from balsa, and it will
oval shaped,as be noted that
shown in the the propeller has
drawing. In order a pitch as required.
to make this section Next take in hand
more rigid, struts 6 the axle (24), eyelets
and 7 also are made oval (25) and beads (26).
in shape. Two celluloid To the motor stick fix the
wheels, 1% " in diameter, usual S hook and use eight
complete the chassis. The tail· flat rubber bands.
skid wheel is 13/&" in diameter and To construct the wings you
is fixed as shown in the plans, the will need four pieces of round
axle fitting into the prongs of wood of 3/32" diameter and 11
“fork” piece, as shown. long (marked 30 in drawing); four
This completes the construction of the pieces of balsa (32) 9^6" long by '/ g" by
fuselage. 1/16"; four of 29, 175/g" long by /&" by
In order to c o n s t r u c t the 31, made of 1/16"
m o v a b l e parts medium b a l s a ;
n u m b e r e d 4, and from 1/16"
make four of the balsa make four
pieces 16, 17, 18 small and four
and 19 and two medium ribs (4).
of 20. Use Ά " All these pieces,
thick balsa for these numbered as above,
pieces. The pieces are are shown in drawings
then glued together to 6, 7 and 8.
form a cross and a 3/16" Now cut eight pieces for
hole is drilled through the cen- the outriggers (33) from hard
ter (see drawing 4). Pieces 16 balsa wood 1/16" thick, and also
and 18 are ambroided at the bot four pieces for round struts (34)
tom blades; 17 and 18 at the top with a diameter of 1/16". These
Motor sticks (21) are made from are used for holding the elevators.
hard balsa. Drawing 7 shows the steps in construction of
Fix 3/16" diameter eyelets to the mast as the entire wing and elevator. An important
shown in drawing and place the cross support point to follow is to cover only the upper side
above this. Test it to see that it rotates freely. of the wings with tissue. The elevators are
Another eyelet is then glued to the top side of made from 1/16" thick balsa (drawing 8) and
the mast. Now cut out a circle (27) from are covered on the lower side. The elevators
1/32" plywood and also eight pieces of round are fixed to the outriggers with threads.
struts (28) from ordinary balsa. These are Once this has been done the axle for the
used to make the lower members of the sup' wings (30) is fitted in the holes 16 and 17.
ports as shown in photograph. The helicopter—for vertical flight—is now
Next come the propellers. This usually ready.
is one of the hardest of jobs for the average From 3/32" balsa cut four pieces (35) as
model builder. However, be patient and fol­ shown in drawing 7 and ambroid them to the
low the system I have outlined (patented, by axle (30) at the spot marked X in drawing
the way) which will aid you greatly in mak' 6. Now make piece 36 from j/4" balsa and
ing propellers for this and other models. two of 37 from 1/16" balsa. From
From 1/16" thick balsa blanks cut
four pieces as shown in drawing 5.
Prepare a piece of hard wood
A Replica 1/32" thick plywood cut a quar-
ter'drcle denoted by the num­
ber 39. These pieces are
with a smooth surface.
Mix one part of dope
To Test the Skill ambroided together as
and three parts of shown in drawing 7.
thinner and with of All True Air Enthusiasts The p h o t o -

graph shows the balsa cross to which the four rubber mo­ which the angle of the wings will decrease. The model
tors arc fitted, and also how this is done. When the mo­ will then begin to ascend and if the center of gravity is
tors have been fixed be sure to see that they rotate. Each well placed, it will take off easily and land in normal posi­
motor can be tion.
wound to 120 It will be noted that when the craft is in flight the fuse­
turns, although lage has a tendency to turn, and in order to overcome this
it is much better it will be necessary to use a little opposite rudder.
during the test­ To change from vertical to horizontal flight'use the regu­
ing period to lator 38. This must be fixed on the mast (2). An example
use only 60 of this is seen when the wing rises to two degrees, as shown
turns. in drawing 8 (11), the regulator (38) pushes down the
W h e n the lever (35) shown in drawing III. This changes the angle
starter X is re­ of incidence. It is natural that the greater the angle of
leased, the pro­ incidence, the greater the lift.
pellers begin to W ith the model from which these plans have been drawn
revolve. This up and as seen in flight in the photograph at the beginning
causes the wings of this article, I already have made twenty-eight interesting
to r o t a t e at flights and with a little care and patience on your part,
great speed by there is no reason why you should not do likewise.

£ / e v o L Č o r '.
Y -

1 38
% 1 ' r - 3ir
I1 2 ° J Λ— "™·"
M l___ -L Λ .
1 if

li dk
The Champion Model
Now Employed
CADETS Boeing Factory
HE second annual general meeting by Major-General J. H. MacBrien, C.B.,

T of the Ottawa Branch of the Mo­

del Aircraft League of Canada was
held at the Y.M.C.A., Ottawa, On'
tario, recently, with President T. D. Ran-
C.M.G., D.S.O., President of the Avia­
tion League of Canada.
The annual reports of Capt. W. M.
Gladish, retiring secretary-treasurer, show­
kin presiding. Thirty'five members were ed that the Ottawa League had enjoyed
present as representatives of the six local a year of great activity.
aero clubs, namely the Central Y.M.C.A., No fewer than seventeen indoor and
Ottawa Flying Club, Kiwanis Club, Ot' outdoor flying meets and exhibitions had
tawa Boys Club, West End Y.M.C.A., been conducted, apart from the Canadian
Rockcliffe Aero Club. National Championship meet at Ottawa
The elections saw the return to office of last July.
President Rankin while other officers for Two model aircraft shows had also been
1931 comprise: Honorary president, J. held for which prizes were given. The
R. Booth, Ottawa Flying Club; honorary Ottawa Branch had followed the system
vice-presidents, Prof. J. H. Parkin, Nation­ of issuing pilot and aircraft registration
al Research Council of Canada, and Prin­ certificates for approved flights in various
cipal W. W . Nichol of the Ottawa Tech­ classes and 115 such licenses had been is­
nical School; first vice-president, Flight.- William W. Lee, of Lawrence, Mass. sued from the secretary’s office, many
Lieut. Gordon T. Byshe, Ottawa Flying members earning a number of these li­
Club; second vice-president, R. C. Ross; directors, J. P. censes. The paid-up membership for the year was also
Henderson, Ottawa Flying Club; H. G. Low, W . A. Milks 115. The financial statement showed a cash balance of
/of the Central Y.M.C.A.; H. R. S. Gow; Fred McCann, $3.83 with all expenses paid.
Ottawa Boys Club; Ken Cassels, Kiwanis Club; A. B. Hor- President T. D. Rankin announced that seven members
wood, West End Ý.M.C.A.; Capt. F. T. Goodhouse, New had qualified for the title of “Ace” during 1930, and were
Edinburgh Aero Club; Capt. W . M. Gladish; Harry B. entitled to have their names inscribed on a handsome shield
Gow, Kenneth Low and George Booker. M. A. Appel was donated by A. C. Brown. They were: Donald Rankin,
subsequently appointed to the office of secretary-treasurer. John.Beilbv, Edmond Thompson, Robert Ross, Kenneth H.
During the election of officers, the chair was occupied Low, Ian Rankin and Benjamin Webb.

ff ' " 'Jffi *φ:».·

B R jT l S

-- μΛ&Λ ■ Ψ/S’æL *€> cT

E ntrants in the model aviation meet held in the Elizabeth Armory by the Model Aviation Club of Elizabeth


On the motion
of Prof. J. H.
Parkin, seconded
by Flight'Lieut. G.
T. Byshe, the sec*
re ta ry -tre a su re r
was voted the offi-
cial thanks of the
League. A vote of
thanks was also
given to the many
who had assisted
the branch during
the year, on the
motion of Flight"
Lieut. Byshe, sec-
ondcd by John


C pleasure with
profit, two young
men who gained
pr omi nence for Othello Dickert (left) and Lewis
themselves by winning championships Proctor at work in the model de­ are satisfactory, the company may go
with airplane models are now playing an partm ent of the Boeing Airplane ahead and build the airplane with the
important part in the construction of air­ Company a t Seattle. knowledge that it will fly successfully.
craft at one of the largest airplane factories in the United On the other hand, if the tests show that the performance
States. Othello Dickert, winner of a civic contest in Seattle of a completed airplane would not be satisfactory, great
in 1928, and Lewis Proctor, 1929 winner of the national expense will have been saved by the company which would
airplane model contest sponsored by the Airplane Model otherwise proceed with the production of an experimental
League of America, are employed by the Boeing Airplane plane at considerable cost.
Company of Seattle to fashion miniature airplanes. “Wind tunnel models are not built when a new plane
This company has created a model building department under design is simply an improved model of a previous
in its production organization, and the workmanship of type of plane, but are produced when the plane being de­
Dickert and Proctor is of great value in the manufacture signed represents an innovation or a radical departure from
of airplanes at this plant. . other types of airplanes.
“We build two types of models in our work “The other type of model that we build is
here,” Dickert explained. “They are the the exhibition, or historical miniature airplane.
wind tunnel model and the exhibition model. The company recently commissioned us to
The first type is a minutely scaled, perfectly build scale models of many types of airplanes
shaped model which is used for testing in produced by the Boeing Airplane Company.
wind tunnels, while the other type is a minia­ Twenty-four different models are being built,
ture replica of our various models, correct in and all of them will be faithful replicas of
every detail, even to the coloring, but with a the actual planes, even in the coloring and
little less emphasis on accuracy of dimensions. numbering. They must be accurate to the
“When the company decides to build a new last detail. For example, if the airplane we
type of airplane and the engineers complete are modelling was equipped with á wood pro­
their plans for the new ship, we get the draw­ peller, we fashion a small wood propeller for
ings from which we develop the wind tunnel our model; if the plane had a metal propeller,
model. The construction of the wing sections, we equip our model with a small steel prop.
for example, is perhaps the most important “The company is having these models built
phase of this type of model construction. Wc primarily as a historical and graphic record
must make sure that the wings do not vary John E. Frank, Jr. of Boeing airplane construction. Occasionally
1/ 2000th of an inch from the scaled dimen­ 14, of Clarion, Pa. one of our models is placed on exhibition, but
sions. We use only hard maple for this work. only in cases where full protection is guaran­
“Two months are usually required for the building of a teed. They are fully covered by insurance, however, when­
wind tunnel model. A great deal of time must be spent ever they leave the factory.
in fashioning the small templates and jigs for the model. “In view of the time and labor required in the construc­
When it is finished, engineers of the company run tests tion of these models, the company rates them very highly
with it in a wind tunnel, and from the results of the tests, and places considerable value on them. The wind tunnel
they are enabled to calculate closely the performance of an models are usually valued at $500, while the historical mo­
actual airplane built to the design. Comparison of wind dels run around $250.”
tunnel tests with performance tests of a completed airplane The model department in which Dickert and Proctor'
shows a striking similarity. build their miniature ships is completely equipped for the
“The importance of these tests with the wind tunnel delicate work. The finest tools, instruments and materials
model, which reveal accurately what a completed airplane are placed at their disposal. When they start construction
of this design will do in the air, is apparent. If the trials of an historical model, they are (Continued on page 48)
A Course in Airplane Designing
A S T m o n t h we closely to the axis than is

L learned that the tail-

spin is caused by the
natural autorotation
of a wing, which in turn is
By M asterin g T his V aluable C ourse,
th e Model B uilder of T oday
the other plane, and also
that it is descending at a
much higher angle of at­
caused largely by the loss Lays th e C ornerstone for His C areer It will be remembered
of lift beyond the burble from the last article that a
point. W e found that any as the* A eronautical E ngineer ship in a spin descends in
airplane has to be stalled a n d D esigner of T om orrow a spiral fashion, whirling
before it can be made to around an imaginary axis
spin. We also learned that and losing altitude rapidly.
the ship is fully stalled at all times during the spin, and Often the axis about which a ship rotates in a flat spin is
that most ships can be brought out of spins only by push­ actually behind the nose of the plane. It might be said
ing the stick forward to overcome the stall. here that the term “axis” is used merely for a reference.
Much the same conditions apply to the flat spin. A flat There is of course nothing there, but the ship descends in
spin is usually a development of a tailspin, and is, in reality, such a fashion that, if there were a vertical rod in the air,
nothing more than a tailspin at a very it would whirl around that rod. Wc use
high angle of attack. Usually, when a By K en Sinclair the term to have something by which we
ship spins flat, it makes two or three turns may determine just what is happening.
of a normal spin; then the nose rises slightly, and the ship Since the axis about which the ship rotates in a flat spin
is spinning “flat.” is much closer to the ship, if not actually in the áhip, we
Not all ships will flat spin. In fact, no good ship now sec that the plane is approaching a top-like rotation, as
on the market opposed to the
can be made to spiral-like rota­
go into a flat spin. tion of the true
If it is found in tailspin. The ship
test flights that a in a flat spin is
ship has tenden­ turning fairly ra­
cies toward flat pidly, but is not
s p i n n i n g , the losing altitude, in
plane is redesign­ most cases, as ra­
ed to overcome pidly as it did in
those tendencies. the normal spin.
W hy is a flat But this doesn't
spin important to mean that the flat
the d e s i g n e r ? spin is not the
Chiefly because, more dangerous
once a plane is in of the two.
a flat, spin, it is In a normal
very difficult in­ spin, with a well-
deed to bring, it designed ship, the
out again and in­ pilot can bring
to normal flight. his plane out in a
In fact it is often few m o m e n t s ,
impossible for the while in a flat
pilot to regain spin it is found'
control at all. that the controls
That means a do not respond at
crash. Wc see, then, that a knowledge of the flat spin is all, or that they are difficult to move.
an important part of the designer’s business. In the flat spin, at times, the inside wing, tip is actually
Let’s see if we can find moving backward. This
out a little about how a may be a little hard to
ship really acts when in a T N presenting this course, Modp.l A irplane N ews wishes grasp. Figure 2 shows a
flat spin. W e have said to stress the fact that model building is more than a mere ship in a flat spin, as
that a flat spin usually be­ short. If the builder of model airplanes learns the fundamental viewed f r o m directly
gins with a normal spin, principles underlying airplane flight and design, he prepares above. W c can see here
after which the nose rises, himself for a future career in the most profitable phase of that, since the whole ship
and the ship is found to aviation. is rotating around the
be spinning “flat.” There The policy of M odel A irplane N ews is not to encourage axis, the inner wing tip,
or teach its readers to become pilots, but rather to become aero­ in this case the right, is
is a bit more to it than nautical engineers, designers, salesmen, manufacturers, or equip
that. themselves for any other positions which require the training of
actually moving backward
In Figure 1 we see a the specialist or executive. Study this course from month to through the air. This
plane in a flat spin, and month, master it in every detail and you will gain a funda­ hampers aileron action.
also one in a normal spin. mental \nowlcdge of the how and why of airplane design which More important than
It may easily be seen that will be second to none. that, the ship is rotating
T he E ditor. so tightly that the slip-
the ship in the flat spin
is rotating much more (Continued on page 42).

A Travel Air “ M ystery S”


HE intense interest in the building
of model airplanes by the youth of the
nation as a result of the rapid strides
made in the science of aeronautics, in airplane

M odels
design and manufacture and in aerial transportation,
has brought hundreds of requests from “air-minded” boys
and girls all over the country, for blue prints, photo­
graphs and data of the famous Shell Travel Air ‘‘Mystery
S” ship according to James H. (“Jimmie”) Doolittle, noted of Honor, another ex-Army flyer of international fame,
aviator and head of the aviation activities of the Shell Lieut, (now Major) James H. Doolittle, was awarded a
Petroleum Corporation. decoration, which in name stands as the most appropriate
“This widespread interest in model airplane building by ever given by an appreciative government to a flyer for
the youth of the country is highly significant for two rea­ exploits of valor and skill. This was the Order o f'“Condor
sons,” said Mr. Doolittle. “First, it is a tribute to those of the Andes,” awarded by the Bolivian government to
dauntless souls past and present who have dared all to Doolittle for his deeds in South America while on leave
further the science of aviation and in so doing have not status on a commercial mission to Latin America.
only stript flying of many of its hazards but have put avia­ In 1926, Doolittle, representing a prominent American
tion on a sensible basis that has attracted to it the best manufacturer of military airplanes, was demonstrating this
types of young manhood and womanhood, and naturally company’s products to the governments of the southern
the youngsters growing up have been drawn to aviation continent. His actions read like a page torn from the wild­
in this age of flying and are expressing themselves credit­ est of fiction. When one European demonstrator took the
ably through the worthy medium of model airplane design air in competition with him, Doolittle took off also and rode
and building,” he said. his competitor down to the ground. Later on, the tibia of
“It is a well-established fact that youngsters work best both legs broken by an accidental fall, Doolittle took off,
and accomplish most at tasks that are intensely interesting. his crutches beside him in the cockpit, and flew over the
That being the case, aviation has through model airplane Andes from Santiago, Chili, to La Paz, Bolivia. Army avia­
building furnished one of the best outlets for the construc­ tion of the United States flew high in the esteem of the
tive application of youthful enthusiasm. people of South America as a result of Doolittle’s actions.
“The model airplane builders among the boys and girls Appreciative of his incomparable flying skill, Bolivia
of this country (and there is a growing list of the latter) turned over to him the decoration of “Officer of the Na­
are to be congratulated for their good work in the further-, tional Order of Condor of the Andes.” As he is a Reserve
ance of aviation.” officer at the present time, having resigned last year from
As for “Jimmie” himself— the Regular service, Doolittle is authorized to accept this
At about the same time that Captain Eddie Ricken- foreign decoration without first obtaining the consent of
hacker, American “Ace” of Aces, was awarded the Medal Congress.


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A Word Or Two About
i i
Ca sey ” J ones

HARLES Mr. Jones joined

JONES, af­
fectionately known by his
friends and the entire avia­
the Curtiss Aero­
plane & Motor Com­
pany in January, 1919,
at Garden City, Long Is­
land, and completed the
tion industry as “Casey,”
was born at Castleton, Vermont,
OF SPORTSMEN post-war organization of the
Curtiss Exhibition Company,
on January 11th, 1S94, and is a founded originally by Glenn H.
graduate of Middlebury College. OF THE AIR Curtiss in 1910. Beginning in
He made his first flight in 1911, and 1926, he was associated with the Cur­
from that time on has been a sworn tiss Company as test pilot, also being
champion of the cause. in charge of sales promo­
Mr. Jones is the holder of tion of airplanes.
Transport License Num­ Mr. Jones has been a.
ber 13, and has had mam- successful competitor in
thousands of hours in the practically all the Nation­
air. al Air Races, starting in
In June, 1917, when 1919, when he finished
the United States entered second in the New York-
the World W ar, Mr. Toronto race. In 1921,
Jones joined the United he won the American Le­
States Army Air Service, gion derby at Kansas
attending t h e A r m y City, and in the same year
ground school at the won two first places and
University of Illinois, and one second at the Nation­
receiving flying instruc­ al Air Races at Omaha.
tion at Wilbur Wright In 1922, at Detroit, he
Field, Dayton. He was was second in the “On to
commissioned a first lieu­ Detroit” race, and in the
tenant. In October, 1917, Aviation Country Club
he went overseas, attend­ race; in 1923 he won the
ing the pursuit school at “On to St. Louis” race,
Issoudun and the gunnery and took second and third
school at Cazeaux. As places in the other events;
soon as he had completed in 1924, he won the “On
the regulation course for to Dayton” race, and the
a combat pilot, Mr. Jones Central L a b o r Union
was sent to the Front for speed race; in 1925, he
a period of experience won two events at the
with a French squadron. National Air Races at
After three months he Mitchel Field, and in
was recalled, to serve on 1926, took a first and a
the instruction staff of the second at the Philadelphia
school at Issoudun, which National Air Races. Mr.
was in urgent need of Jones then abandoned rac­
trained and competent ing until this year, when
personnel. he won a race, for cabin
Accidents were numcr- ships at the National Air
fc>us in those days of stress Races in Chicago.
and strain. Mr. Jones, Until r e c e n t l y Mr.
who saw many a good Jones was President of the
messmate crack up, found Curtiss-Wright F l y i n g
his attention turning na­
turally to the principles of Service, when he resigned
good flying. He assidu­ to become Vice-President
ously studied the theory of the Curtiss-Wright
of flight, and eventually Corporation, in charge of
became one of the Army’s public relations.
soundest pilots. M r. C. S. (“ Casey” ) Jones
OF THE S il v e r D a r t
Lieut. Ian Potter, nineteen years old and an outstanding flyer loss what to do, as their wireless set is now too weak for signalling.
in the U. S. Army Air Corps, accidentally intercepts a wireless mes- They do not notice a spec\ in the s\y creep from ahead and
sage in code while he is a guest at the home of Commander Stevens. pass them. Sudde7ily there is a “whirrrrrrrrrr" .............
It is proved that it concerns the Silver Dart, a new mystery
ROM underneath and in front of the Fokker, and
fighting, plane secretly developed by the government, and the theft
of which has startled the inner circle of official Washington,
though it gives no indication to the world of its loss.
Rear-Admiral Beecham, of the U. S. Secret Service, concocts
a plan whereby lan ostensibly is to be discharged from the Air
F in less time than it takes to tell, a single'seater
Vought Corsair Navy fighter seaplane shot up into a
perfect loop, coming down over the Fokker and tak'
ing up a position ahead and slightly below.
Service in seeming disgrace but is really freed to undertake a pri­ The pilot of the Corsair—the commander of the Guam
vate flight to Bog W a l\ in the W est Indies, which place is men­ tanamo Bay station, incidentally—looked back and waved.
tioned in the message. Once there he is to try to ferret out the He waited for an answering signal from the Fokker. Ian
thieves as quietly as possible.
In the meantime, Admiral Beecham sends disguised secret ser­
saw the motion, opened the cockpit window and waved
vice men to learn the secret in the home of Commander Stevens. back. Then the commander motioned Ian to follow him
There they unearth a secret wireless receiving set, to which the and turned off the airline that Ian was making for Guam
intercepted message had evidently been sent. They arrest all ser­ tanamo Bay.
vants and Commander Stevens is sent away on a special mission. Not sensing what it was all about, Ian did not follow the
Now the Secret Service is free to work- Taking possession of the
set, they receive in code the information that a submarine is mak­ Corsair, which plane was following a course that would
ing for H unt Bay in the Indies, fully equipped to ta\e the Silver take them about 25 miles east of Guantanamo.
Dart aboard. The surprise and sheer fright of both Ian and Ruddy
Immediately three of the U. S. Navy's swiftest cruisers accom­ can be best left to the imagination when they saw the Cor­
panied by the aircraft carrier Saratoga sail for Jamaica. Then the sair execute a perfect Immelmann turn—a maneuver which
Commander at Guantanamo Naval Base is notified to meet Ian Pot­
ter’s plane. is a half loop and a roll that puts the plane at a higher
W ith his friend, Ruddy Arnold, who borrows an old Fo\\er, altitude and flying in the opposite direction—and then
Ian takes off for the tropics. They battle a bad storm on the way come down again over the nose of the Fokker, but this
down. After the lull they 1oo\ for the flight of time firing three short bursts from a ma'
Corsairs which were to meet them from Guan­ They stopped dead in their tracks
tanamo. There is no sign and they are at a chine gun.


Ian and Ruddy, above the roar of their engine, heard hell popping loose concerning the Silver Dart. . . .”
faintly the dull “rat-tat-tji-ta-tat—rat-tat-ta-ta-tat—tat- He then went into detail concerning the happenings of
tat-ta-ta-tat,” and looked at each other in amazement. Na- which Ian knew nothing, and explained what Admiral
turally, they could not know that the pilot of the Corsair Bcecham had said over the telephone.
was the commander or that he was firing only blank car' “W e’ve heard nothing yet from the Saratoga," the com­
tridges. mander went on, “but I imagine that she and the cruisers
Ruddy said nothing. He could think of nothing to say, are now about 150 to 200 miles off Kingston.”
particularly as he noted the intense look of disappoint' They sat and discussed the matter for some time longer,
ment on Ians face. He did not know that Ian was wonder' and was ever there a stranger setting for such a discus­
ing if all his plans had gone wrong, and that possibly his sion? Here were two men, each sprawled across the wing-
mission had been found out by secret service agents of some tip of their plane, drifting in mid-ocean and surprising
other nation and that the pilot of the Corsair was one of themselves at what they had done.
these, threatening them with death in the skies. Finally Commander Strangways said:
“Well, that seems to be about all. Hang on before you
go, I’ve still something else to give you.”
URING all this the Corsair was circling round the
D He slithered back to the fuselage, climbed down to the
Fokker, the pilot beckoning Ian to follow him. Fin­ main float and unhooked a bomb from the rack under the
ally, Ian shrugged his shoulders and decided to sec what lower wing. This he took out to Ian, saying, “Here, you
was going to happen, anyway. take this back to your cockpit while I hold
“Might as well see it to the end as be snuffed out in the planes together.”
mid-air,” he said to himself. This operation was repeated three times,
Soon both planes crossed the southern coast and just before he gave the signal to let
of Cuba and were well out to sea. When go, the commander said:
they had gone about thirty miles, the “So long, old man. Good luck. Heaven
pilot in the Corsair once again turn' knows what identification might be needed
ed around, waved to Ian, who re­ but, in any case, be careful if you run up
plied, and motioned him to land. agaiust any of their gang.”
He put the nose of the Corsair They shook hands, and soon the Corsair had
down to lead the way. disappeared on its way back to Guantanamo,
Ian followed suit, and both while the Fokker headed direct for Kingston.
planes made perfect landings During all this time, of course, the three crui­
on a sea that was not rough, sers and the Saratoga had been plowing their
but by no means calm. The way towards Kingston. The weather had clear­
Corsair's pilot jockeyed the ed up sufficiently to permit observation from the
plane to within hailing dis' air and, needless to say, the sky at times was
tance, and then yelled: filled with planes scattering in all directions
“Potter—climb out to your and scouring the waters below for a sign
starboard (right) wifig tip— of the submarine, which, apparently,
I’ll taxi up—and grab my held the secret of the missing Silver
wing tip and hold it. Im­ Dart.
portant!” Owing to the uncertainty of the
Ian recognized both au' position of the submarine when the
thority and friendliness wireless message concerning its or­
in the American voice and ders to proceed to Hunt Bay had been
immediately signalled that intercepted, the commander of the
he would do as instructed. Saratoga immediately had formulated
However, being a cautious sort of plans to counter-balance the possibil­
bird at times, he turned to Ruddy and ity of the submarine reaching Kings­
said, “Here, Mournful,· take the stick ton before being spotted.
and stand by for instructions. If any- Commander Strangways was not
thing happens out of the way, don’t hesi' far wrong when he told Ian that the
tate. Give her the gun and take off. I'll warships were about 150 miles off
be able to clamber back.” Kingston, for ’it was at that very mo­
He then climbed out of the cockpit on to ment the commander of the Saratoga
the wing and slithered along on his stomach decided that there was more than a
to the wing'tip. There he waited while the Cor' possibility the submarine would reach
sair was taxied up and he was able to grasp the the port first.
wing. The commander switched off his engine, Stealthily they crept He, therefore, called all the cruisers to within
and Ian motioned Ruddy to let the propeller of forward signalling radius and flagged out instructions for
the Fokker just tick over. his prearranged plan. These instructions, in brief,
Meanwhile, the pilot of the Corsair also had were that cruiser 239 should patrol a course fif­
climbed on to the top wing and slithered out towards Ian. teen miles out and parallel to the coastline of Kingston
“Sorry to scare the wits out of you,” was his greeting. harbor, cruiser 341 should follow a parallel course to
“I’m Commander Strangways of the Guantanamo group. that of 239 but three miles to port, and three miles astern.
Had to force you down like this as what I’ve got to say Three miles astern of 341 but on the same course exactly
isn’t for publication. Here, take these, you’ll probably need as that of 239, cruiser 274 should patrol. The Saratoga
’em.” He handed Ian the two revolvers and the ammuni' would take up a position behind 274 corresponding exactly
tion. to that of 341.
“Well?” asked Ian, determined to let the other do the By this means, the lanes patrolled would form a paralle­
talking. logram across the ship lane leading to Kingston. This lane,
“Nothing much,” replied Commander Strangways. “Just incidentally, had to be followed carefully owing to the

great number of reefs and atols lying off the island itself. heard faintly borne on the wind the noise of a spluttering
If the submarine did enter Kingston harbor ahead of the engine.
warships, it was a case of “woe betide it” if it ever came “He’s down!” went up the cry. “Heaven help them,”
out. said many among the crowd. “If they are down in the
The cruisers signalled that the instructions had been re- mangroves, that's the end.”
ceived and understood, and then deployed to the previous
positions and made for Jamaica, which they expected to T WAS by no means the end.
sight within about four hours or so. I While Ian and Ruddy were both scanning every inch
It was in this formation that Ian spotted the warships of the bay, hoping to at last realize the objective of their
when the Fokker crossed St. Catherine’s Peak, flying fast long, hazardous flight, they could see nothing which would
and at about 10,000 feet. lead them to believe that they were on the right track.
From this position the two companions in the Fokker also The blue waters below them were as placid as a mirror.
could see stretched out before them the famous old town The slightest break of any kind would have been noticeable
of Kingston, with its wonderful landlocked harbor. To for miles around. The strain on their nerves as they peered
their right, as they approchcd Victoria Park in the center down and around was becoming unbearable.
of the town and from which they would make for the Disappointment and chagrin were evident in every move
municipal pier, they saw their objective—Hunt Bay. and bearing as Ian swung the plane round to return to
Neither could restrain a smirk of triumph. They were Kingston.
now. sitting side by side in the cockpit of the Fokker, and Then, as if an electric shock had passed through them
since leaving Commander Strangways, Ian had shouted both, Ian and Ruddy sat bolt upright and their eyes nearly
into Ruddy’s ear the principal details of the hunt for the popped from their heads. Below them, set in bold relief
Silver Dart. by the sunshine, was the shadow of
However, the present moment was the tail group of an airplane jutting
not the time for any action such as out from the thick mangrove swamp.
they contemplated. A t least; they They scoured the heavens to make
thought so. They had not reckoned sure that no other plane was in the
with fate, though. air, and then, quick as a flash, Ian
They were flying down King Street jerked his throttle back and forth,
to the pier. About 1,000 feet below THIS MONTH’S making the engine sputter and then
they could sec the crowds, etched in COVER die out switching off. Both he and
brilliant relief by the sunshine, wav­ Ruddy made a mental picture of the
ing handkerchiefs and other things Did you ever see anything so position of the shadow.
life-like as the Albatross D5A, and
with which they hoped to be singled the Nieuport Scout in a scrap as Ian put the old Fokker into a side­
out by the airmen. That they were portrayed for you by Ray Wardcl? slip and purposely flopped down in
cheering there was no doubt, but, na­ Mr. Wardel is one of America's a very bad but safe landing, as if
turally, neither Ian nor Ruddy could foremost artists, and his experience forced down. The forward speed of
hear it above the drone of the engine. in the U. S. Camouflage Section the Fokker carried them to within
during the World War enables him
to paint for you in actual colors about fifty yards of the mangroves.
OWEVER, for once Ian did W hat now?
H not follow his natural impulse
war-time planes. Next month he
portrays a Sopwith “Dolphin” and
to make a quick but neat landing. a Fokker D7 in combat.
To all intents and purposes, impul­
siveness had cost them their objective,
He leaned over and yelled to his com­ T he E ditor. if their premise that the shadow they
panion : had seen really was the Silver Dart,
“Think I’ll circle the pier once or Lp Eji as they hoped. Being marooned
twice and then make tracks for Hunt fifty yards from shore at the moment
Bay, pretending that I’m just letting was no better than being miles away.
the whole waterfront and nearby towns get a good look The bay was infested with sharks, so that to try and
at the old tank, but if we spot anything that looks like tow the Fokker to the edge of the swamps by swimming
the Silver Dart or the submarine, I'll land in the bay.” was out of the question. W hat to do?
Ruddy nodded and nearly landed in Ian's lap as that They looked at each other, and the rueful expressions
worthy put the* Fokker into a vertical bank to circle the on their faces said plainly, “Well, a fine pair of mutts we
pier. Ian held her in that position during the second turn turned out to be.” Ruddy was first to break the silence.
and then flattened out, making for Up Park Camp, the “How about starting up the engine again and taxiing
military quarter and then turning left to the Old Cross back to the pier?” he asked.
Roads prior to heading for Hunt Bay. “No good,” replied Ian. “That would spoil everything.
The old Fokker was virtually screaming with joy, as if It would put the gang who are holding the Silver Dart wise
it realized that there was a desperate mission ahead; the to the fact that they had been seen, and we’d waste much
engine was roaring like a lion amuck. valuable time, during which they could destroy the plane
Ian swung the plane in a wide arc, maneuvering in over or move it somewhere else.
Bog Walk from the north, and hence at the narrowest point “No. That’s out,” he added.
of Hunt Bay. To the crowd on the Kingston waterfront, “Got it,” flashed Ruddy. “I’ll smash the sides off the
the plane was a mere speck in the sky. Naturally, to them radio set and we’ll sit on the nose of the pontoons and
this was the ending of a flight about which they had heard paddle the old bus in, what do you say?”
so much. Its real mission was, of course, unknown. Ian grinned. “Mournful,” he said, “sometimes you reach
Even the officials who were waiting on the Municipal the peak of greatness—but only sometimes. Let’s go!”
Pier to welcome the airmen officially smiled good-humored­ No sooner said than done. Ruddy scrambled across the
ly at what they took to be the pilot’s human desire to do top of the gas tank, wrenched off the sides of the radio
a little bit of showing off at the successful termination of set, scrambled back with them and soon each was seated on
his flight. a pontoon, paddling as if their lives depended on it. Inch
Thus, the consternation of the spectators can be imagined by inch the plane moved towards the swamp. The hot
when they saw the Fokker dive suddenly as if in a spin, and sun poured down on the two (Continued on page 37)
Special Course in A ir N avigation
The Mainstay of Successful Piloting
N THIS series of articles, the au' M ONTH ago we dealt with
thor has endeavored to set out as
clearly as possible, and in as simple
ivords as possible, the art of naviga'
Captain A the question of position lines
and obtaining fixes by sue-
cessive bearings. The in-
tion in the air.
Your interest in these will depend L eslie S. P otter formation obtained by the fixes at dif-
ferent times, in conjunction with your
on your interest in flying, and wheth' knowledge of the course and airspeed
e-f you will consider yourself a pilot given you by your compass and air­
tohen you have learned to ta\e a speed indicator respectively, will en­
plane ojf the ground and bring it able you to discover the windspeed
down again without breaking any' and direction.
The method of working this out
To those who do, these articles will
was explained two months ago in an
be valueless, but to those who aspire
to be more than fair weather pilots, article dealing with the triangle of
to be able to fly from place to place velocities. You will realize how es­
without sole recourse to roads and sential this knowledge of windspeed
railways, to be able to fly above the and direction is to successful air
clouds with safety if they are too low navigation, when I say that all the
to admit of safe flying beneath them, problems of air navigation conduct­
an intelligent interest in these articles ed for the purpose of maintaining a
will be of incalculable value. course, have as their ultimate end the
If some of the points seem too ele' ascertainment of windspeed and di­
mentary, do not pass them by, there rection. Whether you are obtaining
is a reason for their inclusion; if some bearings by celestial or terrestrial ob­
points do not seem clear, be patient, servations, the problem you are trying
you will generally find some informa' to solve is eventually always that of
tion further on that will clear them the wind.
up as you proceed. Answer the ques' If a mechanically operated instru­
tions at the end of each article and ment were produced today that
ivait for their solutions in the next would tell you accurately your wind-
issue, and should you find any points speed and direction during flight, the
requiring further explanation, send a major problems of air navigation
letter with a stamped addressed en- would cease to exist. That being so,
velope to the editor settirtg out your it becomes apparent that it is neces­
problems and a reply will be sent you sary for us to make use of all the
explaining the points raised. methods existing today for ascertain­
T he Editor. ing the wind velocity.


Obviously full use should be made of all the meteorolo­ the reservoir instead of to the east of it. You should draw
gical information available before a flight is started. The a line then on the map connecting this position with your
windspeed and direction should be ascertained, if possible, point of departure. This will show that your actual track
at the height it is proposed to fly before preparing your has been 13° True or 23° Magnetic, although your ground-
initial course. However, during any except very short speed has remained the same. From these facts:
flights the wind is unlikely to remain constant throughout 1. That you have steei’ed 32° Magnetic (22° T. -j- 10°
the journey and at the different heights at which the plane Variation) at 100 miles per hour airspeed.
may be flown. That being so, various of the methods of 2. That you have made good a track of 23° Magnetic
determining wind velocity during flight are given below. at 83 miles per hour groundspeed you will find by a triangle
Method 1. We will assume that you have obtained in' of velocities that your windspeed has increased to 23 miles
formation as to windspeed and direction from the meteoro' per hour from 73° Magnetic. It is an easy matter now with
logical office before your flight and have used this informa' this data to set a fresh course for Pittsfield, where the wind
tion in preparing your course. The earliest opportunity may be checked again and the original track resumed.
should be taken to check this, and in It is a matter for individual choice
order to gain accurate results you QUEBEC('*5°) at which places and how often the
should gain, as near as possible to your wind is to be checked, but it is always
departure point, the altitude which you a good plan to draw a line representing
propose to maintain during the flight. SHERBORNE the track, and note therefrom the prin­
The first prominent object over LENNOX- cipal places to be passed over and the
which you fly should be pin-pointed on VILLE (35c) estimated times of arrival at each. On
the map and the time noted. Prefer­ PARByCsip). the route illustrated in Figure 1, the
ably one should be observed during the wind might with advantage be checked
first ten and twenty minutes; but ob­ FIG I BARREf150) again at Pittsfield and Derby, where
viously this will depend on the nature 11J the peculiar shape and size of Lake
of the country to be flown over. If <41 Memphramagog would stand out as a
your point of departure is near a large u good landmark.
city such as New York, it would prob­ Do not forget that changes in height
ably be difficult to pin-point any prom­ P IT T S F IE L D ^ )' £ generally involve changes in wind, and
inent object until you got clear of the incidentally, a glance at the map will
congested neighbourhood, and this c a r / # e l m t !?Ack |c,°TRul show you the time and distance to be
might take you longer than twenty RESfERVOIR VARIATION |0°W saved by a compass course over this
minutes. tfN E W Y O R K route, as opposed to a route following
When made, however, the drawing roads or railways. The variation, in­
of a line between cidentally, docs
t h i s pin-point not remain con­
and your point of stant over the
departure w i l l whole of this
give you your course, but any
track. Should this changes have
coincide with the been ignored for
track you have the purposes of
laid down, then this example..
the course you M e t h o d II.
are on will be the The double-drift
c o r r e c t one . method involves
Should it not co­ the use of the
incide, the cor- d r i f t indicator,
r e c t windspeed an instrument
and direction which was ex­
may be found by plained and de­
the method de­ scribed in detail
scribed in the ar­ in November’s is­
ticle on the tri­ sue of Model
angle of veloci­ Airplane News.
ties. In adopting this
For instance, in Figure 1, we have considered a flight method you maintain a constant course in any direction
from New York to Quebec, an approximate straight line desired, gazing through the eyepiece on to the drift wire
distance of 450 miles with a true bearing of 16°. You and manipulating the instrument until objects on the
know the variation to be 10° West and the deviation to ground are seen to be passing directly along the wire. You
be 1° East,/and from the meteorological office you have then note the angle of drift from the indicator. Now alter
ascertained the wind to be at 20 miles per hour from 45° the course in. any direction but not less than 50° and repeat
True. Calculations based on these figures will show you the operation.
that the course to steer to make good this track of 16° T., In Figure II, we have steered a course of 24° and found
is 22° T. which equals 31° by your compass (220— }—10° our drift to be 12° to port (left). W e have then flown
Variation— 1° Deviation) and that your ground speed will on ä course of 83° and our drift was 21° to port. Our air­
be 83 miles per hour. speed during this time has been constant at 100 miles per
The line that you have drawn over the map indicating hour.
your track shows that if you arc on the correct course, you From any point A draw a line AB, 100 miles to scale in
will pass about four miles east of the reservoir at Carmel a direction of 24°, the first course. Then from the same
(a distance of 60 miles), in approximately 45 minutes. At point A draw another line AC, 100 miles to scale in the
the end of this time you find yourself flying directly over direction of 83°, our second (Continued on page 39).
HE G r a n t

T Minute Man,
if we are to
judge by its
p a s t per'
Chas. H.
formance, may be
said to be one of the
most remarkable Grant
performing albbalsa
models ever designed. Recently, Thos.
W. MacLean of Charlotte, N. C., with
one of these models, made a flight of
1,500 feet, and six minutes duration,
the model rising 300 feet.
It weighs about six-tenths (6/10) of
an ounce. Before you begin your con­
struction, study the plans carefully.
The following materials and tools arc
( 1). Two (2) sheets balsa 1/32"
thick by 11" by 3" for the wings.
(2). One sheet of balsa 1/32"
thick by 11" by 3" for stabiliser and
(3) . One balsa propeller blank 8" The Finished Model
long with 10" pitch or one block of
balsa. 8" by 1% " by %". (1/32" X 3" X
(4) . One motor stick 3/16" by 3/16" 11"). Select the
by 18". How to Build two that are the
(5) . One piece of balsa for ribs l / ι ' by nearest to being
2" by 1/16" thick. The Grant alike in weight
and texture of
(6) . Two hardwood wheels 1/a," in dia­
(7) . Two feet of 1/32" hard steel wire “ M inute M an” the grain of the
wood. Cut
them, if neces­
for the landing gear, propeller shaft and S
hook. sary, so that
(8) . One foot of 1/64" hard steel wire (for wing clips,each is eleven inches long and three inches wide. Now
can, tail skid and motor anchor hook.) place one flat on the table and with a pair of com­
(9) . One washer for propeller shaft. passes draw the quarter circle (ΧΎ) with center at
( 10) . ‘ One bearing or propeller hanger. (O) according to dimensions, diagram 1, thus round­
( 11) . One two inch thread rubber band (to hold sta­ing off one corner of your wing. Cutting away the
biliser in place). wood outside these arcs creates greater efficiency. Place
(12) . Twenty feet of 1/32" square rubber thread, orthe other wing sheet on your table and round off the
(63) inches of 1/32" x j^ " rubber. two opposite corners of the sheet as you did those of the
(13) . Two small tubes of water-proof cement (about Vifirst one. Be sure that the corners you cut away are the
os.) for cementing wing together, ribs in place, fin or rud­ ones on the opposite end of the sheet, thus allowing the
der to motor stick and wire parts in place. straight edged ends of the two sheets to be joined at the
Necessary tools are: center of the wing. Now for the ribs. Cut four of them
( 1). One pair of wire cutters. exactly to the shape shown in diagram 3 from your sheet
( 2). One pair of small, round nose of 1/16" balsa.
pliers. Now pick up the two wings and measure one inch in
(3) One . small pocket knife. from the round end on the under side of each one. Draw
(4) One . pair of compasses. a line straight across the wings from the front edge to the
(5) . Eight paper clips, rear edge, at these two points (A) and (A1) in diagram 1.
First construct the wing. This is Draw similar lines across the wings at points (B) and (B1),
made from two of the balsa sheets six inches in from the rounded ends of the wings. These
four lines mark the position of the ribs.
//»W You are now ready to cement your ribs to the wing on
the lines you have drawn. Have two paper clips ready
to clamp over each rib when it (Continued, on page 44).

S id e View. # T

A Worth While, and D iaq.ra m * /4 .

Speedy Model N

ψ; --------------- ' 1 " U '< '» Α\ β β ' *TS* ' W? ............................. · ' \ ' φ :

: ' ' '


Conducted by Capt. H . J. LOFTUS-PRICE
RED devil thumbing his nose at
A his target (whatever the target
may be) on the ground is the insignia
from the mailed fist of Mars. One
streak parallels the horizon. That
stands for Pursuit aviation, the mission
of the 96th Squadron. The devil holds ■of which is to fight aircraft in the air.
an aerial bomb with the other hand. Three other streaks flash downward to­
The 49th Squadron insignia shows a wards the earth, and these stand for
wolf’s head, mouth open, teeth bared. Observation, Bombardment and Attack
W ar is no gentle art, nor do these de­ aviation, which carry their destructive
signs as a general rule depict pastoral warfare against the ground troops. In­
scenes. cluded in this school’s insignia is a lamp
Yet not so grim are the insignia of —the lamp of knowledge—appropriate
the service squadrons of the Air Corps for a school. The shield is divided in
—those hard-working units charged its background into green, the earth be­
with engineering and repair work for low, and blue, the sky above.
the group of which they arc a part. A Another organisation well known to
beaver—symbol of their busy life—is airminded America is the First Pursuit
worn by the 59th Service Squadron. Group, stationed at Selfridge Field,
The 56th Service Squadron’s insignia which also was at the maneuvers on the
is a hawk with a broken wing, perched Pacific Coast. Its insignia is topped
on a post, while that of the 66th Ser­ 94th Aero Squadron, the famous “ Hat- with the motto “Aut Vincerc Aut
vice Squadron shows a large gear in-the-Ring” (Rickenbacker) outfit. Mori” (Conquer or Die).
wheel, with four smaller gears radiat­ This is precisely what Pursuit craft
HE 40th School Squadron, a must do for, having no defensive arma­
ing from the master gear at 90 degrees
intervals. This latter squadron is part T bombing school outfit, also at Kelly ment to their rear, this type of plane
Field, has a wedge-shaped book, show­
ing its student members that by hard
study one may wedge his way toward
successful graduation. On the book is
a bat, symbolising the nocturnal activ­
ity in burning the midnight oil. The
body of the bat, appropriately enough,
is an aerial bomb.
The Air Corps Tactical School at
Langley Field, Va., has an insignia
embracing all four types of military
aviation. Four lightning streaks flash
25th Aero Squadron
166th Aero Squadron (War-Time)
must fight it out to the end in the skies.
of the Composite Group in the Philip­ To turn tail would be to perish. Liter­
pine Islands, and the four smaller gears ally they must conquer or die. Below
represent the four squadrons of a well the motto of the First Pursuit Group
balanced Composite Group—Pursuit, is a shield with five stripes and five
H E Aviation Advisory Board
Attack, Bombardment and Observa­
T will endeavor
tions concerning
to answer ques­
model building
black crosses, representing the five
squadrons which the Group had when
Graphically representative are the and aviation in general, where it was in action and the five major en­
the questions do not apply to
insignia of the school squadron. Peer­ contests being conducted by this gagements credited to the outfit for its
ing through a telescope, a broadly cari­ or other publications. Address all World W ar service.
catured bird identifies the Air Corps questions to The 17th Squadron of this famous
Advanced Flying School, located at The Aviation Advisory Board, Group has for its insignia a snow owl
Kelly Field, Texas. This is an Obser­ 25 West 43rd Street diving on its prey. This bird symbo­
vation school squadron and the tele­ New York City lizes the Arctic weather experienced
scope represents observation aviation. Enclose Avith your letter a self- five miles aloft, at which altitude Pur­
addressed and stamped envelope suit aviation fights. The 27th Squad­
In one of the bird’s claws reposes a to facilitate an answer. Space is
brick—ancient means of defence. One limited and all letters can not be ron’s crest is a hawk diving to attack.
must suppose that the Squadron’s com­ answered in these pages. The 94th Squadron’s once was the old
manding officer at the time was an “Hat-in-the-Ring,” but this has been
Irishman to thus depict this bit of '■‘con­ changed to an Indian with mouth dis­
LgL J ll tended in a lusty war-whoop.



An artistic emblem is the Third Attack ing his nose. Believe it or not, it was look­
Group's. A shield contains a knight’s ing straight into the passenger's face. The
helmet and a pair of wings, with the plane on the other side bore a wolf's head,
motto “Non Solum Armis” (N ot by Arms a menacing snarling wolf. Believe it or not
Alone). As one young member of the again, one could see this wolf slavering at
Group explained, “The noise of the roaring the mouth.
planes, diving on a bunch of ground troops, Unil the formation loosened up, the ride
scares as many of ’em to death as the bub was not particularly enjoyable. Insignia's
lets and bombs from the planes kill or do mean something.
wound.” The insignia also contains nine­ 22nd Aero Squadron Continuing our list of World W ar aces:
teen black crosses, the number of enemy (War-Time)
planes its members brought down in France. Italian living— (continued)
Capt. Duke Calabria ................................ 16
tiatc the insignia when the planes were
N THE Third Attack Group arc also Lieut. Scaroni .......................................... 13
I the 8th Attack Squadron, with an
eagle, its wings extended and the Liberty
flashing by over one's head at well over a
hundred miles an hour.
Lieut. Hanza ...................... 11
The curious inquirer who started the Italian—killed
Bell held in its claws; the 13th Attack Squa­ questions about insignia was taken for a Major Baracca .......................................... 36
dron, with a skeleton swinging a scythe, ride in one of the Bombardment formations Lieut. Olivari ............................................. 12
and the 90th Attack Squadron, with two over the vicinity of the airport. He was Belgian—living
red dice. The cubes have just rolled a
Lieut. Coppcns ........................................... 30
“ natural.”
Lieut, dc Mculcmecstcr ........................... 10
The Observation units, too, have their
insignia. There is the Ninth Group's, sta­ Belgian—killed
tioned at Mitchel Field, L. I., which has a Lieut. Thicffry .......................................... 10
shield topped by a crest and standing on a Russian— living
scroll. The crest is a rattlesnake entwined Capt. Kosakoff ........................................... 17
about some cactus. Service with Pershing
in Mexico justifies the design of that crest, German—living
while the wavy line running through the Lieut. Udct ..................... 60
middle of the Ninth Group's shield symbo­ Capt. Berthold ........................................... 39
lizes the Rio Grande. Lieut. Klein ............................................... 33
A quartet of crosses on the shield is for Lieut. Kocnncke ...................................... 32
the four major engagements of the Group Lieut. Balle ..... 31
in France and for the fact that the greatest Lieut. Kroll ................................................. 31
number of enemy planes brought down in Corp. Rumcy ............................................. 30
any engagement was that number. The Lieut. Schlcid ............................................. 30
scroll simply says “ Semper Paratus” (A l­ Lieut. Laumen .......................................... 28
ways Ready). Lieut. Bocrr ............................................... 28
Most catchy of all, probably, is the 11th Licut.^ Huey ............................................... 28
Bombardment Squadron’s insignia. It Lieut. Blume .................................. 28
shows Jiggs, comic creation of George Mc­ 20 th Aero Squadron Lieut. Arigi (Austrian) ........................... 26
(War-Time) Lieut. Fiala (Austrian) ........................... 23
Manus, celebrated cartoonist. The portly
Jiggs is bringing home the bacon—which in Capt. Baunscr ........................................... 23
this case is an aerial bomb held under one seated in the rear cockpit, out near the Lieut. Jakobs ............................................. 22
arm. Strolling airily along, Jiggs is pulling tail. On cither side of him, flying in such
on an important looking cigar, tilted at a close formation that their wing-tips almost (To be continued)
cocky angle. brushed the tail group, of his plane, were
Another insignia which has been much two other bombers.
photographed of late is that of the 95th The nose of one bore a red devil thumb- Other questions are answered as follows:
Pursuit Squadron, stationed at Rockwell Dear Sirs:
Field, Calif., owing to that outfit’s activities Will you please tell me how the new
at extremely high altitudes. This insignia wing slots on the entering edge of a
shows a kicking Army mule whose name wing wor\? Also, is a dihedral
might well be Dynamite, judging from its • needed on a 20" built-up wing?
dangerous appearance. Tours truly,
The domed National Capitol is the in­ Frank M a u ck ,
signia of the Air Corps Detachment at 103 Maryland Aue.. N· E-
Bolling Field, Washington, D. C. Carry­ Washington, D. C.
ing out. the motif of its pictorial insignia Answer:
this outfit has named each of its planes after The new ring slots are so fitted to the
a state of the Union. Whenever possible, wing that when the plane is put in a
in assigning a plane to a flight to a distant position which formerly would cause a plane
state, the Commanding Officer orders out to spin, the slots move forward and in­
a plane of corresponding name. crease the area of exposed wing surface;
which, naturally, has been lowered by the
AINTING of insignia on planes is usu­
P ally done on the sides of the fuselage,
back of the rear cockpit. In Bombers, how­
increased angle of attack. Hence, the air­
flow is kept regular and the plane brought
back to normal flying position.
ever, they arc shown on either side of the It is always a good point to put dihedral
nose. They are bright colored against the in any flying model, as this increases the
somber, olive-drab tone of the plane, and lateral stability. -
hence show out startlingly to the trained
observer. The untrained one is able to dis­ G entlem en:
cern them when the planes arc parked on 30th Aero Squadron I mould li\e to get some data of
the flying field, but it was hard to difleren- (War-Time) the de (Continued on page 3)


EXT time Dad looks for his pipe have obtained is good, a thorough sanding

N or cigars on his desk and then has

to go look for matches and an ash'
tray, get busy and build him this excellent
will suffice. Mark one of the 12" edges
of each piece “Bottom.” The edges of the
bottom are left sharp, while the two ends
smoking stand that conveniently holds such and top of each partition board are slightly
accessories in one place. rounded, as was the top of the stand. Do
Mother, too, will be pleased with it, this work with sandpaper. Do not make
since it stands solidly on the table, and is these edges round but merely take away
not easily overturned as are other types of their sharpness.
smoking stands. Besides, it is an attractive The base is treated in the same manner
piece of furniture and will add to the as was the top, except that all its edges
beauty of the home. are left sharp. Finish by planing if ncces-
This stand has been so designed as to sary, and give the entire board a thorough
permit its construction with a minimum sanding. A t this time choose the best side
number of tools. These tools are necessary: of the board and mark it “Top.”
Hand saw, hammer*, nail set*, plane, to saw. This insures straight lines and right The two side boards are now squared
try-square*, screw driver*. angle corners. up, planed if necessary, and finished with
The tools with a star after them can be Draw a line on one of the 4" wide sides a careful sanding. One of these is now laid
purchased in a “Five and Ten Cent” store of each of these pieces along their entire aside as finished but its duplicate, having
for 10 cents apiece. A plane is not an length, as shown in the plans under “Leg.” the hinges attached to it, is not complete.
absolute necessity, though it will save con- These pieces are now beveled from this Note the drawing in the plans under
siderable work if the wood obtained is center line to the under edge, as shown in “ Door.” This shows how the wood is cut
rough. While hand saws can be purchased the end view of the leg. The cut is shown away to allow the hinges to rest flush with
in “Five and Ten Cent" stores, they would in heavy shading. This cut is made along the surface of the wood. The same is done
not do for this type of work. If you do the entire length of each leg. Run your with one side board. Measure 2" from the
not own a saw, any friendly hardware try'squarc along it to see that the surface top and bottom edges of the side board and
store, plumber, garage man or neighbor of the bevel is perfectly level and flat. mark. Measure a further 2" in from these
would be glad to help you out, and cut impressions and mark again. Your hinge
your wood to size, after you have laid it rap a piece of medium sandpaper is 2" long and its width should now be
out properly.
Forty cents will cover the total cost of
W over a square-cornerccLblock and give
both legs a thorough sanding. If the wood
measured. Let us say it is 1", as it must
not be wider than this, for the door is
necessary tools, if you have none at all, is exceptionally rough, they should be only that thick and the hinge must accom-
and your lumber should cost you nothing. planed on all sides and ends before sanding. modate that thickness.
The usual heavy shipping cases and boxes The legs arc now finished and should be Measure 1" in from the side of the board
aic constructed of 1" yellow pine. Its use laid away for future use. The top, which and draw two lines parallel to the side
is recommended, inasmuch as it is easily has been cut to size, should be planed on edge and between the marks you have made
obtained and simple to work with. Secure all sides if rough, and should then be care' 2" apart.
the following lumber: fully sanded. At this time, choose the best Press your knife blade in the wood along
side of the board and mark it “Top” with these marks, so that the wood will not split
1 pc.— 1" X 12" X 8 ' 8 " long a light lead pencil. The top edges of the beyond them. Remove the wood until the
1 pc.— 2" X 4" X 8' long board can now be slightly rounded. Do hinge will lie in this cut flush with the face
The 1" lumber is cut in the following this work with your sandpaper as the curve of the board. Do the same with the second
lengths: of the edges must not be pronounced, but marked place. Remove all splinters and
1 pc.— 14" long for the top merely smooth enough to remove their finish with sandpaper.
4 pcs.— 12" long for the sides, back and sharpness. All pieces for the stand arc now finished
door The back is treated in the same manner, with the exception of the door, which is
2 pcs.— 10" long for the magazine par' except that it must not have rounded edges. not finished until the stand is assembled.
titions Use your try'squarc on all corners to sec As the door must have a snug fit, it is
1 pc.— 22" long for the base. that they form right angles, and also left until the assembling of the stand will
along the surfaces of the faces and edges permit perfect fitting.
As each of the above measurements is to insure their being flat and smooth. In Before proceeding with the assembly,
exact finished size, it will be found best to finishing the back, care must be taken to check over each piece carefully as to dirnen-
cut the lumber a little larger, so that each sec that the measurements of its width and sions and workmanship. Check each with
board may be planed smooth and finished length are perfect, as the back fits in be- the list given above. When found correct,
with a thorough sanding. tween the top and base and the two sides the work of assembling may be started.
The 2" X 4" X 2' piece of lumber is cut of the assembled stand.
in two equal lengths of 12" each. When The two magazine partition boards have T N assembling the stand 2" long, small-
sawing your lumber, use a try'squarc, mark- also been cut to size and should now be head brads and carpenter's glue heated
ing with pencil the line on which you wish planed smooth if rough. If the stock you (Continued on page 46)


The Mystery of the Silver Dart hissed, “if you speak English and know
what's good for you— talk, and talk quick­
ly. Who arc you? How many others are
(Continued from page 26) here? Where are they?”
The man, of large build and Mulatto
men, and perspiration streamed from their They were spellbound. At last and in uni­ color, looked blankly at Ian, blinked and
faces and soaked their clothing, while mos­ son, they realized that something had to be gulped. However, the business end of a
quitoes nearly hit them to death. Hands, done, and done quickly. Cautiously they revolver is an excellent persuader at all
arms, cars and faces swelled while they times. Besides, Ian did not look as if he
watched. crept nearer and nearer, and stopped near
Their labors, however, soon were re- the edge of the mangroves. were fooling.
warded. Five yards—two yards—one foot There they conferred in low tones as to “M-me guard, sah,” stuttered the man.
—and Ian reached up and grabbed a hand' the best action to take’. Ian was for making “ No onnerstan' good Inglitch. Me myself
ful of mangrove leaves. They looked at — no odders. Odders Kingston watch Big
a bold and daring show of it. “Let's pre­
each other and smiled from ear to ear— Machine Bird come."
tend we were forced down,” he said, “and
or what was left of their cars. Quick as a flash, Ian took in the situa­
that we were clambering through the man­ tion and decided on a plan. He turned
“Well, so far, so good,” said Ian. “But, groves to possible safety and happened to
we'll have to move quickly. So far as I to Ruddy and said:
come across the submarine. Then when the
I can judge, we'll have about three hours in “Good. That’s the real break we de­
opportunity comes, we'll sock the lights out
which to make the clean-up. From my serve. Tumble downstairs, Ruddy, old
of whoever is in the way, and cither smash
knowledge of this territory gained during bean, and look around for some gasoline
up the machinery or do something to keep
a study of the situation before we started and oil. If you find any, bring it up
the submarine penned up here.”
the flight, there is no railway line or branch pronto. I'll take care of this bright spark.”
"That’s all right in a way,” replied
line to this spot. Ruddy, “but how about the Silver Dart? Ruddy needed no second bidding. He,
“So far as we know, no one actually saw While it will be Ο. K. if it is destroyed like his companion, realized that the guard
us come down in the bay. Therefore, those properly, think what a feather in our caps did got have enough brains to lie in the
at Kingston cannot be sure and send a it would be if we could get her back safely predicament he found himself. Within five
search party here direct. At the moment, to Washington.” minutes he had scampered down the bowels
no doubt, they're telephoning all over the Ian nodded. "That's also O.K., Sonny of the submarine and had returned, breath­
place. Boy,” he said, “but tell me—where's the less but happy, and carrying with him a
“I presume—hope so, anyway— that Silver Dart?” five-gallon can of gasoline and a can of oil.
Beecham made arrangements with the Jamai­ Fate, a gentle breeze and the tide an­ “Plenty more where this came from,” he
can Government for us to have carte blan­ swered that question for them. Even as he panted. “ Whole store of it down below.”
che in our actions. If not, there'll be the spoke, the submarine swung against her Ian grinned. His eyes were flashing like
devil to pay. We'll have to take a chance, hawsers and the breeze gently lifted a few those of a champion boxer about to deliver
anyway.” branches of the mangroves. There, near the knockout punch to a beaten adversary.
Next moment both were shinning through the stern of the vessel, resting in the trough “Oke,” he said to Ruddy. “ We'll have
the swamp, every minute risking possible was a picture that was worth more than all to take a chance. Fill up the Dart—strain
death as they swung from branch to branch, of the gold in the world to them—the Sil­ the gas through your shirt doubled over
precariously fighting their way through. ver Dart. about four times.” Ruddy wasted no mo­
“Don't know what we’ll do even if it is Ruddy nearly shuddered as he saw the ments over this task, and having caught
the Silver Dart,” said Ian through clenched blaze of determination light up in Ian's some of Ian's enthusiasm, was back and
teeth. “There are bound to be two or three eyes. “Steady, old man," lie counseled. asking, “W hat next?”
on guard and . . . good Lord! What dumb “There’s some time left yet, and don't “Find me some rope—halyard, for pre­
idiots we are . . . we forgot the revolvers!” botch things up by rushing. Let’s creep ference. It’s thinner,” said Ian. “This
That stopped all conversation for some aboard and if we're seen, we'll follow out chap, whether he likes it or not, is going
time as they clambered on. “Oh, well," your plan. There’s no doubt now. This for a flight with me.”
contributed Ruddy presently, “ fists are fists submarine is the 'W 9’ all right, and there’s The halyard was procured, and Ian mo­
anywhere, old son, and they'll probably the Silver Dart. So let's play possum.” tioned the guard to precede them to the
serve us better than guns.” Ian signified his agreement, and they both Silver Dart. He turned to the guard when
A few moments after this and they stop­ stealthily lowered themselves on to the prow they reached the plane and pointed over
ped dead in their tracks. W ith open of the submarine. They walked the first the stern of the submarine.
mouths they stared at the sight which lay yard or so in a manner bespeaking, “Thank “See those pretty sharks mooching about
revealed before them. They looked at each heavens, civilization at last—we’re saved,” there?” he asked. “ Well, take your choice.
other but could not speak from sheer amaze­ hoping that if they were seen, someone A nice, quiet flight with me, or a nice,
ment. would shout or approach them. quieter morsel of tastiness for the sharks.
There, in a haven made by nature and Suddenly Ian gripped Ruddy's hand and The flight, eh? Good. Now then—quick.
as perfect as ever could be made by man, held his finger to his lips for silence. From Sit astride that fuselage and lie forward on
moored to the mangroves with the water nearby came the sound of somcopc snor­ your belly and let your arms hang down."
gently lapping its sides as if paying tribute ing. Like two cats they crept slowly for­ The guard was quick to obey, and'in a
to its sheer beauty, lay a sleek grey sub­ ward, reached the conning-tower and separ­ few moments he was bound securely, with
marine. ated to creep around it. Slowly they mov­ no danger of falling off. The halyard
But it was different. The narrow whale- ed and quietly. When they reached the was tied criss-cross from wrist to foot, and
back generally associated with submarines other side they stopped dead and watched. once round the waist, thence to the scat
was missing. In its place and stretching Stretched full length on the deck and fast in the cockpit to prevent the guard slipping
from the conning-tower to the stern was asleep was a man. On the deck near him back and overbalancing the plane. It was
what appeared to be a monster trough, lay a rifle and a cutlass, and in a holster Ruddy who sobered up sufficiently to flab­
which Ian and Ruddy, from their position, at his hip was a revolver. bergast Ian for the moment.
judged to have a draught of about two feet. Ian signalled to Ruddy and made signs "Everything’s lovely in the garden,” said
The trough took up the whole beam of the that he would go forward and pounce on Ruddy sarcastically, “but how in the blazes
submarine. the man, while Ruddy should grab the rifle do you expect to take of with the Silver
At a guess, the vessel was about 400 feet and cutlass. Dart resting on her pontoons on a dry
long, the trough itself about 350 feet of It was over in a moment. Dazed both deck?”
that. The submarine was moored with its by sleep and the punch that landed on his
nose inshore, and neither men could see the jaw, the guard offered no resistance. Ruddy Is failure to be the result of all their efforts
stern from where they were perched in the just as the goal seems to be in sight? Is the
had seized the rifle and cutlass, and Ian native to come out on top after all? Or will
branches of the mangroves. had grabbed the revolver and was holding these intrepid airman find a way out? Don’t
As it was, they had only about five yards it in the man’s ribs. fail to get your April Airplane T^ews, on
more to go to be able to reach out and Ian wasted no time. He prodded the sale at all news stands on March 23 and
touch the vessel. Neither moved, however. man with the revolver. “Listen, son,” he only 15c. a copy.

come somewhat, but the plugs in the bot­

Airplane Engines—What They Are and Why tom cylinders are still more apt to foul than
those in the other cylinders.
(Continued from page 6)
Better designed oil and piston rings have
from fourteen to seventeen parts air to one fuel charge in the cylinder. This results in helped eliminate fouled spark plugs. In
part of fuel. increased power and a smoother running spite of these, however, when the engine is
The mixture at different engine speeds engine. An increase of approximately sev­ started up after a period of idleness, the
must be kept nearly constant. Changes of enty revolutions is obtained in this way. bottom cylinders will discharge almost pure
temperature must be provided for. Economy The engine speed obtained by cranking oil from the exhaust valves during the first
of operation is paramount after reliability. or pulling the propeller through by hand is revolution or so. In time, oil will penetrate
The carburetor of an airplane engine is a sometimes so slow that the main magneto the most carefully designed piston rings.
sensitive instrument. Each carburetor is de- will not generate a sufficiently hot spark to One method of defeating this characteris­
signed to supply the needs of each particu- ignite the fuel. A high tension booster tic is, when securing a plane after opera­
lar engine. magneto is often provided to assist in start­ tions, to turn the propeller at such an angle
as to leave open the exhaust valve of one
of the bottom cylinders. In this way one
cylinder will be kept free of oil, for it will
pass on through and out the exhaust valve.
Water-cooled engines have a sump or low
basin in which the loose oil collects. From
here the oil is pumped back to the main
The theory of lubrication is that a thin
film of oil should separate all moving parts.
That is, no metal to metal contact is ever
made between actual moving parts—always
a thin coat of oil keeps the bearing surfaces
apart. High oil pressures arc required to
force oil in between the close-fitting bearing
Ignition System. The magneto has come The cylinder walls of the engine arc par­
ing the engine. This is a small magneto
ticularly in need of oil. In addition to the
to be almost entirely depended on for this operated by hand, or it may be attached to
friction caused by the reciprocating motion
function. The Liberty engine uses a bat­ the starter. It generates a shower of sparks
of the piston, the heat generated by the
tery generator system which, fortunately, is which provide the initial ignition.
explosion of the fuel charge is terrific. This
now obsolete. The battery was a potent Lubrication. This was a problem that
cause of fires due to its possibility of spark­ heat often runs up to 3,000 degrees Fahren­
worried air-cooled engine designers for a
ing during a crash. The name “Flying heit. Piston temperatures will run as high
long time. Broadly speaking, their lubrica­
Coffins” was applied to Liberty-engined D. as 600 degrees. These walls arc lubricated
tion is the same as that of water-cooled
H.’s as a result of the frequent conflagra­ by splashing oil on them from the rapidly
engines. An oil pump draws oil from a
tions. moving parts within the crank case.
supply tank. It is sent under pressure to
For reliability's sake, two magnetoes arc An oil vapor is always present while the
the various bearings and gears. Oil passes
generally installed on modern engines. One engine is turning over. The oil carries off
through holes in the crankshaft and is
fires the spark plugs on one side of the the heat of friction and dissipates it to the
thrown from the crank to the cylinder walls.
cylinders while the other magneto fires the atmosphere.
So far the systems are the same. A sump
Generally speaking, as the oil in the sys­
tem is consumed or lost, the oil tempera­
ture gauge will rise proportionately beyond
D /X /L MAGNETO its normal operating temperature. This is
|Z 7 / m w | because the lesser amount of oil circulates
faster. The oil pump then sends the oil
back to work before it is properly cooled.
A good example of an engine operating
without oil is when a plane is flying on its
back or doing a series of slow rolls. The
instant the oil pump suction is uncovered,
Ě)/oc/( ID/sfb/bufoA no more oil passes into the circulating
_________ A n d l^evV S/lowing system. The oil pressure drops immediately.
Inverted stunts lasting approximately
Diagram o f Fonx Tfv'ou? h fifteen seconds are generally safe, but any
exaggerated form of inverted maneuvering
will result in lack of lubrication. Heating
Safety followed by expansion and seising of the
Spark Gap
moving parts will occur. A forced landing

© Ccndtmer
results, to say nothing of the necessity of
completely overhauling the engine. Of
course, the system can be rigged so that it
gets a continuous supply of oil, no matter

c 4 frrvry fa
Ground ' NjJ [ ^ fal T ' svv/Vt*
what the attitude of the ship.

-ÍĚ »C S h Ž t
A>y ro/ es
Wir ing fXgyrěm o ř
Dive. Ahn h Titnign M ulti-
P th rly b e naqittr*
Further problems concerning the cooling
Hirtn* a ** system for airplane engines, in particular
the air'cooled engine, are discussed by
Lieut. Miller in a further absorbing and in-
structive article next month.
opposite set. The switch allows the pilot is provided between the two bottom cy­ If you want the inside story of the cvolii'
to use cither magneto or both. Both are linders to drain the used oil back into- the tion of the modern engine, don’t fail to
invariably used together in normal opera­ circulating system. However, the pistons in order the next issue of M oodl A irplane
tion, as the increased amount of sparking the bottom cylinders are constantly drench­ N ews from your news dealer today. You
gives a more thorough combustion of the ed in oil. This difficulty has been over­ can’t afford to miss it. *

Aerial Navigation
(Cotitňmcd from page 28)
course. From points B and G draw lines
representing the angles of drift. That is
to say, from point B draw a line at an
angle of 12° to the line AB, as this was
the angle of drift observed on this course,
and from point C draw a line at an angle
of 21° from line AC, as this was the angle
of drift observed on the second course.
Now continue these two drift lines until
they intersect at a point we will call D.
Connect points D and A and the line thus
formed, DA., will give you the direction
of the wind and its speed to scale. In this
example the wind is found to be blowing
from 157° at a speed of 37 miles per hour.
One point to note is that in drawing your
lines of drift, you imagine yourself looking
back towards the departure point and from
this position, starboard drift will be off to
the right of the course and port drift to
the left. Failure to remember this will give
you an entirely wrong wind direction. If
you have sufficient time a third drift may be
taken as a check, but you will rarely find
that the third line intersects exactly at
point D. It will generally form a small tri­
angle known as a “cocked hat” and the
centre of this should then be taken as point
In Figure III, a course of 15° gives us
They’re always looking
a 10° drift to starboard; a course of 75°
gives us a 19° drift to starboard and taking
a third course of 135° for greater accuracy,
for Bill when the crowd
we find the drift is 12° to starboard. Lines
AB., AC. and AE. represents the various
courses flown. From points B., C. and E.,
gathers .
lines are drawn at angles of 10°, 19°, and
12° respectively, showing the drift suffered “ W n m R E in the deuce is Bill? I t ’s like never seen such enthusiasm for a musical
W a funeral here. Gosh, if I could play instrum ent before. On the radio, on the
on these courses. These drift lines intersect at stage, in the dance orchestra, th e accordion
point D. forming a “cocked hat” as shown. an accordion like th a t boy, I ’d charge you
fellows for entertainment. is now all the rage. All the live-w ire col­
Connect the centre of this with point A., “ Remember when he first came to college? lege boys and girls are playing it. Ju st the
and the line thus drawn indicates the direc­ W hat a ‘wash o u t’ we thought he was. He thing to make you popular a t parties. I t ’s
tion from which the wind is blowing; in didn’t go out for athletics or anything. But, a cinch to learn. No teacher needed. The
this case from due north. The length of Oh, Boy, when he took out th a t accordion Free instruction Book.tells you the simpli­
the line DA., measured to scale, shows the of his and started to play! He sure can make fied way. And it’s easy to own one—Hoh-
windspecd as 38 miles per hour. it talk and he says lie’s only played it for a ner Accordions, the world’s best, are priced
couple of months. Lucky guy, lie may not as low as $9.00.
These and other methods to be explained
may sound involved at the first reading but be able to play basketball — b u t 1* goes Select the Instrum ent
every place with the team and gets his ex-
they do not need more than a little careful crises paid, too. Did you hear him play of Quality
study before they become clear, and with a
little practice become surprisingly easy to
E etween quarters a t the last game?
“ I wouldn’t be a t all surprised if he was
Holmer Accordions are recognized by pro­
fessional musicians as the finest instruments
perform in the air. It has been my exper­ voted the M ost Popular Fellow in the class in their line in the world. Their tonal quali­
ience that there is more satisfaction gained this year. H e’s a fine chap all right, b ut no ties, their accuracy and volume have given
in successfully navigating a plane on a cross­ one would ever have known it if it wasn’t them a world-wide reputation, and they
country flight by scientific methods than in for that accordion of his.” are guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction.
You can make no mistake in buying a Hoh-
any other phase of flying. Here’s BILL NOW! ner. Mail the coupon for F R E E catalog giv­
Method III. This method also involves ing full information about Hohner Accor­
the use of a drift indicator but is, perhaps, dions. Free Instruction Book with each in­
one of the easiest methods for the single strument. Address: M . HOHNER, Inc.,
seater pilot or the pilot who is doing his Dept. 203-C, 114 E ast 16th Street, New
own navigating. The drift indicator is set York, N. Y.
to zero, and the plane is then flown in dif­
ferent directions until a course is found
when objects below are passing directly
along the drift wire. You are then cither
flying up or down wind.
It may be a little diflicult at first if you
I M . H O H N E R , Inc., 114 E . 16th S t.,
are flying at any height and the wind is
slight, to tell when you are upwind and j D ept. 203-C, N ew Y ork.
when you are downwind, but a little prac­ I P lease send me y o u r c atalo g of H o h n er j
tice and the observation of smoke on the A ccordions. j
ground will generally give you an indica­
tion. It is seldom that a wind changes its
Nothing like an accordion to p ut you in the N am e ................. j
lime-light—in u class by yourself. The craze
direction by 180° at any rate in the first for this fascinating instrument is sweeping A d d re ss ............................................................................ I
few thousand feet. the country. Music dealers say they have

When you are satisfied that you are fly' objects can always be considered reliable if
ing into wind, note the compass bearing. accurately taken, because no unknown or
This will give you the direction from which doubtful factors arc involved. Successive
the wind is blowing. Note that the dircc' bearings on one object should only be used
tion will be a compass bearing, not a true when no other method is available as they
bearing. Then turn the plane at an angle involve the use of transferred position lines,
of 90° so that you will be flying directly which can never be considered completely
crosswind, and manipulate the drift indica' accurate.
tor until objects are once more passing di' 2. Deviation on 180° ..................... + 3 °
rectly along the drift wire. A glance at the Deviation on 270° ................... — 8°
dial will tell you your angle of drift. Change in deviation over '90°
You will now know the wind's direction, Change in deviation between
Laird Racing Biplane the angle of drift and the airspeed— during — X —=6°
T h o t n u r U t t look in*, b r i t flyin* b iplane model you ever «awl C opied
from a L ai/d Speed W in*, rem odeled for m i n e , ř a i t e r th a n th e
• poodle* t p u rs u it s h ip s. K it com es w ith full wx<? layoute, am ple in*
all these operations you should have main' 90 1
stru c tio n s. p a n ts , w heels, cow linc. e tc ., read y to ure. an d a h an d
carv ed b ab u p ro p t h a t looks very m uch like a steel propeller. M od a
tained a constant speed. From the table Reduction of deviation from
ciptiW r o f flight* o f o**r one m inute and ha* repeatedly done so. S pan
2 4 ", w t. 1 Η o t . N o t h e rd to build· T h o equal tn m aterial a n d given in November’s issue of Model Air' 180° to 230° is 6° and
far superior in deehtn to an y 53.75 k it on th e m ark et. Trice CO 5Q
com plete K it P o s t p a id .............. .............................................. v * plane News, which is reproduced here in the deviation on 230° is
The Model B uilders' Guide Figure IV, for the sake of those who miss' therefore ............................ — 3°
H ere Ιλ a p o c k e t s ire !>ook "ch o ck lu ll" of inform ation you d o n 't
lind in th e o th e r m odel books. Give* you tho "low dow n ’ on m odel ed that issue, the windspeed in miles per
deafening. tells you th o aecroU of how o th e r boya act such lone
flight« from m odels t h a t look like yo u r own. P u t o u t a t OCp
thi* special p rice so t h a t e v e ry o n e m ay h ave a c o p y . . . .
hour may be calculated. Compass bearing ....................... 170°
M ystery S hip—39 inch Span For example, if your angle of drift prov* Less deviation ..................... 3°
T hore are m odels an d m odels of th is fam ous low win« sh ip , b u t it
rem ained for Pioneer to develop ono Chat would fly 2000 It., clim b
ed to be 15° and you had been flying at Less variation .....................14° 17°
200 ft., and »tav u p 0 0 seconds. L etters from boys nil over n tte ? t the
F L Y IN G Q U A L IT IE S of th is m odel. Dig! 3 0 " model! In COOC 100 miles per hour, your windspeed would
easy to build k it form , h an d carv e d p ro p etc., p o s tp a id only ν Λ β Ι '
be 27 miles per hour. It may be altcrna- 153°
tivcly proved or checked as shown in Figure 180°
V, although this method would be beyond
the' abilities of a single seatcr pilot to per' Reciprocal hearing ..................... 333°
form since he could not leave the controls.
In this diagram we assume that we were THIS M O N TH ’S QUESTIONS
flying into wind on a course of 40°. When
we turned -crosswind to 130° our drift was 1. Explain why the accurate knowledge
15° to starboard, and our airspeed during of drift or windspeed and direction is e·;-
a» ii n a i om v a a wing sp an a n a wrign* on ly .» os. L/uraiioii this time had been 100 miles per hour. sential to successful air navigation.
87 atconda. You ahould h av e a " c o p y " of th is fam ous speed C l CH
dem on in y o u r collection. C om p lete c ary lo build k it only ▼ *·»*

Big New Catalog J u s t O ut Angle Airspeed-—Miles Per Hour

C om plete nYw c a ta lo g ju s t off th e pres*, show ing world fam ous
models, and m odels developed from th e big N a tio n a l M odel con-
teats. Fully illu stra te d . O ur su p p ly priced are th e low est in C .
A m erica. A sk fo r c a ta lo g F M . coin on ly p lease .............. * ... vW
Drift 60 70 80 90 100 110 . 120

5° 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
H E R E ’S T HE D O PE ! ! 7° 7 9 10 12 13 15 16
Clear Dope. 2 oz.......... 12 l/S "xl/S"x3G ".
Clear Dope, 4 oz.......... 20 10 slrlpH.................. 25
Clear Dope. 1 pt.......... 50 l/S"xl/4"x3G ",
9° 10 11 13 15 17 19 20
(lulek Dry Glue. 2 oz. .20 8 strips......................25
Wire. .Vos. 5. 6 . 2 ft. .01 Rubber. 1/20 squ. 3/32
11° 12 13 16 . 18 20 22 23
1-32" x2" x36". 3 sheets .28 Hat. 1/8 Hat. 2 ft. .01 13° 14 16 18 21 24 26 28
1- 16"x2"x36". 3 sheets .35
Add 10 c to orders under $1 for packing and shipping. 15° 16 19 21 24 27 29 30
Send 2c stamp for price list.
V E S P A M O D E L A IR P L A N E S U P P L Y CO. 17° 19 22 24 27 31 34 37
3307 V irg in ia Dept. D Kansas City, Mo.
19° 21 25 28 31 35 39 42
21° 23 27 31 35 39 43 47

52 ·

Model Air Plane Builders Figure IV.

\V<· otter to Roys and Men everywhere who like to
build model airplanes an exceptional opportunity to Draw line AB. and length, in the dircc' 2. You have steered a course of 35° and
cash in on their experience. For particulars write
tion of 40°, our course into wind, and an- observed a 9° angle of drift to port. On a
N ational Model A irplane & Supply Co. other line AC., 100 miles to scale, at an second course of 90° you find the drift
Dept. 10
29 N orth Ave. New Rochelle, N. Y. angle of 130°, our course cross wind. Line angle is 20° to port. Your airspeed is 90
AD. must next be drawn to represent our miles per hour. Find by the ” double-drift’’
PLANES actual track, 145°, ( 1 3 0 ° + 15° Drift), method your windspeed and direction.
T H A T REALLY FLY when we were flying crosswind. This line 3. In question 2 above, you decide to
ALL-AMERICAN FLYER NO. 1, construction kit com­ may also be any length. Finally from point check your result with a third course of
plete with full size plans ami very clear Instructions for C. draw a line parallel to line AD. and con-
building. $1.50 postpaid. 155°. Here your drift is 10° to port. Pre*
SOARING GLIDER, all parts stamped on balsa wood tinue it until it crosses the line AB. The pare a diagram proving your answer to
ready to rut out. Kit complete. 25c postpaid.
All supplies for model building at lowest prices. point of intersection we will call E. The question 2, showing your third course and
Enclose 2c stamp for free price list.
A ll-A m erican Model A irpla no Supply Company distance, measured to scale, will give you illustrating the effect of the “cocked hat.”
4626 Manistique Avenue Detroit. M ichinan the windspeed; in this case 27 miles per 4. (a) How do you ascertain wind di'
hour which agrees with the table. rection by Method III?
5 FT. FUSELAGE Next month we will deal with further
methods of ascertaining windspeed and di-
(b) At an airspeed of 90 miles per hour
you find your angle of drift to be 19°. Find
MODEL rcction, and also of ascertaining ground'
speed. It is desirable to know all of these,
your windspeed from the table in Fig. IV.
5. Your wind is from 315°. With an
EIGHT M IN U T E F LIG H T S as different methods may be suitable to dif'
TH R E E SEPAR ATE GEARED RUBBER MOTORS airspeed of 90 miles per hour you find that
Bead about this famous plane. Tho Flying Fool, in our ferent circumstances, or one may be used as
new 1931 Bargain Catalogue. Tills edition, just olf tho a check on the other. your angle of drift is 25° to port when you
press, also gives all our new low prices on model fly crosswind at 225°. Prepare a diagram
supplies. Send 5c for your copy.
Country Club Aero Supply Company ANSWERS TO LAST M ONTH’S similar to Figure V showing your wind-
59th and Holmes Sts., K ansas City, Mo. QUESTIONS speed. Check your answer with the tables
"Where your dollar has more Cents” 1. Simultaneous bearings on different in Figure IV.

Gliding and
(Continued from page 8)

Birds, like gliders, are able to land with'

out much jar, since they are comparatively
light. Howeevr, birds sometimes land in
a peculiar way; by slanting their wings
upward and approaching the ground in an
almost vertical line.
This simply means that the bird is stalled,
and is consequently losing altitude; but the
span of his wing is great enough in pro'
portion to his weight so that his descent is
not too rapid.
Birds as Gliders. Birds doubtless began
their flight, in the process of evolution, by
gliding from one tree to another, much as
flying squirrels do. They use gliding now,
as the airplane docs, as a method of losing
Birds as Static Soarers. Birds arc extra'
ordinarily proficient at detecting upward air
currents. Although the smaller birds seem
unable to soar, albatrosses, eagles, storks,
buzzards, ravens, gulls and others commonly
Development In
Note Cowling
On Travel A ir
“ Mystery Ship’ ’

may be seen making figure eights over ris'

ing currents.
A bird, while proceeding in a circular
path, docs not maintain a constant angle of
Model Airplane History
bank. When he is facing into the wind, or Madison Model Airplanes Score
against it, he adjusts his bank so that the Another Engineering Triumph
wind will neither ruffle his feathers nor
drive him outside of the stream of air in
which he is soaring. Frequently, birds soar
H ERE is an N.A.C.A. cowling that is sure to take the country by storm. Look at the
picture above—NOTE THE DUMMY MOTOR, see how closely this cowling resembles the
ones used on the record-breaking planes of today. It has a finished appearance that wood
and celluloid cannot imitate, for it is matle of ALUMINUM, exactly the same as the ones
almost sideways, wings into the wind. used on full sized airplanes. Because this unit Is a thrust Itearlng ns well as a cowling. It
docs away with motor sticks and motor stick installation, thus saving you hours of tedious work.
Birds as Dynamic Soarers. Although the Simply glue it on to the front bulkhead of the fuselage and your entire job Is done. No plane
Is complete without this extraordinary improvement. Order yours NOW!
remarkable skill of birds is revealed by their
ability for static soaring, a still greater skill
Size of cow ling: D iam eter, 3 "; D epth, 2 ". P ack ed in
lies in their ability to travel long distances
by means of occasional upward currents.
Sea gulls when they follow in the wakes
cardboard box w ith m ounting in stru c tio n s.
dered separately add 5c for packing and postage.
If o r­
of ocean liners, have various methods of TRAVEL AIR “MYSTERY SH IP”
relieving the tedium of long flights. 24" Wing Span
If the wind strikes the vessel broadsides, Build a model of the famous record breaking Travel
resulting in a rising current, the gull soars Air Mystery Ship and treat yourself to n thrill that
comes but once in a lifetime. Wo sincerely believe
into the wind to gain height, then turns and that this kit Is the llnost in the entire model making
Held, ami when you see It. we are sure that you will
glides in the direction in which the steamer agree witli us. Nowhere else can you get the superb
value ottered in this kit. It contains an aluminum
is going until he loses his momentum. He X.A.C.A. cowling pictured above, full size irtans and
repeats this process countless times. Instructions, celluloid wheels, easy-to-form wheel
pants. - oz. can red model dope, extra large tube
If the ship heads into the wind, the wind colorless cement, extra light covering tis­
continuously rushing downward to fill the
sue. and many other features. Order yours
NOW! The price is only............. » $ 2.50
partial vacuum left at the ship’s stern re'
bounds, causing an upward current in the TH REE-IN -O N E KIT
ship’s wake.
Here are those Hying stick models you’ve been
Gulls have been known to soar for miles wanting to build for a long time. No matter how
many of these you've built already, you're sure to
behind a steamer in such a wind, holding get a kick out of these light, high performance
models. This kit contains plans and Instructions
their wings motionless, being supported by ami all materials necessary to build a IIIf 111
the rising stream of air, and gaining for' PERFORMANCE R.O.O.. a SENIOR R.O.O.. and
ward motion by inclining the leading edges price for these three mode's Is LESS
of their wings slightly downward. Shear'
than some companies are asking for the
last plane alone. Three in one K it... $ 1-00
waters soar long distances by making use
of the rising currents of air, at the surface GLIDER KIT. contains all wood cut to exact shape, tube of colorless cement,
weights, new adjustable wing device, and instructions. The price is so low that
of the water, caused by waves. you can git two or three of them at a time, less than you'd have to pay
elsewhere for one. Price......... ; ....................................................................................
Conclusion. Birds are the master soarers.
They arc built for stability and grace of
flight and arc sensitive to every air current.
If the airplane could combine the airworthy
H ig h e s t
Q uality.
F a s te s t
points of the bird, with its own tireless S e rv ic e. You Send
motor, it would be a splendid vehicle in'
L o w est
P rices. 138 Livingston St., Brooklyn, N. Y. F o r P rice
L is t

Another absorbing chapter on Gliding

and Soaring next month.

SAVE MONEY Airplane Designing Course

A N D BUY YOUR (Continued from page 20)
Compare these prices before stream from the propcllor docs not strike gan to spin flat, and refused, in spite of the
the tail surfaces. They are operating in efforts of the pilot, to come out.
you buy elsewhere virtually “dead air” and, hence, arc nearly The sand boxes, however, were fitted with
1/32" X 2" X 36"....................................................$11.10 persheetuseless. That is what makes the flat spin doors which could be controlled from the
1/16" X 2" X 3G".........................................................10 i>crslieot so dangerous. At times the ship itself tries pilot's cockpit, so that they could be emp­
1/8" X 2" X 3 6 "......................................................... 15 persheet
1/32" X 3" X 3G"................................................20 per sheet to stay in the spin, with the controls actual· tied when necessary. It was found that
1/1G" X 3" X 36"............................................... 20 per sheet
1/8" X 3" X 3G"............................................... 25 per sheet ly working against the pilot, often with when these boxes were emptied the ship
1/2" X 3" X 30"................................................35 per sheet powerful forces! came out of the spin readily! This ought
2" X 3" X 36"............................................... 80 por sheet
Special Bundle of 25 Sticks Sometimes as much as 150 pounds pres­ to prove, conclusively, that weight distribut­
1/4" X 1/1" X 3 0 ".........................................................$1.10
1/8" X 1/8" X 3 0 "..............................................................55 sure must be applied to the control stick to ed along the fuselage makes for bad spin­
PROP. BLOCKS get it in a favorable position for coming ning characteristics.
1/2" X 7/8" X 0 " ................................................... $0.01 Ea.
1" X 1" X 8" ................................................................00 Ea. out of the spin. It has also been found that weight dis­
15/10" X 1-1/1" X 10-1/2".......................................07 Ea. tributed vertically, such as placement of the
3/1" X 1-1/4" X 12".................................................. 10 Ea. W hat makes a ship flat spin? That is
1-1/1" X 2" X 12"...................................................... 1$ Ea. somewhat of a moot point. There have gas tanks in the wing of a high wing mono­
Ambroid Cement ...................................... $ .25 2 Oz. Pan
Banana Liquid ........................................ $ .10 2 Oz. Bottle been many different opinions put forth. It plane, is helpful. It also has been demon­
Music wire No. G- řlo. 8-14.........................$0.01 Per Ft.
Japan Tissue ................................................$0.05 Per Sheet was announced, a few years ago, that mono­ strated that weight carried in the wings,
or 0 sheets for.............................................................$0.25 such as the wing motors of a trimotor job,
Para Rubber planes were incapable of flat spinning.
1/8" Flat .................................................. $1.40 Por Skein Lately, however, several monoplanes have is of great aid. These distributions of
.015 Sq........................................................ 1.25 Per Skein
3/10" Flat ............................................... 1.60 Per Skein proved themselves capable of doing just weight affect the spinning of a ship by gov­
that, thereby showing that something was erning its stability and also by their effect
SPECIA L OFFER wrong with someone’s deductions. upon the progression of moments once the
Thrust Bearimr, 2 Washers. Propeller Shaft, Front
and Rear Win« Clips, Can and Rear Hook............. It is evident that the flat spin is a form ship is in a spin.
20c or 3c Each
of autorotation. It is safe to say that it is It has been found that low wing mono­
10 c Packing Charges on orders less than 50c.
an advanced form, since it follows a nor­ planes are likely to give spinning trouble.
N A T IO N A L B A L S A C O . mal spin and occurs at a higher angle of This is because of the concentration of
615 W ood S tre e t W ilkinslnirg, P a . attack. But just why should a ship in a weight, but it is entirely possible to over­
normal spin suddenly decide to go into a come this tendency by well designed tail
3 SPECIAL VALUES flat spin? Usually there are a number of surfaces and a long tail.
A good small flight piano with prop, wheels
and plans, complete kit ................................$1.50 factors contributing to the change. If a ship—in this case, a biplane—is
Robin cabin plane with carved prop, wheels, a The distribution of weight has been gen­ poorly rigged it is possible that trouble will
beauty, for ................................................... 2.50
King of all cabin piano, celluloid wheels, prop, erally accepted as an important factor, al­ be encountered with flat spinning. I have
engine and plans ........................................ 5.00
For above plans, 50c each. though this, too, has been disputed. Pro­ in mind a well known biplane, built several
Deduct 5 per cent If ordered before March 10th.
V IC T O R A E R O CO. gression of moments has certainly a power­ years ago, that could not be made to spin
2333 Franklin St. St. Louis, Mo. ful influence. It should perhaps be explain­ when properly rigged. Yet, if the wings
ed that the term “ Progression of Moments” were a bit out of line from poor rigging, the
3 FT. BO W LU S G LID ER refers to the moments set up about a de­ ship was found to flat spin easily. That
A 36" tapered wing model of the famous Bowlua
soarer. All Balsa construction with demountable finite axis by the rotation. case shows us that painstaking care when
wings. Can be adjusted for 30 ft. diam. loops, turns, We have all swung a pail of water around working on an airplane always pays big
and soaring flights. Has a gliding angle of 15 to 1.
Can bo assembled in '.4 hr. after receiving. and around until it was rotating in a hori­ dividends.
The kit Is seml-constructed.
Plans and kit for 36" plane...................................75o zontal plane, and yet the water remained in It is possible, by advanced engineering, to
Plans and kit for 24" piano...................................50c
Postpaid In It. S. A. the pail. Centrifugal force held it there. design an airplane that will not spin at
O L IV E R P . D U N S T A N And centrifugal force is nothing more than all. This is done by the general procedure
53 Vlncwootl Avenue Pontiac, M ich.
the tendency of a body to continue moving of designing powerful tail surfaces, and by
in a straight line once it has been started, arranging the weights of the ship so that
and to resist any change of direction. they will not be conductive to spinning.
When a body is rotating it is continually When a ship designed in this way is stalled
Send u s your namo a n d a d d re s s fo r full inform ation
regardin g th o A viation an d Airplano b u sin o ss. Find changing direction; therefore a powerful it merely noses down of its own accord,
o u t a b o u t th e many g ro a t o p p o rtu n ities now opon and force is set up. Now, in our spinning air­ without any tendency to fall off into a spin.
how wo p re p a re you a t hom o, d u rin g sp aro tlm o, to
qualify. O ur new book " O p p o rtu n ities in tho Airplane plane, we have several bodies, the motor, This is a valuable characteristic, but many
In dustry ” also s e n t freo if you an sw er a t onco.
AMERICAN SCHOOL OF AVIATION gas tanks, structure of the ship, pilot, etc. engineers believe that a ship should be able
O o p t. 3153 3 6 0 1 M ic h i g a n A v o ., C H IC A G O All of these bodies resist the continual to spin, but should be so designed that the
change of direction of motion as the ship pilot may bring it out of a spin instantly.
CUT RATE BALSA spins, and all of them set up forces of
varying strengths. These forces have a
Their argument is that when you design a
ship that cannot be spun you also design a
PRICES great deal to do with the flat-spin.
Since the location of the various bodies
ship that is hard for the pilot to handle
under certain conditions.
Quality Selected can easily be seen to have a lot to do with For example, we know that we can de­
SELEC TED SH EE T BA LS A the forces set up, we find that the distribu­ sign a plane with very great stability. We
G sheets 1/32" x 4" x IS" ...........$.80 or 15c each sheet tion of weight docs, after all, affect the can design a plane so stable, in fact, that it
6 sheets 1/20” x 4" x 48"........... 05 or 18c each sheet
6 sheets 1/10” x 4" x 4 8 "........................ 1.00 or 20 c eachsheetprogression of moments. The subject is will definitely “ fly itself.” But here we run
6 sheets 1/8” x 4" x 18"........................1.35 or 25c eachsheet
rather obscure at first, but the term really into trouble. If we have a ship that will
CO Strips 1/10” X 1/10" X 2 1 "---- $.20 or >,ic each atrip refers to tire moments that these forces to fly itself— and they have been built—we
50 strips 1/10” X 1/8" x 2 4 "........... 25 or 8 strips for 6c which I have mentioned exert about some have a ship that always wants to fly itself,
50 strips 1/10” x 3/16" X 21"..........30 or G strips for 5c
50 strips 1/10” X l / l " X 24"............35 or G strips for 5c axis which is taken for reference. The basic and one that is very difficult to maneuver
50 strips 1/8” x 1/8" x 2 1 "............ 30 or Gstrips for 5c
50 strips 1/S" x 3/16" x 2 4 ".............35 or 0 strips for 5c part of it all is weigTlt distribution. rapidly.
50 strips 1/8" x 1/4" x 2 4 ".............40 or 1 strips for 5c
50 strlj» 1/8" X 5/16" X 24".............45 or 4 strips for 5c It has been generally accepted that distri­ We can design a ship in which the pilot,
21 strips 3/16" x 3/10" x 24"..........20 or lc each strip bution of weight along the longitudinal axis try as he may, cannot make a three point
24 Strips 3/10" x 1/1" x 24"............25 or 4 strips for 5c
24 strips 3/10" X 5/10" x 2 4 ".......... 30 or 3 strips for 5c of the airplane—along the fuselage—is con­ landing! We can design a ship that cannot
21 strips 3/10" X 3/8" x 2 4 "............. 35 or 1 strips for 7c
24 strips 1/4" x 1/1" x 2 4 "............ 25 or 4 strips for 5c ductive to bad spinning characteristics. be turned without a very great deal of effort
24 strips 1/4" x 3/8" x 24".............35 or 2 strips for 3c
24 strips 1/4" x 1/2" x 24"............ 45 or 2c each strip Some years ago experiments were made (by on the part of the pilot. We can design a
Ten (10c) postage and packing charge must tie in­ the Navy, if I am not mistaken) in which ship that cannot be stunted to any extent.
cluded in all orders. Not responsible if lost In mall.
Add 5c for Insurance If desired. Only postal money boxes of sand were placed far back in the But when wc do this we have designed a
orders accepted. No order under 50c accepted.
Your orders promptly tilled. fuselage. The ship took off, climbed to a ship that is difficult to handle and may be,
LONG BEACH BALSA SYNDICATE safe altitude, and was thrown into a spin. at times, actually dangerous.
Dept. A, 548 W. 6th Street, Long Beach, Calif. After several turns of a normal spin it be­ For at some time or other the ship will
March, i 93 i MODEL AIRPLANE HEWS 43

get in a tight place, such as coming down erful single influence in controlling the ship Going back to the distribution of weight,
in the fog to find oneself in a canyon with in a stall is the rudder. Since all spins arc we have also learned that weight distributed
a mountain looming up directly ahead, the result of stalls, we can make use of this vertically is of aid in the matter of spin'
where, to save himself, the pilot has to re' fact. We design a ship with a powerful ning. This is shown in Figure 4, where we
sort to sudden and violent maneuvers. rudder moment, which does not necessarily see the gas tank placed in the wing of a
Thus we find that pursuit ships, especially mean that it has a large rudder, but rather high wing monoplane. This, however,
designed for easy and extremely rapid man' means that the rudder, if it is not large, is doesn’t help the model builder, since he is
cuvering, are not, as a rule, very stable. placed at some little distance from the cen* rarely able to make use of gasoline motors.
Commercial ships are more stable, but even ter of gravity. As a general rule, however, these methods
these arc sufficiently maneuverable for most Then, with the powerful rudder holding are not necessary, in model designing at
purposes. Wc see, then, that although it the ship straight in a stall, we can be quite least. A wclhplanned ship, with ample tail
is possible to design ships that will fly them' sure that it will not spin badly. surfaces and a good degree of stability, will
selves, this is not done to any extent. There are other ways. Remembering be found practically free from bad spinning
The engineers who believe that ships characteristics. Freak designs, however, and
what we have learned in this article about
should be capable of spinning argue along the distribution of weight, wc can design experimental designs, often develop the most
the same lines, saying that when you have exasperating faults in regard to spinning.
our ships so that they will resist spins by
a ship that cannot be spun you have sacri' I once built a fairly large model, with a
proper placing of weight. As shown in
ficed something else of value to get that wing of something like five foot spread and
Figure 3, wc can build a trimotor job, for
characteristic. eight inch chord, that gave me a lot of trou'
example, with wing motors. This distri'
It is a fact that the more modern ships ble. The ship was a pusher, driven by a
butes the weight along the wings, and is
arc liable to flat spin. It is also a fact that single rubber motor. It flew very slowly, so
helpful in preventing spins.
this flat spinning characteristic can, and is, slowly indeed that it was often forced back
taken out of the ship by careful designing. In line with this topic, I have for some by the breeze. The trouble was that it stall·
That is what concerns the model airplane time toyed with the idea of budding a model cd if not adjusted properly, and, once stall·
builder most. How can we keep our ships airplane on the line of the flying wing, with ed, it promptly went into a very flat spin,
from spinning? It is entirely possible to the motor stick actually contained in the and came slowly down, whirling around as
design a model that will not spin. Many wing and with the propeller operated by it came, until it struck the ground. The
commercial airplanes on the market today gears. The tail, of course, would have to ship was a freak design.
will not spin unless deliberately rolled in a be placed on booms. Its weight was distributed along the longl·
stall by the pilot. ' This kind of a job would cut parasite tudinal axis almost entirely. I tried putting
Other ships on the market cannot be spun resistance to a minimum and would also be, on large rudders, a larger elevator, and se\"
at all, as mentioned above. The model if well designed, very stable. The difficulty eral other things, without much success.
builder, however, is chiefly interested in dc' lies in getting suitable gears for the prop. Finally, as an experiment, I placed small
signing his ship so that it will stall nor' Most of those obtainable are either weak, weights on the wings, about half-way out
maily; that is, so that it will fall out of a subject to wear, or are far too heavy. from the fuselage. After that the ship did
stall with wings nearly level, and will show Nevertheless, I’m passing the idea along, in not spin at all, although the weights of
no tendency to spin. That is not hard to the hope that some experimenter will try course cut down its performance. That
do. placing his motor inside the wing, across the shows the effect of distribution of weight
As wc learned last month, the most pow' entire span, and will be successful with it. on spinning characteristics.

Your Dealer W ill Tell You:
—That W estern A ircraft products give sat'
isfaction because they are designed by real
—That W estern A ircraft models and sets
are practically craslvproof.
—That because of their light weight and re'
silient design, W estern A ircraft models
may be flown head-on into any obstruction
without “cracking up.”
—That nearly anybody’s model will fly—once!
But that W estern A ircraft models arc as
perfect after the hundredth flight as before the “National Champion*’ R.O.G.
first! Wing Span 14", Weight 1/5 ounce


( w holesale o n ly )

4 1 3 7 W . P ico S tr e e t Los A ngeles, C a lifo rn ia

The Grant Minute Man
(Cojitinued from page 32)
is in place, one at the front end and one correct run of the grain.
over the rear end, or you may use pins as Now when you have done this, prick
in diagram 4. holes through the paper and into the balsa
Take one of the ribs and smear the top wood with a pin, following the outline of
curved edge with cement. Then press the the fin as shown by the heavy line in the
rib into position directly on the line nearest diagram. When you have pin pricked the
to one of the ends, the high point of the rib outline on the wood, draw the outline of the
tOvthe front. Pull down the front and rear fin on it, following the pin marks. Then
wing edges tight to the rib and push a paper cut out the fin with a sharp pen knife as
clip over each end. (The large loop of the shown by the pencil line. This can best be
dip should he over the top of the wing.) done by cutting away the wood from the
This holds the wing down to the rib better fin a little at a time.
Finest scale fl.vins model ever produced. Exact
reproduction of large plane and tested for flight. 17 than when the small loop is over the wing, This is made of the 1/32 inch steel wire,
Inch wing spread, oz. weight. Complete kit con­ bent to the shape and dimensions shown in
tains all matorial. Many parts such as rile, nose (sec diagram 4).
blocks, metal parts, radiator, sides, etc., entirely or diagram 8. Make this carefully. Measure
partially llnished. All wood cut to exact size, full Take one of the wings and with the edge
size plans, pair celluloid wheels, extra dope, Jap of a ruler, crease it straight across one end each length with precision, using the round
tissue, etc.
C om plete k it only $2.50, postpaid. on the top or convex side, one half inch in nosed pliers to make the bends. When
C R E S C E N T M O D E L A IR C R A F T CO. from the straight, unrounded end as shown making the bends (A ) and (B) diagram 8,
1805 B enson A venue, B rooklyn, N . Y . by line (M -N), diagram 1. Crease it use the points of the pliers and make the
enough by pressing down hard on the ruler bends sharp.
MODEL AIRPLANE MATERIAL and drawing it across the balsa, back and The wheels are made from hard wood.
Big bundle of sample stock containing various sizes forth several times, but do not cut through IV4" in diameter and l/g" thick as shown in
of balsa and other wood. Hat and square rubber
strands, music wire, Japanese tissue, reeds, round the wood. Bend up the small one-half inch diagram 9. The shaft hole at the center is
wood, bamboo and our low prices on model airplane 1/32" in diameter.
supplies. Balsa stock is IS" long. Sent postpaid flap to about forty-five degrees. (See Dia­
for 25c.. flvo bundles for $1.00. When the landing gear is shaped and the
If you wish our price list only send 2c stamp. Here gram 2.)
is a sample of our prices on balsa W ’ x % " x 20 " Crease the second wing sheet in the same wheels made, put one wheel on one end of
at le per piece.
AERO SHOP manner, on the top or convex side. The the wire (S) and bend this end up sharply
3050 H u rlb u t Avo. Detroit, M ich. as indicated by the dotted line to (S1) dia­
ends of each wing should look alike (M -N),
diagram 2. Now the wings are to be joined gram 9.
O u tfit com plete for 2 to 3-12" m o d els........... 55 You are now ready to make the wire
O u tfit com plete for 1-12" m o d el.......................30 at the center by overlapping the flaps and
R ubber, no lu b rica n t needed, special 28 ft. .25 cementing them together as shown in dia­ parts so they will be ready when you finally
Send only U . S. m oney o r M . O. start to assemble your plane. In diagram
P o sta g e .05 e x tra. grams 1 and 5. The crease in each wing
end should come exactly together. To do 10, you will see drawings of all the parts,
E. H . T im m erm an this operation, cover both the turned up full size. Shape them exactly as they are
3163 CLIFFORD A V EN U E flaps with the waterproof cement, the top shown, making your bends with small,
LATONIA, KY. of one and the bottom of the other. The round nose pliers.
cement should cover the portion of the wing You can start with the propeller shaft.
Write For O ur Advertising Rates shown by the cross-hatched lines in diagram This is made of a piece of 1/32" (31/1000)
1, on one wing and the corresponding bot­ steel wire two and three-eighths inches long.
LOOK FELLOWS tom portion of the second half wing. The Next shape the tail skid from 1/32 inch
Given P la n C ity of C hicago
w ith e v ery a irp la n e c a ta ­ cement must be spread on very quickly and steel wire as shown in diagram 10. The
logue in q u iry for only 10c the two creased sections, diagram 2, pressed Can is made from a piece of the fine 1/64
T a n k , 3x3x24" .......... $4.50 tightly together immediately as in figures 1 inch wire, about one and V4 inches long.
M otor ......................... 3.25 and 5. You now hold the cemented sur­
K nockdow n Kit ___ 1.50 The wing clips also are made of the fine
Post paid. faces in place with four paper clips at point 1/64 inch wire, exactly the shape and size
M odel A v ia to r P ro d u cts (X ) in diagrams 1 and 5, being sure that shown in the drawing, diagram 10. There
9 W, Illin o is St.· Chicago. III.
both wings slant upward from the point should he two clips as shown, one with long
Boys! Have You Ever Built where they are creased, diagram 2, the ends legs for the rear of the wing and the short
being raised two inches as shown. legged one for the front.
Any Real Model Airplanes? Cut out the stabilizer from the third balsa The motor shackle (or “S” hook) is il­
Up-to-date models at low prices: Lockheed Vega.
Curtiss Hawk. Supermarine. Vought Corsair, Lockliuod
sheet (1 /3 2 " X 3 " X 11") to the shape lustrated in diagram 10, and is made of
I.ow Wing, all fully complete construction sets—each shown in diagram 6. First cut out a rec­ 1/32" wire and shaped exactly as shown in
Í3.00 P. P. Blueprints alone for above. COe. Slkontky
Amphibian Blueprints, $1.0». Pneumatic ltubbor-Tircd tangular piece 73/4 inches long and 23/e the drawing, which is full size.
Wheels 2"—50c; l% " —35c: 1 ! i " —25c per set.
FLA T B U S H M OD EL A IR C R A F T CO. inches wide. (ABCD) diagram 6. Mea­ The propeller is the most difficult task of
714 Foster Ave. Brooklyn. N. Y. sure in from the sides (A-D) along (A-B) all. First cut out the blank from a thick
H EW SC IEN TIFIC W O N D E R 1 3/16 inches and mark point (M ). Now piece of Vs" balsa with the outline as shown
measure down perpendicularly at (Μ ) 1 in diagram 11. When you have the blank
3/16 inches and mark point (O ). Now finished, bore the shaft hole at the center
place the point of your compasses on the 1/32 inch in diameter, as shown in diagram
point (O ) and spread them, 1 3/64 inches, 11. You arc now ready to cut the pro­
3 for 25c B IG Fu drawing the arc of the circle (M-R-N). peller from the blank.
You apparently seo thru Clothes. Wood,
K3 K J a 9 SUmo. any object. Seo Bonen in Flesh, Do the same with the other end of your Study the diagram and notice how it 13
FREE Pkg. radio picture Aims, takes pictures without stabilizer and cut away the wood outside
camera. ' ‘You’ll like ’em.” I pkg. with each 25c order. progressively cut; first the concave face on
M arvel M fg. Co., D ept. 93, N ew H av en , Conn. these lines. You should now have your one blade is shaped, then the concave face
stabilizer with the shape shown by the heavy of the second. Then the convex face is
JUST line in diagram 6.
You have a small piece of the balsa sheet
left from which you can cut out the fin and
shaped down to make the propeller blade
the proper thickness, about l/g inch thick
near the hub and progressively thinner to­


5c BRINGS YOU Our New 1931 Bargain Catalogue.
rudder. A very good way to lay out the
outline of this on the wood, so that you can
cut it to the proper shape is to put the
wards the tips, where they are about 1/32
inch thick. Leave a hub at the center of
the propeller as shown. It should now look
Complete description in this edition of The Flying Fool balsa sheet directly under the drawing (dia­ like Fig. B.
—the 8 -Miiintc Jhiration, 5 ft. fuselage plane. Rtad
about its three geared rubber motors. Catalogue also gram 7) so that it is centered properly over Be sure that both blades arc the same
quotes all our new low prices.
the wood sheet, the grain running in an up thickness and weight. Finish your work
Country Club Aero Supply Company
59th and Holmes Sts., Kansas City, Mo. and down direction, t h i s IS IMPORTANT. down with fine sand paper. The propeller
"W b e rt your Joller has more Cents” The arrows on the drawing show you the should look like Fig. (C) when finished.

Our next step is to assemble the wire the wing clips to the wing by forcing the fin, M, diagram 14, then thread the motor
parts to the frame. The propeller bearing short turned down ends down through the through the can by slipping the motor
and landing gear arc first attached to the wood of the wing at the center. The front shackle with the rubber still in place
front of the stick. To do this, put plenty or short legged one is located */4 inch from through the can from the front side. Then
of the cement on the front end of the stick the front or leading edge of the wing and rchook the shackle with motor attached, to
and on the bottom, so that when the right directly over the center crease, the prongs the rear motor hook. It should look as
angular propeller bearing (B) is pressed forced through the double thickness of wood shown in diagram 14.
into place as shown in diagram 13, it will where the two halves of the wing overlap Put the stabilizer in place by resting it
be held by the cement. Now wind about as in diagram 5. The rear or long legged up against the bottom side of the stick di'
four or five loops of thread around the clip is located j/4 inch in front of the rear rectly under the fin and pulling the loop of
stick and bearing as at (T ) diagram 13. or trailing edge of the wing, the prongs or the rubber band M 'N, hanging from the
Cease winding while you place the loop (V ) ends of the wire clip being pressed down stick in front of the fin down below the
diagrams 8 and 13 of the landing gear up through the wood of the wing. It should stabilizer, back under it and then looping it
into position for attachment against the bot- be directly over the center crease of the up over and around the rear end of the
tom of the aluminum bearing (B), then con' wing. When they arc in position, cover motor stick to the rear of the motor hook
tinuc winding the thread around the nose the protruding prongs (A ) and the should' as shown by dotted line in· diagram 14.
of the stick, but now, also around the loop ers (B) with plenty of cement and set the Adjust the stabilizer so it is straight in posi'
of the landing gear while you arc holding wing aside for them to dry. tion on the frame stick.
it in the proper position, (T ), diagram 13. When all the cemented joints of the If the wing clips are secure and the ce­
Next put the Can on the stick at (P) frame have thoroughly dried, you can start ment-on them dry, press the frame stick
diagram 14 with the loop sticking up above the final assembly. First you hook the hook down into the slots of the clips so the
the stick as shown. of the propeller shaft through the hole in short clip is toward the propeller or front
You now put the tail skid on the rear the propeller bearing from the front side end of the machine and about four or five
end of the motor stick at (D ). As shown, but not until you slip the small washer inches from it. Now if the machine bah
the stick fits into the middle loop of the over the shaft so the washer will be be' ances in a horizontal position when it is
wire. Push it into it firmly with the motor tween the propeller and the tearing, dia' suspended on the tips of the two fingers
hook on the TOP of the stick and the tail gram 13. placed on the center line of the wing and
skid hanging down below it. Cover the The motor is composed of four strands one on each side of the center of the wing,
wire with cement where it comes into con- of 1/32" by l/g" rubber thread about sixty' point B, the wing is in the proper position
tact with the wood in order to hold it tight' three inches long, or sixteen strands of 1/32 for stable flights. If not, move the wing
ly in place. inch square rubber (about twenty-one feet along the stick until this condition exists.
The fin or rudder can now be put on the long). Put on 16 strands if the 1/32" Now you are ready to fly your “ship.”
stick by covering the right hand side (the square rubber is used. Be sure the wing, stabilizer and fin. are
side opposite to the one you face in the When the motor is completed, unhook straight and true and not warped. Now
drawing) with cement and stick the rudder the motor from the rear motor hook by un- wind up the propeller, putting at first about
to it as shown in the diagram with the hooking the motor shackle from this hook. 325 turns on the rubber motor if you are
straight edge of the fin flush with the bot' Now loop a rubber band around over the winding it by hand. If you are winding it
tom of the stick. fin and rear end of the motor stick so it with a winder you may safely put 575 turns
While the frame joints arc drying, attach hangs from the stick just in front of the on the motor.

H e re ’s A nother
F ea th erw eig h t Model

The “Columbia”
26 in. W ing Span M odel of the
T ra n s -A tla n tic A irplane

Complete Construction Set:

H ere’s a Model that will give you all kinds of sp o rt! A
wonderful Model reproduction of a famous airplane; the
latest of ID EA L’S marvelous Featherweight creations.
Weighs only IV2 oz. complete. Fuselage sides come stamped
out to shape; has built-up, double-surface wings with
stamped wing tip s; special, low-pitch, high-speed propeller;
nosing ready to shape and parts to make a dummy motor.
Everything complete in a fine Construction Set, including full-size plans
Did You Build Your and clear instructions. And all for only $1.00. Ask your dealer for the
“COLUMBIA,” or send your order direct.
Qet the I D E A L C a ta lo g o f N ew M odels
“EAGLET”! Send 5 cents for our big, 48-page catalog of Models, Parts, Fittings,
Thousands of Model Builders have put Materials and Supplies for builders; get information about ID E A L ’S many
this little ship together and had a lot of fun new Model Airplanes.
with it. It’s a 20 in. Cabin Type Plane, IDEAL A E R O PLA N E & SUPPLY CO M PA N Y .
Featherweight Model, all Balsawood. Com­ "The Most Reliable Name In Model Airplanes for More Than Twenty Years"
plete Construction Set, only......................50c 20-24 W est 1 9 th Street, N e w Y ork C ity
(See previous numbers of this magazine Send Canadian Mail Order to—Canadian Model Aircraft. 344 Victoria Arc., Montreal.
for detailed description.) Canadian Prices, 30% higher.

Dad’s Smoking
(Continued from page 36)
are used. A couple of handfuls of these
brads and a small pot of the glue will be
sufficient to complete a good job. Either
clear your bench or a space on the floor
which is level and smooth, so that this work
may be done on a smooth, flat surface.
Follow these instructions carefully, for
the procedure in assembling the stand has
a great deal to do with the result. If ccr-
tain pieces were attached at the wrong time,
considerable trouble would be had in at­
taching those to follow.
We first attach the magazine partition
boards to the base. This work should be
done on the floor, using newspapers to
guard against the stock marring the floor.
The two partition boards arc stood on their
ends on the floor and the base board is
Very Special Offer laid across them. When in this position,
check to sec that they fit perfectly and that
H e re ’s a w onderful offer. “ L ittle H ercules
special stea m engine. M ade by “ W ccden, the length of the partition boards and the
w orld’s leading m aker. T h is engine is of fine width of the base board arc equal.
q u a lity a n d highly finished in b rig h t colors.
H as h e av y fly-w heel, sm o o th -ru n n in g piston Remove the base board, coat the ends of
and h eav y cylinder. S tro n g boiler a n d fittin g s. the two partition boards and the base board
L a rg e fire box. Pu lley wheel th a t w ill ru n
m echanical to y s like E rec to r, M eccano, etc. with glue, and replace in position. The best
R u n s on alcohol or canned h eat. Λ big, side of the base board has already been
P O W E R F U L , h ig h -q u a lity , stea m engine.
J u s t w h at y o u ’ve been w aitin g for—and marked “Top” and it is this side which is
you can h av e it F R E E ! R ead special offer. joined to the partition boards, and should,
SENSATIONAL therefore, be coated with the glue where it
comes in contact with the partition boards.
STORIES Drive the brads from the bottom face of
T h e O p e n R o a d f o r B o y s is a
SO-page boys’ m agazine iu st
the base board through its top face and in
cram m ed b rim fu l o f th rills. T h e the partition boards. Space the brads about
k in d o f b lo o d -s tirrin g stories y o u ’ve been looking 2" apart. When nailing, test with your try-
fo r. T ales o f h ig h a d v e n tu re on land a n d sea. A ir square to sec that the partition boards and
stories th a t tak e y o u r b re a th aw ay, o f w a r pilots the base form right angles at their joint.
in d e ath ly c o m b a t above th e clouds, o f m ail
pilo t heroes. S p o rt stories, school stories, talcs It will not be necessary to use a nail set on
o f d is ta n t ju n g le lands, etc. N o o th e r m agazine these nails, as the legs cover them, but
has stories like these. Best joke page published. make sure that they arc driven in flush with
W o rld -w id e co rresp o n d en ce c lu b , frie n d s in the wood. Do not touch the excess glue
fo reig n lands, stam p s, boy m ech an ic, tells you
how to m ak e all th e th in g s you w a n t, O P E N R O A D P IO N E E R C L U B ; best dope on h u n t­
which will ooze out of the joints at this
ing, fishing, cam p in g. C o n te sts galore w ith p rizes fo r all. E x tra m oney. O n e w hale o f a time, but allow it to harden thoroughly.
m agazine say 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 readers. R ed blooded stories f o r red blooded h e boys. R ead special A fter the brads arc all driven in, test again
offer. with your try-square, see that it is per­
Special Offer, R e g u la r su b sc rip tio n p rice to O p e n R o a d fo r B o y s is $1
year, (h a lf o f o th e rs ). T o m ake new frien d s we w ill send
fectly assembled, and do not touch until
the glue is hardened. However, we need
yo u th e m ag azin e f o r a w hole y ear, tw elv e f a t issues fo r $1— and send you this w o n d e rfu l not waste this time while waiting for the
steam engine F R E E . T h is is A « I* T1 Ά»3Γ D o n ’t w ait,
base and partition boards to harden. Stand
a g re a t offer. A c t q u ic k ly . Ά β «Β U W ▼▼ G et y o u r steam
engine a n d hav e y o u r f u n r ig h t n o w . A sk D ad . H e ’ll tell you W ceden means top q u a lity the two side boards up on their ends in the
and h e ’ll tell y o u w h a t a g ra n d offer th is is. Send coupon today. B ack comes y o u r steam same manner and place the top over their
engine and y o u r first th rillin g issue o f th e opposite ends, exactly as you did with the
O p e n R o a d fo r B o y s M a g a z in e . Y ou’ll be first assembly.
g re a tly pleased w ith b o th steam engine
[X s and m agazine. S atisfaction g u aranteed or
m oney back. ake sure that the hinge grooves arc in

USE COUPON M the position shown in the plans. Pro­

ceed to glue and nail in the same manner
...................................... explained above. Test with your try-square
and leave in correct position to harden.
Leave both these assembling jobs in posi­
tion for twenty-four hours. The next opera­
Canadian Postage 25c extra. Foreign 50c extra.
Open R oad for B oys M ag azin e—D ept. 55, 1 tion is the attaching of the legs to the base.
130 N ew bury S tre e t, B oston, M ass. Lay the legs flat on the floor and place the
F rie n d s: H e re ’s m y dollar ($1). You bet I w an t to g ra b base in position over them, testing to see
th is offer! R ush m y stea m engine to me and p u t me
down lor a y e ar for th e Open RoaJ for Boys Magazine. that the length of the legs and the width
of the base arc equal.
N am e ............. Remove the base, coat the top of the
S tre e t ............. legs and the portions of the base which
come in contact with them, replace in posi­
Tow n or C ity. S ta te . tion, and drive home the brads. These are
driven from the side of the base marked
“Top” through it, and in the top of the
legs. Space the brads about 1" apart. Set
aside to harden.
The back of the stand is next attached.

This fits between the two side boards and

the top and base boards. Apply glue to all
the edges of the back board and to the top,
base and side boards where these come in
contact with the back. Place the work on
the floor on one of its sides, drive nails
through the side into the back, turn it over
and do the same through the other side.
OH, BOY! H e re ’s th e v e ry plane you’ve
Now stand it on the top and drive the been looking for! T h is S ilver Ace Model is
W in th is beautiful
brads through the base into the back, after Silver Ace Model sim ilar in design to L indy’s fam ous “ S p irit
w ith o u t a cent
making sure that the base is in correct of cost. of S t. L ouis.” W hirlw ind m otor, elosed-in
position. Also, drive brads through the cabin, w ith 30-inch w ing spread. A b e au ty ;
base into the side boards. Stand the work an d a long distan ce flyer. C om es to you re a d y to fly.
on its legs in normal position, and drive You can easily win this peachy S ilver Ace cabin plane, and yo u r choice of 300 o th e r dandy
brads through the top into the back board. p rizes, including a bicycle, radio, and a tn lc tic equipm ent—all w ith o u t a c en t of cost to you. Be-
sides, you can e arn your own spending
Test with your try-square to insure the side m uncy.
boards forming right angles with the base, MR. JIM THAYER. Dept. 192,
Tlie Crowell Publishing Co.,
as well as the back board forming right WRITE FOR EASY PLAN Sprlngtleld, Ohio.
Please start me ofT as a salesman. I want to
angles with it. Jo in th e Crowell Club and deliver th re e of begin earning MONEY and PRIZES at once.
The entire stand is now assembled, with A m erica’s best know n m agazines to re g u la r
cu sto m ers in your own neighborhood. T his does 1 Name ............................................................................ I
the exception of the door, and should be I
no t in terfere w ith school, w ork or play. No I Address .......................................................................... I
allowed twenty-four hours to 'harden thor- experience is n e ce ssa ry ; we show you how to
s ta r t a t once. B u t h u rry ! M ail th e coupon Town.......................................... State.
oughly. While awaiting this we can cut TO D A Y !
the door knob, which is a simple process
with a pen-knife. Obtain a 1" square block
and cut it in a triangle each side of which
measures 1" in length. Now shape its A E R O N A U T IC A L EN G IN EER IN G
length as shown in the plans under "Knob.” D E G R E E IN 2 Y E A R S
Finish smooth with sandpaper.
A smalbhcad brad V A " long is now
driven through the center of the smallest Save time and money by taking tlie Tri-State College r.nmso
in Aeronautical Engineering. 108 weeks. Raehelor of Science
end. It will not come out in the center Degree. Graduates in Mochanlcal Engineering can complete
of the hand-grip end, but this is not neces­ course in two terms (24 weeks). Thorough training In all
fundamental engineering subjects. Non-essentials eliminated.
sary. If small-nose pliers arc handy, a com­ Courses designed to savo student time and money. Flying
school facilities available at nearby airports. Enter Septem­
mon pin can be heated red-hot over your ber January, March and Juno. College now In 47th year.
Courses are offered in Civil. Electrical. Mechanical and Chem­
mother’s stove, gripped with the pliers and ical Engineering Also Business Administration and Account­
slowly thrust through the knob from the ing Living c-ošts and tuition low. Those who lack high
school may mako up work. Graduates successful. 631 Colloue
small end. Avo., Angola, Ind.

Heating several times may be necessary. Write for

See that the pin goes through perpendicu­
larly to the large face of the knob. When
completely through, the brad can easily be
driven through without fear of splitting
the wood.
If this method can not be used, carefully
WHFFlII ®OYS! The Seagull Champions Are Here
drive the brad from the small end of the C P R IT M f 1 O D P C T A T e A single pusher that circles
ö l IVIJ.'« vjr ö r t i U A L a gracefully and climbs to great
Balsa heights. Flights of 2 min. and
knob through it, and then pull it out and 1/8" X 2" X 3 6 " ...* .............................. 07 over easily obtained. Complete kit
drive it through from the large end, as 1/16" X 2" X 36"..................................07 with stamped ribs, all wlro parts
1/32" X 2" X 36"....................................07 formed and full construction and
shown. The knob is not attached at this Ambroid. 1 oz.............12; 2 oz................20 flying directions, p.p. $.05.
Banana Oil. 2 o z .. .. ................. ···■· -·3 Special price, both kits, p.p. $1.30
time, so place it away carefully. Superfine Tissue. .04 ea........... 7 for .25
Music Wire .014, .020. .02S, .034,
When the excess glue from the joints of 5 ft...........................................................02
Aluminum Beauty Winder,double. 1.20
the stand has become hard we are ready Rubber ’4 flat 5 ft...................................02
Brass Washers, large orsmall doz... .05
to finish our work. Remove all excess glue Packing charge 10c.
with sandpaper or a blunt knife, taking SE A G U LL BU LLE T No stamps accepted. Price list free
dealers, clubs, schools. Write for special
care not to cut the wood. Fill all cracks, A midget In size but a giant price list.
In performance. An easily con­
joints, nail set holes and wood blemishes structed twin-pusher that has SEA GULL MODEL
with plastic wood. All nails which show made flights of over 3 min. Com­
plete kit. With stamped ribs, all AERO CO.
should be countersunk with your nail set wire parts formed and full con­
struction and flying directions, 153 Beach 128th St.
about l/s" deep and their holes then filled. p.p. $.85.
Belle Harbor, L. I., N. Y.
Give the entire stand a complete and thor­
ough sanding, first with rough and then
with fine sandpaper. We arc now ready to
fit the door. £ P ilo T ^ GET THESE FREE ^ M00r· ^
/p {tUS<\
The door has already been cut to size tVWMEY\
and should now be placed in position as N a -B o r -Hooo v n Na -Bo r -Hooo ®
A v ia t o r s A v ia t o r s
it would be when shut. Fit the door, so a . C lub „ r
Na-bor-hood A viators Club C lub , r
that it will stay snugly in place when
closed. While making these tests a small Get Your Membership Card and Pin
brad can be driven into the door at the — NOW —
point where the knob is attached, so that R. O. G. 35c Bellanca Seaplane or \ _c
the door can be easily removed when the Navy Vought Corsair / * ea*
Grease Monkey Pin, Membership Card,
tests are completed. Ready Made Propeller, Ready Alade F ull Size P la n s —C olors, E v e ry th in g N ecessary
to m ake
Carefully study the drawing of the door Wire Fittings, Cement, Paper, lots of P ilo ts P in \ F R E E w ith
shown in the plans under “ Door.” Note E xtra Material. M em bership C ard /e ith e r model
that one edge of the door is cut out in M O D E L A IR P L A N E S H O P , 6527 N . B ouvier S t., P hiladelphia, P a.
RUSH—Inclosed find $........................ (no stamps), for which send mo Item as checked, π R.O.O. Kit,
two places for the two hinges in the same 35c l ’lu and Membership FREE; Π Bellanca Seaplane $1.75. Pilot Pin and Membership FREE: Π Navy
manner in which the side was done. Vought Corsair $1.75, Pilot Pin and Membership FREE. Dept.-M.A.N.
The knob is now attached. Apply glue
NEW LOW PRICES FOR THE to the door and the small end of the knob
COMING SEASON and drive the brad in position. Use your
nail set on it, countersinking it about .
S m ash in g R ecords!
C ontinuing o u r policy of su p p ly in g o ur c u s ­ IT ’S A H A B IT ! U. S. MODELS
tom ers w ith th e best m a te ria l a t th e low est Now obtain a pair of hinges 2" long and W alk Away W ith A ll Prizes.
possible p rices, we m ak e public th e following not over l" wide from any “Five and Ten T h is 2 0 " Curtiss Robin
new low p ric e s: Proves It— Fly? W oll
Cent” store. Attach these in place on the Boy! B u ild One.
1/16 X 2 X 40"................
1/20 X 2 X 40".................. door first, making sure that your screws are
1/32 X 2 X 40"................ not over % " in length. Now attach the
1/8 X 1/8 :>c 40"................ door to the side board, again testing it to
1/8 X: 3/16 X 40".............. .. 2c each insure a snug fit.
1/8 3c 1/4 X 40".............. When the glue on the knob has hard'
1/4 >: 3/16 X 40".............. .. 2c each ened remove all excess and give the door
1/4 >: 1/4 X: 40"................ .. 2c each a thorough sanding. NEW! U.S. Lockheed Sirius, Boeing
1/16 X 1/16 X 40"............ Fill the nail set hole in the knob with
3/16 X 3/8 X 40"............. P12B—Both Flying Wonders. Send
plastic wood, as well as any blemishes which
Jap <Dr Hakone Tissue the door may have. 10c for large 56 page catalog. D e­
5c each or 6 for 25c The stand is now finished and ready for scribes 26 models—1000 parts.
Aluminum double geared winders 1.10 painting.
T en (10c) cen ts p ack in g c h arg e m u st accom ­ fgFE! OUR N£' V11 mge FOIflfD
pany all o rd ers. No o rd er accepted for un d er Three coats of white enamel are recom-
SOc. Send p o stal m oney order. mended for the inside of the staTid. For
12 h o u r service. the outside finish, as well as the inside
Southern Model Airplane Supply Co. of the door, any good lacquer is best, as 397 BRIDGE ST.BROOKLYN,NY.
P . O. Box 149, A tla n ta , G eo rg ia such a finish covers all joints and gives a
smooth, flat surface.
THRILLING SCIENTIFIC L o w est P ric e s in
NOVELTY S u p p lie s
F irst tim e in book form . N ine c u t-o u t gliders American Sky B alsa
th a t really fly, w ill loop, s tu n t a n d glide. Size
10 X 14 in th re e colors. F o r k it of 9 p o stp aid , 25c.
A ddress A n im ated T oy S y n d icate, A tte n tio n
Cadets 1/4 X 6 X 36.
Speed H olm an, 614 M cK n ig h t B uilding, M in n ea p ­ E n d u ran ce R ubber
olis, M inn.
(Continued from page 19) .10 ft. Ac
10 ft. 7c
.2 ft. lc
n f F L Y A B E A U T IF U L S O A R E R not only furnished with complete plans and 24 c
DÖVS· O R P R IM A R Y G L ID E R — drawings, but also are given access to the O Z .. . 28c
» cither k it— $.75 post-paid.
E X P E R IM E N T A L K IT S — contain plenty of balsa,
company's exhaustive file of photographs to Orders shipped tile same day received.
Orders under $1.00 add Die. postage.
piano wire, paper, rubber, cement, dope, ami bear­
ings. Bargains ut $1.10, $2.20, $3.30, $4.40 and
give them as clear an idea as possible of the . (Send no stamps.)
$5.50 postpaid. plane which they are modelling. Sholman Model Builders Service
High-climb R. O. G. K it—a real flyer—$.50 p.p.
(No stamps accepted.) Both young men find their work extreme­ 89 G len Cove A ve. G len Cove, N . Y.
L. M. A. C., 8 Farnum S t., Lynbrook, L. I „ N. Y. ly interesting, although they say that the

Look Fellows—Something New

12%" FLYING SCALE MODEL of the famous Cur­
strict requirements laid down for the con­
struction of the wind tunnel models make it
necessary for them to exercise utmost care
in their work at all times.
No band«» used. All balsa construction. Weight “Our work is not only interesting— and·
Vz oz. Will fly at an average height of 20 feet
at a speed of 25 and banks like the real difficult, but it is educational at the same
BE THE FIRST!—BE DIFFERENT! Send 25c. time,” Dickert’ continued. “By reproduc­ SENT) 5c for New 1931 Bargain Catalogue Just OfY Press.
for complete LIFE sizo blue print. This edition contains a complete description of The
S ta n d a rd M odel A irp lan e & Sup p ly Co. ing miniature airplanes from the various Flying Fool—the 5 ft. fuselage model with three geared
3041 N . H olland A ve., B ronx, N . Y. engineering designs, we learn a great deal
about aeronautical engineering principles. Country Club Aero Supply Company
FLYING C L U B PI NS . - - 35 i That, of course, is one of the big features 59th and Holmes Sts., Kansas City, Mo.
FREE CATALOG " Where your dollar has more Cents”
Design Shown silver plate 35 cents each. $3.50 of every type of airplane model building.
No. 4806
dor. Gold plate or sterling silver 50 cents each.
$5.00 dor. Made with any 6 letters or less;
2 colors enamel.
All boys in the country who are construct­ Q H B O Y S-G ÍR L S1SCPR
R Tr
BASTIAN BROS. CO, 969 Baitian Bldg., Rochester. N. Y.
ing models in their spare time are learning
about airplanes and airplane construction.” THROW
A g e n ts W a n te d Both Dickert and Proctor plan to become
T O S E L L M O D E L S U P P L IE S . M ak e eome m oney eelline o u r » o d e 1 aeronautical engineers some day, and thus
a irp la n e supplies. Larco com m issions on easily sold eupplies. Send 3
I-cen f sta m p s for full p a rticu lars. apply to practical airplane design and con­ table, into a trunk, sehool
struction the knowledge gained from model desk or any place. Big Fun
fooling Peddlers. Friends
building. Claxophonc lays
tongue unseen, ready for
M I D G E T R . O. G . C " w in* s p r e a d . 4 " m o to r «tick, w ill fly 25 or 30 feet.
fCoraplote k it (w ire p a r ts form ed) 30.45.
And, like the air mail pilot who goes for instant use. Imitate birds,
Send 6c (coin) fo r catalog a plane ride on his day off, both Dickert etc. With full instructions, set of secret writi
tricks, ail for 10c: 3 for 25c (no stamps),
T H E (MODEL AERO SHOP and Proctor build models during their spare prise package of tricks free witli 25c order.
Bey C rest, H u n tin g to n , New York
time at home. D ept. 322, New H aven, Conn.
To supply model construction material to
the many boys and young men, the Boeing
Airplane Company has developed a model
bureau which is prepared to furnish draw­
A Primary Glider
ings and photographs at cost. 2 in. Balloon Airwheel—30J4 in· Wing
B etter M oulds T h a n Ilo s Been, m oulds as low tu 51.50 each. T o C a st
Lead Soldiers. Indiana. H unters. W ild an d F arm Anim als. W ondorful
“T ru e T o Life M odels." E asy an d inexpensive to m ake. I
In preparation for the first drawings, A glider th a t w ill t h r ill even tho most experienced
model builders. Has all the th rills of real glider flying.
furnish all necessary m ateriál including Enam cL Send Co
for Illu strated C atalocuo.
Dickert and Proctor were asked which of Adjustable controls, demountable wings, rudder and ele­
P . S C H IE R C K E * 1 0 3 4 * 7 2 n d S t r e e t , B R O O K L Y N » N . Y . the many types of Boeing aircraft should be vator. G liding anglo 13 to I.
Know the th rills of car-towing, catapulting, loops and
used. Both suggested the famous Army long fla t glides.
4 Cylinder A ir Motor Ready to Run $7.50 pursuit plane, a model of which, built by 2 in. balloon airwheel—Clark "Y " wing sec­
William Chaffee, won the 1930 national tion. Semi-constructed kit—easy to build.SI.50
4-6-S Cylinder Comprcescd Deluxe “ Golden Arrow” kit. silk covered......... 4.95
air motors, also tanks
MODELS seamless. 6 -foot Lockhecd-
Sirius Motor model. New
metal fusclaged 24" Boe­
contest. "Golden Arrow" plans, picture and instruc­
tions ....................................................................... CO
36 in. Bowlus Soarer. semi-constructed k it... .75
24 in. Bowlus Snarer, scmi-constructcd k it........... 50
ing Pursuit Monoplane and 28" Lockheed Sirius,
rubber driven. Catalogue 5 cents. P rin t Y our Own
Cards, Stationery. Circulars, Advertising, etc.
Big box of Balsa, wire, rubber, bamboo...............50
All tiie above are post paid in U. S. A.
MINIATURE AIRCRAFT CORP. Save money. Printfor others.big profit. Junior
83 Low T e rra c e N ew B rig h to n , N . Y . Press, $5.90. Job pressill up. Power $149. Easy OLIVER P. DUNSTAN
rules sent. Wřite for free catalog with all de­
taile. The KELSEY C o..Y-β I , M orldon, Coon. 53 Vinewood Avenue Pontiac, Michigan
Famous World War Plane
TH E S. E. 5 “A ”
24" W ingspan
The construction set for this
plane contains all the necessary
parts and material: ribs cut,
formers made, celluloid wheels,
full size layout, exact scale blue prints and instructions. All wood parts are of feather weight
BALSA. The S. E. 5 "A” is easy to construct and is by far the best flying scale model that
can be built, holding the present record of 48 seconds. The S. E. 5 ”A” has a gliding angle
of 12 to 1, a ceiling of 60 feet—nothing like it has yet been produced in kit sets.
The S. E. 5 "A” is the plane that won for the Royal Flying Corps the supremacy of the air
in the World War.
PR IC E FO R K IT $3.00, postpaid.

HAWK Blue Prints! G am ecock

Soaring Glider FULL SIZE and SCALE
24" Wingspan
]R* O* Go
.................... 40
.................... 40
.................... 40
.................... 40
Travel Air “ Mystery Ship” ............. .................... 40
Sikorsky (10 place) ........................
Ford Tri-Motor ................................ .................... 40
Stinson Detroiter .............................. .................... 40


(A ll 10" to 15" Winospan)
Two plans oil one blue print
Curtiss Hawk Γ.3.Λ. & Travel Air "Myster
Ship" .......................................................... 10.25
Curtiss Hawk I*.6. & Hoeing P u rsu it....
Boeing Model 80.A. & Curtiss Condor...
Sikorsky S.38. & Hoeing Model 201...........
This 24" glider can be assembled in Fokker D.7. Ä: S.E.5.A.................................. Kit set contains everything cut out to
Supcrmarino Napier & Mercury R acer....
30 seconds. All parts cut to size and Wallace Touro Plane & Inland Sport Plane size, all balsa. Easy to construct and
shape. Cement and insignias and in­ Keystone Bomber Hall Aluminum Patrol.
fl}·. H as repeatedly gained altitudes
structions are furnished. There are 2
complete sets for 2 gliders in this kit. EXTRA SPECIAL SCALE PRINTS of over 100 feet, with dead stick land­
Has recorded flight of one minute. Three plans on one blue print ings. P R IC E FO R K IT , $0.75, post­
P R IC E FOR K IT $0.75, postpaid. "Avero Trainer.” Bristol ‘‘Bulldog’’ Fighter paid.
and Cierva Autogiro ....................................$0.25
9 cylinder dummy
whirlwind motors
like cut, 3 inches
WHEELS in diameter and
WITH very light.
COWLING Price ..........
Postage 5c Extra
Special wheels and “pants” assembled,
ideal for 24" models. These can be
supplied in either bright red or black. HORNIER “D-OX”
Price, per pair ............................. $0.80
Postage 5c Extra 7 full size sheets of blue prints to B rin g s you a com plete illu s tra te d booklet
build above “D-OX.” All wood c o n taining all models show n above and
CELLULOID model, exact scale ........................$1.50 o th e r la te s t model airp lan es, a nd model a ir ­
WHEELS plane supplies. Full d escription of m ate ria ls
lYs" in diameter, per pair...........$0.40 “THE EN TER PR ISE” and equipm ent needed for each model.
1 Y%" in diameter, per pair................20 6 full size sheets of blue prints to E v e ry model is designed to fly w hen m ade
3" in diameter, per pair................60 build the W ORLD’S F A S T E S T sail according to ou r sim plified plans of con­
Postage 5c Extra boat ............................... ! ............. $1.50 s tru c tio n . D on’t fail to send for it.

H aw k M odel A eroplanes
4944 IR V IN G P A R K B L V D . DEPT. K I C H IC A G O , IL L IN O IS , U . S- A.
Ό A T Q A __ A M E R I C A ’S M O S T
rYJLL D Ä L u Ä c o n s t r u c te d m o d e ls ♦
A new, all-balsa construction m akes these as light as th e paper it replaces, a n d infinitely peller,. W ings a t a high angle of incidence for
M idland m odels superior to a n y th in g you have stronger! T he only paper is th a t used to cover fast climb a n d m inim um center of pressure
ever seen. L ighter—about tw o-thirds th e w eight th e to p and bottom of th e fuselage and th e tail. travel. T ips "w ashed o u t” to reduce losses.
of a n o rd in a ry model of th e sam e size. Stro n g er— No fragile, tedious built-up fram ew ork. N o th ­ Scores of o th e r aerodynam ic refinem ents seldom
p ractically crash-proof. B etter-looking and more ing to draw . N othing to m easure off. N o nails found in models.
realistic— sm ooth, sheet-balsa surfaces in stead to drive, no holes to drill. A ready-m ade, die- You will find these models much easier to
of w rinkled tissue sagging betw een ribs a n d long stam ped alum inum propeller to save you the build, and. a fte r you have built them , much more
erons. E asier to build, because so m uch simpler. work of carving one and to prevent th e failures satisfactory to fly. Few er trial a d ju stm en ts
A job you can do in a couple of hours instead of due to poorly-made propellers. S tru ts of spruce longer steadier flights.
a week. A nd you can do it. W e’ve elim inated and bamboo. Celluloid wheels, light a n d good
th e question of skill. looking. A shock-absorbing landing gear. THE MIDLAND MODEL WORKS
M id la n d 's all-balsa construction m akes use of Colorless, quick-drying model cem ent— th e fast­
sh ee t balsa 1 '32 of a n inch th ick for th e wings est-drying known. R ubber 10% mpre powerful.
a n d th e sides of th e fuselage. B alsa—alm ost Landing wheels well forward to protect th e pro­ Box W, Chillicothe, Ohio

A n Unusual Value
An exceptionally graceful model of a center-wing com­
bat monoplane, and the best distance liver of the Midland
group. I )ocs 200 feet consistently. Can be hand launched
or will rise off ground. Very easily built, and will stand
hard use. Wing span 20 inches. Weight 8/10 ounce.
Complete set, with all material and full building and
flying directions, postpaid in the United (h 'T \Ying span 15 inches. Weight 3/8 ounce. Flight
States and Canada ............................................. ψ v/ range 140 feet or more.
Λ simple, easily-constructed r. o. g. model of a
one-place low-wing sport plane. The propeller is
only one-fourth as long as the wings, and much
closer to true scale than in ordinary models. Pro­
peller blades deeply curved for slow revolution and
unusual duration.
Complete set, with all material and full building
and flying directions, postpaid in the . .
United States and Canada, only.......... φ Ιφ Ο Ο
M idland
A rm y
B iplane
in F lig h t This fast biplane fighter is a trem endously impressive model. Its trim fuselage and tapered, close-
set wings give a n impression of speed, a nd in th e air it looks so m uch like a real ship th a t lliglit photo­
graphs of the model are usually m istaken for pictures of it full-sized airplane.
T h e wing spread is 20 inches, th e w eight exactly 1 ounce. T h e flight distance is close to 200 feet
Because of its greater wing area the A rm y Biplane gains a g re a t deal of a ltitu d e . T h e average lim it
is a b o u t 50 feet, b u t we have photographed it w hen alm ost th re e tim es t h a t high!
T h e to p wing is in advance of the lower one, and a t a larger angle of incidence. T his results in the
c en ter of pressure of both wings being shifted fo rw a rd when th e m odel dives, fraefc when it climbs. T his
is th e exact opposite of the usual movem ent a nd gives the model unequaled stability. By far th e best
rough-w eather flyer we have
H arder to build th a n tlie
m onoplanes, b u t still much
Uti retouched easier than an y conventional
photograph built-up model. C om plete set.
w ith all m aterial and full
building and flying directions,
postpaid in tth e h, e ^
1 O U T of 10 U
m d C anada.
states Ms / )

frobably not n ir model airplane In ten ever

gives its purchaser a satislueimy lliglit. Some
failures are due to careless construction. Some
are due to careless design a carelessness some­
times so great that the model can not I«· made to
fly under any conditions. But the majority of
failures are due to the tremendous dltlleulty en­
countered in building many models.
The average medel would he entirely satisfactory The M ID L A N D M O D EL W O R K S , B oxW , C H IL L IC O T H E , O H IO
If it could lie constructed with less skill, hut It
may lie a sad disappointment to the ordinary
model builder, who often finds that lie lias wasted
both Ids money and Ills time oil a set which only Gentlemen:
an expert can put together.
A simple and easy construction Is the key-note
of Midland design. We do not pretend that Mid­
land models are exact scale reproductions, for such
Enclosed find $ ..................... for which send me your construction set fur ( )
models are hard to build, unsatisfactory to fly. BABY BULLET ( ) COMBAT M O N O PLA N E ( ) ARMY ΒΓPLÁNE. I
We do not claim that these models will break understand that these sets will he sent postpaid in the United States and t anada,
records, for record-breaking models are too deli­
cate to huiUl, too fragile to last. All that we say and that you guarantee any properly constructed model to fly as stated.
is that these models are pleasingly realistic, that
they will fly well lime after time, and that the
average hoy can build them. Why risk disappoint­
ment by purchasing a model advertised with ex­
travagant. claims cf exact scale design and almost Name
unbelievable flying ability? Buy a Midland model
•and get what you expect, and what you are en­
titled to have.
You are doubly safe in ordering Midland sets
liecause nothing hot actual, unrvtouclied photo­ Street .......................................... . ..................................... ...........
graphs are used to advertise them. Remember
that ιίιιν photograph of a Midland model shows
it as you will get it—not merely as you would
like to have it. City...................................................................................... State

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